

Dateline: October 31st, 2017

The Swamp

(The 53rd Regiment) What if HRC won the 2016 election? Imagine.

Would there be this focus on Russian and Trump collusion? The media would likely turn to a different false narrative to promote the first female president while targeting the next likely Republican candidate to destroy. The media would likely want to do their part to ensure eight years of a Hillary Clinton presidency, right?

What about the Russian dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, would there still be the focus to investigate Trump and his associates? While this document has largely been debunked, there would likely be a different political narrative treating the fake dossier as fact. Since the fake dossier served its dishonest purpose, it would likely become a best practice for future campaigns.

How about the Uranium One deal where the Russians, our strategic ideological enemy who tried to steal the US election, was allowed to buy the rights to 20% of US uranium under the Hillary Clinton State Department and Obama Administration. How was this allowed to happen when Russian operatives and spies were being watched by the Mueller FBI and Holder DOJ for this espionage? Somehow, Congress was never informed of Russian involvement as required by law as it is their responsibility to provide oversight of any deal that could have a national security impact? To top all this off, miraculously the Clinton Foundation received donations from proxies acting on behalf of the Russian government to “donate” upwards of $145 million dollars and former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 “tip” for what must have been one hell of a speech in Russia. Do you think the news media would have any interest in covering this story under President Hillary Clinton? It appears between the election, the dossier and the Uranium One deal, the Clinton’s have been dipping at the Russian wishing well one too many times.

A few more questions that would be dropped by the media if HRC won.

  • Did the fake dossier create the circumstances for Trump and his campaign to be wire-tapped? (Remember when the media & HRC mocked Trump for tweeting this?)
  • Did the FBI, DNI Clapper and CIA Brennan conspire or colluded to collect intelligence on Trump and his campaign to help the Clinton campaign? What do they know about the fake dossier?
  • Who approved the surveillance of Americans and the subsequent “unmasking” of their names to the Intelligence Community and media? People should be in jail.
  • Why was the Intelligence Community being used to spy on American citizens? Full stop. What?
  • What was the “Russian Reset” orchestrated by HRC and supported by the Obama Administration really about?

Imagine if Hillary Clinton was President right now? Imagine what the Russians must have on her and those missing 33,000 bleach bit emails and the destroyed hard drives. Imagine the menu of blackmail options the Russians could pick from to keep her from protecting US Allies and interests. Imagine Putin and the Russians continuing to march over Eastern Europe and emboldening rogue regimes like Iran, Syria and North Korea continuing their terror and destabilizing activities. Imagine the threats made by the Russians toward NATO and the resultant fracture of the greatest alliance in history that broke and dismantled the Soviet Union without firing a shot. Can you imagine?

