The Great Unraveling


By BlackJack Pershing, @blakjakpershing on GETTR

Dateline: February 14th, 2022

For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light

Luke 8:17

Fellow patriots we were told as children that ‘cheaters never win’.  We’ve watched in disgust as this simple old maxim never applied to the legions of demonic democrats in the last two decades.  However, some green shoots seem to be visible amongst the barren landscape we’ve experienced since November of 2020, and in many ways since Donald Trump declared his candidacy at Trump Tower in ’15.  Let’s dive in.

Recent, salacious, true and so satisfying: The CNN implosion.  Never has such a self-righteous group of nincompoops been so publicly depantsed on a national level.  Overrated Leftist Generissimo of the former serious news network, Zucker, exposed for ‘dipping his pen in company ink’, has been booted.  (To troll-like Zucker we say – wow – how’d you pull that off?  To the sad female exec that diddled him we say ‘WTF were you thinking, honey???) With the booting are revelations of threats and payback from one of the Cuomos – more on that in a minute.   Then we have the pedophile producer.  Aforementioned Cuomo.  “Lubin Toobin” who’s been rehired, etc etc.  None of this has humbled this group of leftist hacks.  They continue unabated.  But soon – new owners will clean house.  They have previewed as much.  CNN is not a going concern in its current state.  Mr Potato Stelter is living on borrowed time.  WHY?  The public understands their malfeasance.  It’s over.  Its unraveling before our eyes. 

The Cuomos – first the governor, accused of scumbag behavior from dozens of women, some of whom it seems had their own agendas.  None the less – the pushy arrogant creep that the Fake News pushed as a presidential candidate, who lectured the entire country on how to handle covid while killing thousands of seniors in his won state, who wrote a book on same, and who was awarded an Emmy by Hollywood sycophants – was forced to resign in disgrace.  WHY?  Because even liberals thought he was a disgusting A hole.  Next: his bother, the CNN star, also revealed for sex harassment and also for conflicts of interest, was booted for CNN.  So incredibly satisfying.  The Cuomos unraveled.

Michael Avenatti – LOL – Brian Potato Stelter’s hero.  Jailed.  And now fond guilty again for defrauding a prostitute.  Tawdry and sad.  Unraveled.  The democrats had to out do Mr Trump’s former sleazy lawyer/fixer Michael Cohen – and boy did they go big.  Again – LOL!!!

The Afghanistan debacle put Dementia Joe on display for all the world to see.  His unraveling is live, every day.  Beyond that, the politicization of the General Officer class of the military is now on full display, along with the long known incompetence of the State Department and Intelligence apparatus.  All three of these groups cried and publicly whined at every move Trump made (Syria), while getting good results.  Under Biden – no public whining, just the worst results in a generation.  Unraveling.

2000 Mules: we await Dinesh D’Souza’s coming documentary on the 2020 election fraud that has new detail on how it was done.  Meanwhile in PA, WI, AZ and GA more and more detail is surfacing about the fraud.  More and more republican state legislators are finding their courage to intervene and question.  No kraken yet – but – Unraveling.

Most polls show that a majority of Americans believe there was fraud in the 2020 election.  Unraveling.

Polling for Biden, Kamala and all things democrat is in free fall as their garbage communist agenda is unveiled.  Americans have massive regret as inflation erodes their savings, retirement and standard of living.  Unraveling.

Biden is a stooge for all to see on the world stage.  Sleeping, farting and crapping himself as he travels the world.  Ask the Pope and the Duchess of Windsor about their experiences.  Unraveling – like a loose diaper!

Trump popularity is at an all time high.  Sometimes hindsight is 2020.  The so called independents in the middle have had a massive wake up call.  Trump rallies with record attendance when there is no real campaign going on?  Unraveling.

Younkin’s decisive win in a purple state like VA – regardless of Trump allyship or not – is big time unraveling.

Regarding VA – all over the country parents are blowing up leftist school boards – formerly quiet refuges of closet communists.  Their little party is over in a major way.  Look at the Long Island Loud Majority in NY – sprang out of no where to blow up leftist domination of education.  Unraveling!

The View: Disgusting Whoopi cancelledRelated, Bette Midler told to kiss the governor’s dog’s ass in West Virginia.  Glorious.  And unraveling!

While the new conservative majority court has delivered several disappointments, the recent defeat of the Biden vax mandates on private businesses are yet another sign that leftist overreach is unraveling.  That’s not how we do it in the US.  Executive orders from Biden?  Unraveling.

The Canadian truckers are a sign that even outside the US, leftist attacks of freedom are unraveling.  Keep an eye on it.  Fidel’s baby boy Trudeau’s grasp on things is not firm.  He will break.  Unraveling.

China’s role in all of this is now better understood than it has been in years – largely thanks to President Trump.  The China Winter Olympics are a major disaster.  Companies and individuals willingly kow towing to China are now being called out.  Chinese malevolence in our institutions is being revealed.  Its buying off of our political leaders is out in the open: Feinstein, Pelosi, Biden, Bush, O’Connell, Romney and many others.  Unraveling.

Speaking of Pelosi, the millions she’s made in insider trading are now out in the open and she’s collapsed in her effort to prevent reform of laws applying to congress.  Martha Stewart was jailed for far less.  More to come in this particular unraveling.

The FBI has lost more respect in the last few years than ever can be recovered.  We feel for the hard working agents that do the hardest work of taking down bad criminals and real terrorists.  The leadership of the FBI that agreed to become the house detectives of the democrat party will be revealed in the long run.  Some like McCabe and Comey are obvious – others are hiding with smirks on their faces.  Americans now know that many of the ‘insurrectionists’ of January 6th were paid operatives of the FBI.  We all know.  Unraveling.

Speaking of January 6th, the unselect committee is a complete fraud.  We all know.  What a joke.  No one cares about the committee but we do care about our unfairly and unconstitutionally jailed Americans that have been accused.  Unraveling.

Texas is building its own wall, Arizona is looking at same and multiple Attorneys General are suing the Biden Administration for not securing the border.  Impeachment for same is possible.  Unraveling!

Finally the Durham Investigation: results have been previewed and just as we all knew and the President had stated, the Clinton campaign has committed multiple crimes in spying on the Trump organization and presidency, likely with dozens of surrogates helping and assisting.  Top Obama administration officials are directly involved and have already perjured themselves and lied to congress.  The full conspiracy remains to be UNRAVELED.  But its coming.  Get your popcorn and a comfy seat.

There is more unraveling around the corner: democrat run cities, Soros pawn prosecutors, election fraud in large cities/blue states that’s gone undetected for decades, bribes and payoffs to China obsessed politicians, business leaders and academics all around the country.  Its all coming.  Unraveling.



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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."