Biden Failure Leads to American Armed Legion

Biden Failure Leads to the development of an unstructured American Armed Legion

by Guardian 6

Dateline: 28 February 2022

Doing the job that Biden’s Department of Defense (DoD) is prevented from doing, the newly established defacto “American Armed Legion” (AAL) began by rescuing stranded Americans and Allies in Afghanistan which they continue to do today. The AAL is now shifting their attention to help evacuate Americans stranded in Ukraine. Only in Biden’s America are we left with a pick-up team of American patriots to self-organize, finance and equip rescue operations in foreign lands. The Biden Administration believes their job is done telling Americans to leave, often with short notice. This is not America. This is not the standard. This is Joe Biden.

Let the DoD and COCOM Commanders do their jobs. No Americans left behind! Ever!

The AAL is the name coined by @the53rdregiment’s for these patriotic teams of Americans risking all to save their fellow men and women, and children. They are more commonly known as Pineapple Express and Project Dynamo, a band of brothers with Special Forces and Navy Seal backgrounds and other assortments of volunteers. There are other groups forming out of necessity as DoD is restrained from rescue operations of Americans left behind. It is tragic and not only is America failing to lead the free world, but the Biden Administration is also abandoning our American ethos to leave no one behind. We still do not have accountability of all Americans left behind in Afghanistan. Some estimates are in the thousands of Americans, green card holders and Allies being left, six months after the failed withdrawal.

An extract from the Soldiers Creed:

I will always place the mission first.

I will never accept defeat.

I will never quit.

I will never leave a fallen comrade.

Pineapple Express and Project Dynamo are continuing the mission out of love and respect for their fellow Americans and the abysmal failure of Biden and his administration. It is beyond embarrassing; it is criminal that Americans and over $80 billion in state-of-the-art equipment was left for the Taliban to use against us. There are reports of the Department of State rejecting assistance to AAL elements with coordinating landing rights in other countries and not helping to get Americans out of harm’s way. Why? They’d rather not have the embarrassment or problem, or bad news and the fake news does not report these gross failings. Abandonment, it’s what the Biden Administration does. It is easier when you lack decency and moral courage.

Biden’s failure as Commander-in-Chief has led to a DeFacto American Armed Legion of retired troops and Veterans continuing the mission to rescue Americans. We are thankful for their valor and mettle, but Biden and his administration must be held accountable. As the AAL gears up for Ukraine, DoD should be conducting a Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation of all Americans.


Biden Administration: A Thousand Points of Stupid

by Guardian 6    GETTR: @the53rdregiment 

Dateline: February 22, 2022

March 2012, 7 months before Obama’s re-election campaign:
President Obama
: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.”

President Medvedev (Russia): “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…”

President Obama: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”

President Medvedev: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir (Putin), and I stand with you.”

… and Obama proceeded this conversation by reversing the decision to give the Polish & Czech’s anti-missile technology in 2009. In 2014 Russia invades and annexes Crimea. Obama and Biden threaten/apply sanctions and where is Crimea today? It is part of Russia.

Obama policy: appeasement and accommodation from every angle. A thousand points of stupid creating the New World Disorder. A mega mind like Obama has it all figured out (extra helping of arrogance). A mini mind like Biden is clueless and believes he’s brilliant (an example of a low wit not knowing his limitations).

Fast forward to present day, Russia invades Ukraine. Biden diddles for 18 hours on announcing sanctions, and many of them  were sanctions already in place since 2014. Another point of stupid.  Putin no doubt mocks Biden and Europe will undoubtedly fracture on how to deal with the invasion of Ukraine. After all Germany gets 32% of their oil from Russia.

Biden hasn’t learned a damn thing from 50 years in Washington. Everything he touches is worse off after he gets involved. As SecDef Robert Gates said, ” he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” America “elected” (that is to say if you believe Biden was really elected) the village idiot to run America. Are we really that stupid? The master minds like Obama, Pelosi and their Big Tech and media allies believe so.

Since 2015 the democrats demonized Russia and Putin relentlessly  falsely framing Trump with the Russian Hoax. Durham’s investigation will reveal the truth hopefully soon. However, a news flash to Hillary, Brennan. Clapper, Schiff and all the other frauds, the Russians know what they did and did not do. Putin has a full deck of cards he is holding. One day he will drop a card and it will be personal with love from Moscow on how dishonest many American politicians are. While Putin is evil and not acting in Russia’s best interest,  he is devious and like all dictators, it’s personal with him one day he’ll share US politician’s communications of how they planned and targeted Trump, his campaign and Mike Flynn.

While the democrats are following Obama’s mentor Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals playbook and emptying the kitchen sink of dysfunction on America — stolen presidential election, COVID mandates, Critical Race Theory, Transgenderism, Woke Madness, Cancel Culture, BIG Tech Censoring, Open Borders, Drug Epidemic, Human trafficking, Defund Police, Abandoning Americans and Allies in Afghanistan and the list goes on. The Biden domestic and foreign policy is Abandonment: Rules for Radicals. We thought Obama’s foreign policy was bad, and it was an absolute wrecking ball! Obama’s mentee Joe Biden is wrecking ball on steroids. It is an absolute Thousand Points of Stupid delivered in heavy doses each day!!! 


God help us!


Biden Administration Guiding Principle: Abandonment

by Guardian 6

Dateline: 13 September 2021      Colorado

Afghanistan spotlighted the guiding principle of the Biden Administration, abandonment. While the Obama Administration “led from behind” as their guide, Joe Biden reached for a new lower standard and achieved it. Joe is not inhibited by the core  American principle that we never leave our citizens behind and that we do not negotiate with terrorists. Nor did Joe care that we left nearly $100B of military equipment, sensitive items and a military database for the Taliban so they could track all Afghans that worked with America to kill them. Abandonment is about Joe Biden being celebrated for surrendering Afghanistan at any cost. A date certain pullout (August 31st) and a time table surrounded by chaos told our enemies all they needed to know to trap American citizens and Allies, seize US equipment and facilities and secure assistance from China, Iran and Russia.  Abandonment worked just like Joe wanted it and very much pleased his masters in China while pissing off Americans.

Thirteen brave Americans killed and over 160 Afghan civilians killed. A drone strike authorized by Biden killed ten more innocent Afghans including children. Appeasement has a price. Joe knew that implementing abandonment would not be easy. In Joe’s mind, he never promised that there wouldn’t be casualties with his policy of abandonment. Quite the opposite, Joe expected it. As he told us repeatedly in a couple national addresses and interviews, “the Afghanistan withdrawal is a complete success.” While facts and eyesight suggest otherwise, doublespeak by administration officials such as Jen Psaki and John Kirby paint a false picture happily promulgated by many compromised news networks such as CNN, MSNBC, Foxnews, ABC, CBS and many other compromised print news outlets such as the NY Times and Washington Post. Biden’s policy of abandonment has many allies in mainstream media.

While Afghanistan has garnered the most attention of the Biden abandonment guiding principle as it relates to US policy, Biden has many more “successes.” Biden is very proud of the crisis he has created along the southern border and the fact that he has allowed over 1.5 million illegal aliens to enter the US since he took office. Future Democratic Voters, or FDVs, are being planted like trees in red states with the additional “benefit” of spreading COVID-19. Besides the long game of changing the ethnic make-up of America, the Chinavirus spread supports Joe’s federal mandates helping democrats continue to control the population while demonizing GOP governors.

Abandonment of the Keystone pipeline and America’s energy independence is another Joe success story. While Americans are reeling from a dramatic increase in fuel prices and a renewed policy of energy dependence from the Middle East, Joe Biden approves the Nord Stream pipeline going from Russia to Germany. Make sense? It does to Joe. Strategic incoherence to weaken America and broaden our dependency while empowering our enemies is what Joe believes in. Abandonment first and foremost, reason and American interests take a back seat.

Inflation, critical race theory, woke generals, mandatory vaccinations, doublespeak, massive debt financing, legislation to finance democratic interests, nationalizing local elections to bake in corruption, and abandoning the rule of law. This is America under Biden. Complete abandonment of truth, justice and the American way.
