Trump Cabinet 2.0: Swampless and Laser Focused  

Dateline August 9, 2022                            Missouri Territory

By @BlackjackPershing on TRUTH; @BlakJakPershing on GETTR

Fellow Patriots, it is time to make solid recommendations to Donald Trump on his initial cabinet picks for what really will be his 3rd elected term, although 2nd served.  Lessons learned from the first go round must be incorporated into this second, Ultra MAGA team.  From the start there can be NO learning curve this time: its on.  Let’s go.

VP: conventional wisdom says it’s DeSantis.  Not so sure as Trump doesn’t work well with other mega-Alpha types.  What we need is a safe experienced back up and someone to protect our flank with wobbly, unsure barely MAGA republicans.  My recommendation is Greg Abbott of Texas.  He has fought the border war, will be freshly re-elected, and manages a serious disability with class and dignity. He is far less boring than Pence and has demonstrated a willingness to piss people off by sending democrat migrants to their own cities.

Chief of Staff: If he’s willing, Mark Meadows.  He was there for the worst of the swamp and gets it, knows the lessons and learned.  One of the band members that needs to come back.

Press Secretary:  Tie between Kayleigh McEnany who was a perfect nemesis to the fake news, and Greg Kelly of Newsmax.  Greg is a warrior and has proven willing to call out fake news whereever he finds it.  He is fearless.  If Kayleigh wants to join the band getting back together – great.  If not, Greg is the guy.

State: If Pompeo doesn’t completely implode in a coming primary challenge to Trump, and is willing, he is also one of the key players that would be part of getting the band back together.  He was smart and got it and kept the wokester State Department under control.  He implemented Trump policy and did not fight it.

Treasury:  this is a fun one to choose.  If he will do it, we recommend Peter Thiel.  He is a genius and will take zero woke crap from anyone and call the right plays.  2nd choice? Larry Kudlow if his health holds up.  He’s a keeper from the 1st administration.

Defense: we will go back to the civilian model for this role, as we have had bad experience with the current lot of Generals.

Attorney General: Ted Cruz seems like the smartest and most fearless republican legal expert available.  He’s the guy.  He will need to disband the FBI and overhaul the DOJ while moving it to middle America.  Hard work ahead.

Interior: Kristi Noem a good choice, hailing from a beautiful state with many protected areas.  The question is whether this is a waste of a good governor.

Homeland Security: The right choice here is Eric Greitens.  He is fearless and also has been burned by swampian Rino’s.  He doesn’t take crap from anyone.  He’s a former Navy Seal.  He gets it.

Agriculture and EPA: consolidated under an unconventional choice here: Ted Nugent.  Ted is a hunter and hunters know more about conservation than most.  Ted is outspoken and anti-woke and will not screw over American farmers and workers.  Ted: “I have self-actualized. Pardon me whilst I adjust my glowing halo.”  Yup.  Ted it is.  We’ll give Ted several experienced non-swamp deputies to help with some of the duties he may not enjoy.  Those selection decisions are pending.

 Labor: we like Elon Musk for this key role.  He runs several companies and a car factory in a non-union environment.  He knows what smarts, hard work and American workers can do when challenged and paid fairly.  He knows woke BS when he sees it, whether from organized labor or the weasels at Twitter.  We also recommend allowing Musk to simultaneously hold the position as Secretary of Commerce as he is a proven multitasker and knows the landscape.

Health/Human Services, Housing/Urban Development: consolidate both and bring back Dr Ben Carson.  Assignment will be to eliminate 40% of both departments and get them out of DC, deployed to Omaha, Nebraska.

Transportation and Energy: both consolidated under former Governor of Texas, Rick Perry

Education: No one; this position and its related department will be retired in Trump’s coming term.  It’s a woke disaster area.

Veterans Affairs: Greitens could do this one too, but we will go with LTC Allen West on this spot.  A wise, experienced veteran.

Ambassador to UN: we need a fearless bad ass here to call out the assembly of buffoons, perverts and morons that we call the UN.  Who might that be?  One Marjorie Taylor Green.  That’s who.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: its time for Trumps’s favorite General, Raisin’ Caine, to get the promotion he so rightfully deserves, for wiping out ISIS.

Those are Blackjack’s opening ideas folks – comment below with yours!



A Time for Governors

By @BlakJakPershing on GETTR and @BlackJackPershing on Truth Social


“We cannot afford all this illegal immigration and everything that comes with it, everything from the crime and to the drugs and the kidnappings and the extortion and the beheadings and the fact that people can’t feel safe in their community. It’s wrong! It’s wrong!”

“I believe the people of Arizona and the people of America are fed up with the federal government. The bottom line is, is that they need to secure our borders. And in regards to Senate Bill 1070, what a disappointment! It hasn’t been divisive; it has united Arizona! It has united America!”

“If the federal government won’t secure the border, the State of Arizona will step in to complement federal efforts in a constitutional manner and protect the security of its citizens.”

― Jan Brewer


Remember Jan?  She became famous for standing up for the AZ border as Obama was actively destroying it.  Jan Brewer is one of the most underrated politicians in the last 30 years.  Of humble beginnings, her lecture to smug Barack on the tarmac in AZ showed her courage and No BS attitude.  Self-made governor vs media created, Harvard fake educated leftist, elitist swamp tool.  She was a lightning rod at the time, painted as a racist for daring to lecture Obama.  She had more balls than most US governors right now.

We are entering an interesting, dangerous time.  It will be a time when republican governors will count more than they ever have.  As the GOP retakes the congress in the fall (assuming they can survive the attempts to steal it), as Biden’s dementia takes further hold of his addled brain, as they try to prop up Kamala as a legitimate replacement, as rule by executive order from the Obama/Rice/Klain/Jarrett cabal takes hold, republican governors will be the last line of defense against tyranny.

Are we ready?

Apparently Ron Desantis is ready.  He sometimes hesitates, but his willingness to go to war with Disney is very encouraging.  Who knew there was special property tax and municipal administration deal going on in Orlando with Disneyland?  What an obnoxious expression of the old liberal term ‘corporate welfare’!  It never should have been in place to begin with.  In addition to provoking a gang of pedophiles, Governor DeSantis is really just implementing classic government reform.  Let Disney move out if they don’t like it.  Florida has enough growth to survive it.  Now Governor DeSantis, how about following up on some of the idle threats you have made about shipping illegals to Delaware?  See below.

Greg Abbott, another man who has seems compromised at times, is moving in the right direction.  Finishing the abandoned border wall project in his state and starting to ship illegal aliens to DC is a great start.  Governor Abbott has a long way to go but he has made a start.  4 buses?  How about 400.  Let the swamp sort it out – your citizens have had enough.

The big question we have to ask now, is where is everyone else?

Many are hiding.

First the template.

Be bold.  Challenge the establishment.  Don’t take crap from anyone.  We talked about Jan Brewer.  Who else has done it?

Scott Walker of Wisconsin.  Just ask the teachers union and state bureaucrats: “The unions say ‘last hired – first fired,’, we say hire and fire based on merit. We want the best and brightest in the classroom.” That is right, Governor.

Ronald Reagan of California: on Berkley rioters:  “All of it began the first time some of you who know better…let young people think that they had the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest”.  Let’s just say Reagan didn’t start it but he ended it.

Andrew Jackson of Tennessee: “When the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.” And he did, regularly.

We now have the most governors, but are they ready and worthy enough to stop the Marxist onslaught ahead of us?

Kay Ivey of Alabama?  I like her.  Tough old gal.  We can count on her.  She stopped giving sh—s a while back.

Brian Kemp of Georgia?  He’ll be gone soon enough.  He is guilty of aiding and abetting election fraud.

Larry Hogan of Maryland.  What a mess.  Liposuction on aisle 6 please.  Sad RINO pant load.

Jim Justice of West Virginia: any man who compares his dog’s ass to the cast of view and holds it up live during a speech – well what can we say – Big Jim is a fan fave.

Mike Dewine of Ohio?  Good for business but what republican isn’t?  Can he be counted on against the leftist hoard?  Don’t know.

Kristi Noem of South Dakota?  She’s hot, yeah.  Does she have latent RINO tendencies?  Maybe…

Glen Youngkin of Virginia: jury is out Glenn.  Don’t screw this up.

Mike Parson of Missouri : they don’t come more laid back than this guy.  Handled COVID the right way, but he’s no Eric Greitens when it comes to fighting RINO BS.

Speaking of, Eric Greiens, during his short reign before being illegally undermined by the St Louis City Attorney, a Soros dinglebery, stopped any further rioting in Ferguson by promising to put it down with state troopers.  They didn’t even try.  They knew not to screw around with the Navy Seal.  Eric – you coulda been a contender.

You get the picture folks.  Our current crop of republican governors is a mixed bag of RINOS with just a few warriors. 

We need to sound off, make them uncomfortable and hold them accountable.

Here is the to do list for any republican governor who has any spine at all:

  • Ship illegal aliens to DC, Delaware, California and New York
  • If on a border state finish the wall and increase enforcement of related immigration laws; enforce federal laws
  • Sue the Federal Government on all bad policy and illegal attempts to usurp state authority – constantly, relentlessly.  Make the courts do their oversight job.
  • Disrupt teachers unions by funding charter schools AND parochial schools
  • Regulate school curriculums; throw out CRT and perverse education; ban these thing forever. Educate, outlaw indoctrination.
  • Cut all taxes
  • Be business friendly above and beyond the standard; steal businesses from blue states and rub it in their face
  • Make any kind of rioting or social unrest so undesirable that no one will attempt it
  • Rehab and re-create your inner cities – help us finish the BLEXIT movement and bring home African Americans to the republican party
  • Finish the job and make abortion the blue state only scourge
  • Attract so many jobs and companies that you can turn down federal money for projects, because you know that ultimately that is their next move – to cut you off.
  • Be loud and push back obnoxiously on all bad ideas from leftists.  Be aggressive.  Go after them publicly.
  • Don’t compromise with the left.  EVER.
  • Make America First your mantra.
  • Look for trade deals with nearby democratic countries
  • Let the Federal government abide by the written constitution.  Lead and manage your state.

What am I missing fellow patriots?





New Year’s Resolutions for MAGA Patriots and Deplorables

By Blackjack Pershing, @Blakjakpershing on GETTR
Dateline: 1 January 2022

It’s 2022 and a time of renewal.  MAGA World has lots to do, lots on its plate and the new year is a great time to set forth resolutions that will guarantee our success.  Here are my recommendations for all patriots who operate in freedom of thought, conscience and spirit.

  • We commit that ‘we all know’ Trump won, the swing state vote was rigged and stolen, Biden never got 80+ million votes, and we do not intend to ever stop talking about it.
  • We will sound off.  We will be present and BE HEARD as digital soldiers and fight the battle we are in, and not be distracted by RINO’s who tell us to move on.  We will improve our intensity and our effectiveness.
  • We commit that ‘January 6th’ is a false construct put forth by the angry Stalinists in the democrat party and their party press – the MSM.  We do not buy it and will not put up with it.
  • We assert that pandemic is over, the omicron variant is the last we are willing to engage in any way, and that we will not let the Stalinist Left use the China Virus to control the next election.
  • We will challenge useless mandates, lockdowns and idiotic restrictions that the Stalinist Left is driving.
  • We assert that we will not forget that it was CHINA that unleashed the virus on the world, whether on purpose or by accident, and that we will demand reparations to the economic damage it did to us.
  • As my friends on the Grace Force podcast often assert, we will develop ourselves physically to be prepared for the spiritual and mental battles ahead.  In essence we all know the forces of the Stalinist left are demonic.  One look at the horrific visages of Pelosi, The View cast, and any democrat leader confirms it.  Stay healthy, in shape and alert to fight the demonic left.  Improve your mental and physical fitness.
  • We will fight hard in all elections in ‘22, local, state and national.  We will eliminate the Liz Cheneys from the Republican Party and ensure it is a MAGA party.  It is truly time to ‘throw the bums out’.
  • We will sound off on the ongoing embarrassment that is the Biden administration.  We will rise up to stop their insane policies.
  • When the time comes for China Joe to step down in dementia fog and/or scandal/embarrassment, we will count on reputable organizations to petition for the reinstatement of President Trump.  The easiest mechanism for this to happen goes like this: Joe resigns, Kamala assumes the presidency but then due to the nature of her own pending criminal charges, nominates Donald Trump as VP, the senate approves him, and then Kamala promptly resigns to avoid impeachment and imprisonment.  We will work for this outcome.
  • We will reject Critical Race theory, we will reject rewriting history, we will reject Stalinist Left thinking.
  • We will get Trump’s Garden of Heroes reactivated.
  • We will not buy any products from China
  • We will publicly challenge companies and organizations that cooperate with China
  • We will publicly challenge individual buffoons that cooperate with China, like Ray Dalio and Lebron James.
  • We will celebrate heroes who stand up to China like Enes Kanter Freedom
  • In summary, 2022 is when we see visible results in turning the tide on the demonic forces of the left, those that come from inside our country and those that come from outside it too.
  • Did I miss a resolution?  Please leave yours in the comments.


MAGA 2.0: Bigger, Better, Faster and Permanent  

By BlackJack Pershing: @blakjakpershing on GETTR

Dateline September 14th, 2021


‘The laws should be rigidly enforced which prohibit the immigration of a servile class to compete with American labor, with no intention of acquiring citizenship, and bringing with them and retaining habits and customs repugnant to our civilization.’

‘A cause worth fighting for is worth fighting for to the end.’

 ‘Our citizens have the right to protection from the incompetency of public employees who hold their places solely as the reward of partisan service.’

‘Communism is a hateful thing, and a menace to peace and organized government.’


  • All quotations of Grover Cleveland, who, until 2024, will have been the only president to serve 2 non-consecutive terms.  He was a dem, but a good one, and a far right winger by today’s standards.

Fellow Patriots, whether by decertification of the 2020 election results due to fraud, or the overwhelming landslide that will occur in 2024, Donald Trump will be the 47th President of the United States.

Its time to recommend and put forth his agenda for the next term.  He’s got lots of clean up to do.  We know that he can do it.  Joe Biden is and will be a skid mark on the history of the United States.


  • Finish the wall.  Overhaul immigration.  Forever stop illegal immigration by making it impossible through walls, drones, electronic means and aggressive/thorough visa enforcement.
  • Eliminate foreign aid; begin leveraged foreign assistance.  That means to get a dime from us we get something back, to include taking your illegal aliens back.
  • Complete NATO solvency.  We are out if the allies don’t pay their bills.  Enforced in the first 90 Days.
  • Begin ‘Pacific NATO’ to counter Chinese aggression; replicate post WWII model for defending free nations in the Pacific region.  Require the re-arming of Japan.  Japan and Korea to play the roles their economic power requires.  Philippines to step up.  Indonesia too.  Pull in Vietnam as an ally.
  • Implement Chinese Reparations for the China Virus Epidemic.  Offer concessions for honesty and a legitimate answer on how it was started.  Assume it was on purpose to start.  Opening bid is $20 Trillion.  It can go up or down based on their behavior.  Collected via direct payment, debt cancellation, or tariff.
  • Western Hemisphere Alliance: begin to negotiate a communist-free western hemisphere alliance based on our shared western heritage and common security interests in North and South America.  Require participation and funding by all nations.  Begin the isolation and ultimate de-communization of Cuba and Venezuela via internal friendly parties.  Fix Haiti once and for all via dedicated coalition of charitable partners that do not include any US State Department resources, the Clinton Foundation, the Gates Foundation or any other organization associated with human trafficking.
  • North Korea: finish what was started.  Rocket Man is waiting the return of his friend to negotiate a nuke free Korean peninsula.   Get the US troops home.  Agree to guarantee Kim’s safety with an agreement to normalize relations between north and south.  If he stays, fine,  If he exiles in China – fine.  Let’s all move on.  Allow travel and development.  Let them work it out while Pacific NATO grows in strength and power.
  • Restructure the Federal Government/Bureaucracy (De-Swampification):
    • Decommission the Pentagon as an office.  Turn it into a museum or commercial office space.  Move military operational HQ to the midwestern United States.  Ft Riley, KS or Ft Leonard Wood, MO.  The locations will attract those willing to serve and prevent swamp connections and corruption in Washington, D.C.
    • Move all other offices of the federal government out of Washington DC and divide them up among the entire geography of the United States to include Hawaii, Alaska and the territories.  Sell off all offices in the Washington DC area.  Good examples are the DOJ and the FBI.  Move them to different and distant states.  Consider permanent elimination of the corrupt FBI.
    • Close the department of education permanently and send all related assets to the states.
    • Close HUD; send all related assets and activities to the states.
    • Consolidate, consolidate, consolidate agencies, organizations, pet projects, ruthlessly.  Let the swamp feel the reorgs and layoffs we’ve all felt forever.
    • Much like Space Force, develop a scientic branch of the military specifically dedicated to defense against the emergence of bio-weapons, sonic/Havanna effect weapons, chem/nuke, electronic pulse, laser and other weaponry we know that our adversaries are aggressively developing.  Science Force All the Way?  POTUS will name it well.  That I can tell you.

Other items on the domestic front:

  • Begin the permanent de-communization of the United States thorough civics education, strict visa/immigration compliance and aggressive removal of Chinese bribery initiatives
  • In all ways reduce the scope of the federal government to the intent of the constitution.  Truly relegate all to the states that should be.
  • Require honest work; eliminate welfare where it is not needed; replace with retraining credits
  • Get business taxes to 15% to win the global battle for investment and jobs
  • Continue bilateral trade agreements
  • Allow the private sector to find win/win solutions to pollution and clean energy; reward through incentives.  Dump all foreign ‘deals’ that punish our workforce.
  • Institute studies, taskforces, awards that institutionalize true American history.  Re-institute the 1776 project.
  • Fully constitutional Supreme Court
  • Refresh and renew the Republican Party with zero RINO’s; help lead a de-communization of the Democrat party
  • Win back the Black vote for republicans and solidify Latinos as a reliable republican block of voters
  • Finish Enterprise Zones and work with the private industry and states to at long last fix inner cities; make failed democrat leadership of inner cities obvious

Those are my initial thoughts fellow Patriots?  What are yours?  Please leave them in the comments.  I’ll close with a few things you already know:

  • Phuck Joe Biden (clap, clap, clap clap clap!)
  • Trump Won, We all know!
  • Hillary still sucks
  • Barr was a phony and a disappointment
  • The mooch was a D-head
  • Pence lost his nerve
  • Milley for Gitmo
  • They killed Joan Rivers for calling out the obvious.  We all know.
  • W they have something on him. What is it?


BlackJack Pershing

