What if President Trump Stopped Tweeting?

by Eagle 21

President Trump, a suggestion, if you could stop tweeting for just a little bit and get out-of-the-way of the liberals hypocrisy and their self-destruction.

I have this theory that if President Trump stops tweeting and avoiding missteps creating controversial issues for a week or two, then the media, the left will eventually destroy themselves. If Donald stops giving the media other things to talk about, they will be forced into talking about Harvey Weinstein and his ties to the Clinton’s, the cover ups the Obama administration made (Benghazi, IRS, Fast & Furious), all that crazy Uranium deal stuff,  the Democrats favorite Hollywood liberal, Harvey Weinstein, is a sexual predator. Think about it, the media is able to avert all these topics that don’t fit their talking points, their narrative because they twist President Trump’s tweets.

The media continues to “resist” President Trump not respecting the American voter.  If President Trump gives the media nothing to report via tweets, maybe they’ll start reporting real stories (probably not). Maybe they’ll report the links of the democratic party to their top three funding source, Harvey Weinstein.

Regarding the Obama and Clinton scandal with Russia concerning Uranium One; haven’t heard of it? Read the Hill online journal,  Presidents Clinton and Obama let Russia control 20 percent of our Uranium now. (http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/355749-fbi-uncovered-russian-bribery-plot-before-obama-administration)

Imagine if President Trump was doing his job quietly and ignoring criticism, ignoring fake news and all that crap. Imagine if they had to do real reporting? Well, they’d likely be incompetent at that too. They simply cannot resist bashing the President, being the elites that they are.

When it all comes down to it, the media needs ratings, so they have chosen to create fake news because they hate Trump.

Should Trump stop tweeting? We might miss it.


Colon Blow

Dateline July 30th, 2017. In this timeless article, Guardian 6 explains the Trump victory, his appeal and why “deplorable” Americans remain fiercely loyal to the Trump presidency and his bold agenda. After receiving several requests to republish, the 53rd Regiment presents Colon Blow to our loyal subscribers and readers. 

Dateline January 20th, 2017 — Republished again after the 58th Inauguration of the 45th President of the United States of America, President Donald John Trump.

The article that follows explains how our 45th President stunned many on the left, shocked some on the right and restored faith to the Forgotten American Class of citizens that are the fabric of this country. The elite class of Americans remains dumbfounded while the majority of us saw this coming ten months ago.  Read and learn. 

 Dateline: February 28th, 2016.  There is something explosive coming to America in November 2016. It is part of President Obama’s legacy, perhaps his greatest legacy achievement. After eight years of President Obama and his failed policies;  six of eight of those years with a Republican Congress that demonstrated a spineless approach to pushing back against liberal, progressive dictates — that churning in America’s stomach is a very real movement, a Bowel Movement unlike anything ever seen in the political landscape. The upheaval is coming. America has a virus that is a mix of political correctness, statist elites controlling our lives through fiats and regulations and excessive taxation that has been killing jobs for decades. The American economy is constipated and all jammed up. There is going to be a massive explosion that no commode can withstand. There is going to be a “Colon Blow” that will reverberate in Washington DC for the ages. The people are going to take their country back.

Donald Trump (DT) will be elected President of the United States, faults and all. The Donald has the message that Americans of all stripes are going to vote for out of shear disgust and frustration of the current system, both President Obama and the so called “mainstream Republicans.” Old & young, black & white, blue collar & white collar, and urban & country are in full rejection mode of what the political class is offering. Insiders and elites will work to try and stop Trump’s momentum through attack adds, last minute dirty tricks and attempts to showcase Trump’s shallow character, which is a very long list. However, none of this is going to matter to a public that is outraged. President Obama’s failure to improve the average Americans’ life in combination with his aloofness and inability to lead domestically or internationally, has Americans beyond disillusionment, Americans are pissed! While democrats and republicans alike have done little to improve economic opportunity and security for Americans, they have taken care of themselves with salary raises, exemptions from laws they pass and all the while they have largely ignored the wishes of the people who elected them.

America is going to take one big enema to the whole system. That enema is Donald J. Trump. The enema is going to be like Trump’s Wall. It’s gonna be BIG! It’s going to be beautiful. Trump’s enema is going to Make America Great Again! The Trump suppository will be heard around the world and unlike traditional candidates, Trump’s unique style of talking (… and Tweeting) sounds like the average guy having a beer playing pool in a bar, is catching fire. Americans are finding his plain, direct and often disparaging speech to be refreshing. No doubt, this is an amazing thing to witness that can only be explained against the backdrop of a two term President that has failed his citizens.

Americans want a leader first and foremost. They want a president who stands up for the country and doesn’t equivocate and apologize. They want a president who is unapologetic and clearly DT fits that bill. Americans want a president who is going to restore American greatness and revitalize the American economy. Americans want a president that will take the fight to terrorists and destroy the bastards. Americans want a president that will secure the border, bring jobs back to the USA and create incentives for companies to stay home instead of chasing them overseas through excessive taxation or uber regulations. “It is about jobs, stupid!”

Americans want real change. Not progressive change that increases taxes, attacks religious freedom, fails to secure our borders, increases regulation and centralizes thoughts and power in Washington DC. No way! Americans are ready to take a suppository to DC,  the whole system and drive it right up the asses of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and Congress. Many pundits don’t accept what is happening, can’t fathom it but it is gonna happen. Colon Blow is real, very real. Grab your depends political class, you are about to be shocked and experience the most unimaginable political event in your lifetime. Donald Trump will become the 45th President of the United States.

Post script: (October 30th, 2016) This article was right 8 months ago and it is even more accurate today considering the lawlesslessness of Hillary Clinton and her campaign. #NewFBI Investigation; #650,000NewEmails



Dateline 53rd Regiment News

February 16th, 2017

Fake news, manufactured protests, collusion between the media and political class rejecting the will of the American people electing President Trump. Mass hysteria from the “main stream” media; ridicule from the late night comic shows and incoherence from Hollywood showcase who the highly intolerant elites are and how they place themselves above the rest of us, will of the people be damned.

What is perhaps even more discouraging is the notion that intelligence professionals with the support of some senior leaders in Intelligence Agencies are intentionally leaking information to embarrass or disparage their President. This is treasonous and arguable without precedent. All intelligence professionals sign non-disclosure statements and it is a crime to leak or share intelligence with people who do not have the proper clearance,  access or need to know. This is not in America’s interests. While these few individuals bring great discredit to their agencies and themselves, they are undermining American leadership, emboldening our enemies and behaving in a criminal manner.

What does all this mean less than one month into the Trump presidency? The Alt-Left, Never Trump Movement has achieved their first “takedown” or kill of a Trump Administration official by creating false narratives and exaggerating a picture of a relationship between General Flynn and the Russians. General Flynn wasn’t born yesterday and as a career intelligence professional, he knows much more than you and I ever will on how our adversaries operate. And, oh, just a few years ago, the Hillary Clinton Russian Reset “that was easy” button was praised by the same media. Hmmmm. 

With the resignation of LTG Retired Mike Flynn, Trump’s National Security Advisor, there is glee in the swamp. The plotting to undermine the Trump Presidency is now emboldened in the DC swampland but as Trump fully recognizes, he’s not running a popularity contest. As a CEO, he’s in the results business. Let’s hope for the sake of America, he can remain laser focused on what ills America and not be detracted by the manufactured Kabul of negativity that is the Alt-left, main stream media, political class and for-hire-protestors funded by Soros and other extremists.

Finally, keep the faith America. There are quite a few big gators in the swamp that have grown quite large after 30 or 40 years in DC. It is going to take a while to remove them and return them to the areas they migrated from before they made DC their permanent home like a major rat infestation. President Trump is on the hunt and has many, many Swamp People willing to help drain the swamp, Bigly!
