Its Commonsense!


by Guardian 6

Dateline February 8, 2025             Potomac River 

It’s about Commonsense. For too long our government established policies and bureaucracies that served themselves. US Government (USG) lawmakers set up systems to backchannel funding to their benefactors, abused laws funding nonprofits that do not do good works but advocate for leftist causes, and funded globalists over Americans. This BS is over. Trump 2.0 is all about We The People. Restoring faith in government, stopping fraud and putting taxpayer dollars to work for Americans. Commonsense and America First is the standard. The Golden Age is within our reach as Trump empowers the Directorate of Government Efficiency (DOGE) led by Elon Musk to uncover fraud, waste and abuse; stop it, recover all wasteful spending. USAID is the tip of the iceberg. The more we learn, the more empowered Trump will be to underpin the American First agenda.

American is running an annual deficit of $2 trillion after Biden. The USG is $37 trillion in debt rapidly closing in on $40 trillion. The interest we now pay on our debt alone if more than we spend annually in the Department of Defense (DoD), which is over $800 billion. We are at the zenith of fiscal irresponsibility. No household, no business and entity that endures operates this way. Change is not an option. Thank God we have a president willing to end the insanity, take on all the special interests and put America First once and for all. Trump’s DOGE team of Musk, other geniuses, coders and Big Balls have already delivered showing Americans the massive amounts of fraud. Most telling are the screaming democrats, their involvement in the fraud will soon be on full display. And it is glorious!

Americans do not want to pay for Drag Queen Happy Hour to grade school children, or fund any of this garbage. Its commonsense!

Americans do not want to spend $20M on an Iraqi Sesame Street Show. Its commonsense!

Americans do not want to spend $50M on condoms to Gaza, Hamas and other global entities. Its commonsense!

Americans do not want to pay for a “free press” funding $40M to the NY Times and $8M to Politico. Its commonsense!

Congress spent $516B on expired government programs last year in 2024, some expired as much of 40 years ago. Year after year the government funds this fraud, waste & abuse. This is criminal and lacks commonsense!

Americans do not want equal opportunity replaced with racially charged DEI which teaches hate over love and employs people based on the color of their skin or sexual orientation. It is commonsense!

Americans do not want NGOs used as a workaround to break US laws to funnel illegal immigration empowering cartels to profit off of human trafficking and fentanyl that is killing 100K Americans a year and exploiting women and children. It is commonsense!

Americans do not want our hard earned tax dollars being used by democrats to fund their leftwing causes undermining the rule of law. Its commonsense!

Americans do not want our tax dollars being sent to our enemies like Iran, Hamas, Taliban and many more only to be used to harm Americans. It is commonsense!

DOGE is just warming up having uncovered massive fraud at USAID. The democrats are screaming to stop their work because they understand they are being fully exposed. It is only a matter of time before DOGE name names and the DoJ can begin investigating the corruption. This criminal enterprise orchestrated by the democrats and their extended network of criminals is going to shatter reputations, alliances and the Washington DC stranglehold on power. When it is all said and done, President Trump will go down in history as an unlikely hero that restored public trust and rebuilt American exceptionalism.

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Author: Guardian 6

Guardian 6 is at the ready: 1st General Order "I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved." 2nd General Order "I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner." 3rd General Order "I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions, to the commander of the relief."