Democrats Destroy Everything – 2023 Update

by Blackjack Pershing @PershingSoldier on Twitter, @BlakJakPershing on GETTR, @BlackJackPershing on Truth Social 

Artwork: By our good friend and internationally recognized artist, Mr. Joseph Elder, Making Comics & Art Great Again!

April 4, 2023

I’d rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University. – William F. Buckley Jr.

Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. – Barry Goldwater

 We have all known spoilers, malcontents, irritating nerds in our lives: in short those who ruin things.  The kid who reminds the teacher to give homework at the end of class, the dope on the team who causes everyone to have to run extra laps.  The little twit who tells on people.  The 2nd grader who cries and screams ‘no fair!’ over trivial things.  The other kid in 3rd grade who craps his pants and has to be sent home.  Leftists all.  They ruin it for the rest of us.  They are really UnAmerican when you think about it – because they don’t mind their own business and try to inflict pain on others for their own satisfaction.

The list of things ruined by the left is accelerating at a pace no one ever suspected.  Here is my attempt to capture some of them in order to keep a record.

Infrastructure, Airports, Roads, Trains, Anything that Requires Skills: Leftist democrats of demonized merit and excellence and appointed leaders based solely on race, ethnicity and sexuality.  We are now witnessing failure across industries at levels never seen before as the fallout from affirmative action and poor leadership, poor management and zero common sense takes hold.  Screwed up airports, train de-railments, environmental disasters, blackouts, shortages – all of this took very little time to emerge under the negligence of democrat ineptitude.  We are told we have racist overpasses and freeways while the nation sinks into the abyss.  We all know the reasons for all of this.  The question is how much we are willing to take.  
The Military: covered on this website in other places, the sinking of our armed forces into woke BS campgrounds might be the most sinister item on this long list.  We have disaster after disaster in plain sight with the media covering it up.  We have an entire generation of politicized General Officers that will need to be removed.  China watches this with an eager smile.  They helped engineer all of it so why not?  

Baseball: we had hoped they would not surrender, but they did.  Kneelers and worshipers of the communist front organization known as BLM are now part of MLB.  Patriots are walking away.

Football: beginning with Kapernick’s woke baloney after failing as a starting quarterback, their descent into irrelevance continues.  The NFL may not know it but they are finished.  Their halftime shows are akin to the end of the Roman Empire.  Disgusting showcases of depravity.  

Basketball: the NBA is now wholly owned by China.  Lebron is a hulking nitwit, obedient to his Chinese masters.  A disgrace.  Already less entertaining than college hoops and filled with fatheads, the NBA has started it’s end.

Hockey – they went woke in the last several years.
The new XFL – the pre-pandemic XFL was refreshingly anti-woke – just about the game.  The jury is out on the new post pandemic XFL.  We will see if the Rock has the backbone to keep the nonsense at bay.  
Country Music: there was a drag queen act at the latest Country Music Awards.  Merle Haggard where are you?  George Jones what say you?  Johnny Cash really?  DISASTER!!!

Healthcare: while they only succeeded halfway under Obama, and President Trump was unable to undo the damage due to Paul Ryan’s incompetence and John Mc Cain’s malevolence, Leftists will not stop using healthcare as a means of control.  Witness their dwarfian Dr Goebbels knows as Fauci who has undermined medical professionals across the country with conflicting statements, bad guidance and now we hear flat out lies about his gain of function research.  The left loves him and manipulates his self importance.  He has set back trust in ‘Science’ decades.  

Medicine: Pfizer alone has set back the pharma industry decades as well, by collusion with the same democrats that used to hate big companies.  As it turns out they only hate big companies that don’t pay them off.  You know ANYONE that wants a booster these days?  Only the most craven dopey leftist maskholes do.

NASCAR: the Jussie Smollett of Nascar had his 15 minutes.  He’s still not winning.  But he made his skidmark.

History: decades of trashing the US Public School system has resulted in a generation that knows little about the exceptional history of the US, and many likely believe we are evil and bad.  The history departments at most liberal arts colleges are equally as flawed and not helping the situation.  Intellectual rigor and discipline are becoming rare.  The ‘1619; project is bogus, Democrats are the party of slavery and Jim Crowe and we all have a job to do in restoring real history to curriculums everywhere.  

The Founding Fathers: ‘Presentism’ is applying todays standards to historical figures.  We hear from the left that our founding fathers were white male slave owners and as such do not deserve to be honored.  The fact that they all set up a system that would not only outlaw slavery and a million other injustices, but also allow the same mouthy leftists to enjoy standards of living unimagineable decades ago has no effect on these shrieking lunatics.  

Statues: in their haste to erase history, they damage tributes to our most important historical figures.  Its not Antifa or BLM by the way, it’s the Democrats.  Debates about confederate anything are legitimate – but mobs tearing down anything without permission – that’s criminal.  Art takes years to construct and can be destroyed in seconds.  Watch the climate change idiots throw paint at art works in Europe or chain themselves to objects.  This is DE-evolution by indoctrinated ignoramuses.  

News Reporting: well documented and on the list.  Its over.  Fox falling away now.  Will patriots have options? We hope.  We did have success in re-instating Newsmax to Direct TV – a green shoot from the snow in late winter?

Higher Education: as the opening quote suggests, most faculties at US Universities have been leftist indoctrinators since the early 1960’s.  They teach the children of those paying for the experience to hate their parents and the United States.

The Catholic Church: a pope who speaks more about global warming than saving souls says it all.  American Bishops too cowardly to condemn the attacks on the statues of St Louis and St Juniperro Serra.  Pathetic.  AOC called St Damien of the Lepers a white supremacist colonizer.  Gender under attack.  There is some hope – Archbishop Cordelione of San Francisco has restricted Pelosi from communion due to her radical abortion stance.  Bishop Strickland of Tyler, TX is a warrior.  What about the rest?  Where are they?

US Cities: all cities run by democrats for decades are plagued with corruption, poverty, failing schools, failing infrastructure, leftist ideology and lost hope.  Drugs allowed into the states by the federal government are wrecking our cities.  Again – they are UNcivilizing our country.  

The Legal System: we all see what Soros installed DA’s are doing to cities across the country.  setting murderers free and persecuting political enemies.  This is where we are.  Insidious.  What is happening with Trump is already backfiring on these extremists.  We will see what Red State AG’s have in store for the Dems going forward.  Should not have been this way.  

Public Schools: well documented train wreck controlled by the teachers unions.  Corrupt, communist, failing, a mess.  A generation is lost to ignorance.

Black Families: starting with the Great Society programs in the 1960’s, Black Families and Black Culture have been undermined by the democrats; the most heinous feature of their intentional mistreatment of the Black Community is the massive damage of the abortion trade.

Initiative: leftists and democrats hate it

Self Sufficiency: flies in the face of everything leftists are trying to accomplish

Free Speech: the left has now cultivated cancel culture with millions of democrat Karens calling employers and screaming about hate and racism to get fellow Americans fired.

Corporate America: in fear of being cancelled and other actions like boycotts, most US Companies, which run with little investor tolerance for sales variances, live in fear of being called out by the left for anything.  So – they cave and issue statements with leftist approved language each time there is a social issue being pushed by the MSM Propagandists.  Some go futher: M&M’s and Hershey both using sexuality and trans agendas in their advertising, Bud Lite joining in, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream routinely supports anti-police propaganda and whatever the Woke issue of the day is.  Thanks Unilever.  Just a reminder: marketers are the worst people on the planet, in case you didn’t know.  If you are a marketer reading this, my apologies, and I hope you are an exception.  

Men: as the younger generation comes of age we must ask: will what was traditionally called ‘a man’ even exist: by this we mean a male individual with freely formed opinions that exhibits traditionally masculine traits and does related masculine things.  Its up for grabs ladies and gentlemen, because the left knows they must be eliminated for their goals to be realized.

Women: the same as above but different: those lovely creatures who exhibit beauty and femininity, have children, and make most things nicer and better: the left is actively destroying gender roles and wants the nuclear family to disappear.  Women are told to despise men by the leftist prison guards self appointed ascendency – who are always quite repulsive.

Responsibility: they hate that too – they prefer dependent losers who rely on government for all of their needs.  The tent cities on the west coast are emblematic.

Tech Companies: infested with angry self-righteous leftists.  Their skills are one thing, their opinions are another.  Thank God for the Elon Musks and Peter Theils of the world, but there aren’t enough of them.

Hollywood: well documented.  A complete sick disaster from movies, to awards, to blackballing, to communist infiltration, to pedophiles, to hypocrisy – a long sad list.

The Economy: the question must be asked: is the intentional creation of monster inflation, and now the follow on banking crisis, a Democrat/China/Soros conspiracy?

Real Racism: it will forever be harder to spot, since the left has now called anyone with a dissenting opinion from theirs a racist.

Truth: out the window with these Trotskyite zealots.  Abe Lincoln and Frederick Douglas now bad?  How did we get here?  Democrats claiming documented and filmed riots are myths.  Clearly demented leaders in roles like Speaker of the House and the Democrat nominee.  J6 an insurrection?  Total BS.  Hard to imagine just a few years ago.

Dignity: out the window with the sad mess we have as President and his cadre of enablers.  His trips, falls, gaffes, bathroom incidents are all well known.  He got 81 Million BALLOTS, not VOTES.  Not a joke folks!!

Law Enforcement Under Attack: who saw this coming 6 months ago.  Let’s give the Stalinist Left credit for opportunism and activating their plans for anarchy and chaos so quickly.  This situation should give all of us pause.  We should be considering what has been organized right beneath our noses and how fast it came about.  Something is not right.  Look for the next round of de-urbanisation to happen in the US if this doesn’t stop sometime very soon.

Social Media: admittedly it was already broken, but what was once a ghetto of narcissists posting what they had for lunch, has turned into mostly liberals screaming about their causes and threatening others.  Its a net negative to society to say the least.

Progress on Race: Abolitionists, John Brown, Frederick Douglas, the Civil War, 600,000 dead, Reconstruction, President Grant, The Tuskegee Airmen, Buffalo Soldiers, Integration of the Military, President Eisenhower sending troops to Alabama, the Civil Rights Act, MLK, Affirmative Action, Busing, Integration, Charter Schools – on and on – to the left none of it ever happened.  There has been no progress and they will never talk about any of this.  There is only racism and if you do not agree with them – you are evil and racist.

We are just scratching the surface here folks – we’ll revisit this list every so often to update it with the latest things the left has ruined.  Please leave your thoughts below if I have missed anything. 


Fentanyl, America and Joe Biden Epidemic

By Guardian 6         Dateline: January 2nd, 2023

While fentanyl continues to kill Americans in record numbers, the Biden Administration is not addressing the issue with resources and scale to counter this epidemic. This is by design but why?

To frame this issue and put it into perspective, in 2022 more Americans died from fentanyl than the Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined. According to the CDC between February 2021 – February 2022 over 108,000 Americans died of drug overdoses with 70% being attributed to fentanyl. That is ~75,600 American deaths due to Fentanyl. The crisis is growing year over year. 2022 is worse with estimates of over 100,000 deaths being attributed to fentanyl alone. Where is the outrage?

The DEA recently announced that in 2022 they seized over 379 million doses of fentanyl, enough to kill the entire population of the United States, plus an additional 40 million doses to spare. This is only what was caught by the DEA. This is likely only a fraction of fentanyl that has come into the United States from China and Mexico.

Fentanyl is a synthetic drug that is cheap to produce. A single sugar size sweetener envelope is enough fentanyl powder to supply a single user for a year. Many other drugs and pills are being laced with fentanyl that are killing innocents that do not even know they are taking fentanyl. Thousand of parents have suffered the tragedy of their teenagers dying of fentanyl laced drugs. But yet the Biden Administration has not nationalized this epidemic. Why?

Ultimately, there are two reasons why Biden is silent. First, the Biden Administrations policy of Open Border with Mexico would receive the necessary scrutiny it deserves. Biden can’t afford to have his Open Borders policy linked to the Fentanyl crisis. Secondly, Biden would be forced to confront China and its illicit Pharma- eutical industry that is directly and indirectly killing Americans.

Considering the Open Borders policy, the net assessment or “gain” is acceptable to Joe Biden and his Administration. The Biden Administration finds it acceptable to allow fentanyl to flow freely into the US through cartel networks killing over 100,000 Americans annually for the net gain of 4.8 million illegal aliens entering the US since he took office in January 2021. Biden and Democrats get their future voters suppressing the epidemic and Americans suffer through a fentanyl crisis.

Regarding China, Biden and his son Hunter have profited mightily from communist China. While we await hearings on the “Laptop From Hell” that was suppressed by Twitter, the informed public is knowledgeable about the payoffs to the Big Guy, Mr. 10%. The Biden Center at Penn University itself was largely financed by donations from China. China clearly has leverage on Joe Biden and his family. To confront Xi JingPing and the Chinese communists, risks disclosures that could destroy the Biden presidency. Joe Biden’s tepid treatment of everything CCP China leads with this fact.

So, America and her children and families are at risk everyday of a growing fentanyl epidemic. While Open Borders and being weak on China CCP serves Joe Biden and his Administrations interests, just know that your president has engineered this crisis and he is unwilling to stop it. Joe Biden owns the fentanyl epidemic and he is OK with that. 


Dear Xi …

Feel lucky Xi? Apparently so. Xi doesn’t know. His arrogance and tyrannical hand of absolute power corrupts his mind and thinking. Big plans small mind. Xi Jinping plots, plans and reads his own paper clippings. Not good. Not good at all. 

Xi Jinping looks very small as he flies sorties off the coast of Taiwan to intimidate them. Meanwhile, the West yawns.

Xi Jinping looks like a petty tyrant leading a Chinese military parade celebrating China’s 70th anniversary of undermining Chinese democracy.

Xi Jinping looks in the mirror and pats himself on the back celebrating breaking the treaty of Hong Kong’s “high autonomy” with Great Britain and smiles putting his big pants on.

Xi Jinping continues to lie to the world about Coronavirus, the Wuhan Lab and being ground zero for millions of deaths. We all know China is the source and Xi’s policies and poor leadership led to this outbreak. The only question that remains is was this intentional? 

Xi Jinping knows the world is watching as he commits genocide against the Uyghur people. The world is watching and while it may appear to be weak, eventually the western world will reject Xi’s death camps. The NBA is not America Xi. LeBron James is not America Xi. Joe Biden is not America Xi. America is Missouri. America is North Carolina. America is Ohio. America is Virginia. America is Wisconsin. Olympic boycott is coming Jinping.

Xi America knows Trump won. America knows Biden is a fraud and that he was installed like a toilet. America knows that Biden did not get 81M votes. America also knows Trump will soon be back and that he will hold you accountable for your tyrannical rule.

Xi continue to play emperor and enjoy it while it lasts because eventually forces from within will up end you. Your Chinese enemies are already plotting. Democracy is coming, soon, very soon.




Global Strike – Wuhanvirus

by Guardian 6

Dateline:  Bunker Undisclosed Location                      March 14, 2020

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

China has yet to apologize or offer compensation for the virus they have unleashed on the world and their own people. While there is some uncertainty on the origins of this coronavirus strain, it does appear it originates out of a military lab in the city of Wuhan, hence it being referred to as the Wuhanvirus. The question remains open on whether the Chinese were developing this virus as a biological weapon. The Chinese continue to refuse letting global medical experts in to help likely because they have something to hide.

China is now putting out false propaganda blaming the U.S. for the Wuhanvirus while also crediting the leadership of Chinese President Xi Jinping for containing the virus.  Over 80,000 in China are infected, close to 6,000 deaths worldwide and 150 countries are dealing with the Wuhanvirus Global Strike. This has resulted in the World Health Organization declaring a pandemic. The communist government of China puts out propaganda to their citizens while the threat grows worldwide. 

President Trump has taken extraordinary action in the United States declaring a national emergency which allows the federal government to marshal all necessary resources to counter this biological threat to human life. Congress is now working on a spending bill to secure the resources to fight the pandemic. President Trump has shown tremendous leadership organizing the governments response; embracing private sector support; eliminating travel from China and Europe and adjusting the US response to meet specific needs as they are identified. This is unprecedented pandemic that calls for the United States to lead at home and abroad.

In the US and worldwide schools have been closed, businesses are stopping or reducing operations and supply chains have been dramatically disrupted. NBA, NHL, MLB and March Madness have either been suspended, postponed or canceled. Because of the unpredictability of the Wuhanvirus spreading, social distancing protocols have been implemented to arrest the spread. The health sector is ramping up to deal with this crisis.

While the US media attempts to help the democrats politically by relentless attacking President Trump, he’s focused on the task at hand standing up a Task Force and updating Americans daily. Meanwhile, China the source of the virus, is largely being held unaccountable for this global epidemic by the US media and democrats. This is not a time for politics but a time for the country to unite. China see’s division in the US and they are exploiting it, as they have been doing for decades until Trump arrived.

Trump understands China’s long game and how they have been exploiting the US in trade, currency manipulation and stealing our technology. Now Americans and the West have their eyes wide open as China’s irresponsible behavior has devasted the global economy killing vulnerable citizens on every continent. “The supreme art of war is to subdue your enemies without fighting.” Is China foreshadowing their strategy?
