Corrupt Government = Phony Dossier

The Swamp, Update April 24th, 2018

Many new revelations since this article was originally published. What have we learned?

  1. The #2 man in the FBI, Andrew McCabe, has been found to lie (he lacked “candor”), on at least three occasions. The DoJ Inspector General has recommended criminal prosecution. He was fired before he was allowed to retire.
  2. The basis of the FISA warrant was the phony dossier. The court was never told that the dossier was democratic party opposition research designed to do a hit job on Trump.
  3. The Director Comey memo’s he leaked to a professor friend at New York University, subsequently leaked to the NY Times, contained classified information. Comey knowingly leaked classified information.
  4. Comey kept book on Trump with the memo’s as part of the hit job. These memo’s were then used to demand a Special Prosecutor and get DoJ Sessions to recuse himself from the Russian collusion investigation. Very convenient.  Interesting how Comey never kept book on anyone but Trump … hmmm.
  5. John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, continues to demonstrate his lack of candor with his extremely unprofessional tweets directed at President Trump. What is he worried about? Likely a hell of a lot. He and his battle buddy Clapper have a lot of explaining to do soon, very soon. When all the dust is uncovered, we are likely to find officials in our government (DoJ, FBI and Intelligence Community) that failed their agencies, conspired against President Trump and set actions in motion to undermine the votes of 63 million Americans. Clapper & Brennan need to be recalled by Congress to answer some very hard questions.

(Article Originally published January 11th, 2018)

This should scare all Americans. The Democratic National Committee and the Clinton Campaign hired a former British spy to create a phony dossier against President Trump fabricating Russian collusion that alleges salacious activities that ranged from criminal to deviant in nature. This dossier was then used by senior officials in the Intelligence Community (IC), likely senior officials under DNI Clapper or CIA Director Brennan, to get a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant, a “wire tap,” to collect information on Trump and his campaign. So it is highly likely one of these two helped justify the phony dossier.

The fake news has reported the dossier as opposition research but when you use a foreign agent and unknown paid resources by a for profit company, Fusion GPS, to justify a FISA warrant to a US court the whole system of checks and balances has been corrupted. The first question by the FBI should have been, “Wait, you are justifying a FISA warrant off of a foreign agent paid for by a political campaign and unverified third party sources?” Of course this is what America came to expect from the professionalism of the FBI and IC. Of course this is before we learned the wife of a senior FBI official worked for Fusion GPS; or the wife of the #2 FBI official under Comey received $400K in campaign donations from the Clinton campaign; or the two senior FBI officials assigned to investigate the Trump campaign were texting bias and hatred toward Trump as they built their case and carried on an affair. The question highlighted above was never asked because of extreme bias and prejudice of senior FBI officials. Comey’s FBI became a political pawn for the Obama Administration, the Department of Justice and the political hacks that masqueraded as professionals.

Furthermore, DNI Clapper and CIA Brennan grossly failed to do their due diligence in the matter as it appears  they supported the political aim to destroy Trump before he became president. How do I know this? Ultimately, I do not but I’m reading the puzzle pieces like many IC professionals do as part of their jobs, putting them all together. Real Intel professionals don’t tweet policy positions or more anti-Trump rhetoric after they leave the agency like Brennan does regularly. Real Intel professionals don’t take a position on CNN to broadcast more Trump hate to fulfill the fake news agenda like LTG (R) Clapper does. We have a serious crisis in our government and at least three departments have likely been corrupted by highly politicized “leaders” that allowed themselves to be corrupted.

There is much more to cover on this matter. You can take a modicum of comfort that 53rd Regiment is covering this issue but as you likely suspect, the Deep State is covering tracks and destroying evidence each passing day. Stay tuned.


Two America’s

The Swamp, January 3rd, 2018

This article was originally published under the title “Cartwright & Clinton — HMMM …” on 30 January 2016.  This article is highly relevant  to how we are seeing two America’s emerge; in one America 99% of us are subject to the rule of law. In the other America, the democrat party, old media and Deep State activisits are above the law.  These three elements are the true 1%ers. Gen Flynn, one count of perjury, guilty. Clinton, thousands of highly classified documents and sensitive government emails compromised, given favorable treatment by the FBI, “extremely careless.”  Original article follows … 

Dateline January 31st, 2016. Marine, warrior, a former vice chairman of the JCS has pleaded guilty to making false statements during an investigation into a leak of classified information about a covert cyberattack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Unlike Clinton, he didn’t claim “I can’t remember.” Retired Marine Gen. James Cartwright entered the plea at a hearing Monday. When the judge asked if Cartwright understood the charge, he said, “I do, sir.” Cartwright  originally told investigators that he was not the source of classified information contained in a book published by a newspaper author, according to unsealed charging documents.

Cartwright played the Washington game never realizing he was just a 99%er, he was a pawn on the Washington checkerboard. He was expandable. He danced with the rags of the devil, the NY Times, and has now paid the price for it tarnishing his stellar career and reputation. One more highly decorated military officer to be taken down by the Obama-Clinton regime joining McCrystal, Petraeus and Flynn among others. He, like them, were not part of the protected class of democratic politicians like Hillary Clinton, the 1%er who breaks all the handling rules for classified information destroying 33,000 State Department emails on her private server set-up to avoid public scrutiny and FOIA requests. Cartwright, although achieving tremendous statue as a Four Star General Officer in the Marine Corps, one of the absolute best, did break the law. Unlike Clinton, he expects to pay a price because he knows what duty, honor, country looks, smells and feels like. Although Cartwright committed a crime, Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve to even shine his boots.

Cartwright’s sins are 1/33,000th of Clinton’s but somehow, someway FBI Director Comey brings this one to prosecution. The law is the law, unless of course Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch instruct otherwise.

Wake up people, we are slowly being boiled in warm water and our liberty and justice is in peril.

Dateline: 5 July 2016 — Update: Sadly, we have two America’s. In one America 99% of us would have been prosecuted for violating federal law for failure to properly handle classified information and conducting government business on a personal private server. In the new transformed America ushered in by Obama, DoJ Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, and Clinton, the elites protect their own as they did today with Hillary Clinton.

(Dateline 30 January 2016) We have two America’s. In one America the 99%ers follow the law and use government computer systems and government email addresses provided. In another America the 1%ers use their private servers, private email accounts and their personal devices to do government business, expressively forbidden and against the law. In one America 99% of government employees read and abide by policies established and put in place to uphold the interests of the nation and respect the laws of the land. In another America, the 1%ers find these laws to not apply to them because they are a privileged class that we are lucky to have “leading” us. To the 1%ers it is inconvenient to abide by the laws for the public because they know better than the 99%ers and after all, these laws are for the public, not for them.

Classified information? Why should that make a difference to the 1%ers? After all, they know what is really classified and their judgment affords them the superior authority to make decisions on what is classified and what is not. The 1%ers know better than the classification authorities that have decades of experiences protecting information from our enemies and safeguarding US interests. The 1%ers may come and go in governmental political positions but who are the 99%ers in the three letter agencies that have been trained and have rich experience classifying documents and protecting means and methods to judge them?

Snowden is a 99%er, he should be prosecuted. General Petraeus, he hung around with the 1%ers but he’s really a 99%er, after all he was in the military. He was prosecuted. He at least got a plea bargain. PFC Manning, US Army, 99%er, Ft. Leavenworth (and later pardoned by President Obama because he is a protected class as a Transsexual)  preferred. CIA Director John Deutch, Clinton Administration, 1%er, brought classified information to his home and loaded it on personal computers, not prosecuted. Two America’s. 99%ers are prosecuted and go to jail for violating US policies compromising sensitive or classified information. 1%ers? The political class? The Elite? Not so much.

After seven years of the Obama Administration, we are about to find out how much of America’s Rule of Law remains intact. Can the FBI do its job without political pressure and influence? Does the rule of law apply to all Americans or just the 99%ers? Will Hillary Clinton be treated equally under the law or will there be exemptions, excuses and a fall person or two that covers the gross planned, orchestrated negligence? Will the Department of Justice follow the law? As a 99%er, it saddens me to even write that. It may be time to Occupy the DoJ. #Justice!
