To the Tyrants

by Guardian 6                                       8 November 2020

While the leftist news media that is America’s Mainstream Media (MSM) has declared the presidential race for Joe Biden, a majority of Americans are both perplexed and shocked at this outcome. How can a failed 47 year politician that literally campaigned from his basement and failed to garner voter enthusiasm win? All things are possible when good men and women choose tyranny over freedom as they put this special constitutional republic that is America at risk. Dark forces are in play.

Tech Giants. To the Technology Giants that censored President Trump, news outlets and hid stories not favorable to Biden, you will suffer significant loss of market share and you will be met in court  with several class action lawsuits. A majority of Americans are sickened by statist tactics.

MSM. You openly favored Biden over Trump. You shaped the news for four years to attack President Trump, his family and his cabinet. Your tyranny weakened America and weakened our institutions. You created one fake news story after another as hit jobs on the president. America witnessed your elitist attitudes daily and now there is no doubt that you are true frauds. Foxnews, Drudge Report and the other conservative sell outs you will burn in hell. CNN, MSNBC and the Washington Post you are not worthy of comment.

Beltway Generals & Admirals. To the military career political types like James Clapper, Mike Hayden and Stan McCrystal your public contempt for the Commander and Chief sets a poor example to members of the Armed Forces, to their parents and their loved one’s and you have violated a basic tenet of Civil Military Relations failing to remain apolitical. Your egos and thirst to be loved by the swamp power class demonstrates your ultimate lack of character and candor. You are brazen failures.

Democratic Members of Congress. You put your party over our country. You set the country ablaze with the Russian Hoax, the Ukranian Hoax and your classless behavior toward the president. You are led by a tyrant in Nancy Pelosi who is an elitist out of touch with the American people. You are filled with hate and despise our individual liberties. You have bankrupted our country and the next generation with massive debt. You stuff your pockets with American wealth and live by a different set of rules. You are openly anti-American and the Squad actively undermines America. You personify empty barrels that make the most noise while failing to positively impact the lives of Americans. Adam Schiff is perhaps the greatest congressional tyrant in US history. He has lied unabashedly about President Trump  and putting the country through hell fully enabled by Speaker Pelosi. Pelosi and Schiff are sick, demented humans. Schumer, Nadler and the lot of them offer no answer, no solutions. Just hate and discontent. Power first and foremost, rules and good governance be damned. 

Robert Mueller, James Comey & John Brennan. In a different time not too long ago, you would be prosecuted for treason. You sold out our country, corrupted our institutions and promulgated false lies about our president. You personify the word tyrant. You are statists. You are not Americans. You are not patriots. You disgust a majority of Americans. You are tools of the swamp and masters of deception. Hell awaits you three self righteous assholes.

Hammer & Scorecard Tyrants. If you deployed these tools of war in this election, or previous one’s, you will be caught. I know having gotten away with all you have against President Trump you feel invincible. You are not. Eventually, good people will come forward before you Clintoncide them. You are destroying our republic and show such little regard for your fellow citizens. You will be caught. We know who you are and we know this software has likely been deployed to manipulate the vote. Justice is coming.

Stooges. I do not know what you are getting paid to manipulate the vote count in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, etc. but you have sold your soul and sold out your country. Is it worth it? The Democratic Machine is soulless and full of tyrants.

Project Lincoln & RINOs. Nobody likes disloyal assholes like you. Nobody likes you. Nobody!

China. You now have your Manchurian candidate Joe Biden. You took Hong Kong and many of us suspect you have a plan to attempt to take Taiwan within the next couple years. Is this the blackmail price for Joe Biden’s silence? You unleashed a virus on the western world to destroy our economies, weaken President Trump and to overtake the US economy. You are counting on Joe Biden to tolerate China’s rise to economic, space and military dominance.  Xi JinPing you overplayed your hand. Badly. I leave it there for now. There are many more Americans than Stooges and Sellouts. JinPing, just remember the word, “Badly,” asshole.

To my fellow American patriots, I am like you still processing the bold, criminal undermining of our election system. I trust President Trump and many of the good people that surround him. We know this election was sytematically stolen from us. Day by day the President lost votes each night in the cover of darkness with poll watchers blocked from observering. Now is a time to stand with President Trump and push back against the Mob. I for one will do that. America First!


Dems Not Fit To Serve – MAGA Rally Time

President Trump, “Promise made, promise kept!”


by Guardian 6                                        

Dateline 18 May 2019    The Swamp

How much longer do we have to put up with these anti-American forces in Congress and the media? We have to speak up and rally not only the #MAGA base but people who love America and take tremendous pride in our country. The vast majority of Americans now know they’ve been duped for decades as it relates to the economy, trade deals and handouts by the connected in government to keep them in government. Open minded Americans are woke!

Democrats and their extreme members (AOC, Talib and Omar to name a few) are not fit to serve. They are radicals that do not love America. Every opportunity they get to spit on America they take it. They hate the average American, view us as ignorant and prioritize their own agenda and the illegal invasion. Last six months 500,000 illegal immigrants entered the US and who the hell knows where they went … likely a town near you! Think about that, 500,000 illegal immigrants have entered the United States since December 2018 and the Democrats find this acceptable and are on record stating there is no crisis. They are insane and NOT FIT TO Serve! This is the equivalent to the number of people that live in Atlanta, Kansas City or Miami just walking into the US and setting up camp. Outrageous!

This is our country and members in Congress are supposed to represent our interests. The Democrats are remaking America in their progressive image and call us all racists when we object. Hey folks, this is our country, not the lunes in Congress! We need to remember we are in charge. It is bold statement time. Open to suggestions but my thought is a 5 million person MAGA rally in DC and/or in several cities throughout the US simultaneously. We need to get organized for MAGA2020 and shut up and shutdown the radicals.

Talk to me. Leave comments. Let’s go!


Empty Barrels on Display

The Swamp, January 31st, 2018

If you watched the State of the Union (SOTU) last night, you saw many empty barrels on full display. These empty barrells couldn’t even bring themselves to applaud the success America has had over the last year due to their hatred of President Trump among other reasons, perhaps. Why did these democrats choose to remain seated and looking so disgusted while their republican counterparts applauded and stood? Here  is the list of things that the democrats were upset about as they refused the courtesy of standing:

  1. Increased wages
  2. Record low unemployment among minorities
  3. Job creation and higher wages, bonuses from employers to employees
  4. The American flag & National Anthem
  5. In God we Trust
  6. Path to citizenship for Dreamers, “Americans have dreams too”
  7. Increased defense spending and a defense budget
  8. Defeating the “JV Team” (ISIS in Syria & Iraq)

Looking at the list, there sure is a lot to be angry with if you hate America, or you want to see President Trump fail at all cost. Sadly, these empty barrels represent almost half the country. However, this optimist believes their constituents, the majority of them, find their behavior repugnant and disrespectful.

Last week the empty barrells shut down the government. This week they disrespected the President and the American people with their poor behavior at the SOTU. Hatred never wins. I guess it is going to take another election cycle for the democrats to learn this all over again.

America is winning again and the average citizen feels it, sees it and wants to celebrate it. According to CBS, 75% of Americans liked the President’s speech. Not the democrats. They are hoping for President Trump to fail, thereby America failing. The Elitists are losing and the Deplorables are winning again, bigly! The American people and their interests are first and foremost. Results matter, empty barrels should take note.

… and one more thing, President Tump made about 15 big campaign promises prior to being elected. I hope you’re keeping score because in the Trump world a promise made, is a promise kept!



State of the Union Preview

Dateline Somewhere in the Midwest, January 28th, 2018

by Blackjack Pershing

Let’s get right down to business; what follows is a set of predictions, observations and wishlist items for the pageant know as the SOTU Address.
The Gallery: we know Melania will be up there looking hot; we’ve been told to expect the so called dreamers as guests of Dicky Doo Dah and others; we’ve been told the gentleman who rushed to the church shooting in TX will be there.  Who else would we like to see? Diamond and Silk, as many wounded veterans as possible, and maybe some of those folks in Puerto Rico who caught the paper towels that @Potus was chucking.
Boycotters: in addition to Aunty Max and a few other angry leftist puppets, we’d like to see all of the democrats sit this one out.  We then have one big pep rally for @potus.  And we can give their seats to wounded vets and paper towel recipients.
The Walk In: as in the past the President will walk into congress with many well wishers reaching to shake his hand.  This time why not do some swag distribution.  @potus should hand out MAGA hats, t-shirts, mugs and other premiums to these excited well wishers as he walks in.   Maybe even some Trump Wine, Trump Ties, Trump Steaks, etc etc etc.
VP & Speaker: we’ve seen over the years many sets of Vice Presidents and Speakers looking sometimes bored, sometimes happy, sometimes disgusted.  Poor John Boehner suffered through many bouts of Obama’s gasbaggery.  This year, with an aligned and friendly VP and Speaker, we recommend they occasionally stand up and do the hockey power play dance, demonstrated with great precision in this link by a St Louis Blues Fan:
Key Messages we can expect to hear from @potus:
– America is well on the way to being great again
– Tax cuts working: companies sharing wealth with employees and Apple repatriating billions
Black unemployment lowest in history!
– North Korea bad
– Little Rocket Man is chubby and not helpful
– The Wall!
– DACA for the Wall
– ‘Chuck & Nancy’ not helpful!
– Jay Zee a no good crack dealing chowder head
– infrastructure will be built on time and under budget!
– China not helpful!
– Dicky Doo Dah Durbin not helpful!
we will win so much we will get tired of winning!
– America First
– We will not allow unfair solar panels and washing machines!
– @Potus very healthy!  Won his physical! Celebratory Big Mac! 
The Aftermath: the Very Fake MSM will pan the speech as unspecific and go right back to Russia and almost but not quite firing Lurch 2.0 aka Mueller.  However, Deplorables across the nation will be pleased.  
Open questions:
– who else will boycott?
– will there be a paper towel throw to several friendly Supreme Court members or the Joint Chiefs?
– will any new forever nick names be awarded?
– Will there be a potshot taken at the Very Fake MSM?
– Many many possibilities await!
Thoughts?  Please leave a comment!



What is Needed in Haiti – Real Change

Dateline January 13th, 2018

The 53rd Regiment is republishing this artile about what is needed in Haiti to truly effect real change. Since there is now great interest in Haiti with President Trump’s alleged inartful description of Haiti among  other countries by Senator Dick Durbin, it is an opportunity to call attention once again to what is needed in Haiti. The good news is if you truly care and want to get beyond words, you can help. Please take the time to read Patrick’s article below.

The 53rd Regiment can personally attest to the phenominal work being done by the Haitian Project. My daughter and I have a life long memory visiting the school over Thanksgiving eight years ago and being extremely impressed watching the children learn difficult subjects in three languages. Outrage is cheap these days. If you really want to make a statement and help, make a donation to the Louverature Cleary School. The 53rd Regiment is extremely proud to note that we have been supporting Haiti and this school for over two decades. Many members of the 53rd are supporters. The Haitian Project would welcome your support.

Article as originally posted May 11th, 2016 follows. 

By Deacon Patrick Moynihan, President of The Haitian Project and Head of Louverture Cleary School

It’s time to get back to what works.

Throughout history, education has proven itself to be the most reliable tool for promoting the advancement of individuals and societies. Still, major foundations (think Gates and Clinton) and philanthropic initiatives around the world fail to properly prioritize education as the best road out of poverty.  They prefer instead more ephemeral and emotional initiatives like health care and shelter; or more “exciting” ideas like microfinance and mobile banking.  While there is certainly a place for relief (food, water, shelter etc.), it seems the world has wrongly conflated these things with development and now heavily funds what are in many cases symptoms of poverty, not solutions to poverty.

Education, however, is a solution. And, we need more of it.

For the last 20 years, I have lived and worked in Haiti with my family as president of The Haitian Project, Inc., which supports and operates Louverture Cleary School, a top-notch, tuition free Catholic secondary boarding school in Haiti that forms the future servant-leaders of the country. We empower the young individual to be a catalyst for change in their own life and in their community.

Time and again our students and alumni do prove that education is the surest way out of poverty and towards a brighter future for Haiti. In a country where just 3% of young people graduate high school and over 70% of college graduates leave the country, 90% of our alumni are either studying or working IN HAITI. Many are earning 10-15 times the per capita income of Haiti.  They then use their own success to build strong families and to send their own children to school, and often their extended family as well.

All of our alumni are giving back to their communities and their country. This is by design. The school’s motto comes from Mt. 10:8; “What you receive for free, you must give for free.”

Education works because it not only helps the individual make the most out of the current opportunities and infrastructure available, it helps him or her develop new opportunities and build more advanced infrastructure. Therefore, education is potentially the most basic of development tools. It also is the one that naturally causes and allows the individual to become part of their own advancement. Unlike medical procedures, loans or something that remains external, education is internalized by the person who receives it and it becomes their tool.

It is clear that Haitians themselves prioritize education and recognize its potential.  The world should listen:

  • While just 20% of foreign aid is spent on education, Haitians make education their priority by dedicating over 80% of their remittances to pay for the education of their children.
  • The high demand for education has ensured that teaching is one of the most highly paid professions in Haiti.
  • Every May at LCS 250-300 Louverturian hopefuls line up around the block at 4 am to take our entrance exam and to have a shot at an education that will undoubtedly change their life, and also the lives of those around them.

Real change in Haiti can come only through Haitians themselves, and education equips them to make that change personally and for their country. My 20 years in Haiti has taught me that there are no “silver bullets.” But, they have also taught me that there is hope. The stories of our graduates below leave no doubt in my mind that Haiti’s better tomorrow is an achievable reality.

Education Works

Cultivating Resources for Haiti

Video: #Real Change

Always Employed

Pharmacist Cures Self Medication

Please consider donating to The Haitian Project. Your just reward awaits you both in heaven and on earth.

The Haitian Project, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that runs a tuition free Catholic boarding school in Haiti for 360 students in order to nurture the future leaders of the country. Visit their website for more information or donate now.

Stocking Stuffers for Swamp Dwellers

By Black Jack Pershing

Dateline December 23rd, 2017 St. Louis, Mo.

Merry Christmas 53rd Nation!!!  And a very Merry Christmas it is as we get ready to open our presents from POTUS: a yuuuuge tax cut and a new National Security Strategy that confronts reality.  Ah yes, let’s enjoy our gifts, sit by the fire, turn on your favorite classic Christmas tunes, watch unemployment drop, the stock market soar, extra bigly winning  and read some mean tweets from POTUS.  Very very Merry, indeed!

But wait!  We cannot let the season pass without getting some last minute stocking stuffers for our friends in the swamp!  They are so sad and in need of a little yuletide pickmeup.  Here ya go Swamp Dwellers: some stocking stuffers from Black Jack Pershing:

Chuck and Nancy’: probably the most practical gift for these two sad cases is a crying towel.  All this winning will be making Cryin Chuck and Sad Nancy very very emotional.  I recommend this one:

Robert Mueller: Lurch really missed his calling as a character actor in Hollywood.  He’s spent lots of time with his lefty swamp buddies trying to find dirt on POTUS to no avail.  Certainly he’s be more productive in small roles in films.  Some I think he could have handled?  Herman Munster, aforementioned Lurch in the Adam’s Family.  The tall guy who’s face you never saw in Police Squad, the narrator on Unsolved Mysteries like Robert Stack, any losing contestant on any game show, and any Fed who meets a sad fate in a God Father remake.  So Lurch gets an acting class:

Bill and Hill: oh my.  Things just get worse and worse for these two.  The Democratic Party has woken up like Rip Van Winkle and now says Bill did the dirty for real.  Hill just goes on and on and seems like one of the Japanese Hold Outs lost in the island jungles after WW2, that thought the war was still on 25 years later.  For Bill & Hill something from Dr Phil: Relationship Rescue!

Jeff Sessions: poor Forest Gump Sessions just don’t know what t’do!  Here ya go Jeff: Law for Dummies!  Perfectly appropriate!

ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS, MSNBC (Media Industrial Complex): what do you get the Swamp Propagandists?  Something they would very much enjoy!  Yes!  A biography of their patron saint, Joey G, ENJOY!:

John McCain: as we know, he’s not ending his career so well.  Maybe he just needs a few reminders.  Here’s a copy of the Republican Platform JohnnyM – seems like you’ve disregarded it on occasion of late, out of personal malice.  Stop that!:

Lyndsay Graham: he’s exhibited signs of life of late, and has separated from his 3 legged race partner, Senator McCain.  BUT – Lyndsay still needs his big boy pants on occasion – this box may not fit in the stocking so we’ll put it under the tree – feel free to use these Huggies during the day too, Senator:

Jeff Flake: easy one!  Get a job, big dummy!!:

McCaskill, Pocahontas, Feinstein, Shelby, Leahy, McConnel, Lamar, Bernie, Hatch, Grassley, & many other old goats : I know a great place that will take such good care of you.  Time to move on please; Lindsay can lend you some huggies too:

Here’s another good one – we’ll give you a reference!

Al Franken: a free pass to Meadows Rehab with Harvey.  Get goin, already, Al!  Ya creep!

The State Department: many of you elitist chowder heads have high falutin degrees from ivy league institutions.  Among the many dopey things they had you read, one was missing.  Here’s a link to General Washington’s farewell address and I’d point you to the part of foreign entanglements.  ENJOY!

The Federal Bureaucracy: Hurry and read it!  The boss will eventually hold you accountable!

That’s enough stocking stuffers for the year, 53rd Nation.  Who’d I miss?  Leave a comment!  

Merry Christmas!