David’s Slingshot To The CCP’s Goliath

Taiwan To Serve As The Slingshot That Destroys The Chinese Communist Party!

Dateline: 20 February 2023

by Going Deep with Deacon Mike From “The High Plains of New Mexico”

Xi Jinping and his CCP ruling elites should continuously evaluate, reevaluate and evaluate some more before they take another step towards war with Taiwan and its Western allies. Taiwan is “The Little Engine That Could”! It has built its economy on the Western Principles of Freedom, Transparency, Accountability and Free Market Governance. “The Republic of China” (aka Taiwan) is the polar opposite to the CCP’s governance of Mainland Communist China where freedom of speech, religion, press and assembly simply do not exist.

As we have recently witnessed, the people of Communist China resent the hell out of the lockdown tactics of their ruling elites and the overbearing harshness and cruelty of their overlords. This natural yearning by the Chinese people to toss off the yoke of repression and governance by fear & intimidation can and should be used by Taiwan to defeat those who would wipe away the impressive track record of economic success in Taiwan. Taiwan serves as a faithful and reliable trade partner to its Western allies and friendly neighbors. Their reliability needs to valued and honored. It stands in stark contrast to the CCP’s cruel rule of mainland China.

If the CCP continues to move towards war with Taiwan, there are several other factors that they will need to consider. We are sure that the CCP must be thinking about them. Here’s a partial list of ”Food for Thought” that we recommend gratis to our own most threatening adversary and Taiwan’s Number One Public Enemy!

1.)  The Chinese Communist Party’s Chairman Xi Jinping and his Advisors vastly underestimate the tenacity of a Free People when threatened by the hostile takeover of a murderous regime. The Taiwanese will inflict grave damage upon those who would enslave them. Xi will be humiliated and forced to vacate his lofty position.

2.)  China has absolutely NO experience in combined warfare when leveraging their joint capabilities. Neither does Taiwan but guess who does? Well, that would be the USA, our Western European Allies, Australia, The Philippines, South Korea, Japan and New Zealand. That which Taiwan lacks will be supplemented and greatly enhanced by its neighbors and friends.

3.)  The CCP will need to ask itself many times over and over again: “How do we feed 1.4 Billion starving Chinese countrymen?” Surely the CCP understands that once kinetic warfare begins, the CCP will lose access to its most lucrative global markets. The trade that the CCP has come to expect to fund their malevolent efforts all around the world comes to a screeching halt. “Sorry Charry! No Ticky, No Laundry!”

4.)  When the CCP begins seizing American businesses in China being run by “woke” leftist American CEOs too entrenched and stupid to leave beforehand, Communist China will pay a most severe price as it loses all access to Wall Street and sees it’s own American based factories, farms and properties confiscated and sold off. The profits from those sales could be donated to charitable foundations dedicated to the rebuilding of damaged Taiwanese properties.

5.)  The CCP’s raw materials supply lines will be completely sealed off from ever reaching the Chinese mainland. All that money spent to build their “Belt and Road Initiative” to steal from poorer nations will come to naught as their belts lose their buckles and their roads are bombed into potholes.

6.)  The CCP “thinks” they have done enough spying and subterfuge to know and understand American Warfighting Capabilities. They think that they have paid off enough corrupt American politicians to advance their knowledge of American weapons advancement. In reality, they have no idea of what will hit them and how hard they will be hit if they step into the arena.

7.)  The CCP believing that they have the goods on the Biden Crime Family may elect to jump early before a new American hardline President is elected in 2024. This would only add to their self-inflicted pain as they not only shoot themselves in both feet but also their groin and their head! The reelection of one Donald J. Trump with all of his new tariffs and promised Covid Penalties would be cemented in stone assuring the CCP’s China a journey backwards in time of 100 years or more. Reopen the Opium Dens!

8.)  China’s many American Collaborators in Congress will be identified by the newly formed China Committee and jailed for lengthy terms as American Traitors. The CCP will lose any influence that it once had in the USA and the suffering that follows in the CCP’s China will surely lead to the removal of Chairman Xi and the collapse of its inhumane regime. State Trials are assured. As in the case of the Nuremburg Trials, crimes against humanity (ie. the Genocide of the Uyghyr Muslims) will result in capital punishment and public hangings.

9.)  There are rumors circulating of the re-formation of Pappy Boyington’s original “Baa Baa Black Sheep” Unit and “Doolittle’s Raiders” both of which made their respective marks on military history during WW II. In addition, there has been discussion of a new Tuskagee Airmen “Red Tails” Unit. Rumors abound that the new units will all be equipped with American stealth technology. The resurrected units will be staged in special operations centers and able to strike under the radar and without warning, true game changers!

10.)One last point, Taiwan does not need to win an outright military victory to be viewed as a Gold Medal Winner in any battle with its Big Bully Evil Brother, the CCP! Taiwan already has and will continue to have the deep respect of the civilized world while the CCP circles the old bowl and joins the many other historical & dictatorial murderous regimes of the past. It truly is sad that such ambitious and industrious people are controlled by the CCP and fail at learning life’s lessons!

The number one life lesson that China’s CCP may want to study and embrace is the Golden Rule! “Treat others as you would have them treat you.”And if the CCP needs it stated more clearly? “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.”

We welcome your comments and additional input! We at the 53rd Regiment emphasize: BE HEARD!!!


(Trump) US China Reset Has Started … Xi Jinping Awakened Sleeping Giant

By BlackJack Pershing: @PershingSoldier on Twitter, @BlackJackPershing on Truth and @BlakJakPershing on GETTR

Dateline 18 February

     Democracy is liberty – a liberty which does not infringe on the liberty nor encroach on the rights of others; a liberty which maintains strict discipline, and makes law its guarantee and the basis of its exercise. This alone is true liberty; this alone can produce true democracy. –Chiang Kai Shek

     Fellow patriots it was not that long ago that China was not under the yoke of the CCP.  A long civil war that overlapped WW2 was fought in China between nationalists and communists, ultimately won under the brutal and relentless drive of Mao.  Mao, by the way, was a madman on equal scale with Hitler and Stalin – no one discusses it these days – but – that’s fact.  Chiang Kai Shek was the imperfect leader of the resistance back then.  He ultimately fled to Taiwan.  This is part of the reason why Xi wants control of Taiwan so badly.  It’s unfinished business for the CCP.  A bastion of freedom close by that reminds Chinese citizens of their real history.  

So given the recent provocations by the CCP (there are legitimate questions as to how much control Xi actually has), what should we expect from the 2nd term (3rd technically) of Donald J Trump?  In short, look for a massive overhaul and correction.  A few highlights:

Reparations for Covid: China will pay for the destruction it gave the entire world, starting estimates are $20 Trillion.  Likely paid via tariffs but its coming.  

Balloons: payback for the balloons, Hawaii/Guam laser shows and other Chinese surprises?  Likely direct overflights of China using our latest high altitude stealth technology, drones and likely some tech we do not know about.  Space Force will actively demonstrate satellite killing technology.  And watch for us to poke at China – just to see what they will do.  That’s what they just did and have been doing.  It’s time for pay back.  No one knows what it will look like.  

Access to US Universities: Drastically reduced.  No Chinese national will be allowed access to any US STEM programming.  Ivy League institutions who have profited directly from Chinese betrayal will be wickedly upset.  We will allow access to a handful of approved liberal arts colleges that teach liberty/freedom/western civilization in the formerly grand tradition.  We now have approximately 300,000 Chinese students in US colleges.  3 years form now?  We will be down to 30,000.  

Pacific Zone Strategy: the US will develop a robust answer to China with a Pacific version of NATO in which key pillars will be the Philippines, Japan, Australia, South Korea and yes, overtly, Taiwan.  An aggressive mix of Naval, Space and land based forces will be cultivated.  We will ensure their biggest threats remain in their own back yard.  

Peel Off North Korea and Vietnam: what began under Trump in the first term will continue.  The relationship between Trump and the North Korean Dictator will allow us to move NK into the US sphere of influence.  Economic benefit will outweigh NK’s traditional emphasis on being a pariah state.  Many may find this action  unpalatable and it is – but it is more important to isolate China.  Vietnam is already far along in this evolution and is becoming a destination for businesses departing mainland China.  We will continue to develop an alliance with Vietnam.  The US will double the number of troops based on the Korean Peninsula and begin joint exercises in cooperation with North Korea.  

Repatriate US businesses from China: Trump will lead a unified Republican congress in outlawing most manufacturing done in China.  Anything that uses advanced technology in anyway – will not be made in China if it’s destination is the United States.  Tarrifs will apply to everything else from shovels to laundry baskets.  China used our open economy against us – that will be reversed in short order.  

No Chinese Investments in the US: China will be cut off from buying US real estate of any kind and from purchasing US businesses of any kind.  TikTok is done as far as US access goes.  

Begin the End of Uighur Genocide: aggressive work will be done to uncover exactly what is being done on the mainland with this exploited and tortured minority in China. Insist world governing bodies that we fund work on the issue or defund them.  Trump will lead this effort loudly just as he did with the deadbeat NATO members not living up to their obligations for funding.  The horror will be exposed in detail much the way the holocaust was exposed at the end of WW2.  

Unbelt and Unroad: President trump will take great pleasure in developing a strategy to counter Belt and Road.  Ironically the tools are already there.  We just need to use them,  From here on out, no foreign aid will be awarded to any country unless the recipient guarantees there will be no participation in the so called ‘Belt and Road’ Chinese infrastructure initiatives.  We will build on this by further ensuring US trade policies amplify the same.  Want to trade with the US with a minimum of tariffs?  OK.  No Belt and Road in your country.  Otherwise no trade or massive tariffs.  This is coming.  

China Loses Face: perhaps worst of all for Xi, Mr Trump will look for every opportunity to ensure that whatever esteem or good will Mr Xi thinks he’s built up over the last 10 years, is erased.  China, desperate to be taken seriously, will be exposed as the Godless empty vessel it is under CCP leadership.  

US Military Prepares for 22nd Century Warfare: View it as either necessary, if early, or provoked by China, but the US Military knows it must counter China’s malevolent aims.  Countering EMP threats, countering misinformation/disinformation driven by woke China assets in the US, cultivating a healthy and fit population, realigning higher ed with American ideals, controlling our borders, becoming energy independent and an exporter of energy will be part of the strategy.  The basics of having the best weapons on the planet must continue.  

So fellow patriots those are the basic tenets to watch for as President Trump begins the long overdue correction of CCP led China in his coming term.  Watch for it all to begin/happen with lightning speed the day he takes the oath of office.  No Chairman Xi – this is not he beginning of 1000 years of China dominance.  Quite the opposite.  We are at the dawn of a major course correction that helps Chinese citizen reclaim their heritage and freedom.  

What did I miss?  Please comment below.



Communist China’s American Robber Baron’s

Profits at any cost. Sellout American workers for a better deal in China. Trade sensitive technologies for a better deal in China. Exchange American intellectual property, manufacturing expertise and American ownership for a better deal in China. Compromise the American supply chain for a better deal in China. Hollow out US infrastructure and manufacturing prowess for a better deal in China. Sell American farmland for increased pennies on the acre by the Chinese. Sell American cattle ranches for increased dollars on the head. Avoid regulations and taxes for a better deal in China.

Robber Baron: a person who has become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices.

by Guardian 6

Dateline: 15 February 2023          Colorado

Communist China’s Robber Baron’s:

Blackrock CEO Larry Fink. Using American 401K investment dollars Larry builds up China and the communist regime. “He calls democracy ‘messy.’ Props up the Chinese Communist Party.  “Praises [Chinese President] Xi and his regime, known for violent oppression.” As China cracks down domestically ruling its people with an iron fist and imprisoning one million Uyghurs in forced labor camps, Fink see’s opportunity for investment growth creating financial vehicles to help prop up the regime.

National Basketball Association. Lebron James is the face of the NBA in China. While “King James” rails in support of Black Lives Matter and often criticizes police officers here in the States, he’s silent about the imprisoned Uyghurs. The NBA has been silent on China’s human rights violations, including its treatment of Uyghur Muslims, with human rights organizations decrying this genocide but with NBA owners and the league investing over $10 billion in China, money trumps genocide. Billionaire Hedge Fund and part owner of the San Francisco Warriors, Chamath Palihapitiya had this to say, “Nobody cares about what’s happening to the Uyghurs, OK? You bring it up because you really care, and I think it’s nice that you care, the rest of us don’t care.” Not much more than a PR clean up job for the Warriors and NBA. He said the quiet part out loud. It’s about the money.

Nike. “Nike is a brand that is of China and for China,” CEO John Donahoe told Wall Street analysts last week in response to a question about competition from Chinese companies during a call about fourth-quarter earnings, “We’ve always taken a long-term view. We’ve been in China for over 40 years,” Donahoe said, expressing his optimism that the brand will continue to grow quickly in the world’s most populous country. I guess the Uyghurs that are suffering today is a problem Nike and Donahue ignore under their “long-term view,” whatever that means. I’ll translate, Nike operates in communist China for the money.

Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Hedge Funds & China. Dalio is another communist enabler preaching there is a New World Order (NWO) coming with China replacing the United States. Dalio owns many Chinese companies through his investments and licks the Chinese ice cream cone often on MSNBC Business network singing communist China’s praises. Eating Chinese ice cream is a passion he shares with Biden. It wasn’t too long ago where Dalio compared China’s human rights abuses to a “strict parent.” Yeah, what’s a little enslavement in ethnic camps for Uyghurs, or organ harvesting, or locking hundreds of thousands of people in their apartments during COVID to stop the spread resulting in mass suicides and starvation. Yup, this is the kind of place Ray Dalio prefers to do business over America.

Apple and Tim Cook, CEO. Nothing like a $275 billion dollar payoff to Apple’s overlord, the communist Chinese government and Xi Jinping. In exchange for Tim Cook’s Apple investing in China CCP’s high technology sector and funding Chinese suppliers for Apple products in the communist parties 2016 five-year plan, Tim secured his communist minders “necessary support and assistance.” What else did Tim Apple give up?  Technology transfers include a deal with China’s largest wind turbine maker, Xinjiang Goldwind Science and Technology; made plans to move iCloud operations to China in 2017; launched a $300 million investment fund for clean energy in China in 2018;  opened 11 more retail stores in mainland China; and brought Chinese manufacturer Luxshare into I-Phone 13 production.  Tim Apple (Cook) appears to be a China First man too like the other Robber Barons.

These are only five of the companies and individuals that are selling out American national security and jobs. Amazon, Google, General Motors, Ford, Pfizer, General Electric, Smithfield Foods, Coke, McDonalds and the list goes on. There are hundreds of American companies supporting the buildup of communist China at America’s expense.

It is all about the profits with these Robber Barons. It’s not about what is best for America’s national security, nor American workers, nor America’s cities and industrial base. Nah, these masterminds, companies and organizations put America and its people last.


The Mooning of America

by Deacon Mike … Ruminating

Artwork by Joseph Eder, internationally recognized Artist

Dateline: 11 February 2023

Any red-blooded patriotic American just has to be deeply troubled by the inactions of our illustrious President and his loathsome administration over the past couple of weeks especially as it regards our once great country and the permitted slow passage of “Xi’s Balloons” over the length and width of the USA. What’s up with that? 

Why would a President no matter how weak and incompetent, sworn under oath to protect and defend our country, allow our number one adversary to fly his spy-ship openly in our airspace for hours on end?  

Why would a government that tries to censor so much news from its citizens , allow “Xi’s Balloon” to be televised crossing wistfully across the Northwest, the Great Plains and the Southeast?

Why would any President, even a monstrosity like “Dopey Joe”, wait to give the order to shoot it down until it was over the Atlantic Ocean having completed its spy mission? Was it really because the administration was worried about a debris field showering the residents below? 

When it was over Montana, those residents would have included the deer, the elk, prairie dogs, some wolves and some bison but very few actual human beings! The skies above Montana would have served as a perfect place to mark the target and fire a rocket into Xi’s “billion dollar balloon”!  That Did Not Happen! No order was given to bring it down. Why not?

The answers to each of these questions is troubling at best. Any thinking American, any American with an ounce of wonder, indeed any American with any awareness of right vs. wrong, has to be asking themselves these very same questions. Any American that realizes that the “Mainstream Media” has become nothing more than a government financed propaganda machine realizes that it has been telling our “reporters and broadcast journalists” what to think and how to explain their “Breaking News” to their minions.

As Americans, each of us should take a step back and really think deeply about what is happening in plain sight and put right out in front of us with so little regard to what and how we think about it. “They” must really think that we are “tres stupide” (a little French Lingo there)!

Let’s break down the potential rewards for “Dopey Joe” and Chairman Xi in their very public Quid Pro Quo. Shall we? Chairman Xi comes first as he the most to gain.

  1. Xi’s Balloon loaded up with the best High Tech Cameras that his Uyghur slaves can assemble is able to navigate his “Low Tech” Spy Satellite right over our Montana based ICBM silos. Chairman Xi says that he has no control over his “weather balloons” and that they kind of just float along with the breeze. It is purely coincidental that we had missile silos beneath his balloon and that his cameras and sound equipment took photos and listened in on the military conversations below.
  1. Xi’s Balloon floats toward the Midwest and a number of our top military bases where we house our B2 Bombers and Strategic Air Command. NORAD just happens to be on the flight path of Xi’s Balloon. Purely coincidental that the balloon floated that way. Must have been the Winds of Destiny or perhaps Xi “breaking wind”!
  1. On its path towards the Atlantic Ocean, Xi’s Balloon was able to gather in the cell phone numbers and personal data of millions of unsuspecting Americans. Unfortunately, those citizens with the Tik Tok App downloaded on their iPhones gave up their information unwittingly and in abundance. Chairman Xi commented that things are a little glum back in China right now where Covid has mutated again and millions upon millions are sick with the virus. That being the case….”We all need  good laugh back home and you Americans make funniest Tik Tok videos! Do you blame CCP for watching The Libs of Tik Tok? They are very very clazy! They almost as funny as your President Dopey Joe, NO JOKE!!!”
  1. Chairman Xi was testing his new Uyghur Slave Made Solar Panels! They were used to power the electronic surveillance equipment and antennae used to spy on us! Xi was heard to exclaim: “Oh my! This good stuff! Exerent performance by my new gadgets! Give my Uyghurs extra portion of rice tonight! Cancel all organ transplants for 2 days as reward for derivering top secret information to me. Chairman Xi very very happy!”
  1. As Chairman Xi’s Balloon floated out to our East Coast and it appeared over Myrtle Beach, SC Chairman Xi was excited to look down upon all of the amusement parks that abound in that area. He was downright envious of the beautiful boardwalk. He got very thirsty when he saw the vast array of bars and restaurants. It was just at this moment when Xi heard a very loud explosion. He was heard to exclaim to his aides, “Is Dopey Joe in the room? I not want to get sick on this day, the best day of my life! I am living my best life! Not want to smell terrible pant load of Stinky Dopey Joe!!!”. His aides told Xi that one of our jet fighters had blown his Balloon to bits. Chairman Xi’s response? “That better than smelling Stinky Joe’s arse!” 
  1. Do you believe that the CCP’s Balloon, tattered and laying in pieces on the watersof the Atlantic Ocean and at the bottom of the sea, still had lots of value to our Chinese “betters”? Well it must because they want every last piece of its electronics and balloon skin back in their hands! Remember! The Chinese have 1.4 Billion citizens and slaves to their Communist state that can reassemble it using Super Glue and Gorilla Tape!!! Now what does Dopey Joe get out of his deal with Chairman Xi? Well let’s dive into that, shall we?
  2. It may be logical and indeed expected to ask the FBI to investigate any recent deposits into Stinky Joe’s Bank Accounts. (“Logical and indeed expected” if the FBI was still an agency led by people of high ethics and integrity.) His personal wealth has grown exponentially over his 50 years in politics while collecting government salaries the entire time. (Note: While those salaries and benefits would have provided most of us with a very nice standard of living, there is no way under the sun that any of us could have become multi-millionaires many times over! None of us would have been able to own 3 large, beautiful homes and the now famous Corvette on a Senator’s salary alone. And as Stinky Joe likes to boast, he is often referred to as “Middle Class Joe” ……. by himself one would suppose.) Our first question has to be: How much did Stinky Joe get from Xi and when did he get it?
  3. How much money does it take to satiate an Octogenarian?
  4. Will Stinky Joe be presented with his very own copy of Chairman Xi’s new book?It includes a centerfold photo array of Hunter and Joe “in action” while in China on “business meetings”. The rumored name of the tome? The Book of Biden Decay and Corruption of America Under Chinese Supervision.
  5. Humiliation and Mortification are sure to follow Stinky Joe and his family all the remaining days of their lives, gifted to the Bidens’ by Chairman Xi. Our fellow countrymen realize that the Bidens have turned their innermost hatred on their very own Middle Class Citizenry, our values, our faith in God, our respect for our divinely inspired U.S. Constitution, our love for God and neighbor. As Benedict Arnold betrayed our country for 10,000 pounds and a British military commission, “Stinky Joe” has betrayed our country and its history of principled leadership for his own self-aggrandizement, a wheelbarrow full of cash and gifts and an audience of his fellow Democrat / Commie phonies and our Chinese enemies that only want to steal everything that they can while “Stinky”, “Sleepy”, “Dopey” Joe leaves our doors wide open.

So what is the Numero Uno thing that Joe Biden and his family of grifters, thieves and gypsies has earned for himself and exposed our still great American culture and nation to?

The Answer: Chairman Xi’s Mooning of America!

Xi’s pants are down and he is laughing as he exposes his ample derriere over us every time one of his Balloons flies over us! There is nothing that “Stinky Joe” can do because Chairman Xi has the goods to hang over his head ……. and Xi is doing just that!!!


Democrats – Easy to Spot – Trail of Destruction

February 2 2023                     Mountains of Colorado 

Show me an American city with failing infrastructure and I’ll show you  an entrenched democratic party  that has driven the city into the ground  for decades through self enrichment and democratic mayors that pad their pockets.

Show me a broken education system where children can’t read, schools are dilapidated and teachers don’t care  and I’ll show you the Democratic Teachers Union running the show more focused on  themselves than teaching children.

Show me a state that is running big deficits, that has broken the backs of small businesses through tyrannical dictates during the  China Virus period and has a massive homeless problem and I’ll show you a blue state historically governed by democratic governors.

Show me a state with high taxes, where people are moving to the south and west and businesses are relocating out of the state and I’ll show you a democratic led state that has created an anti free market where the economy is imploding.

Show me a city where crime is rising or out of control and there is a defund the police movement, and I’ll show you a broken democratic led city that fails to protect its citizenry and their property.

Show me a community where Antifa and BLM own the streets and I’ll show you a woke democratic broken government where shirking their responsibilities is the norm.

Show me a professional sports league where professional athletes regularly take a knee during the presentation of our great American flag and I’ll show you a piss poor democratic commissioner that caters too haters, losers and selfish ingrates.

Show me a legislature that overspends, treats budgets like a monopoly game and taxes the hell out of their citizens and I’ll show you a democratic clown car filled with incompetents, takers and losers.

Show me a politician that has never had a market economy job and is a millionaire and I’ll show you a democrat that has grifted and profited at the expense of the American taxpayers.

Show me a college professor who teaches their students what to think instead of how to think through critical analysis and reasoning and I’ll show you a woke democratic dope that lacks intellectual curiosity.

Show me a Big Tech CEO that puts policies in place to eliminate free speech and censors people they disagree with and I’ll show you a democratic tyrant intimated by intellectual diversity of thought.

Show me a person that believes there are more than two genders and I’ll show you a democratic science denier that lives outside reality.

Show me a person that truly believes Joe Biden got 81 million votes and I’ll show you a legitimate low information voter with a marginal IQ or a myopic elitist.

Show me a New York Times or Washington Post reader and I’ll show you one of the most leftist lunes that lives in the Atlantic Bubble.

Show me a person that looks down upon the working class or judges people by their appearance and I’ll show you an elitist democrat.

Show me a 4X Vaxed Covid person and I’ll show you a lune wearing a double mask driving down the road in their car alone with a Biden-Harris sticker on it.

Please leave a comment if you have a “show me” correlation as well. Love to hear from you.


Be Heard!


Revenge of the Octogenarians

Dateline January 7, 2023     Somewhere In the Swamp

by: Angry Grandpa

“Octogenarian. A person whose age is in the eighties. 

Straight out of a Nursing Home, angrier than a hornets nest sprayed with Raid, the democratic Octogenarians in Congress are here to serve themselves and cling on to every last element of power we can before relinquishing our thrones. The young whippersnappers in Congress are lucky to have us to tell them what to do, to teach them how to get rich and most of all to teach them the power of incumbency and staying in office – forever! It’s what we do.

My Octogenarian A- Team includes my man Steny Hoyer (83) MD, Maxine Waters (84) CA, Bill Pascrell (85) NJ, Grace Napolatino (85) CA, Bernice Johnson (86) TX, Dianne Feinstein (88) CA, Jim Clyburn (81) SC and Nancy Pelosi (82) CA. Equipped with a nasty disposition and entitlement there is no law that we cannot get passed that exempts ourselves and adds more control over Americans while they still think they are free. Our Ten Point Plan:

1. We’ll tax ’em to the hilt

2. We’ll regulate them

3. We’ll sell their jobs to China

4. We’ll triple the cost of healthcare

5. We’ll hide our personal enrichment in Omnibus bills funding our friends who return massive amounts of money back to us

6. We’ll leverage our wealth through bills that personally benefit friends of Congress and time investments accordingly

7. Through our ESG schemes we’ll kill the oil & gas industry, tell Americans to buy electric cars that they can’t afford and we’ll pick industry winners & losers

8. We’ll use the pandemic to kill small businesses and enrich billionaires, we’ll lock Americans down, close their schools and build dependency on government programs to control them

9. We’ll cancel your ass when you get out of line and organize Americans against us.

10. We are the Deep State so we’ll use the Intel Community, the FBI and the News Media to control you, surveil you and when necessary jail your ass

Yup, it is good to be an Octogenarian with zero intent of ever giving up power. We are here to rule your ass and teach the next generation of Democratic Congressman that show promise as tyrants, control freaks and ultimately little regard for freedom. As a matter of fact, we really like what we are seeing in Adam Schiff. There is nothing he won’t say or do to selfishly serve himself for power, control and financial gain. Hallmark traits of Octogenarians.

One last point and a question you may be asking yourself — How do we stay healthy and make it this far? Answer: One helluva medicine cabinet! Uppers, downers, Viagra on demand, statins, metformin, blood pressure pills, and of course adrenochrome. Our man Klaus Schwab is also working on a cure for aging that we are very optimistic will reverse old age.

It is good to be a democratic Octogenarian in Congress and having a friend in the Whitehouse who is also benefitting from 50 years in the Swamp!



New Years Resolutions for Patriots and Digital Soldiers

By @PershingSoldier on Twitter, @BlakJakPershing on GETTR and @BlackJackPershing on TRUTH
Dateline: Missouri Territory        January 2, 2023
Fellow Patriots – here are a few suggested ideas to add to your inventory as we start the year – let’s sharpen the saw:
Don’t give leftists an inch in any argument; turn it around on them every time.  Current issue with George Santos is the perfect opportunity to point to the lies of Biden, Warren, Obama, Schiff, Schumer and the Clintons among many others – as their standard.
Blast pedophilia and human trafficking all the time.  They own both issues.
To that last point, blast open borders all the time.  Every day.  Sensible Americans regardless of party know this is a disaster endangering all of us.
Further, the leftist Democrats own the fentanyl crisis which is now killing 100,000 Americans per year.  Open borders and a fascination with population control means the leftist democrats just don’t care.  This situation pleases them.
Death Cult – the Stalinists are in fact a death cult and we need to remind everyone of this at all times.  Fentanyl, abortion at any time, war, high murder rate cities, grooming children to a state where they cannot reproduce – these are all things they worship and love.  They see no purpose to living other than accumulation of power – so why not kill as many as possible.
Death Cities – the Stalinists have turned most major metro areas in the US into dangerous death zones.  Those living in them – – most of them – have little choice but to adapt.  Smart people of means move to red states.  This has magnified the problem.  Remind them.
Exercise restraint when criticizing republicans to the extent you can.  A good rule of thumb is that you should be attacking leftists 10 times more often than the RINO’s and hypocrites on our side.  This is difficult but we need to manage our priorities.
Mock leftists.  Pick out your favorites to regularly mock and question on social media.  They do not have to be the most famous – just the ones that set you off.  My current set includes, Cher, Bill Kristol, The Lincoln Project, Rob Reiner and Robert Reich.  All Bonafide buffoons and communists.  Find your set and regularly let them know what you think of them.
Watch your tone – no need for lots of profanity.  Sometimes just being factual works best.  Take the time to insult them with facts and non-profane words.  Use humor.
Conversely – always call out the hysterical nitwits on the left that resort to profanity and incivility.  It’s amusing once you start doing it.  It’s ok to imply that the leftist in question is unemployed and obese.
Call out hypocrisy on the left constantly.  Election Fraud/Denial is a classic issue to do this with, as most dems have done exactly what they accuse the other side of doing.  Wealth and taxes is another area to focus on.  The leftists always graduate congress far richer than when they got there.   Call them out for living like kings while their plantation slaves get nothing.
The left is racist and genocidal: call them out for killing millions upon millions of African Americans through abortion and for isolating them in failing schools, failing cities and failing states.  This is no accident.  We all know it.  Scream it from the rooftops.
Corporatist, anti-free speech Stalinists.  Call them all out: intolerant anti-religious bigot democrat politicians; corporate boards that preach woke BS, ESG warriors and globalists seeking to control how our pension dollars are invested, social media cult leftists remaking at Facebook, Amazon, Google and many others.  Call them all out as the anti-freedom hacks and zealots they are.  Tag their corporate sites and twitter handles.  Let them know they suck.
The sick, meddlesome, obnoxious globalist cabal: call them out for their evil intent.  Klaus Schwab, Blackrock, the Davos crowd, Bilderberg Group, Bank of America and their international partners, the UN, the EU, the anti-Brexit crowd in Britain.
Get to know our international patriot allies around the world – they exist in every country and we have met them on social media – from Brazil, from Germany, from the UK, from Italy, from Poland, from Japan and Korea.  Give them your support.
Be on multiple platforms – while I was happy to see Twitter open back up under the leadership of a patriot, we all need to hedge our bets and remain on platforms like GETTR and TRUTH.
If you have resolutions please share them below.  Digital Warriors – lets go – its on!


Fentanyl, America and Joe Biden Epidemic

By Guardian 6         Dateline: January 2nd, 2023

While fentanyl continues to kill Americans in record numbers, the Biden Administration is not addressing the issue with resources and scale to counter this epidemic. This is by design but why?

To frame this issue and put it into perspective, in 2022 more Americans died from fentanyl than the Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined. According to the CDC between February 2021 – February 2022 over 108,000 Americans died of drug overdoses with 70% being attributed to fentanyl. That is ~75,600 American deaths due to Fentanyl. The crisis is growing year over year. 2022 is worse with estimates of over 100,000 deaths being attributed to fentanyl alone. Where is the outrage?

The DEA recently announced that in 2022 they seized over 379 million doses of fentanyl, enough to kill the entire population of the United States, plus an additional 40 million doses to spare. This is only what was caught by the DEA. This is likely only a fraction of fentanyl that has come into the United States from China and Mexico.

Fentanyl is a synthetic drug that is cheap to produce. A single sugar size sweetener envelope is enough fentanyl powder to supply a single user for a year. Many other drugs and pills are being laced with fentanyl that are killing innocents that do not even know they are taking fentanyl. Thousand of parents have suffered the tragedy of their teenagers dying of fentanyl laced drugs. But yet the Biden Administration has not nationalized this epidemic. Why?

Ultimately, there are two reasons why Biden is silent. First, the Biden Administrations policy of Open Border with Mexico would receive the necessary scrutiny it deserves. Biden can’t afford to have his Open Borders policy linked to the Fentanyl crisis. Secondly, Biden would be forced to confront China and its illicit Pharma- eutical industry that is directly and indirectly killing Americans.

Considering the Open Borders policy, the net assessment or “gain” is acceptable to Joe Biden and his Administration. The Biden Administration finds it acceptable to allow fentanyl to flow freely into the US through cartel networks killing over 100,000 Americans annually for the net gain of 4.8 million illegal aliens entering the US since he took office in January 2021. Biden and Democrats get their future voters suppressing the epidemic and Americans suffer through a fentanyl crisis.

Regarding China, Biden and his son Hunter have profited mightily from communist China. While we await hearings on the “Laptop From Hell” that was suppressed by Twitter, the informed public is knowledgeable about the payoffs to the Big Guy, Mr. 10%. The Biden Center at Penn University itself was largely financed by donations from China. China clearly has leverage on Joe Biden and his family. To confront Xi JingPing and the Chinese communists, risks disclosures that could destroy the Biden presidency. Joe Biden’s tepid treatment of everything CCP China leads with this fact.

So, America and her children and families are at risk everyday of a growing fentanyl epidemic. While Open Borders and being weak on China CCP serves Joe Biden and his Administrations interests, just know that your president has engineered this crisis and he is unwilling to stop it. Joe Biden owns the fentanyl epidemic and he is OK with that. 


Psychic MAGA Predictions 2023

By Blackjack Pershing @PershingSoldier on Twitter, @BlakJakPershing 0on GETTR and @BlackJackPershing on Truth
Fellow patriots it’s time for our annual look forward – our prognostications for 2023.  More exciting than Nostradamus, more accurate than Jean Dixon and more entertaining than watching Chris Christy and Alexander Vindman fight over a fresh box of Dunkin Donuts!!
Onward – here are our best predictions for 2023 using a proprietary method known only to the staff of The 53rd Regiment and certain members of the Knights of Malta.
Adam Kinzinger will be rejected by the Fake News as a commentator.  Gets a job as a Drag Queen Story hour scheduler in a Chicago suburb.
It is revealed during hearings on the Hunter Biden debacle that Hunter had affairs with Cher, Joy Bejar, Bette Midler and Rob Reiner.
Elon Musk will delegate the leadership of Twitter to a reliable 10th grader from one of his children’s high school.  Once the technical issues and business model are fixed, he will announce that day to day there’s just not much to do.
Mitch Romney will announce that he is transitioning.  Lyndsay Graham will announce he already has.
Michelle Obama will host a wide-ranging press conference in anticipation of a presidential run.  Topics covered with include the Floppy Mike controversy and the related death of Joan Rivers.
George Conway, husband/wife of Kellyanne, will join the world of competitive eating in what many will consider a long overdue ‘no brainer’- he will enjoy notoriety after defeating Kobayashi in the 2023 Nathan’s Coney Island Hotdog Eating Contest
After sinking further to previously unknown levels of irrelevance and detestability, Bill Kristol will finally self-actualize and become spokesman for Vladimir Putin.  The money will be better than what he gets from the DNC and the food and booze at the Kremlin will grow on him.
Paul Pelosi, or Hunter 2.0 as he now calls himself, will take the first of many trips to Ukraine as an alleged peace broker.  He will have an unknown guest with him.
In a provocative move, Liz Cheney will pose for a nude spread at Playboy, Inc, which will finally drive that relic out of business.  Undeterred, Liz will set up her own only fans account.
Klaus Schwab will announce that he will move to Sleepy Joe’s Delaware beach house and continue to enjoy his semi-nude beach walks there, while advising Dr Jill on the best globalist wipes for diaper duty.
Amy Klobuchar and Liz Warren will star in a remake of the 60’s television series The Mothers-in-law
The Lincoln Project will openly lobby for the legalization of pedophilia. Simultaneously Biden will issue proactive pardons for all potential charges of pedophilia against Lincoln Project members.
Stacey Abrams will replace Whoopi Goldberg on the View; while not quite as ghastly and beastly as Whoopi, she will commit to putting in the work.
John Brennan, Frank Luntz, James Clapper, Michael Hayden, James Comey and Ron Klain will be arrested for public indecency at a rest area off of I-95.  Quick pardons will be issued from Biden as the MSM refuses to cover the story.
In related news, General Milley will announce the entire Navy is transitioning and remind the nation that the Navy was ‘trans from the beginning and that being trans is in keeping with our finest military traditions!’
Alexander Vindman will be revealed to be the long-suffering wife of Senator Charles Schumer as he files for divorce.
Citizens of Arizona will begin a movement to get their rightfully elected Governor in office.
John Fetterman will be revealed as a DNC clone experiment gone awry.  Meant to be one of the many standard Biden Clones used for the presidency, Fetterman was one such clone that went bad as he was being hatched.  DNC leadership decided that the nitwit dems in PA would embrace him, along with a nice sprinkling of election fraud.
Those are the current prognostications, fellow patriots.  You are invited to leave your own in the comments below!


We Can Be Thankful

By @PershingSoldier on Twitter, @BlakjakPershing on GETTR and @BlackJackPershing on Truth 
Missouri Territory                              23 November 2022
“Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.” –Ernest Hemingway
Fellow Patriots – while we are being told to fret and to kick each other in the backside by the likes of Paul Ryan and the usual MSM (read: Foxnews) stooges; the reality is that we have MUCH to be thankful for.  Let’s recap.
Despite our inflated expectations and some mistakes, we took the House.  Full Stop!  There will be no more legislated damage from the democrats for 2 years.  So let’s focus and get serious.  Yes – plenty of issues to worry about in terms of priorities, but the agenda of the Stalinists is stalled.
This less intense victory is going to make all of us sharper, less prone to hubris.  We know we have to clean up our RINO problem.   We need to get serious about election fraud.
Trump is running.  IT’S GOOD.  They attack him because he represents all of us.  Read his inaugural address – that’s why they hate him.  He will be motivated to not just drain the swamp – but to blow it up.  Permanently.  As for challengers Pence, Pompeo, Niki Haley and DeSantis – their Trump assigned nicknames have already been selected and it will not be a pleasant experience for them.   The process will sharpen Trump. He will come out ahead.
Pelosi, Cheney, Kinzinger and other general purpose boogers are gone.  Irrelevant.  On the ash heap of history.
Fetterman: installed through election fraud, he will be an ongoing embarrassment to the democrats who seem to have no bottom when it comes to shame and oddities.  Can any conservative win in PA right now?  No.
We are at a reckoning point on election fraud.  We are awake and aware.  Kari Lake is taking point.  It must end here.  At least we know.
Now we all know that ballot harvesting must be met with equal and separate action until republican governors are elected that can clean it up.
Elon.  Twitter.  Fake News Firings.  It is taking time but there is progress.  Twitter is exhibit A right now.  This writer has restarted his account which was shut down after November of 2020.  In addition the removal or humiliation of Fake News stalwarts like Brian Stelter, Don Lemon, Chris Wallace, Shepard Smith; the related low ratings of their networks, downward ratings of Foxnews and the emergence of alternatives like the imperfect but better than Fox Newsmax and many other streaming alternatives – GLORIOUS.  Let’s be thankful.
Also – Google, Amazon, ‘Meta’, Disney and many more woke organizations are struggling.  They are being held to account by shareholders and the public.  Zuckerberg and his freak show are now starting to show cracks.
Republican governors are telling woke Wall St to pound sand on ESG Stalinism.   Money talks.  They will learn.
The Stalinists are pissed about us calling them groomers.  Good.  Let’s do it more.  Firing back at them and doing it harder is something Trump taught us.
Trump was right about everything.  This keeps coming out more and more.  Most recently Hunter’s Laptop – to the great humiliation of Jurassic period Fake News pioneer Leslie Stahl. More and more the American public will realize how right he was from Russia, to North Korea, to Israel, to Iran to oil, to Germany, to Europe, to the economy and yes, CHYNAH.  People are seeing it.  Normal ones anyway.
We are on to Soros, the World Economic Forum weirdos, Klaus Schwab, Pfizer, the globalist cabal, Ukraine money laundering, child trafficking at the border and so much more.  If not for Trump would we know?
So – overall – let’s pause and give thanks that we are in a much better place than we were in just weeks ago.  Lots to do of course, but we can take some solace that the worst is now behind us.


The 53rd Endorses Kari Lake

… for Governor of the Grand Canyon state.

by The 53rd Regiment Board of Directors

October 25th, 2022

Trustworthy, authentic, leader, gutsy, strategist, refreshingly honest and America First are but a few of the words that came out of our Boards decision to endorse Kari Lake for Arizona governor.  This is one of the few times we had a 100% endorsement from the board.  The board also acknowledges the profound weakness of her opponent Kaite Hobbs and her inability to have independent thought, while being beholden to special interests and the extremism of the modern democrat. (Katie Hobbs is so weak and unprepared she refuses to debate.)

This board trusts Kari Lake to deliver on her promise to seal the border and declare Arizona is being invaded by cartels, illegals and human traffickers.

This board believes Kari Lake will complete the border wall.

This boards trusts Kari Lake to stop the spread and proliferation of drugs into Arizona, the killing of innocents and especially our children.

This board acknowledges that Kari Lake is the best hope to fix our broken schools, broken election laws and broken trust with Arizona citizens.

This board trusts that Kari Lake will uphold our constitutional rights, especially our 1st and 2nd Amendments, and will not tolerate statist media, Big Tech and the federal bureaucracy to undermine our God given rights.

This board firmly believes that Kari Lake will fight for Arizonians day and night, and when necessary, Ms. Lake will get in the mud pit with the denizens of corrupt swamp dwellers and emerge victorious over their deceit, lies and fake news.

This board admires the toughness in which Kari Lake has dealt with the 2020 election issue, her ability to showcase local and national media corruption, and the fact she never backs down. She fights!

Arizona needs a fighter! Arizona needs a freedom lover! Arizona needs a governor that believes in America, believes in commonsense and believes that we are an exceptional country.

This board believes Kari Lake is a rising star because she came from our ranks of ordinary citizens to fight for America because she knows truth, justice and the American way.

For too long republicans have ceded the narrative to democrats, afraid to speak up on their insanity and afraid to take a stand. Ms. Lake is having none of it and for this this board applauds her!

We firmly believe Kari Lake will be the next governor of Arizona. Get out and vote Arizona!





Let’s Ensure a Spectacular Implosion

By BlackJack Pershing; @BlackJackPershing on Trust Social, @BlakJakPershing on GETTR, @PershingSoldier on Parler

Dateline October 24, 2022

“The hands of every clock are shears, trimming us away scrap by scrap, and every time piece with a digital readout blinks us towards implosion.” — Dean Koontz

Fellow Patriots we are about to witness the most satisfying downfall of illegitimate Democrat power mongers in a generation.  That is, if we do not screw it up!  So first of all, show up and vote – regardless of how blue your state, region or locality is.  We have the best chance in decades of pulling leftist jerks out of office.

How did we get here?  We got here through the most overt and brutal actions taken by a devoted group of sick leftists ever experienced in a western republic.  Thankfully a majority of Americans are not having it.  (Sadly a large number of leftist mental slaves are fine with it).  Here is a partial list of what is causing the implosion:

The Death Cult

Leftist Dems are out of the closet on death.  They love it.  They have ensured our major cities are all death traps – with glee.  Shootings, car jackings, random stabbings, train platform pushings, convenience store looting, disease spread through defecations on the streets and on and on and on.  PHL, NYC, DC, Detroit, NOLA, STL, LA, SFO, Chicago and so many others.  Are they lost forever?

Fentanyl coming across the border resulting in 200,000 deaths a year.  Addiction of many young people to cannabis now that they have legalized it.

Abortion on demand in blue states, mainly targeted at the black population, who they secretly want to exterminate.  The country has ignored their raving about the end of Roe.  Reasonable people know it’s a savage practice.  This is but one reason African Americans are running from the dems in record numbers.  See ‘Blexit is Real’ on this site.

Turn little kids into transexuals: if they do this early enough they will be unable to have their own children and many will kill themselves.  This is all on purpose.   Already happening.  Leftists are using social media to encourage transsexualism as a social contagion.

Insisting on MRNA ‘vaccines’ being given to little kids – even now – when its become obvious that the sudden unexpected death of young people is a result of these vaccinations – is another product of the death cult leftists.

“I think the NFL is 10 years away from an implosion — Mark Cuban

Garbage ‘Leaders’


Definitely demented and quite possibly a blank, programmed clone.  Compare him to 10 years ago.  Face lifts?  Botox? Very hard to explain.  He was always stupid and a liar so that’s still there.  Biden created Hunter.  He’s a known and observed pervert.  He assaulted Tara Reid.  He’s been racist on camera dozens of times.  He’s mean.  He’s incontinent.  This is who the Obama/Rice/Klain/Jarret cabal installed to do their leftist bidding.  Programmed mental slaves enabled it.  Election fraud sealed the deal.


Incompetent, can’t speak even with a prompter, unqualified, unprepared, and possibly more inept than Biden.  Democrat standard issue these days.


drunkard, racist on camera, elitist, a thief, arrogant, signs of dementia; mean, spectacular liar, dentures don’t fit.  A mess.

The Squad: unamerican, communist, uncouth, nasty, poor hygiene: democrats.

Schumer: grotesque ass clown, wife may be a dude, likely part of the Epstein Island crowd, should be investigated.  Guantanamo material with Nancy.

Dem Governors, Mayors and District Attorneys: delivering filth and death all over the country.  Had enough?

The entire lockstep Dem house and senate – and notably a collection of RINO’s – who have gone along with the entire program.

Destroyed Economy

They have wrecked it by spending 25% plus of GDP in one year, most of which will never be traced and seen ever again.  If you were exposed to ‘econ 101’ in high school or in college, this should have been clear when they were planning to do it.  Inflation will run rampantly for a long time because of this insanity.  Your income, your retirement and your home values will be sabotaged.  Manchin knew it but ultimately did not have the personal fortitude to fight it.  He will be thrown out of his office for it when his next election comes; Sinema too.  The standard collection of RINO traitors enabled different part of the reckless spending as well.  They will be held to account certainly – more on that in a future column.

No Border

Most Latinos are running from the leftist Stalinist dems.  They know.  They came from poor conditions to be here and build families and make it.  They see it all being destroyed.  The ramifications of zero borders will be felt for decades to come, most notably and not discussed: terrorist cells.   Add that to drugs, death, human trafficking and broken infrastructure and you get a democrat paradise.

BTW – watch for dems to start labeling Latinos as racist white supremacists now that they are abandoning leftist communists and perverts.  Just watch.  It is coming.

Trump was right about the border.  Border states which the dems want to undermine, and all getting redder in the meantime.  In the end, over the next two years, they will complete the wall on their own.  Kari Lake and Greg Abbot will take care of it.

“Maybe it’s time to go back 2,000 years for a spiritual renaissance. If not, our days may be numbered and a terrible implosion is coming. There is no more middle ground. It is one or the other.” — Joel C. Rosenberg

Foreign Policy: They Win, We Lose

Its all documented.  Much of it on video.  Afghanistan pull out the biggest disgrace to our Military in a decades.  Those who presided over it still in their jobs with no shame.  Iran empowered and enabled.  North Korea back to missile launches over Japan.  Saudi Arabia gives Joe the finger overtly.  Joe begs every dictator for more oil while shutting down American industry.  Venezuela and Cuba: empowered.  And of course, Ukraine.  War encouraged personally by Biden, who likely saw it as a way to conceal evidence of his own corrupt involvement in that country.  Putin blamed for all of Joe’s mistakes and screw ups.  Europe not taking ownership – letting Joe take all of it.  Cleaning all of this up will take years – some situations may be irretrievable.

Military Being Ruined:

The top ranks of the General Officer corps are a mess and now completely political appointees.  Without a second Trump term to re-engineer it, Biden has now completed what Obama started.  Why should our military be any different than the FBI to the dems?  Its just another political enforcement wing to them.   The Generals will need to be eventually fired.  Certain departments of the military may need to be shut down, like ‘TRADOC’ and others involved in the purposeful leftist indoctrination of our troops.  The staff of West Point, Annapolis and the other academies may have to be completely turned over.  Much work ahead.  Recruitment is way down and morale is at all time lows.  Eventually our readiness will be in question.

“There is a war up there where time creaks which spans galaxies and eons back and forward to the Big Bang and the Final Implosion — Dan Simmons

Law Enforcement Politicized

Blue cities and states have ruined their police departments and at the federal level, the DOJ and the FBI are forever compromised and ruined.  Thank you leftist Stalinist Dems.  Many hearings and ultimately executive orders lay ahead to find the next way forward without them.  Americans are tired of the circuses they have created.  On top of this, the DC courts are completely compromised with inbred judges and garbage juries.  A decentralization of the Capitol is now urgently needed.

Schools: A Lost Cause

Public schools are now leftist indoctrination centers.  Years from now they will likely begin to disappear as parents will find other options.  This has already started, as each year the number of kids schooled at home increases,  Higher Ed has been in decline for years and a great shake out has begun in which many universities simply will not make it due to their own lack of relevance to parents and students.  The left ruined education in the US. 

Does all of this together sound like an implosion to you?  It does to me.  Good patriots everywhere will participate in the implosion and enjoy the show!!!  Be sure you participate in making sure the designers and implementers of all this chaos are sent home.  Go vote.  Encourage others.  Fight Back!!


“Haven’t you felt it? The loss of autonomy. The sense of being virtualized. The devices you use, the ones you carry everywhere, room to room, minute to minute, inescapably. Do you ever feel unfleshed?
All the coded impulses you depend on to guide you. All the sensors in the room are watching you, listening to you, tracking your habits, measuring your capabilities. All the linked data designed to incorporate you into the megadata. Is there something that makes you uneasy? Do you think about the technovirus, all systems down, global implosion? Or is it more personal? Do you feel steeped in some horrific digital panic that’s everywhere and nowhere?” — Don DeLillo



The Star Wars Bar Scene on Earth

Remember the bar scene from Star Wars: A New Hope movie, produced in 1977? Fast forward to present day and look at the Democratic Party, both incumbents and candidates. Take a close look at the print developed by the @the53rdregiment’s good friend Joseph Eder, a phenomenal artist. What we have here is an Eder Rembrandt showcasing the democratic cast of miscreants, losers and takers.

Dateline September 17th, 2022       Planet Earth

Artwork by Joseph Eder, internationally recognized Artist

by Guardian 6 

It truly is a freak show, the 2022 Democratic Party, both House and Senate. It’s almost as if the democrats are trying to showcase freaks are us. When you buy votes and source dark money to finance the operation, candidates are less important. Credentials and achievements are passé’ with democrats.  Normal GOP Americans can’t compete when the system is rigged. When they do compete, Big Tech censors them and MSM doesn’t cover them. The democrats have mastered putting lipstick on a pig and fabricating a false narrative that hides their lack of achievement, gross failings and/or anti-American sentiment. Democrats are at their best building dependency so Americans rely on them for food stamps, welfare and  broken schools to keep building the Dependent Class. Add 5 million illegals to the stew and chaos masks the democratic world go round.

Examining “In A Barroom Far Far Away” print, we have Jerry Nadler as the fat little blue alien about to shart in the upper left. Democratic Senate candidate Fetterman from PA is to his front with his hoodie removed, dildo tattoo on his forearm and his wife beater red t-shirt.  One of the scaly Biden clones is seated next to him getting ready to sniff Fetterman. Hillary Clinton is front and center with her dyed hair, horns and yellow pant suite robe plotting for another presidential run. The Border Czar VP Harris is at the Cantina to find new staff since all of her employees quit. AOC is serving more of the Green New Steal drinks waiting for the rest of The Squad to come in to plot defunding the police and undermining Israel while propping up Hamas. Senator Mark Kelly democrat from AZ is next to the gaseous green Chuck Schumer guarding the Dominion Voting Machine algorithms and codes. The alien next to Schumer is thinking, “there is no life on earth.” A haggard Obama is looking at the Biden clone thinking, “how did we get here?” In a Barroom Far Far Away we have an accurate portrayal of the Democratic Party.

Guardian 3 chronicles the history of the Democratic Party while also itemizing their current broken policies. In Satanic Summer @blakjakpershing reviews what the democrats have unleashed on America. And in the Biden Administrations Guiding Principle: Abandonment this publication showcases how Biden gets everything wrong as it relates to foreign policy. We are living a daily version of the Star Wars Bar Scene, dystopia. Freaks, criminals, lawlessness and depravity is the order of the day with democrats running the government.

Obi-Wan provides good watch words for us this November election cycle explaining the Democratic Party for who they are, “If you define yourself by the power to take life (abortion), the desire to dominate (J6 Committee, FBI, DoJ), to possess…then you have nothing.”


American Heist — 2020 Election

“We have put together one of the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organizations in the history of American politics.”                                                                                                             – Joe Biden

Artwork by Joseph Eder, internationally recognized Artist

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline August 31st, 2022     Dayton, Ohio

To think this heist was done by campaigning in the basement just makes too much sense. Joe Biden is a gaff machine. If he’s talking there are three potential outcomes with Joe — multiple gaffs, a hidden truth accidentally revealed like quote above or a bold face lie. The amateur political pundit may think these are liabilities. In democratic party circles this is quite the contrary. Joe Biden’s gaffs and lies make him the perfect democrat. It is true that there is
concern with revealing hidden truths like the extensive fraud in the 2020 presidential election but between a complicit media and Big Tech partisans this is manageable. Add in RINOs that can be depended on to not fight for fear of risking their political fortunes and personal financial gain, this is but a minor cleanup operation for team democrat.

For example, take Mitch McConnell and his family fleet of Chinese CCP container ships importing hundreds of thousands of products from China annually and exporting American jobs. Is he in a position to complain about the Big Guy and his 10% kick backs? It’s laughable right? Of course, it is. Mitch occasionally talks tough, but his family is so entrenched in building up China at Americans expense he’s AWOL when it comes to the Chinese military buildup, the trade imbalance, intellectually property theft or China killing Americans through fentanyl being shipped in across the border. Kentucky is an afterthought for Mitch. Mitch and Elaine Chao are a typical swamp power couple that take care of themselves first and foremost, just like Joe & Jill Biden. For Mitch, business is good under Joe.

In the swamp, the democrats and RINOs get it. The biggest threat to their wallets and power was Trump, not Biden. Trump so disrupted their livelihoods of living off the teat of government, that he not only needed to be defeated, but Trump needed to be destroyed. Democrats led the fight on multiple bogus impeachments; wire tapping his campaign; leveraging Big Tech and the FBI to censor Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell; canceling Trump and his allies on social media; and leveraging the Deep State Intel operatives to try and set Trump up. RINOs like Liz Cheney and many others were willing accomplices. Getting Trump became the bipartisan sport for the swamp elites to maintain their status quo.

 “It’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all.” – Joe Biden

Well, in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona and Michigan the manufacturing vote operation and counting apparatus was used under the mask of  COVID to put Joe Biden over the top. It’s laughable to think Joe Biden got 81 million votes. Of course, he didn’t. Campaigning from a basement? What is perhaps less shocking is Trump received 75 million votes, the most by a sitting president in US history, and the democrat fraud machine underestimated how many votes they needed to create. Think about this, the anointed one Obama received 69 million votes in 2008 and ~60 million votes in 2012. And you really believe Joe Biden received 81 million votes in 2020? Really?

There is a reason the five states mentioned above stopped counting votes on Election Day and took several more days, and even a week in some cases like Pennsylvania,  to manufacture the votes they needed to put Biden over the top. Votes needed to be manufactured to exceed Trump’s 75 million votes, which the democrat election fraud machine (DEFM) never contemplated that many votes would be needed for Trump. After all, the Immaculated Obama only received 69 million votes, surely Trump could never get that many.

So Joe was right on both counts. Democrats created the most extensive and inclusive vote fraud machine in US history while ensuring their people counted the votes in the dead of night.

The DEFM doesn’t deserve all the credit, most of it, but not all. We must also credit the dishonesty of mainstream stream media (MSM), Big Tech and Deep State Intelligence Community frauds for attacking basic truths, normalizing deceit and facilitating the Big Lie that election fraud is a hoax. All the evidence points to the contrary. Candidly, I’m just amazed we pulled it off. I think back to Biden’s speeches with on deck circles where maybe you had 30 people attending on a good day, and Trump is filling stadiums rally after rally. 20,000 Americans listening to and loving Trump and 30 people trying to understand Biden, and half of those 30 were campaign staffers. Quite candidly, DEFM leaders were right saying Americans are lazy, stupid and disengaged. We stoled it because we could and we eliminated election norms under the cover of COVID.

I’m proud of my democrat party. We manipulated the system, stoled the election from Trump and created a false narrative that Biden won. The real miracle is that Joe Biden is president and million of Americans believe he won fair and square. This is not only the greatest American heist, it may be the worlds biggest heist — ever!


The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, a life long proud democrat who prides himself as being left of Bernie Sanders and Michael Moore.  Matthews wrote this article exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section.

Matthews pronouns are He/Him except on Drag Nights where they go by She/Her. 


Stop Bitching and Do Something

By @BlakJakPershing on GETTR and @BlackJackPershing on Truth; similar on other platforms

Dateline    August 24, 2022

Missouri Territory

As reported on this website the Democrats’ Satanic Summer has been unfolding as expected.  Their lunacy and willful bad deeds know no bounds.  They have doubled down on inflation with the now useless Manchin/Sinema duo enabling garbage legislation on climate change.  As this is written the Dementia Patient in Chief is forgiving loans to losers who paid for useless degrees that likely made them even less employable.  They continue to enable our enemies, worsen all world crises, punish the US citizenry while rewarding illegal aliens and criminals.  In some cities traditional liberals are even waking up and fighting progressives.  Not enough and kind of pathetic.

I was listening to Glenn Beck this morning discussing the effects of so called ‘ESG’ – Environment, Sustainability and Governance – as driven by Blackrock and other financial firms, corporate boards, the World Economic Forum, and the Davos Dooferati.  He was also speaking about contents of the new spending package on Climate.  He was raising alarms that we may see a day when firms that purchase gas powered vehicles are denied financing, among other things.  Beck was long on complaints, and from the amount that I listed to, light on solutions.

I read Kurt Schlichter’s latest column yesterday; Kurt has finally come to the conclusion that nice guys like Pence finish last, McConnell is a liability and RINOS generally suck –  and that we need fighters on the right.  This website came to that conclusion 5 years ago.  See ‘Mudpit’, among other articles.  

I am tired of the conservative media just reporting on the lunacy of the left, playing clips of their infantile/imbecilic programs and yet not demanding a call to action.  The same lame talking heads, night after night, lamenting each growing outrage.  And………WHAT???

So Fellow Patriots, to paraphrase Karl Malden in the old American Express Traveler’s Checks Commercial:


For some that reference may be too old.  See it here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jSyDUeRoDb0

See that guy’s face as his wallet sinks?  Right now we are that screwed as a nation.  ‘Not a joke folks!’ as a certain dotard likes to say….

Here are some suggestions for willing patriots who are tired and not willing to sit around anymore:

Get involved in your communities.

Join a non-profit board.  You will find they are filled with mostly well intended liberals.  Sound off about effectiveness and doing what is right, not what is woke.

Love your alma mater?  Paying for tuition at a private school and/or university for your children, or maybe already did?  Can’t stand their wokeness even though you still root for their sports teams?  Maybe you should join an advisory board at the institution.  If you have the means get directly involved with the trustees or board of directors. BE HEARD. 

Don’t like something your employer is doing politically?  Tell your boss in a diplomatic way.  If you don’t say anything, then the wokesters get their way.  Good employers listen to their people.   They often do anonymous surveys = put your comments there.  BE HEARD. 

Or – you could just watch conservative media and bitch.  Bad news friends: that doesn’t work.  In fact your progressive adversaries have been motor boating around you for decades.  With glee.  Because you don’t do anything but complain.  They know it.  They count on it.

Be brave and if you don’t run for a school council board seat, show up at their meetings and make their lives miserable if they are doing stupid things.  Conversely, thank them if they are holding the line.

Don’t like something a company did – like Walmart just announcing they will pay for abortion travel for all their ‘associates’?  Tell them.  Tell the local store manager in person and emphatically –  that you believe they are satanic, globalist scumbags and wont come back.  If enough of us do that, it will get to Headquarters.  Tell them on social media and via email and phone calls.  Make woke asshat CEO’s feel pain.

Sound off and get involved – in something – anything – outside of your job and have an influence and a voice.  Put a hard stop in place for progressive morons to navigate.  Make them feel opposed.  Right now they run their mouths unopposed – everywhere. 

I hate to say it, but based on everything we see right now with leftists running ALL major institutions, we deserve what we get if we do not change our ways.  If you live in Pennsylvania – you are in danger of a flat out monster named Fetterman being elected to the senate – are you going to let it happen?

BlackJack said it here: we need to get off of our collective conservative asses, friends.

What will you do.  What WILL you do?!?!?!?’

                                                Karl Malden

