The Democrats: Do You See Them for Who They Are Yet?

Pelosi shoves a little girl, the daughter,  of a new GOP Congresswoman being sworn in to Congress while posing for a picture. 53 illegal aliens are found dead in the back of a semi-trailer being transported across the border illegally in Texas. Media is mostly silent. The January 6th committee hearings go prime time for their one- sided affair. Gas prices surge over $5 a gallon but the Keystone pipeline and new drilling permits are not an option. Congress swiftly finds $40 billion dollars to give the Ukrainians. Stock market down 20% in the last six months.

The liberal new world order is a dystopian nightmare and Biden has fast tracked it here in America. Break the economy, turn the military into a leftist institution, use climate change to drive judgment of citizens and empower the government, only follow laws democrats like and empower the Trans agenda to confuse the masses. Biden’s America. Dystopia.

“For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.”
– Edmund Burke

by Guardian 6                         Dateline 3 July 2022

“This is about the future of the liberal world order and we have to stand firm,” said White House advisor of National Economic Council, Brian Deese, former China CCP loving Blackstone executive. Did Americans ask for this? No! The Biden Administration is at best an unrepresentative government. The reality is they do not care one bit what you think. This is about destroying the middle class, creating a one party state and absolute power.

US Economy. Biden has delivered the worse US economy since the 1970s. The CPI is 8.6%, this is a conservative estimate by the way, and is a 45 year high. Energy CPI is up 43% overall with gasoline prices having doubled since Biden took office. Used cars are up 42%. Mortgage rates have doubled to 6% crushing young families and taking them out of the housing market. Even for incompetents like Biden and those that surround him, crashing the US economy this hard and this fast is hard to do. The democrats plan to crush the middle class and build dependency, otherwise known as “Build Back Better (BBB).” It is working. BBB is all about taking wealth from the American middle class and growing government dependency while crushing the American dream. Democrats have once again delivered on destruction.

Woke Military. After the Afghanistan debacle, morale in the military could not be any worse. Recruiting numbers reflect it with the US Army missing its mark by 23%. What young man or woman wants to be led by Biden, Austin or Milley? It’s an intentional mess to weaken military readiness while standardizing Critical Race Theory, Anti-Racism and DEI into all the military formations to create a left leaning woke military. Biden & Austin have put in policies that create division and have leaders looking over their shoulders instead of being focused on their war fighting mission.  After all, General Milley wants to know about “white rage.” The Soviets had political officers in their formations. We now have DEI Officers. What’s the damn difference?

Environmental, Social and  Governance (ESG) Credit Score.  Control, power and dictate behavior eradicating freedom. Americans are asleep as the tyrants in the US government and environmental whackos roll out ESG credit scores on companies and citizens to control us. Major banks are rolling out a new platform and their lending practices will be driven by your ESG score. What, you ask, does that mean? What you buy and sell, what charities you support, and your environmental impact are being tracked and translated into a score. Sounds like China CCP? Well, this is here at home in America.  It will affect whether you qualify for a car loan, a home loan, a business loan, or if you are a good credit risk, eventually even applying for a job.  Part of the Great Reset, control the masses. “You will get nothing and like it,” Klaus Schwab told the audience. Did you buy a gun for example, or give to a particular political party candidate, or do you purchase meat? What kind of car do you drive, and how often do you drive it? This is the Democrats plan to manage Americans and dictate the right behaviors.

Rule of Law. Democrats have no respect for the rule of law. Sanctuary cities, wide open borders and city Mayors & Attorney Generals who do not enforce the laws. Catch and release, no bail and defund the police movements. Murders and criminals commit crime after crime and they are put back on the streets. When democrats do not like Supreme Court rulings such as overturning Roe vs Wade, their mob goes to the justices houses to threaten them; they vow to impeach the justices; they vow to pack the Supreme Court. Democrats only respect you believing what they believe. They are tyrants. When things don’t go their way, they orchestrate violence, attempt to change the rules like eliminating the filibuster. Democrats do not believe in the US Constitution. They believe in tyranny and one party state control.

Trans Agenda. Democrats in their push to mainstream the trans agenda and all the perversion that goes with it, are now pushing for a Trans Bill of Rights.  Sexualizing kids in kindergarten through elementary school, pushing trans into the classroom and pornography into children books, Democrats have showcased themselves as morally bankrupt and perverse.

Biden’s America is a deep dark place where people feel helpless, families are struggling and people are left fearing that not only America has lost its way, but that they are not allowed to speak up anymore. I’ll be canceled or worse the FBI will come for me. Serious damage has been done to America with censorship and the First Amendment being put at risk. All of us need to fight back locally, statewide and at the federal level. Our country needs the moral majority to stand up. Patriots, we are all on notice.


Choices … Choices … Choices

Dateline: April 27, 2022

By BlakJakPershing on GETTR and BlackJackPershing on Truth Social, similar on Gab, Clouthub and Parler

“Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.”   Henry Ford

When automobiles were first created, there was a shake down period when it wasn’t clear which form of propulsion would win out. There were electric, steam powered and internal combustion engines. Over time the internal combustion option proved most reliable and improvable. For several decades now that technology as been continuously improved, likely to be replaced by electric for any number of reasons, but mostly due to improved batteries and lower costs of electric motors. (NOT advocating here folks).

What does this have to do with anything you might ask? We are now in the conservative social media shake down period. Here is an analysis of how to view each platform.

Twitter: The platform of the moment. Kudos to Musk for ruining their fake little leftist world. I am exercising extreme caution. Several conservative pundits reactivated their accounts immediately upon the news of the sale. With all due respect, my opinion of those people is that they are social media whores, anxious for followers to push their book sales and other items to peddle, but not exactly using high standards. Mr. Musk has a long way to go to fix an organization afflicted with insidious leftists in almost every job. The shadow banning, the lousy algorithms, the inability to gain followers, the invisible tactics that we never see that restrict conservative viewpoints – all of it will take months if not years to fix. I will not re-engage until we see massive evidence of change. That will mean turnover of hundreds of employees, a headquarters move and reinstatement of all conservatives banned for flimsy or fake reasons. We admit that Twitter remains the best place to tweak, troll and provoke leftist tools, and we do miss doing that – very much. Hoping to be back some day, but for now, NO.

GETTR: By far the best of the ‘post twitter’ options. We give big credit to Jason Miller and the many others involved in getting this platform off the ground. GETTR is immediately interactive in a way Twitter never was. It has been relatively easy to build a base of great followers and to follow others. We have found may of the great patriots we met on Twitter have come to GETTR. One can find all of the fun memes and humor found on Twitter. Personally, I have also challenged patriots to dump Twitter and come to GETTR while Twitter remains a leftist censorship zone. Not all have agreed.

It is astonishing what you can do when you have a lot of energy, ambition and plenty of ignorance.“ Alfred P Sloan

Truth Social: This was to be the great hope of conservatives, the one that would allow us to counter the Tech Giants, the one run by Devin Nunez, under Donald Trump’s guidance, influenced by his record of success. Well. So far, not so much. Still waiting for a DJT tweet. Still capped at 7500 in terms of who you can follow. Slows down randomly. DJT has been remarkably patient with Devin. We expect better, gentlemen.

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” Henry Ford

GAB: the best place to go for memes and humor. Its anything goes on Gab, and I have seen some scary stuff on there that pushes the limits of good taste.

Parler: It was great until it wasn’t. When it debuted, it had potential. Twitter refugees went there in droves. Then Big Tech killed it. This whole episode should not be forgotten. Apple, Amazon and others were all in on it. There needs to be a reckoning. As it now stands, Parler is yesterday’s news and kind of clunky.

Take my assets – but leave me my organization and in five years I’ll have it all back. Alfred P Sloan

Clouthub: this is the platform on which you are most likely to get messages from sexy lonely women. It’s ok. Not great.

Telegram: I have not used it but I hear good things, similar to GETTR.

Frank Speech: Start up issues turned me away. They started promoting it before it was ready. I tried to get on and could not at first. Once I did get on, all I was able to access was Mike Lindell videos. All due respect to Mr My Pillow, but frankly, I wasn’t interested. Additionally, the word ‘frank’ isn’t a real appealing one for an app. Mark Levin’s moniker for a certain congressman, ‘Barney’s Frank’ comes to mind.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas Edison

Tik Tok: tried it before President Trump pointed out it’s obvious security flaws and Chinese ownership and data harvesting. It is an insidious app, designed to draw you in and waste your time. Don’t do it. This is one of several apps destroying the brains of Gen Z. It really is garbage.

Facebook: increasingly irrelevant and becoming the tool of choice for neighborhood Karens, snoopers, nosy co-workers and all purpose assholes. It is still the go-to to see pictures of what some dope you connected with in high school had for lunch. Facebook – a ghetto for the nosy, the stupid, and the easily manipulated. If you get your news from Facebook, you might be a dumbass.

Instagram: might be the best of the worst if all you want to do is share pictures. We take note that Facebook is trying to turn it into Tik Tok.

That’s my take fellow patriots – let’s hope Twitter get’s its act together so we can go back and provoke the woke. I am optimistic that Mr Musk can get it done. The take down of the Stalinist, Leftist Big Tech Cabal has begun.



Antifa Academy – Apply Now

by Soy Boy            Portland, Oregon

Antifa’s Proud Motto: We are the Bowel Movement of Movements

Dateline August 14th, 2021

If you are a Soy Boy like me, a soft little bitch who can’t handle even the slightest amount of pressure, and will get “triggered” by almost anything, you are an ideal candidate for the Antifa Academy. If you are transgender, we want you. If you dropped out of high school, are unemployed, live in Mommy’s basement, have poor hygiene, hate America or have a heroin addiction, the Antifa Academy can bring more purposelessness to your life. We won’t judge you, we’ll just train you to be stooges for leftwing, progressive, democratic causes to destroy America.

The beauty of Antifa is we are an oxymoron organization. We call ourselves anti-fascists but we are modern day brownshirts. We actually model our tactics off of Nazi and communist regimes. We are as bigoted as they come. Our essence is hate. We hate America. We hate democracy. We hate law and order. We hate the police. We hate white people and even if we are white, we hate our own whiteness. We are a highly decentralized group of miscreants that have no real prospects in life. We have no future and we know it. Many of us are bedwetters and need adult diapers. We have bad teeth and we are not even British. We smell and we do not bathe.

We know Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are losers too and we don’t like them. However, we helped put them in office through chaos and destruction of America’s cities because their handlers paid us. They look like us. They are incompetents like us and not very bright. We know Joe Biden is not in charge and that Obama and Soros are calling the shots. We are part of Obama’s plan to “fundamentally transform America” into a shithole where there are only elites, enforcers and lower class people. Our main goal is to do our part in Obama’s transformation of America and bring destruction of the American dream and the middle class. Obama implemented the vision in 2008 with his election and Soros is funding all of the hate and fake news. CNN and MSNBC are our news networks. We even like Chris Wallace of Foxnews because he’s a shill for the left.

By now we likely have your attention.  If you are a strong Andytifa or Angelatifa candidate, you must be getting chills thinking about joining our ranks. Our good friend Steve Inman has chronicled our many success stories. I invite you to watch them here. If you represent the true repugnant, dower spirit of #Antifa, you’ll be so inspired after watching Steve’s video’s that you’ll want to do your part in destroying America and defunding the police.

How to apply to Antifa Academy?

  1. Apply for a Direct Appointment from a Squad member. Write: Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    216 Cannon HOB

    Washington, DC 20515.    or


  2. Apply directly for an at-large appointment to I’m a POS.

We are currently recruiting new members in preparation for the fall 2022 elections. The Antifa Academy Class of 2022 will begin in October 2021 and graduate in May 2022. If you are unfortunate enough to be selected some suggested readings include Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky, Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, Dreams of My Father by Barack Obama and American Crisis by Andrew Cuomo. While these books are written at a elementary level and not very good, they’ll give you an appreciation for tyranny.

Lastly, a few tips for your application on what we look for:

  1. Mommy issues
  2. History of problems with law enforcement, arrest record
  3. High School drop outs preferred
  4. At least 20 of 32 teeth
  5. An appreciation for living in squalor

Candidates, good luck!


The Lights Are On, No One’s Home

by Guardian 6

Dateline April 16th , 2021              Undisclosed Location

Wow. Almost three months of the Biden Administration and one thing is clear, Puppet Masters are pullings the strings with Biden. Who would sell their soul this much for power? To decimate all that is good with America at a rapid clip? Spend three trillion dollars out the gate to fund more Democratic corruption and send cash to dysfunctional city and state governments? Who? Joe Biden. When Obama orchestrated the election of Biden as the Democratic candidate, Joe became his puppet and defacto created Obama’s third term. Joe, to the best of his limited ability, signed on. The Obama-Biden compromise has been engineered with an arrangement that goes something like this:

Obama, “Joe, I’ll get you elected but you will be a figure head only. Policy decisions, your VP nominee and your cabinet will be chosen by me. We will operate a shadow government to support you but I will make the calls. Joe, do you understand?”

Biden, “Barack, I’m in. Small price to pay for being President of the United States.”

Obama, “Joe, you will be POTUS in name only. You are a figure head. We will prepare Kamala to become President.”

Biden, “Got it.”

So here we are. Obama has his perfect stooge hungry for the perception of power that will simply do what he directs. Think about it, all the leftist policy disasters; the designed border crisis fueling unprecedented illegal immigration; massive debt being piled upon massive debt; the rule of law being torn apart; the Green New Steal, expansion of the Supreme Court and the list goes on. Obama gets to sit back and enjoy the destruction of America watching Saul Alinsky’s playbook of Rules for Radicals be deployed enjoying plausible deniability since Joe is president.

Obama has many accomplices helping him. First and foremost, he has the mainstream media that if not for their corruption, this would never happen. Then he has his appointed Biden Administration officials ensuring Joe does what he directs. Ultimately he has his insurance policy of VP Harris waiting in the wings to take over from Biden, likely timed between his second and third year in office so she can get some credentials as the incumbent president. Obama has it all figured out, or does he?

He doesn’t. Obama may be smart, but he is not that smart. All lies and deception eventually are unmasked and the truth will be revealed. He may have three or four degrees of separation from Biden and the puppetry, but patriots are keeping book. The counter Deep State knows. Patriots know. Ultimately, the American citizenry knows and will not be played. Americans don’t like puppets and Americans dislike puppet masters even more. Standby.


Biden’s America: Feeling Helpless

Guardian 6                                       071720 March 2021

Many of us are watching in dismay. It’s hard to believe this guy was really elected President of the United States. Tens of millions of Americans still believe he wasn’t. His behavior reinforces that view.  He struggles to complete thoughts and read sentences. He looks and is feeble. He’s being managed by people in and outside the Whitehouse instead of leading. The  progressive policies he has “adopted” are destroying America. I use the word “adopted” because it is clear he is unfit and likely is incapable of truly understanding bills and Executive Orders he is signing. Unlike his predecessor, he is not a fit stable genius. As we watch this car wreck in slow motion, Americans are feeling more and more helpless; more and more disconnected; and more and more shocked at how quickly we are losing our freedoms.

Biden’s southern no border strategy is nothing less then senseless. Trump secured our southern border, worked with Central American countries to stop illegal immigration and built nearly 500 miles of a modern secure wall. Biden’s policy is to let everyone in, put children in tents and fuel illegal immigration through inaction and stifling Border Patrol through policies that prevent them from doing their job. He has done all this during a pandemic where illegal aliens are bringing the disease with them, getting on buses once released and now  spreading the China virus throughout the country. Biden’s border policy is an unabated super spreader event to remake America by building a dependent population and undermining the legal immigration system.

America’s schools in blue states largely remain closed. Biden has doubled downed with the Teacher’s Union ignoring the needs of children and their families. Kids are being treated like pawns in the Democratic Party’s playbook while Dem teachers and their unions take the big payoff from the insane $1.9 Trillion dollar No COVID bill that just passed with ZERO Republican support. We have a government of elites for elites. We no longer have a government by and for the people.

Next up is HR1 set to destroy the American election system once and for all. Among the garbage in this bill is to allow votes to continue to be counted 10 days after the election is over. In other words, how many more votes does the democratic candidate need to win. Sound familiar? This was a Democratic Party best practice in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada in the 2020 Presidential Election that gave us Biden. Of course mail voting without signature verification is now the norm as well. This bill destroys the integrity of our elections once and for all and Biden is excited to sign this trash into law. Once again, ZERO Republican votes, not even the RINOs voted for this.

While Wall Street is currently drunk in unchecked government spending flooding the system, eventually inflation is going to roar like never before. Get ready for Carter’s Misery Index to return on steroids except this time it will be Biden’s Beltway Blunder that tanks America’s economy and takes millions of job with it. Biden has already killed ten thousand good paying jobs associated with the Keystone pipeline. Biden’s executive order ceased work on the pipeline, has driven up fuel prices by forty cents per gallon and returns  America to energy dependence. This is what Biden’s 50 years in government gives Americans; a clueless, ancient economic neophyte that managed to enrich himself and his family while putting America last.

I won’t even get started on China in this piece. We’ll save that for another day as Biden begins to roll back Trump’s China successes that will undermine American business and national security.

Biden’s America. At the moment, we all feel helpless. Even the Whitehouse has been turned into a fortified Forward Operating Base (FOB) in Washington DC. FOB Biden.Sad.


2020 Big Dummies of the Year – They Earned it!

By Pershing Soldier                                            17 January 2021

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe.
Albert Einstein
Note to readers: 2020 revealed so many dummies, that your favorite dummy may not be included here.  We invite you to list any missing dummies in the comments section below.  Also note: not all democrats are dummies, but most of those who vote for them are in fact, Big Dummies.  
Its that time, fellow patriots, when we sit down and discern the epic failures, hilariously inept and true buffoons amongst us.  2020 provided an eruption of Big Dummies that is historic.  Let’s get to work.
These will be in no particular order as the dummies themselves are in no particular order.
Bret ‘Buffet Table’ Baier, Martha ‘McStupid’ MacCallum and Chris Wallace are our headliners.  These three as well as many other enablers have destroyed Fox News.  There has not been a more spectacular epic fail in television than the Fox News election night implosion.  It will never be matched.  A wicked combination of hubris, isolation and yes, stupidity, resulted in a near 20 year streak of #1 ratings dropping to a distant #3 over night.  And no one has been terminated. Wow.  Just.  Wow.  Congrats Newsmax and OAN – don’t screw this up.  Big Dummy parade at Fox News, especially in the board room.
While we are on cable news, special mention for previous Big Dummy awardee Jeff Zucker at CNN for allowing Project Veritas to invade their daily conference calls, and confirm to the planet that they are the PR wing of the DNC. Big Dummy!!
Is there such a thing as an effective Big Dummy?  Maybe,  Human dirigible and Waffle House terrorist Stacey Abrams managed to pull off a second round of election fraud in Georgia with everyone watching.  Historically conservative GA elected two communists with her leadership, a person claiming to be the legitimate governor of the same state for the last 4 years wile not in office.  Stacey is seemingly, an effective Big Dummy.  She is however, aided by two ineffective Big Dummies, Governor (real one) Brian Kemp, and Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger.  Both are insanely inept and possibly corrupt.
He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more.
― P.G. Wodehouse
While we are on governors, loud mouth commie Andrew Cuomo of NY must be singled out as the Big Dummy he is.  Nursing home deaths, arrogance, leftist policies and an emptying state define this buffoon.  All problems are blamed on others, enabled by a sycophant press that lets him beat on them.  See @realtina40 for the best analysis on #CCC Governor Cuomo.  When you ask yourself how an unpleasant asshat like Cuomo can be elected, the answer is simple: leftist democrats aka Big Dummies.
RE: BLM and Antifa – we just offer this quote from George Carlin.  That’s all they get and the deserve much less:
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
Knocking Bill DeBlasio aka Warren Wilhelm to the side, temporarily, for Biggest Dummy of all Mayors is Ted Wheeler of Portland, who enabled Antifa/BLM and is also hated by them.  He’s also admitted the shambles his city is in is his fault.  Wow.  But then right there with him is Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, who you may remember referred to the cesspool known as the CHOP as a ‘summer of love’.  Maybe, if love includes raw sewage, destruction of private property  and rampant theft.  Big Dummy!
In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.
Napoleon Bonapart
There are so many examples of really dumb DNC products roaming around, but lets pick a few of the legends:
Eric Swalwell: notorious on-air farter, inept presidential candidate and now we learn, colluder with the CCP through his paramour, Fang Fang.  Huge Big Dummy and we grant him Big Dummy Hall of Fame status this year.  (incidentally, the current members of the Big Dummy Hall of Fame are Joe Biden, Al Gore and Paul Krugman, so Swalwell joins some lofty company)
Kamala Harris: a dope unliked by even democrats. Lies about most subjects continuously.  Sad.
Emanuel Cleaver: the Missouri congressman is the one who said ‘Amen and Awoman’ at the end of his opening prayer in the house chamber.  He joins legendary Big Dummy Rep Hank Johnson who infamously worried about the island of Guam capsizing due to overpopulation while questioning an Admiral during a committee meeting.  You can’t make this kind of Big Dummy behavior up.
Kim Gardener, the City Attorney of St Louis, must get a mention here for harassing the McCloskeys after they protected their property with their guns.  You may not know that just this past December a circuit judge removed Gardener and her entire team from the case because she used it for campaign fundraising.  The fact that this slob, and yes, Big Dummy, holds the position she does, is a bad sign for the nation.  Another Soros backed disaster.
Irony is wasted on the stupid 
― Oscar Wilde
Indeed Mr Wilde, indeed.  And there is a group of pinheads that don’t see that the very free internet that made their fortunes possible now allows them to practice tyranny, which will eventually put them out of business.  Fascinating and stupid.  So, sociopaths Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg, bald dic pic king Jeff Bezos, technoboob Sundar Pichai of Google and sniveling coward Tim Cooke of Apple have all made the Big Dummy list simultaneously.  They are admittedly smart, but they are also stupid, and do not know history.  They are also fairly destructive toward their businesses and stock holders.  If you hold stock in these institutions, it might be time to dump it.  Alternatives are emerging every single day.  Patriots reject censorship and tyranny regardless of whom it is directed toward.   Further, there is a valid question about the collusion these men took part in to take down a competitor (Parler).  This is not over.  Quick unrelated note, deep research reveals Jack Dorsey practices personal hygiene habits learned from Rep Ilhan Omar. 
This list would be incomplete without Dr Fauci’s inclusion.  He was against masks before he was for them, enjoys being feted by Big Media doofuses and, generally speaking, has been turned into a fake celebrity by those same doofuses.  While he’s more of a Doctor than Jill Biden, its fair to say we all trust Dr Pepper more than both of them.   Dr Scholl’s too.
We have another entrant into the Big Dummy Hall of Fame this year, along with Swalwell, and that is none other than Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  She’s earned this honor by down grading the impeachment process into a cheap threat, a misused tool and a Presidential traffic ticket.  The president she impeached the first time received more votes than any other sitting president in history.  The newest impeachment scheme reveals Pelosi for the malevolent scheming demon she is. Regardless, thinking Americans are dismissing this tactic and moving on.  The backlash will be noteworthy.  By the way, add to her Stalinist reign in the House her infamous ‘Come to Chinatown’ speech as the pandemic was starting and her hypocritical ‘blowout’ in SFO while the nation was locked down. Enjoy the HoF, Madam Speaker, I’d like to say you’re in good company, but its more like stupid company.  You earned it.
When a great genius appears in the world you may know him by this sign; that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.
― Jonathan Swift
New to the list this year: Republicans! You know the ones.  The disloyal.  The mercenary.  The selfish.  I’ll list a few of the most notorious that were there to abandon Trump immediately.  These are in addition to the two China payees from Georgia already mentioned.
Liz Cheney, on orders from her old man, who’s offended that Trump criticized the unresolved and ineffective wars he helped to start.  the Wyoming GOP has already signaled that this Big Dummy is finished.
Adam Kinzinger, who’s made himself the darling of the leftist mob by criticizing the president.  Mental Lightweight.  Big Dummy.
Mitt Romney.  Big Dummy.
Lyndsey Graham, the most insipid, desperate for attention buffoon, always destroys any good he does with disloyalty.  He just can’t STFU.  Ever.  Big Dummy.
Mitch McConnell betrayed the President quickly, followed by his wife, Elaine Chao.  Both, Big Dummies.  Thinking patriots see through them.  Mitch won his term with Trumps’s help.  Its likely his last.  Let’s hope the old republican party leaves with him.
Are there more Big Dummies out there?  Yes.  Too many.  Its insane.  In the first list back in 2018 we listed most of the media under their networks – otherwise the list would run for too long.
The many retired General Officers in the beltway weighing in on politics should also be added, with Michel Hayden as their poster boy.  Sad angry swamp buffoons.  You’d think they all won a war or something to have that kind of confidence, wouldn’t you?  But they didn’t.  They FAILED.  Big Dummies all.
Let’s end with a quote for all of the dummies mentioned above – and as noted – nominate and recognize your own list of dummies in the comments.
If your brains were dynamite there wouldn’t be enough to blow your hat off.
― Kurt Vonnegut


The 2020 Democratic Party Platform (Updated)

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH                                                    August 8, 2020

The party masters gave us Biden. Maybe the third time is the charm but Joe needs to stop campaigning and simply stay in the basement if we are to win.  From New York to California the rank and file wanted Bernie, a tried and true Democratic Socialist. Basically, a communist that believes government can do a better job running peoples lives while protecting the planet. Centralize planning and elimination of individual choices in peoples lives can create the new America envisioned by Soros, Obama and the Squad. The Chinese & Venezuelan  five year plans are the gold standard we should emulate. The North Korean model even has its strengths when it comes to in-prisoning people for violating state rules.

Our Democratic Party platform, here are the tenets being finalized by the  Democratic Party leadership and DNC.

  1. The Mask. This is the new America. Even after the plandemic orchestrated by democratic leadership working with the Chinese, the mask will remain central to controlling America. No mask, no limited freedom to leave your house or apartment.
  2. Property Rights. Americans will gradually lose their right to own homes, farms or businesses. We will start with the middle class by taking personally property away from Americans that live in states governed by republicans.
  3. Second Amendment. All guns will be confiscated by the end of 2021. All gun and ammunition makers will issue a televised public apology to America and then they will be jailed.
  4. Living Wage for everyone. $15 in 2020 mandated growing up to $20 by 2040. Mandated .25 cents raise each year.
  5. Green New Deal. Air travel restricted in 2021 by charging a minimum of $2K per flight. Air travel eliminated in 2024. All gas engine cars must be turned into a processing center for disassembling by July 1st 2022. Each car owner will pay $500 fee to meet federal compliance of Car Elimination Act.
  6. 31 Genders Federally Standardization. Otherwise known as the Baskin Robins gender mandate, equal opportunity laws will now require gender compliance with federal set-asides to fast track compliance.
  7. Defund Police. All police departments will be eliminated. We will work with ANTIFA and the Muslim Brotherhood to begin community policing. Jails will be emptied. We will move prisoners to the suburbs so they too can suffer with crime and blight.
  8. Open Borders. Everyone is welcome and Americans will help fund this initiative by paying for public school books for the first time in every county and school district. The federal government will decide the books and prices. Current border fortifications will be removed and the Border Patrol will be converted to a welcoming committee helping new citizens register for social security and other benefits.
  9. Social Monitoring & Scoring (SMS). The FCC will be absorbed in the SMS. The SMS will begin monitoring American communications and scoring each citizen on a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being a fully compliant, progressive thinking citizen that can be trusted. Americans will be assigned the following labels: Progressive Hero 90 – 100; Progressive Worker 80 – 89; Progressive But Too Independent 70-79; Watch List 60 – 69; Republican In Name Only 50 – 59;  Tea Party Conservative 1 – 49. Each citizen will be required to use GeoTrack software so their movements can be traced at all times.
  10. Department of Defense will transition to Internal Defense. The USAF will be eliminated as part of the New Green Deal. The Marine Corps will be eliminated due to their extremism. The Army will be subordinated to state Governors. The Navy will transition to a travel agency for US politicians  needing to be transported to foreign countries for meetings, annual communist gatherings and other social gatherings or vacations for elites.
  11. Voting Rights. Citizenship will be eliminated as a requirement to vote and each citizen will be allowed to vote up to 5 times based on their SMS score. Only citizens with scores of 80 or better will be allowed to vote. Age requirement will be waved. America will transition immediately to a one party state. The Republican Party will be eliminated when Biden is elected.
  12. Reparations. All African Americans will be given one million dollars each in lumpsum payment. It will not be taxed. The white man will be moved out of Arizona and New Mexico and this land will be returned to native Indians.
  13. Marijuana Fairness Act. Marijuana will be legalized across the country.
  14. Medicare For All. Appointments will be rationed along with care by local medical boards. Priority will be assigned based on political connections and need.
  15. Nationalize Media. We will nationalize all media including TV, newspapers and radio. The mainstream media is basically a tool of the Democratic Party today but broadcasts like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity will be eliminated. These three individuals will be prosecuted for crimes against the party.

It is an exciting time to be a Democratic Socialist. Our time has arrived!

Joe Biden may be the weakest candidate we have ever nominated but that is  not relevant. The system is rigged with mail in ballots, socialists controlling the polling stations and democrats counting the vote. We just need Joe to be alive to win in November.

          The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, presents a sneak preview of the Democratic Party 2020 platform.  This is Matthews fourth article written exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section. 


Leftists, Liberals and Democrats: They Ruin Everything

by Blackjack Pershing                    Missouri Territory 

Dateline July 31st, 2020

I’d rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University. – William F. Buckley Jr.

Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. – Barry Goldwater


We have all known spoilers, malcontents, irritating nerds in our lives: in short those who ruin things.  The kid who reminds the teacher to give homework at the end of class, the dope on the team who causes everyone to have to run extra laps.  The little twit who tells on people.  The 2nd grader who cries and screams ‘no fair!’ over trivial things.  Leftists all.  They ruin it for the rest of us.  They are unAmerican because they don’t mind their own business.

The list of things ruined by the left is accelerating at a pace no one ever suspected.  Here is my attempt to capture some of them in order to keep a record.

Baseball: we had hoped they would not surrender, but they did.  Kneelers and worshipers of the communist front organization known as BLM are now part of MLB.  Patriots are walking away.

Football: beginning with Kapernick’s woke baloney after failing as a starting quarterback, their descent into irrelevance continues.  The NFL may not know it but they are finished.

Basketball: the NBA is now wholly owned by China.  Lebron is a hulking nitwit, obedient to his Chinese masters.  A disgrace.  Already less entertaining than college hoops and filled with fatheads, the NBA has started it’s end.

Healthcare: while they only succeeded halfway under Obama, and the question of whether President Trump can fully undo the damage is open, in the meantime their dwarfian Dr Goebbels knows as Fauci has undermined medical professionals across the country with conflicting statements and bad guidance.  The left loves him and manipulates his self importance.

Medicine: a drug of consequence has been made political: HydroxyChloroquine in combination with others, is shown to help slow the progress of the China Virus.  Due to the president recommending it, they make it a boogie man.  A doctor was recently fired for stating her views on Hydroxyxhloroquine on TV.  Leftists ruin everything.

NASCAR: the Jussie Smollett of Nascar had his 15 minutes.  He’s still not winning.  But he made his skidmark.

History: decades of trashing the US Public School system has resulted in a generation that knows little about the exceptional history of the US, and many likely believe we are evil and bad.  The history departments at most liberal arts colleges are equally as flawed and not helping the situation.  Intellectual rigor and discipline are becoming rare.

The Founding Fathers: what happened this past 4th of July?  Insane democrats trashed our history – including the demented DNC Presidential candidate.  None are considered in the context of their time – only by today’s standards.  Leftists are using the MSM to radically trash our founding.  Many are going along with it.

Statues: in their haste to erase history, they damage tributes to our most important historical figures.  Its not Antifa or BLM by the way, it’s the Democrats.  Debates about confederate anything are legitimate – but mobs tearing down anything without permission – that’s criminal.

News Reporting: well documented and on the list.  Its over.  Fox falling away now.  Will patriots have options? We hope.

Higher Education: as the opening quote suggests, most faculties at US Universities have been leftist indoctrinators since the early 1960’s.  They teach the children of those paying for the experience to hate their parents and the United States.

The Catholic Church: a pope who speaks more about global warming than saving souls says it all.  American Bishops too cowardly to condemn the attacks on the statues of St Louis and St Juniperro Serra.  Pathetic.  Just today AOC called St Damien of the Lepers a white supremacist colonizer.  We expect no defense from the cowards we call Bishops.

US Cities: all cities run by democrats for decades are plagued with corruption, poverty, failing schools, failing infrastructure, leftist ideology and lost hope.

Public Schools: well documented train wreck controlled by the teachers unions.  Corrupt, communist, failing, a mess.  A generation is lost to ignorance.

Black Families: starting with the Great Society programs in the 1960’s, Black Families and Black Culture have been undermined by the democrats; the most heinous feature of their intentional mistreatment of the Black Community is the massive damage of the abortion trade.

Initiative: leftists and democrats hate it

Self Sufficiency: flies in the face of everything leftists are trying to accomplish

Free Speech: the left has now cultivated cancel culture with millions of democrat Karens calling employers and screaming about hate and racism to get fellow Americans fired.

Corporate America: in fear of being cancelled and other actions like boycotts, most US Companies, which run with little investor tolerance for sales variances, live in fear of being called out by the left for anything.  So – they cave and issue statements with leftist approved language each time there is a social issue being pushed by the MSM Propagandists.  Some go futher: Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream routinely supports anti-police propaganda and whatever the Woke issue of the day is.  Thanks Unilever.

Men: as the younger generation comes of age we must ask: will what was traditionally called ‘a man’ even exist: by this we mean a male individual with freely formed opinions that exhibits traditionally masculine traits and does related masculine things.  Its up for grabs ladies and gentlemen, because the left knows they must be eliminated for their goals to be realized.

Women: the same as above but different: those lovely creatures who exhibit beauty and femininity, have children, and make most things nicer and better: the left is actively destroying gender roles and wants the nuclear family to disappear.  Women are told to despise men by the leftist prison guards self appointed ascendency – who are always quite repulsive.

Responsibility: they hate that too – they prefer dependent losers who rely on government for all of their needs.  The tent cities on the west coast are emblematic.

Tech Companies: infested with angry self-righteous leftists.  Their skills are one thing, their opinions are another.  Thank God for the Elon Musks and Peter Theils of the world, but there aren’t enough of them.

Hollywood: well documented.  A complete sick disaster from movies, to awards, to blackballing, to pedophiles, to hypocrisy – a long sad list.

The Economy: the question must be asked: is the intentional shut down of our economy, and now the ongoing attempt to keep it shut, a Democrat/China/Soros conspiracy?

Real Racism: it will forever be harder to spot, since the left has now called anyone with a dissenting opinion from theirs a racist.

Truth: out the window with these Trotskyite zealots.  Abe Lincoln and Frederick Douglas now bad?  How did we get here?  Democrats claiming documented and filmed riots are myths.  Clearly demented leaders in roles like Speaker of the House and the Democrat nominee.  Hard to imagine just a few years ago.

Law Enforcement: who saw this coming 6 months ago.  Let’s give the Stalinist Left credit for opportunism and activating their plans for anarchy and chaos so quickly.  This situation should give all of us pause.  We should be considering what has been organized right beneath our noses and how fast it came about.  Something is not right.  Look for the next round of de-urbanisation to happen in the US if this doesn’t stop sometime very soon.

Social Media: admittedly it was already broken, but what was once a ghetto of narcissists posting what they had for lunch, has turned into mostly liberals screaming about their causes and threatening others.  Its a net negative to society to say the least.

Progress on Race: Abolitionists, John Brown, Frederick Douglas, the Civil War, 600,000 dead, Reconstruction, President Grant, The Tuskegee Airmen, Buffalo Soldiers, Integration of the Military, President Eisenhower sending troops to Alabama, the Civil Rights Act, MLK, Affirmative Action, Busing, Integration, Charter Schools – on and on – to the left none of it ever happened.  There has been no progress and they will never talk about any of this.  There is only racism and if you do not agree with them – you are evil and racist.

We are just scratching the surface here folks – we’ll revisit this list every so often to update it with the latest things the left has ruined.  Please leave your thoughts below if I have missed anything.

