Recommended Resolutions for Patriots in 2024

By @PershingSoldier and @The53rdregiment as seen on X
Dateline: January 1st, 2024
Happy New Year fellow patriots – leaving a thread of resolutions here. Feel free to add your own in the comments section! You know, I know and we all know – it’s time to get serious and stay on point in 2024. Let’s roll!
1. Encourage the@GOP to rally around Trump. Time to meet the historically corrupt dems on the field of battle and return fire with everything we’ve got under one leader.
2. Talk to your RINO friends. We all have them. Remind them the republic is at stake and worries about style over substance have proven invalid with Trump. Confront them. Hold them to account. He gets results. Outstanding results. One example? The Trump Court just may save our collective asses in the end. Win your independent friends into Trump’s court as well.
3. Don’t give an inch on emotionally unhinged criticism of Trump’s style. It is what it is. If he says he wants the people who are trying to imprison him unjustly to ‘rot in hell’ he has a point. Too damn bad, MSM. Go cry.
4. I will continue@EricMoo91919605 ‘s best practice of giving the ‘racist dem talibans’ on X one response before blocking them. I can’t get bogged down.
5. @SpeakerJohnson pick 2 or 3 things to do and do them. Border close or government shut down? Good. Impeach Mayorkas? Good. Impeach Biden? Good. Those might be enough. If the 18 RINO’s won’t cooperate openly advocate they get primaried. Time get serious and focused.
6.  DifferenceMaker.

it’s time to get serious about engaging the black vote. #BLEXIT is real but must be cultivated. Get advice from@dom_lucre– smaller rallies in the black community are over due. Democrats betrayal is obvious – going and bring black Americans home. Meet them in their communities. Address the urban blight inflicted on them by @democrats.

7. All of us need to adopt the stance of

and stop allowing the MSM to call us racist, white supremacist etc. These f’d up ideas are full embedded in leftist brainwashed heads. It’s time to push back hard. Relentlessly. Don’t take there 💩.

8.@GOP must get serious about fighting lawfare and the only way to do it is to return fire. State attorneys general in red states – it’s up to you.
9. Support fellow digital warriors. Give them likes and follows.
10. @NEWSMAX you need to actually do journalism and go hard like

– investigate.

are the show. Get serious.

is a joke with Eddie Munster aka Paul Ryan calling loser plays. Step up. Do your JOB, Newsmax. We are waiting. Time to pull into the #1 spot.


Every day you should be spotlighting democrat crime, democrat violation of the constitution and democrat hypocrisy. Go to war. Stop cooperating with thugs, criminals and assholes.

12. Governors and Attorney Generals of all red states, especially border states, should be charging all government officials involved in violating the constitution via open borders with crimes. RICO. Collusion. Corruption.
13. Slob, RINO & closet democrat,

time to wrap it up and start your paid gig on

– just get out. You are a nasty, complete and total disgrace.


and conservatives need our own Soros with an unlimited supply of cash to fund freedom and liberty. Only difference would be these efforts are above board. Find the donor(s).

15. To all patriots who work in the #CIA #FBI #SecretService and other agencies who may be thinking of becoming a whistle blower, now is the time to do it. In doing so you will save yourselves, your beloved agencies and America. Step up.
16 To southern red/border state governors. Take the initiative. Find and ship every single ‘migrant’ / illegal alien to blue 💩 hole cities. All of them. 10 million. Divide them among Boston, NYC, Philly, Baltimore, DC, Chicago, Minneapolis, SFO and LA. Do it fast. Planes, trains and automobiles. Let these Stalinists eat the cost and feel the pain.
17. To @GregAbbott_TXyou may be reluctant to start a constitutional crisis but you are already in one. Seal the border yourself. Get ahead of the now useless border patrol. Use whatever combination of barriers and Tx National Guard it takes. Let’s see how the dementia patient in chief responds in front of American patriots.

18. Parents get active in your local schools. Do not accept CRT, DEI and other woke communist crap being shoved down your childrens throats by leftists. Stop the gender ideology dead in its track. Demand a focus on traditional school subjects (English, Math, Reading, History) and give ZERO ground on the crap.

19. Veterans be active calling out the woke agenda destroying our military. Call it out in your local VFW and American Legion. Write letters. There is a reason recruiting is down 25% year over year. Biden & Austin have not only destroyed our capabilities but they’ve destroyed our military culture. Let the GOFO crowd on twitter have it when they attack Trump.
20. Be a proud, bold MAGA. If someone doesn’t like that you want to Make America Great Again that is their problem. You have no more F’s to give. Just smile and drive on. We got work to do.


53rd Regiment Endorses Glenn Youngkin for Virginia Governor

Editorial Board of the 53rd Regiment

October 29, 2021

Endorsing Youngkin is a slam dunk! Nothing says awful like Terry McCauliffe, hence the well deserved nickname of Terry McAwful.

Youngkin is a proven leader and a successful businessman. He gets it and understand the struggles of Virginians and the excessive government overreach by federal, state and local governments as it relates to education, masks and vaccine mandates. McCauliffe is a career Clintonite that associates with the worst of the worst. He is known in Democratic circles as “Mr. Dirty Tricks.” He built the DNC’s strategy that is known the “Politics of Personal Destruction.” When the Clintons needed a bagman, Terry was always close by.

Youngkin is not a politician. Refreshing! He’s a homegrown Virginian  that spent the last 30 years raising his family, practicing his faith, building a business and creating jobs. Youngkin is guided by faith, values, and an unshakeable belief that Virginia should be the best state in the Union. Youngkin believes in America, and will put Virginians first.

McCauliffe, Northam and the Democratic Party have decimated Virginia. The Virginian recovery from the pandemic ranks in the bottom 10 among all states. Our students are behind in school and have had Critical Race Theory and pornography shoved down their throats by Schools Boards and the treacherous National Teachers Union. Violent crime has risen to 20-year highs, and much of government, like the Virginia Employment Commission and Department of Motor Vehicles, is broken. People are voting with their feet and leaving the Commonwealth. Taxes are higher, inflation is soaring and Virginian families are being dumped on by bureaucratic tyrants stealing our freedoms and eliminating parents involvement in their children’s education.

It’s time for bold leadership. Glenn will make sure Virginia has better-paying jobs, the best schools, the safest communities, and a government that works for you. His game plan will create 400,000 or more jobs and make sure every student graduates college or life ready to enter the workforce.

Glenn will cut exploding costs for families and relieve the burdens of inflation and taxes. He will cut regulations to create jobs and make it easier for innovators and entrepreneurs to get small businesses moving again. He will restore our high standards for schools and our students, ban critical race theory, invest in our teachers and schools, and empower parents with real choices.

He will defend – not defund – our law enforcement heroes, end human trafficking, and rescue our failing mental health system. And Glenn will make state government honest, efficient, and modern.

While moving forward on these priorities, Glenn will protect our constitutional rights. All of them including the first and second amendments. The result will be a Commonwealth where businesses can prosper, students can thrive, communities are safe, and people – not politicians – are in charge.

It’s going to take a new kind of leader, not a failed politician looking for a second chance like McCauliffe’s gross failings. When Glenn is Governor, we will get it done together.

McCauliffe set Virginia back a decade. No more! Youngkin will fix Virginia and he is well prepared to get to work.


Happy Birthday 53rd Regiment

by Guardian 6               12 January 2020

It has been quite the journey as @the53rdregiment celebrates its four year anniversary today.  We never wavered, we have never lost faith with fellow patriots and we will never quit in defending freedom and pushing back hard against the liberal, hate filled mob. The 53rd Regiment stands with America and we stand with President Trump . We are stronger, wiser and more determined then ever to Be Heard!

This would not have been possible without @PershingSoldier’s contributions and backing. He has taken the tough assignments, articulated verbal combat with the best of them and gone deep behind enemy lines.  @PershingSoldier remains undefeated and like President Trump, he does some of his best work in the mudpit. Simply put, he remains fearless in defense of liberty and the American way of life.

Our work is far from over as we approach the 2020 presidential election. The socialist democrats,  Bernie Sander, Elizabeth Warren and AOC are doing their best to turn American into a shithole. The Fake News (CNN, NY Times, MSNBC and Washington Post) among others continue to work against President Trump partnering with the Democratic Party and  the #DeepState. This can not stand. As President Reagan first stated, “America remains that shiny city on the hill.”

The 53rd Regiment has no association fees and no signed agreements. We simply call all Patriots to defend America against the liberal onslaught of insanity. The 53rd Regiment is your forum to Be Heard!

The 53rd Regiment remains vigilant. #TheResistance and the Russians (one in the same), #MSM, Democratic Socialists, Communists, Antifa and other fringe lefty groups, consider this your notice. The 53rd Regiment will Be Heard!

Guardian 6




The FDO Playbook is Dead (Soleimani too!)

by Guardian 6                     Dateline: 6 January 2020

President Trump’s bold decisive action to eliminate the world’s #1 terrorist, General Qasem Soleimani, head of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and architect of Iran’s Middle East strategy was killed January 2nd, 2020, in a precision drone strike on the perimeter of Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), Iraq. Happy New Year America and Happy New Year to all the world’s victims that have suffered due to this ruthless killer. While Iran’s “supreme leader,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his band of like minded killers consider a reprisal attack, I would counsel the Ayatollah to think twice and sleep on it for the rest of your time on earth.

I’ll be clear, the FDO Playbook is Dead! President Trump gets it. For the last 50 years the US Diplomatic-Military Complex (DMC) telegraphs every move to stalemate, status quo and to limited gain at best. The DMC Flexible Deterrent Option (FDO) playbook is so old it is better placed in the national archives than the Pentagon. Why do we have endless wars absent victory? How about we institutionalize our doctrine in Joint Publications and then we post these publications online to friend and foe alike. Sound like a good idea? Of course not. Who would do this? Did someone leak these documents because that would be extremely poor operational security (OPSEC). The answer is no leak. The Department of Defense posts all US Joint Publications online for all to see, study and if necessary, counter.

Open the attached hyper link, Joint Publication 5-0, Joint Operational Planning. In this Joint Pub, the US lays out our national security approach to operational planning, strategic guidance, interagency planning and coordination, operational design, and the Pub goes on to elaborate in tremendous detail the US approach to deterrence and warfare. Once in JP 5-0, jump to Appendix E and F, Flexible Deterrent Options & Flexible Response Options. Here is the playbook for all to see. Call me old school and paranoid if you must, but this is not smart!

Back to President Trump taking out the killer that was Soleimani. Trump values American lives and American interests first and foremost. An old, dusty, telegraphed playbook is of no use to him. Iran, Syria, Russia and North Korea among other countries are  counting on it as they exploit the US FDO/FRO process and use it to their advantage. While the US national security apparatus follows their process, bad actors exploit it and Soleimani was counting on it as he brazenly landed at BIAP, approximately 10 miles from the US Embassy, where he mistakenly orchestrated  one too many attacks against the US leading to his demise.

President Trump leads. He’s not looking for an OPSEC compromised playbook that leads to stalemate, leaves real bad actors in place and ultimately increases risks on American troops and US interests. As the dishonest MSM whines and failed Obama officials and policy wonks are trotted out to criticize President Trump, he just simply wins by breaking old paradigms, shredding failed policies and keeping Americans safe. The year is young. Enjoy it America because winning is the new normal while Iran and others have been put on notice.


Winning Bigly Index (WBI)

by Guardian 6   

December 6, 2019   1900  hrs

Undisclosed Location

It is the best of economic times. Many Boomers and the remaining Greatest Generation Americans remember the Depression and the Misery Index (MI). The MI combines inflation and unemployment rates. It wasn’t too long ago that President Obama and his fellow entitled elites were telling Americans that manufacturing and many service jobs were not coming back. That a depressed economy was the new normal.

President Carter’s MI was 21.98%, a shocking number combining double digit inflation and unemployment. Today, in the Trump economy, we have a Winning Bigly Index (WBI) where Americans are experiencing remarkable prosperity on every level. Trump simply gets it and he has worked tirelessly to remove government bureaucracy, create incentives for investment (tax cuts) and get the US out of unfair trade deals while holding China and other countries accountable for their unfair trade practices. America is winning again! Let’s look at some numbers:

  • Unemployment rate: 3.5% (54 year low)
  • Average hourly wage increase for Americans: 3.1%
  • Average family weekly wage increase: 2.8%
  • Inflation: 1.76%
  • Job growth November 2019: 266,000 (54K in manufacturing)
  • Overall job creation during President Trump’s 1st Administration:  6.02 million; 482K manufacturing jobs
  • US Crude Oil Production: Up 33.6%

When using the MI formula in the Trump economy, unemployment and inflation equals 5.26%. There is no misery index in the Trump economy just a big beautiful Winning Bigly Index! Mr. Obama, Donald J. Trump built that!

Looks like the roaring 20’s are upon us for Trump’s second term. Much to celebrate in America as Pelosi, Schiff and the Democratic Party candidates focus on impeachment and socialism. As the greatest economic President in our lifetimes stated during his 2019 State of the Union speech, “America will be never be a socialist country!” Lets Keep America Great! #KAG2020



The Trump Doctrine

by BlackJack Pershing    

Dateline June 4th, 2019                       Missouri Territory

The Trump Doctrine — Peace Through (Economic) Strength

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”    Dwight D Eisenhower, January 17th, 1961

Among the most shrill cries of ‘no fairsies!!’ to arise in the last two years are those of the never Trump crowd: Bill Kristol, George Will, Bret Stephens, writers at the National Review, the Bush family and their various satellites. This has been puzzling because despite POTUS’s colorful/abrasive style, he’s racked up many conservative wins, Supreme Court picks, regulation cuts and tax policy most notably. So. Why the insane whining from so many ‘center right’ types despite the progress?

President Trump has side stepped, walked around and disregarded the orthodoxy of the center right, sometimes neo-con, always hawkish and seldom military veteran establishment. He has disregarded their playbook completely. He has not sought advice from most of them. He has made them the museum pieces that they really are. He’s attempting something completely new, touching on some noteworthy historic initiatives, but his actions are mostly unprecedented. Here are a few examples of President Trump’s mortal sins, as designated by the traditional hawkish-right handbook:

Economics as foreign Policy: for the hawkish right, the only tool here is economic sanctions against enemy states, to be used mostly leading up to poorly planned and ill-conceived war plans.

Trump has added tariffs to this arsenal to the great dismay of economic purists on the right. Tariffs on everything? No. Tariffs directed at those exploiting the American system. Unacceptable to those steeped in the past, who reflexively invoke the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 each time this tool is used. The globalist conservative right was complicit in selling out the American worker in the last 30 + years while invoking this act from a different time and context. The left is too misinformed to even weigh in coherently. Witness Joe Biden: ‘China is not our competitor’.

Negotiating with Dictators: for the hawkish right, this is only ok on their terms. Threats delivered while we are deploying troops (Iraq, Afghanistan) or worse, concessions achieved with those giving them getting eliminated (Libya-Kaddafi); it also means just offering bellicose rhetoric with zero action taken. Name your 3rd world dictatorship where we’ve not done that under the left and right (Obama and his red lines, JV team, etc).

President Trump has made his own way here. We went full circle from Little Rocket Man to ‘my friend Chairman Kim’ in a short time frame, with the emphasis on finding a personal relationship and appealing to the potential for economic success in North Korea. Had we ever heard an American president discuss developing beach property in a foreign land, let alone NoKo? This approach has sent the Kristols/Stephens/Will crowd into level 5 fits of TDS. While we do not have success yet, we do have reduction in missile tests, nuke activity and the return of Korean War soldiers’ remains. That is 5000% more than his 3 predecessors got done.

Can allies be deadbeats? For the hawkish right, yes of course they can and we should thank them for it. For decades our NATO allies were allowed to NOT pay their bills while their citizens enjoyed lavish social welfare benefits and long vacations. The elitist American right, long alienated from anyone doing blue collar work, only focused on the mission of the alliance and not what the cost was to our citizens.

President Trump shows up and immediately plays collection agent. The predictable response from the right and left is that he’s being mean and disrespectful to our allies. BS. The opposite has long been true. He’s insisting on accountability. He’s got our back.

Peace Through Economic Strength: for the center right, peace, foreign policy and war fighting have never been directly related to economics, even though they may claim differently. Even Rumsfeld while acknowledging the ‘dead enders’ in Iraq with no hope/no job/no life, never offered any solution to why they exist.

Global Competitiveness: Both the left and right forgot about this, as both became remote and sealed off from working America. While encapsulated in the fake bubble of DC, where all drinks are free and all meals are paid lunches and dinners at various ‘events’, they lost all empathy for the American worker.
President Trump in one single act ushered in the game change needed to unleash American economic might: the business tax cut. No one is talking about it but this change that rises above all others. It is reversing decades of off-shoring of jobs. It is restoring faith in the American worker. Companies want to be here now. We finally got the business tax rate to a competitive level. Where does it lead? American economic strength gives us leverage to use in other areas, like the border crisis with Mexico. Unconventional? Yes. While the hawkish right screams about Smoot-Hawley and other imagined horrors, this action just might keep our Border Patrol people safer, just might keep our National Guard Troops home and just might solve some long standing issues. Elitists/Globalists on left and right scream with no solutions.

When America is at its best economically, it can do amazing things, like the Marshall Plan, like the Moon Shot, and even the (FAILED) War on Poverty. We can spend mightily to solve big problems when we are solvent. We currently have a President that knows this, while his adversaries are preaching socialism and offering scolding and shame to the American people – about – well everything.

President Trump has even offered to meet with the Iranian ‘leadership’ with no conditions, emphasizing their economic woes in the meantime.

Venezuela’s socialists will fall soon, and the Russians have announced they are leaving…..

Here’s to Peace through Economic Strength and to victory in 2020!



Twitter Patriots

America’s sons and daughters of liberty are taking twitter by storm. They are the modern day equivalent of Minute Men or Daughters of Liberty pushing back against the fake news networks, the leftist-socialist propaganda agenda and the 24/7 President Trump resistance movement. While @twitter does their best to shadow ban or limit their messaging, these patriots will not be silenced. These patriots stand proudly with @potus Trump Make America Great Again movement, #MAGA.

The trailblazing duo of @DiamondandSilk were early adopters of President Trump as a pair of his most outspoken and loyal supporters. Their tag team approach of bringing reality to liberals with a little “chit chat” is direct, humorous and on point. 

Bringing national security expertise and street smarts, former secret service agent and NYPD officer @dbongino deals directly and forcefully with liberal lies and fake news on all forums including his podcast. Dan is eloquent, quick witted and a regular on @foxnews burning the midnight oil ready to joist a liberal elite off their horse at a moment’s notice. 

@RealJamesWoods is our favorite Hollywood conservative with his take no prisoners approach to commentary. Quick witted and armed with an MIT education, foolish fake fanciful liberals think they can challenge him or refute his critiques. Wrong! James will quickly undress you with your pants down around your ankles with your shoes tied together.

Brilliant, quick witted and tough, the @hodgetwins don’t mess around! They go deep and swing for the fences. These two “Comedians, Black Conservatives” are all about calling out the loons on the left with humor and wit. Make America Great Again! 

@The_Smirker is our “Common Sense Conservative and Psychiatrist for Joe Scarborough” and takes on all lying Liberal & Never Trumpers for morning coffee and evening beers. He fights and wins! Really have to appreciate the selfless service counseling America’s #1 clown @JoeNBC. 

Big victory coming November 6th! #Redwave coming with Twitter Patriots armed with facts, principles and love of country. @potus just wins and so do the Twitter Patriots! 


The Trump Rebellion

by Guardian 6            July 4th, 2018

We are reminded this Independence Day that Americans are not afraid to be bold, to think big and to start a little rebellion now and then to right the course charted by our Founding Fathers. The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are America’s guide posts that remind all of us who we are, where we came from and most importantly, the journey we are on as Americans. We have been given much in the home of the brave and the land of the free. This we should remember and take the time to read our history to fully appreciate  who we are as Americans.

Regarding “a little rebellion now and then,” against all odds the American citizenry elected Donald J. Trump, our 45th president. He was beyond a long shot in the pollster universe, he had zero shot. But Americans don’t listen to pollsters or the media much for that matter, they vote with their minds, their wallets and their hearts. Trump is an unabashed proud American. After eight years of President Obama apologizing to the world about America the heartland, the south and the west had enough of it. Hillary Clinton, besides her penchant for lying, she was a true swamp creature made rich by lobbyists and establishment democrats. Trump on the other hand, an outsider that said what he thought, built his business the hard way and just wins.  Americans love underdogs and Americans love winners. Trump is the 1980 US Olympic Hockey team, an iconic winner.

So this Independence Day we are celebrating the Trump rebellion and victory reminding all Americans, especially the Democrats, who America is and what we stand for. Who are these Americans?

  1. Americans are an independent people that cherish freedom and their individual liberty.
  2. Americans are patriots that serve their country in times of war and meld back into the landscape when the job is done.
  3. Americans are generous and share their fortunes out of love and helping their fellow countrymen (or the world) not because the government directs it but because we believe in goodwill toward men.
  4. Americans love the outdoors, love fishing, hunting, driving their cars and just taking in all God’s wonder.
  5. Americans love sports, love competition, love to compete and love to win.
  6. Americans are risk takers, creators and innovators.
  7. Americans think big and execute boldly.
  8. Americans love God, practice their faith and believe we are endowed by our Creator.
  9. Americans don’t make excuses, hold each other accountable and support one another.
  10. Americans love the 4th of July, love our flag and love our country.

The Trump rebellion this 4th of July is worth celebrating reminding all America’s citizens what a proud, independent people we are and that the 2016 presidential election was our Independence Day from the Swamp, the political class and the vestiges of power hungry bureaucrats !


Prosperity in America Again!

by Guardian 6                                   Dateline June 3rd, 2018

It is good to be winning in America again! The formula is very simple, get the government out of the way and let individual liberty lead the way with hard work, ingenuity, and the American “can do” spirit.

President Trump has aggressively attacked and reduced federal regulations designed to inhibit and slow down businesses while creating tax incentives for individuals and corporations so Americans can keep more of their hard earned money and invest it. End result? An economy that is revving up and just entering fourth gear. The Atlanta Federal Reserve has already projected a third quarter that will hit 4.8% Gross Domestic Product (GDP), an unheard of number for the last 20 years. To put this into perspective, during President Obama’s eight years, we barely crossed 1% territory and never got to 2% GDP.

The unemployment rate in America is 3.75% that is not a typo, 3.75%! Many economists believe the natural unemployment rate is 4% that is to say due to people changing jobs or transitioning to new occupations, the best you can ever get to is 4% unemployment. Well, not in the Trump economy. President Trump has ultimately unleashed an American spirit renewal where we believe in ourselves again, as the world leader where the best is yet to come. President Trump has underpinned his economic message with bold action and openly talking about God and the importance of faith and family.
America is open for business and President Trump has been a great ambassador for bringing foreign investment and businesses to the States highlighting the American worker and tax benefits of doing so.

President Trump is the first president in a generation to put the world on notice for unfair trade and monetary policies. He is backing this up by pulling the US out of unfair trade deals, re-negotiating NAFTA and where necessary, implementing tariffs. While many economists criticize some of these actions, they are the same crowd of “experts” that advised the US government into nearly $20 trillion in debt, along with an irresponsible US Congress that has spent the next generation of Americans into debt.

Americans are feeling the upside of the Trump economy and the uplifting results of having a president that believes in the American people again!

Wages are up, taxes are down! Americans are bringing  home more take home pay. Concerns of the Forgotten Men & Women are being addressed.

Regulations have been cut by a third, and there is more cutting to be done.

ISIS has been dramatically destroyed in Iraq & Syria. North Korea wants to negotiate possibly giving up their nukes and the US military is getting the funding they have needed for over a decade to rebuild their force.

The president has recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and repairing damage that Mr. Obama did to the U.S.-Israel relationship.

And President Trump is taking on the lawlessness of sanctuary cities, illegal immigration and taking out drug gangs such as MS-13 while addressing the opioid epidemic in the US.

There is much more winning to be done but we have an American president that knows what winning looks like and he is guiding us there on a broad front. It is nice to have Prosperity in America Again!


Breaking News — 53rd Endorses Monetti

Special Edition             May 13th, 2018

Regiment, Attention! Regarding the senate race in Missouri, the 53rd Regiment proudly endorses a candidate that will not be bought and sold. A candidate that has been tested through the trials, tribulations and selfless acts of bravery wearing the proud uniform of the United States Air Force. A candidate that fully embraces President Trump’s bold leadership  and an unwavering commitment to the forgotten men and women of Missouri that have been crushed by the liberal elitist Claire McCaskill policies and here ilk. Change has been needed for over a decade and it is time to send McCaskill back to her K Street, Midtown Manhattan and upper society millionaire peers. She is not Missouri! Tony Monetti is and always has been the spirit of St. Louis and Missouri!

It is time for the other republican candidates to clear the flight deck. The B2 Bomber is our candidate. He understands the challenges ahead. He has no fear. He was the clear winner in last night’s debate by two touchdowns, not even close. Tony is use to dropping big payloads on target.  McCaskill is a very BIG target, oversized liberal that has never truly represented Missouri.

Hawley is establishment through and through. He’s got the old republican money coming in. Mitch McConnell loves Hawley. Good for him! Monetti has the people’s money coming in … $5, $10, $25 bucks! Grassroots. Aren’t we sick of the big money, big phony, big party types?

This is what Missouri needs to know — The 53rd Regiment is lining up with LTC(R) Tony Monetti. A man brave enough to get in the cockpit of a B2 aircraft with a nuclear payload, has the guts, smarts and steadiness to lead in the United States Senate and he will proudly play his position supporting President Trump. It is time to execute Colon Blow on sad sack Claire McCaskill.

The 53rd Regiment proudly endorses the next United States Senator from the great state of Missouri, LTC(R) Tony Monetti.


Empty Barrels on Display

The Swamp, January 31st, 2018

If you watched the State of the Union (SOTU) last night, you saw many empty barrels on full display. These empty barrells couldn’t even bring themselves to applaud the success America has had over the last year due to their hatred of President Trump among other reasons, perhaps. Why did these democrats choose to remain seated and looking so disgusted while their republican counterparts applauded and stood? Here  is the list of things that the democrats were upset about as they refused the courtesy of standing:

  1. Increased wages
  2. Record low unemployment among minorities
  3. Job creation and higher wages, bonuses from employers to employees
  4. The American flag & National Anthem
  5. In God we Trust
  6. Path to citizenship for Dreamers, “Americans have dreams too”
  7. Increased defense spending and a defense budget
  8. Defeating the “JV Team” (ISIS in Syria & Iraq)

Looking at the list, there sure is a lot to be angry with if you hate America, or you want to see President Trump fail at all cost. Sadly, these empty barrels represent almost half the country. However, this optimist believes their constituents, the majority of them, find their behavior repugnant and disrespectful.

Last week the empty barrells shut down the government. This week they disrespected the President and the American people with their poor behavior at the SOTU. Hatred never wins. I guess it is going to take another election cycle for the democrats to learn this all over again.

America is winning again and the average citizen feels it, sees it and wants to celebrate it. According to CBS, 75% of Americans liked the President’s speech. Not the democrats. They are hoping for President Trump to fail, thereby America failing. The Elitists are losing and the Deplorables are winning again, bigly! The American people and their interests are first and foremost. Results matter, empty barrels should take note.

… and one more thing, President Tump made about 15 big campaign promises prior to being elected. I hope you’re keeping score because in the Trump world a promise made, is a promise kept!


