
by Blackjack Pershing            Dateline 12 January 21.    2023 hours 

No matter how loud the voice, no matter how many people are saying it doesn’t make it true. But how can you tell?  One tell-tale sign is if your voice is suppressed when you try to question that truth.
― Charles F Glassman MD, author

First, let’s note, as of this writing, it’s NOT over.


On the sudden explosion of  Big Dummies across our nation…..

Along with the #China virus, there is another pandemic of absurd stupidity happening, ignited by the left and amplified by their obedient poodles in the American press, that now includes Fox News, led by liar Chris Wallace and Donut Connoisseur Bret Baier.

Their key word is ‘insurrection’.  Use of that word for what happened at the US Capitol is BS to thinking patriots, but at least half of our citizens are not both thinking and patriots.  On the left some are one, some the other, but being both is almost impossible.

Big Tech

5 decades of our failed education system produced stupid smart people like Zuckerberg, Dorsey and Bezos who have ended up in powerful positions.  What is a stupid smart person?  It’s a person with many valuable skills that was never educated in subjects such as history.  They are similar to great players in sports who end up with very few other contributions to society.  They can code.  They can innovate.  They can create.  What they cannot do is practice discernment in complicated issues involving human behavior.  Some have speculated that each may have some undiagnosed mental disease.  Regardless, we now have human automatons driven by their own internal algorithms that reject our basic freedoms.   They are colluding for now with the Democrats to protect themselves.  And yes – saying they are simply uneducated and not evil is generous.

What to do?

It is easy to make Big Tech feel Pain.  If like this writer, you are an Amazon Prime member, just start a account and steer a large amount of spend that way.  Don’t tell them why.  Just do it.  Breaking out of Apple is harder, but doable.  Twitter and Facebook are largely bad habits to be broken.  Other options are rapidly emerging.  Explore them.

The main misfortune, the root of all the evil to come, was the loss of confidence in the value of one’s own opinion. People imagined that it was out of date to follow their own moral sense, that they must all sing in chorus, and live by other people’s notions, notions that were being crammed down everybody’s throat.
― Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago


I will stop using the term ‘MSM’  as it really is most of the media that is involved in malpractice/malfeasance.  The on air implosion of Fox News on election night led by Bret ‘Buffet Table’ Baier and Martha Mc Stupid should be a wake up call for all patriots.  Fox has practiced just as much manipulation as any channel.

One must wonder why a successful business, such as Fox News before its self-inflicted epic fail, chose to fail.   Who are the drivers?  What is their motivation? Who is benefitting? Who is paying?

Its prime time line up: annoying parrot Hannity, churlish smug Tucker and mean angry Laura has been exposed as tedious and forgettable when other options are explored.


Greg Kelly – what a revelation.  Funny and smart.  The survivors at Fox News, mainly the Saturday and Sunday evening crews, would do well to quietly tiptoe out while they can, and negotiate fresh starts with OAN or Newsmax.

The rest of the members of Clownworld are well documented.  No need to list.  CNN, MSNBC, ESPN, ABC, CBS, NBC are really one corporation offering various flavors of excrement.  We knew it.  They knew it.  The difference now is the elimination of the one major opposition voice.

They all sing in groupthink that Orwell would find striking.

In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act

George Orwell


They think we are stupid

But really, when you are as clueless, disconnected, inward and deranged as the leadership on the left, you make plenty of assumptions.  You dismiss.  You demonstrate hubris.  Fox News for example thinks they can play a waiting game and their loyal sheep will come back.  Hubris.  Democrats and Leftist operatives think screaming insurrection and negativity about Trump in the present will eliminate his support in the future.  That’s just stupid.  In reality they have created a martyr because we know what they did.   

They think calling claims of election fraud ‘conspiracy theories’ will make us less likely to bring it up.  Really really stupid.  We know it happened.  More and more confirmation will be established in the coming months.

They think they can yell about the 25th amendment and a 2nd phony impeachment and people will take them seriously.  This really is laughable.

They think we forgot that Drunk Nancy, Mad Maxine, Dopey Kamala and many others incited violence over the summer.  We have not.  It’s on tape.

The more they lecture us, the more strident they get, the more we can be sure they are wrong. 

But I still wonder how it was possible, in those graceless years of transition, long ago, that men did not see whither they were going, and went on, in blindness and cowardice
― Ayn Rand, Anthem

Republicans, or What’s left of them…

Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz will be legends among free patriots.  Mitch McConnell, Kelly Leffler, Mitt Romney and others will not.  We may be seeing the end of the GOP if Donald Trump chooses to not save it.  He’s got decisions to make.

We’ll see what happens.

Donald Trump

Lindsey Graham may be the most insipid, the most shameless, the most grotesque example of the kind of user that took Trump’s help freely and was ready with a back stab immediately.  At least Pat Toomey and Jeff Flake have been consistent.  All 3 are Big Dummies.

“Like all men who are fundamentally of the group, of the herd, he was incapable of taking a strong stand with the inevitable loneliness that it implied.”
― F. Scott Fitzgerald

It’s not about Trump

No.  Its not.  Its about abortion.  Our choice to descend into socialism or worse.  Redistribution.  The border and immigration.  Education.  1619 or 1776.  The Supreme Court.  The entire Bill of Rights.  Don’t get sucked into Mass Media Manipulation.  This is about very powerful interests controlling everything.

The backlash hasn’t started – not even a little – but its coming.

Look for Twitter and Facebook to decline and possibly go out of business.  Fox News as well.  Look for raucous politics in the coming years.  Look for Joe Biden to be removed from office.  Look for the congress to flip.  Look for states to threaten secession.  Look for massive rallies of patriots.  Look for shifts in key demographics to Trump political positions.  Look for Antifa and BLM to become more professional paramilitary organizations with China and Soros funding, but also look for them to be infiltrated by patriots and undermined.  Look for large multinationals to be boycotted by patriots for their collusion with the left.  Look for a powerful re-birth of freedom and liberty in the United States.  We may look back on the 2020 election steal as something that eventually had to happen to wake up patriots.  I am optimistic about the future.  The left will fail badly and patriots will unite and save America as an idea.





Is the Devine Hand Present?

by BlackJack Pershing on Twitter and Parler:  @PershingSoldier

Dateline 23 September 2020                              Missouri Territory


As high as the heavens are above the earth,

So high are my ways above your ways

and my thoughts above your thoughts

                                                Isaiah 55:9


We phrase the title of this article as a question, not an assertion, because as the great prophet teaches above, we dare not proclaim to know what the Almighty is thinking.  We are however, provided many hints about his concerns, his doings, his past deeds and his intentions for all of us through divine revelation.

This year has been filled with the unexpected but recent events have this author questioning whether the divine hand is directly present in current events.  I present the following reasons from the perspective that America is the last best hope for planet earth, and as goes the United States, generally speaking so will go the rest of the planet.

President Trump today announced he would sign the ‘Born Alive Executive Order’, which makes clear that infants born alive in any context should be assisted, saved and protected.  Did anyone think that in our lifetime such an order would be necessary?  As we learned from the vacant and banal Governor of Virginia, we now do.  So much for the Hippocratic Oath he took as a doctor.  This action the President took today triggered this essay for the 53rd Regiment.

The United Nations General Assembly speech by the president this week was a clear and direct wake up call to the world about the evil doings of China; Venezuela, Iran and Cuba were also singled out.  It cannot go unnoticed by the Almighty that the Atheist Communist dictatorship in China is presiding over and is the source of, the most vile activity on the planet.  It has done so while sealed off from the world for decades.  Slavery, infanticide, organ trafficking, absence of human rights and the likely engineering of a bio-weapon, the China Virus, are all clear examples of pure evil.  Is Donald trump the imperfect vessel selected to take on this malefactor nation?


But if thou indeed obey his voice,

And do all that I speak;

Then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies,

And an adversary unto thine adversaries

                                                Exodus 23:22


Many have observed that God has made a habit of choosing imperfect messengers.  Kind David had many faults, the worst of which was sending his lover’s husband to be killed in battle.  The old testament is filled with many reluctant and imperfect representatives of the Almighty.  Christ himself associated with many deplorables.  Was Trump a saint before the presidency?  Heck no and we all knew that.  Is God using him?


Sister Dierdre Byrne’s appearance at the GOP Convention was striking.  She spoke in bold terms of being ‘pro-afterlife’ and she put her rosary on display.  Leftists were repelled by this appearance as they always are by truth.  The larger question for all of us is how Sister Byrne got into the orbit of our President and his party.  Contemplate that.


Soon thereafter, following his acceptance speech, a selection of songs were sung by a talented tenor, that included the Ave Maria by Schubert (also played at this writer’s mother’s funeral).  I’ll admit to being stunned when this occurred.  This piece, beautiful, ancient, classy and ultimately a prayer to the Blessed Mother of Jesus – seemingly had no place at a political event.  But there is was, placed with intent.  By whom?  For what reason?


The timing of the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is striking.  Late enough to be during the critical period of the campaign early enough to be approved by the Senate, and to have enough positive votes identified.  While we will resist speaking ill of the dead, we will not resist pointing out that RBG was a frequent vocal fan of infanticide.  Our President is present at a critical moment and is committed to making a difference with his next SCOTUS pick.  To think this is all a coincidence is difficult for one of faith.


The March for Life: POTUS shows up.  Reagan phoned it in.


The Fake News MSM is now working tirelessly at destroying the President but he seems to be thriving and using their negativity as energy.  Who else could do this?


Blessed are you when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.  Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven…

Jesus, Matthew 5: 11-12


The President has in fact surrounded himself with people of faith.

Black Pastors visit him frequently, he’s been prayed over by many others.

Mike Pence

Ben Carson

Mike Pompeo

The First Lady

William Barr

Eugene Scalia


So keep your eyes open, fellow patriots.  Something bigger than all of us may be happening.  This imperfect man, this billionaire, this reality star, this product of Queens, NY, this brash fighter, this occasionally mean ‘punch back harder’ guy, this tweeting 3 level chess brawler and Don Rickles style insult artist, might just be a tool of the Almighty, acting as a bulwark against the many evils that confront the United States right now.




You would have no power over Me

Were it not given from above….

                                Jesus, John 19:11




This Flag – I Stand

by Guardian 6                                         Dateline 1 August 2020

This flag crossed the Delaware River Christmas night 1776 with Washington conducting a surprise attack against British forces in Trenton defeating them.

This flag was carried by Union Army forces in the Civil War during numerous battles to preserve America, defeat Confederate forces and end slavery.

This flag was planted on Iwo Jima by six United States Marines raising the U.S. flag atop Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima in the final stages of the Pacific War.

This flag has been carried into space by numerous US Astronauts and planted on the Moon by Neil Armstrong “as one step for man and one huge step for mankind.”

This flag was raised after the attacks of September 11th 2001 that included attacks at the World Trade Center NY, the Pentagon and Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania where a group of American patriots engaged terrorists with one simple command. “Let’s roll,” knowing they would likely die in the attack but preventing the aircraft from hitting the halls of Congress.

This flag has served as a symbol of hope as it does today in Hong Kong; freed countless people around the world persecuted by tyrannical governments; and helped millions of people be free.

This flag has been carried to feed the hungry, free the oppressed and help people when natural disasters have struck.

This flag leads with humility, does not conquer. This flag loves does not hate. This flag  is proudly displayed in houses of worship and respects and loves one true God.

This flag does not run. This flag does not seek a fight. But this flag will not waver. This flag will hold its ground and when necessary, this flag will fight and it will win.

This flag stands for liberty, justice and the American way of life.

The fact that this flag is under assault today by ignorant masses kneeling during the national anthem that includes leftists & democrats; , professional athletes; professional leagues such as MLB, NFL & NBA; ANTIFA; and some US government congressional members does not weaken our flag. It highlights to all  Americans that our greatest threat to the American way of life is ignorance and a lack of appreciation for the blessing of America and the majestic course of liberty our Founding Fathers put this country on. This flag reminds us America is worth fighting for. I stand. I will always stand.


Blexit is Real: A Reflection for Martin Luther King Day

Dateline: January 20, 2020          The Missouri Territory
by Blackjack Pershing

‘You have the ability to choose which way you want to go. You have to believe great things are going to happen in your life. Do everything you can – prepare, pray and achieve – to make it happen.’

—  Ben Carson

It is estimated that between 1820 and 1920 as much as 50% of the population of Ireland emigrated to the United States. To this day one can visit abandoned villages in Ireland, many of them vacated during and after the great potato famine. While today we speak of ‘Brexit’ as the Brits finally get their act together and give themselves breathing room from the continent, we should remember the Irish may have been the first to really depart Europe in a major way. They had enough.

Today, on Martin Luther King Day, let’s reflect on what’s come to be known as ‘Blexit’: the mass exodus of many African Americans from the Democrat party.

The first sign of Blexit: we woke to the election of Donald Trump in November of ’16 to a viral video of Henry Davis, a black Trump supporter from inner city St Louis, laughing joyfully at the Hillary Clinton loss, and the related tears being shed by her devotees. See it here:

We’ve had wonderful black conservative leaders/thinkers/writers from Frederick Douglas through Thomas Sowell. What makes the current era so interesting is the sheer number of every day black citizens that are coming to the conclusion that its time to #WalkAway from the Democrat Plantation. Its a plantation built on grievance and ‘loser-think’ as Scott Adams might say.

African Americans from all walks of life are embracing #Blexit and thinking for themselves.

Kanye West: super star rapper walks off the plantation, grabs a MAGA Hat and doesn’t care what anyone thinks.

Terrence Williams becomes a viral social media star by mocking liberal hypocrisy and lunacy.

Candace Owens brings an amazing scholarly and personal approach to writing and speaking as a pundit. She’s strong as hell and independent.

Actor Isaiah Washington has done what most Hollywood conservatives will not: he has left the democrats behind and is establishing his own brand of conservatism. Men like Isaiah risk their livelihoods for the truth and living a life of principle.

What a time we live in!

In 2016 President Trump challenged the black community with “What have you got to lose?” The MSM in their full voiced insane opposition to Trump dismissed the man as a racist. We now see the lowest black unemployment in history as Trump began the policy of fighting for jobs with smart tax policy and de-regulation. We see his support now picking up in the black community according to most polls. We may see something unprecedented in 2020 as people from all walks of life enter the privacy of the voting booth.

And by the way, who delivered prison reform, an initiative so dear to the black community? President Trump, convincing reluctant republicans to go along with him.

Democrats have destroyed value, cheapened life and wrecked most of our large urban cores in the United States. We all deserve better, but Black Americans in particular deserve much better. Like the Irish of so many decades ago, they have endured enough. Its time to walk away from the mess that the modern democrat party offers to include: excusing blackface, exterminating black babies, creating and cultivating dependency, selling socialism, driving away employers with hostile policies, offering not hope, but hate.

Offering prayers for all of our brothers and sisters in the black communities across the US today, Martin Luther King Day, 2020. Blexit is bringing his dream closer to reality than ever.



Happy Birthday 53rd Regiment

by Guardian 6               12 January 2020

It has been quite the journey as @the53rdregiment celebrates its four year anniversary today.  We never wavered, we have never lost faith with fellow patriots and we will never quit in defending freedom and pushing back hard against the liberal, hate filled mob. The 53rd Regiment stands with America and we stand with President Trump . We are stronger, wiser and more determined then ever to Be Heard!

This would not have been possible without @PershingSoldier’s contributions and backing. He has taken the tough assignments, articulated verbal combat with the best of them and gone deep behind enemy lines.  @PershingSoldier remains undefeated and like President Trump, he does some of his best work in the mudpit. Simply put, he remains fearless in defense of liberty and the American way of life.

Our work is far from over as we approach the 2020 presidential election. The socialist democrats,  Bernie Sander, Elizabeth Warren and AOC are doing their best to turn American into a shithole. The Fake News (CNN, NY Times, MSNBC and Washington Post) among others continue to work against President Trump partnering with the Democratic Party and  the #DeepState. This can not stand. As President Reagan first stated, “America remains that shiny city on the hill.”

The 53rd Regiment has no association fees and no signed agreements. We simply call all Patriots to defend America against the liberal onslaught of insanity. The 53rd Regiment is your forum to Be Heard!

The 53rd Regiment remains vigilant. #TheResistance and the Russians (one in the same), #MSM, Democratic Socialists, Communists, Antifa and other fringe lefty groups, consider this your notice. The 53rd Regiment will Be Heard!

Guardian 6




America’s Promise: Bring the MIA Home

by Guardian 6            

Dateline August 13th, 2018

While the media continues to focus on less than serious news to undermine President Trump and his administration, there is a tremendous achievement as it relates to North Korea that is somewhere between under reported and not reported by the Main Stream Media. President Trump has gotten Chairman Kim Jung Un to not only release three American hostages held by the state as a precondition to the Singapore Summit, but North Korea has honored part its commitment to begin repatriating the remains of Americans killed in the Korean War. Sixty Five years later, the North Koreans have returned what is believed to be 55 sets of American remains. Forensic examination is still needed but this is a significant achievement by the Trump Administration to honor America’s promise to their troops never leaving a fallen soldier behind. 

I will always place the mission first.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.

America’s families are not only owed a debt of gratitude for their sacrifice, they deserve our full measure to bring home the fallen. This is one more promise that President Trump has kept personally involving himself in the request of North Korea to repatriate our fallen. There is much more work to be done here as there are over 7700 Americans missing in the Korean War with the majority of them believed to have fallen in North Korea territory. 

The Trump Administration needs to keep the pressure on the North Koreans to repatriate all our missing troops while President Trump works to get Kim Jung Un to denuclearize. While we applaud this first good faith measure by the North Koreans, they must do more to bring all our troops home. America’s families deserve this closure. 


The Trump Rebellion

by Guardian 6            July 4th, 2018

We are reminded this Independence Day that Americans are not afraid to be bold, to think big and to start a little rebellion now and then to right the course charted by our Founding Fathers. The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are America’s guide posts that remind all of us who we are, where we came from and most importantly, the journey we are on as Americans. We have been given much in the home of the brave and the land of the free. This we should remember and take the time to read our history to fully appreciate  who we are as Americans.

Regarding “a little rebellion now and then,” against all odds the American citizenry elected Donald J. Trump, our 45th president. He was beyond a long shot in the pollster universe, he had zero shot. But Americans don’t listen to pollsters or the media much for that matter, they vote with their minds, their wallets and their hearts. Trump is an unabashed proud American. After eight years of President Obama apologizing to the world about America the heartland, the south and the west had enough of it. Hillary Clinton, besides her penchant for lying, she was a true swamp creature made rich by lobbyists and establishment democrats. Trump on the other hand, an outsider that said what he thought, built his business the hard way and just wins.  Americans love underdogs and Americans love winners. Trump is the 1980 US Olympic Hockey team, an iconic winner.

So this Independence Day we are celebrating the Trump rebellion and victory reminding all Americans, especially the Democrats, who America is and what we stand for. Who are these Americans?

  1. Americans are an independent people that cherish freedom and their individual liberty.
  2. Americans are patriots that serve their country in times of war and meld back into the landscape when the job is done.
  3. Americans are generous and share their fortunes out of love and helping their fellow countrymen (or the world) not because the government directs it but because we believe in goodwill toward men.
  4. Americans love the outdoors, love fishing, hunting, driving their cars and just taking in all God’s wonder.
  5. Americans love sports, love competition, love to compete and love to win.
  6. Americans are risk takers, creators and innovators.
  7. Americans think big and execute boldly.
  8. Americans love God, practice their faith and believe we are endowed by our Creator.
  9. Americans don’t make excuses, hold each other accountable and support one another.
  10. Americans love the 4th of July, love our flag and love our country.

The Trump rebellion this 4th of July is worth celebrating reminding all America’s citizens what a proud, independent people we are and that the 2016 presidential election was our Independence Day from the Swamp, the political class and the vestiges of power hungry bureaucrats !


Prosperity in America Again!

by Guardian 6                                   Dateline June 3rd, 2018

It is good to be winning in America again! The formula is very simple, get the government out of the way and let individual liberty lead the way with hard work, ingenuity, and the American “can do” spirit.

President Trump has aggressively attacked and reduced federal regulations designed to inhibit and slow down businesses while creating tax incentives for individuals and corporations so Americans can keep more of their hard earned money and invest it. End result? An economy that is revving up and just entering fourth gear. The Atlanta Federal Reserve has already projected a third quarter that will hit 4.8% Gross Domestic Product (GDP), an unheard of number for the last 20 years. To put this into perspective, during President Obama’s eight years, we barely crossed 1% territory and never got to 2% GDP.

The unemployment rate in America is 3.75% that is not a typo, 3.75%! Many economists believe the natural unemployment rate is 4% that is to say due to people changing jobs or transitioning to new occupations, the best you can ever get to is 4% unemployment. Well, not in the Trump economy. President Trump has ultimately unleashed an American spirit renewal where we believe in ourselves again, as the world leader where the best is yet to come. President Trump has underpinned his economic message with bold action and openly talking about God and the importance of faith and family.
America is open for business and President Trump has been a great ambassador for bringing foreign investment and businesses to the States highlighting the American worker and tax benefits of doing so.

President Trump is the first president in a generation to put the world on notice for unfair trade and monetary policies. He is backing this up by pulling the US out of unfair trade deals, re-negotiating NAFTA and where necessary, implementing tariffs. While many economists criticize some of these actions, they are the same crowd of “experts” that advised the US government into nearly $20 trillion in debt, along with an irresponsible US Congress that has spent the next generation of Americans into debt.

Americans are feeling the upside of the Trump economy and the uplifting results of having a president that believes in the American people again!

Wages are up, taxes are down! Americans are bringing  home more take home pay. Concerns of the Forgotten Men & Women are being addressed.

Regulations have been cut by a third, and there is more cutting to be done.

ISIS has been dramatically destroyed in Iraq & Syria. North Korea wants to negotiate possibly giving up their nukes and the US military is getting the funding they have needed for over a decade to rebuild their force.

The president has recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and repairing damage that Mr. Obama did to the U.S.-Israel relationship.

And President Trump is taking on the lawlessness of sanctuary cities, illegal immigration and taking out drug gangs such as MS-13 while addressing the opioid epidemic in the US.

There is much more winning to be done but we have an American president that knows what winning looks like and he is guiding us there on a broad front. It is nice to have Prosperity in America Again!


Random Musings on Current Events

 St. Louis, Missouri      Dateline May 2nd, 2018

by Blackjack Pershing

Red Pill Kanye

Are you familiar with the ‘red pill’ ‘blue pill’ memes currently popular on social media?

From Wikipedia: The terms, popularized in science fiction culture, are derived from the 1999 film The Matrix. In the film, the main character Neo is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill by rebel leader Morpheus. The red pill would free him from the enslaving control of the machine-generated dream world and allow him to escape into the real world, but living the “truth of reality” is harsher and more difficult. On the other hand, the blue pill would lead him back to stay in the comfortable simulated reality of the Matrix.

Red Pill Kanye has arrived and we welcome him with open arms. We wondered if in our lifetime black culture in the US could ever bust out of the norms created in the 60’s by Johnson’s Great Society train wreck. It was slow in coming. Bill Cosby did a little of it before his perversion was revealed (Bad Pill Bill!). Condi Rice. Colin Powell before he went bad. Herman Cain before he imploded. Remember Alan Keyes? Roy Innis, who famously knocked over the fat version of Al Sharpton on the Morton Downey Jr. show in the 80’s, and who’s son Niger carries on his tradition. Clarence Thomas. LTC(R) Alan West. A handful of great African American conservative congressmen. Not many though.

But here comes Kanye, and due to his formerly strong affiliation with the Stalinist left, the ongoing red pill explosion is wonderful to watch. At first we thought- ok – he’s giving a little up to Trump due to their friendship. Then came the tweets of Thomas Sowell and the meetings with Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens.  Biggest shock of all? An apology for saying George W Bush hated black people. Chance the Rapper screwed up and crawled back into his hole after being supportive “black people don’t have to be democrats’. Not Kanye. He’s tripled down. Fellow deplorables let’s enjoy this while it lasts. I wonder if his conservative Father-in –law Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner had anything to do with this conversion?

Look for Trump to draw 25%+ of the black vote in 2020.

Tom Brokaw
Wrote the Greatest Generation. Thank You. Other than that, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Your pious yet pompous dissing of the deplorables and their president has yielded you and very very bigly plate of KARMA. ENJOY!

White House Correspondents Dinner

Trump is now clairvoyant. He called it. He skipped what turned out to be in his words a ‘complete disaster’. Trump does the uncomfortable knowing that in the end, style points and socializing with phonies won’t get results. He won’t waste time on the Pravda Left MSM Class because they are never going to be fair. NEVER. He gets it. So what did they do? They soiled their diaper again, writ large and broadcast to everyone with a lousy court jester that read her nasty lines from paper. This event may be the most accurate metaphor for the swamp ever constructed. It was the swamp. Don’t look for reform any time soon. Who do the people at the #WHCD remind of us of?
· The snobby wealthy people in the various 3 stooges episodes that get pulled into pie fights
· The preppie rich kids who all sat together at lunch in high school
· The godless hoards that taunted Noah before the floods
· The crowds that yelled ‘crucify him’ before Pilot
· The French aristocracy right before the revolution
· The worst bosses all of us have ever had gathered in one place

@POTUS had a blast in Michigan and also provided entertainment to many, while the rabble of the press corps put their incontinence on public display. Again. #SAD

Elmer Fudd aka Robert Mueller

It occurs to us that there is a vast similarity between the venerable cartoon character Elmer Fudd and Robert Mueller, formerly described here as Lurch. “Shhhhhhhhhh!! BE VEWY VEWY quiet! We’re Hunting Wabbits!!”. Then, as we know, all manner of travails would befall poor Elmer. Somehow anvils would fall on his head, he’d fall over cliffs or down mine shafts, have his shot gun spun round only to go off in his face repeatedly. Often Bugs Bunny or a combination of Bugs and Daffy Duck were responsible for his many, many problems. In essence, Elmer was a dupe and foil for Bugs. See where we’re headed here? Trump is Bugs Bunny. Daffy Duck appears from time to time in the guise of Sean Hannity, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Rep Devin Nunez, and many others. Mueller creeps along quietly with his trusty two barrel shotgun hunting ‘Wussians’ and keeps having issues. We are not sure when he will come to his senses and call it quits – just like Elmer. Oh well. As Elmer might say “Huh-uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh !!!!”

Rocket Man

Red Pill Rocket Man? We don’t know. Most likely “Ass Kicked during Beijing visit’ Rocket Man – but we’ll take what we can get. Black Jack predicts an eventually successful agreement with North Korea, and, ZERO chance of Trump getting a Nobel Peace Prize. Those are reserved for the Stalinist Left.

Bibi’s Powerpoint

What does Netanyahu of Israel do best? De-pants Iran. He just did. Thank you – more unravelling of BO and the Windsurfer Kerry’s dopey deeds. Iran Deal will have to be re-done or just die. Iran should be watching Rocket Man closely. Despite the story not being told, the world seems to be welcoming Trumpian leadership. Dad’s home and the BS is gonna stop.

New Trump World Order

Anyone else noticing how the rest of the world is falling in line behind ‘mob boss’ in Comey’s words POTUS? Let’s inventory:
· Rocket Man – as described above has moved from trading barbs and testing nukes to hugging at the DMZ
· French President Macron – from OMG death grip handshake to ‘I love DJT so much I can’t keep my hands off him’; supports Syria head punches
· Kaiser Merkel – from public doubts to flying in to have no drama meetings
· Japanese President Abe – staunch ally from the start
· Chinese Premiere Xi – seems to be playing ball despite the trade noise
· Dictator Putin – pretty quiet considering multiple head punches administered to his lapdog Syria
· Mexico – very quiet despite the President’s constant concerns about the border
· Iran – on notice with Bibi’s Powerpoint
· Canada – who cares
· England – supported Syria Op with France
· Poland – got one of the first visits by the president to another nation and got a huge endorsement from him – and some missiles too
· Nigeria – wonderful visit just this week!

What’s happening here folks? Bush’s axis of evil is getting dealt with. Obama’s bad deals getting cleaned up. Years of lax border control are over. Low business taxes attracting investment and even getting compliments from abroad. It’s a new Trump world order.

Bromance and the Kaiser

Oh boy – some grabby/huggy moments from the French King wannabe Macron and the POTUS. Well – maybe our president is starved of affection at home due to his stormy publicity and will take it where he can get it. Oh Dear. While we doubt some of his Euro-centric agenda, we welcome a French President who seems to bathe, who loves America, and who thanks our veterans. Refreshing. We can work with this guy. Then the sour German Kaiser shows up to round out the week. Whatever.

Misery in Missouri

We stand by Governor Greitens and believe he deserves his day in court for the crazy accusations against him involving taking a picture of his former mistress 2 years before he was elected. Disappointing dirt bag stuff if true, yes, but we vote people into office based primarily on their policies and not on their sins or lack thereof. Character is always a crap shoot with any human. We believe the charges on election fraud are stupid and meaningless. Let him serve out his term and let’s move on when the trial is over. The Attorney General who hopes to replace Worthless Claire McCaskill should pipe down. Greitens managed to sign Right to Work legislation and start a tax reduction debate so far. Not bad for a wounded governor.

Momentum in Missouri

We welcome and endorse former B-2 pilot and Air Force veteran Tony Monetti for Senate in MO.

Sad, worthless, unproductive, lost in the past Claire McCaskill, already retired in terms of behavior, should be officially retired as well. Just another elitist fat cat democrat that doesn’t serve the electorate and lives like a millionaire. Let’s not let Claire keep drinking wine with Chuck and Nancy while we drink water or get nothing. Claire represents the past – the late 1970’s specifically – when everything just kind of sucked. Tony Moetti stated on a radio program recently: “Fighter pilots make movies, bomber pilots make history!’ We agree. Tony is normal, smart, energetic, modern, engaged with normal people and will fight for us. Josh Hawley? Not yet Josh. Not even with old man Danforth’s very waspy endorsement. Not yet.

That’s it for the musings – comments welcome!


State of the Union Preview

Dateline Somewhere in the Midwest, January 28th, 2018

by Blackjack Pershing

Let’s get right down to business; what follows is a set of predictions, observations and wishlist items for the pageant know as the SOTU Address.
The Gallery: we know Melania will be up there looking hot; we’ve been told to expect the so called dreamers as guests of Dicky Doo Dah and others; we’ve been told the gentleman who rushed to the church shooting in TX will be there.  Who else would we like to see? Diamond and Silk, as many wounded veterans as possible, and maybe some of those folks in Puerto Rico who caught the paper towels that @Potus was chucking.
Boycotters: in addition to Aunty Max and a few other angry leftist puppets, we’d like to see all of the democrats sit this one out.  We then have one big pep rally for @potus.  And we can give their seats to wounded vets and paper towel recipients.
The Walk In: as in the past the President will walk into congress with many well wishers reaching to shake his hand.  This time why not do some swag distribution.  @potus should hand out MAGA hats, t-shirts, mugs and other premiums to these excited well wishers as he walks in.   Maybe even some Trump Wine, Trump Ties, Trump Steaks, etc etc etc.
VP & Speaker: we’ve seen over the years many sets of Vice Presidents and Speakers looking sometimes bored, sometimes happy, sometimes disgusted.  Poor John Boehner suffered through many bouts of Obama’s gasbaggery.  This year, with an aligned and friendly VP and Speaker, we recommend they occasionally stand up and do the hockey power play dance, demonstrated with great precision in this link by a St Louis Blues Fan:
Key Messages we can expect to hear from @potus:
– America is well on the way to being great again
– Tax cuts working: companies sharing wealth with employees and Apple repatriating billions
Black unemployment lowest in history!
– North Korea bad
– Little Rocket Man is chubby and not helpful
– The Wall!
– DACA for the Wall
– ‘Chuck & Nancy’ not helpful!
– Jay Zee a no good crack dealing chowder head
– infrastructure will be built on time and under budget!
– China not helpful!
– Dicky Doo Dah Durbin not helpful!
we will win so much we will get tired of winning!
– America First
– We will not allow unfair solar panels and washing machines!
– @Potus very healthy!  Won his physical! Celebratory Big Mac! 
The Aftermath: the Very Fake MSM will pan the speech as unspecific and go right back to Russia and almost but not quite firing Lurch 2.0 aka Mueller.  However, Deplorables across the nation will be pleased.  
Open questions:
– who else will boycott?
– will there be a paper towel throw to several friendly Supreme Court members or the Joint Chiefs?
– will any new forever nick names be awarded?
– Will there be a potshot taken at the Very Fake MSM?
– Many many possibilities await!
Thoughts?  Please leave a comment!




What is Needed in Haiti – Real Change

Dateline January 13th, 2018

The 53rd Regiment is republishing this artile about what is needed in Haiti to truly effect real change. Since there is now great interest in Haiti with President Trump’s alleged inartful description of Haiti among  other countries by Senator Dick Durbin, it is an opportunity to call attention once again to what is needed in Haiti. The good news is if you truly care and want to get beyond words, you can help. Please take the time to read Patrick’s article below.

The 53rd Regiment can personally attest to the phenominal work being done by the Haitian Project. My daughter and I have a life long memory visiting the school over Thanksgiving eight years ago and being extremely impressed watching the children learn difficult subjects in three languages. Outrage is cheap these days. If you really want to make a statement and help, make a donation to the Louverature Cleary School. The 53rd Regiment is extremely proud to note that we have been supporting Haiti and this school for over two decades. Many members of the 53rd are supporters. The Haitian Project would welcome your support.

Article as originally posted May 11th, 2016 follows. 

By Deacon Patrick Moynihan, President of The Haitian Project and Head of Louverture Cleary School

It’s time to get back to what works.

Throughout history, education has proven itself to be the most reliable tool for promoting the advancement of individuals and societies. Still, major foundations (think Gates and Clinton) and philanthropic initiatives around the world fail to properly prioritize education as the best road out of poverty.  They prefer instead more ephemeral and emotional initiatives like health care and shelter; or more “exciting” ideas like microfinance and mobile banking.  While there is certainly a place for relief (food, water, shelter etc.), it seems the world has wrongly conflated these things with development and now heavily funds what are in many cases symptoms of poverty, not solutions to poverty.

Education, however, is a solution. And, we need more of it.

For the last 20 years, I have lived and worked in Haiti with my family as president of The Haitian Project, Inc., which supports and operates Louverture Cleary School, a top-notch, tuition free Catholic secondary boarding school in Haiti that forms the future servant-leaders of the country. We empower the young individual to be a catalyst for change in their own life and in their community.

Time and again our students and alumni do prove that education is the surest way out of poverty and towards a brighter future for Haiti. In a country where just 3% of young people graduate high school and over 70% of college graduates leave the country, 90% of our alumni are either studying or working IN HAITI. Many are earning 10-15 times the per capita income of Haiti.  They then use their own success to build strong families and to send their own children to school, and often their extended family as well.

All of our alumni are giving back to their communities and their country. This is by design. The school’s motto comes from Mt. 10:8; “What you receive for free, you must give for free.”

Education works because it not only helps the individual make the most out of the current opportunities and infrastructure available, it helps him or her develop new opportunities and build more advanced infrastructure. Therefore, education is potentially the most basic of development tools. It also is the one that naturally causes and allows the individual to become part of their own advancement. Unlike medical procedures, loans or something that remains external, education is internalized by the person who receives it and it becomes their tool.

It is clear that Haitians themselves prioritize education and recognize its potential.  The world should listen:

  • While just 20% of foreign aid is spent on education, Haitians make education their priority by dedicating over 80% of their remittances to pay for the education of their children.
  • The high demand for education has ensured that teaching is one of the most highly paid professions in Haiti.
  • Every May at LCS 250-300 Louverturian hopefuls line up around the block at 4 am to take our entrance exam and to have a shot at an education that will undoubtedly change their life, and also the lives of those around them.

Real change in Haiti can come only through Haitians themselves, and education equips them to make that change personally and for their country. My 20 years in Haiti has taught me that there are no “silver bullets.” But, they have also taught me that there is hope. The stories of our graduates below leave no doubt in my mind that Haiti’s better tomorrow is an achievable reality.

Education Works

Cultivating Resources for Haiti

Video: #Real Change

Always Employed

Pharmacist Cures Self Medication

Please consider donating to The Haitian Project. Your just reward awaits you both in heaven and on earth.

The Haitian Project, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that runs a tuition free Catholic boarding school in Haiti for 360 students in order to nurture the future leaders of the country. Visit their website for more information or donate now.


The Forgotten

January 1st, 2018 (Initially published November 12th, 2016)

Dedicated to my sister Marianne.

by Guardian 6

Vietnam Veterans were undervalued and underappreciated. The media helped create the narrative that this group of Veterans were baby killers and the dregs of society. They were spat at, discriminated against and disparaged by their peer group among others. All they did was answer their country’s call when they were drafted. They served at great risk to themselves and their families. They believed in a cause greater than themselves and their government’s call to duty. Many of them have been Forgotten.

Since Vietnam, we have gone to an all-volunteer military force. The last draft ended over 40 years ago but yet many of the Forgotten continue to serve our nation out of love for country, doing their patriotic part in helping to protect the United States of America. They feel a sense of duty to support and defend the American way of life.

Some present day political elites hold military members in a negative lite. This was reflected in John Kerry’s comment in 2004 about US troops serving in Iraq when he said to a group of college students that they could either work hard in school or “get stuck in Iraq.” Many of those troops who went to Iraq 2, 3 or 4 times went not because they loved war but because they love their country and Senators like John Kerry voted for them to go to war. You can debate whether the war was right or wrong but what can’t be debated are the sacrifice, valor and courage of these men and women who went to war by direction of their government. Thousands who went to Iraq and Afghanistan lost their life and tens of thousand more were wounded and many of them still suffer today. But in many circles, they have been Forgotten.

There is a new Forgotten class of Americans that dramatically impacted the Presidential Election of 2016 electing Mr. Trump over Secretary Clinton as President. Americans that feel their government has Forgotten them for the following reasons:

  • Selling them out for trade deals where the political class has Profited and American workers have lost their jobs, their livelihoods, and their opportunity to live the American dream
  • Election cycle after election cycle Americans elect politicians that fail to represent them and ultimately represent their own self-interests where they profit and the American worker loses
  • The new Forgotten economic class are talked down to or referred to as “Fly Over Country,” Rednecks, Racists, Bigots or worse
  • The new Forgotten economic class may be from small town America, or Americans raised with traditional values; Americans that still pray and go to church. For this, the government and media elites refer to them as out of touch and trying to take us back to the 1950’s, a reference to being racist

The same Americans that elected Trump fight the nation’s wars, build the nation’s highways, feed the nation from family farms, run small businesses and ultimately just try to live good lives and pass down the lessons of hard work and American values to their children.

… And after this election, many of the lawmakers, television news media,  print media and the political elite connected to the Washington Machine disparage the Forgotten and question how one could vote for Trump. It’s not a hard question to answer. It boils down to this – We love our country; we don’t want it transformed; we believe in the US Constitution; we want our military to be strong; we want freedom of religion protected; we want law and order; we support legal immigration and want our borders secure; we want economic opportunity throughout our land; and we want Supreme Court Justices that will defend life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans. We want a less intrusive government.

The Forgotten have spoken and they deserve your respect. They are your neighbors, your mechanic, your plumber, the Veteran and overall your fellow citizens.


Predictions for 2018

The Swamp, December 30th 2017 

#18. One of the aging formerly big three news networks (ABC, CBS or NBC) will fire executives and revamp their failing news operation

#17. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee will continue to be abusive to her staff

#16. CNN will continue to be fake news

#15. The NFL will continue to lose ratings doubling down on disrespect to the flag and the national anthem. Roger Goodell will be ousted

#14. The Washington Nationals will lose another divisional round of the playoffs

#13. Morning Joe will continue to be a very bad “news” show

#12. Two more Congressman will resign due to sexual harassment  

#11. President Trump will appoint his second Supreme Court Justice

#10. Baseball will return as America’s favorite past time. The Cincinnati Reds will promote Roofman to the Great American Ballpark and he will be a big hit

#9. The presence of water will be confirmed on Mars. President Trump will announce three new massive spaceships to be commissioned by 2026; USS Reagan, USS Grant and USS Trump

#8. Saudi Arabia will serve as a stabilizing influence in Iraq displacing anti-American Iranians. Iranian citizens will continue to call for democracy throughout the year Iran will be condemn killing innocent civilians.  President Trump will provide moral support forcing the current mullahs and oligarchy to resign

#7. LaSalle Basketball team will make the Sweet 16

#6. The 53rd Regiment will grow 100 fold and become a top 25 website where Americans choose to Be Heard!

#5. 700 miles of the wall will be funded and construction will begin by Independence Day

#4. His own military leadership in a coupe will assassinate Kim Jong-un and China will intervene to maintain a communist government. The US will condemn China and relations will deteriorate. American companies will come home

#3. The Russian collusion investigation will finally end with collusion found between the Clinton campaign, the DNC and the DOJ

#2. The US economy will soar with GDP reaching 4.4% in 2018 and effective unemployment in America will be 0%

#1. America will experience unprecedented winning. The winning will continue on a broad front throughout America. Trump’s election will be validated 








Puzzle Girl


Dateline August 12, 2017, Virginia Beach, VA

She finds a nondescript puzzle in the beach house. In a corner of the family room facing the beach she quietly sits down and empties the box. She begins to piece together over one thousand pieces of the puzzle. Intermittently throughout the day she returns to the puzzle methodically identifying piece after piece placing it where it belongs. While many a person would ignore the beach house puzzle, the Puzzle Girl is attracted to this cerebral challenge. Why? What is she thinking while she builds the puzzle? It remains a mystery.


After days of puzzle building, she is nearly done. Just blue sky pieces remain. The Arena Farm puzzle seems out-of-place for a beach puzzle with pictures of a pumpkin patch, a barn and a pond. Only 24 hours left at the beach house and under 50 pieces yet to be placed.


The real question to be answered is after completion does Puzzle Girl leave the puzzle intact for the next beach house occupant or does she take it apart? A real dilemma. Time will tell. What should she do? What would you do?



Colon Blow

Dateline July 30th, 2017. In this timeless article, Guardian 6 explains the Trump victory, his appeal and why “deplorable” Americans remain fiercely loyal to the Trump presidency and his bold agenda. After receiving several requests to republish, the 53rd Regiment presents Colon Blow to our loyal subscribers and readers. 

Dateline January 20th, 2017 — Republished again after the 58th Inauguration of the 45th President of the United States of America, President Donald John Trump.

The article that follows explains how our 45th President stunned many on the left, shocked some on the right and restored faith to the Forgotten American Class of citizens that are the fabric of this country. The elite class of Americans remains dumbfounded while the majority of us saw this coming ten months ago.  Read and learn. 

 Dateline: February 28th, 2016.  There is something explosive coming to America in November 2016. It is part of President Obama’s legacy, perhaps his greatest legacy achievement. After eight years of President Obama and his failed policies;  six of eight of those years with a Republican Congress that demonstrated a spineless approach to pushing back against liberal, progressive dictates — that churning in America’s stomach is a very real movement, a Bowel Movement unlike anything ever seen in the political landscape. The upheaval is coming. America has a virus that is a mix of political correctness, statist elites controlling our lives through fiats and regulations and excessive taxation that has been killing jobs for decades. The American economy is constipated and all jammed up. There is going to be a massive explosion that no commode can withstand. There is going to be a “Colon Blow” that will reverberate in Washington DC for the ages. The people are going to take their country back.

Donald Trump (DT) will be elected President of the United States, faults and all. The Donald has the message that Americans of all stripes are going to vote for out of shear disgust and frustration of the current system, both President Obama and the so called “mainstream Republicans.” Old & young, black & white, blue collar & white collar, and urban & country are in full rejection mode of what the political class is offering. Insiders and elites will work to try and stop Trump’s momentum through attack adds, last minute dirty tricks and attempts to showcase Trump’s shallow character, which is a very long list. However, none of this is going to matter to a public that is outraged. President Obama’s failure to improve the average Americans’ life in combination with his aloofness and inability to lead domestically or internationally, has Americans beyond disillusionment, Americans are pissed! While democrats and republicans alike have done little to improve economic opportunity and security for Americans, they have taken care of themselves with salary raises, exemptions from laws they pass and all the while they have largely ignored the wishes of the people who elected them.

America is going to take one big enema to the whole system. That enema is Donald J. Trump. The enema is going to be like Trump’s Wall. It’s gonna be BIG! It’s going to be beautiful. Trump’s enema is going to Make America Great Again! The Trump suppository will be heard around the world and unlike traditional candidates, Trump’s unique style of talking (… and Tweeting) sounds like the average guy having a beer playing pool in a bar, is catching fire. Americans are finding his plain, direct and often disparaging speech to be refreshing. No doubt, this is an amazing thing to witness that can only be explained against the backdrop of a two term President that has failed his citizens.

Americans want a leader first and foremost. They want a president who stands up for the country and doesn’t equivocate and apologize. They want a president who is unapologetic and clearly DT fits that bill. Americans want a president who is going to restore American greatness and revitalize the American economy. Americans want a president that will take the fight to terrorists and destroy the bastards. Americans want a president that will secure the border, bring jobs back to the USA and create incentives for companies to stay home instead of chasing them overseas through excessive taxation or uber regulations. “It is about jobs, stupid!”

Americans want real change. Not progressive change that increases taxes, attacks religious freedom, fails to secure our borders, increases regulation and centralizes thoughts and power in Washington DC. No way! Americans are ready to take a suppository to DC,  the whole system and drive it right up the asses of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and Congress. Many pundits don’t accept what is happening, can’t fathom it but it is gonna happen. Colon Blow is real, very real. Grab your depends political class, you are about to be shocked and experience the most unimaginable political event in your lifetime. Donald Trump will become the 45th President of the United States.

Post script: (October 30th, 2016) This article was right 8 months ago and it is even more accurate today considering the lawlesslessness of Hillary Clinton and her campaign. #NewFBI Investigation; #650,000NewEmails
