Empty Barrels on Display

The Swamp, January 31st, 2018

If you watched the State of the Union (SOTU) last night, you saw many empty barrels on full display. These empty barrells couldn’t even bring themselves to applaud the success America has had over the last year due to their hatred of President Trump among other reasons, perhaps. Why did these democrats choose to remain seated and looking so disgusted while their republican counterparts applauded and stood? Here  is the list of things that the democrats were upset about as they refused the courtesy of standing:

  1. Increased wages
  2. Record low unemployment among minorities
  3. Job creation and higher wages, bonuses from employers to employees
  4. The American flag & National Anthem
  5. In God we Trust
  6. Path to citizenship for Dreamers, “Americans have dreams too”
  7. Increased defense spending and a defense budget
  8. Defeating the “JV Team” (ISIS in Syria & Iraq)

Looking at the list, there sure is a lot to be angry with if you hate America, or you want to see President Trump fail at all cost. Sadly, these empty barrels represent almost half the country. However, this optimist believes their constituents, the majority of them, find their behavior repugnant and disrespectful.

Last week the empty barrells shut down the government. This week they disrespected the President and the American people with their poor behavior at the SOTU. Hatred never wins. I guess it is going to take another election cycle for the democrats to learn this all over again.

America is winning again and the average citizen feels it, sees it and wants to celebrate it. According to CBS, 75% of Americans liked the President’s speech. Not the democrats. They are hoping for President Trump to fail, thereby America failing. The Elitists are losing and the Deplorables are winning again, bigly! The American people and their interests are first and foremost. Results matter, empty barrels should take note.

… and one more thing, President Tump made about 15 big campaign promises prior to being elected. I hope you’re keeping score because in the Trump world a promise made, is a promise kept!




State of the Union Preview

Dateline Somewhere in the Midwest, January 28th, 2018

by Blackjack Pershing

Let’s get right down to business; what follows is a set of predictions, observations and wishlist items for the pageant know as the SOTU Address.
The Gallery: we know Melania will be up there looking hot; we’ve been told to expect the so called dreamers as guests of Dicky Doo Dah and others; we’ve been told the gentleman who rushed to the church shooting in TX will be there.  Who else would we like to see? Diamond and Silk, as many wounded veterans as possible, and maybe some of those folks in Puerto Rico who caught the paper towels that @Potus was chucking.
Boycotters: in addition to Aunty Max and a few other angry leftist puppets, we’d like to see all of the democrats sit this one out.  We then have one big pep rally for @potus.  And we can give their seats to wounded vets and paper towel recipients.
The Walk In: as in the past the President will walk into congress with many well wishers reaching to shake his hand.  This time why not do some swag distribution.  @potus should hand out MAGA hats, t-shirts, mugs and other premiums to these excited well wishers as he walks in.   Maybe even some Trump Wine, Trump Ties, Trump Steaks, etc etc etc.
VP & Speaker: we’ve seen over the years many sets of Vice Presidents and Speakers looking sometimes bored, sometimes happy, sometimes disgusted.  Poor John Boehner suffered through many bouts of Obama’s gasbaggery.  This year, with an aligned and friendly VP and Speaker, we recommend they occasionally stand up and do the hockey power play dance, demonstrated with great precision in this link by a St Louis Blues Fan: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qtrn2pvAhaM
Key Messages we can expect to hear from @potus:
– America is well on the way to being great again
– Tax cuts working: companies sharing wealth with employees and Apple repatriating billions
Black unemployment lowest in history!
– North Korea bad
– Little Rocket Man is chubby and not helpful
– The Wall!
– DACA for the Wall
– ‘Chuck & Nancy’ not helpful!
– Jay Zee a no good crack dealing chowder head
– infrastructure will be built on time and under budget!
– China not helpful!
– Dicky Doo Dah Durbin not helpful!
we will win so much we will get tired of winning!
– America First
– We will not allow unfair solar panels and washing machines!
– @Potus very healthy!  Won his physical! Celebratory Big Mac! 
The Aftermath: the Very Fake MSM will pan the speech as unspecific and go right back to Russia and almost but not quite firing Lurch 2.0 aka Mueller.  However, Deplorables across the nation will be pleased.  
Open questions:
– who else will boycott?
– will there be a paper towel throw to several friendly Supreme Court members or the Joint Chiefs?
– will any new forever nick names be awarded?
– Will there be a potshot taken at the Very Fake MSM?
– Many many possibilities await!
Thoughts?  Please leave a comment!




Really — Comey Teaching Ethics?

The Swamp, January 24th, 2018

Former FBI Director Comey will be teaching a class on Ethical Leadership at the College of William & Mary (W&M) in the DC branch campus come this fall. This is very interesting since many of the issues associated with the Hilliary Clinton Email scandal; or the  Democratic National Committe  paying a former British spy to build a phony dossier with Russian sources he never met against Trump;  and the alleged collusion of Trump with the Russians helping his campaign. None of this is settled and one might say the Comey legacy is on fire and his reputation is in tatters. Regardless of facts or outcomes, leftist universities have an agenda to preach and a “left, left, left” cadence to keep as they instruct their students to march hard left. Education is no longer about teaching students to think critically or for themselves, it is about grooming the next generation of progressive democratic voters. Oh, and did we mention, Director Comey is a W&M graduate. Left, left, left, right, left.

Upon being announced for the orchestrated privilege of teaching at W&M, Comey said,”I am thrilled to have the chance to engage with William & Mary students about a vital topic — ethical leadership. Ethical leaders lead by seeing above the short term, above the urgent or the partisan, and with a higher loyalty to lasting values, most importantly to the truth.”

A couple questions: (1) An ethical leader would never leak a classified memo to a NY college professor friend, right? (2) An ethical leader would never allow themselves to be compromised by the Obama Administration or Attorney General Lynch to find Hillary Clinton Innocent of mishandling thousands of emails (many of them classified) and setting up a private server to avoid government scrutiny, right? (3) An ethical leader wouldn’t predetermine the outcome of the Clinton investigation before it was completed, right? (4) An ethical leader would not develop or surround himself with an extremely partisan workforce that has been grossly compromised at the senior level in the FBI, resulting in the FBI’s reputation being dragged through the mud. #ComeyShameful

While W&M may be helping to rebuild Comey’s reputation while he also passes their leftist anti-Trump test, Mr. Comey has acted far from ethical. This whole episode is actually very sad and a complete joke. It is very sad to see that the FBI has lost the trust and confidence of the American people. But we must also be very clear, Mr Comey presided over this. Mr. Comey created this mess. It is just too bad he failed the ethical leadership test.



#SchumerShutdown – Update

The Swamp, Dateline January 22nd, 2018

Senator Schumer has parked the Clown Car on the democratic side of the Senate parking garage and he has graciously de-linked DACA from a continuing resolution to fund the federal government. So, in other words, we are where President Trump was three days ago. We  have a miracle only hours ago, a bill passed to keep the government open. The #SchumerShutdown nightmare is over.

With key advisors like Sen. Dick Durbin, Sen. Tim Kaine and Sen. Bernie Sanders, who needs friends?! Wow, the Clown Car occupants are scattering like roaches hit by light in the middle of the night. They have moved under the appliances known as CNN and MSNBC to provide cover and fake news!

Original article below published January 19th, 2018

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), 800 thousand of them whom arrived illegally, are being prioritized by Democrats over the rights of 320 million tax paying American citizens . Even though the current illegal DACA arrangement implemented by an illegal Executive Order by former President Obama is not due to expire until March 5th, 2018, the Democrats (#SchumerShutdown) are NOT willing to pass a continuous resolution to fund the government.

Couple questions:

  1. Is this a cover-up and a distraction to the cover-up of the phony dossier and Democratic Party collusion with a British Spy and phony dossier?
  2. So the Dems are prioritzing illegals “rights” over the tax paying rights of citizens of the United States?
  3. The Dems are willing to let the military and their families go without pay while we are at war? By the way, Congress still gets paid in a government shutdown. Isn’t that interesting. Different rules for the ruling elite.
  4. Was the #shithole fake news episode really about the set-up to DACA? Of course it was! But the fake news will not report this.




The Swamp, Dateline January 19th, 2018

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), 800 thousand of them whom arrived illegally, are being prioritized by Democrats over the rights of 320 million tax paying American citizens . Even though the current illegal DACA arrangement implemented by an illegal Executive Order by former President Obama is not due to expire until March 5th, 2018, the Democrats (#ShumerShutdown) are NOT willing to pass a continuous resolution to fund the government.

Couple questions:

  1. Is this a cover-up and a distraction to the cover-up of the phony dossier and Democratic Party collusion with a British Spy and phony dossier?
  2. So the Dems are prioritzing illegals “rights” over the tax paying rights of citizens of the United States?
  3. The Dems are willing to let the military and their families go without pay while we are at war? By the way, Congress still gets paid in a government shutdown. Isn’t that interesting. Different rules for the ruling elite.
  4. Was the #shithole fake news episode really about the set-up to DACA? Of course it was! But the fake news will not report this.

So Dems, to quote Dirt Harry, “you feel lucky punk?” Go ahead, shut her down!


The Clown Car is Rolling

The Swamp, Dateline January 17th, 2018

The Clown Car that is the White House Press Pool was on full display yesterday interrogating the White House physician, Navy Rear Adm. Dr. Ronny Jackson on President Trump’s health. Much to their disappointment, Dr. Jackson declared President Trump to be in “excellent health.”

As the phony Russian dossier and collusion loses steam,  the press pushes a new false narrative that the president has dementia, or early onset Alzheimer’s disease or some other psychosis that would build the case to remove him from office. Once again, the press was very disappointed with the results when Dr. Jackson explained the  cognitive exam he administered on President Trump resulted in a perfect score of 30 out of 30 questions answered correctly.

Here are a few of the “serious” questions asked by the press in the Clown Car during yesterday’s press conference:

ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl asked, “Can you explain to me how a guy who eats McDonald’s and fried chicken and all those Diet Cokes and who never exercises is in as good of shape as you say he’s in?”

NBC News reporter Hallie Jackson noted that Trump’s weight put him just shy of obesity, based on body mass index, and asked the doctor, “You’re confident of that number? Dr. Jackson said yes.

Other gems included:

“Does the president watch too much TV?”

“Is he limited to one scoop of ice cream?”

“Did you address drug addiction?”

Much to the Clown Cars disappointment, President Trump is in “excellent health.” However, this hasn’t put their narrative to bed as they continue to question Dr. Jackson’s exam, the president’s health and his fitness to office. The only thing slowing the clown car down on this topic is #shithole gate which is the presses new foil for Trump being a racist. Clown Car madness continues.

On a more serious note, there are a few Clown Car questions:

  1. Who is driving the Clown Car? MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough or CNN’s Jay Tapper or maybe Jim Acosta
  2. Is the Clown Car gas,  electric or foot powered?
  3. Is Keith Olberman or Stephen Colbert in charge of honking the horn?
  4. Did MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow or Laurence O’Donnell design the clown outfits?
  5. Who is funding the Clown Car?
  6. Who are the Dark Clowns? 


What is Needed in Haiti – Real Change

Dateline January 13th, 2018

The 53rd Regiment is republishing this artile about what is needed in Haiti to truly effect real change. Since there is now great interest in Haiti with President Trump’s alleged inartful description of Haiti among  other countries by Senator Dick Durbin, it is an opportunity to call attention once again to what is needed in Haiti. The good news is if you truly care and want to get beyond words, you can help. Please take the time to read Patrick’s article below.

The 53rd Regiment can personally attest to the phenominal work being done by the Haitian Project. My daughter and I have a life long memory visiting the school over Thanksgiving eight years ago and being extremely impressed watching the children learn difficult subjects in three languages. Outrage is cheap these days. If you really want to make a statement and help, make a donation to the Louverature Cleary School. The 53rd Regiment is extremely proud to note that we have been supporting Haiti and this school for over two decades. Many members of the 53rd are supporters. The Haitian Project would welcome your support.

Article as originally posted May 11th, 2016 follows. 

By Deacon Patrick Moynihan, President of The Haitian Project and Head of Louverture Cleary School

It’s time to get back to what works.

Throughout history, education has proven itself to be the most reliable tool for promoting the advancement of individuals and societies. Still, major foundations (think Gates and Clinton) and philanthropic initiatives around the world fail to properly prioritize education as the best road out of poverty.  They prefer instead more ephemeral and emotional initiatives like health care and shelter; or more “exciting” ideas like microfinance and mobile banking.  While there is certainly a place for relief (food, water, shelter etc.), it seems the world has wrongly conflated these things with development and now heavily funds what are in many cases symptoms of poverty, not solutions to poverty.

Education, however, is a solution. And, we need more of it.

For the last 20 years, I have lived and worked in Haiti with my family as president of The Haitian Project, Inc., which supports and operates Louverture Cleary School, a top-notch, tuition free Catholic secondary boarding school in Haiti that forms the future servant-leaders of the country. We empower the young individual to be a catalyst for change in their own life and in their community.

Time and again our students and alumni do prove that education is the surest way out of poverty and towards a brighter future for Haiti. In a country where just 3% of young people graduate high school and over 70% of college graduates leave the country, 90% of our alumni are either studying or working IN HAITI. Many are earning 10-15 times the per capita income of Haiti.  They then use their own success to build strong families and to send their own children to school, and often their extended family as well.

All of our alumni are giving back to their communities and their country. This is by design. The school’s motto comes from Mt. 10:8; “What you receive for free, you must give for free.”

Education works because it not only helps the individual make the most out of the current opportunities and infrastructure available, it helps him or her develop new opportunities and build more advanced infrastructure. Therefore, education is potentially the most basic of development tools. It also is the one that naturally causes and allows the individual to become part of their own advancement. Unlike medical procedures, loans or something that remains external, education is internalized by the person who receives it and it becomes their tool.

It is clear that Haitians themselves prioritize education and recognize its potential.  The world should listen:

  • While just 20% of foreign aid is spent on education, Haitians make education their priority by dedicating over 80% of their remittances to pay for the education of their children.
  • The high demand for education has ensured that teaching is one of the most highly paid professions in Haiti.
  • Every May at LCS 250-300 Louverturian hopefuls line up around the block at 4 am to take our entrance exam and to have a shot at an education that will undoubtedly change their life, and also the lives of those around them.

Real change in Haiti can come only through Haitians themselves, and education equips them to make that change personally and for their country. My 20 years in Haiti has taught me that there are no “silver bullets.” But, they have also taught me that there is hope. The stories of our graduates below leave no doubt in my mind that Haiti’s better tomorrow is an achievable reality.

Education Works

Cultivating Resources for Haiti

Video: #Real Change

Always Employed

Pharmacist Cures Self Medication

Please consider donating to The Haitian Project. Your just reward awaits you both in heaven and on earth.

The Haitian Project, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that runs a tuition free Catholic boarding school in Haiti for 360 students in order to nurture the future leaders of the country. Visit their website www.haitianproject.org for more information or donate now.


Toxic News

The Swamp

Dateline January 9th, 2018

There are elements of Fake News regarding the Trump presidency that are surreal to watch.  The hate, the orchestrated phony presentations, the ignorant partisan guests and the out right contemptuous behavior toward the 45th President of the United States is without precedent. In a word, the “mainstream media” has become toxic.

Each morning, beginning from 6 – 9 AM EST, MSNBC Morning Joe & CNN New Day dump toxic words of waste on the American public without fail. Both shows are a three hour hit job on the president. There is zero news, just three hours of Joe Scarborough and Chris Cuomo presenting fake toxic news with condescension, immaturity and little regard for the dignity of the Office of the Presidency. These two fabricators masquerading as newsmen are much more interested in reading their own headlines and securing accolades from their leftwing peers. Their broadcasts are never interrupted with real news or facts, just spew.

The 53rd Regiment strongly recommends you avoid these toxic broadcasts of hate, misinformation and toxicities. People want to start their day with an uplifting message, not this trifle and inconsolable hate directed at President Trump and those that voted for him!

Enjoy your day folks by avoiding the Scarborough and Cuomo toxic dump. 



Strap in boys …

 The DC Swamp, Nats Country, January 5, 2018

Spring Training Message, Day One

They’re not giving you a shot! They have already written you off. No chance, zero! Why even put the uniform on and take the field?

Who are we talking about? The NY Mets ladies and gentlemen, the New York Mets, the Amazins’.

All the prognosticators, the MLB channel, the formerly great sports network ESPN, the NY Post, the Daily News and the list goes on. The Mets have no chance. The Nats are going to use you to pad their first place lead. The Nats players believe they’ll go 15-3 against you. Bryce Harper believes those three losses will be when he is rested. End of message

Well, we are a little over a month away from Mets pitchers and catchers reporting to Port St. Lucie, Fla. on February 12th. There are quite a few Amazings’ that have something to prove after getting knocked down and embarrassed last year. Hey, “there is no crying in baseball” gentlemen but this writer believes the death of the Mets young pitching staff has been greatly exaggerated. You might say, it is fake news! With a new manager in Mickey Callaway and a new pitching coach in Dave Eiland, a new throwing program to boot during the off season,  I‘m putting the NL East, the Nats, the Dodgers and Cubs on notice (that’s right, I wrote it!). These young lads have something to prove. Beware! Noah Syndergaard, Matt Harvey, Steven Matz and Zack Wheeler, among others, were knocked on their ass last season and there is no better cure than personal embarrassment to motivate an individual and a team that wants to be great again. Jacob deGrom did his best to hold the fort in 2017 but it was too much without his pitching teammates. There is a new chapter to be written in 2018 and it is time for the Mets pitchers to Make the Amazins’ Great Again! #MAGA!!!




Two America’s

The Swamp, January 3rd, 2018

This article was originally published under the title “Cartwright & Clinton — HMMM …” on 30 January 2016.  This article is highly relevant  to how we are seeing two America’s emerge; in one America 99% of us are subject to the rule of law. In the other America, the democrat party, old media and Deep State activisits are above the law.  These three elements are the true 1%ers. Gen Flynn, one count of perjury, guilty. Clinton, thousands of highly classified documents and sensitive government emails compromised, given favorable treatment by the FBI, “extremely careless.”  Original article follows … 

Dateline January 31st, 2016. Marine, warrior, a former vice chairman of the JCS has pleaded guilty to making false statements during an investigation into a leak of classified information about a covert cyberattack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Unlike Clinton, he didn’t claim “I can’t remember.” Retired Marine Gen. James Cartwright entered the plea at a hearing Monday. When the judge asked if Cartwright understood the charge, he said, “I do, sir.” Cartwright  originally told investigators that he was not the source of classified information contained in a book published by a newspaper author, according to unsealed charging documents.

Cartwright played the Washington game never realizing he was just a 99%er, he was a pawn on the Washington checkerboard. He was expandable. He danced with the rags of the devil, the NY Times, and has now paid the price for it tarnishing his stellar career and reputation. One more highly decorated military officer to be taken down by the Obama-Clinton regime joining McCrystal, Petraeus and Flynn among others. He, like them, were not part of the protected class of democratic politicians like Hillary Clinton, the 1%er who breaks all the handling rules for classified information destroying 33,000 State Department emails on her private server set-up to avoid public scrutiny and FOIA requests. Cartwright, although achieving tremendous statue as a Four Star General Officer in the Marine Corps, one of the absolute best, did break the law. Unlike Clinton, he expects to pay a price because he knows what duty, honor, country looks, smells and feels like. Although Cartwright committed a crime, Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve to even shine his boots.

Cartwright’s sins are 1/33,000th of Clinton’s but somehow, someway FBI Director Comey brings this one to prosecution. The law is the law, unless of course Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch instruct otherwise.

Wake up people, we are slowly being boiled in warm water and our liberty and justice is in peril.

Dateline: 5 July 2016 — Update: Sadly, we have two America’s. In one America 99% of us would have been prosecuted for violating federal law for failure to properly handle classified information and conducting government business on a personal private server. In the new transformed America ushered in by Obama, DoJ Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, and Clinton, the elites protect their own as they did today with Hillary Clinton.

(Dateline 30 January 2016) We have two America’s. In one America the 99%ers follow the law and use government computer systems and government email addresses provided. In another America the 1%ers use their private servers, private email accounts and their personal devices to do government business, expressively forbidden and against the law. In one America 99% of government employees read and abide by policies established and put in place to uphold the interests of the nation and respect the laws of the land. In another America, the 1%ers find these laws to not apply to them because they are a privileged class that we are lucky to have “leading” us. To the 1%ers it is inconvenient to abide by the laws for the public because they know better than the 99%ers and after all, these laws are for the public, not for them.

Classified information? Why should that make a difference to the 1%ers? After all, they know what is really classified and their judgment affords them the superior authority to make decisions on what is classified and what is not. The 1%ers know better than the classification authorities that have decades of experiences protecting information from our enemies and safeguarding US interests. The 1%ers may come and go in governmental political positions but who are the 99%ers in the three letter agencies that have been trained and have rich experience classifying documents and protecting means and methods to judge them?

Snowden is a 99%er, he should be prosecuted. General Petraeus, he hung around with the 1%ers but he’s really a 99%er, after all he was in the military. He was prosecuted. He at least got a plea bargain. PFC Manning, US Army, 99%er, Ft. Leavenworth (and later pardoned by President Obama because he is a protected class as a Transsexual)  preferred. CIA Director John Deutch, Clinton Administration, 1%er, brought classified information to his home and loaded it on personal computers, not prosecuted. Two America’s. 99%ers are prosecuted and go to jail for violating US policies compromising sensitive or classified information. 1%ers? The political class? The Elite? Not so much.

After seven years of the Obama Administration, we are about to find out how much of America’s Rule of Law remains intact. Can the FBI do its job without political pressure and influence? Does the rule of law apply to all Americans or just the 99%ers? Will Hillary Clinton be treated equally under the law or will there be exemptions, excuses and a fall person or two that covers the gross planned, orchestrated negligence? Will the Department of Justice follow the law? As a 99%er, it saddens me to even write that. It may be time to Occupy the DoJ. #Justice!


The Forgotten

January 1st, 2018 (Initially published November 12th, 2016)

Dedicated to my sister Marianne.

by Guardian 6

Vietnam Veterans were undervalued and underappreciated. The media helped create the narrative that this group of Veterans were baby killers and the dregs of society. They were spat at, discriminated against and disparaged by their peer group among others. All they did was answer their country’s call when they were drafted. They served at great risk to themselves and their families. They believed in a cause greater than themselves and their government’s call to duty. Many of them have been Forgotten.

Since Vietnam, we have gone to an all-volunteer military force. The last draft ended over 40 years ago but yet many of the Forgotten continue to serve our nation out of love for country, doing their patriotic part in helping to protect the United States of America. They feel a sense of duty to support and defend the American way of life.

Some present day political elites hold military members in a negative lite. This was reflected in John Kerry’s comment in 2004 about US troops serving in Iraq when he said to a group of college students that they could either work hard in school or “get stuck in Iraq.” Many of those troops who went to Iraq 2, 3 or 4 times went not because they loved war but because they love their country and Senators like John Kerry voted for them to go to war. You can debate whether the war was right or wrong but what can’t be debated are the sacrifice, valor and courage of these men and women who went to war by direction of their government. Thousands who went to Iraq and Afghanistan lost their life and tens of thousand more were wounded and many of them still suffer today. But in many circles, they have been Forgotten.

There is a new Forgotten class of Americans that dramatically impacted the Presidential Election of 2016 electing Mr. Trump over Secretary Clinton as President. Americans that feel their government has Forgotten them for the following reasons:

  • Selling them out for trade deals where the political class has Profited and American workers have lost their jobs, their livelihoods, and their opportunity to live the American dream
  • Election cycle after election cycle Americans elect politicians that fail to represent them and ultimately represent their own self-interests where they profit and the American worker loses
  • The new Forgotten economic class are talked down to or referred to as “Fly Over Country,” Rednecks, Racists, Bigots or worse
  • The new Forgotten economic class may be from small town America, or Americans raised with traditional values; Americans that still pray and go to church. For this, the government and media elites refer to them as out of touch and trying to take us back to the 1950’s, a reference to being racist

The same Americans that elected Trump fight the nation’s wars, build the nation’s highways, feed the nation from family farms, run small businesses and ultimately just try to live good lives and pass down the lessons of hard work and American values to their children.

… And after this election, many of the lawmakers, television news media,  print media and the political elite connected to the Washington Machine disparage the Forgotten and question how one could vote for Trump. It’s not a hard question to answer. It boils down to this – We love our country; we don’t want it transformed; we believe in the US Constitution; we want our military to be strong; we want freedom of religion protected; we want law and order; we support legal immigration and want our borders secure; we want economic opportunity throughout our land; and we want Supreme Court Justices that will defend life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans. We want a less intrusive government.

The Forgotten have spoken and they deserve your respect. They are your neighbors, your mechanic, your plumber, the Veteran and overall your fellow citizens.


Predictions for 2018

The Swamp, December 30th 2017 

#18. One of the aging formerly big three news networks (ABC, CBS or NBC) will fire executives and revamp their failing news operation

#17. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee will continue to be abusive to her staff

#16. CNN will continue to be fake news

#15. The NFL will continue to lose ratings doubling down on disrespect to the flag and the national anthem. Roger Goodell will be ousted

#14. The Washington Nationals will lose another divisional round of the playoffs

#13. Morning Joe will continue to be a very bad “news” show

#12. Two more Congressman will resign due to sexual harassment  

#11. President Trump will appoint his second Supreme Court Justice

#10. Baseball will return as America’s favorite past time. The Cincinnati Reds will promote Roofman to the Great American Ballpark and he will be a big hit

#9. The presence of water will be confirmed on Mars. President Trump will announce three new massive spaceships to be commissioned by 2026; USS Reagan, USS Grant and USS Trump

#8. Saudi Arabia will serve as a stabilizing influence in Iraq displacing anti-American Iranians. Iranian citizens will continue to call for democracy throughout the year Iran will be condemn killing innocent civilians.  President Trump will provide moral support forcing the current mullahs and oligarchy to resign

#7. LaSalle Basketball team will make the Sweet 16

#6. The 53rd Regiment will grow 100 fold and become a top 25 website where Americans choose to Be Heard!

#5. 700 miles of the wall will be funded and construction will begin by Independence Day

#4. His own military leadership in a coupe will assassinate Kim Jong-un and China will intervene to maintain a communist government. The US will condemn China and relations will deteriorate. American companies will come home

#3. The Russian collusion investigation will finally end with collusion found between the Clinton campaign, the DNC and the DOJ

#2. The US economy will soar with GDP reaching 4.4% in 2018 and effective unemployment in America will be 0%

#1. America will experience unprecedented winning. The winning will continue on a broad front throughout America. Trump’s election will be validated 








New Years Resolutions for Stars in the 53rd’s Universe

St. Louis, Missouri  December 29th, 2017

by Black Jack Pershing

As we begin the year it’s always a good time for personal renewal and reflection.  Let’s offer some thoughts on New Year’s Resolutions for those watched, scorned or celebrated by the community known as the 53rd Regiment.   No one is perfect, anyone can improve, friends and non-friends alike and this advice is free of charge!

Steve Bannon. Clearly the self-appointed king of the alt-republicans has room for improvement.  Steve needs to explore the world of Nutrisystem post haste.  In addition he’s kind of got a combo cave dweller/booze hound complexion.  Some sun is in order, a good night’s sleep and possibly a C-pap machine.  There are likely bowel issues with SB too that may clear up with the Nutrisytem meal plan.  We like Steve B, but Steve B needs to raise his game; he thinks he’s achieved metaphysical perfection.  WRONG.

Ed Gillespie. Ed is a nice guy.  Ed may want to make a resolution to be about 60% meaner should he chose to run again for any office.  Be clear.  Be bold.  Make the choice stark, Ed.  The middle of the road is for dead armadillos, Eddie.

The Mooch. Anthony Scaramucci was the bottle rocket of 2017.  So much to offer, so promising, so colorful – only to blow up spectacularly before our eyes.  The Mooch’s resolution is to shut up and learn self-restraint.  We are not optimistic.  The mooch is that big mouth kid that always ended up getting a wedgie in high school.  Bet he got lots.

Colin Kaepernick. Colin’s resolutions include learning humility, taking a class on logic which may not have been offered at his undergrad institution, and focusing on developing hard skills which could be helpful in future employment outside of the NFL.  The US is short on workers in the skilled trades, such as machinists, electricians, mechanics, welders and air conditioner technicians.  A good start could be an entry level gig as a cable technician.  The cable companies offer good benefits and training which will make his transition easier.

Bill Kristol. Bill, a so called never Trumper, needs resolutions to give him clarity.  I am not a big believer in therapy for those with no diagnosis but Bill could benefit from a regular sit down with a shrink.  He’s clearly bitter and may have issues with self-hate, potty training, shame, and other scary Freudian matters.    Bill may be the best example of a guy who likes his elitist status more thanhe likes conservative principles.  A sad case.

Bill Clinton. Bill’s resolution should be all about getting distance between himself and his accusers who now are believed thanks to Harvey, Matt, Kevin and many others.  Bill’s resolution should be about buying land in places where extradition to the US is unlikely.  Like Snowden, Russia may be an option.  Perhaps an embassy of a 3rd world state like Jullian Assange pulled off.  Is that crazy pedophile island you once visited still available?  Don’t wait too long, Bill.  Rape charges are serious matters.

NFL Owners – the few decent ones. The few decent NFL Owners, (estimating 5-10 max), should set a resolution to sell their franchises by the end of 2018.  Ideally they should sell to annoying morons with no strategic intent like Puffy, Snoop Dog, or other left leaning cohorts with Hollywood backing.  This is the best way to let this sad institution, already circling the drain, to finally implode completely.  Hurry up guys.  The longer you wait the less value you’ll get from an eventual sale.

Jerry Brown. Jerry’s resolution should be to explore the world of anti-psychotic drugs.  New offerings are greatly improved with less side effects.  Governor Moonbeam indeed!

Debbie Wasserman-Shultz. Deb needs many resolutions.  First, smile and be pleasant more.  Her scowl is worse than Hillary’s and that’s saying something.  Next, line up good legal support, and finally, stop cavorting with intelligence assets sent to the US from Pakistan.  These are starter suggestions for one of the biggest train wrecks in the Democrat party and congress.  Also – please shave your head and start over with the hair.

The Bush Family. Resolutions include: move on, get jobs, get lives, realize you’re not entitled to crap, value principles over power.  Grampy may need sex harassment training.  You people are sliding into a shameful place.  Be dignified please.

James Mattis. Resolution is to give POTUS a wonderful plan that eradicates the crazy fat kid, once ISIS is disposed of.

Aunty Maxine (Waters). Maxine’s resolution is to investigate treatments for senility.  We like Aunty Maxine and enjoy her nutjobbiness.  We just worry that she really is nuts.

Nancy Pelosi. See Aunty Maxine

Rex Tillerson. Rex’s resolution is all about having patience with his boss.  Count to ten Rex.  Take a time out.  You know he’s going to piss you off but he needs you and he means well.  You know it.  Go home and have a Lone Star and a big belch Rex – you’ll feel better.

Hillary. Crooked H needs a resolution related to finding a life.  In the 70’s people went to California to find themselves.  Hillary should consider this.  Certainly Jerry Brown could offer her a place to crash and also share his stash of good pot.  Go west Bitter Crooked Hillary, Go West. Go away.  Hillary would make an excellent prison guard if such an opening should come available after her doobage retreat with Jerry.

 Roofman. Roofman, perhaps the most infamous and mysterious mascot in minor league baseball, spiritual guru of the Dayton Dragons, has one resolution and one only: visit and mix it up with your fans, especially the high end fans in the suites at Fifth Third Field!  Photo ops please and no groping!

Shep Smith. Shep has become a mouthy little pain in the backside.   His resolution is to just report the news and otherwise stick a cork in it.  Shut up Shep – just the facts.  If not, the world of Fake News is waiting for you at Fox’s competitors.

Crazy Bernie. Not as many sad millennials are feelin’ the Bern of late.  His relevance is inverse to ‘winning so much we are tired of winning’.  So Bernie’s resolution is to finally get mad enough at Hillary, Debbie, and the entire Democrat apparatus that he seeks justice.  Imagine the satisfaction of insisting on justice and honor, Bernie!  Even better than those dirty books you used to write.  The commie stuff won’t work in an era of winning, so go and get even with that evil lady who did you dirty!  Do it!

Rosie. Rosie is in the Nutrisystem crowd.  Her resolution is to have Marie Osmond as a mentor and lose roughly 115 lbs.  This should help her mental outlook and result in a more positive Rosie less likely to send out homicidal tweets.  Rosie’s issues with guilt, shame, rage, bitterness and body odor are likely to improve on a low sugar diet.

Jeff Sessions. Gomer’s resolution is to start doing his J.  O.  B.

Chris Christie. Mr Beach Chair is also in the Nutrisystem club.  Like Rosie and Steve B, Chris has put himself at risk for early onset diabetes, hypertension, bad knees and ankles, high cholesterol, heart failure, hardening of the arteries, hemorrhoids and many many other undesirable conditions.  Chris’ resolution is to lose 125 lbs.  He should seek assistance from Mike Huckabee who has attempted same 3 or 4 times.  As for next assignments, Chris should explore the world of bus driving.  He’d be great.

James Comey. Newly christened Leakin’ James Comey’s resolution is to come clean and avoid prosecution.  He should seek a deal with current AG, tell the truth on all matters Hillary and ‘collusion’, allow us all to move on, and then disappear.  I am more optimistic on the Nutrisystem Team than I am on this one.

ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC et al. The not so main stream media’s resolution is to keep doing what they have been doing but even more of it.  We speak for many when we assert that the fake news needs to keep circling the drain – only faster.  Keep being parodies of yourselves.  Hurry hurry.

Donald J. Trump. DJT also could benefit from a diet.  Less McDonalds, chocolate cake, double scoops of ice cream, etc.  He’s certainly not in the Nutrisystem Club though.  Beyond that, he needs to get a few more great things done in 18 such as the wall, Obamacare put out of misery, corner the crazy fat kid, finish off ISIS, and the infrastructure deal.  We do not believe POTUS needs a resolution as he is already very goal oriented.  Keeping good people around and limiting the side shows as has been happening is a good thing.  And we need the tweets – we need them bigly.


The 53rd Regiment. Resolution is the keep building the base, inform and entertain.  So far so good – time to double down!

Did I miss a resolution?  Please share your thoughts in the comments!


An Alternative View on Trump Tax Plan

The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, with an alternative view on the Trump tax plan and its impact on America. Matthews is an old friend with very different views from the 53rd. This is a fair & balanced approach to commentary on the news. Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd.  

By Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH 3:45PM

While I appreciate the 53rd Regiment allowing me to be heard, I must object to the passage of the Trump tax bill. Quite candidly, it’s outrageous Americans are being allowed to keep more of their hard earned money. Quite candidly, the government knows better how to spend American citizens’ money better than individuals do. Most Americans waste their paychecks on carbon producing car ownership, guns or even worse, donating to charities. The American dream was a figment of conservative’s imagination and never really existed. This myth was exposed during Obama’s presidency as millennial’ s lost buying power, began embracing socialistic communal living and embraced Obamacare, demonstrating their selflessness waiting in long lines for medical care and paying much more for less. This is my America!

After almost one year in office, President Trump’s election not only demonstrates the flaws in the US presidential electoral system, but it also reveals how wrong our system is to have limited President Obama to two terms. If Mr. Obama had been allowed just four more years, he could have finished eliminating coal plants, weakening American Military Forces to ensure they didn’t start another war and strengthened the United Nations (UN) charter to make  decisions that are in the best interest for America and her citizens. Clearly, the UN and Obama know what is best for the US verse our so called elected representatives. After all, Americans elected Trump, case closed!

Perhaps the worst part of the Trump tax cut is the impact it will have on the so called “illegal immigrant” populations and our beloved sanctuary cities. Less tax revenue means less dollars available for the future heirs of America; less subsidies, less free debit cards, more restrictive government housing rules and in the end, illegal immigrants could be forced to return to their native countries. This is wrong. They have a right to government subsidies and tax payer benefits just like American citizens. It is ludicrous to expect them to immigrate legally and apply for citizenship like those who don’t share border proximity or play by the rules. Old thinking!

Yes, the Trump tax plan is bad for America and it makes me sad.


Merry Christmas 2017

The 53rd Regiment would like to wish our subscribers, contributors and believers a very Merry Christmas and an abundant New Year in 2018 blessed with good health, prosperity and more winning. Indeed, it is good to see America winning again and our citizenry being rewarded with employment options, tax relief and enhanced security at home and abroad. We want to especially thank our troops on the frontline this Christmas season and their families missing their loved one’s. Your sacrifice is not lost on the 53rd as you remain in our thoughts and prayers. May the Lord continue to bless each of you, your families and the United States of America!
