Stocking Stuffers for Swamp Dwellers

By Black Jack Pershing

Dateline December 23rd, 2017 St. Louis, Mo.

Merry Christmas 53rd Nation!!!  And a very Merry Christmas it is as we get ready to open our presents from POTUS: a yuuuuge tax cut and a new National Security Strategy that confronts reality.  Ah yes, let’s enjoy our gifts, sit by the fire, turn on your favorite classic Christmas tunes, watch unemployment drop, the stock market soar, extra bigly winning  and read some mean tweets from POTUS.  Very very Merry, indeed!

But wait!  We cannot let the season pass without getting some last minute stocking stuffers for our friends in the swamp!  They are so sad and in need of a little yuletide pickmeup.  Here ya go Swamp Dwellers: some stocking stuffers from Black Jack Pershing:

Chuck and Nancy’: probably the most practical gift for these two sad cases is a crying towel.  All this winning will be making Cryin Chuck and Sad Nancy very very emotional.  I recommend this one:

Robert Mueller: Lurch really missed his calling as a character actor in Hollywood.  He’s spent lots of time with his lefty swamp buddies trying to find dirt on POTUS to no avail.  Certainly he’s be more productive in small roles in films.  Some I think he could have handled?  Herman Munster, aforementioned Lurch in the Adam’s Family.  The tall guy who’s face you never saw in Police Squad, the narrator on Unsolved Mysteries like Robert Stack, any losing contestant on any game show, and any Fed who meets a sad fate in a God Father remake.  So Lurch gets an acting class:

Bill and Hill: oh my.  Things just get worse and worse for these two.  The Democratic Party has woken up like Rip Van Winkle and now says Bill did the dirty for real.  Hill just goes on and on and seems like one of the Japanese Hold Outs lost in the island jungles after WW2, that thought the war was still on 25 years later.  For Bill & Hill something from Dr Phil: Relationship Rescue!

Jeff Sessions: poor Forest Gump Sessions just don’t know what t’do!  Here ya go Jeff: Law for Dummies!  Perfectly appropriate!

ABC, CNN, NBC, CBS, MSNBC (Media Industrial Complex): what do you get the Swamp Propagandists?  Something they would very much enjoy!  Yes!  A biography of their patron saint, Joey G, ENJOY!:

John McCain: as we know, he’s not ending his career so well.  Maybe he just needs a few reminders.  Here’s a copy of the Republican Platform JohnnyM – seems like you’ve disregarded it on occasion of late, out of personal malice.  Stop that!:

Lyndsay Graham: he’s exhibited signs of life of late, and has separated from his 3 legged race partner, Senator McCain.  BUT – Lyndsay still needs his big boy pants on occasion – this box may not fit in the stocking so we’ll put it under the tree – feel free to use these Huggies during the day too, Senator:

Jeff Flake: easy one!  Get a job, big dummy!!:

McCaskill, Pocahontas, Feinstein, Shelby, Leahy, McConnel, Lamar, Bernie, Hatch, Grassley, & many other old goats : I know a great place that will take such good care of you.  Time to move on please; Lindsay can lend you some huggies too:

Here’s another good one – we’ll give you a reference!

Al Franken: a free pass to Meadows Rehab with Harvey.  Get goin, already, Al!  Ya creep!

The State Department: many of you elitist chowder heads have high falutin degrees from ivy league institutions.  Among the many dopey things they had you read, one was missing.  Here’s a link to General Washington’s farewell address and I’d point you to the part of foreign entanglements.  ENJOY!

The Federal Bureaucracy: Hurry and read it!  The boss will eventually hold you accountable!

That’s enough stocking stuffers for the year, 53rd Nation.  Who’d I miss?  Leave a comment!  

Merry Christmas!




Year End Performance Reviews

 by Black Jack Pershing

Dateline St. Louis, Mo December 17th, 2017

Hello 53rd Nation!  Here are the year end performance evaluations for a number of noteworthy characters shaping our world. Please note that despite many different ratings systems available we will use the traditional letter grade system for easy understanding.  In addition we will assign an Agility rating to each (scale 1 to 10, 10 being highest/most effective).  Why?  Because in our era, there is perhaps no more defining personal trait than agility.  Speed and adaptation define winners in our era of disruption; you may have seen me write about disruption before.  OK – let’s get into it and if you are unaware of any of these people, google them instead of annoying others and asking about them.  It’s 2017 for the love of God.  Stop asking annoying questions.

Diamond & Silk: A+ with extra credit.  Queens of new media; truth tellers.  Entertainers.  Bowl of Stupid better than any late night leftist apologist ‘comedian’.  Pace setting original thinkers and willing to go against the grain.  Agility rating: 7

Judge Moore: F-; weirdo.  Not self aware.  Not honest.  Embarrassing.  Not good for Alabama.  I won’t impune all republicans over this particular circus, and for the Judge, nothing alleged has been proven.  He’s just a throw back weirdo that symbolizes too much of what has been wrong in the south.  Agility rating: 0

Steve Bannon: D.  Coulda been an A or B, but not willing to change when confronted with a bad situation.  Who says you’re right about everything, Steve?  Chill out, Fat Head.   Interesting persona and definitely strategic and can be effective.  He may not have enough people around him willing to push back.  He’s also unhealthily obese.  Not good.   Agility rating: 3

Ann Coulter: C+.  Consistently hysterical but often wrong.  Only cares about the wall. Good but other things happening too.  Agility rating: 3.

James Woods: A.  Brilliant.  Rare Hollywood iconoclast.  Devastating twitterer.   A bright spot.  Agility: 8

Scott Adams: A.  Dilbert creator also a spot on pundit.  Good video chats on Twitter.  Emerging thought leader.  Agility: 9

Mark Zuckerberg: D.  Elitist.  Typical rich person who doesn’t get working class Americans.  Went on a lame tour across the country to visit with ‘average’ Americans.  Nauseating moronic self indulgence.  Seems conflicted about his creation, Facebook, which is really a ghetto of self promotion, a robust platform for narcissists, and enables every form of crap behavior that your good and decent mother told you not to do. (It is a great sharing platform)  He’s enabled by many sycophants and likely will not move to wisdom any time soon.  Biggest sin: advocates universal income at the advent of bots and AI.  This is what happens when you skip college and do not learn the humanities.  Agility: 5

Robert Mueller: D-.  Swamp Master.  Deep State product.  Retired Security Guard. Hermann Munster.  Unimpressive.  Agility: 4

James McCloughan: A+.  Latest Medal of Honor Recipient.  Recognized for acts of heroism as a medic during the Vietnam War.  Agility: 10  (note – McClouhan refused to take the medal unless an overlooked Purple Heart was awarded to a buddy of his that never got the award due to an administrative error).  
Pope Francis: C+.  Has some encouraging tendencies such as publicly embracing the disabled and others rejected by most.  He preaches mercy which Christ did, and truly we all need.  He’s made valiant attempts to clean up the finances and perverse tendencies of the curia at the Vatican. He’s also called out the Devil as being real and not to be trifled with and improved the exorcism capabilities of the church.  Hard headed orthodox Roman Catholics don’t give him credit for these things.  He has also introduced ambiguity to some areas of teaching and tended to embrace and cozy up to liberal politicians and their views.  He’s a very mixed bag.  Agility: 5
Angela Merkel: D+.  Survives because the German economy is powerful.  She’s somehow choreographed the right mix of socialism and capitalism the German public seems to enjoy.  She’s be a B+ if she had not led the chaotic policy on migrants that has now threatened the security of most of Europe.  In the process she’s angered many in Germany.  Might be time for the old mare to move along.  Agility: 3
Elon Musk: B.  Brilliant businessman.  Leading thought and tech development in needed areas.  Doesn’t seem to care if his company is eventually put out of business by the traditional auto makers and has even been open about sharing trade secrets.  Doing good work on solar tech which may pay off.  Also, like Zuckerberg, is a nerd and can be annoying.  Less shrill and mouthy, though.  Agility: 8
Richard Branson: D-.  Big dope.  Agility: 5
Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Dustin Hoffman, Matt Lauer, Louis CK, Charlie Rose, Al Franken, John Conyers, and the rest: F-.  Finally caught.  Leftists.  Arrogant.  Hubris.  Elitists.  No understanding of working class America.  Agility: -2.  
Elizabeth Warren: F.  Big dope.  Opportunist.  Tedious gas bag.  Agility: 2
Chuck and Nancy’: F.  Cartoons.  Boring.  Predictable.  Full of it.  Snooze inducing.  Sad!  Agility: 2
Mike Pence: A; calm in the midst of the storm.  Loyal.  Serious.  Underrated. Tough.  Unflappable.  Agility: 8.
Rex Tillerson: B-.  Might be most misunderstood in Trump Administration.  Works.  Tough.  Stoic.  May need to improve perceptions and communication skills.  Former career may hamper his ability to deal with an unconventional leader like Trump.  Agility: 5
Eric Greitens: A.  Bad ass.  Exceeding expectations.  High potential outside of MO.  Agility: 8
George W Bush: F.  kept his mouth shut during 8 years of BO blaming anything and everything on him.  He gave saintly lectures on how it was inappropriate to bad mouth the current POTUS,   Now he’s taking veiled swipes at the current president.  This has made Black Jack Pershing take a harder look at the mistakes of the Bush era,  He did in fact screw up the Iraq War with a flawed strategy.  So he now gets a BIG DUMMY badge for being biased and inconsistent.  Done with you, W.  You let me down, BIGLY.  Dope.  Agility: 2 
George HW Bush.  One week GHWB is quoted as bad mouthing the current POTUS.  The next week begins the string of dozens of women saying he groped them, going all the way back to his presidency.  He was weak then, blew his credibility with a tax increase and never finished the job with Iraq.  Another BIG DUMMY, who was doing the hip bump with Bubba Clinton for two many years.  Done with you GHWB.  Shoulda kept your mouth shut.  Bad form. Agility: 1
John McCain: D-.  Sad way to go out – bickering with POTUS and taking pot shots while getting applause from the left.  Smarter move would have been to stay principled and put ego aside in favor of the long term future of the country.  Black Jack respects the Senator personally but finds his butt wipe antics – what the word?  SAD!  Agility: 2
James Comey: F.  big Dope!  Swamp personified.  Agility: 6.  He’s an excellent weasel!
Melania Trump: A.  Lovely.  Agility: 6
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, ESPN: F.  Fake news.  Circling the drain right now.  Agility: 0
Roger Goodell: F.  Legitimate idiot.  Proves that the NFL is not a business and is not about the fans.  Elitist.  Leftist.  Pig at the trough.  Agility: -3
Chinese Premiere Xi: B, grudgingly.  Smart and cagey.  A tough adversary.  Not going anywhere anytime soon.  Agility: 7
Jeff Sessions: F.  Acting like a swamp product.  Might be the years in the Senate made him forget how to work.  Basically a BIG DUMMY right now.  What’s he done?  Agility: 1
Kim Jong Il: F-;  Crazy fat kid.  Mattis should be the thought leader on his imminent disposal.  Agility: 4, grudgingly.  
Theresa May: D-.  Sad!  Can’t hold Maggie Thatcher’s girdle.  Politically correct and zero stiff upper lip.  Get on with the Brexit already, Aunty T!  Agility: 1
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: A+.  Tough.  Smart.  Funny.  Dignified.  Humble.  Takes no crap.  Might be best press secretary in my lifetime.  Agility: 9
NFL Owners: F.  Billionaire elitists.  Scum of the earth.  Deserve to be disrupted and put out of business.  Lower than Goodell who is their willing idiot.  Scummers and pigs.  Go away.  Agility: 2
Hillary Clinton: F-.  Sad!  Cannot move on.  Should be in jail.  Horrific.  Agility: -2
Peggy Noonan: D.  Sad elitist relic of an earlier time.  Manhattan dweller who doesn’t get most Americans.  Might be time for the home, Peggy.  Occasionally writes great columns when she wants to be objective – but increasingly she can’t.  Agility: 1
The 53rd Regiment: A.  Fine example of our 1st Amendment rights as Americans and an excellent use of the internet.  Timely and sharp.  Agility: 8
Donald J. Trump: B.  Assuming the tax package is delivered, that and Gorsuch are ‘A’ level activities.  There have been missed opportunities as well.  Mishandled the Charlotte, Virginia situation by not knowing when to shut up.  Entertaining, disruptive, smart, sharp, fast, perceptive, respectful and supportive of the Military.  Gives the vapors to the swamp.  Elitists hate him.  Lots to like for Black Jack Pershing, who loves watching the elitists fall on their fainting couches at every inappropriate tweet.  Let’s see if he can raise his game.    
That’s enough for this year’s performance reviews.  Did I miss someone?  Leave a performance review in the comments!



The Swamp

Dateline December 2nd, 2017

There are many teams in Washington DC that consume power and prioritize their self-interests. It is a zero sum game where there is often one winner and one loser. Often the political class wins and Americans lose. It is a power game where the people we elect consume power while ignoring those they represent. Because of “modern politics,” we quickly discount those we elect to represent us and accept low expectations.

I learned an important lesson about the political class back in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) 01-02 while serving our country. There is a significant segment of our political class that looks down upon the military, move us around like “pawns” on a checkerboard and position the military as their risk takers so they have political cover if their plans fail. They need someone to blame when their arrogant, uninformed and poll tested plan fails. The military tends to be a good foil for that because we dutifully follow their directives even when we know the probability of success is low. We are trained to debate the plan until the decision is made and then we will own the plan and prosecute the plan to the best of our ability.

A light was shed on this soldier when a Colonel explained to me as a Lieutenant Colonel Select, “Colonel is the last rank you will ever earn. It’s all politics from here.” I never much thought of this for several years until OIF 01-02 until I watched a cadre of Flag Officers in CJTF-7 watch me buck the system and pushback against the number one diplomat in Iraq about his “no Baathist” for hire policy, while they remained silent. This was an informative event where Colonel “Hotel’s” words rang true in the moment. Fast forward to present day.

LTG Mike Flynn is an American patriot and hero in many respects. He selflessly served his country spending countless tours in combat putting his life at risk while his family prayed for his safety also sacrificing in his absence. Mike Flynn is guilty of being too vocal as a retired military officer, picking the wrong side in the Swamp to support and perhaps lacking the political skills to navigate today’s Washington. For the vultures and political class that comprise our nation’s capitol, Flynn was an easy “Pawn” to target, exploit and manipulate since he lacks political standing. Ultimately, Flynn is guilty of lacking the experience in the ways of DC and his ultimate crime of supporting and believing in President Trump.

Mueller and the Special Prosecutors office have their Pawn that they can pressure and manipulate in Mike Flynn. Military officers in general are ideal because they are faithful, have a conscience, believe in their oath of office and put personal integrity and courage above all. Mueller is a swamp dweller. His budget is unlimited. We all have a breaking point and it is usually centered around our families well-being. Mike Flynn is no different. He’s a great American. He lied to the FBI. Who do we hold accountable for the FBI lying to America for the past 24 months? What is Mueller’s true agenda? Who holds him accountable?




Dateline: October 31st, 2017

The Swamp

(The 53rd Regiment) What if HRC won the 2016 election? Imagine.

Would there be this focus on Russian and Trump collusion? The media would likely turn to a different false narrative to promote the first female president while targeting the next likely Republican candidate to destroy. The media would likely want to do their part to ensure eight years of a Hillary Clinton presidency, right?

What about the Russian dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, would there still be the focus to investigate Trump and his associates? While this document has largely been debunked, there would likely be a different political narrative treating the fake dossier as fact. Since the fake dossier served its dishonest purpose, it would likely become a best practice for future campaigns.

How about the Uranium One deal where the Russians, our strategic ideological enemy who tried to steal the US election, was allowed to buy the rights to 20% of US uranium under the Hillary Clinton State Department and Obama Administration. How was this allowed to happen when Russian operatives and spies were being watched by the Mueller FBI and Holder DOJ for this espionage? Somehow, Congress was never informed of Russian involvement as required by law as it is their responsibility to provide oversight of any deal that could have a national security impact? To top all this off, miraculously the Clinton Foundation received donations from proxies acting on behalf of the Russian government to “donate” upwards of $145 million dollars and former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 “tip” for what must have been one hell of a speech in Russia. Do you think the news media would have any interest in covering this story under President Hillary Clinton? It appears between the election, the dossier and the Uranium One deal, the Clinton’s have been dipping at the Russian wishing well one too many times.

A few more questions that would be dropped by the media if HRC won.

  • Did the fake dossier create the circumstances for Trump and his campaign to be wire-tapped? (Remember when the media & HRC mocked Trump for tweeting this?)
  • Did the FBI, DNI Clapper and CIA Brennan conspire or colluded to collect intelligence on Trump and his campaign to help the Clinton campaign? What do they know about the fake dossier?
  • Who approved the surveillance of Americans and the subsequent “unmasking” of their names to the Intelligence Community and media? People should be in jail.
  • Why was the Intelligence Community being used to spy on American citizens? Full stop. What?
  • What was the “Russian Reset” orchestrated by HRC and supported by the Obama Administration really about?

Imagine if Hillary Clinton was President right now? Imagine what the Russians must have on her and those missing 33,000 bleach bit emails and the destroyed hard drives. Imagine the menu of blackmail options the Russians could pick from to keep her from protecting US Allies and interests. Imagine Putin and the Russians continuing to march over Eastern Europe and emboldening rogue regimes like Iran, Syria and North Korea continuing their terror and destabilizing activities. Imagine the threats made by the Russians toward NATO and the resultant fracture of the greatest alliance in history that broke and dismantled the Soviet Union without firing a shot. Can you imagine?



What if President Trump Stopped Tweeting?

by Eagle 21

President Trump, a suggestion, if you could stop tweeting for just a little bit and get out-of-the-way of the liberals hypocrisy and their self-destruction.

I have this theory that if President Trump stops tweeting and avoiding missteps creating controversial issues for a week or two, then the media, the left will eventually destroy themselves. If Donald stops giving the media other things to talk about, they will be forced into talking about Harvey Weinstein and his ties to the Clinton’s, the cover ups the Obama administration made (Benghazi, IRS, Fast & Furious), all that crazy Uranium deal stuff,  the Democrats favorite Hollywood liberal, Harvey Weinstein, is a sexual predator. Think about it, the media is able to avert all these topics that don’t fit their talking points, their narrative because they twist President Trump’s tweets.

The media continues to “resist” President Trump not respecting the American voter.  If President Trump gives the media nothing to report via tweets, maybe they’ll start reporting real stories (probably not). Maybe they’ll report the links of the democratic party to their top three funding source, Harvey Weinstein.

Regarding the Obama and Clinton scandal with Russia concerning Uranium One; haven’t heard of it? Read the Hill online journal,  Presidents Clinton and Obama let Russia control 20 percent of our Uranium now. (

Imagine if President Trump was doing his job quietly and ignoring criticism, ignoring fake news and all that crap. Imagine if they had to do real reporting? Well, they’d likely be incompetent at that too. They simply cannot resist bashing the President, being the elites that they are.

When it all comes down to it, the media needs ratings, so they have chosen to create fake news because they hate Trump.

Should Trump stop tweeting? We might miss it.


While They Kneel …

Dateline October 9th, 2017

While a fraction of NFL players continue choosing to kneel as a protest to racial injustice and cases of police brutality during the singing of the national anthem, a majority of Americans find their actions repugnant, misguided or ill-timed. Many of these same “kneelers” have life experiences dramatically different from ordinary Americans who show the proper respect and courtesy to the national anthem and presentation of the flag. It is not lost on most Americans that the “kneelers” are living a privileged life playing a game earning millions of dollars every year. As a matter of fact the average salary for an NFL player is $2.1 million a year. The average American household income in 2016 was $55,775. This disparity is quite eye-opening, perhaps players should consider this fact.

Many of the kneeling players talk about using “their platform” to highlight this issue that Colin Kaepernick began (so much for putting the team first). But what they fail to realize or simply don’t care (at this point likely the latter), they are alienating their paying customers. People go to football games or watch football games on TV to … wait, wait, wait … to watch football! People don’t want players polluting the game with their various political causes or personal agendas. They want to be entertained and distracted from the challenges in their life by simply watching a game, un-politicized.  Players have a right to support causes and make statements as they see fit but the reality is they should be respectful of their fan base and not divide them through a lack of professional decorum during the national anthem or presentation of the national colors.

The NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has failed to lead. One would expect a much better performance from an executive making over $34 million annually. The NFL Executive Committee has failed to lead. Team ownership has failed to lead. The NFL brand is badly damaged. Locker rooms housing elite privileged millionaire athletes in their 20’s are running and ruining the league because the NFL is not enforcing its own rule requiring players to stand and show respect to the national anthem and flag. Fan viewership and attendance is down. Fan bases are burning team jerseys, turning off their TVs and reclaiming their Sundays. The mighty NFL has been sacked by their fan base ultimately because their fan base loves America and it appears the NFL does not.


Are these Union or Confederate Sabers?

The UVA football helmet as well as other UVA sports team logos have military sabres on them that appear to be from the civil war era.

  1. Are these union or confederate sabres?

2. Will this be the next outcry?

3. Where does this end?

4. Can there be Cavaliers without swords?

5. Would the Virginia state bird or flower be a better symbol than swords?



Puzzle Girl


Dateline August 12, 2017, Virginia Beach, VA

She finds a nondescript puzzle in the beach house. In a corner of the family room facing the beach she quietly sits down and empties the box. She begins to piece together over one thousand pieces of the puzzle. Intermittently throughout the day she returns to the puzzle methodically identifying piece after piece placing it where it belongs. While many a person would ignore the beach house puzzle, the Puzzle Girl is attracted to this cerebral challenge. Why? What is she thinking while she builds the puzzle? It remains a mystery.


After days of puzzle building, she is nearly done. Just blue sky pieces remain. The Arena Farm puzzle seems out-of-place for a beach puzzle with pictures of a pumpkin patch, a barn and a pond. Only 24 hours left at the beach house and under 50 pieces yet to be placed.


The real question to be answered is after completion does Puzzle Girl leave the puzzle intact for the next beach house occupant or does she take it apart? A real dilemma. Time will tell. What should she do? What would you do?



Sharknado Invades the Swamp

Dateline: August 8, 2017, 2247PM

As the 115th United States Congress prepared for recess after accomplishing very little during their first eight months in office, off the coast of Maryland and Virginia a major storm is developing. Due to low pressure, low polls and a hurricane of dissatisfaction, it appears a Sharknado is about to be unleashed on the Swamp. Washington DC was last hit by a Sharknado in 2015 and the public is already blaming Congress for this new storm due to their collective failure and their resemblance of a large pool of bait instead of statesmen.

President Trump has already been evacuated to New Jersey where Governor Christie has welcomed him using the Sharknado storm to close NJ beaches again state wide, although they are not under the Sharknado storm threat. The Christie family is once again enjoying exclusive access to NJ beaches while the general public is restricted from using them. In the midst of this storm, Congresswoman Maxine Waters has blamed the Sharknado on President Trump stating on MSNBC Morning Joe, “if Trump had been impeached by now there would be no Sharknado.” Governor Christie shot back from his beach chair, “please, she’s not exactly a meteorologist. Does she reflect the wit of Joe and Mika?”

Meanwhile back in the well of Senate Chambers, Senators Schumer, Sanders and Warren are leading a protest that “shark lives matter.” They are encouraging the population to lay down their chainsaws and guns and engage the sharks in peaceful dialogue offering them fish sticks and setting up kiddie pools for them to swim in. Senator Sanders says many of his shark friends “feel the Bern” and “just want a future they can believe in.”

Furthermore, some of the failed Republicans are considering staying in the Swamp taking their chances in the Sharknado instead of returning to their districts where shark bites are likely to be more intense. After failing to pass any major legislation and the threesome of Senators McCain, Murkowski and Collins blocking the overturn of Obamacare, Republicans are on the run from not only the Sharknado but their constituents.

The forecast predicts a Sharknado in the next 48 – 96 hours. Much of the DC Swamp is evacuating. Senator Blumenthal, the Democratic Senator from Connecticut, has volunteered to help the DC National Guard maintain order, leveraging his self-proclaimed combat service in Vietnam to help deal with chaos in the fog of battle. After five deferments from Vietnam and a leadership role in the Toys for Tots program, he is well equipped to lead a convoy of non-essential government employees that need to be evacuated  to ensure their safety and future paydays. Blumenthal quickly volunteered to lead the exodus.

The 53rd Regiment continues to monitor the latest Sharknado forecast but at the moment it is projected to hit the Swamp in two days at 5:15 AM. Stay tuned …



Top Ten List: Why they Leak

Dateline: August 4th, 2218 hours, 2017

Since the election and inauguration of President Trump, leaking classified and sensitive information has been occurring at unprecedented levels. This week actual transcripts of the President’s conversations with Mexico and Australian Presidents were leaked and published by the Washington Post. Forget about the news media using discretion and better judgment refraining from publishing these conversations containing sensitive information. Quite the contrary, it is an opportunity for the “mainstream news media” and the self appointed ruling class to continue their assault against the Trump presidency.

So after extensive research and consultation, the 53rd Regiment has identified the Top Ten list of why government and intelligence officials are leaking classified and sensitive information.

#10. Loyalty and protecting American classified information is passé.

#9. Many of the leakers called home to Mom and asked for permission while waiting in line at Starbucks to get their first latte of the day.

#8. Leakers have fascist tendencies and believe in a supreme leader versus freedom and elected representatives.

#7. Non-disclosure statements and laws are for the average American, the little people. Leakers know better then us. The non-disclosure statement they signed is just paper.

#6. Leakers are scumbags, cowards and they got trophies too just like real winners.

#5. They are actively colluding with our enemies by sharing national policy and state secrets using the American media as their cover.

#4. The Democratic Party Resistance movement; they choose to obstruct, obfuscate and bring forth false narratives instead of respecting the will of the American people and the laws of the land.

#3. President Obama holdovers, leftovers and appointees that fundamentally disagree with President Trump policies, initiatives and his agenda work each day  to sandbag Trump and the United States of America.

#2. Pure hatred for President Trump.

#1. Lack of respect and disregard for the 62,984, 825 Americans that voted for President Trump



The Great Wall of Censorship (China) and her Sponsors

Dateline August 1st, 2017

As far as Apple & Amazon are concerned freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness may apply to the United States but in China they’ll do whatever it takes to follow state orders and retain their right to do business; individual freedom be damned. Do not confuse Tim Cook or Jeff Bezos with Patrick Henry. Their rallying cry is far from “give me liberty, or give me death!”

Apple & Amazon are complying with the Chinese communist government in supporting their censorship policies by removing applications and cloud services that provide access to the free world that isn’t first screened by the Chinese Ministry of Public Security. Beijing Sinnet Technology, a Chinese government business, is warning users and companies that their websites will be shut down and users will be prosecuted for illegal software and unapproved state content.

As Chinese power, markets and middle class grow, America’s giant corporations bow down to Chinese state pressure undermining their inherit American values acquiescing the freedoms and opportunities which helped make them great companies. They have competed on the world stage and won but in China, they compromise their corporate and American principles. In the end, Apple & Amazon will both lose their strategic advantage and moral compass for short-term market access and financial gain.

Mr. Cook and Mr. Bezos, perhaps you are not the industry beacons we thought you were. Technology without values is just technology.




Colon Blow

Dateline July 30th, 2017. In this timeless article, Guardian 6 explains the Trump victory, his appeal and why “deplorable” Americans remain fiercely loyal to the Trump presidency and his bold agenda. After receiving several requests to republish, the 53rd Regiment presents Colon Blow to our loyal subscribers and readers. 

Dateline January 20th, 2017 — Republished again after the 58th Inauguration of the 45th President of the United States of America, President Donald John Trump.

The article that follows explains how our 45th President stunned many on the left, shocked some on the right and restored faith to the Forgotten American Class of citizens that are the fabric of this country. The elite class of Americans remains dumbfounded while the majority of us saw this coming ten months ago.  Read and learn. 

 Dateline: February 28th, 2016.  There is something explosive coming to America in November 2016. It is part of President Obama’s legacy, perhaps his greatest legacy achievement. After eight years of President Obama and his failed policies;  six of eight of those years with a Republican Congress that demonstrated a spineless approach to pushing back against liberal, progressive dictates — that churning in America’s stomach is a very real movement, a Bowel Movement unlike anything ever seen in the political landscape. The upheaval is coming. America has a virus that is a mix of political correctness, statist elites controlling our lives through fiats and regulations and excessive taxation that has been killing jobs for decades. The American economy is constipated and all jammed up. There is going to be a massive explosion that no commode can withstand. There is going to be a “Colon Blow” that will reverberate in Washington DC for the ages. The people are going to take their country back.

Donald Trump (DT) will be elected President of the United States, faults and all. The Donald has the message that Americans of all stripes are going to vote for out of shear disgust and frustration of the current system, both President Obama and the so called “mainstream Republicans.” Old & young, black & white, blue collar & white collar, and urban & country are in full rejection mode of what the political class is offering. Insiders and elites will work to try and stop Trump’s momentum through attack adds, last minute dirty tricks and attempts to showcase Trump’s shallow character, which is a very long list. However, none of this is going to matter to a public that is outraged. President Obama’s failure to improve the average Americans’ life in combination with his aloofness and inability to lead domestically or internationally, has Americans beyond disillusionment, Americans are pissed! While democrats and republicans alike have done little to improve economic opportunity and security for Americans, they have taken care of themselves with salary raises, exemptions from laws they pass and all the while they have largely ignored the wishes of the people who elected them.

America is going to take one big enema to the whole system. That enema is Donald J. Trump. The enema is going to be like Trump’s Wall. It’s gonna be BIG! It’s going to be beautiful. Trump’s enema is going to Make America Great Again! The Trump suppository will be heard around the world and unlike traditional candidates, Trump’s unique style of talking (… and Tweeting) sounds like the average guy having a beer playing pool in a bar, is catching fire. Americans are finding his plain, direct and often disparaging speech to be refreshing. No doubt, this is an amazing thing to witness that can only be explained against the backdrop of a two term President that has failed his citizens.

Americans want a leader first and foremost. They want a president who stands up for the country and doesn’t equivocate and apologize. They want a president who is unapologetic and clearly DT fits that bill. Americans want a president who is going to restore American greatness and revitalize the American economy. Americans want a president that will take the fight to terrorists and destroy the bastards. Americans want a president that will secure the border, bring jobs back to the USA and create incentives for companies to stay home instead of chasing them overseas through excessive taxation or uber regulations. “It is about jobs, stupid!”

Americans want real change. Not progressive change that increases taxes, attacks religious freedom, fails to secure our borders, increases regulation and centralizes thoughts and power in Washington DC. No way! Americans are ready to take a suppository to DC,  the whole system and drive it right up the asses of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and Congress. Many pundits don’t accept what is happening, can’t fathom it but it is gonna happen. Colon Blow is real, very real. Grab your depends political class, you are about to be shocked and experience the most unimaginable political event in your lifetime. Donald Trump will become the 45th President of the United States.

Post script: (October 30th, 2016) This article was right 8 months ago and it is even more accurate today considering the lawlesslessness of Hillary Clinton and her campaign. #NewFBI Investigation; #650,000NewEmails


Roofman Soars

Dateline July 24th, 2017

 Fifth Third Field Dayton, Ohio

Continuing to soar under the radar as far as mascots go, Roofman has established a significant following in professional baseball circles. He’s more than just a dude running on Fifth Third Field Rooftops in the latter innings, he’s become a cult figure in Germany where his fanbase explores his purpose in life over several rounds of beers in two liter maases. Most fans attend Dayton Dragon games for the baseball but these Bavarians attend the game for Roofman. Roofman is quickly becoming bigger than St. Nicholas in cities like Munich, Neu Ulm and Wuerzburg.

The Munich Roofman fanbase is trying to organize a visit for the summer of 2018. They are going to try and align their visit with the Germanfest at Riverscape Metro Park in Dayton that is only a block from Fifth Third Field. Heindrich is looking forward to sampling Little Kings beer, eating Mike Sells chips and of course watching Roofman glide across the ballparks roof and perhaps catching a softee ball or getting an autograph.

In some prior posts on Twitter and Facebook, Roofman has occassionally been criticized for his weak arm, falling down on the job and being excessively shy. His off season training program has resulted in better throws and staying upright on the roof. He continues to battle excessive shyness. However, due to unfair criticism, Roofman has allied himself with the elite Fake News Strike Force (FNSF). The FNSF corrects the record and eliminates fake news.

Roofman is special and becoming an international star. His powers, whether real or suspect, deserve some respect. Roofman deserves our respect and now that the Dragons have brought in the elite Fake News Strike Force, he is more likely to get it.


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