Stinky Feet, Bad Breath, Flatulence and Fox News

By @BlakJakPershing on Getter, @BlackJackPershing on Gab, @PershingSoldier on Parler, @PershingSoldier on Clouthub

Dateline: 12 July 2021          Missouri Territory

“Oh, this isn’t even BO. This is beyond BO. It’s BBO.”

  • George Constanza, Seinfeld

There are certain things we want none of like those mentioned in the above headline.  For Fox News this started on election night, when Martha McStupid and Radical Donut Activist Bret Baier decided to throw in with the leftist controlled media outlets and declare the election over.  Those watching at the time know that Tucker Carlson confronted both of them, live, on the air.  Awkward moment as all semblance of professionalism went out the window.

The implosion of Fox will be remembered as the most spectacular meltdown of an established television channel in history.

This implosion was caused by petulant elitists, frustrated at the evolution of the conservative movement toward the working class of the United States.  Many have observed that the Murdochs were not getting invited to the right cocktail parties, were not being accepted by established leftist media infrastructure – and so had to change direction.  It is now becoming clear that the Murdoch’s called the play.  Thinking conservatives will ensure they are not paying real money to any Murdoch owned entity.  The Murdoch’s are wealthy enough to not care.

Like many successful businesses through the years, Fox News was full of hubris, and decided to pursue a course that, to their loyal viewers, was insane.  There are multitudes of historical corollaries inside and outside of the media world:

  • Ford and the Edsel
  • The Enron collapse, led by Ken Lay, who was trumpeting his business model weeks before the implosion
  • The recent Volkswagen emissions scandal, notably being ignored by most US media
  • Twitter, Facebook and Google are performing a live version of this tragedy of hubris seen so many times before – it will not end well, and has already hit Twitter hard

The viewers of Fox News were dealt a nasty wake up call on election night, and many have left and not returned.  What they have found, since viewing the alternatives, was that Fox News had become a fixture in their lives that they accepted, but like many other things we accept, had become dated, dilapidated and in some ways, festering and nasty.  Much like the old couch in the basement that’s been with the family for years, stained and scarred, that no one pays much attention to, but is actually offensive to guests.  And it smells bad. Like Chris Stirewalt.

When looking at emerging rival Newsmax you see rougher production values, but a hungry team that does not act like it is above the viewer.  You also see regular improvements and upgrades.  Fresher talent.  Better energy. 

Fox News had been on autopilot for years.  Lets inventory the most annoying Fox News calamities.

  • Chris Wallace came out of the closet in the last several years as the biased leftist turd that he is.  Trump broke him by telling him his Dad was better.  As always, Trump was right.  Chris is a petty, one sided punk.  His role in derailing the 2020 presidential debate which he did not moderate is noteworthy.  He is a Biden diaper changer and diddler.
  • Bloated Bret Baier, as noted above, just follows orders.  Its sad that the person who replaced Brit Hume as anchor is such a transparent buffoon.
  • Hannity: useful, but parrot like, and repetitive.  Interrupts others.  Likes his paycheck.  Its over.
  • Laura Ingraham: mean, interrupts guests, belittles poor Raymond Arroyo to the point where he may have a case as a battered spouse.  Brings on annoying leftist dopes.  Hasn’t taken on the network about anything.  Likes her paycheck.  Its over.
  • Juan Williams: unwatchable.  Dishonest.  Sad.
  • Greg Gutfeld, Judge Jeanine, Jessie Waters: they had a window of time to leave Fox News with dignity.  That has now passed.  They all have proven they like their paychecks/contracts better than their own reputations.  They will go down with the network despite any glib protestations to the contrary.  We may also discover that they were really playing all of us, and do not have any core conservative principles.
  • The rest of the Fox cast of secondary characters would be smart to plot their move to alternative outlets.  Its over, whether they know it or not.

Newsmax is offering a high quality alternative.  Reasons to view Fox?  Only one.  The first 15 minutes of Tucker Carlson.  That’s it.  Those clips are always immediately available in a million different places afterward, so viewing it live is not necessary.

I challenge my fellow patriots to hasten the demise of Fox News, and consign it to the ash heap of history along with Liz Cheney, her old man, and Bush World.  It’s over.  Let them know.  We all know.



Activism is the New Nose Picking

By Blackjack Pershing: @PershingSoldier on Parler; @BlackJackPershing on Gab; @PershingSoldier on Clouthub


“I’m just a no-good, scum sucking, nose picking, boot licking, sniveling, groveling, worthless hunk of slime.”

— Al Yankovic


I disagree with Weird Al – he provided us many big laughs over the years.  But there is a new group of nincompoops with an equally disgusting habit that I’d like to discuss with you today: Activists


You’ve seen them introduced on news programs ‘Writer and Activist’; ‘Producer and Activist’; Entertainer and Activist’; oh – here’s a good one – ‘Rapper and Activist’.  Substitute nose picker for the word activist in those titles and I’ll have more respect for you.  At least you’d know what you were doing.


In today’s world, what does being an ‘Activist’ mean?  Here are a few things that claiming to be an ‘Activist’ will guarantee:

  • You are annoying
  • You are a nuisance
  • You are a killjoy
  • You ruin otherwise good times
  • You won’t STFU
  • You are the one that farts in elevators
  • Your issue is unimportant to those around you
  • You likely have poor personal hygiene
  • You embarrass yourself routinely
  • You are pompous
  • You are likely a narcissist
  • You have halitosis
  • You have zero self-awareness
  • The only ‘active’ things you really do involve getting off the couch during commercials to use the can and raid the fridge again.
  • You can go two knuckles deep in pursuit of that booger.
  • You’re a communist that applies the Marxism to others, but never yourself.
  • You have few if any friends and resort to using social media to create your fake world
  • You are lacking in skills and capabilities, and have decided that calling yourself an Activist is a great diversionary tactic
  • You are a loser, losing loserly on the way to Loserville in a Losermobile


How about the clowns that have that word ACTIVIST in their social media profiles.  One positive thing about this is it’s good way to avoid morons.  Like a leper yelling ‘Unclean!’ from a distance 2000 years ago, ACTIVIST on a Linkedin profile screams ‘I am a huge doofus!!!’  Thanks for the tip, Bonehead, I’ll move on.  These yutz’s also frequently have their preferred pronouns posted next to their name: he/him, she/her.  How ‘bout we just go with the gender neutral ‘Big Dummy’or maybe ‘Buffoon’ is more to your liking?


Even worse are the ACTIVISTS in media, portraying themselves as legitimate journalists – when they really are leftist activists spewing talking points and propaganda that would make Pravda editors blush.  Stelter.  Cooper.  Tapper.  Cuomo.  Holt.  Todd.  Stephanopoulos.  Sharpton.  Lemon.  Maddow.  Mika & Schmoe.  You know them.  No talent ACTIVISTS.  Nosepickers ALL!  They’d never be welcome at any social event where normal people assemble.  Most of their parents will not let them come over either.  The great Spiro Agnew called them ‘nattering nabobs of negativity.  He knew.


Activist Athletes may be the worst.  Colin Kaepernick and Lebron James perhaps the Apex of nose picking absurdity.  One became an activist after being benched, the other clearly owned by China.


Like nose pickers, Activists seem to be everywhere.  Unlike many nose pickers, activists don’t try to hide what they do.  The are disgusting and improper in plain sight.  Let’s all shun them and call them out for the disgraceful POS’s they really are and get them a damn Kleenex.  Gross!






Save Keith Olbermann’s Cats!

 By BlackJack Pershing, @PershingSoldier on Parler, @PershingSoldier on Clouthub, @BlackJackpershing on Gab

Dateline: April 12, 2021 6:30. Missouri Territory 


“One cat just leads to another.”

  • Ernest Hemmingway

“Keith Olbermann is a Big Dummy”

  • Sylvester the Cat


The Uyghurs in China are suffering.  Keith Olbermann doesn’t care.


Human trafficking at the southern border.  Keith Olbermann doesn’t care.


BLM and Antifa unleash all manner of violence and depravity on the inner cities of the US.  Keith Olbermann doesn’t care.


Millions of abortions in the US every year.  Keith Olbermann applauds.


Myanmar/Burma is once again sinking into a Coup.  Keith doesn’t know because he’s watching The View.


Russia about to annex Ukraine.  Keith Olbermann is in the hot tub with Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell, about to pop the cork on some Andre’ Pink Champagne.  Oblivious.


There is another tragedy unfolding that you may not be aware of.  The tragedy of Keith Olbermann’s 19 cats.

If you followed Blackjack Pershing’s now erased Twitter account, you would have known that Keith’s 19 cats took advantage of the easily manipulated mail in ballots to vote for Donald J. Trump behind the back of their diapered, bedwetting owner.  Fact.


The situation has now become more dire.  Help is needed.  Fellow patriots its time for those of you who are animal lovers to step up.  Also – those of you that just hate depravity: step up.  We can’t look the other way.


What is going on, you ask?  We have established the following information as factual based on insider information and several phone calls made on Keith’s remaining land line by the cats while he’s been at work.


    • All 19 cats, who are MAGA, are forced to listen to MSNBC which Keith leaves on when he is not at home.  This is a cruel, depraved situation.
  • Keith has given a several of the cats names which reflect his social network, and the so named cats are very upset:
  • ‘Rosie’ is not happy about her name and wants it known that she is not over weight
  • ‘Whoopie’ is in a constant bad mood due to her name, and its amplified when Keith watches The View, especially when he cheers out loud for that sorry cast.
  • ‘Barack’ feels his kitty manhood has been insulted and wants the world to know that his birth country has never been in question
  • ‘Dr Jill’ is probably the most pissed off at this point, as she’s only 2 years old and doesn’t want people to think she’s an old bag
      • ‘Bernie’ is not a commie and wants the world to know.
  • Next, the cats are forced to watch Keith parade around his apartment in various shocking outfits that range from a bunny rabbit ‘furry’ outfit to a full blown Joan Crawford cross dressing effort.  Yes the cats can run and hide but the first sighting is always burned into their memories.  Unfair!
  • Food theft.  Keith is known to be lazy.  When not screaming on social media about some imagined vast right wing conspiracy, he doesn’t do that much and spends much of his time on the couch watching his heroes: Brian Stelter, Anderson Cooper, Cher, George Stephanopoulos, Jake Tapper, Ru Paul and Lady Gaga.   He often forgets to get groceries and has routinely dipped into the reserves of Fancy Feast and Friskies, and has gone through most of the treats.  Needless to say the cats are pissed.  They wonder if the litter boxes are the next target of this lazy lout.
    • Keith likes to belt out Broadway show tunes when no one is around but the cats.  His faves are melodies from Wicked, Love Story and Phantom of the Opera.  Let’s just say Keith is not a singer and the cats have had it.
  • Emotional abuse.  Keith talks to the cats as if they are sympathizers to his causes.
  • Through his tears on January 6th, he could not see the 19 angry sets of eyes that wanted to point out to him that Trump was miles away and that the so called insurrectionists were let into the Capitol and that there were BLM/Antifa activists embedded in the crowd.
  • While Keith yelled at the TV during the so called debates last November, his 19 cats knew the liberal ‘moderators’ had clearly taken sides.
  • While Keith yaps about children at the border, his cats know that open borders are all about Democrat subversion and illegal voting.
  • Even the 3 Siamese cats in the crew of 19 are sick of Keith’s sympathizing and constant excuses for China, to include his assertion that the China virus started in the US.  Outrageous!
  • Have there been attempts to negotiate?  Yes, but apparently Keith regards constant kitty dumps on his bed and pillows as signs of affection.

So, fellow patriots, I ask for your help.  We must demand that Keith Olbermann free his 19 cats, all of whom are MAGA.  We will need foster parents for the cats, adopters and possibly and Special Ops team to raid the apartment where  they are captive.


Final note, while 7 of the cats lean Libertarian, the other 12 have fully aligned with the Freedom Caucus.


I welcome your comments below.  Its time.





The Swamp Rages

by Guardian 6                                            091502  February 2021

“Speaker Pelosi, tear down that wall.” Newt Gingrich

This past weekend, former Speaker Newt Gingrich tweeted to Speaker Pelosi to remove the wall she and “Leader” Chuck Schumer have built around the Capital of the United States. This is highly insulting to all Americans insinuating that the Capital of the United States is under siege from Trump supporters whom she and others have labeled domestic terrorists. The so called “Insurrection” that was really a loosely  affiliated mob at best, is the democrats latest episode of turning a very unfortunate event (where three people died) into an exaggerated crisis so they can use the US National Guard soldiers as Democratic Party props to “protect” Congress. As the former democratic Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanual once famously stated, “never let a crisis go to waste.” Tyrants know no bounds and this is what America is witnessing with the Capitol having a troop presence. These actions by the Democratic Party leadership really highlight to Americans that it is all about power and control at any cost, our Republic be damned. Lying, cheating and exploiting a false narrative is justified if in the end the democrats are successful at regaining the Whitehouse and control of Congress as they did in November 2020. I won’t even mention voter fraud and all the election anomalies. We’ll check that for another day in the raging swamp.
The next chapter of the democrats tearing our republic apart at the seams is the impeachment of Trump 2.0, after they falsely called for unity. This is an attack not only on the former President, but on 74 million of his voters for wrong thinking and wrong voting. This is such a farce that Chief Roberts has declined to participate because Congress does not have the authority or jurisdiction to impeach a former president. Yet, the Fake News networks of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and Foxnews will showcase the hearings and decline to report on the constitutionality of this event. The democrats never fail to let facts get in their way of acting on falsehoods and creating a narrative not fit for a bad clown show. Reminds us of the infamous Biden quote during the campaign, ” we choose truth over facts.” As my good friend once told me, “the democrats are like flies hitting a lightbulb. They can’t help themselves from being stupid.” Indeed. Let’s not forget, undoubtedly they’ll be a few RINO’s like Romney and Sasse that will seek attention for themselves and join the democratic farce voting to impeach Trump out of spite, hate and political correctness. These two millionaire RINOs have as much in common with the forgotten American as Pelosi does with the homeless living in drug infested San Francisco as she showcases her $20K ice cream freezer to her Hollywood friends.
The Forgotten have been returned to forgotten status again. Of the 50 plus Executive Orders Biden has signed, Americans are being left behind. Over ten thousand people are expected to lose their jobs due to Biden shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. Even one thousand teamsters are now unemployed due to Biden’s overreach through executive fiat. The state of New Mexico who’s electoral votes went to Biden is projected to lose two thirds of their tax revenue for education. The union vote and NM are getting exactly what they voted for, loss of jobs and loss of revenue. Biden is just warming up too. The Paris Climate Accords will do for America what closing the Keystone Pipeline did for American workers and NM, kill jobs, kill petro independence and ultimately kill the US economy. The winners? China, the Globalists, Progressives, and the Elites. The forgotten can get in line for their COVID19 relief checks and be thankful for it. Of the $1.9 trillion dollar relief bill that will further in debt future generations of Americans, the Biden Administration has international abortions to pay for; hundreds upon hundreds of billions of dollars to give in foreign aide to many countries that hate us; and ultimately the Biden Administrative will send our tax dollars to blue states running deficits due to their budgetary and leadership failures while also ensuring the democratic party elites secure money for themselves, their families and their future campaigns. At the forgotten’s expense, the Democratic Party Cash Game is raging once again in the Swamp. Sadly, America is losing again, bigly.
While the swamp rages gleefully upon Trump’s defeat, the democrats are building their police state. Walls are in place around the Capitol and the Whitehouse while Biden moves to eliminate the progress the Trump Administration made securing our southern border. Human traffickers, Narco Drug dealers and people from around the world look to enter the US through illegal immigration. Like Castro did in the late 1970’s expect some countries to empty their prisons and criminals to intermix with tens of thousands of people targeting the US for a better life. Biden is not about the civil society, he is about the democrats chaotic agenda that not only creates lawlessness as it relates to immigration, it puts the safety of American citizens at risk in our communities, our schools and our highways. This is about securing low information voters for democratic party survival and creating another false narrative that Americans who are against unconstrained, lawless immigration are racists and xenophobic. Somehow logic, “science” and rational thought about everything from immigration to male and female biology have been thrown to the curb along with two genders. “Follow the science” only applies to climate change and wearing a mask in the leftist Obama – Biden – Harris America.
Big Tech is now a welcomed partner of enabling swamp rage through censorship, deplatforming companies & individuals and ultimately deciding who is allowed to have a voice and who isn’t. Big Media is complicit in canceling and targeting conservative thinking Americans while enabling the big Democratic Party lies with silence and underreporting. Big Tech and Big Media are being fueled by Wall Street that cares less about America and more about the selloff to China and their profits. Big Tech, Big Media, Wall Street and the Democratic Party are one in the same and they have all interbreed to produce a hateful anti-American offspring that looks nothing like the America we love. The View, CNN prime-time line-up and Joe Scarborough are the toxic visuals that led to a Biden Administration.
God help us. #NotOver


DNC Letter – Biden Basement Strategy

by: Suspected Leaked Letter from Democratic National Committee 

where: Swamp

Dateline: July 20, 2020 8:25PM 

We got one shot and one shot only, we have to keep Biden in the Basement. VP Biden has many vulnerabilities, chief among them is talking. We need to keep America in masks so we can keep Joe in a mask. At all costs, DO NOT let Joe talk to objective media, albeit not much of that left in America. Fortunately, most of the media is in the tank for Joe, although Catherine Heritage of CBS is a real threat since she can’t be bought like CNN and MSNBC. One American News Network (OANN) is too American so we should be able to shame them for being patriotic, objective and sincere in their work. Their factual reporting will doom them. Lastly, Brit Hume’s strong media credentials and experience must be countered with more believable falsehoods before his audience gets even bigger.

The Chris Wallace Foxnews interview of Trump that aired July 19th is a real threat to the Biden campaign. We can’t have Biden do an interview for one minute with Wallace let alone 60 minutes. Biden gaffs alone will tube us before we even start talking about stringing two sentences together, or his lack of command of the issues. We have our best people in Hollywood working with a specialist to create a Biden Double. We are being told this is a herculean task. It is almost impossible to find a Biden body double that can act coherent, have plugs for hair and casually display that shit eating grin. We have our dimmest in the DNC War Room working with make-up artists, plastic surgeons and even speech therapists. The two attempts to date failed miserably due to our doubles being too smart. Keep hope alive.

We are mandating nap times for Joe. He takes mandated naps at 10AM, 2PM and 6PM. They average 45 minutes so plan 5 minutes media engagements that are highly scripted around these naps. All media engagements must entail a teleprompter with size 60 font, pro-Biden reporters and networks that will allow the DNC to edit the tape before airing. There are no exceptions to the Biden Basement Media Engagement strategy.

The polls are a sham. We are only sampling 20 – 24% of likely GOP voters in all national polls. We are working hard to depress likely Trump voters to keep them home. It didn’t work with Clinton but we believe it will work this time because of COVID-19. Our Democratic Governors are keeping their schools closed, restaurants closed and intentionally tanking their state economies to depress the vote and crush jobs. We are proud of their efforts. Furthermore, our Democratic Mayors are masterfully working with Black Lives Matter  to defund the police; allowing Antifa to destroy statues and city infrastructure; and allowing mobs to destroy peoples livelihoods and employment opportunities. Our one-two punch of intentional malfeasance is working as planned.

While America burns, support for Biden grows as we can continue to blame Trump for our orchestrated rioting, chaos and lies about the COVID-19 threat and America being a racist country. You can thank Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo, deBlasio, Newsom and a host of others with our partners in the MSM. The Biden Basement Strategy is working. America will be a socialist country!



Schiff Show

by Matthews Cooper    

Dayton, Ohio                            Dateline November 16th, 2019

We must impeach President Trump, plain and simple. We have no choice if we expect to win the 2020 Presidential Election. As Democrats, Democratic  Socialists and Progressives we must undue the will of Deplorable America. We do not need a crime to impeach Trump. All we need is a false narrative, cooperation from our media friends and our Deep State operatives to perfect the lessons learned from the Russian Collusion Hoax to get it right this time with the Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo. We own the news cycle, we’ve planted key Obama Administration operatives throughout the Intelligence Community and Soros has us well funded.

After Mueller, Congressman Nadler and the Judicial Committee failed us, we are all counting on Congressman Adam Schiff to lead us to the promise land, the formal announcement that President Trump has been impeached. We can smell it, we can see it and we can feel it. Trump baby balloons rising across blue cities in San Francisco, Chicago and LA celebrating a great day in progressive America. The front page of the Washington Post and New York Times with the headline, “Trump Impeached, Leaves White House an Innocent Man.”

Congressman Schiff deserves a medal. When it comes to lying to America without any hint of guilt, he owns the playing field. I am so proud of him as is Nancy, Chuck and our good friends at CNN and MSNBC. Q is no match for Adam, it is Adam who is the Storm. He stares down Deplorables with steely beady bulging eyes and has the mega mind to back it up. When it comes to creating and fabricating new House Rules and turning innocent facts into weapons, Adam Schiff is swinging a 40 ounce bat! The best Nunes & Jordan can do is foul off a couple of his fastballs. I love the way he mistreats that young hissy Congresswoman Stefanik; the Me Too movement doesn’t apply to republican or conservative woman and the media does a great job ignoring his sexist treatment of her.

I am hopeful that we are well on the road to an impeachment party before Christmas. As I wrote about in my March article ( we are  on our way to transforming America into a wasteland of democratic socialism! Give me Bernie, Warren or Mayor Pete! Hell, I’ll even take Biden if I must. Bigger government is the answer to serving the elite Democratic Socialists and taking the power away from the people. Power to us, the Democratic Elites!


Politifact – Worse News Credibility Than Morning Joe (It Is That Bad!)

Hard to Beat the Other Team and the Refs at the Same Time: 

Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Politifact versus The Actual Facts

By: Jack Reacher                                    Dateline: 19 August 2019  2140 hours


On August 9th, both Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren tweeted condolences for the “murder” of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014.  Characterizing Michael Brown’s death as a murder is an unequivocal lie. He did die in a police shooting that sparked national attention and protests.  However, both a grand jury in Missouri and the United States Justice Department fully investigated this incident and did not bring charges. The Justice Department investigation was run by Obama era officials, including Attorney General Eric Holder who had been a forceful advocate for minority rights in his career.  This was not a case of a rigged investigation heading to a predestined outcome in favor of the police.  


Despite all of this, PolitiFact declined to rule on whether or not these statements by Harris and Warren are factual.  The article meanders around and eventually settles on an explanation that a lay person could conflate the legal definition of murder with a killing that they personally feel is unjust.  This is a ludicrous explanation for this situation.  


Harris and Warren are not lay people.  Both of them are accomplished lawyers who highlight their legal careers in their campaigns.  Harris constantly cites her work as Attorney General of California on the campaign trail. She was the chief legal constitutional officer for the largest state in the country. 


In the biography on her campaign website, Warren highlights that she is a lawyer who served as a law professor for over 30 years, including teaching law at two Ivy League schools.  This is someone who for years had daily access to some of the most brilliant legal minds in the country. 


Neither of these women should be able to hide behind a defense that they were unfmailiar with the legal defintion of murder.  On its site, PolitiFact says these criteria are used to determine ratings, my comments on a reasonable response to these are below the question:


  • Is the statement literally true? 
    • Both state and federal officials investigated Michael Brown’s death and declined to even bring charges.  No one has ever even been charged with murder, much less been convincted of any crime. Calling his death a murder is not literally true.
  • Is there another way to read the statement? Is the statement open to interpretation?
    • A non-lawyer might be excused for conflating their feelings about Michael Brown’s killing with the law, but two highly accomplished lawyers should not be permitted to use this excuse.
  • Did the speaker provide evidence? Did the speaker prove the statement to be true?
    • Neither of them provided any evidence in their tweet beyond their personal opinions.  Wanting something to be true does not make it so. 
  • How have we handled similar statements in the past? What is PolitiFact’s jurisprudence?
    • PolitiFact is not known for throwing up its hands and refusing to rule on statements, particularly ones in which verifiable and uncontested facts exist.  Indeed, the Washington Post fact checker examined this same controversy and gave these tweets Four Pinocchios, the ruling it resersvers for “Whoppers”.     


There is a common axiom in sports that it is hard to defeat both your opponent and the officials who are calling penalties in favor of your opponent.  PolitiFact is clearly tipping the scales in favor of the Democrats here and not for the first time. Once again, Republicans will need to defeat their opponents on the uneven playing field in which the supposed unbiased officials will be favoring the Democrats. 





Book Review: “Fear: Trump in the White House” by Bob Woodward

Guardian 6           Spokane, Washington

Dateline August 1st, 2018

Timed perfectly to support the Democratic Socialists Party (formerly known as Democrats) in the fall of 2018 Midterm elections, Mr. Woodward brings forth a major hit job on President Trump and his administration. Sure to be replete with tens of anonymous sources, administration intrigue on backroom policy arguments and Trump family infighting and gossip, expect to get a heavy dose of Bob Woodward on all the MSM channels in October. The Washington Post will run a Woodward series highlighting different chapters of the book for a week getting a sales bump of 70 papers to their daily circulation; CNN will begin advertising the Woodward interviews in September with that serious journalist known as Chris Cuomo; and Chris Matthews will get another tingle down his leg when he reads his advance copy. Doesn’t this Democratic Party (now the Democratic Socialist Party) playbook get old? Not a very creative lot, maybe even MSNBC gets thrown a life line for Morning Joe and Woodward graces his show as a guest to support his high school auditorium national audience. Bob’s publicist and publisher is surely working overtime booking all the MSM networks.

We can expect Fear to feature many chapters on Russia, the collusion narrative and Bob Mueller and the 13, now 17, Angry Democrats (now Angry Democratic Socialists). Bob will lead with, “what did Trump know and when did he know it?” Bob will paint a picture of guilt by association with Trump’s global business ties leaving the reader to make their own damning conclusions. Mr. Woodward will likely paint a picture of racism over Charlottesville, immigration, The Wall and referring to Third World countries as shitholes. Expect a litany of attacks on Trump’s fitness for office by many anonymous sources including medical “professionals” in and around the Swamp. Let’s just say they will argue that President Trump is not a stable genius. This line of attack will be supported by how un-presidential Trump is by attacking the media, assigning nicknames and his use of Twitter bypassing the media. The book will feature family turmoil, Don Jr.’s divorce, Melania not happy in the White House, disgruntled cabinet officials that have been let go, etc. Lastly, Fear would be incomplete without Trump’s attacks on NATO, how he got played by North Korea and how tariffs are bad for America. Lots of false narratives for Mr. Woodward to repeat.

For presidential historians and the 62 million Americans that voted for President Trump, how the president responds to Fear will make this worth watching. As we all know by now, Trump has his own playbook that fully leverages 21st century technologies in social media; he stays on offense countering false narratives; he takes the message directly to the people through rallies, Twitter, and daily press conferences; in a word, President Trump fights. While Fear and Mr. Woodward will get some initial headlines, it is also highly likely to get drowned out by what is 24 x 7 Trump hate. Another day, another batch of smug, arrogant, self-righteous elite liberals screaming about Trump.

The 53rd Regiment assessment of Fear: One big Yawn, look for Fear in the used book bin. Pay no more than .50 cents.


Fake News & The Walking Dead

Dateline March 18, 2018

The Swamp

When did the news become fake? As the 53rd Regiment examined this issue, we discovered some common threads  and a couple key elements that have corrupted the news profession resulting in the loss of public trust.  Mainstream TV news broadcasts and major newspapers are failing and losing their audience. Why?

Element One. Democratic politicians joined news rooms, editorial boards and became on air personalities. The news became less about the facts and more about pushing their liberal agendas. To name a few: (1)  George Stephanopoulos, former Clinton Press Secretary, with ABC (2) Jay Carney, MSNBC Contributor, former Obama Press Secretary, married to Claire Shipman ABC (3) Ben Rhodes, former Obama Deputy National Security Advisor in Obama Administration, is the brother of CBS News President Ben Rhodes (4) Chris Cuomo of CNN, brother of Democratic Governor of NY Andrew Cuomo. We could spend all day naming the liberal connections to the news media. The Democratic Party and the news networks are one in the same. Conservatives or non-partisans need not apply to work in the media.

Element Two. Late night comedy has been high jacked by the left. These shows have become extensions of the liberal base and they are not very funny anymore. Jimmy Kimmel,  Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers and the list goes on. Nobody wants to end their day listening to these comedic elites spew their hatred and carry their collectivist messages for the democrats. Sadly, many of these shows now believe their job is to inform the masses and shape American opinion instead of comedy.

Element Three. Sporting news network such as ESPN have turned hard left with broadcasters openly ridiculing the President on air and in social media forums. Sporting networks have openly backed the disrespect shown to military Veterans by NFL athletes choosing  to side with the extreme minority of players instead of keeping the focus on the game.

When you combine these three elements, we have the Walking Dead fabricating the news, pushing their agendas and losing the American public due to their ideology driven broadcasts. News shows can’t be trusted, newspapers are collapsing and sporting events are being destroyed by the left. Americans are speaking by tuning out but the Walking Dead running and ruining these networks would rather push their leftist agenda than report real news!


Anti-Trump Russian Collusion Narrative Collapses

Dateline February 17, 2018

The Swamp

Top 10 List of Anti-Trump Russian Collusion Narrative Collapses

10. Empty Barrels not attending the Trump Inaugaration or the State of the Union

9.  The “Two America’s” hypocracy of the Democratic party as they continue to divide the country with the false Russian collusion narrative against Trump putting power & party above country

8. Using LTG(R) Michael Flynn as a Pawn and indicting him after FBI agents said he did not lie in the official FBI 302. How did this happen? 

7. The Obama Administration failing to safeguard the US election system and Americans from the Russian hacking and spreading fake news that began as far back as 2014

6. The relentlessly toxic orchestrated news organizations preaching the Russian collusion narrative while coverage remained 95% negative of the Trump Administration

5. The Deep State orchestrating the whole Russian collusion narrative in collusion with the DNC and paying for Christopher Steele (a British spy) to create the phony dossier

4. The Media elites being proven as Fake News with Special Counsel Mueller’s announcement Feb 16th that no members of the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. They totally failed to do honest reporting!

3. @Adamschiff being duped as a shill for the Russians in his anti-Trump hatred 

2. #Resistance Movement being used by the Russians to manipulate Democrats & anti-American forces to spread discord and discontent in the US and foster more anti-Trump falsehoods

  1. Using the Phony Dossier to justify the FISA Wiretap against the Trump campaign


The Media Industrial Complex

Dateline February 10th, 2018 

The Swamp

While it is clear the Obama Administration weaponized the FBI, DoJ and Intelligence Community against the Trump Campaign, the Media Industrial Complex (MIC) has no curiousity as the US Constitution and civil liberties were tore to shreds. As the phony dossier was used as the basis to get court approval for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Agency (FISA) wiretap, the US federal government was unleashed against Trump and his associates. Special Prosecutor Mueller should refocus 100% of his energies and resources on these crimes but the question remains, is he part of the MIC Coupe? The coming six months should reveal how strong the Deep State is and how an unlikely President revealed decades of corruption within our government.  

Dateline December 21st, 2017 – Original Article follows:

The Media Industrial Complex (MIC), a committee of the top five failing news media outlets in the US (CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, The Washington Post, CBS and ABC/ESPN), has self-imposed their collective purpose to destroy the Trump presidency by reporting falsehoods, conspiring with the Democratic Party and creating fake news 24/7 to ensure everything they report on the Trump presidency is negative. Like the Chinese Politburo Standing Committee (PSC) or former Soviet Union they believe they can control public opinion and ensure a failed Trump presidency through lies and manipulation. To quote Candidate Trump from the debate stage, “wrong!” Their negativity and fake news is the wind in Trump’s sail. The MIC is a threat to America as they work to shape thought and punish those that disagree with them. 

It’s ironic that President Trump, not always a man of virtue like most of us, is built to take on decades of institutional rot in government, the economy, foreign policy and the failing MIC. It is priceless to watch the media elites struggle and demonstrate their fragile psyches trying to match wit with a president they treat with such little regard as they own the headlines and airwaves each day. However, in 140 characters or less, President Trump puts them on the ropes, knocks them down on the mat and showcases them for the elites that they really are. The most amazing thing overall that Americans have learned from Trump is the MIC is composed of liars, incompetents and sycophants that conspire each day to undermine America and undermine the American voters that put President Trump in office.

Put yourself in Trump’s shoes for a minute and think about the media assaults and deep state attacks he withstands each day.  Most people would wilt or quit under this relentless pressure. Not Trump. Like President Lincoln said of General Grant, “he fights” and it is a glorious thing to observe. Here is a billionaire President who is putting America First centering policy on the “forgotten man” and putting allies and foes alike on notice directly telling them the United States will not be taken advantage of anymore. No more apologies, no more bad trade deals and no more remaining silent while Americans, the Forgotten Man, continues to be on the losing end of the deal.

President Trump has exposed the Media Induistrial Complex, the political establishment and lobbyists that reside in The Swamp for the self-serving lot that they are. For the last several decades the will of the American people has been secondary to special interests, political correctness and the whims of the elites while Congress and The Swamp enriched themselves at the expense of the American people. It took a blue collar billionaire to fully expose what most Americans suspected; the 53rd Regiment finds it refreshing to watch President Trump put the twitter spotlight on the failing MIC (CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, The Washington Post, CBS and ABC/ESPN) while the establishment and elitists scatter like cockroaches looking for cover under old appliances and cabinets.




The Clown Car is Rolling

The Swamp, Dateline January 17th, 2018

The Clown Car that is the White House Press Pool was on full display yesterday interrogating the White House physician, Navy Rear Adm. Dr. Ronny Jackson on President Trump’s health. Much to their disappointment, Dr. Jackson declared President Trump to be in “excellent health.”

As the phony Russian dossier and collusion loses steam,  the press pushes a new false narrative that the president has dementia, or early onset Alzheimer’s disease or some other psychosis that would build the case to remove him from office. Once again, the press was very disappointed with the results when Dr. Jackson explained the  cognitive exam he administered on President Trump resulted in a perfect score of 30 out of 30 questions answered correctly.

Here are a few of the “serious” questions asked by the press in the Clown Car during yesterday’s press conference:

ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl asked, “Can you explain to me how a guy who eats McDonald’s and fried chicken and all those Diet Cokes and who never exercises is in as good of shape as you say he’s in?”

NBC News reporter Hallie Jackson noted that Trump’s weight put him just shy of obesity, based on body mass index, and asked the doctor, “You’re confident of that number? Dr. Jackson said yes.

Other gems included:

“Does the president watch too much TV?”

“Is he limited to one scoop of ice cream?”

“Did you address drug addiction?”

Much to the Clown Cars disappointment, President Trump is in “excellent health.” However, this hasn’t put their narrative to bed as they continue to question Dr. Jackson’s exam, the president’s health and his fitness to office. The only thing slowing the clown car down on this topic is #shithole gate which is the presses new foil for Trump being a racist. Clown Car madness continues.

On a more serious note, there are a few Clown Car questions:

  1. Who is driving the Clown Car? MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough or CNN’s Jay Tapper or maybe Jim Acosta
  2. Is the Clown Car gas,  electric or foot powered?
  3. Is Keith Olberman or Stephen Colbert in charge of honking the horn?
  4. Did MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow or Laurence O’Donnell design the clown outfits?
  5. Who is funding the Clown Car?
  6. Who are the Dark Clowns? 


Toxic News

The Swamp

Dateline January 9th, 2018

There are elements of Fake News regarding the Trump presidency that are surreal to watch.  The hate, the orchestrated phony presentations, the ignorant partisan guests and the out right contemptuous behavior toward the 45th President of the United States is without precedent. In a word, the “mainstream media” has become toxic.

Each morning, beginning from 6 – 9 AM EST, MSNBC Morning Joe & CNN New Day dump toxic words of waste on the American public without fail. Both shows are a three hour hit job on the president. There is zero news, just three hours of Joe Scarborough and Chris Cuomo presenting fake toxic news with condescension, immaturity and little regard for the dignity of the Office of the Presidency. These two fabricators masquerading as newsmen are much more interested in reading their own headlines and securing accolades from their leftwing peers. Their broadcasts are never interrupted with real news or facts, just spew.

The 53rd Regiment strongly recommends you avoid these toxic broadcasts of hate, misinformation and toxicities. People want to start their day with an uplifting message, not this trifle and inconsolable hate directed at President Trump and those that voted for him!

Enjoy your day folks by avoiding the Scarborough and Cuomo toxic dump. 

