The Modern Day Plunderers

by Andrews Cooper & Team Blue

 City of Swamp

Dateline: 15 March 2025 – The Ides of March – Fitting

The modern day plunderers are the Democrat party. The Vikings at least fought with courage, spirit and honor. We have none of those things. Today’s Democrats are built to destroy all that is good. We do our best work governing or resisting. It’s all the same. When running the US government, we bake destruction into laws, Executive Orders or policy. Candidly, it is easier than resisting. But hey even when we lose, we resist with lawsuits, manufactured disinformation, and of course fake news delivered by our partners in America’s destruction the mainstream media. Coordinated talking points, bylines and headlines can turn wins into loses or accomplishments into failures. It’s all messaging and Team Democrat are masters of deceit. I own this. My party gets mad at me for the honesty but I like to brag about the bait and switch, and who we really are.

The Democrat party might look like it is in chaos, and it is, but when you have the tools of deception outlined above I can take dysfunction and make it look normal. Hell, democrats got Joe Biden elected president; 15 – 20 Octogenarians elected repeatedly in Congress; and some of the lowest IQ people in America are democrat house members! I make this look easy, but it is a much harder than you might think.

Think about how extreme we are and the successes we’ve had mainstreaming deviancy.

  • we put porn books it elementary schools
  • we’ve convinced children they can change genders; boys can be girls and girls can be boys
  • we’ve put men in girls locker rooms
  • we’ve destroyed girls/women sports allowing men to dominate their leagues
  • we’ve destroyed meritocracy through DEI programs placing low expectations on one group of Americans while discrimination against another
  • we’ve invented new words with new meanings like misgendering, being an ally, privilege and positionality. Of course all of it is to control the masses
  • we’ve censored conservatives and pretty much removed them from free speech platforms
  • we’ve convinced the world that climate change is manmade and even have companies paying climate fees on climate exchanges wrapped around ESG models
  • we’ve attacked and destroyed masculinity referring to it as “toxic masculinity” peeling males away from their traditional roles as husbands, providers and protectors
  • we’ve replaced religion and Christianity with climate change and other false gods
  • we exploited and created NGOs to drive the border invasion and illegal immigration using taxpayer money creating new voters
  • we’ve weaponized racism to control people with the fear of being accused of being a racist
  • we destroyed free and fair elections through mail in ballots and eliminating voter ID laws

There is much more and we are just warming up. As a Progressive Democrat Team Blue and I pride ourselves on being Plunderers. It’s what we do. Some say we are evil or take pride in human carnage and destruction. We don’t disagree. All that matters to us is remaking America into our image of a government that controls the masses, limits personal freedom, and enacts policies where state control is paramount. We are well on our way. We are relentless. President Trump is a speed bump. Some say we are communists, socialists, atheists, elitists or statists. We say yes we are all of these things. We are proud Democrats.


Dead, Diseased, Dying and Dangerous: What Happened to our Most Important Institutions

By @BlackJackPershing on Truth Social, @BlakJakPershing on GETTR

Dateline: 24 March 2022

Veterans of the meat packing industry know the term ‘4D’ quite well: Dead, Diseased, Dying and Disabled.  If you are a pet owner you want to be sure you have a quality pet food that doesn’t include such ingredients.  Likewise, if you are a citizen, you want to be sure any large institution you deal with, government or otherwise, is not ‘4D’.

Well.  Bad news.  Most are 4D already, if not straight up road kill.

Let’s inventory.


As we all know, the FBI is now a political enforcement arm of the DNC and entrenched federal bureaucracy.   All threats to entrenched DC interests, especially those of democrats, are referred to the FBI for persecution.  While not as advanced in their tactics as the Gestapo, the Stasi or KGB, they are working on it.  False Flags, embedded shit disturbers in legal protests (sometimes even partnering with Antifa), setting up unwitting conservatives for prosecution on technicalities, leaking arrest dates and times to favored media outlets – all of this is now part of the day to day activity of the FBI.  We used to try to defend the rank and file agents.  That’s getting harder.


Sad.  Pathetic.  Weak.  Words that describe republican or allegedly conservative leaders of the DOJ.  Criminal.  Subversive.  Seditionist.  Words that the describe the current leadership of the DOJ.  The weasel currently in charge has gone on record against parents in local communities having a say in their children’s education.  The DOJ under Obama was directly involved in the fake Russia hoax.  It will all be revealed.  The DOJ hasn’t upheld the nation’s laws in decades.

Department of Homeland Security

Once meant to be professional in its pursuit of a safe interior of the US, free of terrorist incidents, it is now a wing of the democrat party; an open borders garbage dump.  When the next major domestic terror incident occurs, you can thank so called Secretary Majorkas, the most incompetent cue ball in a government of incompetents.  One must ask what the value of this large collection of agencies is.

General Officer Corps

According to Fox News, Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reportedly told lawmakers during closed-door briefings that if a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine takes place, then Kyiv could fall within 72 hours.

Wrong.  Again.

Incompetence of the GO Corps started in the W Bush administration, when those obviously qualified to win wars were not allowed to win them.

Politicization of the GO Corps started under Obama and continues.  Competence was long ago thrown out, made a brief reappearance under Trump, and is now out again.  Being Woke matters.  Losing and getting people killed?  Doesn’t matter.  Epic failure is now ok.  Think about how many of these political asshat Generals criticized Trump for every question he asked, every initiative he began.  In the end they all were wrong.  Some of their buffoonery is listed in other articles on this site.  Now that they are working for a demented democrat?  No signed letters.  No protests.  No public protests.  Just going along to get along and getting our people killed, our nation humiliated, and our future in serious doubt.  The GO Corps needs a ‘general’ flushing.  Zero won wars in 20 years, and the Afghanistan disaster are their legacy.  Take your stars and shove em, fellas.


Fauci.  He represents the enormity of the problem.

US Media Complex

Headquarters of the daily clown show, run by vicious partisans that knowingly panic and manipulate the public.  Over time they grow more bold.  Low ratings don’t stop them.  They intermarry with politicians.  They mix careers with political operatives.  There is zero ethical control.  Conflicts of interest are normal.  Lying is an art form.  Disruptors are growing.  Not fast enough.  Lazy viewers tolerate what they know to be lazy, poorly produced, anti-intellectual garbage.

Public Corporations

Weak.  Scared.  Buffoonish.  Poorly educated.  Unaware.  Unthoughtful.  Reactive.  Juvenile.  Short term.  Idiotic.  Some of the words that describe the kind of leaders that mandate critical race theory training to employees, give money to corrupt pseudo-communist gangsters like BLM, fight state governments like Florida, which is trying to keep filth out of schools, and so on.  All because a loud hyper vocal minority threaten to cancel them if they do not do what they want.  We are way past the days of dignified corporate titans trying to do what is best for their employees and stake holders.  We have some, but the lion’s share of attention is given to the idiots.


We all know China has threaded itself through all of our institutions.  Chinese money and corrupt influence exists in all of them.  We all know.


As noted on these pages before, an aggressive de-centralization of the Washington DC apparatus is urgently needed.  Disperse all federal assets among the 50 states.  Institute radical ethical reform of all agencies.  Disband some agencies.  Fire all the officers above 2 star General in the military.  Trump knows he must do this.  He cannot talk about it publicly.  But its coming.

Much more to discuss on this topic, fellow patriots.  I’ve listed the big targets.  There are many more.  What will we do?



Overweight, Political, Failing and Woke: The Sad State of America’s General Officers

By @BlakJakPershing on GETTR, @PershingSoldier on Parler, @PershingSoldier on Clouthub and @BlackJackPershing on Gab

Dateline July 15th, 2021             Liberty, USA

‘Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son’

-Dean Wormer, Animal House

To paraphrase the Dean, ‘fat, scared, stupid and woke is no way to go through a military career, General Milley!’

‘There’s no power in a bushel of blubber’

                General George S Patton

Its about time we discuss the state of many, but not all General Officers in recent years, especially the ones choosing to bad mouth our legitimate Commander in Chief, Donald J Trump.

A bit of history first.  We haven’t solidly and specifically won a war since 1991.  The Gulf War was a stellar use of strategy, tactics and restraint.  Bravo.  This war used what was known as the ‘Powell Doctrine’ a set of lessons learned from Vietnam about the need for clear goals and the use of overwhelming force for clean victories.

One could argue that ’91 was the year we could say that the Cold War was also won after years of commitment and leadership by many in several generations of political and military leadership – it was even mostly a bi-partisan effort until the 1980’s.

Since ’91 however, whether it was Clinton’s draw down of the military in the so called ‘peace dividend’, or the two wars poorly fought under the supervision of George W Bush and Barack Obama, our military leaders have let us and our soldiers, airmen and marines down.

There have been moments of brilliance.  Battles have been won by the rank and file, by junior and midlevel officers and NCO’s.  But at the strategic leadership level, we have been let down.  There have been legitimate small engagements like Panama or Kosovo that were positive.  Missions like the one in Haiti that achieved good humanitarian aims for a time.

But the big jobs have been bungled by Generals.  The list of the incompetent GO’s is long. 

Many veterans know that once you get to the rank of O-6, or full Colonel in the Army, Airforce and Marines or Captain in the Navy, all future promotions are purely political.

‘Anyone who thinks he’s indispensable, ain’t!’

                General George S Patton

We haven’t seen many, if any, principled resignations at the General Officer level in the last 20 years.  We can only imagine there have been plenty of opportunities.  We would hope that our senior military officers would have the moral courage to walk away from poor civilian leadership.  We need to be able to count on that.  But that  apparently doesn’t happen despite many opportunities: Understaffing the invasion force of Iraq? Performing social experimentation in the ranks of our troops?  Requiring pseudo-socialist training that has zero to do with war fighting? Summary cuts to critical budgets for training? Requiring trans persons to be part of a force that still disallows people with flat feet and other musculoskeletal issues due to the need for readiness?  Announcing an Iraq departure that gives birth to the Caliphate? These weren’t enough to cause principled resignations?  Not even a public negative comment?

   We have a cohort of General Officers who have delivered a generation of lost wars, who act as if they deserve respect and admiration but really deserve the opposite.

We have a cohort of General Officers who show open bias politically. But here is the official guidance from the department of defense:

The primary guidance concerning political activity for military members is found in DoD Directive 1344.10. Per longstanding DoD policy, active duty personnel may not engage in partisan political activities and all military personnel should avoid the inference that their political activities imply or appear to imply DoD sponsorship, approval, or endorsement of a political candidate, campaign, or cause.

These cowardly GO’s would gladly prosecute junior officers, NCO’s and troops under the UCMJ for doing far less than they have done, in terms of their cooperation with the foul aims of the democrat party and their attempts to undermine the Trump administration in the roll out of its policies.

Think of SecDef Mattis and his open contempt of his boss.  Well General Mattis, he was only trying to change things because of your record of failure.

Think of egg heads like General Michael Hayden, a Four Star General who also served as Head Spook at the CIA for a number of years.  This arrogant Swampian has screeched out regularly about President Trump, bringing dishonor on himself and his rank.  The likely reason is because of what Trump knows of the General’s failures and malfeasance.

Think of poor General McChrystal, dissed by Obama after doing a pretty good job, because of leaked comments to press scumbags he should have never associated with.  Apparently a life long learner like Stan didn’t learn a key lesson and went back to supporting democrat dopes and openly bad mouthing President Trump on Syria tactics during his term.  Trump was right.  Again.  Stan’s motives remain unclear as he’s been openly dissed by Dems for years.  Just dumb I guess.

Think of lost at Sea Admiral McRaven of ‘Make Your Bed’ fame, another sad sack openly bad mouthing President Trump for any number of reasons.  Guys like him can’t handle unconventional leaders like Trump.  Thank God the founders ‘got it’ and understood our system would produce a variety of leaders, some colorful.  Swampian stiffs like McRaven obsess on ‘he said mean things’ while losing wars and acting cocky.

Think of Woke Fatty, Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs who was savagely and appropriately corrected publicly by the President in a statement on the day of this writing for musing to the press about Trumps desires for a coup.  Trump hires him, gives him a chance after others dissed him, and Milley returns the favor by kissing woke democrat arse.  A sad mess, a disgrace to the uniform – especially because his ability to pass an Army Physical Fitness Test isn’t even in the remotest of possibilities.

Let’s pause here and ask the question: what happened and when did it happen that fat slobs are now a thing in my United States Army?  Vindman?  Milley?  This needs to stop.  Navy?  OK – they are desk jockeys primarily and there is a tradition of out of shape Navy Officers that goes back to the founding.  We can even let certain Airforce Officers be tubby.  But the Army?  NO.  JUST.  NO.  We’re not having it.  Drop the donuts General and get your fat arse on the track.  Of note: the correlation between being fat/slovenly and being liberal/woke is extremely high.  Someone needs to check on Hayden – likely has a major paunch developing – and cankles.

You may have also seen that Admiral Michael Gilday, Chief of Naval Ops, has added anti-American socialist garbage to Navy reading lists.  What about winning wars, one may ask?  What about the Navy enduring a number of embarrassing accidents and incidents in the last 15 years, one may ask?  Perhaps its leadership devoid of principle or common sense?  Obsessed with democrat arse kissing instead of winning?

Swamp Generals exemplify group think.

‘If everyone is thinking alike, no one is thinking.’

                General George S Patton

Notice the Patton quotes?  What do you think he’d make of this sad crop of Generals?  Not much is my guess.  We quote him because he and men like Sherman, Grant, Pershing and Washington knew their jobs were to train our troops to do difficult, hard things in the worst of circumstances.  And to win.  Where did we go wrong?  Who derailed this tradition?

“War is cruelty. You can’t refine it.”
― William T. Sherman

Here is some free advice for our senior military leaders, which they should already know, but apparently don’t:

  • If it doesn’t increase our readiness and warfighting effectiveness, don’t do it
  • Don’t bad mouth the commander in chief personally – it’s not your place and it’s conduct unbecoming – active or retired
  • Disagree on policy? Then have the stones to resign if you are active.  If retired, be professional, not personal
  • Check your ego; you report to civilians.  Deal with it General.
  • Stay in shape; set a proper example; don’t be a slob
  • If you haven’t won a war, you probably shouldn’t be talking smack about anyone.  You had one job.  You failed.
  • Pull your heads out.
  • Stop kissing woke democrat arse.

This one time active duty soldier has just about had it with today’s military leadership.



Stinky Feet, Bad Breath, Flatulence and Fox News

By @BlakJakPershing on Getter, @BlackJackPershing on Gab, @PershingSoldier on Parler, @PershingSoldier on Clouthub

Dateline: 12 July 2021          Missouri Territory

“Oh, this isn’t even BO. This is beyond BO. It’s BBO.”

  • George Constanza, Seinfeld

There are certain things we want none of like those mentioned in the above headline.  For Fox News this started on election night, when Martha McStupid and Radical Donut Activist Bret Baier decided to throw in with the leftist controlled media outlets and declare the election over.  Those watching at the time know that Tucker Carlson confronted both of them, live, on the air.  Awkward moment as all semblance of professionalism went out the window.

The implosion of Fox will be remembered as the most spectacular meltdown of an established television channel in history.

This implosion was caused by petulant elitists, frustrated at the evolution of the conservative movement toward the working class of the United States.  Many have observed that the Murdochs were not getting invited to the right cocktail parties, were not being accepted by established leftist media infrastructure – and so had to change direction.  It is now becoming clear that the Murdoch’s called the play.  Thinking conservatives will ensure they are not paying real money to any Murdoch owned entity.  The Murdoch’s are wealthy enough to not care.

Like many successful businesses through the years, Fox News was full of hubris, and decided to pursue a course that, to their loyal viewers, was insane.  There are multitudes of historical corollaries inside and outside of the media world:

  • Ford and the Edsel
  • The Enron collapse, led by Ken Lay, who was trumpeting his business model weeks before the implosion
  • The recent Volkswagen emissions scandal, notably being ignored by most US media
  • Twitter, Facebook and Google are performing a live version of this tragedy of hubris seen so many times before – it will not end well, and has already hit Twitter hard

The viewers of Fox News were dealt a nasty wake up call on election night, and many have left and not returned.  What they have found, since viewing the alternatives, was that Fox News had become a fixture in their lives that they accepted, but like many other things we accept, had become dated, dilapidated and in some ways, festering and nasty.  Much like the old couch in the basement that’s been with the family for years, stained and scarred, that no one pays much attention to, but is actually offensive to guests.  And it smells bad. Like Chris Stirewalt.

When looking at emerging rival Newsmax you see rougher production values, but a hungry team that does not act like it is above the viewer.  You also see regular improvements and upgrades.  Fresher talent.  Better energy. 

Fox News had been on autopilot for years.  Lets inventory the most annoying Fox News calamities.

  • Chris Wallace came out of the closet in the last several years as the biased leftist turd that he is.  Trump broke him by telling him his Dad was better.  As always, Trump was right.  Chris is a petty, one sided punk.  His role in derailing the 2020 presidential debate which he did not moderate is noteworthy.  He is a Biden diaper changer and diddler.
  • Bloated Bret Baier, as noted above, just follows orders.  Its sad that the person who replaced Brit Hume as anchor is such a transparent buffoon.
  • Hannity: useful, but parrot like, and repetitive.  Interrupts others.  Likes his paycheck.  Its over.
  • Laura Ingraham: mean, interrupts guests, belittles poor Raymond Arroyo to the point where he may have a case as a battered spouse.  Brings on annoying leftist dopes.  Hasn’t taken on the network about anything.  Likes her paycheck.  Its over.
  • Juan Williams: unwatchable.  Dishonest.  Sad.
  • Greg Gutfeld, Judge Jeanine, Jessie Waters: they had a window of time to leave Fox News with dignity.  That has now passed.  They all have proven they like their paychecks/contracts better than their own reputations.  They will go down with the network despite any glib protestations to the contrary.  We may also discover that they were really playing all of us, and do not have any core conservative principles.
  • The rest of the Fox cast of secondary characters would be smart to plot their move to alternative outlets.  Its over, whether they know it or not.

Newsmax is offering a high quality alternative.  Reasons to view Fox?  Only one.  The first 15 minutes of Tucker Carlson.  That’s it.  Those clips are always immediately available in a million different places afterward, so viewing it live is not necessary.

I challenge my fellow patriots to hasten the demise of Fox News, and consign it to the ash heap of history along with Liz Cheney, her old man, and Bush World.  It’s over.  Let them know.  We all know.



What is President Obama’s Greatest Legacy Achievement?

Joe Biden! ObamaCare, Shovel Ready Projects or losing an embassy and an ambassador in Libya might be Obama’s greatest legacy. It  isn’t even close. Others argue allowing the Russians to take the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine, or creating ISIS from his premature withdrawal from Iraq or maybe even the dearth of an American economic revival during his eight year tenure as President. But we know Obama’s greatest legacy achievement has to be the puppetry involved in getting Joe Biden “elected” president.  What other magician could pull this off? A close second is the division Obama created across America that has only grown empowering leftists and progressives on a grand scale but in the end you must credit Obama for the Biden presidency. Simply a feat no other mortal could have achieved.

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH                                                   July 7, 2021

Who else but Obama could have pulled Biden out of the failed politician dustbin of life and not only run him for president, but gotten him elected as a dysfunctional sputtering slow witted stooge that has been more wrong than right. Fifty years of failure serving himself and his extended family, a model for kleptocracy perfected, the Joe Biden charade is on full display each day. Candidly, even us progressives are amazed that Obama pulled this off. I mean what a gift to late night comedy shows if they weren’t so biased and compromised by leftists. One admission about leftists and progressives, we are pretty much joyless and lack a sense of humor. However, when it comes to Joe Biden as president, even we are laughing our assess off that he was “elected.”

With each passing day Obama works to credit Congressman Clyburn for getting Biden elected. While Clyburn was instrumental in southern democratic primaries, it was Obama who got Joe’s primary opponents to fold to block Bernie from being the democrats candidate. Old democratic politics, payoffs and threats won the day to push Lunch Bucket Joe forward. Candidly, it is understandable that Obama doesn’t want the credit getting Biden elected after watching his daily performance, but it is all Barack’s.

Consider the Biden Basement Strategy of sticking Joe in his basement for his campaign, minimizing media engagements, and his staff writing scripts at a 6th grade level to reduce mistakes by this gaff machine. None of us really expected Joe to win but Obama and the Democratic Machine fully leveraged Big Tech to censorship, Facebook and Soros to fund and Unions to hire their workers to manipulate ballots and harvest votes. The ultimate fraud employed by the Deep State was manipulation of the vote count by Dominion Machine operators and former members of Pelosi’s staff employed by Dominion. Something to be said about strategic placement of democratic operatives.

Lastly we’d like to thank our Big Media friends over at Foxnews, CNN, MSNBC, and many others from our network blocking the truth and spreading Obama’s Big Lie that Joe Biden is president and he won the election fairly. Come on man, does anyone believe Joe Biden received 81 million votes, 12 million more than Obama’s 69 million votes in 2008? Obama’s legacy, he pulled off the Big Lie getting Joe Biden into office as president, whether elected fairly or not. Obama, the puppet master of all manipulators. Bravo Barack!


 The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, crediting President Obama for the election of Joe Biden.  This is Matthews fifth article written exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the editorial board of the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section below.


Confessions of a Reformed and Redeemed W Voter

by Blackjack Pershing                Missouri Territory

Dateline April 20, 2021

“I think we agree, the past is over. ”
― George W. Bush


That’s right W, and for that we are thankful.

As W has inserted himself in the national conversation of late, so let’s recap where many of us have landed on the teetotaling son of another President with a dubious record.

“Never trust a man who doesn’t drink.”

  • Winston Churchill   (OK maybe a cheap shot, but he’s earned it)

We wanted him to succeed.  In fact in the immediate wake of 9/11 even many democrats felt reassured that ‘the adults were in charge’ following 2 terms of Bill, Hill, Monica, White Water, Clintoncide, Hillary Care, Co-presidents, Vast Right Wing Conspiracies, a failed impeachment and the generally tawdry atmosphere of the Clinton Whitehouse.

Americans wanted ass kicked after 9/11.  W delivered.  Box checked.  However,  I believe it was Colin Powell at the time who said with regard to screwing up a war, ‘If you break it, you bought it.’  Did we ever.  Powell deserves to be held accountable for letting Rumsfeld drop his ‘Powell Doctrine’, built on lessons learned from Vietnam on how to win wars.  Powell’s doctrine was used in the first Gulf War: overwhelming force.  It worked.  See the ‘highway of death’.  He let Rummy screw it all up in the 2nd Gulf War.  An unending disaster ensued.

But we digress, back to W.

13 years post W, with plenty of help from truth teller Donald J Trump, most republicans and conservatives have been red pilled on W.  Eyes now wide open.

In 2001:

We thought we got a republican Harry Truman.  Instead we got a less demented, sometimes confused and togue tied republican Joe Biden.  As George H.W. might have said: ‘Not good!  Bad!’

We thought we got a more conservative George HW, less enthralled with the New World Order.  Instead we got China sellout 2.0, post Clinton, letting the offshoring spread like a plague while telling Americans we weren’t competitive.  Blaming us while giving our jobs to communists paying 1 cent on the dollar to their slave laborers.

We thought we got a happy warrior – the one that unseated loudmouth Ann Richards in TX.   Instead we got an oddly passive mopey W who refused to answer his critics, who in turn just piled on.  This passivity let down his voters and his party, and enabled the attack mob CCP-partner media we now have firmly in place.

We thought we got a down home, red neck, rootin tootin, kinda funny, ranch owning, pick up truck driving old son of a gun character as President.  What we really got was a Yale educated elitist faking it as a cowboy.

“The thing that’s important for me is to remember what’s the most important thing.”
― George W. Bush

W lucked out with stiff retreads to campaign against.  Gore and Kerry – unappealing scolds that allowed W’s charm, such as it was, to shine.  He was very likeable – we must give him that.

And funny at times: It’s a shame he only gave mean nick names only to his immediate staff: Skippy to Cheney due to his heart issues.  Turd Blossom to Karl Rove for obvious reasons.  Tiny to Richard Armitage, chubby Deputy Secretary of State.   It took a fearless champion to give nicknames to the dummies that truly deserved them in the media, democrat party etc: Donald J Trump.  His were better.

W’s largest mistakes were his foreign wars.  We have plenty of recent history that showed how to lose foreign wars: Vietnam with no clear strategy, incrementalism, and little home support.  And how to win: first Gulf War: Clear goal, Powell doctrine of overwhelming force.  Having some military background himself, W should have been wiser.  Rumsfeld, seemingly a good choice at first, turned out to be the worst of the worst technocrat.  Shock and Awe didn’t prevent us from an unmanageable mess in Iraq upon our march into Baghdad.  Such lousy execution from pedantic bigmouth Rumsfeld should have got him fired.

Remember the disappearance/retirement of General Shinseki after he told the truth about necessary troop levels needed to occupy Baghdad?  Shameful.

W’s biggest mistakes involved listening to career bureaucrats (the swamp) and taking them at their word.  The ‘de-Bathification’ of Iraq was a disaster.  Others can cover that topic better than I can.

The so called surge was late.  And necessary due to bungled strategy and poor execution.

Interesting that most of the career military officers, especially the General Officers, that have criticized Trump publicly, were key leaders in the failed foreign wars started by W.  Clearly their motivation is fear of their malfeasance being exposed, and resentment of Trump’s accurate criticism.

The ineptitude of Iraq/Afghanistan wars is settled business.  I believe the intention was to get to root causes in the region and permanently settle them.  Clearly that did not happen.  Let’s move on.

Remember when W fired Rummy in 2006, openly admitting it was because he lost congress and they (the Dems) wanted someone less controversial.  I am not Rummy fan, but really?  What kind of reasoning is that?  Fire him and take responsibility for it.  Sad.

Remember when Bush cut taxes and it really wasn’t even that much and he let the business tax stand which really was the big issue even then?

This all seems like a million years ago.  Pre-tech monopolies and censorship.  It is actually a bit hazy.  Like many, W did some good things.  But they were lost under a pile of incompetence.

“They misunderestimated me.”
― George W. Bush

Remember the embrace of globalism and so called free trade with W, a stupid republican hallmark for decades.  The problem is free trade was never free or fair.  But the Chamber of Commerce loved it as they lined their pockets while American workers got screwed.  ‘Compassionate Conservative’ W was ok with that.

Remember when W said he wouldn’t comment on his successor due to the dignity of the office, and proceeded to let Obama blame him for every bad condition that has ever existed without a word?  And remember when Trump made mincemeat of his dopey brother Jeb, W decided to join the chorus of A-holes taking shots at Trump?  Yeah.   I do.  Shove it W.

The other things are many: bailouts, Hurricane Katrina optics and execution, whatever.  Massive media misinformation had become a thing.  W is a classic example of missed opportunities, unmet expectations, investment in failed models, faith in the swamp, disguised elitism, groupthink, failed strategy setting, unwillingness to change quickly when things are not working.  Stubbornness.   We wanted him to win but he didn’t let himself.  He tried to act like the common man, but helped give birth to the forgotten man (and woman).

Finally, I’ll say it as much as it pains me.  On 9/11 when W sat there as long as he did after Andy Card told him we were under attack, and let the kids keep reading, it did suck and was embarrassing.  It pissed me off when Media Hippopotamus Michael Moore made hay with it, but on that, he was right.  Nuts.  W may have needed time to think, but he could have done that in private.  Gracefully exiting quickly was the thing to do.  WTF.

“It will take time to restore chaos”
― George W. Bush

W – you had a good life as TX governor and part owner of the Rangers.  You should have stayed.

With Regret

BlackJack Pershing


The Lights Are On, No One’s Home

by Guardian 6

Dateline April 16th , 2021              Undisclosed Location

Wow. Almost three months of the Biden Administration and one thing is clear, Puppet Masters are pullings the strings with Biden. Who would sell their soul this much for power? To decimate all that is good with America at a rapid clip? Spend three trillion dollars out the gate to fund more Democratic corruption and send cash to dysfunctional city and state governments? Who? Joe Biden. When Obama orchestrated the election of Biden as the Democratic candidate, Joe became his puppet and defacto created Obama’s third term. Joe, to the best of his limited ability, signed on. The Obama-Biden compromise has been engineered with an arrangement that goes something like this:

Obama, “Joe, I’ll get you elected but you will be a figure head only. Policy decisions, your VP nominee and your cabinet will be chosen by me. We will operate a shadow government to support you but I will make the calls. Joe, do you understand?”

Biden, “Barack, I’m in. Small price to pay for being President of the United States.”

Obama, “Joe, you will be POTUS in name only. You are a figure head. We will prepare Kamala to become President.”

Biden, “Got it.”

So here we are. Obama has his perfect stooge hungry for the perception of power that will simply do what he directs. Think about it, all the leftist policy disasters; the designed border crisis fueling unprecedented illegal immigration; massive debt being piled upon massive debt; the rule of law being torn apart; the Green New Steal, expansion of the Supreme Court and the list goes on. Obama gets to sit back and enjoy the destruction of America watching Saul Alinsky’s playbook of Rules for Radicals be deployed enjoying plausible deniability since Joe is president.

Obama has many accomplices helping him. First and foremost, he has the mainstream media that if not for their corruption, this would never happen. Then he has his appointed Biden Administration officials ensuring Joe does what he directs. Ultimately he has his insurance policy of VP Harris waiting in the wings to take over from Biden, likely timed between his second and third year in office so she can get some credentials as the incumbent president. Obama has it all figured out, or does he?

He doesn’t. Obama may be smart, but he is not that smart. All lies and deception eventually are unmasked and the truth will be revealed. He may have three or four degrees of separation from Biden and the puppetry, but patriots are keeping book. The counter Deep State knows. Patriots know. Ultimately, the American citizenry knows and will not be played. Americans don’t like puppets and Americans dislike puppet masters even more. Standby.


Biden’s America: Feeling Helpless

Guardian 6                                       071720 March 2021

Many of us are watching in dismay. It’s hard to believe this guy was really elected President of the United States. Tens of millions of Americans still believe he wasn’t. His behavior reinforces that view.  He struggles to complete thoughts and read sentences. He looks and is feeble. He’s being managed by people in and outside the Whitehouse instead of leading. The  progressive policies he has “adopted” are destroying America. I use the word “adopted” because it is clear he is unfit and likely is incapable of truly understanding bills and Executive Orders he is signing. Unlike his predecessor, he is not a fit stable genius. As we watch this car wreck in slow motion, Americans are feeling more and more helpless; more and more disconnected; and more and more shocked at how quickly we are losing our freedoms.

Biden’s southern no border strategy is nothing less then senseless. Trump secured our southern border, worked with Central American countries to stop illegal immigration and built nearly 500 miles of a modern secure wall. Biden’s policy is to let everyone in, put children in tents and fuel illegal immigration through inaction and stifling Border Patrol through policies that prevent them from doing their job. He has done all this during a pandemic where illegal aliens are bringing the disease with them, getting on buses once released and now  spreading the China virus throughout the country. Biden’s border policy is an unabated super spreader event to remake America by building a dependent population and undermining the legal immigration system.

America’s schools in blue states largely remain closed. Biden has doubled downed with the Teacher’s Union ignoring the needs of children and their families. Kids are being treated like pawns in the Democratic Party’s playbook while Dem teachers and their unions take the big payoff from the insane $1.9 Trillion dollar No COVID bill that just passed with ZERO Republican support. We have a government of elites for elites. We no longer have a government by and for the people.

Next up is HR1 set to destroy the American election system once and for all. Among the garbage in this bill is to allow votes to continue to be counted 10 days after the election is over. In other words, how many more votes does the democratic candidate need to win. Sound familiar? This was a Democratic Party best practice in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada in the 2020 Presidential Election that gave us Biden. Of course mail voting without signature verification is now the norm as well. This bill destroys the integrity of our elections once and for all and Biden is excited to sign this trash into law. Once again, ZERO Republican votes, not even the RINOs voted for this.

While Wall Street is currently drunk in unchecked government spending flooding the system, eventually inflation is going to roar like never before. Get ready for Carter’s Misery Index to return on steroids except this time it will be Biden’s Beltway Blunder that tanks America’s economy and takes millions of job with it. Biden has already killed ten thousand good paying jobs associated with the Keystone pipeline. Biden’s executive order ceased work on the pipeline, has driven up fuel prices by forty cents per gallon and returns  America to energy dependence. This is what Biden’s 50 years in government gives Americans; a clueless, ancient economic neophyte that managed to enrich himself and his family while putting America last.

I won’t even get started on China in this piece. We’ll save that for another day as Biden begins to roll back Trump’s China successes that will undermine American business and national security.

Biden’s America. At the moment, we all feel helpless. Even the Whitehouse has been turned into a fortified Forward Operating Base (FOB) in Washington DC. FOB Biden.Sad.


The Swamp Rages

by Guardian 6                                            091502  February 2021

“Speaker Pelosi, tear down that wall.” Newt Gingrich

This past weekend, former Speaker Newt Gingrich tweeted to Speaker Pelosi to remove the wall she and “Leader” Chuck Schumer have built around the Capital of the United States. This is highly insulting to all Americans insinuating that the Capital of the United States is under siege from Trump supporters whom she and others have labeled domestic terrorists. The so called “Insurrection” that was really a loosely  affiliated mob at best, is the democrats latest episode of turning a very unfortunate event (where three people died) into an exaggerated crisis so they can use the US National Guard soldiers as Democratic Party props to “protect” Congress. As the former democratic Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanual once famously stated, “never let a crisis go to waste.” Tyrants know no bounds and this is what America is witnessing with the Capitol having a troop presence. These actions by the Democratic Party leadership really highlight to Americans that it is all about power and control at any cost, our Republic be damned. Lying, cheating and exploiting a false narrative is justified if in the end the democrats are successful at regaining the Whitehouse and control of Congress as they did in November 2020. I won’t even mention voter fraud and all the election anomalies. We’ll check that for another day in the raging swamp.
The next chapter of the democrats tearing our republic apart at the seams is the impeachment of Trump 2.0, after they falsely called for unity. This is an attack not only on the former President, but on 74 million of his voters for wrong thinking and wrong voting. This is such a farce that Chief Roberts has declined to participate because Congress does not have the authority or jurisdiction to impeach a former president. Yet, the Fake News networks of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and Foxnews will showcase the hearings and decline to report on the constitutionality of this event. The democrats never fail to let facts get in their way of acting on falsehoods and creating a narrative not fit for a bad clown show. Reminds us of the infamous Biden quote during the campaign, ” we choose truth over facts.” As my good friend once told me, “the democrats are like flies hitting a lightbulb. They can’t help themselves from being stupid.” Indeed. Let’s not forget, undoubtedly they’ll be a few RINO’s like Romney and Sasse that will seek attention for themselves and join the democratic farce voting to impeach Trump out of spite, hate and political correctness. These two millionaire RINOs have as much in common with the forgotten American as Pelosi does with the homeless living in drug infested San Francisco as she showcases her $20K ice cream freezer to her Hollywood friends.
The Forgotten have been returned to forgotten status again. Of the 50 plus Executive Orders Biden has signed, Americans are being left behind. Over ten thousand people are expected to lose their jobs due to Biden shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. Even one thousand teamsters are now unemployed due to Biden’s overreach through executive fiat. The state of New Mexico who’s electoral votes went to Biden is projected to lose two thirds of their tax revenue for education. The union vote and NM are getting exactly what they voted for, loss of jobs and loss of revenue. Biden is just warming up too. The Paris Climate Accords will do for America what closing the Keystone Pipeline did for American workers and NM, kill jobs, kill petro independence and ultimately kill the US economy. The winners? China, the Globalists, Progressives, and the Elites. The forgotten can get in line for their COVID19 relief checks and be thankful for it. Of the $1.9 trillion dollar relief bill that will further in debt future generations of Americans, the Biden Administration has international abortions to pay for; hundreds upon hundreds of billions of dollars to give in foreign aide to many countries that hate us; and ultimately the Biden Administrative will send our tax dollars to blue states running deficits due to their budgetary and leadership failures while also ensuring the democratic party elites secure money for themselves, their families and their future campaigns. At the forgotten’s expense, the Democratic Party Cash Game is raging once again in the Swamp. Sadly, America is losing again, bigly.
While the swamp rages gleefully upon Trump’s defeat, the democrats are building their police state. Walls are in place around the Capitol and the Whitehouse while Biden moves to eliminate the progress the Trump Administration made securing our southern border. Human traffickers, Narco Drug dealers and people from around the world look to enter the US through illegal immigration. Like Castro did in the late 1970’s expect some countries to empty their prisons and criminals to intermix with tens of thousands of people targeting the US for a better life. Biden is not about the civil society, he is about the democrats chaotic agenda that not only creates lawlessness as it relates to immigration, it puts the safety of American citizens at risk in our communities, our schools and our highways. This is about securing low information voters for democratic party survival and creating another false narrative that Americans who are against unconstrained, lawless immigration are racists and xenophobic. Somehow logic, “science” and rational thought about everything from immigration to male and female biology have been thrown to the curb along with two genders. “Follow the science” only applies to climate change and wearing a mask in the leftist Obama – Biden – Harris America.
Big Tech is now a welcomed partner of enabling swamp rage through censorship, deplatforming companies & individuals and ultimately deciding who is allowed to have a voice and who isn’t. Big Media is complicit in canceling and targeting conservative thinking Americans while enabling the big Democratic Party lies with silence and underreporting. Big Tech and Big Media are being fueled by Wall Street that cares less about America and more about the selloff to China and their profits. Big Tech, Big Media, Wall Street and the Democratic Party are one in the same and they have all interbreed to produce a hateful anti-American offspring that looks nothing like the America we love. The View, CNN prime-time line-up and Joe Scarborough are the toxic visuals that led to a Biden Administration.
God help us. #NotOver


How much is the average American worth?

by Guardian 6                                  13 January 2021

Speaker Nancy Pelosi after holding up COVID19 relief for six months,  she knew all along how much you were worth. It was a matter of timing.  Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also knew how much you were worth, he just wanted to get your worth payment to you sooner. Pelosi held up relief payments to you to hurt President Trump’s chances at re-election. Don’t be offended, it was never about you, nor the damage democrats and Nancy Pelosi did to you and small businesses with the lockdowns, it’s always been about doing damage to Trump. In Pelosi’s eyes, the ends justifies the means. Trump loses the election via #TheSteal and massive fraud. Now Nancy has graciously endorsed and passed COVID19 relief payments to Americans.

So how much does Nancy and Mitch think each American is worth? After nine months of lockdowns, massive loses of wages and jobs, and putting America in Bidens (new term for masks), Nancy & Mitch decided each of you is worth $600. That’s right a grand total of $600 for your suffering, your lose of wages and your lifetime contributions to America as a taxpayer. You pay your taxes, raise your families and fight America’s wars and you’re worth $600.

Let’s examine what $600 gets you.

  • $600 buys you 1/2 the amount of ice cream that is in Pelosi’s $5K freezer at her home in San Francisco
  • $600 gives you $66.67 cents for each month that you waited for the payment
  • $600 will pay for 1/3 your monthly rent
  • $600 will pay for 4 trips to the grocery store for a family of two
  • $600 will pay for 2/3 of your monthly utility bills
  • $600 would buy the pants and one belt to Mitch McConnell’s suits; you would need another $1K to complete Mitch’s suit
  • $600 would buy you one pair of Nancy’s shoes
  • $600 would buy you a one year supply of Bidens

So, now that Nancy & Mitch delivered your worth, how will you spend it?  Please leave your answers in the comment section.


To the Tyrants

by Guardian 6                                       8 November 2020

While the leftist news media that is America’s Mainstream Media (MSM) has declared the presidential race for Joe Biden, a majority of Americans are both perplexed and shocked at this outcome. How can a failed 47 year politician that literally campaigned from his basement and failed to garner voter enthusiasm win? All things are possible when good men and women choose tyranny over freedom as they put this special constitutional republic that is America at risk. Dark forces are in play.

Tech Giants. To the Technology Giants that censored President Trump, news outlets and hid stories not favorable to Biden, you will suffer significant loss of market share and you will be met in court  with several class action lawsuits. A majority of Americans are sickened by statist tactics.

MSM. You openly favored Biden over Trump. You shaped the news for four years to attack President Trump, his family and his cabinet. Your tyranny weakened America and weakened our institutions. You created one fake news story after another as hit jobs on the president. America witnessed your elitist attitudes daily and now there is no doubt that you are true frauds. Foxnews, Drudge Report and the other conservative sell outs you will burn in hell. CNN, MSNBC and the Washington Post you are not worthy of comment.

Beltway Generals & Admirals. To the military career political types like James Clapper, Mike Hayden and Stan McCrystal your public contempt for the Commander and Chief sets a poor example to members of the Armed Forces, to their parents and their loved one’s and you have violated a basic tenet of Civil Military Relations failing to remain apolitical. Your egos and thirst to be loved by the swamp power class demonstrates your ultimate lack of character and candor. You are brazen failures.

Democratic Members of Congress. You put your party over our country. You set the country ablaze with the Russian Hoax, the Ukranian Hoax and your classless behavior toward the president. You are led by a tyrant in Nancy Pelosi who is an elitist out of touch with the American people. You are filled with hate and despise our individual liberties. You have bankrupted our country and the next generation with massive debt. You stuff your pockets with American wealth and live by a different set of rules. You are openly anti-American and the Squad actively undermines America. You personify empty barrels that make the most noise while failing to positively impact the lives of Americans. Adam Schiff is perhaps the greatest congressional tyrant in US history. He has lied unabashedly about President Trump  and putting the country through hell fully enabled by Speaker Pelosi. Pelosi and Schiff are sick, demented humans. Schumer, Nadler and the lot of them offer no answer, no solutions. Just hate and discontent. Power first and foremost, rules and good governance be damned. 

Robert Mueller, James Comey & John Brennan. In a different time not too long ago, you would be prosecuted for treason. You sold out our country, corrupted our institutions and promulgated false lies about our president. You personify the word tyrant. You are statists. You are not Americans. You are not patriots. You disgust a majority of Americans. You are tools of the swamp and masters of deception. Hell awaits you three self righteous assholes.

Hammer & Scorecard Tyrants. If you deployed these tools of war in this election, or previous one’s, you will be caught. I know having gotten away with all you have against President Trump you feel invincible. You are not. Eventually, good people will come forward before you Clintoncide them. You are destroying our republic and show such little regard for your fellow citizens. You will be caught. We know who you are and we know this software has likely been deployed to manipulate the vote. Justice is coming.

Stooges. I do not know what you are getting paid to manipulate the vote count in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, etc. but you have sold your soul and sold out your country. Is it worth it? The Democratic Machine is soulless and full of tyrants.

Project Lincoln & RINOs. Nobody likes disloyal assholes like you. Nobody likes you. Nobody!

China. You now have your Manchurian candidate Joe Biden. You took Hong Kong and many of us suspect you have a plan to attempt to take Taiwan within the next couple years. Is this the blackmail price for Joe Biden’s silence? You unleashed a virus on the western world to destroy our economies, weaken President Trump and to overtake the US economy. You are counting on Joe Biden to tolerate China’s rise to economic, space and military dominance.  Xi JinPing you overplayed your hand. Badly. I leave it there for now. There are many more Americans than Stooges and Sellouts. JinPing, just remember the word, “Badly,” asshole.

To my fellow American patriots, I am like you still processing the bold, criminal undermining of our election system. I trust President Trump and many of the good people that surround him. We know this election was sytematically stolen from us. Day by day the President lost votes each night in the cover of darkness with poll watchers blocked from observering. Now is a time to stand with President Trump and push back against the Mob. I for one will do that. America First!


The 2020 Democratic Party Platform (Updated)

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH                                                    August 8, 2020

The party masters gave us Biden. Maybe the third time is the charm but Joe needs to stop campaigning and simply stay in the basement if we are to win.  From New York to California the rank and file wanted Bernie, a tried and true Democratic Socialist. Basically, a communist that believes government can do a better job running peoples lives while protecting the planet. Centralize planning and elimination of individual choices in peoples lives can create the new America envisioned by Soros, Obama and the Squad. The Chinese & Venezuelan  five year plans are the gold standard we should emulate. The North Korean model even has its strengths when it comes to in-prisoning people for violating state rules.

Our Democratic Party platform, here are the tenets being finalized by the  Democratic Party leadership and DNC.

  1. The Mask. This is the new America. Even after the plandemic orchestrated by democratic leadership working with the Chinese, the mask will remain central to controlling America. No mask, no limited freedom to leave your house or apartment.
  2. Property Rights. Americans will gradually lose their right to own homes, farms or businesses. We will start with the middle class by taking personally property away from Americans that live in states governed by republicans.
  3. Second Amendment. All guns will be confiscated by the end of 2021. All gun and ammunition makers will issue a televised public apology to America and then they will be jailed.
  4. Living Wage for everyone. $15 in 2020 mandated growing up to $20 by 2040. Mandated .25 cents raise each year.
  5. Green New Deal. Air travel restricted in 2021 by charging a minimum of $2K per flight. Air travel eliminated in 2024. All gas engine cars must be turned into a processing center for disassembling by July 1st 2022. Each car owner will pay $500 fee to meet federal compliance of Car Elimination Act.
  6. 31 Genders Federally Standardization. Otherwise known as the Baskin Robins gender mandate, equal opportunity laws will now require gender compliance with federal set-asides to fast track compliance.
  7. Defund Police. All police departments will be eliminated. We will work with ANTIFA and the Muslim Brotherhood to begin community policing. Jails will be emptied. We will move prisoners to the suburbs so they too can suffer with crime and blight.
  8. Open Borders. Everyone is welcome and Americans will help fund this initiative by paying for public school books for the first time in every county and school district. The federal government will decide the books and prices. Current border fortifications will be removed and the Border Patrol will be converted to a welcoming committee helping new citizens register for social security and other benefits.
  9. Social Monitoring & Scoring (SMS). The FCC will be absorbed in the SMS. The SMS will begin monitoring American communications and scoring each citizen on a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being a fully compliant, progressive thinking citizen that can be trusted. Americans will be assigned the following labels: Progressive Hero 90 – 100; Progressive Worker 80 – 89; Progressive But Too Independent 70-79; Watch List 60 – 69; Republican In Name Only 50 – 59;  Tea Party Conservative 1 – 49. Each citizen will be required to use GeoTrack software so their movements can be traced at all times.
  10. Department of Defense will transition to Internal Defense. The USAF will be eliminated as part of the New Green Deal. The Marine Corps will be eliminated due to their extremism. The Army will be subordinated to state Governors. The Navy will transition to a travel agency for US politicians  needing to be transported to foreign countries for meetings, annual communist gatherings and other social gatherings or vacations for elites.
  11. Voting Rights. Citizenship will be eliminated as a requirement to vote and each citizen will be allowed to vote up to 5 times based on their SMS score. Only citizens with scores of 80 or better will be allowed to vote. Age requirement will be waved. America will transition immediately to a one party state. The Republican Party will be eliminated when Biden is elected.
  12. Reparations. All African Americans will be given one million dollars each in lumpsum payment. It will not be taxed. The white man will be moved out of Arizona and New Mexico and this land will be returned to native Indians.
  13. Marijuana Fairness Act. Marijuana will be legalized across the country.
  14. Medicare For All. Appointments will be rationed along with care by local medical boards. Priority will be assigned based on political connections and need.
  15. Nationalize Media. We will nationalize all media including TV, newspapers and radio. The mainstream media is basically a tool of the Democratic Party today but broadcasts like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity will be eliminated. These three individuals will be prosecuted for crimes against the party.

It is an exciting time to be a Democratic Socialist. Our time has arrived!

Joe Biden may be the weakest candidate we have ever nominated but that is  not relevant. The system is rigged with mail in ballots, socialists controlling the polling stations and democrats counting the vote. We just need Joe to be alive to win in November.

          The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, presents a sneak preview of the Democratic Party 2020 platform.  This is Matthews fourth article written exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section. 


DNC Letter – Biden Basement Strategy

by: Suspected Leaked Letter from Democratic National Committee 

where: Swamp

Dateline: July 20, 2020 8:25PM 

We got one shot and one shot only, we have to keep Biden in the Basement. VP Biden has many vulnerabilities, chief among them is talking. We need to keep America in masks so we can keep Joe in a mask. At all costs, DO NOT let Joe talk to objective media, albeit not much of that left in America. Fortunately, most of the media is in the tank for Joe, although Catherine Heritage of CBS is a real threat since she can’t be bought like CNN and MSNBC. One American News Network (OANN) is too American so we should be able to shame them for being patriotic, objective and sincere in their work. Their factual reporting will doom them. Lastly, Brit Hume’s strong media credentials and experience must be countered with more believable falsehoods before his audience gets even bigger.

The Chris Wallace Foxnews interview of Trump that aired July 19th is a real threat to the Biden campaign. We can’t have Biden do an interview for one minute with Wallace let alone 60 minutes. Biden gaffs alone will tube us before we even start talking about stringing two sentences together, or his lack of command of the issues. We have our best people in Hollywood working with a specialist to create a Biden Double. We are being told this is a herculean task. It is almost impossible to find a Biden body double that can act coherent, have plugs for hair and casually display that shit eating grin. We have our dimmest in the DNC War Room working with make-up artists, plastic surgeons and even speech therapists. The two attempts to date failed miserably due to our doubles being too smart. Keep hope alive.

We are mandating nap times for Joe. He takes mandated naps at 10AM, 2PM and 6PM. They average 45 minutes so plan 5 minutes media engagements that are highly scripted around these naps. All media engagements must entail a teleprompter with size 60 font, pro-Biden reporters and networks that will allow the DNC to edit the tape before airing. There are no exceptions to the Biden Basement Media Engagement strategy.

The polls are a sham. We are only sampling 20 – 24% of likely GOP voters in all national polls. We are working hard to depress likely Trump voters to keep them home. It didn’t work with Clinton but we believe it will work this time because of COVID-19. Our Democratic Governors are keeping their schools closed, restaurants closed and intentionally tanking their state economies to depress the vote and crush jobs. We are proud of their efforts. Furthermore, our Democratic Mayors are masterfully working with Black Lives Matter  to defund the police; allowing Antifa to destroy statues and city infrastructure; and allowing mobs to destroy peoples livelihoods and employment opportunities. Our one-two punch of intentional malfeasance is working as planned.

While America burns, support for Biden grows as we can continue to blame Trump for our orchestrated rioting, chaos and lies about the COVID-19 threat and America being a racist country. You can thank Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo, deBlasio, Newsom and a host of others with our partners in the MSM. The Biden Basement Strategy is working. America will be a socialist country!



Stocking Stuffers for Swamp Dwellers

by Blackjack Pershing

Dateline December 7, 2019       Missouri Territory

Hello 53rd Nation. It’s the time of year again! While we deplorables enjoy our early Christmas gifts from our POTUS, we must start considering a few small items to put in the stockings of the lost souls of the Swamp.

Yes yes yes – we Deplorables have our early Christmas gifts: 3.5% unemployment, a record setting stock market, two solid Supreme Court picks, China being properly managed, NATO deadbeats being pummeled, and soon, AG Barr will bring a gigantic canister of Drano to bust open the nasty clog in the DC drainage ditch.

But – what about gifts for the Swampians? Here are our wonderful stocking stuffers for our favorite swampians:

Nancy Pelosi: for #NervousNancy we are sending a delicious bottle of Extra Strength Prevagen, with a side of fish oil to help with her cognition issues. Oh heck, lets throw in a handle bottle of Grey Goose Vodka.

Adam Schiff: it’s really hard to pick out a gift for a sociopath. We know they are incapable of gratitude, so why bother. But, it is the holiday season. So for little Adam we have a airplane pillow to protect and comfort his teeny tiny neck.

Jerry Nadler: for Nad we have a scooter on loan from Walmart to make his trips down those hallways of the capitol much easier. Gotta be tough on our rotund New Yorker.

Sheila Jackson Lee: for big mouth #EmptyBarrell SJL we have a pair of 1970’s extra large tube socks that we hope she will promptly stuff in her very large pie hole.

Gavin Newsome: for Gavvie we have a hazmat suit he can wear while he goes outside the governor’s mansion to pick up poop and needles. You built that Gavvie. Yes you did.

Michael Bloomberg: newly nicknamed Mini-Mike needs a step ladder, some elevator shoes and a sandwich board he can walk around in that says ‘I’m an important big shot’. You’re welcome Mike.

Bill DeBlasio: Big Bird gets a stinky old green army shirt left behind by his hero Fidel Castro. It smells like cigars and BO.

Mitt Romney: for Mitt we have a wedgie. Mitt obviously will not want a wedgie, but we all know he needs one badly.

Brain Stelter: we have for Brian exactly what he wants: a footlong Ultimate Meatball Marinara sub from Subway.

Chairman Xi: for Mr Big Shot of China we have a lovely gift: a second term for POTUS. Worth waiting for we think.

Bill Kristol and George Will: for these two irrelvant Never Trump yappers we have a prize package of pacifiers, pampers, and extra large bassinets. Sad very large infants.

Whistle blower: or as we like to call him, ‘the blower’, for him we have a visit from AG Barr.


Pete Buttegieg: for pious pompous pipsqueak Pete we have a propeller beanie. Won’t it look great on him?

Sleepy Creepy Swampman Dummy Botox China Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden: Bite Me Joe gets a double order of Nancy’s Prevagen and Fish Oil, plus some denture adhesive.

Fredo: our hero of Very Fake News fame gets a new hat:

Bette Midler, Rosie, Rob Reiner and Michael Moore: these unhinged leftists obviously suffer from high blood sugar due to poor lifestyle choices. For them we have a good old fashioned eight loss device:

DNC: a generous stocking stuffer: a new vehicle for all of your key players:

Finally for Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strozk and Page, something helpful:

If you have a stocking stuffer idea for someone we missed, please list them in the comments section. Merry Christmas to all!



It’s Time for a Distributed Capital of the United States

By Blackjack Pershing             Missouri Territory

Dateline: November 5th, 2019

“As once, when the armies of the empire were shattered and the strong barbarians poured in upon the soft provincials, so now the fierce weeds pressed in to destroy the pampered nursling’s of man.”
George R. Stewart, Earth Abides

A recent tweet by the 53rd Regiment sparked the idea that it’s time to decentralize the federal government and disperse it throughout the United States.

The above quote from the noted apocalyptic novel Earth Abides, references the ‘pampered nurslings of man’. Is there a better description of denizens of the Beltway than that? Maybe…

Like rats to a dumpster every known form of vermin has now gathered in Washington DC; like the swamp ecosystem that gives it its nickname, DC has its own ecosystem of users, hacks, hangers on, bribers, sycophants, charlatans, and destroyers. Unlike the ticks, fleas, snakes, toads, mosquitos and flies of the real swamp, these vermin do real and lasting damage to our nation.

The 53rd Regiment pointed out recently that even major corporations (not just defense contractors) are moving their HQ’s the DC metro area to get in on the feeding frenzy of special interests and influence building. Even those larger companies who do not have a HQ there, usually have well-staffed teams of lobbyists in the capital.

A distributed model for our federal institutions could be one way to break up the clogged sewer we call Washington DC.

First – what we do NOT mean: this is not a proposal to move the entire capital to the center of the United States. Others have advocated that; we are not. Too expensive, too unrealistic and too dated.

We advocate a gradual move of federal resources throughout the territory of the United States in order to evenly distribute resources, and better keep the population in touch with its institutions.

What stays in DC: the Capitol, the White House, the Pentagon (DOD), the museums and the monuments. Washington DC can remain the historical capital of the nation and the rightful place to memorialize our history. Our elected officials can also live and assemble there.

What can go? Pretty much everything else. Over time. And it would be extremely healthy. Current thinking on the evolution of any large organization is to move toward a distributed model – google Bob Johansen and Leadership Literacies, if you have an interest in the topic. Technology now enables instant communication globally; certainly within the time zones of the United States this is even more attractive.

Think about these possibilities:

· The Department of Homeland Security in the Southwestern US near our largest security issue
· While the Pentagon may stay the Pentagon, US Military assets could be moved throughout the United States. Navy HQ in Hawaii? Philadelphia? Army HQ Ft Bragg, NC? Ft Riley, KS? Air Force HQ one of the coasts? Home of Aviation in Dayton, OH? Future Space Force Command in Cape Canaveral? All Possible – over time. Military deployment and logistical needs should certainly be evaluated.

· Every time a department is to be built, renovated, restructured, etc., it should be moved to another state, systematically and fairly – no one gets too much, and everyone gets some. Much like the electoral college.

· FBI leaves the swamp and goes to crime capital of the US: Chicago; they should be careful once there. Dangerous.

· CIA: leaves the swamp and comes to the heartland, St Louis, MO

· HUD: move it to a well-run city like Charlotte or San Diego learn what works.

· DOJ: great candidate to leave the swamp; send it to the heartland, and in this case make it Jackson, MS

· The VA – a critical agency if ran correctly should move to a much more conscientious town near a large Military Installation; maybe someplace in Kentucky, near Ft’s Knox or Campbell.

· The USDA should naturally be in the farm belt of the nation; upper Midwest feels right.

· The EPA should move to Detroit. Plenty of big messes for them to focus on there. New Jersey a close #2, and we do mean #2, as in #2. Sorry New Jersey.

· Require the congress to rotate its location and meetings through State Capitols several times per year. Make them experience and come to terms with different parts of the United States.

Safety: distributing the federal government assets makes it far more difficult to ‘decapitate’ the United States in a terror attack or even surprise attack from an international competitor. Given the risk level it is surprising that this course of action hasn’t been discussed more openly already.

Readers of the 53rd Regiment: Do you agree? Is this a good way to not only drain, but permanently disrupt the swamp? Weigh in below and be heard!

