Little Daddy Sherwood the Snowman

Dateline December 19th, 2016

4:26 PM EST

Little Daddy Sherwood, otherwise known as “Sherwood the Snowman,” has never been as famous as Frosty the Snowman, but in his own way, he should be. He puts people first.

The story begins in 2003 when a young father told the story of “Sherwood” to his two little girls’ age 11 and 7. You see Sherwood came to life each year on the mountaintop of Bear Mountain in New York. He would stay up there until mid-December and when the weather got cold enough and snow began to fall, he would make his way across the Hudson River into Putnam Valley. Nobody knew where he would lay down his head at night but he was often seen around Oregon Corners whisking through the streets or occasionally surprising customers at the Sunoco Gas Station pumping gas into Olds Delta 88s, Buick Electra’s or Pontiac Catalina’s (he had a passion for GM Sedans). The head mechanic George at the Sunoco loved Sherwood and appreciated his help.

Sherwood was a joyful, slender snowman with no top hat and he didn’t smoke, so no pipe. (He kind of looks like that emoji Snowman in I-phones) Frosty gets all the attention this time of year but Sherwood the Snowman is equally as special and he has a superpower that Frosty doesn’t have. Between December and March, Sherwood doesn’t melt!! It is for this reason, on special occasions, Santa calls upon Sherwood for those special missions in warmer climates to deliver presents. Some refer to Sherwood the Snowman as a Special Operator for these reasons.

Sherwood occasionally will bring special presents to families and their children that hale from the Putnam Valley area. Each Christmas, three or four families get the best presents ever from Sherwood. One year this little boy received a pair of purple Converse Chuck Taylor high-top basketball sneakers. It was a joyful Christmas when this lad thought he’d be lucky to get another pair of Skippy’s, aka Caldor shoes, if he got a pair at all.

Even to this day, those same two little girls that are now grown up, are always looking for Little Daddy Sherwood knowing he’s out there, and knowing this could be the year Little Daddy Sherwood visits their house for Christmas. Whereas Frosty says “Merry Christmas” when he comes to life, Little Daddy Sherwood says, “Reporting for duty Santa!”

Merry Christmas!!

PS: Little Daddy Sherwood is a big Trump supporter because when he went to Snowman School, he got in trouble for wishing a “Merry Christmas” to a group of elementary school students on a field trip to Bear Mountain State Park.



A Good Simple Life

Dateline November 16th, 2016

by Silent Warrior 6

Gone are the days in our country when a former Solider could raise a Family of five on an 80 acre grain and livestock farm, but that’s exactly what Robert (Bob) C. Sullivan did after his service in WWII. Bob was a Soldier, a farmer, a husband, a father, a bus driver for the community school , and my grandfather.

Bob was a common, hardworking, humble man. He never met a stranger and always had a smile on his face. Never in a rush – he always took the time to visit with his neighbors, friends and Family. I’m proud to say that Bob was a member of this Nation’s Greatest Generation, and he provided for his Family in the “Middle” or “Forgotten” rural farming community in the Midwest.

In 1943 Bob left the hills and hollers of Greene County, Indiana answering the Nation’s call to defend the freedom our country enjoys today. He served with honor and courage as an 81mm Mortarman and Infantryman in Company H, 260th Infantry Regiment, 65th Infantry Division. The 65th was heavily involved in combat operations as Allied forces made the final push in Germany toward the end of the war. Bob’s unit spearheaded the attack into Central Europe and Rhineland – successfully defeating German forces. He earned the Combat Infantryman Badge and a Bronze Star for his service before being injured in a Jeep accident on the Autobahn, returning back home in 1946.

Like many Soldiers returning from war, Bob hoped to someday start a Family and live the American dream. Two years later he married and their love endured for 56 years. Their children and grandkids serve as their legacy today.

Bob was an extremely proud father. He placed his Family 1st and always helped out if called upon. He loved his Family, the farm and he loved to driver his school bus. He was a successful farmer and drove the school bus for 45 years. Over 2,000 kids rode Bob’s bus. If you ever had the privilege of riding his bus – I guarantee you received good lessons in discipline and respect. You would be held accountable for your actions but he would earn your respect.

Service in the Army and to our Nation is something unique I shared with my Grandpa Bob. Like many veterans, Grandpa Bob didn’t talk much about the combat he saw, only that he saw “enough (combat)” and further added “I don’t say too much about it, what happened and all that stuff. Some fellows won’t say anything.” Grandpa did share that his outfit joined the front at the Siegfried Line, then crossed the Rhine River into Germany, securing towns while searching house to house. He saw mountains and forest as we went up and down searching. A Jeep accident resulted in Bob being sent back to a hospital in Metz, France and eventually back to Southern Indiana where he lived the American dream- a good simple life.



A Soldier’s Lesson

Dateline November 11th, 2016

by Colonel Zolton Krompecher
Behind newspaper headlines proclaiming the divisiveness of America are obituaries that may surprise readers when they learn of celebrities, artists and athletes who once served in uniform. Lee Marvin, Gene Wilder, Rod Serling, Leonard Nimoy, Bea Arthur, J.D. Salinger, Ernest Hemingway, Joe Lewis, Harriet Tubman, Joe DiMaggio, and Ted Williams wore the uniform. Among living veterans are Ice-T, James Earl Jones, Kris Kristofferson, Morgan Freeman, Drew Carey, Dennis Franz, and Charles Osgood. The realization they served in the military is not so far-fetched. Writers and musicians tell stories through pen and notes while actors assume a character’s role, and military service provides a lifetime of experience. Service also reminds us that Americans share more in common than papers would lead us to believe.

When I hear the word “veteran,” I think of my Grandpa Austin.
No title preceded my grandpa’s name, nor was he a celebrity, just a man from a region of Appalachia that was largely white, protestant, and poor: a place where people scratched out livings on hell’s half acre by farming spits of land, mining coal and doing what it took to put food in bellies. It is where dirt roads and creeks bisect fields and everything is walled off by the hills. When war called, he went because he believed in America…even if he didn’t always agree with the politics.

Private Austin Davis was a member of the Red Ball Express, a unit comprised mainly of black Soldiers who risked their lives providing supplies and medicine to keep the living from joining the dying. Many, no doubt, felt the sting of Jim Crow but still served. Despite faults, they must have recognized America’s potential to change was worth the fight.

I don’t believe my grandpa saw himself as a minority, because Soldiers share in the communion of placing the collective above self. Together they are introduced to barking drill sergeants who turn worlds upside down. Drill Sergeants understand how duress teaches recruits that green is the only color that matters and that long days at the range, forced marches, and waking up in open bays with all of humanity instills compromise when sharing four toilets, six showerheads and eight sinks (not all operable). Unlike college or civilian life, one can’t drop a class or quit when life becomes uncomfortable. Success is found in teamwork.

Friendships are further refined when sharing cups of coffee out of canteen cups during German winters or swapping stories of home and dreams for tomorrow in deserts and jungles, drop zones or ships located far from land. A lot can pass in conversation during a long night’s guard duty. That’s when redemption arrives in the form of lifelong friendships tempered by fire and loneliness.
My grandma gave me the map my grandpa carried with him Europe along with a list of the names and addresses of the men in his platoon.

Life pushed those Soldiers in different directions, but they returned to the farms, factories and classrooms and witnessed the Civil Rights movement and integration of the military and organized sport. Some watched the first black man take the inaugural oath, evidence that America was worth fighting for then and still is today. Soldiers know the value of subsisting on endurance and faith when times get tough. In a wisp, they were gone from each other’s lives in 1945, as if God placed them together to teach them that all men bleed and all our brothers, especially when tomorrow seems a distant dream.
Some veterans advertise service through bumper stickers and apparel. Others are more private, placing dog tags in keepsake boxes or hanging uniforms in attics, but place two veterans from different generations and socio-economic backgrounds in a doctor’s waiting room and listen. Chances are you’ll hear stories of basic training or serving in the same unit (or post) years apart.

We don’t all support the same political party or celebrate the same faith, but veterans understand that selfless service—whether in uniform or otherwise—is the kindling that stokes democracy and gives light in a world sometimes threatened by the darkness of entitlement and ignorance.

My grandpa arrived home from the war and moved to the city where he returned from work every night to a house on the corner. Later he witnessed white flight. Like a good soldier he remained at his post, living out his days as one of the few white families in the neighborhood. I remember him on the front porch swing, waving and talking about the Buckeyes with folks in the neighborhood. I learned more on that front porch than I ever did in any classroom.
I also learned that you shouldn’t believe everything you read in the papers.

Colonel Krompecher remains on active duty and keeps in touch with Soldiers he met thirty years ago while being “introduced” to Drill Sergeant Posey.


My Veteran

Dateline November 10th, 2016

by COL(R) Steve Beckman

My Veteran was born in Weir, Mississippi on a winter morning in the late 1920s (There are no “Frosty Morns” in that part of Dixie). He was baptized Ludwig Armstrong Beckman III (LAB), the son of a Presbyterian Minister and grew up in the Great Depression.

In 1945, while attending Jones County Junior College, his Spanish Teacher (and member of the local Draft Board) told LAB, “your number will come up this week for the Army!” LAB promptly caught a bus that afternoon to Jackson to talk to the Navy recruiters. He raised his hand, took the oath and after his Dad drove to Jackson to bring him a change of clothes and his toothbrush, was off to Navy Basic Training.

LAB spent his Navy tour as a radar operator at Argentia, Newfoundland (lots of frosty morns there), and rose to the exalted rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class before mustering out in 1947.

LAB took advantage of the GI Bill and attended Mississippi State University. When the Korean War broke out, he stayed in ROTC and was commissioned an Artillery Officer upon graduation in 1951. While training at Ft. Bliss someone asked, “who wants to be a pilot?” Before long, LAB had earned his wings and found himself flying a L-19 artillery observation plane over the (still very hot) Korean DMZ in 1953.

LAB ignored his Mom’s advice to “fly low and slow,” survived his tour and went to Ft. Sill to learn to fly helicopters (where he also met and married his wife).

After several years of flying in Italy, New York and Alabama, LAB put his Accounting Degree into practice by joining the Finance Corps and in April 1965 he found himself in Saigon, South Vietnam. Two days before he was to fly home in April 1966, the Viet Cong drove a truck bomb into his hotel. He survived, but LAB knows exactly what Iraq and Afghanistan Vets feel about VBIEDs.

After 21 years of service, LTC Beckman retired from Active Duty, but he didn’t stop serving. He spent over twenty-five more years as a 5th grade teacher and serving his church and community in Lawton, Oklahoma.

Along the way, LAB had two sons, one of whom recently retired as an Army Colonel, and he is the grandfather of two Army Captains.

Like so many of his generation, LAB answered the call, served proudly in peacetime and war, and when his military service ended, worked to make his community and nation a better place.

My Veteran, is now really retired and living large in Little Rock, Arkansas. This quiet hero, from the Greatest Generation, has gone by many names and titles, but I’m proud to call him Dad.

Steve Beckman



A 13 Year Old Assesses the 2016 Presidential Election

Dateline November 5th, 2016

By Eagle1 


Donald Trump may have his flaws, but we have to disregard that if we want our country to come back to where it used to be. Donald Trump is a businessman, our country is failing economically. Failing. Look at Trump’s business, a very successful business. Donald Trump was given a ‘small loan’ of a million dollars to make a business. Look what he is made out of that. And if you didn’t know he’s made a business that makes a billion dollars or more a year. I think he knows how to benefit our economy. (Unlike another candidate). Donald Trump also says what is on his mind, he’s not a normal politician who just lies and lies (unlike another candidate). While Trump I’m sure has lied before, he doesn’t do it consistently like the democrat that is running. Trump also brings fierceness to the table, he won’t let China and ISIS push us around, he will change the deal, he will push THEM around. Trump doesn’t care what others think of him. Trumps tells the people what’s going on he doesn’t hide it and then say “Oh no no that didn’t happen” like Mr. Obama. I think the point is made, Trump is who you should vote for. And that is that, no questions asked.


She’s a liar. The biggest liar America has EVER seen. EVER! She lies and you know what she has no problem doing it, is something wrong there? And she continually does it, over and over and over again. And again. And really do you want to have the president of the United States of America , the best nation in the world, have a criminal as its president. The founding fathers would be disgusted that we even dare nominate someone like Clinton. She will do anything to be the president of the United States, I bet she would throw anyone under the bus to protect herself. Heck she’d throw us, the people, under the bus to get her way. She already insulted American citizens. You really want someone who insults their own country’s people just because they don’t vote for her. I really find it shocking she’s not in jail, where she should be, and should have been put in many years ago. For anyone who’s voting for Clinton let me ask you this, you want a criminal to be your president? And yes she is a criminal. It’s been proven. Everyone focuses on all the bad things Trump has done, what about Clinton? She’s done worse! Way worse, committing a serious crime, then lying about it! You want her as your president?


The Clinton Criminality Index (CCI)

Washington DC: October 28th, 2016 (10:05PM)

Breaking News: FBI Director found his Spine; Truth Lives 

In the 1980 presidential race Reagan vs. Carter, Reagan confronted President Carter on a phrase he invented called the “The Misery Index” which combined the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate. After four years of President Carter, The Misery Index exceeded 20% capturing the poor state of the US economy. We have a new index in the Trump vs. Clinton presidential race, the Clinton Criminality Index.

The elements of the Clinton Criminality Index (CCI) includes the establishment of a private server to conduct government business (Unauthorized Server) and 33,000 missing government emails; compromise of countless amounts of classified information on her personal server (Failure to Protect Classified Information); using her position as Secretary of State for personal profit and gain selling access to several US government officials for massive donations to the Clinton Foundation (Pay for Play); failure to secure US embassies and facilities overseas and lying to families about a low-grade video being the cause of death for an attack in Libya that resulted in the death of four Americans including our Ambassador (Benghazi); and last but not least, condescension & deceit directed toward the American public as her normal course of holding office and executing her duties as a public servant (Condescension & Deceit).

CCI = Unauthorized Server + Failure to Protect Classified Information + Pay for Play + Benghazi + Condescension & Deceit

CCI = Not Fit To Serve!!!


The 53rd Regiment Endorses

American leadership in the world has been diminished. Our foreign policy is incoherent. Our enemies don’t fear us; our friends have lost respect for the United States not knowing if we will be there when they need us. Our economy is in shambles where millions of Americans have given up hope finding employment whereby they can provide for their families and live the American dream. Millions more Americans, estimates are as high as 47% of American adults, are receiving some type of government assistance.

Politicians in Washington DC have grown distant from their responsibilities to truly represent the people that elected them. Once elected, they govern with elitism, arrogance and condescension toward the public. Our government regularly manipulates facts, blames others never taking responsibility, make excuses and lies to the American public with impunity. Our government is aligned with the globalist agenda compromising what is in the best interest for Americans.

The 53rd Regiment is endorsing the candidate that supports the following principles:

  1. Protecting innocent life and eliminating public funding for abortions.
  2. Nominating and electing Supreme Court justices that believe in the US Constitution as originally constructed. It is not a document to be manipulated by whim but respected for the pillars of freedom and liberty set forth by our Founders and interpreted in the form of original intent.
  3. The US military should be re-built following the Reagan model “Peace through Strength” with significant investment in manpower, technology and readiness. After 15 years of war and 8 years of feckless presidential leadership, the Military Service Departments must receive the maximum commitment to reinvigorate morale always ensuring our troops have the best equipment, support and financial resources to ensure victory at home and abroad.
  4. All trade deals, current and future, will put American workers first. If NAFTA and other deals continue to disadvantage American workers, they will be renegotiated or canceled.
  5. Secure the border to eliminate illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and gang & terrorist infiltration into US cities and our country.
  6. Seek a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on US Senate seats and US House seats.
  7. Approve the Keystone Pipeline from Canada and establish a 10-year goal to eliminate 100% of Middle East oil imports.
  8. Take the Internet back! It was not Obama’s to give away to another UN commission.
  9. Reclaim America’s leadership role in the world by leading through strength, moral authority and dealing with dictators, ayatollahs and criminals based on past US precedent. Iran will never capture our sailors, citizens or shoot at our ships without severe, often lethal, consequences.
  10. Reduce US Corporate tax rate from second highest in the world at 35 % to 17% in order to bring American factories home, incentivize increased economic investments in the private sector and create an economic renaissance in American cities.

It is for these reasons that the 53rd Regiment and its members endorse Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States.

 Be Heard!





Dateline: October 19th, 2016 1930 Hours EST

by Patriot 6

One of the greatest things I have taught my sons is to make your decisions after gathering as much information as possible. While that is applicable in all decision making, it has special emphasis this election cycle. However, with the absolute media blackout of the immense amount of information being released by WikiLeaks and the FBI document releases, our ability to gather and, thereby, weigh information to make our decision has been removed. So tell me: Who gets to decide what information ‘We the People’ are allowed to have and what are those people withholding information afraid of?

Our Founders took special care to ensure that we had a free press so that information would not be suppressed. Our Founders were subject to censorship, especially for criticism of the ruling aristocracy, and, realizing how dangerous censorship can be to a free society, placed free speech protections in our Constitution. I submit to you that our vaunted “fourth estate”, the “watchdogs of the ruling class”, have betrayed that trust and are themselves engaging in censorship. These same erudite, elitist media executives/editors, and their minion journalists, are removing our ability to make an informed decision by a lack of informative reporting on the WikiLeaks and FBI document releases, and basically anything critical or damaging of Hillary Clinton, thereby, censoring information. Instead of objectively reporting on all information and allowing us to weigh it as we decide which candidate to vote for, they have skewed the entire decision making process and have decided for us who we should vote for by not reporting on potentially damaging information about on specific candidate.

There are many counter-arguments people make in an attempt to refute this premise. Here are several popular ones: it is not a news organization’s job to report on information that anyone can look up on the internet; the WikiLeaks information was hacked by the Russians and cannot be trusted; journalists do not take sides in political campaigns so as to remain impartial in their reporting; there has been just as much reporting on Hillary Clinton’s scandals; and one of my favorites, Fox News is censoring just as much information on conservatives/Republicans. We can debate and spar over whether the information is being intentionally ignored/suppressed or whether it can be accessed elsewhere, etc. However, that misses the greater point: it is not the journalists’ place to DECIDE what “We the People” should or should be allowed to hear. Their job it to REPORT the information and let “We the People” DECIDE for ourselves if it is relevant and/or how much weight to give it in making our choice of which candidate to support.

Folks let’s try some common sense. Based on the one sided reporting of the “scandals” surrounding our respective candidates, I can safely state that it is patently obvious that the media executives, including those at Fox News, and with the exception of a handful of journalists, do not want Donald Trump to win the election. An article in “”, from October 17, 2016 stated that the three major networks covered the story of Donald Trump’s sexual misconduct allegations for “more than 23 minutes combined on Thursday night.” Compare and contrast that they covered the revelations from the WikiLeaks release during the same time period on Hillary Clinton’s views, and the views of members of her campaign staff, about Catholics, Latinos, Wall Street banks, open borders, etc., for a total “1 minute and 7 seconds combined” coverage. Anyone can look up Donald Trump’s comments on the internet, yet there was 23+ minutes of coverage. Just as much reporting on Clinton’s scandals? Really?

Let’s try the Russian hack and impartiality arguments. Interestingly, the fact that (if true) the Russians did indeed perform the hack, while criminal, does not mean the information isn’t accurate. Allegedly, the same entity hacked the DNC and the information learned about the subversion of Bernie Sanders’ campaign was accurate enough for them to allow the resignation of/firing of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the Chairperson. Amazingly, on the rare occasion that the WikiLeaks information is brought up, the Clinton campaign never disputes the accuracy of the information, they only deflect and criticize the hack. Why is the campaign never questioned by the news media? Could it be that the journalists are protecting and supporting Clinton when they are allegedly impartial? It is difficult to claim impartiality when, according the Center for Public Integrity, journalists from multiple media outlets have donated $382,000 to the Clinton campaign and only $14,000 to the Trump campaign. Additionally, according to WikiLeaks released emails from Clinton Campaign Chairman, John Podesta, the Politico chief White House political correspondent, Glen Thrush, cleared an article through Podesta to before publication. Does anyone want to rethink the impartiality argument?

It is obvious that people in the news media made a conscious decision to withhold relevant, important and critical information about a presidential candidate from “We the People”, but for what reason? It is really quite simple: They have DECIDED for US who should be our President and they don’t trust “We the People” to make the “correct” decision as they have determined. They are petrified that if they objectively report on both candidates, people will see Hillary Clinton for what she truly is and make the obvious choice. After all of the non-stop negative coverage of Donald Trump and the withholding/censoring of information, Hillary Clinton is still well below 50% and Donald Trump is ahead, tied or within the margin of error depending on the poll. These same people understand that if anything resembling equal coverage of Hillary Clinton’s disastrous and criminal past is reported, Donald Trump will win by double digits; therefore, THEY DECIDED what is best for “We the People” and there are doing all they can to remove our decision making power.

A free press does not mean that they are free to decide what the people get to know. The members of the corporate news media elites do not get to decide the election. That is the sole right of “We the People.” We have one choice that gives us an opportunity to take our country back and put it in the hands of “We the People.” I ask you to inform yourselves, make your OWN decision and to “BE HEARD” in this election.




Dateline: October 13th, 2016 

by Patriot 6

There may have been more written and said about this election than any in our history. Many of us believe that the stakes have never been higher for determining the direction, and ultimate definition, of what America will be in the future. While there are many extremely important issues on the line, i.e. Supreme Court nominations; terrorism/national security; jobs and the economy; health care, etc., there is one issue that is exponentially more important to determining if America continues to be the “beacon of freedom” and “land of opportunity” that we have always been or if America is to be transformed into a European styled, socialist-lite, shell of what our Founders created. We must use this election to take back our country and government from America’s elitist, ruling class: Career Politicians.

America has NEVER needed or wanted an aristocracy. George Washington refusing a lifetime appointment as President perfectly exemplifies that point. Our Founders rebelled and fought a war for American independence against an oppressive aristocracy. Our Founders created our form of government with the idea that being elected as a representative or a senator was a PART-TIME job. They were to return home at the end of session and rejoin the communities from which they were elected. They were expected to listen to the values, needs and concerns of the citizens they were chosen to represent. More importantly, they were expected to carry those back to Washington, DC and actually STAND UP FOR same citizens and the issues they hold as important. Somewhere in the last 240 years that process has gone terribly awry.

Today we have an elite political class of career politicians that do not listen to, believe that they are smarter than and, thereby, know what’s best for the everyday Americans that elected them. This ruling class, which is composed of BOTH parties, like every other aristocracy, does not fear, or worse, does not respect the common person they “rule.” They routinely betray their core values and those of those they represent in favor of committee chairmanships, donations (re: money), etc. Our “ruling class” sees our Constitution as an antiquated hindrance to America becoming what THEY feel it should be. These people are attempting to remove the most precious freedom that we have in America: the ability for each of us to CHOOSE what is best for US.

In full disclosure, Donald Trump was not my first choice. He is absolutely NOT a perfect candidate, not a “true conservative”, etc. I know all of the adjectives associated with demeaning and criticize him; however, if you agree with most, much or any of what I have stated, there is no other choice. If you understand my point, and are as tired of being maligned, ignored, placated and, frankly, lied to as a “regular” American as I am, you have no other choice. This election is NOT about Donald Trump, it is BIGGER than him. He has become the focal point and standard bearer of the ire of millions of Americans who are fed up being controlled and dictated to by a ruling class that we should never have.

I have purported for over 25 years that the day would come where we are so fed up with career politicians that a candidate would emerge that would truly resonate with Americans of both political parties. I described that person this way: not a member or either party; right of center because as a country we align more towards conservative principles; independently wealthy because they will receive no support from either party; and, most importantly, this person will be perceived truly loving this country and as giving straight, honest answers, like it or hate it, to straight questions. Hillary Clinton is none of, other than wealthy, nor is she perceived to be any of, what I described. She is the epitome of the elite, ruling class career politician who will continue to take America towards where it was never founded to be.

It comes down to this: we have an opportunity to wrest control from these elite, arrogant career politicians, upend the status quo, insert fresh, untainted political blood into our system and take back our government and country from our unwanted political aristocracy. Donald Trump is not without faults; however, in my lifetime he is the closest to the candidate I described. Like him or hate him, he represents, quite possibly, the last opportunity for “regular” Americans to exert control over and take back our government to put America back on the path set by our Founders. It is time for WE THE PEOPLE to remove our elitist political aristocracy and take back control of our own destiny.



State of the 53rd Regiment Address

Dateline October 4th, 2016

Regimental CSM: “Regiment, attention! Listen up; the Regimental Commander will be here shortly to give his State of the Regiment Address. I expect every soldier in this regiment to maximize your attention on the Commander’s every word. Our nation is at war, our values and way of life is questioned by the civilians that lead us from behind, but I’ll be damned if we will not Be Heard!”

Regimental CSM: Who are we?

Regiment: The 53rd Regiment, the Fightin’ Herd!

Regimental CSM: What is our motto?

The Regiment: Be Heard!

Regimental CSM: Sir, the Regiment is formed.

Regimental Commander: Sergeants Major, Post!

2016 State of the Regiment Speech

Regimental members, ladies and gentlemen, families and friends, fellow citizens, The State of the Regiment is Strong! (Editors note: applause, clapping, standing ovation that finally subsides after 10 minutes)

Thank you, Thank you. Please be seated.

Regiment, Parade Rest!

To the Fightin’ Herd, let me begin with this, “I’ll be damned if we will not Be Heard! We will Be Heard from sea to shiny sea! I guarandamnteeit! The 53rd Regiment will Be Heard!”

Since our inception, the 53rd Regiment has published 77 scholarly articles focused on the challenges of our time. We have had over 4300 web traffic hits on our articles and over 100 comments made largely endorsing views. Our numbers are growing, our message is strong and we will Be Heard!

We have covered the failure of the current administration to prosecute the war against Radical Islam & terror. We have covered the corruption of our government covering up the Clinton lies, Benghazi, Clinton compromise of classified information, the Iranian Nuke scandal and the federal government targeting conservative groups through the IRS.

The 53rd Regiment has covered the Pope, the Trump phenomena (Colon Blow I & II), the National Football League, the Democratic Party’s War on Women, Abortion, and we have honored our Veterans and troops that have sacrificed for our country.

Showing the tremendous depth of interest of the 53rd Regiment members, some of our scholar/authors have even covered Roofman (A Dayton, OH) phenomena; Lawn Mowing in the modern world; Landau Rooftops and their impact on America culture; and most recently Coulrophobia and the Dark Clowns terrorizing our cities and towns.

To my writers, my authors, members of The Herd, you have Been Heard!

To the 53rd Regiment community of interest, you have Been Heard!

To our enemies and those that wish the 53rd Regiment ill will, the Fightin’ Herd is always on guard and we will Be Heard!

The State of the 53rd Regiment is Strong and getting stronger! (Editors note: applause, clapping, standing ovation that finally subsided after 15 minutes)

Our numbers are growing, readership is growing and new authors are being added to our ranks each day! The message is strong, our conservative press credentials are right and our message is Being Heard!

Regiment, I am proud to lead you each and every day. We will not be denied. We will lead, we will be a positive example to our fellow Americans and you know one thing for certain, We Will Be Heard!

God bless you, God bless America!

Regiment, Dismissed!



Candid Conversation with Kaepernick

Dateline October 2nd, 2016

Kaepernick: Coach, why did you bench me? Why I am not starting?

Coach: Colin, I’ve shown great restraint not cutting you but I haven’t ruled it out. Candidly, ownership doesn’t understand leadership in the NFL. The NFL doesn’t  respect leadership or the sacrifice of American warriors that have given much for this country. It’s all about the money and political correctness. Colin, you put yourself before others. You disrespect the colors of our nation. This game is not about you, your beliefs and whatever causes you believe in. The operative thing you need to understand is that this is a game, a football game. This is not an opportunity for you to put yourself before the team. In my book Colin, leaders put the team before self. You have failed this simple test. You are a very selfish individual that fails to understand what a privileged life you have been given as an American citizen and an NFL football player.

Kaepernick: But coach, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

Coach: Colin, what did you do in the off-season? Where did you spend your time? What inner city communities did you help?

Kaepernick: Well I was rehabbing in the off-season. I chose to start this protest during the start of the season.

Coach: Understand Colin, yup, noticed. My assessment is because over the past several months your relationship with management has turned sour. You requested a trade last spring, which never came, big mistake by ownership. I would have released your ass. You also spent most of the offseason rehabilitating from operations to your left shoulder. You lost the starting job toBlaine Gabbert last season and I see this as one more example of poor leadership on your part validating your removal as a starter. You are really just acting out like a petulant child. You had no idea that you would attract a broader element of malcontents that failed to learn the history of this country, the lessons of Martin Luther King and the blessings of being an American. Ya see Colin, even a pile of crap attracts maggots. You have a whole infestation of maggots following your every move. 

Kaepernick: Coach, you are disrespecting my beliefs. I have a right to kneel.

Coach: You do. I have a right to bench your ass and if the 49ers had ownership that valued our country before themselves,  you’d be released. I’m disgusted with you Colin. No one wants a selfish, me- first player that doesn’t know our country’s history or appreciate it. You haven’t done one damn thing to improve the conditions for those suffering from poor economic conditions or violence. Actions speak well beyond taking a knee while others are rendering honors to our flag. Don’t confuse what you are doing with helping fix these challenges. You have set a very poor example for American youth. I’m disgusted by you!

Get the hell out of my office and cement the clipboard to your ass!


Coulrophobia & The Dark Clowns

Dateline September 28th, 2016

Here come the clowns! This is no laughing matter. Gone are the funny, happy clowns of yesteryear … Ronald McDonald, Bozo and Pogo. These new clowns are dark, nameless and lurk in the shadows.

Who are they? Where do they come from? Why do they prowl in the shadows carrying black ballons and evil grimaces? Who are they after? These are the questions gripping the nation as episodes of evil looking clowns initially spotted in Green Bay, WI and Columbia, SC have spread to Virginia, Florida and Colorado. With 12% of adults experiencing some form of Coulrophobia (fear of clowns), this is no laughing matter as the dark clown epidemic spreads and begins to terrorize children and adults alike.

I was able to interview Dr. Alberto C. Humadanger, an emerging scholar on the dark clown phenomena. Our exchange is below.

Question: Dr. Humadanger, who are these dark clowns?

Answer: Guardian 6, what are they may be a more appropriate answer. Man or beast, or some combination thereof. There are several theories. Some believe they are aliens just trying to fit in. Others believes they are disgruntled democratic congressman and mayors that lost their seat in congress.  Others believe they are democratic aliens that lost their elections. This I will tell you, I simply don’t know. We have not been able to secure any DNA samples.

Question: The phenomena seems to be growing. There have been dark clown sightings in three more states this week. How are these dark clowns manifesting themselves?

Answer: We have a disaster on our hands, this I will tell you. The federal government has underestimated the threat. I recommended a special task force to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). These clowns (no pun intended) have blown me off laughing at the suggestion. They don’t get it. It starts off with one, two, three dark clowns and now we have platoons of dark clowns spreading across the country like a virus. There are bad things going on here, very bad. We better get tough.

Question: Do you have advice for people who encounter a dark clown?

Answer: I do, run like hell! Get the hell out of harm’s way. Don’t look back at them either. Don’t make eye contact with them. That would be bad, very bad. Incredibly bad. Scientists and doctors now agree that their power lies in not knowing who or what lies behind the excessive makeup, red nose and hair color. Some believe those black balloons are loaded with toxins. Don’t pop them, whatever you do, don’t pop the balloons. Chemical laced black balloons, very bad.

Question: Have you experienced one of these dark clowns? If so, can you tell us what happened?

Answer: Yes, but I don’t like to talk about it. It’s why I fear them today. This I can tell you, they smell awful, like rotten eggs. They have terrible teeth and breadth. They have super strength; this is why I lean toward the democratic alien theory in terms of what they are. Strong, these dark clowns have super human strength. Beyond scary, they make me nauseous. I was attacked by a dark clown 12 years ago. I have studied them since this attack. It was a vicious attack. I can’t talk about the details. Can’t do it. It was bad, very bad. The estimate of Coulrophobia being 12% among adults is low, very low. Look, I think it is close to 50%. After seeing one of these beasts in person, it’s 100%. It changed me, I can’t go there. I’m not the same. [Dr. Humadinger is whispering now … “I’m a changed man seeing this thing. It burns. It burns in my memory. The horror, the pain.”}

… and with that Dr. Humadinger ended the interview with a look of fear on his face. As he walked out he turned and said to me in a Pup whisper, “fear the dark clowns. Don’t take the bait. It’s worse than I thought.”


Pigs at the Trough

Dateline September 10th, 2016

“Regiment, Attention!” I have a message for you from Blackjack Pershing. Now pay attention. “Parade rest!”

The following cable was received from Blackjack earlier today. Message reads:

“I am coming at the Colin Kaepernick (CK) National Anthem debate from a different perspective. Many years ago an old school business executive I knew had a way of describing clueless entitled executives: Pigs at the Trough. While in most organizations it takes years for these creatures to evolve and emerge, it seems the NFL has developed a fool proof way of producing them quickly.

Over the last several years we’ve watched the classic Pigs at the Trough (PATT) model unfold, while Stan Kroenke and the NFL owners made fools of several cities like St Louis, competing to keep a failing franchise team in their town. In classic PATT mode, the owners met in secret and decided that self interest was once again in their best interest.

Now we have CK and others deciding to use their fame and national TV audience to make a statement and it fits the same pattern. By now you know the facts so they will not be repeated here. Other more logical options for CK to follow his conscience were obvious.

Go ahead and google ‘Colin Kaepernick house and cars’. See what comes up. We have a young individual that enjoys a privileged life style only available in the United States. Look at CK’s life narrative and try to imagine it happening anywhere else. Much more difficult. His story makes his ‘protest’ absurd by any logical standard.

Analysis: CK has everything but wants more. CK is over indulged. CK is enabled by sycophants playing to his biases. CK knows his career is likely in question due to failing performance. CK misses the attention he had when he was winning. CK needs more than the money, he needs attention and constant fame. CK wants to be important. CK has convinced himself he has a message that the rest of us need to hear. CK’s enablers have never given him a reality check. CK hasn’t checked his biases against statistics. CK is a Pig at the Trough, who has been given much but it will never be enough. Money, recognition and fame were not enough for this PATT. He has to have more. It’s more than ego. Its greed that goes way past money, although he may be setting himself up for speaking fees once his failing career finally comes to an that will sound like squeaking flatulence.

His enablers include the national sports media. The most recent and robust example might be the WSJ article by @jasongay that was a long and complicated 16 point justification for an illogical protest. Really? All that tortured rationalization for a PATT that was unable to string together several articulate sentences to talk through his actions after his first ‘protest’? There was a time when defending the un-defendable was left to government prosecutors.

His enablers also include a paralyzed culture of ethics at the NFL. From the top executive down to the coaches, the majority have not made any clear and pointed statements criticizing this behavior. See a recent summary here:

Once again: Pigs at the Trough. And maybe these PATTS, the top executives, owners and coaches are the worst PATTS of all. The CK’s of the world are many; chowderheads that think their new found wealth also makes them a guru; NFL leaders should know better; they get paid to develop these kids into more than just players: responsible role models, if not just decent citizens. They don’t speak up due to the politically correct and corrupt culture of the NLF. They lack character and play it safe for the sake of their high incomes and notoriety. PATT’s of the first order.

While I am generalizing I will will admit there have to be good and decent players and leaders across the NFL. The question for fans is really how much can you put up with and for how long. While I have never been a huge football fan, I did pay attention to several teams and the post season. My interest is about zero right now. For those more passionate – what will you do as your country is denigrates? Just hope it gets better? Sadly, Pigs at the Trough are never satisfied. They just want more.

My advice: turn off the NFL. Get off the couch. Go outside. Let others know your disgust with this growing group of BIG FAT PATT’s.” End of Cable …

Regiment, Blackjack has spoken. He has been heard. Heed his words.”

“Regiment, Attention! Sergeants Major, take charge of the Regiment.”

CSM, “Yes Sir!”


Colon Blow II — Enema!! (No Time to go Wobbley!)


Hillary Clinton is an unindicted felon. She is a criminal, a liar and a self-serving politician of the worse magnitude. Putting a bumper sticker on your car or claiming “I’m with her” is the badge of an idiot! Actually, you’re a traitor voting for a person who compromised the security of our country through intentional neglect of classification rules or personal convenience. Surprise, surprise, the Obama White House and the post Holder, and  Loretta Lynch DoJ influenced the FBI finding to characterize her actions as “extremely careless.” You and I – average American — We’d be in jail without hesitation. We are NOT stupid but they play us for fools!

Americans need to think broadly about this election. Ultimately, this election is NOT about Clinton vs. Trump. This election is about the Status Quo vs. Change! A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the status quo; more trade deals that sell out the American worker, more leftists’ policies that undermine American industry and force companies to move oversees and more military weakness that undermines US alliances and showcases the Obama policy of Apology & Ineptitude.

There is a lot NOT to like about Trump, but one thing is clear, HE will put America First without apology! Is this simple fact not refreshing? He will advocate for American workers and businesses at every turn. How did we EVER get to the point where this has not been the case? But we all know, our government leadership has been selling us out for decades; Most Favored Nation Status with China; NAFTA with Mexico and now a new treaty with Pacific Rim countries That Obama & Clinton are pushing? How exactly does the American worker compete and benefit from deals that guarantee lower wages? Exactly, they don’t! Wall Street benefits but the rest of us get screwed! Part of the Clinton plan. Come on, wake-up!!! Hold her accountable for her lies, ignorance and selling out your fellow Americans! She is in debt from all her Wall Street speeches and Trump is hated because he has told Wall Street to take a hike! Refreshing!!

Our political system needs an Enema, Colon Blow II!!! Trump is the vehicle, the cause, the patriot to blow up the pricks that have been profiting from the government teet while the rest of us toil to provide for our families, pass on the American dream to our children and remain steadfast in our constitutional principles.

Don’t settle!!! Don’t settle!! If you can’t vote for Trump, Do Not VOTE for the most unprincipled self-serving sloth ever elected to run for President! This is NOT about the first women President, this is about reversing the dramatic decline of America and Making America Great Again!! we need a Change Agent, DJT is that candidate!



by Echo Zulu 21

Ignorant. That’s what San Francisco 49ers 2nd string quarterback Colin Kaepernick is.   2nd string to someone who is typically referred to as “Sunshine”, the 2nd string quarterback in the movie Remember the Titans…but I digress. Colin Kaepernick has recently refused to stand and acknowledge the national anthem, which is played before every NFL pre-season, regular season and playoff game. He’s refused to do so in some sort of nonsensical opposition to how American society oppresses people of color and most specifically, our law enforcement key oppressors amongst us.

What kind of parking lot does Kaepernick park in before every practice or game? Is it a parking deck, or a regular lot? No. It’s a secure lot that requires identification in order to enter. Who secures the lot? Police and stadium contracted security. Law enforcement, paid to ensure that he and his vehicle are safe.

Who escorts the VIP players and coaches to the locker room on the field? Law enforcement. They make sure the players are not harassed, attacked or bothered and that they can make it back on the field the next week to do their jobs. Seems oppressive, Kaepernick.

Kaepernick has the opportunity to go and play a sport for a living in our free country; it would appear Life Is Good. Guess not. Our freedoms are protected by said law enforcement and the United States Military. Both organizations are at war with domestic threats and terrorists and the US Military is still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan while the average American like Kaepernick have no idea about this because it’s not on their “socials”. Kaepernick just joined the likes of Carlos DelGado and Muhammed Ali and in doing so, he actually isolated a population of selfless people who sacrifice for the good of his well-being. Hypocrisy is his own personal oppression.

“If you don’t love it, leave it”. That’s what Merle Haggard said and he specifically calls out “the hippies in San Francisco” in the song Fightin’ Side of Me. I pledge allegiance to the Flag (and applaud Hag!). Suggestion: figure out an innovative way to bring social issues to light and don’t be bullied into a stance.  Michael Bennett learned this lesson. This may be a futile point in the near future anyway. Kaepernick, in all likelihood, will be listening to “Oh Canada” and looking at a Maple Leaf shortly on cut day. Go Argonauts!
