Gaslighting — The Democratic Playbook


by Anonymous                         Dateline: 4 September 2020

Have you ever asked yourself, ‘am I crazy?’ If you have ever asked yourself that, you’re not crazy. You’re most likely being gaslighted.  Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse aimed at controlling a person by altering reality to the point where the person will doubt their own sanity.

The term “gaslighting” comes from a 1930’s play called Gas Light. The main character in the play literally tries to drive his wife crazy by gradually dimming the gas-powered lights in their home. When she notices the lights dimming, her husband not only denies that the lights are dimming, he convinces her that she is imagining it to the point where she questions her own sanity.

We are living in a perpetual state of gaslighting . The reality that we are being told by the media is at complete odds with what we are seeing with our own two eyes. And when we question the false reality that we are being presented, or we claim that what we see is that actual reality, we are vilified as racist or bigots or just plain crazy. You’re not racist. You’re not crazy.  You’re being gaslighted.

New York State has twice as many deaths from Covid-19 than any other state, and New York has accounted for one fifth of all Covid-19 deaths, but we are told that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has handled the pandemic better than any other governor. But if we support policies of Governors whose states had only a fraction of the infections and deaths as New York, we’re called anti-science and want people to die. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy?  No, you’re being gaslighted.

We see mobs of people looting stores, smashing windows, setting cars on fire and burning down buildings, but we are told that these demonstrations are peaceful protests. And when we call this destruction of our cities, riots, we are called racists. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy?  No, you’re being gaslighted.

We see the major problem destroying many inner-cities is crime; murder, gang violence, drug dealing, drive-by shootings, armed robbery, but we are told that it is not crime, but the police that are the problem in the inner-cities. We are told we must defund the police and remove law enforcement from crime-riddled cities to make them safer. But if we advocate for more policing in cities overrun by crime, we are accused of being white supremacists and racists. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy?  No, you’re being gaslighted.

The United States of America accepts more immigrants than any other country in the world. The vast majority of the immigrants are “people of color”, and these immigrants are enjoying freedom and economic opportunity not available to them in their country of origin, but we are told that the United States is the most racist and oppressive country on the planet, and if we disagree, we are called racist and xenophobic. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy?  No, you’re being gaslighted.

Capitalist countries are the most prosperous countries in the world. The standard of living is the highest in capitalist countries. We see more poor people move up the economic ladder to the middle and even the wealthy class through their effort and ability in capitalist countries than any other economic system in the world, but we are told capitalism is an oppressive system designed to keep people down. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy?  No, you’re being gaslighted.

Communist countries killed over 100 million people in the 20th century. Communist countries strip their citizens of basic human rights, dictate every aspect of their lives, treat their citizens like slaves, and drive their economies into the ground, but we are told that Communism is the fairest, most equitable, freest and most prosperous economic system in the world. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

The most egregious example of gaslighting is the concept of “white fragility”. You spend your life trying to be a good person, trying to treat people fairly and with respect. You disavow racism and bigotry in all its forms. You judge people solely on the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. You don’t discriminate based on race or ethnicity. But you are told you are a racist, not because of something you did or said, but solely because of the color of your skin. You know instinctively that charging someone with racism because of their skin color is itself racist. You know that you are not racist, so you defend yourself and your character, but you are told that your defense of yourself is proof of your racism. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy?  No, you’re being gaslighted.

Gaslighting has become one of the most pervasive and destructive tactics in American politics. It is the exact opposite of what our political system was meant to be.  It deals in lies and psychological coercion, and not the truth and intellectual discourse. If you ever ask yourself if you’re crazy, you are not. Crazy people aren’t sane enough to ask themselves if they’re crazy.  So, trust yourself, believe what’s in your heart. Trust our eyes over what we are told. Never listen to the people who tell you that you are crazy, because you are not, you’re being gaslighted.


Trump’s Grand Coalition

By BlackJack Pershiing 
@pershingsoldier on Twitter and Parler
Dateline 301558 August 2020                       Missouri Territory
“…they are in a terminal panic in Washington.  They are frightened.  They hear the shouts of the peasants from over the hill.  And they’re comin’! They are comin’ with pitchforks after them!”
Pat Buchanan, 1996
In the end, Pat didn’t get it done.  His insurrection fell flat.  Maybe Pat enjoyed being a smart ass more than sealing the deal.
A billionaire who didn’t need the job secured the presidency with the very peasants Pat spoke of, albeit with a new name – the deplorables.  Four years on, it is happening again with a more diverse and unlikely band of deplorables.  In fact you might call in a Grand Coalition.
Unlike the source of the term, the parliaments of Europe, with multiparty factions that are sometimes sewn together, our Grand Coalition is a coalition of like minded patriots from many divergent groups, parties, races and creeds.  A coalition of those willing to save the republic.  
Who makes up the 2020 Grand Coalition for Trump?
The Forgotten Men and Women: after being sold out by the Bidens, the Obamas, the Bushes and the Clintons, the forgotten rose up.  Many of them with careers cut short as the multinationals they worked for sent their jobs to China and elsewhere.  They knew first hand the casual and dismissive way that they were betrayed.  “Barack Obama, who was and still is very demonic, made anyone who had turned 50 during his administration feel marginalized and discriminated against.” Says a Michigan resident, veteran of the auto industry, and patriot.  You can find her at @Irishyouwell on Twitter.  She hails from a large Irish Catholic family and went for Trump before her republican brothers got there.  She knew and was one of many early adopters.
Republican Voters, many cautious at first: We just didn’t quite know how it would turn out.  Trump admitted he donated to both sides as a business man, had friendly relationships with many democrats, and was known for many other controversies.  Many nervously gave him their vote, because of the malevolence of Hillary.  The outcomes are incontrovertible.  SCOTUS picks, tax cuts, regulatory changes, etc – see the 53rd’s Endorsement of President Trump for more.  We’ve got ourselves Reagan 2.0, modernized to deal with the swamp and the MSM Mudpit.
Black Americans in increasing numbers: #BLEXIT is real.  Ask Leo Terrell aka Leo 2.0, who was sent over to the republican side by the violence and unrest engineered by the Pelosi/Soros/DNC cabal.  At one time this was a small but powerful movement – it is gaining strength, size and momentum as Black Americans rediscover who really freed the slaves and stood for freedom throughout our history: The GOP. We are at the tip of the iceberg this year and the real % of the black vote that goes to the GOP is up for grabs.  This writer asserts minimum 20% with a strong upside possibility.  Trump’s record is clear from the substantial (HBCU support, Prison Reform) to the Inspirational (pardons for Alice Johnson, Jon Ponder) despite MSM efforts to hide it.
Latinos: that’s right, Latinos.  Here is a real quote from a friend of the writer, a Mexican Immigrant (Legal!) and entrepreneur on why he will be voting Trump: “Law & order, Anti-Abortion, Huge Balls and Jobs! and in addition, the wall. I know who comes across the border with and without the help of Coyotes.  Trump was right on this from the beginning and it will help those on both sides of the border be safer.  Finally – he’s helping people get out of prison who maybe were unfairly sentenced.”  You can find him, ‘Very Bad Hombre’ on Twitter at @JoelOro71571807
Boaters: who knew that boat parades were a thing?  They are now.  #KAG2020LandslideVictory
Cubans, Asians, Vietnamese, others escaping socialist/communist hellscapes: Maximo Alvarez, Cuban born business man and speaker at the GOP convention said it best: “I am so grateful to America, the place where I was able to build my American dream through hard work and determination…President Trump knows that the American story was written by people just like you and I, who love our country and take risks to build a future for our families and neighbors. I may be Cuban born, but I am 100-percent American. This is the greatest country in the world. I said this before. I gave away everything I have today, it would not equal 1 percent of what I was given when I came to this great country of ours: The gift of freedom.
Factory Workers: having run successful businesses and having been raised walking construction sites, Donald Trump has an affinity for workers of all kinds.  He relates.  The term ‘blue collar billionaire’ is legit. Here’s how Joe Biden relates to them:

“This is not OK, alright?” the man said, to which Biden replied, “Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go outside with you, man.”

“You’re working for me, man!” the worker said.

“I’m not working for you,” Biden said. “Don’t be such a horse’s ass.”

That is real exchange between Biden and Jerry Wayne, auto worker from Detroit.  That says enough.  In addition to sending their jobs to China, he doesn’t even respect them personally.  Even when he’s not in the basement, Joe basically sucks.

Freedom Caucus Republicans: it has been a long and painful process but they finally get it.  Many of these types of republicans are well intended and worry about deficits and other matters of principle.  They have netted out in favor of the little guy and now help the President move his agenda.
Grandparents and parents of snowflakes and other assorted dead-enders, malcontents and under-achievers: every time they hear the words “Go home to Mommy!  and she’s voting for Trump!” – they know the Commander in Chief understands their predicament.
Legitimate Democrats, abandoned by the DNC: unreported by the media, 30% of DNC delegates voted against the radical platform of  the party, as espoused by the Squad.  It is easy to infer that upwards of 30% of all democrats are not in favor of the party’s current direction and many of them will vote for Trump out of sense of Patriotism. All of them? no.  But like Black Americans, many will have their ‘red pill’ moment and vote GOP to save the republic.
Gay Americans: ask Brandon Straka who leads the #WalkAway movement.  Some of the gay community is smart enough to know that the Biden/Obama admin let into our country millions of unscreened/unvetted Islamists that believe they should be thrown off buildings.  Many are arming themselves and embracing safety, liberty, freedom and independence over woke/fascist social politics that never end.  Another group that has discovered they are useful pawns for the democrat hate machine.
Never Trumpers, the smart ones: they exist in shrinking numbers: a type of Rockefeller republican worried more about their portfolio than any notions of liberty or freedom.  They have liberal friends and their social standing in urban settings is of utmost importance.  They nod in agreement when points are made about Trump’s boorish behavior.  Many – as many as half – will secretly vote for him due to the excellent returns on their portfolios both before and now after, the pandemic first appeared.  (Related: check out Glen Beck’s recent apology to the Trump family on twitter)  One thing this crowd may be starting to realize is that ‘free trade’ never was.  We opened ourselves up to be raped and pillaged by allies and adversaries alike.  Perhaps they are waking up.
People of Faith: Christians of all stripes have embraced the President – not due to his personal past, but because of his stalwart commitment to religious freedom and life.  He has delivered and is the most pro-life, or pro-afterlife as Sister Deirdre Byrne might say, President in our history.  Jews should be increasingly in the President’s camp – at least the ones who care in the slightest way about their faith and Israel.  We will see in November if they join the Grand Coalition.
Democrat Mayors, the ones that are not dumb: they are starting to emerge and support the president in the open – see Minnesota – 5 democrats and 1 independent have come out in support of the President for the difference he has made in their iron ore mining region.  More to come.
Bikers, Truckers, Lobstermen, Fishermen, Loggers, Steelworkers, Oil Workers: all had their lives and incomes improve under Donald Trump – in most cases by him undoing executive actions from previous administrations that were arbitrary and unfair, and driven by special interests/lobbyists.
Veterans and active duty troops: We know that Trump has fully funded the military for the first time in decades to include pay raises.  We know the VA has gone through it’s first real reform in decades.  ISIS is gone.  Troops will be redeployed or come home from stagnant areas where there are no results.  We know our dead were returned form North Korea.  We know POTUS is not the unstable war monger the MSM painted him as.   He has our backs and does not set troops up for failure
The Digital Army: Trump has unleashed millions of patriots that help win the war against SleepyCreepy Joe and his Woke Dopes every single day: some you may want to follow and check out in addition to yours truly, @PershingSoldier, are: @Irishuwell @thro_e  @PhilosophySeel @The53rdRegiment @abodon_5  @Svitoslav3  @PhillipDenton  @SunshineLK10 @SmithsCoffeepot  @cinco_d_mayo  @DrRick32855962  @Red_Pilled_Day @eyeofseeing  @patriot45Lynn  @groth1945  @CrazyCatRescuer @BardakOrama  @ArmyVet2x @usmc_army
These folks and many others keep it real, keep it funny, and keep it compelling.  Check them out!
We close with a bit more from Michigan resident, @irishyouwell :
 “One of the most charming – yes charming! – characteristics of President Trump is his love of the nickname!  He had me at ‘Bad Eater,’ for fake conservative and 24/7 sour puss, John Kasich.  I have always been a ‘nicknamer!’  And having my parents and both sets of grandparents being native New Yorkers sealed the deal – an instant bond!”
I have to admit I agree wholeheartedly with that assessment.
Welcome to the Grand Coalition!  


Breaking News: @the53rdregiment Endorses Donald J Trump

by Black Jack Pershing (find on Twitter or Parler  @PershingSoldier )

Dateline 161620 August 2020              Missouri Territory

“Relish the opportunity to be an outsider. Embrace that label — being an outsider is fine — because it’s the outsiders who change the world and who make a real and lasting difference.”

 – – Donald J. Trump 2017

I am honored to have been invited by the 53rd Regiment to write the official endorsement for this valuable website for the re-election of Donald J. Trump in 2020.  Let’s jump right in with an evaluation of the the vitals:
  • Trump Record on Conservatism: for many of us this has been the best and greatest surprise: a man from NYC who supported both major parties financially over the years as a business strategy, and was on the record with many non-conservative views, has turned out to be the most conservative president in our history, to include Reagan.  Specifics to follow. 
  • Trump Record on Life: two conservative judges are seated on the SCOTUS, so the most important actions were taken.  BUT – his record of consistently taking on this issue in the most fearless manner from the debates with infanticidal Hillary through his willingness to show up personally to the March for Life is unprecedented.  In the most poignant moment of all, President Trump invited Robin Schneider and her daughter Ellie, now 2 years old, who was born prematurely after just 21 weeks of gestation at the weight of 14 ounces, to the State of the Union Address as his guests.  This boldly highlighted the obvious point of our medical advances and understanding of when life begins.  
  • Trump Record on Taxes: lowering the business tax from 35% to 21% is the most significant economic policy change for the US since WW2.  We became competitive overnight and attracted new manufacturing sites from foreign companies immediately – many still under construction now.  This, literally, was the ‘magic wand’ that Obama spoke about so dismissively and unimaginatively.  This action, really the only thing Paul Ryan managed to get done before his swampian exit, does not get enough press and discussion.  The other parts of that tax package are relatively minor in impact.  The business tax cut was/is a game changer.  
  • Trump Record on Economics: building on the tax change, Trump is an admitted cheerleader for the US economy.  The tax cut, combined with massive regulatory cuts have driven more stock market records in his first term than ever before; the immediate market rise upon his election was an early indicator.  As with many things, he regularly challenges the Fed on its practices and pushes for actions that help all Americans build their retirement accounts, among other things.  His record on unemployment both before and after the pandemic lockdown is clear: before, he shattered all records for all groups in question; after, he’s insisted on opening back up despite the Stalinist Left’s attempt to keep people out of work.  The V shaped recovery is in process.  Finally, fair trade deals have been enacted with both the retirement & replacement of NAFTA and the first part of a more comprehensive deal with China.  These were done with plenty of criticism form the RINOS in his own party, who hated the tariffs and threats thereof it took to get the deals done.  
  • Trump Record on Handling the China Virus: through the dense MSM Fog, patriots can see the facts and the truth.  Trump cancelled travel to China and was called a racist and Xenophobe by the Left, while Vodka Nancy was giving personal walking tours of China Town in San Fran Cesspool.  Europe and the UK were next.  Mike Pence’s handling of the crisis team was outstanding.  All issues called out by the media were addressed quickly.  Ventilators, PPE, emergency hospital sites, etc.  If not for the northeastern US states, and their inept Leftist leaders, the US infection statistics would be best in the world.  Testing?  No one is talking about it now since we have the best availability in the world.  Operation Warp Speed will deliver vaccines soon.  Trump gave lessons on Federalism to the shrieking  left along the way, and also instructed everyone all over the world on how to partner with industry, and showed what our great American companies are capable of.  Everything else is just conversation.  And as our President has said of the virus itself, “it comes from CHY-NAH”.
  •  Trump Record on Peace: this topic deserves a laundry list and we should begin by noting that this is an area where doom was predicted by the Stalinist Left:
    • Would anyone have predicted that the President would have had 2 in person meetings with the dictator of North Korea, forged a working relationship, actually crossed the border at the DMZ on foot and secured the remains of a number of our fallen soldiers in the Korean War?  Whatever unfinished business remains, his achievements here are undeniable.  
    • Moved our embassy in Israel to Jeruselem after the failed promises of his predecessors
    • Made NATO stronger after calling out our allies for their failed committments for funding
    • Placed missiles back in Poland after a weak Obama administration took them out and has now committed to moving troops there at new bases.
    • As promised in his campaign he eliminated ISIS – they have been removed, disrupted, dispersed, and killed
    • Stopped Iran Deal, sanctioned and weakened Iran, pariah of the middle east
    • Called out China for any number of mis-deeds
    •  Smaller matters like the bombing of Syrian forces and taking out of senior ranking terrorists have set the tone for our adversaries to understand they are not dealing with a weak man
    • Finally – the Israel/UAE peace deal is setting the tone for more to follow.  Winning! 
  • Trump Record on Draining the Swamp: while we can all agree that we have a long way to go, he’s off to a decent start – here’s another laundry list:
    • in his own administration many of the early departures were due to swamp thinking and swamp behaviors – leaks, insubordination, etc – swamp draining had to begin in the White House
    • Many swampian republicans have had their careers ended in one way or another: Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, John Kasich to name a few.  Others like Mitt Romney are pending.  In their place a new generation of leaders that are focused on their constituents is rising.
    • Corrupt military officials are also being exposed, especially at the General Officer level.  Partisan cranks like Stan McChrystal, William McRaven, and Michael Hayden betray their professionalism by their constant sniping at the Commander in Chief.  Swamp dwellers all. I suspect a new generation of leaders is emerging inside the newly energized and modernized military that will outclass all of them, who, when you think about it, never solved the Iraq or Afghan wars and then complained when the president tried different strategies.  
    • The fake collusion story – if it has any benefit at all, has drawn out into the public a multitude of unsavory misfits and bad intentions: the corrupt FBI agents, corrupt intelligence community, slimy election tactics used by the democrats, insanely bad characters like Nadler, Schiff, Maxine Waters, the inept Mueller himself, nitwits like LTC Vindman and the other buffoons that tried to make hay of the Ukrainian teleconference.  Americans can now see for themselves the grotesque collection of minstrels and incompetents in the Swamp.  A second term with Donald Trump will allow for needed and lasting reform that will keep the swamp draining going. 
  • Trump Record on Humor and Entertainment:  Here is just one tweet to get us started:
  • is a low class slob who came to my office looking for consulting work and I had zero interest. Now he picks anti-Trump panels!

    While it is well established that his humor is not for everyone, it has been pointed out by the 53rd Regiment’s Lead Writer before, for many of us, President Trump’s tweets are like presents we awaken to on Christmas morning – but they happen every day!  We will not see another President this entertaining in our lifetimes, if ever.  The President is bigger than life, a billionaire from Queens NY – steeped in everything that was ever great and amazing about NYC – and he brings that to work with him every day.  The tweets, the press conference ass chewing of nitwit reporters, the many classic lines at his rallies.  And the nicknames.  The nicknames. For some of us, who have watched the likes of Dan Rather and Sam Donaldson in our youth, poking at President Reagan and those before him, this president has been amazingly satisfying.  For those that love liberty but hate the rude, brash NYC vibe of POTUS, I say ‘hold your nose and vote for freedom’.  For those Stalinist left, I say plainly, ‘Go home to Mommy and the Wall just got 10 feet taller!’


  • Lightning Round of Other Trump Accomplishments:
    • Space Force – All the Way!
    • Patriotism defended: the flag, the anthem, the military, the troops, Mt Rushmore, our monuments, our parades – all of these vigorously defended and celebrated by an unashamed patriot.
    • Veterans Administration overhauled, bad employees fired
    • Drug Price model disrupted
    • Right to Try legislation
    • NASA told to hurry up and get wins on the board, partnerships accelerated
    • African American outreach and sensible solutions like assisting HBCU’s and Opportunity Zones
    • Fake News called out, defined and identified
    • The wall – 290 miles and counting as of this writing
    • Extreme vetting and banning terrorist states from flying into the US
    • Clear and strong support for law enforcement
    • AG Barr: Bad Ass
    • Kayleigh McEnany & Sarah Huckabee- Sanders; both bad asses
    • Mike Pompeo: outstanding
So fellow Patriots, as we see the Democrat party truly revealing their malevolent intent for the country (well documented on this site), with their minions destroying cities and threatening citizens, our endorsement for President Trump’s second term is LOUD, FORCEFUL and UNEQUIVOCAL!!! 
Join the 53rd Regiment readers and contributors in working for a Trump 2nd Term.  Join us as we watch America get greater and stay greater and lock in our gains in liberty, freedom, patriotism, opportunity and justice.  Vote Trump-Pence and vote red on November 3rd!


The 2020 Democratic Party Platform (Updated)

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH                                                    August 8, 2020

The party masters gave us Biden. Maybe the third time is the charm but Joe needs to stop campaigning and simply stay in the basement if we are to win.  From New York to California the rank and file wanted Bernie, a tried and true Democratic Socialist. Basically, a communist that believes government can do a better job running peoples lives while protecting the planet. Centralize planning and elimination of individual choices in peoples lives can create the new America envisioned by Soros, Obama and the Squad. The Chinese & Venezuelan  five year plans are the gold standard we should emulate. The North Korean model even has its strengths when it comes to in-prisoning people for violating state rules.

Our Democratic Party platform, here are the tenets being finalized by the  Democratic Party leadership and DNC.

  1. The Mask. This is the new America. Even after the plandemic orchestrated by democratic leadership working with the Chinese, the mask will remain central to controlling America. No mask, no limited freedom to leave your house or apartment.
  2. Property Rights. Americans will gradually lose their right to own homes, farms or businesses. We will start with the middle class by taking personally property away from Americans that live in states governed by republicans.
  3. Second Amendment. All guns will be confiscated by the end of 2021. All gun and ammunition makers will issue a televised public apology to America and then they will be jailed.
  4. Living Wage for everyone. $15 in 2020 mandated growing up to $20 by 2040. Mandated .25 cents raise each year.
  5. Green New Deal. Air travel restricted in 2021 by charging a minimum of $2K per flight. Air travel eliminated in 2024. All gas engine cars must be turned into a processing center for disassembling by July 1st 2022. Each car owner will pay $500 fee to meet federal compliance of Car Elimination Act.
  6. 31 Genders Federally Standardization. Otherwise known as the Baskin Robins gender mandate, equal opportunity laws will now require gender compliance with federal set-asides to fast track compliance.
  7. Defund Police. All police departments will be eliminated. We will work with ANTIFA and the Muslim Brotherhood to begin community policing. Jails will be emptied. We will move prisoners to the suburbs so they too can suffer with crime and blight.
  8. Open Borders. Everyone is welcome and Americans will help fund this initiative by paying for public school books for the first time in every county and school district. The federal government will decide the books and prices. Current border fortifications will be removed and the Border Patrol will be converted to a welcoming committee helping new citizens register for social security and other benefits.
  9. Social Monitoring & Scoring (SMS). The FCC will be absorbed in the SMS. The SMS will begin monitoring American communications and scoring each citizen on a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being a fully compliant, progressive thinking citizen that can be trusted. Americans will be assigned the following labels: Progressive Hero 90 – 100; Progressive Worker 80 – 89; Progressive But Too Independent 70-79; Watch List 60 – 69; Republican In Name Only 50 – 59;  Tea Party Conservative 1 – 49. Each citizen will be required to use GeoTrack software so their movements can be traced at all times.
  10. Department of Defense will transition to Internal Defense. The USAF will be eliminated as part of the New Green Deal. The Marine Corps will be eliminated due to their extremism. The Army will be subordinated to state Governors. The Navy will transition to a travel agency for US politicians  needing to be transported to foreign countries for meetings, annual communist gatherings and other social gatherings or vacations for elites.
  11. Voting Rights. Citizenship will be eliminated as a requirement to vote and each citizen will be allowed to vote up to 5 times based on their SMS score. Only citizens with scores of 80 or better will be allowed to vote. Age requirement will be waved. America will transition immediately to a one party state. The Republican Party will be eliminated when Biden is elected.
  12. Reparations. All African Americans will be given one million dollars each in lumpsum payment. It will not be taxed. The white man will be moved out of Arizona and New Mexico and this land will be returned to native Indians.
  13. Marijuana Fairness Act. Marijuana will be legalized across the country.
  14. Medicare For All. Appointments will be rationed along with care by local medical boards. Priority will be assigned based on political connections and need.
  15. Nationalize Media. We will nationalize all media including TV, newspapers and radio. The mainstream media is basically a tool of the Democratic Party today but broadcasts like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity will be eliminated. These three individuals will be prosecuted for crimes against the party.

It is an exciting time to be a Democratic Socialist. Our time has arrived!

Joe Biden may be the weakest candidate we have ever nominated but that is  not relevant. The system is rigged with mail in ballots, socialists controlling the polling stations and democrats counting the vote. We just need Joe to be alive to win in November.

          The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, presents a sneak preview of the Democratic Party 2020 platform.  This is Matthews fourth article written exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section. 


This Flag – I Stand

by Guardian 6                                         Dateline 1 August 2020

This flag crossed the Delaware River Christmas night 1776 with Washington conducting a surprise attack against British forces in Trenton defeating them.

This flag was carried by Union Army forces in the Civil War during numerous battles to preserve America, defeat Confederate forces and end slavery.

This flag was planted on Iwo Jima by six United States Marines raising the U.S. flag atop Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima in the final stages of the Pacific War.

This flag has been carried into space by numerous US Astronauts and planted on the Moon by Neil Armstrong “as one step for man and one huge step for mankind.”

This flag was raised after the attacks of September 11th 2001 that included attacks at the World Trade Center NY, the Pentagon and Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania where a group of American patriots engaged terrorists with one simple command. “Let’s roll,” knowing they would likely die in the attack but preventing the aircraft from hitting the halls of Congress.

This flag has served as a symbol of hope as it does today in Hong Kong; freed countless people around the world persecuted by tyrannical governments; and helped millions of people be free.

This flag has been carried to feed the hungry, free the oppressed and help people when natural disasters have struck.

This flag leads with humility, does not conquer. This flag loves does not hate. This flag  is proudly displayed in houses of worship and respects and loves one true God.

This flag does not run. This flag does not seek a fight. But this flag will not waver. This flag will hold its ground and when necessary, this flag will fight and it will win.

This flag stands for liberty, justice and the American way of life.

The fact that this flag is under assault today by ignorant masses kneeling during the national anthem that includes leftists & democrats; , professional athletes; professional leagues such as MLB, NFL & NBA; ANTIFA; and some US government congressional members does not weaken our flag. It highlights to all  Americans that our greatest threat to the American way of life is ignorance and a lack of appreciation for the blessing of America and the majestic course of liberty our Founding Fathers put this country on. This flag reminds us America is worth fighting for. I stand. I will always stand.


Leftists, Liberals and Democrats: They Ruin Everything

by Blackjack Pershing                    Missouri Territory 

Dateline July 31st, 2020

I’d rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University. – William F. Buckley Jr.

Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. – Barry Goldwater


We have all known spoilers, malcontents, irritating nerds in our lives: in short those who ruin things.  The kid who reminds the teacher to give homework at the end of class, the dope on the team who causes everyone to have to run extra laps.  The little twit who tells on people.  The 2nd grader who cries and screams ‘no fair!’ over trivial things.  Leftists all.  They ruin it for the rest of us.  They are unAmerican because they don’t mind their own business.

The list of things ruined by the left is accelerating at a pace no one ever suspected.  Here is my attempt to capture some of them in order to keep a record.

Baseball: we had hoped they would not surrender, but they did.  Kneelers and worshipers of the communist front organization known as BLM are now part of MLB.  Patriots are walking away.

Football: beginning with Kapernick’s woke baloney after failing as a starting quarterback, their descent into irrelevance continues.  The NFL may not know it but they are finished.

Basketball: the NBA is now wholly owned by China.  Lebron is a hulking nitwit, obedient to his Chinese masters.  A disgrace.  Already less entertaining than college hoops and filled with fatheads, the NBA has started it’s end.

Healthcare: while they only succeeded halfway under Obama, and the question of whether President Trump can fully undo the damage is open, in the meantime their dwarfian Dr Goebbels knows as Fauci has undermined medical professionals across the country with conflicting statements and bad guidance.  The left loves him and manipulates his self importance.

Medicine: a drug of consequence has been made political: HydroxyChloroquine in combination with others, is shown to help slow the progress of the China Virus.  Due to the president recommending it, they make it a boogie man.  A doctor was recently fired for stating her views on Hydroxyxhloroquine on TV.  Leftists ruin everything.

NASCAR: the Jussie Smollett of Nascar had his 15 minutes.  He’s still not winning.  But he made his skidmark.

History: decades of trashing the US Public School system has resulted in a generation that knows little about the exceptional history of the US, and many likely believe we are evil and bad.  The history departments at most liberal arts colleges are equally as flawed and not helping the situation.  Intellectual rigor and discipline are becoming rare.

The Founding Fathers: what happened this past 4th of July?  Insane democrats trashed our history – including the demented DNC Presidential candidate.  None are considered in the context of their time – only by today’s standards.  Leftists are using the MSM to radically trash our founding.  Many are going along with it.

Statues: in their haste to erase history, they damage tributes to our most important historical figures.  Its not Antifa or BLM by the way, it’s the Democrats.  Debates about confederate anything are legitimate – but mobs tearing down anything without permission – that’s criminal.

News Reporting: well documented and on the list.  Its over.  Fox falling away now.  Will patriots have options? We hope.

Higher Education: as the opening quote suggests, most faculties at US Universities have been leftist indoctrinators since the early 1960’s.  They teach the children of those paying for the experience to hate their parents and the United States.

The Catholic Church: a pope who speaks more about global warming than saving souls says it all.  American Bishops too cowardly to condemn the attacks on the statues of St Louis and St Juniperro Serra.  Pathetic.  Just today AOC called St Damien of the Lepers a white supremacist colonizer.  We expect no defense from the cowards we call Bishops.

US Cities: all cities run by democrats for decades are plagued with corruption, poverty, failing schools, failing infrastructure, leftist ideology and lost hope.

Public Schools: well documented train wreck controlled by the teachers unions.  Corrupt, communist, failing, a mess.  A generation is lost to ignorance.

Black Families: starting with the Great Society programs in the 1960’s, Black Families and Black Culture have been undermined by the democrats; the most heinous feature of their intentional mistreatment of the Black Community is the massive damage of the abortion trade.

Initiative: leftists and democrats hate it

Self Sufficiency: flies in the face of everything leftists are trying to accomplish

Free Speech: the left has now cultivated cancel culture with millions of democrat Karens calling employers and screaming about hate and racism to get fellow Americans fired.

Corporate America: in fear of being cancelled and other actions like boycotts, most US Companies, which run with little investor tolerance for sales variances, live in fear of being called out by the left for anything.  So – they cave and issue statements with leftist approved language each time there is a social issue being pushed by the MSM Propagandists.  Some go futher: Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream routinely supports anti-police propaganda and whatever the Woke issue of the day is.  Thanks Unilever.

Men: as the younger generation comes of age we must ask: will what was traditionally called ‘a man’ even exist: by this we mean a male individual with freely formed opinions that exhibits traditionally masculine traits and does related masculine things.  Its up for grabs ladies and gentlemen, because the left knows they must be eliminated for their goals to be realized.

Women: the same as above but different: those lovely creatures who exhibit beauty and femininity, have children, and make most things nicer and better: the left is actively destroying gender roles and wants the nuclear family to disappear.  Women are told to despise men by the leftist prison guards self appointed ascendency – who are always quite repulsive.

Responsibility: they hate that too – they prefer dependent losers who rely on government for all of their needs.  The tent cities on the west coast are emblematic.

Tech Companies: infested with angry self-righteous leftists.  Their skills are one thing, their opinions are another.  Thank God for the Elon Musks and Peter Theils of the world, but there aren’t enough of them.

Hollywood: well documented.  A complete sick disaster from movies, to awards, to blackballing, to pedophiles, to hypocrisy – a long sad list.

The Economy: the question must be asked: is the intentional shut down of our economy, and now the ongoing attempt to keep it shut, a Democrat/China/Soros conspiracy?

Real Racism: it will forever be harder to spot, since the left has now called anyone with a dissenting opinion from theirs a racist.

Truth: out the window with these Trotskyite zealots.  Abe Lincoln and Frederick Douglas now bad?  How did we get here?  Democrats claiming documented and filmed riots are myths.  Clearly demented leaders in roles like Speaker of the House and the Democrat nominee.  Hard to imagine just a few years ago.

Law Enforcement: who saw this coming 6 months ago.  Let’s give the Stalinist Left credit for opportunism and activating their plans for anarchy and chaos so quickly.  This situation should give all of us pause.  We should be considering what has been organized right beneath our noses and how fast it came about.  Something is not right.  Look for the next round of de-urbanisation to happen in the US if this doesn’t stop sometime very soon.

Social Media: admittedly it was already broken, but what was once a ghetto of narcissists posting what they had for lunch, has turned into mostly liberals screaming about their causes and threatening others.  Its a net negative to society to say the least.

Progress on Race: Abolitionists, John Brown, Frederick Douglas, the Civil War, 600,000 dead, Reconstruction, President Grant, The Tuskegee Airmen, Buffalo Soldiers, Integration of the Military, President Eisenhower sending troops to Alabama, the Civil Rights Act, MLK, Affirmative Action, Busing, Integration, Charter Schools – on and on – to the left none of it ever happened.  There has been no progress and they will never talk about any of this.  There is only racism and if you do not agree with them – you are evil and racist.

We are just scratching the surface here folks – we’ll revisit this list every so often to update it with the latest things the left has ruined.  Please leave your thoughts below if I have missed anything.



DNC Letter – Biden Basement Strategy

by: Suspected Leaked Letter from Democratic National Committee 

where: Swamp

Dateline: July 20, 2020 8:25PM 

We got one shot and one shot only, we have to keep Biden in the Basement. VP Biden has many vulnerabilities, chief among them is talking. We need to keep America in masks so we can keep Joe in a mask. At all costs, DO NOT let Joe talk to objective media, albeit not much of that left in America. Fortunately, most of the media is in the tank for Joe, although Catherine Heritage of CBS is a real threat since she can’t be bought like CNN and MSNBC. One American News Network (OANN) is too American so we should be able to shame them for being patriotic, objective and sincere in their work. Their factual reporting will doom them. Lastly, Brit Hume’s strong media credentials and experience must be countered with more believable falsehoods before his audience gets even bigger.

The Chris Wallace Foxnews interview of Trump that aired July 19th is a real threat to the Biden campaign. We can’t have Biden do an interview for one minute with Wallace let alone 60 minutes. Biden gaffs alone will tube us before we even start talking about stringing two sentences together, or his lack of command of the issues. We have our best people in Hollywood working with a specialist to create a Biden Double. We are being told this is a herculean task. It is almost impossible to find a Biden body double that can act coherent, have plugs for hair and casually display that shit eating grin. We have our dimmest in the DNC War Room working with make-up artists, plastic surgeons and even speech therapists. The two attempts to date failed miserably due to our doubles being too smart. Keep hope alive.

We are mandating nap times for Joe. He takes mandated naps at 10AM, 2PM and 6PM. They average 45 minutes so plan 5 minutes media engagements that are highly scripted around these naps. All media engagements must entail a teleprompter with size 60 font, pro-Biden reporters and networks that will allow the DNC to edit the tape before airing. There are no exceptions to the Biden Basement Media Engagement strategy.

The polls are a sham. We are only sampling 20 – 24% of likely GOP voters in all national polls. We are working hard to depress likely Trump voters to keep them home. It didn’t work with Clinton but we believe it will work this time because of COVID-19. Our Democratic Governors are keeping their schools closed, restaurants closed and intentionally tanking their state economies to depress the vote and crush jobs. We are proud of their efforts. Furthermore, our Democratic Mayors are masterfully working with Black Lives Matter  to defund the police; allowing Antifa to destroy statues and city infrastructure; and allowing mobs to destroy peoples livelihoods and employment opportunities. Our one-two punch of intentional malfeasance is working as planned.

While America burns, support for Biden grows as we can continue to blame Trump for our orchestrated rioting, chaos and lies about the COVID-19 threat and America being a racist country. You can thank Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo, deBlasio, Newsom and a host of others with our partners in the MSM. The Biden Basement Strategy is working. America will be a socialist country!



The Democratic Mob

by Guardian 6                                           Dateline 24 June 2020

Tyranny is marching in America. Thought police are on full display. While nearly all Americans have been outraged by the brutal killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, while three other officers appeared to watch, elements of the left have lit the country on fire and shutdown any form of dialogue or discussion. Why?

The Democrats have unleashed such violence and vitriol that  Americans now fear free expression. The rule of law is under assault where innocents have been violently attacked for thinking differently or offering a different opinion. This is part of the Democrats plan, it has actually been happening for decades through PC movements and indoctrination of children in schools and universities. The riots, the statues being destroyed, “autonomous zones”  and mobs attacking people is to help create an atmosphere of chaos as the next attempt to undermine Trump.

After failing to oust Trump through ObamaGate which used national intelligence community resources to target a presidential campaign; the Russian Hoax; the Ukranian Witch Hunt; and even conspiring to shutdown the economy through the WuhanVirus, the Democrats unleashed the worst of the organized mob on America by seizing on the death of a black American by a police officer. While the Trump Administration has offered positive change through an Executive Order and Senator Tim Scott has brought forth a thoughtful bill that includes improved policing and training in his Senate Bill, the old white democratic vanguard of corruption ( Schumer, Pelosi, Durbin and other obstructionists) have once again blocked any form of progress.

Let’s be clear, the Mob is not just downtown in our inner cities, the bigger Mob is in the halls of Congress. The party of slavery,  the party of the Confederacy, the party of Jim Crow laws and the party of segregation, today the democratic party is the Mob. From Sanctuary Cities, to Occupy Wall Street, to Antifa, to elements of BLM and “Autonomous Zones,” their democratic puppet masters sow division and discord. Their enablers are a corrupt main stream media (MSM) that remains unaccountable; corporate America which is scared to say the wrong thing for fear of being canceled; and elites including Hollywood, Universities and General Officers that somehow got woke and lost their oath to the US Constitution. The message? You are either with the Mob or you are a racist that the Mob will destroy.  If you’re lucky the Mob let’s you live another day. If you’re unlucky the Mob will physically attack you for your thoughts, for your white privilege or some other objectionable trait they find fault with.

Intolerance has been redefined. It is the Democratic Mob. While I worry about the Mob in the street the 53rd Regiment worries more about the Democratic Mob in Congress destroying our republic from within.


Covid-19 Virus Tracker

Dateline Daily Tracker by The 53rd Regiment Editorial Board

( @the53rdregiment on Twitter)

27 May 2020. American society remains under “masked” conditions, whether needed or not. COVID-19 is proving not to be much more dangerous than the flu. Democrats in Congress and state governors are now using the WuhanVirus to continue to keep the economy lock downed, destroy voting in person and introducing massive fraud through mailing in ballots. The last three years have been nothing short of power games by democrats to destroy President Trump at all costs, country be damned. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and many others are complete frauds and their actions are destroying the fabric of America. Meanwhile, China positions itself to become the dominant economic power after unleashing the WuhanVirus consistent with the China 2025 Plan. China is also seizing full control of Hong Kong violating the terms of the treaty with Great Britain. A new Cold War is underway, and has been for a while. However, China will be quickly off balance once President Trump makes his move. Watch closely.

16 May 2020. The madness continues. Speaker Pelosi and Democrats passed a $3 trillion dollar bill in the House yesterday under the cover of support to Americans but it is a wish list of leftwing causes and interests. It is dead on arrival when it arrives in the US Senate. $3T, these people are insane bankrupting the next generation of Americans. Meanwhile, democratic governors continue to extend Stay at Home Orders unilaterally (MI, CA, NJ, NY, PA) further tanking the US economy hurting Americans so clueless Biden has a chance vs President Trump (Biden has zero chance BTW). #WuhanVirus cases are subsiding in the US. Overall 1.4M cases in the US with over 85K deaths. However, people with pre-existing conditions are rolled up in these numbers and most of the people that have died are over 70.

3 May 2020. Some states are starting to open back up loosening restrictions on businesses and people getting together, long overdue. The Wuhanvirus has now resulted in over one million Americans infected and over 66K deaths. China continues to lie and attempt deception to the rest of the world. President Trump is stating they will be held accountable. We’ll see but the question remains, why? China has a goal of becoming the dominant world economic power by 2025. Was releasing this virus on the free world part of their strategy?

27 April 2020. This is the only thing that makes sense about the free world putting their economies into a death spiral to saves millions of lives, Chinese #BioWeapon. Worth the read.

23 April 2020. The Wuhan Red Death virus continues to plague the country and the world. There is much more to this epidemic that ultimately will become public. The world and countries do not shutdown for a variant of a flu virus. The truth will set us free. China needs to be held to account and they have demonstrated once again they are not a responsible world actor, quite the contrary. They are communists, is this really surprising? They have been lying and cheating their way to prosperity for decades. President Trump, no more platitudes about your friendship with President Xi. He has proven himself to be a criminal on the world stage. The US has nearly 900K cases of the Wuhanvirus and nearly 48K Americans have died.

18 April 2020. Pressure building to reopen the economy. The COVID-19 Task Force and Trump Administration has developed a phased rollout to get us going again. Some states led by Democratic Governors (MI, VA, MN) are resisting allowing businesses to reopen May 1st. Citizens are getting pissed, rightly so. Meanwhile, it’s been confirmed by the US Intel Community that the Wuhanvirus came from a Chinese Biological Lab in Wuhan, not a “wet market.” Question remains whether release was planned or happened due to poor control measures inside the Lab.

15 April 2020. If you were a sophisticated enemy of the United States and the Western World, a pandemic that destroyed industries, devastated economies and scared citizens to accept authoritarian rule would be a way to initiate combat without ever firing a shot. The pandemic distracts governments and causes them to focus internally while redistributing military force to domestic needs. Is this what China has really orchestrated with the Wuhanvirus? China’s first shot fired is a virus killing innocents, jobs and freedom. Democracy is on the run. China has been positioning for this moment for 30 years. America gave China our factories, our intellectual rigor sharing knowledge & research from our university system and we have been rewarded with spite and a rampant disease. China has crossed the rubicon and America’s strategic moment has arrived.

10 April 2020. It is Good Friday. As a family we attended Holy Thursday mass last night online. America on lockdown continues  to avoid the Chinavirus spreading. Over 427K people in the US have the virus and 14.7K Americans have died. The epicenter continues to be NYC but it does appear to be slowing there. CDC issued a No Sail order to the cruise industry yesterday. Huge parts of the economy have been shuttered. Over 17 million Americans have applied for unemployment checks since this started some 25 days ago. One forecast has unemployment spiking to over 20% before this is over. Schools, professional sports and any event that results in large gatherings continue to be canceled.


3 April 2020. Getting agitated. This house quarantine shit is getting old. We cannot let the American economy be destroyed by China or Democrats who wish ill upon Trump and his administration so they get political advantage. Shame on them making political hay out of this. THIS IS NOT PATRIOTIC, NOT AMERICAN. China needs to be held to account. This biological agent they likely lost control of is supercharged to kill. The Western world needs to wake-up and Europe needs a serious case of balls because they are wimps. Time for America to get back to work and be smart about socializing, working and not spreading the virus. We have never shutdown our lives like this. Let’s get back to work. Let’s publicly call out China. Let’s bring our factories and our jobs back home. This is a strategic moment. Let’s win. Let’s seize the day. Let’s kick some ask and take names. Let’s fight!

1 April 2019. US death toll has now exceeded 4K Americans, over 1K in the last 24 hours. This is sad and unexpected. NYC remains the epicenter but we are not expected to peak until ~Easter Sunday. Country remains in the lockdown mode. Many of us remain suspicious of the origins. This has spread way too fast, way too far and way too quickly for nature. China is lying their ass off. USG likely knows much more but holding back until this bio-like-weapon is arrested. Stay plugged in to the 53rd Regiment. Working sources, problem set now. Do yourself a favor, ignore #MSM, especially CNN and MSNBC, highly corrupted sources of the news. Journalistic integrity below zero.

29 March 2019. Attended virtual mass again today. This time I watched online live. Last week it was a recording. Social distancing and selective self-quarantining is to avoid spreading the virus. NYC continues to be the hardest hit, which makes sense based on population density.  President Trump meeting with corporate CEO to push them on logistics support and manufacturing of masks and respirators. Corporate America is rallying to support the needs of American people in this health crisis.

28 March 2020. Death toll in the US has now exceeded 2K, sadly. New York City and the tri-state area is struggling the most with increased cases, over crowded hospitals and some equipment shortages such as respirators. GM and Ford automotive companies are now partnering with healthcare companies to make respirators, not quick enough based on the need. There are now over 121K cases on the coronavirus in the US and over 650K cases in the world. Social distancing has undoubtedly helped but the virus is still spreading. China is likely under reporting their coronavirus case load and fatalities. Probably 3 – 5 times higher. Keep praying.


24 March 2020. While President Trump guides the nation through this unprecedented crisis, Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Schumer play politics incorporating social engineering, Green New Deal and other anti-democratic socialist initiatives into the Coronavirus Bill designed to provide economic security to Americans and US companies. It is absolutely disgraceful and once again the Democratic party demonstrates they are not fit to lead; no answers, no solutions, just politics.

21 March 2020. First day of spring under semi-self quarantine conditions. Working from home, no gym, limited shopping trips focused on necessities. Today marks day 6 of 15 where it is recommended that people stay inside and avoid groups exceeding 10 people. Mass is also canceled in in most diocese throughout the country. President has authorized the FDA to explore using  chloroquine to treat Covid-19 coronavirus. It has shown some promise in clinical trials. Chloroquine is commonly used to prevent malaria. The Main Stream Media (MSM) continues to fuel anti-Trump hatred creating a false narrative, scaring the American public and using this pandemic to weaken the President’s prospects for re-election. Alternative media sources like the @the53rdregiment are proving to be invaluable in covering the news that matters.

19 March 2020. While Americans are suffering with fear of coronavirus; loss of wages and employment; and savings and college funds being wiped out, the Democrats have established a “war room” to attack President Trump. Far from being a unifying, calm , responsible party,  Zac Petkanas, a former adviser to Hillary Clinton and Sarah Chase, a former research associate for the presidential campaign of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, have joined forces to attack Trump. Patrick Devlin, former Communications Director for Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., will serve as an adviser to the war room to orchestrate fake news. Democrats continue to drive Trump hate and division across the country. Democrats once again lead with division. Democrats =no answers, no solutions, not fit to serve.

18 March 2020. Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way. This is no time for politics and partisanship. We are all Americans, act like it! Get behind President Trump Democrats. Focus on saving American lives and helping Americans who have lost their jobs. Help those in need. Pray. We need spiritual guidance and the Lord’s help.


A New Normal

by Eagle 1

(Perspective from an iGen young American patriot)

America finds itself in arguably one of its more chaotic and troubling time periods since its existence. Recently, the COVID-19 virus is sweeping through the nation and toppling the once strong economy with it, while politicians cannot seem to agree on things as simple as a relief bill to help American citizens. On a grander scale, the past few years have reeked of consistent turmoil that some claim threatens American democracy as we know it. Americans seem to be clashing over things more than ever, while those elected to lead them have acted more like children fighting over a shiny, new action figure. Rather than solving problems, we seem to be insistent on creating more. And there’s a plethora of reasons for that, many which I couldn’t name or think of, which is in itself a problem. As a younger observer of the tire fire that our society has become, I sometimes ask myself, has America always been this way? Have we as a people always been so divided? 

Growing up, I read and heard about the way Americans came together through the tragic events on September 11, 2001. And it has always seemed that for a short time after 9/11, unity prevailed over disunity, compassion prevailed over cruelty, and hope prevailed over despair. Now our country faces another magnificent tragedy, and it seems to be quite the opposite. Divisiveness has swallowed camaraderie, misery has overtaken reassurance, and gloom has crushed exuberance. We the people have gotten in our own way.

The generic hope is that someday, we can return to the “normal.” I pray we never do. What we considered normal just a few months ago was far from it. It was constant fighting, constant criticizing, constant rooting for the failure of others. That is not the “normal” I want to return to. That’s why I hope we, as a country, can use recent circumstances as an opportunity to change the way we conduct ourselves. Let’s create a new, improved “normal.” A normal that cheers for the success of our country rather than party, a normal that applauds bipartisan accomplishments, a normal that doesn’t “cancel” people for a minor mistake they made in their past. A normal that sees people and politicians tie their allegiance to their beliefs rather than their party, a normal that sees people stick together in the best of times and the worst of times despite conflicting beliefs, and a normal that sees people resolve their differences through comprehensive discussion. 

My dad always preached the saying, “the true test of a man’s character is not how he responds when things are going well, but how he responds when things are not going well.” This can be applied to our country and those who inhabit it. After September 2001, we passed that test. Now, we are failing it. 

Let’s seize this opportunity to show that our character is full of perseverance and strength. 



“Economic Intercourse” Come On, Man

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH                                                                May 4, 2020 

Former Vice President Joe Biden is absolutely right, “we need more economic intercourse.” A brilliant insight from our slow footed, confused, Democratic Party leader. Come on man, Joe is right and he  has been in DC for so long, he doesn’t know if he’s in the US Senate, the current VP or the Democratic presidential nominee. His lack of mental agility and confusion is exactly what we need in the White House. Lobbyists, PACs, AOC, George Soros and China will be able to take full advantage of Joe and fulfill our progressive agenda.

Former CIA Director Robert Gates gave this evaluation about Joe Biden,  “Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Clearly this has not scared away informed democratic voters. Quite to the contrary, the average democratic voter is counting on Joe to get everything wrong. My democratic colleagues love dysfunction, chaos and failure. We pride ourselves on being a Doomsday Machine. Look at democratic led states and cities, they’re a mess. Exactly. As democrats we are not offering independence and prosperity, our main offering is dependency. As democrats we offer unemployment, food stamps and low end equality. Attack the rich, remove opportunity and kill prosperity. Joe Biden will deliver killing opportunity and prosperity for all.

Joe Biden hasn’t had an original thought in decades. He has plagiarized Bernie Sanders and AOCs platform, and candidly it is welcomed. The Biden Platform is plagiarized and glorious:

  1. Living Wage for everyone. $15 in 2020 growing up to $20 by 2050.
  2. Green New Deal. Air travel eliminated in 2024. All gas engine cars must be turned into a processing center for disassembling by July 1st 2022 as part of  the Car Elimination Act.
  3. 31 Genders Federally Standardization. Otherwise known as the Baskin Robins gender mandate, equal opportunity laws will now require gender compliance with federal set-asides to fast track more gender confusion.
  4. Open Borders. Everyone is welcome and Americans will pay for illegal aliens  by paying $3K per student for public school.
  5. Social Monitoring & Scoring (SMS). The FCC will be absorbed in the SMS. The SMS will begin monitoring American communications and scoring each citizen on a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being a fully compliant, progressive thinking citizen that can be trusted. Americans will be assigned the following labels: Progressive Hero 90 – 100; Progressive Worker 80 – 89; Progressive But Too Independent 70-79; Watch List 60 – 69; Republican In Name Only 50 – 59;  Deplorable 1 – 49. Each citizen will be required to use GeoTrack software so their movements can be monitored.
  6. Department of Defense will transition to Internal Defense.
  7. Voting Rights. Citizenship will be eliminated as a requirement to vote and each citizen can vote up to ten times.
  8. Reparations. All African Americans will be given one million dollars  in lumpsum payments. It will not be taxed.
  9. Marijuana Fairness Act. Marijuana will be legalized across the country.
  10. 2nd Amendment Revoked. All guns will be turned in to local police stations no later than 1 September 2021. Hunting Rifle Centers will be established so during hunting season, rifles will be permitted in a lottery system for one week permits in duration.
  11. Medicare For All. Appointments will be rationed by local medical boards based on SMS scoring.

It is an exciting time to be a Joe Biden supporter. Our time has arrived!

          The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper. This is Matthews fourth article written exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section. 


Jesus’ Seven Last Words to Us

On the hill at Calvary, from his crucifixion to the moment of his death, Jesus spoke seven different times. These “Seven Last Words,” as they are called, are rich in meaning for us. Here are a few points for meditation on Jesus’ suffering and death as we contemplate the various sufferings we experience in our own lives.

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:24)

Jesus, as he is being crucified, forgives those who rejected him, sentenced him, tortured him and carried out his execution.

Do I love even my enemies and bless my persecutors as Jesus instructed me?

Do I pray that God will forgive those who reject me and hurt me?

Am I able truly to forgive them within my heart?

“Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

Hanging on the cross, one of the thieves crucified with Jesus admits his guilt for his crime and recognizes Jesus’ innocence. He asks Jesus to remember him when he enters his Kingdom. Jesus promises him Paradise.

Do I understand eternal life as the ultimate goal of my earthly life?

Do I know that Christ is the one who shows us the way to eternal life, and so follow him and strive to keep his commandments through the teachings of his Church?

Do I confess my sinfulness in the sacrament of penance, when it is available, so that he might absolve me of my sins? When penance is not available, do I regularly make an Act of Contrition?

“Woman, behold your son … Behold, your mother.” (John 19:26-27)

Seeing his mother and the apostle John at the foot of his cross, Jesus entrusts them to each other. Symbolically, he makes her our Blessed Mother, the mother of the Church.

Do I turn to Mary, the mother of God, in prayer and see her as a model of virtue and obedience to God’s will?

Do I understand that baptism, which makes me a child of God, unites me to all the faithful as one family of God?

Do I strive to be a truly “faithful disciple” as modeled by the apostle John, “the one Jesus loved”?

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matt. 27:46, Mark 15:34)

Jesus, feeling every bit of human pain and suffering, cries out his sense of abandonment.

Have I ever felt abandoned, as though God was absent or not hearing my prayers?

Do I know in my heart, even in these times, that God is indeed with me and sustaining me through my suffering?

As Jesus does on the cross, do I continue to turn to God during these trials of my life?

“I thirst.” (John 19:28)

As his final moments approach, Jesus asks for something to drink.

Jesus’ thirst was another sign of his human need. Do I see Jesus in those around me who suffer hunger, thirst, homeless, sickness or other deprivations?

Do I “hunger and thirst for righteousness,” as Jesus described in the Beatitudes?

Do I perform works of mercy for those who suffer physically or spiritually?

“It is finished.” (John 19:30)

With his earthly mission accomplished, having sacrificed his very self for the sins of humanity, Jesus acknowledges the end is near.

Do I stay focused on my true vocation — as a child of God and in the state of life to which God called me?

Do I practice careful and humble discernment throughout my life so that I stay true to the sacred purpose that God has for my life?

What unfinished business do I have ahead of me that I must accomplish as a faithful disciple of Christ before my time on earth comes to an end?

“Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit!” (Luke 23:46)

With his last breath, Jesus places himself completely in the hands of his loving Father.

Do I keep myself in a state of grace, so that I am always prepared for the possibility of death?

Do I avail myself of the sacraments of the Church and maintain a committed life of daily prayer so that I am ready to meet God?

If I were to die today, right now, am I ready to commend my spirit to the hands of our heavenly Father?

by Knights of Columbus 


Doomsday for the DNC: American Apocalypse

by Blackjack Pershing 

Missouri Territory                      Dateline:    081930 April 2020     

“Men go and come, but earth abides.” – Ecclesiastes 1:4

Our friends the Democrats have moved into a post-apocalyptic behavior pattern that is reminiscent of science fiction.  Like the many species that over-populate and disappear (including humans) in the book Earth Abides, they are past their apex and have begun their descent.  If you prefer another metaphor, they may be more like the zombie cult, ‘The Family’ in the movie Omega Man (see it if you haven’t), fervently anti-technology, nocturnal, sickly, scary and slowly dying: yes – just like the Democrats.  Like the many wicked people at the time of the flood, who mocked Noah, the Pelosis, Schumers, Schiffs, Nadlers and AOC’s of the world are clueless of their approaching end.

The pandemic has now exposed many of the schemes of the leftists, the Stalinists and the Democrats for what they are: illogical and destructive.  Examples:

Open Borders: this debate is over, folks.  Here we have the most stark, vivid demonstration of what open borders get for us.  Disease.  We forget that Ellis Island was actually a screening point to prevent infectious disease from entering the American mainland in previous centuries.  Many were sadly rejected and sent home to protect Americans.  Even the so called ‘educated suburban females’ that allegedly will reject our president due to his mean tweets are now having their eyes opened to what DNC treachery at our southern border delivers.  TRUMP delivers: The Wall.  Less Human Trafficking.  Less Suffering. Less drugs. Logic.


Socialized Medicine: this debate is over.  RE: the pandemic, the proper equipment, ability to respond, ability to manage, ability to command different therapies, ability to cooperate directly with industry – all of this is being revealed as sub-par in the countries with government run health care.  Germany stands along in Europe in terms of managing effective results, although some point to lack of testing inflating its numbers.  Logical Americans will not support downgrading the healthcare system as the DNC demands.  Not with the increasing threat of Bio-terror or Bat Sandwich related viruses.


Green New Deal: now laughable.  All it takes is a sobering moment of danger to help people drop their most ridiculous fantasies and focus on their survival.  Elimination of cars, planes, oil, and all related activities (meaning everything) will now take a rightful back seat to security of the borders, the air, the water, the food supply, the energy supply and our way of life.  If there is a silver lining to the pandemic – it is the elimination of the pipe dreams and crack pipe fantasies of the DNC doperatti.


Men are Women and Women are Men: no one cares about this insanity now.   While we have compassion for those enduring gender confusion, we do not ever endorse biological men crashing female bathrooms or sports.  You’ll remember that this was a favorite topic during the early Dem debates.  Remember that?  A combination of shrill yapping, pompous preaching, abortion worshipping, and yes, gender whatevering.  Insanity.  Sickness.  Given our recent wakeup call including many deaths related to the pandemic, there is little time or patience left in the mind of most reasonable Americans for the fake problems brought to us by the DNC.  We are moving on.


Cities run by Democrats: this 20th century practice is close to finished. The cities run by the democrats are all demonstrating similar issues: lack of solvency, poor services, high crime, cyclical poverty, under investment in poor communities, corrupt city politicians, poor schools, hostility toward charter schools, mushrooming homelessness, undermined police forces, lousy district attorneys,  Simply put, they are all microcosms for the Auto-destruct mode that DNC Leadership installs.  People are waking up.  The #Blexit movement is a sign that things are about to change.  Trump will smartly engage the inner cities as we come out of the pandemic and ask the voters why they have kept voting for people who have destroyed their communities.  Trump and the republicans will lead the rebirth of urban America.


So what else do our friends in the Democrat party have to sell us? Unrestricted abortion and infanticide? Free college? Forgiving college loans? Hollow leaders who practice blackface while calling others racist?  All of these things, manifestations of envy, greed, unchecked lust and overall, our dark side as humans, are going out of fashion as we regroup post pandemic.


The season for the Democrat party, it seems, is just about over.


To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate;
A time of war, and a time of peace.


Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8


Global Strike – Wuhanvirus

by Guardian 6

Dateline:  Bunker Undisclosed Location                      March 14, 2020

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

China has yet to apologize or offer compensation for the virus they have unleashed on the world and their own people. While there is some uncertainty on the origins of this coronavirus strain, it does appear it originates out of a military lab in the city of Wuhan, hence it being referred to as the Wuhanvirus. The question remains open on whether the Chinese were developing this virus as a biological weapon. The Chinese continue to refuse letting global medical experts in to help likely because they have something to hide.

China is now putting out false propaganda blaming the U.S. for the Wuhanvirus while also crediting the leadership of Chinese President Xi Jinping for containing the virus.  Over 80,000 in China are infected, close to 6,000 deaths worldwide and 150 countries are dealing with the Wuhanvirus Global Strike. This has resulted in the World Health Organization declaring a pandemic. The communist government of China puts out propaganda to their citizens while the threat grows worldwide. 

President Trump has taken extraordinary action in the United States declaring a national emergency which allows the federal government to marshal all necessary resources to counter this biological threat to human life. Congress is now working on a spending bill to secure the resources to fight the pandemic. President Trump has shown tremendous leadership organizing the governments response; embracing private sector support; eliminating travel from China and Europe and adjusting the US response to meet specific needs as they are identified. This is unprecedented pandemic that calls for the United States to lead at home and abroad.

In the US and worldwide schools have been closed, businesses are stopping or reducing operations and supply chains have been dramatically disrupted. NBA, NHL, MLB and March Madness have either been suspended, postponed or canceled. Because of the unpredictability of the Wuhanvirus spreading, social distancing protocols have been implemented to arrest the spread. The health sector is ramping up to deal with this crisis.

While the US media attempts to help the democrats politically by relentless attacking President Trump, he’s focused on the task at hand standing up a Task Force and updating Americans daily. Meanwhile, China the source of the virus, is largely being held unaccountable for this global epidemic by the US media and democrats. This is not a time for politics but a time for the country to unite. China see’s division in the US and they are exploiting it, as they have been doing for decades until Trump arrived.

Trump understands China’s long game and how they have been exploiting the US in trade, currency manipulation and stealing our technology. Now Americans and the West have their eyes wide open as China’s irresponsible behavior has devasted the global economy killing vulnerable citizens on every continent. “The supreme art of war is to subdue your enemies without fighting.” Is China foreshadowing their strategy?


Bernie or Mayor Pete -CommuCrats Future is Now

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH                                                       February 17, 2020

Let’s not hide it anymore. Bernie is a communist and Mayor Pete is a socialist. They are the new Democratic Party and we should be proud.  A little rebranding is in order. We are now the CommuCrat Party (CP), combining the best of progressive democrats, Lenin communists and statist socialists.  The 2020 Democratic Party Platform should reflect this and our delegates at the Milwaukee Convention should vote on the name change. No more hidden agenda’s and no more hiding who we really are to the American people. We are CP’s and we are CommuCrats and we are proud.

As Bernie says, healthcare is a “human right.” Birth is not a human right because we need less humans to give the Green New Deal a chance. I propose at age seven healthcare becomes a human right if a child makes it that far. At age seven government single payer healthcare is guaranteed. Between birth and age seven, healthcare is dependent on state resources and children aptitude test scores. We should also consider ending healthcare support beyond the age of 75 except for government officials since they deserve preferential treatment. Mayor Bloomberg is right to propose age limits for healthcare. These CommuCrat ideas should be part of our CP platform.

America will become a sanctuary country once Bernie or Pete is elected. Finally, right? No borders, no skills, no immigrant interviews, no papers, no problem. Bernie or Pete absolutely get this. ICE will be disbanded day one of a Bernie presidency. Thank goodness.

Soccer will become America’s game. It will be mandated. The NFL will be outlawed, Curling will be encouraged as a High School sport replacing hockey and NBA teams will become state owned enterprises. Private ownership will be eliminated in all sectors of the economy.

Billionaires will be outlawed. They will transfer their wealth to the Billionaire Wealth Transfer Czar appointed by the President. Bernie or Pete will decide how best to use this money for personal or public benefit. Elites know best how to spend other peoples money and this is a core principle of the new CommuCrat Party.

We areCommuCrats now; louder, prouder and bolder than Biden’s America. While Biden’s Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine and his son benefiting from him being Vice President is admirable, he’s no Bernie. Joe is a CommuCrat lite at best. His time has passed.

The former Democratic Party is now the new CommuCrat Party and we belong to Bernie & Pete. We are proud CommuCrats!


The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, with an sneak peak at the Democratic Party 2020 platform.  This is Matthews fourth article written exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the 53rd Regiment.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section. This radical wants to Be Heard. He deserves your unfiltered feedback. 
