The East Fishkill, NY UFO Incident

Dateline: New York’s Hudson Valley / Early Summer, 1987
Reported By: “Speakin’ Deacon”

It was a spectacular early summer evening, dry and cool. We had just completed play on the softball fields of Armonk, NY in the shadows of IBM’s World Headquarters, where ourTelephonics Team had managed to lose yet another close game. Affectionately nicknamed
“The One Ton Infield” due to the girth of our 1st & 3 rd Basemen, the team’s custom, was to celebrate wins (and losses) with a cold case of Coors Silver Bullets immediately following each game. After the usual array of our heroic play stories and dirty jokes had run their
course for another week, we packed up our equipment (and our empties) and we headed for home.

My trek home could usually be completed in 45 minutes to one hour depending on traffic. Many of us worked in an around the suburbs of New York City, but because of the prohibitively high cost of living there, we lived further north in Dutchess County, NY nestled in the cozy environs of the Hudson Valley. Life was simple, less congested and less sophisticated in Dutchess County than were the lives of our neighbors to the south in Westchester County. The air that we breathed was clean and fresh and on this night’s trek home, perfectly clear.

As I came upon the intersection of Interstate 84 with the Taconic State Parkway, a set of bright lights just above the Taconic Mountains to the south of me, caught my eye. The odd
thing about this sight was that these lights seemed to be just floating above the mountains. Whatever the object, it was in no apparent rush to get to wherever it was going. I slowed down to keep an eye on the object(s) now that it had captured my attention.

As I proceeded along the southern border of Dutchess County on Interstate 84, I thought about what I was watching and thought about all the possibilities. Could it be several helicopters, small planes perhaps, or something new and different being tested out of
Stewart Air Force Base on the other side of the Hudson River ? Only time would tell, so out of curiosity, I pulled my car off to the shoulder of the Interstate to wait for whatever it was to float over me.

It so happened that the spot where I so fortunately chose to pull over was directly in front of IBM’s East Fishkill Facilities. IBM had been manufacturing microprocessors there for awhile and they had a major presence in that part of Dutchess County. Had I continued
to drive a little further down I-84, I could have pulled on to the shoulder of the highway in front of Downstate Correctional Institute, home to such famous murderers as Robert Chambers, the Preppy Murderer. Had I stopped there and looked across the Interstate, I might have seen the object(s) floating over Mattewan State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, home to such famous misanthropes as Robert Garrow, a serial killer who murdered
4 people that were camping in the Adirondack Mountains. He would escape from Mattewan after feigning paralysis and be found in the woods a short distance from the prison and filled with lead when the police came upon him. Mattewan also hosted Lizzie Halliday, a
serial killer who murdered 4 including one of the nurses at Mattewan. Other notables included Valerie Solanas who attempted to murder Andy Warhol, and George Meteskey, New York City’s “Mad Bomber”.

I waited outside my car just watching the lights. I could see that the object was headed in my general direction floating slowly towards the IBM facility. The lights got larger as it proceeded towards me but I could not tell it there was a single object or 3 objects (as there were 3 lights) until it drifted directly over me. It was then that I realized that this craft was a single craft. The three lights were positioned in a triangular shape on the bottom of the craft. The reason that I can state with certainty that this was a single craft is because though it was a perfectly clear starlit night, one could look straight up
from beneath the craft and not see the stars or anything else through the bottom of the vehicle.

The craft seemed to just pause there for a few minutes with me underneath it seemingly not paying me any attention at all. The craft was perfectly silent. There was no noise being made from any sort of propulsion system. It was truly an amazing thing to witness. I did
not feel any sort of fear just more of a sense of wonder as I pondered what this was. Was this a new American made product that was being tested? After all, Ronaldus Magnus was our President and he had been threatening to develop “Star Wars” technology to bring about the end of the Cold War with the Soviets. Or could it be that I was witnessing something from Deep Space carrying a team of Aliens that Sigourney Weaver’s character “Ripley” should be engaging?

I did not understand at that time what the future could bring. Here we are 33 years later with numerous sightings and various types of UFOs being followed and in some cases being pursued and engaged by the Russians and Chinese with devastating consequences for those pilots. Can it be a coincidental that Donaldus Magnus has prevailed upon Congress for the funds to create Space Force? 


Blexit is Real: A Reflection for Martin Luther King Day

Dateline: January 20, 2020          The Missouri Territory
by Blackjack Pershing

‘You have the ability to choose which way you want to go. You have to believe great things are going to happen in your life. Do everything you can – prepare, pray and achieve – to make it happen.’

—  Ben Carson

It is estimated that between 1820 and 1920 as much as 50% of the population of Ireland emigrated to the United States. To this day one can visit abandoned villages in Ireland, many of them vacated during and after the great potato famine. While today we speak of ‘Brexit’ as the Brits finally get their act together and give themselves breathing room from the continent, we should remember the Irish may have been the first to really depart Europe in a major way. They had enough.

Today, on Martin Luther King Day, let’s reflect on what’s come to be known as ‘Blexit’: the mass exodus of many African Americans from the Democrat party.

The first sign of Blexit: we woke to the election of Donald Trump in November of ’16 to a viral video of Henry Davis, a black Trump supporter from inner city St Louis, laughing joyfully at the Hillary Clinton loss, and the related tears being shed by her devotees. See it here:

We’ve had wonderful black conservative leaders/thinkers/writers from Frederick Douglas through Thomas Sowell. What makes the current era so interesting is the sheer number of every day black citizens that are coming to the conclusion that its time to #WalkAway from the Democrat Plantation. Its a plantation built on grievance and ‘loser-think’ as Scott Adams might say.

African Americans from all walks of life are embracing #Blexit and thinking for themselves.

Kanye West: super star rapper walks off the plantation, grabs a MAGA Hat and doesn’t care what anyone thinks.

Terrence Williams becomes a viral social media star by mocking liberal hypocrisy and lunacy.

Candace Owens brings an amazing scholarly and personal approach to writing and speaking as a pundit. She’s strong as hell and independent.

Actor Isaiah Washington has done what most Hollywood conservatives will not: he has left the democrats behind and is establishing his own brand of conservatism. Men like Isaiah risk their livelihoods for the truth and living a life of principle.

What a time we live in!

In 2016 President Trump challenged the black community with “What have you got to lose?” The MSM in their full voiced insane opposition to Trump dismissed the man as a racist. We now see the lowest black unemployment in history as Trump began the policy of fighting for jobs with smart tax policy and de-regulation. We see his support now picking up in the black community according to most polls. We may see something unprecedented in 2020 as people from all walks of life enter the privacy of the voting booth.

And by the way, who delivered prison reform, an initiative so dear to the black community? President Trump, convincing reluctant republicans to go along with him.

Democrats have destroyed value, cheapened life and wrecked most of our large urban cores in the United States. We all deserve better, but Black Americans in particular deserve much better. Like the Irish of so many decades ago, they have endured enough. Its time to walk away from the mess that the modern democrat party offers to include: excusing blackface, exterminating black babies, creating and cultivating dependency, selling socialism, driving away employers with hostile policies, offering not hope, but hate.

Offering prayers for all of our brothers and sisters in the black communities across the US today, Martin Luther King Day, 2020. Blexit is bringing his dream closer to reality than ever.



Happy Birthday 53rd Regiment

by Guardian 6               12 January 2020

It has been quite the journey as @the53rdregiment celebrates its four year anniversary today.  We never wavered, we have never lost faith with fellow patriots and we will never quit in defending freedom and pushing back hard against the liberal, hate filled mob. The 53rd Regiment stands with America and we stand with President Trump . We are stronger, wiser and more determined then ever to Be Heard!

This would not have been possible without @PershingSoldier’s contributions and backing. He has taken the tough assignments, articulated verbal combat with the best of them and gone deep behind enemy lines.  @PershingSoldier remains undefeated and like President Trump, he does some of his best work in the mudpit. Simply put, he remains fearless in defense of liberty and the American way of life.

Our work is far from over as we approach the 2020 presidential election. The socialist democrats,  Bernie Sander, Elizabeth Warren and AOC are doing their best to turn American into a shithole. The Fake News (CNN, NY Times, MSNBC and Washington Post) among others continue to work against President Trump partnering with the Democratic Party and  the #DeepState. This can not stand. As President Reagan first stated, “America remains that shiny city on the hill.”

The 53rd Regiment has no association fees and no signed agreements. We simply call all Patriots to defend America against the liberal onslaught of insanity. The 53rd Regiment is your forum to Be Heard!

The 53rd Regiment remains vigilant. #TheResistance and the Russians (one in the same), #MSM, Democratic Socialists, Communists, Antifa and other fringe lefty groups, consider this your notice. The 53rd Regiment will Be Heard!

Guardian 6




The FDO Playbook is Dead (Soleimani too!)

by Guardian 6                     Dateline: 6 January 2020

President Trump’s bold decisive action to eliminate the world’s #1 terrorist, General Qasem Soleimani, head of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and architect of Iran’s Middle East strategy was killed January 2nd, 2020, in a precision drone strike on the perimeter of Baghdad International Airport (BIAP), Iraq. Happy New Year America and Happy New Year to all the world’s victims that have suffered due to this ruthless killer. While Iran’s “supreme leader,” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and his band of like minded killers consider a reprisal attack, I would counsel the Ayatollah to think twice and sleep on it for the rest of your time on earth.

I’ll be clear, the FDO Playbook is Dead! President Trump gets it. For the last 50 years the US Diplomatic-Military Complex (DMC) telegraphs every move to stalemate, status quo and to limited gain at best. The DMC Flexible Deterrent Option (FDO) playbook is so old it is better placed in the national archives than the Pentagon. Why do we have endless wars absent victory? How about we institutionalize our doctrine in Joint Publications and then we post these publications online to friend and foe alike. Sound like a good idea? Of course not. Who would do this? Did someone leak these documents because that would be extremely poor operational security (OPSEC). The answer is no leak. The Department of Defense posts all US Joint Publications online for all to see, study and if necessary, counter.

Open the attached hyper link, Joint Publication 5-0, Joint Operational Planning. In this Joint Pub, the US lays out our national security approach to operational planning, strategic guidance, interagency planning and coordination, operational design, and the Pub goes on to elaborate in tremendous detail the US approach to deterrence and warfare. Once in JP 5-0, jump to Appendix E and F, Flexible Deterrent Options & Flexible Response Options. Here is the playbook for all to see. Call me old school and paranoid if you must, but this is not smart!

Back to President Trump taking out the killer that was Soleimani. Trump values American lives and American interests first and foremost. An old, dusty, telegraphed playbook is of no use to him. Iran, Syria, Russia and North Korea among other countries are  counting on it as they exploit the US FDO/FRO process and use it to their advantage. While the US national security apparatus follows their process, bad actors exploit it and Soleimani was counting on it as he brazenly landed at BIAP, approximately 10 miles from the US Embassy, where he mistakenly orchestrated  one too many attacks against the US leading to his demise.

President Trump leads. He’s not looking for an OPSEC compromised playbook that leads to stalemate, leaves real bad actors in place and ultimately increases risks on American troops and US interests. As the dishonest MSM whines and failed Obama officials and policy wonks are trotted out to criticize President Trump, he just simply wins by breaking old paradigms, shredding failed policies and keeping Americans safe. The year is young. Enjoy it America because winning is the new normal while Iran and others have been put on notice.


Impeach 45 vs. MAGA (Updated)

The 53rd Regiment presents a returning guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, with his early endorsement for the next President of the United States, Representative Maxine Waters.  Matthews is an old friend with very different views from the 53rd and its members, but nonetheless,  he too can Be Heard. 

by Matthews Cooper, an update to my July 14th, 2018 article. 

Dateline: December 23, 2019       Dayton, OH

As brilliantly outlined below, Maxine’s vision has been realized. Pelosi incorrectly gets all the credit for impeachment, more white privilege. Did you see Pelosi’s post impeachment press conference? Does anyone even know what the hell she was trying to communicate? Off camera even Joe Scarborough was struggling to explain, and he’s the chief liberal apologist for all the MSM apologist democrats.

Each democratic candidate is struggling to connect with blue state America, all five of the blue states that remain after Trump’s election in 2016. The Trump economy is absolutely an issue to avoid just like Joe’s hair plugs or Hunter Biden’s Barisma oil gig that paid him $50K – $100K monthly. Little Pete cant’t even run the city of South Bend and Liz Warren has been smoking the tribal weed to come up with that price tag of Medicare for all. Bernie, please? Let me know when he is done yelling. CNN nation, what we have hear is a 2020 MAGA wipe out in the making, a KAG landslide unless we get behind Mad Max. Maxine Waters is the leader the Democratic Party needs.

Maxine Waters got us impeachment of President Trump, her first major achievement after nearly 30 years in the House of Representatives.  She had the vision, the moxie and the MSNBC audience (all 92 of them) to get us to this point. We need Mayor Bloomberg’s money to get behind Maxine. This is our only shot! We need bluster, incoherence and a bold debate stage presence uninhibited by facts!  WE NEED Maxine!



Original Article follows:

By Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH           July 14th, 2018

Once again, I appreciate the 53rd Regiment allowing me to represent my opinion and be heard. With tremendous excitement and great joy I proudly endorse the next President of the United States, Representative Maxine Waters! 2020 cannot come soon enough.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters is the unquestionable leader of the Democratic Party and the Resistance Movement. She is the most powerful women in American politics today and she has been calling for President Trump’s impeachment before he was even elected. She is not only fearless but she does not let facts or details interrupt her views, thoughts or public speaking. Serving in her 14th term in the US House of Representatives from California, she has profited handsomely and become a millionaire representing one of the poorest districts in America. Representative Waters has seen opportunity and she has boldly taken it. Her 37 years as a public servant represents an incredibly unremarkable record along with the stale, crony and partisan leadership needed to return the Democratic Party to the White House.

With her bold single agenda platform to “Impeach 45,” a vision for domestic or foreign policy is not needed. The brilliance of “Impeach 45” counters Make America Great Again in the most simplistic way. Her communications will be crisp, on point and easily understood. Waters vs Trump 2020 will come down to I45 vs MAGA. The campaign will not be about the American people or America’s future, but good old fashion revenge to get rid of Trump, the evil outsider who has improved the US economy dramatically, adding $7 trillion in American worth while restoring America’s respect on the world stage through Intervention: Earth. Mad Maxine’s brilliant I45 Campaign strategy will have a much better result than Hillary’s “I’m with Her.”

As Representative Waters has demonstrated, she is combative, strident and unapologetic. After the Deplorables elected Donald Trump in 2016, the time for civility is long gone. America needs a fighter who can counter every Trump move with a simple retort, “Impeach 45.”

Onward, I45!

 Matthews Cooper Biography. Matthews is a former High School newspaper editor and factory worker at the GM Moraine Factory where the Chevrolet Trailblazer & GMC Envoy used to be built in Dayton, OH. He lost his job when GM went bankrupt. Today he works at that same plant where a Chinese manufacture is paying him $10 per hour to make windshields. He has applied to be an editor with CNN and MSNBC and plans to volunteer with the Waters campaign.


Merry Christmas Little Daddy Sherwood

Rocky Mountains, Colorado                          Dateline 16 December 2019


In an old mining town

High in the Rockies

Lives the legend of Little Daddy Sherwood

An old abandoned Snowman, once loved by all


Little Daddy Sherwood, old and forgotten

He’s lost, sad and downtrodden


When the mining town thrived

Little Daddy Sherwood was the talk of the town

Always affable & joyful

His rival Frosty was nothing more than a fraudulent clown


Little Daddy Sherwood, old and forgotten

He’s lost, sad and downtrodden


As the gold dried up

The people started to leave

Little Dady Sherwood was dismayed and confused

In the end LDS  was emotionally bereaved


Little Daddy Sherwood, old and forgotten

He’s lost, sad and downtrodden


No happy ending

LDS is not a Christmas Hallmark movie

Little Daddy Sherwood’s spirit is lonely

As the people believe he’s no longer groovy


Little Daddy Sherwood, old and forgotten

He’s lost, sad and downtrodden


One hundred years since LDS has seen people

Just birds, goats and lots of sheeple

Until he saw Dave on the side of the hill

Little Daddy Sherwood got quite the thrill


Little Daddy Sherwood, old and forgotten

He’s lost, sad and downtrodden


Dave saw LDS and thought What The Phuck

My mind is playing tricks or

It is Little Daddy Sherwood as Grandpa used to say

He’s real, he’s tall and its my lucky day


Little Daddy Sherwood, old and forgotten

He’s lost, sad and downtrodden


Little Daddy Sherwood and Dave are fast Pals

Singing Christmas Carols and drinking hot whiskey

Unlike Frosty, LDS never melts

Its been 100 years and now he’s frisky


Little Daddy Sherwood, old and forgotten

Now he’s found, happy and contented


This is where our Christmas song ends

LDS and Dave are best of friends





Stocking Stuffers for Swamp Dwellers

by Blackjack Pershing

Dateline December 7, 2019       Missouri Territory

Hello 53rd Nation. It’s the time of year again! While we deplorables enjoy our early Christmas gifts from our POTUS, we must start considering a few small items to put in the stockings of the lost souls of the Swamp.

Yes yes yes – we Deplorables have our early Christmas gifts: 3.5% unemployment, a record setting stock market, two solid Supreme Court picks, China being properly managed, NATO deadbeats being pummeled, and soon, AG Barr will bring a gigantic canister of Drano to bust open the nasty clog in the DC drainage ditch.

But – what about gifts for the Swampians? Here are our wonderful stocking stuffers for our favorite swampians:

Nancy Pelosi: for #NervousNancy we are sending a delicious bottle of Extra Strength Prevagen, with a side of fish oil to help with her cognition issues. Oh heck, lets throw in a handle bottle of Grey Goose Vodka.

Adam Schiff: it’s really hard to pick out a gift for a sociopath. We know they are incapable of gratitude, so why bother. But, it is the holiday season. So for little Adam we have a airplane pillow to protect and comfort his teeny tiny neck.

Jerry Nadler: for Nad we have a scooter on loan from Walmart to make his trips down those hallways of the capitol much easier. Gotta be tough on our rotund New Yorker.

Sheila Jackson Lee: for big mouth #EmptyBarrell SJL we have a pair of 1970’s extra large tube socks that we hope she will promptly stuff in her very large pie hole.

Gavin Newsome: for Gavvie we have a hazmat suit he can wear while he goes outside the governor’s mansion to pick up poop and needles. You built that Gavvie. Yes you did.

Michael Bloomberg: newly nicknamed Mini-Mike needs a step ladder, some elevator shoes and a sandwich board he can walk around in that says ‘I’m an important big shot’. You’re welcome Mike.

Bill DeBlasio: Big Bird gets a stinky old green army shirt left behind by his hero Fidel Castro. It smells like cigars and BO.

Mitt Romney: for Mitt we have a wedgie. Mitt obviously will not want a wedgie, but we all know he needs one badly.

Brain Stelter: we have for Brian exactly what he wants: a footlong Ultimate Meatball Marinara sub from Subway.

Chairman Xi: for Mr Big Shot of China we have a lovely gift: a second term for POTUS. Worth waiting for we think.

Bill Kristol and George Will: for these two irrelvant Never Trump yappers we have a prize package of pacifiers, pampers, and extra large bassinets. Sad very large infants.

Whistle blower: or as we like to call him, ‘the blower’, for him we have a visit from AG Barr.


Pete Buttegieg: for pious pompous pipsqueak Pete we have a propeller beanie. Won’t it look great on him?

Sleepy Creepy Swampman Dummy Botox China Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden: Bite Me Joe gets a double order of Nancy’s Prevagen and Fish Oil, plus some denture adhesive.

Fredo: our hero of Very Fake News fame gets a new hat:

Bette Midler, Rosie, Rob Reiner and Michael Moore: these unhinged leftists obviously suffer from high blood sugar due to poor lifestyle choices. For them we have a good old fashioned eight loss device:

DNC: a generous stocking stuffer: a new vehicle for all of your key players:

Finally for Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strozk and Page, something helpful:

If you have a stocking stuffer idea for someone we missed, please list them in the comments section. Merry Christmas to all!



Winning Bigly Index (WBI)

by Guardian 6   

December 6, 2019   1900  hrs

Undisclosed Location

It is the best of economic times. Many Boomers and the remaining Greatest Generation Americans remember the Depression and the Misery Index (MI). The MI combines inflation and unemployment rates. It wasn’t too long ago that President Obama and his fellow entitled elites were telling Americans that manufacturing and many service jobs were not coming back. That a depressed economy was the new normal.

President Carter’s MI was 21.98%, a shocking number combining double digit inflation and unemployment. Today, in the Trump economy, we have a Winning Bigly Index (WBI) where Americans are experiencing remarkable prosperity on every level. Trump simply gets it and he has worked tirelessly to remove government bureaucracy, create incentives for investment (tax cuts) and get the US out of unfair trade deals while holding China and other countries accountable for their unfair trade practices. America is winning again! Let’s look at some numbers:

  • Unemployment rate: 3.5% (54 year low)
  • Average hourly wage increase for Americans: 3.1%
  • Average family weekly wage increase: 2.8%
  • Inflation: 1.76%
  • Job growth November 2019: 266,000 (54K in manufacturing)
  • Overall job creation during President Trump’s 1st Administration:  6.02 million; 482K manufacturing jobs
  • US Crude Oil Production: Up 33.6%

When using the MI formula in the Trump economy, unemployment and inflation equals 5.26%. There is no misery index in the Trump economy just a big beautiful Winning Bigly Index! Mr. Obama, Donald J. Trump built that!

Looks like the roaring 20’s are upon us for Trump’s second term. Much to celebrate in America as Pelosi, Schiff and the Democratic Party candidates focus on impeachment and socialism. As the greatest economic President in our lifetimes stated during his 2019 State of the Union speech, “America will be never be a socialist country!” Lets Keep America Great! #KAG2020




Author: Unknown USMC Officer  

Location: Unknown          

Dateline: 2 December 2019 (Original unknown)

We’re the battling boys of Benghazi,

No fame, no glory, no paparazzi.

Just a fiery death in a blazing hell,

Defending our country we loved so well.

It wasn’t our job, but we answered the call,

Fought to the Consulate and scaled the wall.

We pulled twenty countrymen from the jaws of fate

Led them to safety and stood at the gate.

Just the two of us and foes by the score,

But we stood fast to bar the door.

Three calls for reinforcement, but all were denied,

So we fought and we fought and we fought ’til we died.

We gave our all for our Uncle Sam,

But Barack and Hillary didn’t give a damn .

Just two dead Seals who carried the load

No thanks to us… we were just

” Bumps In The Road “.



Schiff Show

by Matthews Cooper    

Dayton, Ohio                            Dateline November 16th, 2019

We must impeach President Trump, plain and simple. We have no choice if we expect to win the 2020 Presidential Election. As Democrats, Democratic  Socialists and Progressives we must undue the will of Deplorable America. We do not need a crime to impeach Trump. All we need is a false narrative, cooperation from our media friends and our Deep State operatives to perfect the lessons learned from the Russian Collusion Hoax to get it right this time with the Ukrainian Quid Pro Quo. We own the news cycle, we’ve planted key Obama Administration operatives throughout the Intelligence Community and Soros has us well funded.

After Mueller, Congressman Nadler and the Judicial Committee failed us, we are all counting on Congressman Adam Schiff to lead us to the promise land, the formal announcement that President Trump has been impeached. We can smell it, we can see it and we can feel it. Trump baby balloons rising across blue cities in San Francisco, Chicago and LA celebrating a great day in progressive America. The front page of the Washington Post and New York Times with the headline, “Trump Impeached, Leaves White House an Innocent Man.”

Congressman Schiff deserves a medal. When it comes to lying to America without any hint of guilt, he owns the playing field. I am so proud of him as is Nancy, Chuck and our good friends at CNN and MSNBC. Q is no match for Adam, it is Adam who is the Storm. He stares down Deplorables with steely beady bulging eyes and has the mega mind to back it up. When it comes to creating and fabricating new House Rules and turning innocent facts into weapons, Adam Schiff is swinging a 40 ounce bat! The best Nunes & Jordan can do is foul off a couple of his fastballs. I love the way he mistreats that young hissy Congresswoman Stefanik; the Me Too movement doesn’t apply to republican or conservative woman and the media does a great job ignoring his sexist treatment of her.

I am hopeful that we are well on the road to an impeachment party before Christmas. As I wrote about in my March article ( we are  on our way to transforming America into a wasteland of democratic socialism! Give me Bernie, Warren or Mayor Pete! Hell, I’ll even take Biden if I must. Bigger government is the answer to serving the elite Democratic Socialists and taking the power away from the people. Power to us, the Democratic Elites!


Big Dummy Refresh

by Blackjack Pershing                Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri

Dateline: 11 November 2019

You may be aware that in March of this year The 53rd Regiment published its inaugural Big Dummy Awards, to memorialize the major accomplishments in Horse’s Assery from the previous year.

You can find that article here:

Inaugural Big Dummy Awards

Well, in these fast moving times, it seems that an annual Big Dummy recognition just isn’t enough. They just keep emerging like Zombies in Night of the Living Dead. A long relentless stream of Dummies. Mindless hoards.

So we’ve decided another batch of Big Dummy Awards are merited and must be published. So with no further ado, here are your second batch of 2019 #BigDummies:

LTC Vindman: An Officer and a Marshmallow-Man. Soldiers are soldiers. When they attempt to be anything other than a soldier, the risk getting themselves in unfamiliar and dangerous territory. Soldiers are by nature non-political. When soldiers become political operatives, they are betraying their professionalism. It is very simple. This is one LTC that has lots on his mind, but most of it is not about the fighting effectiveness of our military. He’s become a pawn, a useful idiot for the DNC, and obviously a donut fed hack. Sad. A tragic Big Dummy.

Adam Schiff: has intellect, but his actions betray a lack of strategic thought. His choice of a complicated and elaborate hoax to hang an impeachment on is unworkable. Hanging his career on this kind of sleaze? Stupid. Another Big Dummy.

Nancy Pelosi: previous thinking on her was that she was strategic and crafty and would not allow an unprofessional farce to unfold. She folded. For caving in to the worst element of the DNC in hopes of preserving her power, she is, obviously, a Big Dummy.

Anthony Scaramucci: what a sad mess. The massive indignity of this individual is nauseating. Gets a shot at a key administration role, blows it in the most public way, waits a bit, asks for his job back, doesn’t get it due to proven incompetence and then goes on a disloyal tear, right into the open arms of the #FakeNews. It is grotesque. But as if to throw even more slime on the pile of garbage he is, he embraces Mitt Romney as his chosen savior. He is a pathetic, sad, disgraced, sniveling Big Dummy.

George Conway: So. Your wife lands one of the most powerful assignments in politics/government. She is successful and trusted by the President. What do you do? Repeatedly take to Twitter to bad mouth her boss. By any standard, in any circumstance this pantload is an extreme Big Dummy. Seriously. Who does that?

Michael Moore, Rob Reiner, Joy Bejar & Bette Midler: All of them tubby, mouthy, vulgar bottom feeders of the worst order. Has beens? Yes. Overrated? Certainly. Over fed? Obviously. Bitter hacks? Of course. Big Dummies? Very very Bigly.

The UAW: leadership full of thieves puts the members out on strike for dubious purposes as an obvious distraction from the fact that the FBI keeps arresting key officials. The UAW and other US unions haven’t grown up, haven’t modernized and refuse to help those who need it most. Big Dummies.

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC Executives: previously we called out jeff Zucker as the most obvious buffoon of this bunch, but now due to the good work of Project Veritas, we know that bias is the least of their issues; criminal negligence and political targeting are now their mission. Evil? Yes. Possibly illegal? Maybe. Big Dummies All? Absolutely.

Rashida Tlaib: Rashie is the 2nd member of the so called Squad to make this list, following the literally no brainer decision to add in AOC on the first outing. While Ilhan Omar is evil, we are not convinced she’s a dummy. And the 3rd member is elusive – Elvis’s grand niece – what ever her name is. But we have enough data on foul mouthed, low brow Rashie. Always yelling, always angry, always with attitude, this slob is an ungrateful bitter, hostile, HANGRY Big Dummy. Case closed.

Robert DeNiro: how do you ruin a respected career in which most of the public respects your work and you have broad appeal? Share your stupidity. Very simple. Big Dummy Bobby has sown America his shallow vulgarity repeatedly since the election of Donald Trump. Note to all other famous people: this is not how you want to go out. Very very sad.

Gillette: an iconic brand decides to go woke in its advertising by lecturing men about their behavior. Attention marketers: you don’t need an MBA; just don’t be a Big Dummy.

Fredo: perhaps the biggest Big Dummy on a network comprised of Big Dummies. Impressive.

Amy Klobucar: Just a loud mouth slob who ate a salad with a comb and is mean to her staff. Low grade Big Dummy.

Elizabeth Warren: communist and a Big Dummy, because she says she is a capitalist, but is most obviously a communist. And a Big Dummy.

Beto: how’d we miss him the first time out? Holy Smokes. Epic Big Dummy. A skate boarding, arm waving, table hopping, dentist visiting, haircut on internet broadcasting, dirt eating, furry outfit wearing Big Dummy of the highest order.

Eric Swalwell: not quite Beto, but almost. Has any Big Dummy ever had such a high opinion of themselves? High confidence bolted to a low IQ and zero self-awareness always delivers an Epic Big Dummy. That’s you Eric.

Michael Avenatti: bwaaaa hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Big Dummy.

Mitt Romney. Where to begin. He’s alternatively an arse kissing fool, a money begging idiot, a blue state liberal, a losing loser, and most recently we find out he is ‘Pierre Delecto’. While all of that is bad enough, the worst tendency this sad excuse for a republican exhibits is courting favor with the Fake News by regularly bad mouthing our President. Big. Dummy.

The NBA, Steve Kerr, LeBron, et al: did we ever think in our lifetime we would see noteworthy Americans openly support Red China as it cracks down on Hong Kong, all the while bad mouthing patriots that point to oppression? It is surreal. Like paid actors, LeBron and Kerr led the way on this, clearly putting their own wealth before liberty and freedom. They are lower than low. We believe they are low more due to lack of education than maliciousness, so therefore, they are now pronounced, Big Dummies.

Well Patriots, that’s allotta Big Dummies and we haven’t even scratched the surface. Look for another Big Dummy update during the Christmas Holidays – always a good time to reflect. Your own Big Dummy additions are welcome in the comments below.



It’s Time for a Distributed Capital of the United States

By Blackjack Pershing             Missouri Territory

Dateline: November 5th, 2019

“As once, when the armies of the empire were shattered and the strong barbarians poured in upon the soft provincials, so now the fierce weeds pressed in to destroy the pampered nursling’s of man.”
George R. Stewart, Earth Abides

A recent tweet by the 53rd Regiment sparked the idea that it’s time to decentralize the federal government and disperse it throughout the United States.

The above quote from the noted apocalyptic novel Earth Abides, references the ‘pampered nurslings of man’. Is there a better description of denizens of the Beltway than that? Maybe…

Like rats to a dumpster every known form of vermin has now gathered in Washington DC; like the swamp ecosystem that gives it its nickname, DC has its own ecosystem of users, hacks, hangers on, bribers, sycophants, charlatans, and destroyers. Unlike the ticks, fleas, snakes, toads, mosquitos and flies of the real swamp, these vermin do real and lasting damage to our nation.

The 53rd Regiment pointed out recently that even major corporations (not just defense contractors) are moving their HQ’s the DC metro area to get in on the feeding frenzy of special interests and influence building. Even those larger companies who do not have a HQ there, usually have well-staffed teams of lobbyists in the capital.

A distributed model for our federal institutions could be one way to break up the clogged sewer we call Washington DC.

First – what we do NOT mean: this is not a proposal to move the entire capital to the center of the United States. Others have advocated that; we are not. Too expensive, too unrealistic and too dated.

We advocate a gradual move of federal resources throughout the territory of the United States in order to evenly distribute resources, and better keep the population in touch with its institutions.

What stays in DC: the Capitol, the White House, the Pentagon (DOD), the museums and the monuments. Washington DC can remain the historical capital of the nation and the rightful place to memorialize our history. Our elected officials can also live and assemble there.

What can go? Pretty much everything else. Over time. And it would be extremely healthy. Current thinking on the evolution of any large organization is to move toward a distributed model – google Bob Johansen and Leadership Literacies, if you have an interest in the topic. Technology now enables instant communication globally; certainly within the time zones of the United States this is even more attractive.

Think about these possibilities:

· The Department of Homeland Security in the Southwestern US near our largest security issue
· While the Pentagon may stay the Pentagon, US Military assets could be moved throughout the United States. Navy HQ in Hawaii? Philadelphia? Army HQ Ft Bragg, NC? Ft Riley, KS? Air Force HQ one of the coasts? Home of Aviation in Dayton, OH? Future Space Force Command in Cape Canaveral? All Possible – over time. Military deployment and logistical needs should certainly be evaluated.

· Every time a department is to be built, renovated, restructured, etc., it should be moved to another state, systematically and fairly – no one gets too much, and everyone gets some. Much like the electoral college.

· FBI leaves the swamp and goes to crime capital of the US: Chicago; they should be careful once there. Dangerous.

· CIA: leaves the swamp and comes to the heartland, St Louis, MO

· HUD: move it to a well-run city like Charlotte or San Diego learn what works.

· DOJ: great candidate to leave the swamp; send it to the heartland, and in this case make it Jackson, MS

· The VA – a critical agency if ran correctly should move to a much more conscientious town near a large Military Installation; maybe someplace in Kentucky, near Ft’s Knox or Campbell.

· The USDA should naturally be in the farm belt of the nation; upper Midwest feels right.

· The EPA should move to Detroit. Plenty of big messes for them to focus on there. New Jersey a close #2, and we do mean #2, as in #2. Sorry New Jersey.

· Require the congress to rotate its location and meetings through State Capitols several times per year. Make them experience and come to terms with different parts of the United States.

Safety: distributing the federal government assets makes it far more difficult to ‘decapitate’ the United States in a terror attack or even surprise attack from an international competitor. Given the risk level it is surprising that this course of action hasn’t been discussed more openly already.

Readers of the 53rd Regiment: Do you agree? Is this a good way to not only drain, but permanently disrupt the swamp? Weigh in below and be heard!



Russian Agents & the Democratic Party

by Guardian  6        Foxhole Sierra        Dateline 23 October 2019   

While the democrats accused President Donald Trump of colluding with the Russians in his 2016 election campaign and then covering it up, the infamous Mueller investigation found no collusion and no obstruction. This investigation was triggered by the phony dossier created by the Clinton Campaign and then used by the Intelligence Community (IC) and the FBI to justify FISA warrants to surveil on the Trump campaign and Trump Administration. Since these early days the democrats have weaponized the IC, partnered with Mainstream Media (MSM) and leveraged Deep State bureaucratic operatives to attack the Trump presidency. They have been relentless along with their IC, FBI, MSM and Deep States accomplices.

The democrats continue to throw false accusation after false accusation at President Trump, the latest being the false Ukrainian quid pro quo accusation facilitated by an IC “whistleblower,” a registered democrat, coordinated through Representative Adam Schiff’s staff.  The democrats continue to parade attack after attack to undermine America’s trust in our president before the 2020 election.

The Resistance Campaign that democrats proudly tout, was originally founded by the Russians and seeded through their funding on platforms like Facebook & Twitter. It has served to fuel division within America  driven by the democrats thirst for power at any cost, to include undermining American values and the votes of 63 million Americans. The Russian agents undermining America are the Democratic Party, democratic representatives, MSM, the weaponized IC and Deep State bureaucrats. Let’s examine the evidence:

1. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is conducting an impeachment inquiry excluding the Republic Party as active participants while conducting secret hearings disallowing due process for President Trump.

2. Chairman Adam Schiff is conducting the Impeachment Inquiry through the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence so his predetermined outcome can be orchestrated in the cover of darkness excluding due process and Republican Party witnesses.

3. Hours before President Trump released the transcript of his phone call with the Ukranian president, Representative Schiff opened a public hearing on the matter by reading a false transcript of the call that Schiff and his staff fabricated. This was read on live TV to open the hearing intentionally deceiving the American public.

4. The President of CNN, Jeffrey Zucker, orchestrates the days news through a 9 am conference call each day where he advises his news shows and programming to attack Trump 24/7. Objectivity be damned, get Trump.

5. MSNBC has hired Deep State leader/operative John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, to help program their attacks on Trump and his administration. Brennan, likely one of the main architects in the attempted coup de tat of removing President Trump (along with James Comey), helps the Deep State stay on the attack while the democrats and MSM work to undermine Trump’s Administration.

While the democrats and Deep State resistance bad actors relentlessly attack our president, they have fully under estimated President Trump and those who elected him. President Trump fights on his terms, not swamp rules. 63 million Americans have joined forces with President Trump to preserve and defend our constitution and the American way of life. President Trump has America’s back and we have his. #KAG


Americans are under assault …

by their government — House democrats, lawless bureaucrats in the Intelligence Community (IC) and the Main Stream Media (MSM).

by Guardian 6                                         Dateline 1 October 2019

The democratic party’s impeachment craze, Russian collusion witch hunt and now the Ukraine hoax is not about justice, it is about getting rid of Trump at all costs, the rule of law be damned.  Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff are out front leading the charge with The Squad in support creating the frenzy and madness in their caucus. MSM has given these democrats the media platform from sunrise to sunset and well into the darkness. This is not about America or Americans, this is about power, democrats regaining power and the White House at all costs. This is a sophisticated coup d’etat with democrats, the Hillary Clinton campaign, former government IC agency heads like John Brennan and James Clapper; and democratic operatives planted in the White House, IC agencies and willing MSM accomplices. The assault has been underway since Trump became the republican nominee. The democrats have become master of lies, deception and their tyranny is justified in their resistance narrative.

Americans should be deeply troubled and scared at what we are witnessing and enduring. This is not representative government. The democrats really don’t care what the public thinks. They believe they make the rules, set the terms of public debate and shape public sentiment to their thinking. If democrats can create a false narrative, orchestrate government resources to collect on the President and fellow Americans, hold phony hearings and then have the MSM back them up, are we safe?

Americans are under assault. If democrats can do this to the President, we are all at risk. Liberty, justice and the American way of life are being attacked by democrats fueled with MSM support. This is tyranny. It is a time for patriots to stand with our President, to defend our constitution and stand resolute to hold these democrats responsible for what they have inflicted on the American people and President Trump.



Media Bias and Christians: Lacking Shared Experiences

By: Jack Reacher         Dateline: The Swamp 28 September 2019    0757 Hours

Years ago, my boss and I worked on a large project in which a major political news organization was an active partner.  During this collaboration, the stakeholders at this political news organization repeatedly suggested holding conference calls at 10am or 11am on Sundays.  Each time they were surprised when both my boss and I informed them that this time did not work for us because we would be at church services. It certainly seemed to me that no one in their organization had even considered this might be an issue for scheduling.  

This illustrates a larger point about political news coverage.  Nearly everyone is familiar with the fact that most political reporters hold moderate to liberal views.  Jay Carney went directly from being the Washington bureau chief of Time magazine to serving as the director of communications for then Vice President-elect Joe Biden.  The less discussed blind spot for political journalists is that there are far too few prominent political journalists who are also active and practicing Chrisitans.  This leads to coverage that is contemptuous and misleading regarding disputes involving people of faith.  

Karen Pence, the Second Lady, teaches at a Christian school in Northern Virginia.  One way to cover this story would be to applaud her for using her gifts and talents to educate others and get first hand experience at a private Christian school, a type of school that often does not get enough attention in debates about federal educational policy.  Instead, this story was covered in many outlets as her embracing anti-LGBTQ sentiments because the school asks parents and employees to follow moral guidelines based on Christian principles, including a prohibition on homosexual acts.  

Just last week, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos visited several schools as part of her efforts to observe different approaches to providing elementary education.  The Trump administration has been remarkably open to considering all approaches to education. One could report this effort by Secretary DeVos as a thoughtful way for her to gather diverse perspectives in her role as the chief policy advisor on education to the President.  Much of the press coverage about this tour centered on her visit to a Catholic School in Pennsylvania. According to the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, there are over 79,000 students in diocesean elementary schools in the state. This is a sizable group whose experiences are also often overlooked when formulating federal education policies. 

Rather than applaud her efforts to hear from this often forgotten sector of the educational world, the press coverage centered on the anti-transgender policies of this school.  However, this school merely follows the teaching of the Catholic Church and has a dioscesean policy that states,

“where there is a clear biological determination of a person’s sex and subsequent efforts to chemically and/or surgically alter the given biology. This is understood in Catholic moral terms as self-mutilation and therefore immoral. To attempt to make accommodations for such persons would be to cooperate in the immoral action and impose an unacceptable burden on others in the school community.”

One would find a similar policy at almost every Catholic school in the world.  

In the insular, liberal leaning, and secular world of the DC mainstream media, a school placing Christian values at its core instead of the whims of individuals is unthinkable and must indicate that the leadership of the school is biased and prejudiced against minority groups.  The viewpoint that religion often challenges us to subjugate our desires in service of a divine calling has no representation in this corner of the media landscape. 

People poke fun at Christians who assert that they are a persecuted group, but there is no other way to describe a group that a major segment of the media does not understand and holds in contempt. 



