Democrats – Easy to Spot – Trail of Destruction

February 2 2023                     Mountains of Colorado 

Show me an American city with failing infrastructure and I’ll show you  an entrenched democratic party  that has driven the city into the ground  for decades through self enrichment and democratic mayors that pad their pockets.

Show me a broken education system where children can’t read, schools are dilapidated and teachers don’t care  and I’ll show you the Democratic Teachers Union running the show more focused on  themselves than teaching children.

Show me a state that is running big deficits, that has broken the backs of small businesses through tyrannical dictates during the  China Virus period and has a massive homeless problem and I’ll show you a blue state historically governed by democratic governors.

Show me a state with high taxes, where people are moving to the south and west and businesses are relocating out of the state and I’ll show you a democratic led state that has created an anti free market where the economy is imploding.

Show me a city where crime is rising or out of control and there is a defund the police movement, and I’ll show you a broken democratic led city that fails to protect its citizenry and their property.

Show me a community where Antifa and BLM own the streets and I’ll show you a woke democratic broken government where shirking their responsibilities is the norm.

Show me a professional sports league where professional athletes regularly take a knee during the presentation of our great American flag and I’ll show you a piss poor democratic commissioner that caters too haters, losers and selfish ingrates.

Show me a legislature that overspends, treats budgets like a monopoly game and taxes the hell out of their citizens and I’ll show you a democratic clown car filled with incompetents, takers and losers.

Show me a politician that has never had a market economy job and is a millionaire and I’ll show you a democrat that has grifted and profited at the expense of the American taxpayers.

Show me a college professor who teaches their students what to think instead of how to think through critical analysis and reasoning and I’ll show you a woke democratic dope that lacks intellectual curiosity.

Show me a Big Tech CEO that puts policies in place to eliminate free speech and censors people they disagree with and I’ll show you a democratic tyrant intimated by intellectual diversity of thought.

Show me a person that believes there are more than two genders and I’ll show you a democratic science denier that lives outside reality.

Show me a person that truly believes Joe Biden got 81 million votes and I’ll show you a legitimate low information voter with a marginal IQ or a myopic elitist.

Show me a New York Times or Washington Post reader and I’ll show you one of the most leftist lunes that lives in the Atlantic Bubble.

Show me a person that looks down upon the working class or judges people by their appearance and I’ll show you an elitist democrat.

Show me a 4X Vaxed Covid person and I’ll show you a lune wearing a double mask driving down the road in their car alone with a Biden-Harris sticker on it.

Please leave a comment if you have a “show me” correlation as well. Love to hear from you.


Be Heard!


This November Remember …

… what the Democrats did to you the last two years and what they continue to do to you today.

“He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”  Martin Luther King

by Guardian 6                Somewhere Outside the Swamp

Dateline July 27th, 2022

  1. They wrecked the economy
  2.  They made us dependent on foreign sources of oil, natural gas and gasoline doubling prices
  3. They killed the supply chain
  4.  They locked you in your house and built dystopia
  5.  They mandated getting the experimental vaccine regardless of your health condition
  6. They fired you when you declined the vaccine for health or religious purposes
  7. They failed to hold China accountable for COVID-19
  8. They spent billions of taxpayer dollars on COVID tests and masks supplied by China after China enabled the democrats to crash our economy
  9. The stole the 2020 presidential election through mules, fabricated ballots and flipping votes in machines
  10.  They closed schools under educating our children and creating social issues for kids on a broad scale
  11. They put our children in masks for 8 hours a day
  12. They killed small businesses and forced them to close
  13.  They denied alternative medicines to experimental vaccines
  14.  They transferred patients from hospitals to nursing homes causing the massive spread of COVID killing tens of thousands of elderly people
  15. They defunded the police causing massive crime waves in democrat led cities
  16. They allowed BLM and ANTIFA to wreak havoc on American cities killing, rampaging and destroying hundreds of businesses and properties
  17. They corrupted our federal government including FBI, Intelligence Community and Department of Justice
  18.  They opened our borders to massive illegals, drug cartels, human traffickers
  19.  They created a fentanyl crisis killing our adolescents and tens of thousands of men between the ages of 16 – 64
  20. They destroyed the military culture by introducing woke bullshit into the ranks and the new lexicon of diversity, equity and inclusion. War focus is out and destroying the military from within is in creating a recruiting and retention crisis
  21. They created a one sided highly partisan January 6th Committee to get Trump and prevent him from running for president again
  22.  They destroyed the rule of law and created a two-tier justice system where democrats are protected
  23.  They are destroying our history and claiming America is not a good country, let alone exceptional
  24. They tore down statues while claiming justice showing their ignorance
  25. They say America is a racist country and that white rage is the cause of all evil
  26. They support the Great Reset in policy, behind closed doors and lie to America
  27. They attempt to pack the Supreme Court, undermine the Electoral College and eliminate the filibuster
  28. They have destroyed childhood with gender confusion telling society men can have babies and girls can have penises
  29. They have created false pronouns and false genders
  30. They have started wars, introduced food shortages and attacked normalcy and the civil society on a broad scale
  31.  They gaslighted you and canceled you eliminating free speech

This November please remember exactly what the democrats have done to you, your families, your businesses, your community and our country. 


Americans vs Democrats

“… Democrats are not worthy of your vote.” Patriots

by Guardian 6

Dateline May 25, 2022

Democrats want Kindergarten through 3rd grade children to learn about homosexuality and transgenderism so they can be groomed. Americans want children to retain their childhood and learn basic math, reading and writing and for their innocence to be secured.

Democrats want the teachers union and school boards to decide what your children will learn with zero parental input. Americans want parents overseeing their childrens education and deciding what is best for their kids.

Democrats want your children to learn how racists America is, about the 1619 project and Critical Race Theory (CRT). Americans want children to learn about American history, the sacrifices of prior generations  and American exceptionalism. All of it, good and bad.

Democrats want to turn your children into woke little assholes that are brainwashed on what to think. Americans want to teach your children to think, how to reason and use critical analysis in discerning their decisions.

Democrats want their abortions with no limitations through birth and their aborted tissue and organs to be used for their personal benefit. Americans want children protected in the womb, treated with dignity and life in all its stages protected.

Democrats want you in masks and mandated to take the vaccines. Americans want you to use your judgment and make your own decisions about whether the vaccine for COVID is best for your health.

Democrats want you to pay $10 for a gallon of gas, they want to shove the Green New Deal up your ass and they really don’t want your input. Americans want energy independence,  affordable gas and green technologies as their mature and become affordable.

Democrats want woke corporations that drive their politics into corporate culture and eliminate diversity of opinion. Americans want corporations to stay out of politics and to focus on their products and deliver return on investments for shareholders.

Democrats want political officers in every military unit to focus on CRT, trans troops and social welfare. Americans want warfighters, combat ready units and the world’s best military to protect our national security.

Democrats want open borders, illegal immigration and your tax dollars used to pay for their housing, food and schooling. American want secure borders and legal immigration.

Democrats & Joe Biden claim that Antifa is an idea and look the other way as they commit violent crimes against innocents and infrastructure. Americans know Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization filled with soy boys, cowards and disgruntled miscreants paid by dark money and democrats.

Democrats want controlled speech, free speech labeled as intolerant and Twitter controlled by leftists. Americans want controlled speech, media that is unbiased and diversity of opinion to be celebrated as embraced in the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution.

Democrats want Iran to get the bomb. Americans want these maniacs to be prevented from destabilizing the Middle East and world security.

Democrats want the United Nations to tell the United States what it can and cannot do. Americans want the UN to get chucked.

Democrats are no longer Americans. They are demoncrats, un-American and tyrants.


A Time for Governors

By @BlakJakPershing on GETTR and @BlackJackPershing on Truth Social


“We cannot afford all this illegal immigration and everything that comes with it, everything from the crime and to the drugs and the kidnappings and the extortion and the beheadings and the fact that people can’t feel safe in their community. It’s wrong! It’s wrong!”

“I believe the people of Arizona and the people of America are fed up with the federal government. The bottom line is, is that they need to secure our borders. And in regards to Senate Bill 1070, what a disappointment! It hasn’t been divisive; it has united Arizona! It has united America!”

“If the federal government won’t secure the border, the State of Arizona will step in to complement federal efforts in a constitutional manner and protect the security of its citizens.”

― Jan Brewer


Remember Jan?  She became famous for standing up for the AZ border as Obama was actively destroying it.  Jan Brewer is one of the most underrated politicians in the last 30 years.  Of humble beginnings, her lecture to smug Barack on the tarmac in AZ showed her courage and No BS attitude.  Self-made governor vs media created, Harvard fake educated leftist, elitist swamp tool.  She was a lightning rod at the time, painted as a racist for daring to lecture Obama.  She had more balls than most US governors right now.

We are entering an interesting, dangerous time.  It will be a time when republican governors will count more than they ever have.  As the GOP retakes the congress in the fall (assuming they can survive the attempts to steal it), as Biden’s dementia takes further hold of his addled brain, as they try to prop up Kamala as a legitimate replacement, as rule by executive order from the Obama/Rice/Klain/Jarrett cabal takes hold, republican governors will be the last line of defense against tyranny.

Are we ready?

Apparently Ron Desantis is ready.  He sometimes hesitates, but his willingness to go to war with Disney is very encouraging.  Who knew there was special property tax and municipal administration deal going on in Orlando with Disneyland?  What an obnoxious expression of the old liberal term ‘corporate welfare’!  It never should have been in place to begin with.  In addition to provoking a gang of pedophiles, Governor DeSantis is really just implementing classic government reform.  Let Disney move out if they don’t like it.  Florida has enough growth to survive it.  Now Governor DeSantis, how about following up on some of the idle threats you have made about shipping illegals to Delaware?  See below.

Greg Abbott, another man who has seems compromised at times, is moving in the right direction.  Finishing the abandoned border wall project in his state and starting to ship illegal aliens to DC is a great start.  Governor Abbott has a long way to go but he has made a start.  4 buses?  How about 400.  Let the swamp sort it out – your citizens have had enough.

The big question we have to ask now, is where is everyone else?

Many are hiding.

First the template.

Be bold.  Challenge the establishment.  Don’t take crap from anyone.  We talked about Jan Brewer.  Who else has done it?

Scott Walker of Wisconsin.  Just ask the teachers union and state bureaucrats: “The unions say ‘last hired – first fired,’, we say hire and fire based on merit. We want the best and brightest in the classroom.” That is right, Governor.

Ronald Reagan of California: on Berkley rioters:  “All of it began the first time some of you who know better…let young people think that they had the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest”.  Let’s just say Reagan didn’t start it but he ended it.

Andrew Jackson of Tennessee: “When the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.” And he did, regularly.

We now have the most governors, but are they ready and worthy enough to stop the Marxist onslaught ahead of us?

Kay Ivey of Alabama?  I like her.  Tough old gal.  We can count on her.  She stopped giving sh—s a while back.

Brian Kemp of Georgia?  He’ll be gone soon enough.  He is guilty of aiding and abetting election fraud.

Larry Hogan of Maryland.  What a mess.  Liposuction on aisle 6 please.  Sad RINO pant load.

Jim Justice of West Virginia: any man who compares his dog’s ass to the cast of view and holds it up live during a speech – well what can we say – Big Jim is a fan fave.

Mike Dewine of Ohio?  Good for business but what republican isn’t?  Can he be counted on against the leftist hoard?  Don’t know.

Kristi Noem of South Dakota?  She’s hot, yeah.  Does she have latent RINO tendencies?  Maybe…

Glen Youngkin of Virginia: jury is out Glenn.  Don’t screw this up.

Mike Parson of Missouri : they don’t come more laid back than this guy.  Handled COVID the right way, but he’s no Eric Greitens when it comes to fighting RINO BS.

Speaking of, Eric Greiens, during his short reign before being illegally undermined by the St Louis City Attorney, a Soros dinglebery, stopped any further rioting in Ferguson by promising to put it down with state troopers.  They didn’t even try.  They knew not to screw around with the Navy Seal.  Eric – you coulda been a contender.

You get the picture folks.  Our current crop of republican governors is a mixed bag of RINOS with just a few warriors. 

We need to sound off, make them uncomfortable and hold them accountable.

Here is the to do list for any republican governor who has any spine at all:

  • Ship illegal aliens to DC, Delaware, California and New York
  • If on a border state finish the wall and increase enforcement of related immigration laws; enforce federal laws
  • Sue the Federal Government on all bad policy and illegal attempts to usurp state authority – constantly, relentlessly.  Make the courts do their oversight job.
  • Disrupt teachers unions by funding charter schools AND parochial schools
  • Regulate school curriculums; throw out CRT and perverse education; ban these thing forever. Educate, outlaw indoctrination.
  • Cut all taxes
  • Be business friendly above and beyond the standard; steal businesses from blue states and rub it in their face
  • Make any kind of rioting or social unrest so undesirable that no one will attempt it
  • Rehab and re-create your inner cities – help us finish the BLEXIT movement and bring home African Americans to the republican party
  • Finish the job and make abortion the blue state only scourge
  • Attract so many jobs and companies that you can turn down federal money for projects, because you know that ultimately that is their next move – to cut you off.
  • Be loud and push back obnoxiously on all bad ideas from leftists.  Be aggressive.  Go after them publicly.
  • Don’t compromise with the left.  EVER.
  • Make America First your mantra.
  • Look for trade deals with nearby democratic countries
  • Let the Federal government abide by the written constitution.  Lead and manage your state.

What am I missing fellow patriots?





Dead, Diseased, Dying and Dangerous: What Happened to our Most Important Institutions

By @BlackJackPershing on Truth Social, @BlakJakPershing on GETTR

Dateline: 24 March 2022

Veterans of the meat packing industry know the term ‘4D’ quite well: Dead, Diseased, Dying and Disabled.  If you are a pet owner you want to be sure you have a quality pet food that doesn’t include such ingredients.  Likewise, if you are a citizen, you want to be sure any large institution you deal with, government or otherwise, is not ‘4D’.

Well.  Bad news.  Most are 4D already, if not straight up road kill.

Let’s inventory.


As we all know, the FBI is now a political enforcement arm of the DNC and entrenched federal bureaucracy.   All threats to entrenched DC interests, especially those of democrats, are referred to the FBI for persecution.  While not as advanced in their tactics as the Gestapo, the Stasi or KGB, they are working on it.  False Flags, embedded shit disturbers in legal protests (sometimes even partnering with Antifa), setting up unwitting conservatives for prosecution on technicalities, leaking arrest dates and times to favored media outlets – all of this is now part of the day to day activity of the FBI.  We used to try to defend the rank and file agents.  That’s getting harder.


Sad.  Pathetic.  Weak.  Words that describe republican or allegedly conservative leaders of the DOJ.  Criminal.  Subversive.  Seditionist.  Words that the describe the current leadership of the DOJ.  The weasel currently in charge has gone on record against parents in local communities having a say in their children’s education.  The DOJ under Obama was directly involved in the fake Russia hoax.  It will all be revealed.  The DOJ hasn’t upheld the nation’s laws in decades.

Department of Homeland Security

Once meant to be professional in its pursuit of a safe interior of the US, free of terrorist incidents, it is now a wing of the democrat party; an open borders garbage dump.  When the next major domestic terror incident occurs, you can thank so called Secretary Majorkas, the most incompetent cue ball in a government of incompetents.  One must ask what the value of this large collection of agencies is.

General Officer Corps

According to Fox News, Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reportedly told lawmakers during closed-door briefings that if a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine takes place, then Kyiv could fall within 72 hours.

Wrong.  Again.

Incompetence of the GO Corps started in the W Bush administration, when those obviously qualified to win wars were not allowed to win them.

Politicization of the GO Corps started under Obama and continues.  Competence was long ago thrown out, made a brief reappearance under Trump, and is now out again.  Being Woke matters.  Losing and getting people killed?  Doesn’t matter.  Epic failure is now ok.  Think about how many of these political asshat Generals criticized Trump for every question he asked, every initiative he began.  In the end they all were wrong.  Some of their buffoonery is listed in other articles on this site.  Now that they are working for a demented democrat?  No signed letters.  No protests.  No public protests.  Just going along to get along and getting our people killed, our nation humiliated, and our future in serious doubt.  The GO Corps needs a ‘general’ flushing.  Zero won wars in 20 years, and the Afghanistan disaster are their legacy.  Take your stars and shove em, fellas.


Fauci.  He represents the enormity of the problem.

US Media Complex

Headquarters of the daily clown show, run by vicious partisans that knowingly panic and manipulate the public.  Over time they grow more bold.  Low ratings don’t stop them.  They intermarry with politicians.  They mix careers with political operatives.  There is zero ethical control.  Conflicts of interest are normal.  Lying is an art form.  Disruptors are growing.  Not fast enough.  Lazy viewers tolerate what they know to be lazy, poorly produced, anti-intellectual garbage.

Public Corporations

Weak.  Scared.  Buffoonish.  Poorly educated.  Unaware.  Unthoughtful.  Reactive.  Juvenile.  Short term.  Idiotic.  Some of the words that describe the kind of leaders that mandate critical race theory training to employees, give money to corrupt pseudo-communist gangsters like BLM, fight state governments like Florida, which is trying to keep filth out of schools, and so on.  All because a loud hyper vocal minority threaten to cancel them if they do not do what they want.  We are way past the days of dignified corporate titans trying to do what is best for their employees and stake holders.  We have some, but the lion’s share of attention is given to the idiots.


We all know China has threaded itself through all of our institutions.  Chinese money and corrupt influence exists in all of them.  We all know.


As noted on these pages before, an aggressive de-centralization of the Washington DC apparatus is urgently needed.  Disperse all federal assets among the 50 states.  Institute radical ethical reform of all agencies.  Disband some agencies.  Fire all the officers above 2 star General in the military.  Trump knows he must do this.  He cannot talk about it publicly.  But its coming.

Much more to discuss on this topic, fellow patriots.  I’ve listed the big targets.  There are many more.  What will we do?



We All Know

by 53rd Editorial Board            November 15, 2021

We all know Trump won the 2020 election. It was not even close.

We all know the Democratic Party cheated in Milwaukee, Atlanta, Detroit, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Philadelphia. We all went to bed that night with President Trump having insurmountable leads in Wisconsin, Georgia,  Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. Somehow, without merit and breaking media norms and precedent Foxnews and the fraud Chris Wallace called Arizona early for Biden.

We all know that the DNC and democrats are using mail in ballots and extended voting windows to cheat.

We all know in certain democratic controlled areas dominion voting machine are connected to the internet.

We all know BigTech colluded with the Democratic Party to push favorable Biden news reports and censored Trump on all their platforms only reporting negative news.

We all know the fake news frauds at Fox, MSNBC, CNN and the rest of them colluded to cover up “the laptop from hell” and Hunter Biden’s criminal dealings with China, Russia and hookers among other questionable behaviors.

We all know the Big Guy is Joe Biden and he received 10% kickbacks from Hunter leveraging his positions of government authority for financial gain.

We all know Joe is shot!

We all know Hunter is not an artist.

We all know that the Main Stream Media (#MSM) is very fake and littered with leftists, socialists and statists.

We all know that the #letsgobrandon movement is not only national but it is now an international movement. And we all know what #LGB really stands for. #FJB

We all know that Build Back Better is BS and all about making America a socialist country.

We all know that whatever is woke turns to shit!

We all know that America never leaves its citizens and Allies behind like  Biden did in Afghanistan.

We all know that the Green New Deal is all garbage and about confiscating wealth from America’s middle class to control us.

We all know that the COVID19 mandates are anti-American and about taking away our rights.

We all know that Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schumer are tyrants and they do not care about what the people think.

We all know that the Democratic Party is compromised of socialists, incompetents and people that no longer believe in the promise of America.

We all know that the Democratic Party uses race to divide us, as a wedge issue and to keep the poor dependent on government programs.

We all know that the Democratic Party and Joe Biden cannot be trusted with our children.

There are many other things we all know. Please share your thoughts of what you know in the comments section below.

Be Heard America! 


Biden Administration Guiding Principle: Abandonment

by Guardian 6

Dateline: 13 September 2021      Colorado

Afghanistan spotlighted the guiding principle of the Biden Administration, abandonment. While the Obama Administration “led from behind” as their guide, Joe Biden reached for a new lower standard and achieved it. Joe is not inhibited by the core  American principle that we never leave our citizens behind and that we do not negotiate with terrorists. Nor did Joe care that we left nearly $100B of military equipment, sensitive items and a military database for the Taliban so they could track all Afghans that worked with America to kill them. Abandonment is about Joe Biden being celebrated for surrendering Afghanistan at any cost. A date certain pullout (August 31st) and a time table surrounded by chaos told our enemies all they needed to know to trap American citizens and Allies, seize US equipment and facilities and secure assistance from China, Iran and Russia.  Abandonment worked just like Joe wanted it and very much pleased his masters in China while pissing off Americans.

Thirteen brave Americans killed and over 160 Afghan civilians killed. A drone strike authorized by Biden killed ten more innocent Afghans including children. Appeasement has a price. Joe knew that implementing abandonment would not be easy. In Joe’s mind, he never promised that there wouldn’t be casualties with his policy of abandonment. Quite the opposite, Joe expected it. As he told us repeatedly in a couple national addresses and interviews, “the Afghanistan withdrawal is a complete success.” While facts and eyesight suggest otherwise, doublespeak by administration officials such as Jen Psaki and John Kirby paint a false picture happily promulgated by many compromised news networks such as CNN, MSNBC, Foxnews, ABC, CBS and many other compromised print news outlets such as the NY Times and Washington Post. Biden’s policy of abandonment has many allies in mainstream media.

While Afghanistan has garnered the most attention of the Biden abandonment guiding principle as it relates to US policy, Biden has many more “successes.” Biden is very proud of the crisis he has created along the southern border and the fact that he has allowed over 1.5 million illegal aliens to enter the US since he took office. Future Democratic Voters, or FDVs, are being planted like trees in red states with the additional “benefit” of spreading COVID-19. Besides the long game of changing the ethnic make-up of America, the Chinavirus spread supports Joe’s federal mandates helping democrats continue to control the population while demonizing GOP governors.

Abandonment of the Keystone pipeline and America’s energy independence is another Joe success story. While Americans are reeling from a dramatic increase in fuel prices and a renewed policy of energy dependence from the Middle East, Joe Biden approves the Nord Stream pipeline going from Russia to Germany. Make sense? It does to Joe. Strategic incoherence to weaken America and broaden our dependency while empowering our enemies is what Joe believes in. Abandonment first and foremost, reason and American interests take a back seat.

Inflation, critical race theory, woke generals, mandatory vaccinations, doublespeak, massive debt financing, legislation to finance democratic interests, nationalizing local elections to bake in corruption, and abandoning the rule of law. This is America under Biden. Complete abandonment of truth, justice and the American way.


Antifa Academy – Apply Now

by Soy Boy            Portland, Oregon

Antifa’s Proud Motto: We are the Bowel Movement of Movements

Dateline August 14th, 2021

If you are a Soy Boy like me, a soft little bitch who can’t handle even the slightest amount of pressure, and will get “triggered” by almost anything, you are an ideal candidate for the Antifa Academy. If you are transgender, we want you. If you dropped out of high school, are unemployed, live in Mommy’s basement, have poor hygiene, hate America or have a heroin addiction, the Antifa Academy can bring more purposelessness to your life. We won’t judge you, we’ll just train you to be stooges for leftwing, progressive, democratic causes to destroy America.

The beauty of Antifa is we are an oxymoron organization. We call ourselves anti-fascists but we are modern day brownshirts. We actually model our tactics off of Nazi and communist regimes. We are as bigoted as they come. Our essence is hate. We hate America. We hate democracy. We hate law and order. We hate the police. We hate white people and even if we are white, we hate our own whiteness. We are a highly decentralized group of miscreants that have no real prospects in life. We have no future and we know it. Many of us are bedwetters and need adult diapers. We have bad teeth and we are not even British. We smell and we do not bathe.

We know Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are losers too and we don’t like them. However, we helped put them in office through chaos and destruction of America’s cities because their handlers paid us. They look like us. They are incompetents like us and not very bright. We know Joe Biden is not in charge and that Obama and Soros are calling the shots. We are part of Obama’s plan to “fundamentally transform America” into a shithole where there are only elites, enforcers and lower class people. Our main goal is to do our part in Obama’s transformation of America and bring destruction of the American dream and the middle class. Obama implemented the vision in 2008 with his election and Soros is funding all of the hate and fake news. CNN and MSNBC are our news networks. We even like Chris Wallace of Foxnews because he’s a shill for the left.

By now we likely have your attention.  If you are a strong Andytifa or Angelatifa candidate, you must be getting chills thinking about joining our ranks. Our good friend Steve Inman has chronicled our many success stories. I invite you to watch them here. If you represent the true repugnant, dower spirit of #Antifa, you’ll be so inspired after watching Steve’s video’s that you’ll want to do your part in destroying America and defunding the police.

How to apply to Antifa Academy?

  1. Apply for a Direct Appointment from a Squad member. Write: Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    216 Cannon HOB

    Washington, DC 20515.    or


  2. Apply directly for an at-large appointment to I’m a POS.

We are currently recruiting new members in preparation for the fall 2022 elections. The Antifa Academy Class of 2022 will begin in October 2021 and graduate in May 2022. If you are unfortunate enough to be selected some suggested readings include Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky, Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, Dreams of My Father by Barack Obama and American Crisis by Andrew Cuomo. While these books are written at a elementary level and not very good, they’ll give you an appreciation for tyranny.

Lastly, a few tips for your application on what we look for:

  1. Mommy issues
  2. History of problems with law enforcement, arrest record
  3. High School drop outs preferred
  4. At least 20 of 32 teeth
  5. An appreciation for living in squalor

Candidates, good luck!


What is President Obama’s Greatest Legacy Achievement?

Joe Biden! ObamaCare, Shovel Ready Projects or losing an embassy and an ambassador in Libya might be Obama’s greatest legacy. It  isn’t even close. Others argue allowing the Russians to take the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine, or creating ISIS from his premature withdrawal from Iraq or maybe even the dearth of an American economic revival during his eight year tenure as President. But we know Obama’s greatest legacy achievement has to be the puppetry involved in getting Joe Biden “elected” president.  What other magician could pull this off? A close second is the division Obama created across America that has only grown empowering leftists and progressives on a grand scale but in the end you must credit Obama for the Biden presidency. Simply a feat no other mortal could have achieved.

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH                                                   July 7, 2021

Who else but Obama could have pulled Biden out of the failed politician dustbin of life and not only run him for president, but gotten him elected as a dysfunctional sputtering slow witted stooge that has been more wrong than right. Fifty years of failure serving himself and his extended family, a model for kleptocracy perfected, the Joe Biden charade is on full display each day. Candidly, even us progressives are amazed that Obama pulled this off. I mean what a gift to late night comedy shows if they weren’t so biased and compromised by leftists. One admission about leftists and progressives, we are pretty much joyless and lack a sense of humor. However, when it comes to Joe Biden as president, even we are laughing our assess off that he was “elected.”

With each passing day Obama works to credit Congressman Clyburn for getting Biden elected. While Clyburn was instrumental in southern democratic primaries, it was Obama who got Joe’s primary opponents to fold to block Bernie from being the democrats candidate. Old democratic politics, payoffs and threats won the day to push Lunch Bucket Joe forward. Candidly, it is understandable that Obama doesn’t want the credit getting Biden elected after watching his daily performance, but it is all Barack’s.

Consider the Biden Basement Strategy of sticking Joe in his basement for his campaign, minimizing media engagements, and his staff writing scripts at a 6th grade level to reduce mistakes by this gaff machine. None of us really expected Joe to win but Obama and the Democratic Machine fully leveraged Big Tech to censorship, Facebook and Soros to fund and Unions to hire their workers to manipulate ballots and harvest votes. The ultimate fraud employed by the Deep State was manipulation of the vote count by Dominion Machine operators and former members of Pelosi’s staff employed by Dominion. Something to be said about strategic placement of democratic operatives.

Lastly we’d like to thank our Big Media friends over at Foxnews, CNN, MSNBC, and many others from our network blocking the truth and spreading Obama’s Big Lie that Joe Biden is president and he won the election fairly. Come on man, does anyone believe Joe Biden received 81 million votes, 12 million more than Obama’s 69 million votes in 2008? Obama’s legacy, he pulled off the Big Lie getting Joe Biden into office as president, whether elected fairly or not. Obama, the puppet master of all manipulators. Bravo Barack!


 The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, crediting President Obama for the election of Joe Biden.  This is Matthews fifth article written exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the editorial board of the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section below.



by Guardian 6

Dateline 20 April 21            Wetlands

Fauci’s disciples appear to be everywhere.  Maskholes are in your neighborhood. They’re in your work environments. You see them on MSM reporting from the Whitehouse, or virtue signaling on the local news. You saw them on the sidelines in March Madness (nobody watches the NBA) or you see them in the dugout at baseball games.

What is a maskhole? A maskhole is a true believer in wearing the mask 24/7 to fight the ChinaVirus even though it provides zero benefit. Many of them even wear the mask in their sleep.

How do you know a maskhole when you see one?

  • A single walker in your neighborhood wearing a mask definitely a maskhole
  • Bike riders wearing a mask, maskhole
  • Hiker wearing a mask, maskhole
  • A politician in front of a camera giving an interview wearing a mask, professional maskhole
  • The person at the other end of your Teams or Zoom call wearing a mask, virtual maskhole
  • The gardener wearing a mask, green maskhole
  • The guy walking their kid to school wearing a mask, dummy maskhole
  • The couple in the bleacher seats at a ballpark sitting by themselves wearing masks, maskholes
  • The weatherman wearing a mask, maskhole
  • The lone driver in their car you see at the light wearing a mask, professional loser maskhole
  • The Karen that goes off on the non-mask wearer at the local store, a despised maskhole
  • The teacher that uses the ChinaVirus to avoid going back to the classroom, maskhole that should be fired
  • The clown that puts a sign in their yard that reads, “wear a mask.” Maskhole
  • The blue state governors that have destroyed local businesses with draconian dictates, tyrannical maskholes

There are many, many more types of maskholes. You’ve met them  simply living your life. Leave a comment telling your maskhole story. Let it rip. Be free.





Activism is the New Nose Picking

By Blackjack Pershing: @PershingSoldier on Parler; @BlackJackPershing on Gab; @PershingSoldier on Clouthub


“I’m just a no-good, scum sucking, nose picking, boot licking, sniveling, groveling, worthless hunk of slime.”

— Al Yankovic


I disagree with Weird Al – he provided us many big laughs over the years.  But there is a new group of nincompoops with an equally disgusting habit that I’d like to discuss with you today: Activists


You’ve seen them introduced on news programs ‘Writer and Activist’; ‘Producer and Activist’; Entertainer and Activist’; oh – here’s a good one – ‘Rapper and Activist’.  Substitute nose picker for the word activist in those titles and I’ll have more respect for you.  At least you’d know what you were doing.


In today’s world, what does being an ‘Activist’ mean?  Here are a few things that claiming to be an ‘Activist’ will guarantee:

  • You are annoying
  • You are a nuisance
  • You are a killjoy
  • You ruin otherwise good times
  • You won’t STFU
  • You are the one that farts in elevators
  • Your issue is unimportant to those around you
  • You likely have poor personal hygiene
  • You embarrass yourself routinely
  • You are pompous
  • You are likely a narcissist
  • You have halitosis
  • You have zero self-awareness
  • The only ‘active’ things you really do involve getting off the couch during commercials to use the can and raid the fridge again.
  • You can go two knuckles deep in pursuit of that booger.
  • You’re a communist that applies the Marxism to others, but never yourself.
  • You have few if any friends and resort to using social media to create your fake world
  • You are lacking in skills and capabilities, and have decided that calling yourself an Activist is a great diversionary tactic
  • You are a loser, losing loserly on the way to Loserville in a Losermobile


How about the clowns that have that word ACTIVIST in their social media profiles.  One positive thing about this is it’s good way to avoid morons.  Like a leper yelling ‘Unclean!’ from a distance 2000 years ago, ACTIVIST on a Linkedin profile screams ‘I am a huge doofus!!!’  Thanks for the tip, Bonehead, I’ll move on.  These yutz’s also frequently have their preferred pronouns posted next to their name: he/him, she/her.  How ‘bout we just go with the gender neutral ‘Big Dummy’or maybe ‘Buffoon’ is more to your liking?


Even worse are the ACTIVISTS in media, portraying themselves as legitimate journalists – when they really are leftist activists spewing talking points and propaganda that would make Pravda editors blush.  Stelter.  Cooper.  Tapper.  Cuomo.  Holt.  Todd.  Stephanopoulos.  Sharpton.  Lemon.  Maddow.  Mika & Schmoe.  You know them.  No talent ACTIVISTS.  Nosepickers ALL!  They’d never be welcome at any social event where normal people assemble.  Most of their parents will not let them come over either.  The great Spiro Agnew called them ‘nattering nabobs of negativity.  He knew.


Activist Athletes may be the worst.  Colin Kaepernick and Lebron James perhaps the Apex of nose picking absurdity.  One became an activist after being benched, the other clearly owned by China.


Like nose pickers, Activists seem to be everywhere.  Unlike many nose pickers, activists don’t try to hide what they do.  The are disgusting and improper in plain sight.  Let’s all shun them and call them out for the disgraceful POS’s they really are and get them a damn Kleenex.  Gross!




