By Pershing Soldier 17 January 2021
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe.
Albert Einstein
Note to readers: 2020 revealed so many dummies, that your favorite dummy may not be included here. We invite you to list any missing dummies in the comments section below. Also note: not all democrats are dummies, but most of those who vote for them are in fact, Big Dummies.
Its that time, fellow patriots, when we sit down and discern the epic failures, hilariously inept and true buffoons amongst us. 2020 provided an eruption of Big Dummies that is historic. Let’s get to work.
These will be in no particular order as the dummies themselves are in no particular order.
Bret ‘Buffet Table’ Baier, Martha ‘McStupid’ MacCallum and Chris Wallace are our headliners. These three as well as many other enablers have destroyed Fox News. There has not been a more spectacular epic fail in television than the Fox News election night implosion. It will never be matched. A wicked combination of hubris, isolation and yes, stupidity, resulted in a near 20 year streak of #1 ratings dropping to a distant #3 over night. And no one has been terminated. Wow. Just. Wow. Congrats Newsmax and OAN – don’t screw this up. Big Dummy parade at Fox News, especially in the board room.
While we are on cable news, special mention for previous Big Dummy awardee Jeff Zucker at CNN for allowing Project Veritas to invade their daily conference calls, and confirm to the planet that they are the PR wing of the DNC. Big Dummy!!
Is there such a thing as an effective Big Dummy? Maybe, Human dirigible and Waffle House terrorist Stacey Abrams managed to pull off a second round of election fraud in Georgia with everyone watching. Historically conservative GA elected two communists with her leadership, a person claiming to be the legitimate governor of the same state for the last 4 years wile not in office. Stacey is seemingly, an effective Big Dummy. She is however, aided by two ineffective Big Dummies, Governor (real one) Brian Kemp, and Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger. Both are insanely inept and possibly corrupt.
He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more.
― P.G. Wodehouse
While we are on governors, loud mouth commie Andrew Cuomo of NY must be singled out as the Big Dummy he is. Nursing home deaths, arrogance, leftist policies and an emptying state define this buffoon. All problems are blamed on others, enabled by a sycophant press that lets him beat on them. See @realtina40 for the best analysis on #CCC Governor Cuomo. When you ask yourself how an unpleasant asshat like Cuomo can be elected, the answer is simple: leftist democrats aka Big Dummies.
RE: BLM and Antifa – we just offer this quote from George Carlin. That’s all they get and the deserve much less:
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
Knocking Bill DeBlasio aka Warren Wilhelm to the side, temporarily, for Biggest Dummy of all Mayors is Ted Wheeler of Portland, who enabled Antifa/BLM and is also hated by them. He’s also admitted the shambles his city is in is his fault. Wow. But then right there with him is Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, who you may remember referred to the cesspool known as the CHOP as a ‘summer of love’. Maybe, if love includes raw sewage, destruction of private property and rampant theft. Big Dummy!
In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.
Napoleon Bonapart
There are so many examples of really dumb DNC products roaming around, but lets pick a few of the legends:
Eric Swalwell: notorious on-air farter, inept presidential candidate and now we learn, colluder with the CCP through his paramour, Fang Fang. Huge Big Dummy and we grant him Big Dummy Hall of Fame status this year. (incidentally, the current members of the Big Dummy Hall of Fame are Joe Biden, Al Gore and Paul Krugman, so Swalwell joins some lofty company)
Kamala Harris: a dope unliked by even democrats. Lies about most subjects continuously. Sad.
Emanuel Cleaver: the Missouri congressman is the one who said ‘Amen and Awoman’ at the end of his opening prayer in the house chamber. He joins legendary Big Dummy Rep Hank Johnson who infamously worried about the island of Guam capsizing due to overpopulation while questioning an Admiral during a committee meeting. You can’t make this kind of Big Dummy behavior up.
Kim Gardener, the City Attorney of St Louis, must get a mention here for harassing the McCloskeys after they protected their property with their guns. You may not know that just this past December a circuit judge removed Gardener and her entire team from the case because she used it for campaign fundraising. The fact that this slob, and yes, Big Dummy, holds the position she does, is a bad sign for the nation. Another Soros backed disaster.
Irony is wasted on the stupid
― Oscar Wilde
Indeed Mr Wilde, indeed. And there is a group of pinheads that don’t see that the very free internet that made their fortunes possible now allows them to practice tyranny, which will eventually put them out of business. Fascinating and stupid. So, sociopaths Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg, bald dic pic king Jeff Bezos, technoboob Sundar Pichai of Google and sniveling coward Tim Cooke of Apple have all made the Big Dummy list simultaneously. They are admittedly smart, but they are also stupid, and do not know history. They are also fairly destructive toward their businesses and stock holders. If you hold stock in these institutions, it might be time to dump it. Alternatives are emerging every single day. Patriots reject censorship and tyranny regardless of whom it is directed toward. Further, there is a valid question about the collusion these men took part in to take down a competitor (Parler). This is not over. Quick unrelated note, deep research reveals Jack Dorsey practices personal hygiene habits learned from Rep Ilhan Omar.
This list would be incomplete without Dr Fauci’s inclusion. He was against masks before he was for them, enjoys being feted by Big Media doofuses and, generally speaking, has been turned into a fake celebrity by those same doofuses. While he’s more of a Doctor than Jill Biden, its fair to say we all trust Dr Pepper more than both of them. Dr Scholl’s too.
We have another entrant into the Big Dummy Hall of Fame this year, along with Swalwell, and that is none other than Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She’s earned this honor by down grading the impeachment process into a cheap threat, a misused tool and a Presidential traffic ticket. The president she impeached the first time received more votes than any other sitting president in history. The newest impeachment scheme reveals Pelosi for the malevolent scheming demon she is. Regardless, thinking Americans are dismissing this tactic and moving on. The backlash will be noteworthy. By the way, add to her Stalinist reign in the House her infamous ‘Come to Chinatown’ speech as the pandemic was starting and her hypocritical ‘blowout’ in SFO while the nation was locked down. Enjoy the HoF, Madam Speaker, I’d like to say you’re in good company, but its more like stupid company. You earned it.
When a great genius appears in the world you may know him by this sign; that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.
― Jonathan Swift
New to the list this year: Republicans! You know the ones. The disloyal. The mercenary. The selfish. I’ll list a few of the most notorious that were there to abandon Trump immediately. These are in addition to the two China payees from Georgia already mentioned.
Liz Cheney, on orders from her old man, who’s offended that Trump criticized the unresolved and ineffective wars he helped to start. the Wyoming GOP has already signaled that this Big Dummy is finished.
Adam Kinzinger, who’s made himself the darling of the leftist mob by criticizing the president. Mental Lightweight. Big Dummy.
Mitt Romney. Big Dummy.
Lyndsey Graham, the most insipid, desperate for attention buffoon, always destroys any good he does with disloyalty. He just can’t STFU. Ever. Big Dummy.
Mitch McConnell betrayed the President quickly, followed by his wife, Elaine Chao. Both, Big Dummies. Thinking patriots see through them. Mitch won his term with Trumps’s help. Its likely his last. Let’s hope the old republican party leaves with him.
Are there more Big Dummies out there? Yes. Too many. Its insane. In the first list back in 2018 we listed most of the media under their networks – otherwise the list would run for too long.
The many retired General Officers in the beltway weighing in on politics should also be added, with Michel Hayden as their poster boy. Sad angry swamp buffoons. You’d think they all won a war or something to have that kind of confidence, wouldn’t you? But they didn’t. They FAILED. Big Dummies all.
Let’s end with a quote for all of the dummies mentioned above – and as noted – nominate and recognize your own list of dummies in the comments.
If your brains were dynamite there wouldn’t be enough to blow your hat off.
― Kurt Vonnegut