Antifa Academy – Apply Now

by Soy Boy            Portland, Oregon

Antifa’s Proud Motto: We are the Bowel Movement of Movements

Dateline August 14th, 2021

If you are a Soy Boy like me, a soft little bitch who can’t handle even the slightest amount of pressure, and will get “triggered” by almost anything, you are an ideal candidate for the Antifa Academy. If you are transgender, we want you. If you dropped out of high school, are unemployed, live in Mommy’s basement, have poor hygiene, hate America or have a heroin addiction, the Antifa Academy can bring more purposelessness to your life. We won’t judge you, we’ll just train you to be stooges for leftwing, progressive, democratic causes to destroy America.

The beauty of Antifa is we are an oxymoron organization. We call ourselves anti-fascists but we are modern day brownshirts. We actually model our tactics off of Nazi and communist regimes. We are as bigoted as they come. Our essence is hate. We hate America. We hate democracy. We hate law and order. We hate the police. We hate white people and even if we are white, we hate our own whiteness. We are a highly decentralized group of miscreants that have no real prospects in life. We have no future and we know it. Many of us are bedwetters and need adult diapers. We have bad teeth and we are not even British. We smell and we do not bathe.

We know Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are losers too and we don’t like them. However, we helped put them in office through chaos and destruction of America’s cities because their handlers paid us. They look like us. They are incompetents like us and not very bright. We know Joe Biden is not in charge and that Obama and Soros are calling the shots. We are part of Obama’s plan to “fundamentally transform America” into a shithole where there are only elites, enforcers and lower class people. Our main goal is to do our part in Obama’s transformation of America and bring destruction of the American dream and the middle class. Obama implemented the vision in 2008 with his election and Soros is funding all of the hate and fake news. CNN and MSNBC are our news networks. We even like Chris Wallace of Foxnews because he’s a shill for the left.

By now we likely have your attention.  If you are a strong Andytifa or Angelatifa candidate, you must be getting chills thinking about joining our ranks. Our good friend Steve Inman has chronicled our many success stories. I invite you to watch them here. If you represent the true repugnant, dower spirit of #Antifa, you’ll be so inspired after watching Steve’s video’s that you’ll want to do your part in destroying America and defunding the police.

How to apply to Antifa Academy?

  1. Apply for a Direct Appointment from a Squad member. Write: Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    216 Cannon HOB

    Washington, DC 20515.    or


  2. Apply directly for an at-large appointment to I’m a POS.

We are currently recruiting new members in preparation for the fall 2022 elections. The Antifa Academy Class of 2022 will begin in October 2021 and graduate in May 2022. If you are unfortunate enough to be selected some suggested readings include Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky, Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, Dreams of My Father by Barack Obama and American Crisis by Andrew Cuomo. While these books are written at a elementary level and not very good, they’ll give you an appreciation for tyranny.

Lastly, a few tips for your application on what we look for:

  1. Mommy issues
  2. History of problems with law enforcement, arrest record
  3. High School drop outs preferred
  4. At least 20 of 32 teeth
  5. An appreciation for living in squalor

Candidates, good luck!


The Democratic Mob

by Guardian 6                                           Dateline 24 June 2020

Tyranny is marching in America. Thought police are on full display. While nearly all Americans have been outraged by the brutal killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, while three other officers appeared to watch, elements of the left have lit the country on fire and shutdown any form of dialogue or discussion. Why?

The Democrats have unleashed such violence and vitriol that  Americans now fear free expression. The rule of law is under assault where innocents have been violently attacked for thinking differently or offering a different opinion. This is part of the Democrats plan, it has actually been happening for decades through PC movements and indoctrination of children in schools and universities. The riots, the statues being destroyed, “autonomous zones”  and mobs attacking people is to help create an atmosphere of chaos as the next attempt to undermine Trump.

After failing to oust Trump through ObamaGate which used national intelligence community resources to target a presidential campaign; the Russian Hoax; the Ukranian Witch Hunt; and even conspiring to shutdown the economy through the WuhanVirus, the Democrats unleashed the worst of the organized mob on America by seizing on the death of a black American by a police officer. While the Trump Administration has offered positive change through an Executive Order and Senator Tim Scott has brought forth a thoughtful bill that includes improved policing and training in his Senate Bill, the old white democratic vanguard of corruption ( Schumer, Pelosi, Durbin and other obstructionists) have once again blocked any form of progress.

Let’s be clear, the Mob is not just downtown in our inner cities, the bigger Mob is in the halls of Congress. The party of slavery,  the party of the Confederacy, the party of Jim Crow laws and the party of segregation, today the democratic party is the Mob. From Sanctuary Cities, to Occupy Wall Street, to Antifa, to elements of BLM and “Autonomous Zones,” their democratic puppet masters sow division and discord. Their enablers are a corrupt main stream media (MSM) that remains unaccountable; corporate America which is scared to say the wrong thing for fear of being canceled; and elites including Hollywood, Universities and General Officers that somehow got woke and lost their oath to the US Constitution. The message? You are either with the Mob or you are a racist that the Mob will destroy.  If you’re lucky the Mob let’s you live another day. If you’re unlucky the Mob will physically attack you for your thoughts, for your white privilege or some other objectionable trait they find fault with.

Intolerance has been redefined. It is the Democratic Mob. While I worry about the Mob in the street the 53rd Regiment worries more about the Democratic Mob in Congress destroying our republic from within.


Two America’s

The Swamp, January 3rd, 2018

This article was originally published under the title “Cartwright & Clinton — HMMM …” on 30 January 2016.  This article is highly relevant  to how we are seeing two America’s emerge; in one America 99% of us are subject to the rule of law. In the other America, the democrat party, old media and Deep State activisits are above the law.  These three elements are the true 1%ers. Gen Flynn, one count of perjury, guilty. Clinton, thousands of highly classified documents and sensitive government emails compromised, given favorable treatment by the FBI, “extremely careless.”  Original article follows … 

Dateline January 31st, 2016. Marine, warrior, a former vice chairman of the JCS has pleaded guilty to making false statements during an investigation into a leak of classified information about a covert cyberattack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Unlike Clinton, he didn’t claim “I can’t remember.” Retired Marine Gen. James Cartwright entered the plea at a hearing Monday. When the judge asked if Cartwright understood the charge, he said, “I do, sir.” Cartwright  originally told investigators that he was not the source of classified information contained in a book published by a newspaper author, according to unsealed charging documents.

Cartwright played the Washington game never realizing he was just a 99%er, he was a pawn on the Washington checkerboard. He was expandable. He danced with the rags of the devil, the NY Times, and has now paid the price for it tarnishing his stellar career and reputation. One more highly decorated military officer to be taken down by the Obama-Clinton regime joining McCrystal, Petraeus and Flynn among others. He, like them, were not part of the protected class of democratic politicians like Hillary Clinton, the 1%er who breaks all the handling rules for classified information destroying 33,000 State Department emails on her private server set-up to avoid public scrutiny and FOIA requests. Cartwright, although achieving tremendous statue as a Four Star General Officer in the Marine Corps, one of the absolute best, did break the law. Unlike Clinton, he expects to pay a price because he knows what duty, honor, country looks, smells and feels like. Although Cartwright committed a crime, Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve to even shine his boots.

Cartwright’s sins are 1/33,000th of Clinton’s but somehow, someway FBI Director Comey brings this one to prosecution. The law is the law, unless of course Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch instruct otherwise.

Wake up people, we are slowly being boiled in warm water and our liberty and justice is in peril.

Dateline: 5 July 2016 — Update: Sadly, we have two America’s. In one America 99% of us would have been prosecuted for violating federal law for failure to properly handle classified information and conducting government business on a personal private server. In the new transformed America ushered in by Obama, DoJ Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, and Clinton, the elites protect their own as they did today with Hillary Clinton.

(Dateline 30 January 2016) We have two America’s. In one America the 99%ers follow the law and use government computer systems and government email addresses provided. In another America the 1%ers use their private servers, private email accounts and their personal devices to do government business, expressively forbidden and against the law. In one America 99% of government employees read and abide by policies established and put in place to uphold the interests of the nation and respect the laws of the land. In another America, the 1%ers find these laws to not apply to them because they are a privileged class that we are lucky to have “leading” us. To the 1%ers it is inconvenient to abide by the laws for the public because they know better than the 99%ers and after all, these laws are for the public, not for them.

Classified information? Why should that make a difference to the 1%ers? After all, they know what is really classified and their judgment affords them the superior authority to make decisions on what is classified and what is not. The 1%ers know better than the classification authorities that have decades of experiences protecting information from our enemies and safeguarding US interests. The 1%ers may come and go in governmental political positions but who are the 99%ers in the three letter agencies that have been trained and have rich experience classifying documents and protecting means and methods to judge them?

Snowden is a 99%er, he should be prosecuted. General Petraeus, he hung around with the 1%ers but he’s really a 99%er, after all he was in the military. He was prosecuted. He at least got a plea bargain. PFC Manning, US Army, 99%er, Ft. Leavenworth (and later pardoned by President Obama because he is a protected class as a Transsexual)  preferred. CIA Director John Deutch, Clinton Administration, 1%er, brought classified information to his home and loaded it on personal computers, not prosecuted. Two America’s. 99%ers are prosecuted and go to jail for violating US policies compromising sensitive or classified information. 1%ers? The political class? The Elite? Not so much.

After seven years of the Obama Administration, we are about to find out how much of America’s Rule of Law remains intact. Can the FBI do its job without political pressure and influence? Does the rule of law apply to all Americans or just the 99%ers? Will Hillary Clinton be treated equally under the law or will there be exemptions, excuses and a fall person or two that covers the gross planned, orchestrated negligence? Will the Department of Justice follow the law? As a 99%er, it saddens me to even write that. It may be time to Occupy the DoJ. #Justice!


Top Ten List: Why they Leak

Dateline: August 4th, 2218 hours, 2017

Since the election and inauguration of President Trump, leaking classified and sensitive information has been occurring at unprecedented levels. This week actual transcripts of the President’s conversations with Mexico and Australian Presidents were leaked and published by the Washington Post. Forget about the news media using discretion and better judgment refraining from publishing these conversations containing sensitive information. Quite the contrary, it is an opportunity for the “mainstream news media” and the self appointed ruling class to continue their assault against the Trump presidency.

So after extensive research and consultation, the 53rd Regiment has identified the Top Ten list of why government and intelligence officials are leaking classified and sensitive information.

#10. Loyalty and protecting American classified information is passé.

#9. Many of the leakers called home to Mom and asked for permission while waiting in line at Starbucks to get their first latte of the day.

#8. Leakers have fascist tendencies and believe in a supreme leader versus freedom and elected representatives.

#7. Non-disclosure statements and laws are for the average American, the little people. Leakers know better then us. The non-disclosure statement they signed is just paper.

#6. Leakers are scumbags, cowards and they got trophies too just like real winners.

#5. They are actively colluding with our enemies by sharing national policy and state secrets using the American media as their cover.

#4. The Democratic Party Resistance movement; they choose to obstruct, obfuscate and bring forth false narratives instead of respecting the will of the American people and the laws of the land.

#3. President Obama holdovers, leftovers and appointees that fundamentally disagree with President Trump policies, initiatives and his agenda work each day  to sandbag Trump and the United States of America.

#2. Pure hatred for President Trump.

#1. Lack of respect and disregard for the 62,984, 825 Americans that voted for President Trump



The Clinton Criminality Index (CCI)

Washington DC: October 28th, 2016 (10:05PM)

Breaking News: FBI Director found his Spine; Truth Lives 

In the 1980 presidential race Reagan vs. Carter, Reagan confronted President Carter on a phrase he invented called the “The Misery Index” which combined the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate. After four years of President Carter, The Misery Index exceeded 20% capturing the poor state of the US economy. We have a new index in the Trump vs. Clinton presidential race, the Clinton Criminality Index.

The elements of the Clinton Criminality Index (CCI) includes the establishment of a private server to conduct government business (Unauthorized Server) and 33,000 missing government emails; compromise of countless amounts of classified information on her personal server (Failure to Protect Classified Information); using her position as Secretary of State for personal profit and gain selling access to several US government officials for massive donations to the Clinton Foundation (Pay for Play); failure to secure US embassies and facilities overseas and lying to families about a low-grade video being the cause of death for an attack in Libya that resulted in the death of four Americans including our Ambassador (Benghazi); and last but not least, condescension & deceit directed toward the American public as her normal course of holding office and executing her duties as a public servant (Condescension & Deceit).

CCI = Unauthorized Server + Failure to Protect Classified Information + Pay for Play + Benghazi + Condescension & Deceit

CCI = Not Fit To Serve!!!


Colon Blow II — Enema!! (No Time to go Wobbley!)


Hillary Clinton is an unindicted felon. She is a criminal, a liar and a self-serving politician of the worse magnitude. Putting a bumper sticker on your car or claiming “I’m with her” is the badge of an idiot! Actually, you’re a traitor voting for a person who compromised the security of our country through intentional neglect of classification rules or personal convenience. Surprise, surprise, the Obama White House and the post Holder, and  Loretta Lynch DoJ influenced the FBI finding to characterize her actions as “extremely careless.” You and I – average American — We’d be in jail without hesitation. We are NOT stupid but they play us for fools!

Americans need to think broadly about this election. Ultimately, this election is NOT about Clinton vs. Trump. This election is about the Status Quo vs. Change! A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the status quo; more trade deals that sell out the American worker, more leftists’ policies that undermine American industry and force companies to move oversees and more military weakness that undermines US alliances and showcases the Obama policy of Apology & Ineptitude.

There is a lot NOT to like about Trump, but one thing is clear, HE will put America First without apology! Is this simple fact not refreshing? He will advocate for American workers and businesses at every turn. How did we EVER get to the point where this has not been the case? But we all know, our government leadership has been selling us out for decades; Most Favored Nation Status with China; NAFTA with Mexico and now a new treaty with Pacific Rim countries That Obama & Clinton are pushing? How exactly does the American worker compete and benefit from deals that guarantee lower wages? Exactly, they don’t! Wall Street benefits but the rest of us get screwed! Part of the Clinton plan. Come on, wake-up!!! Hold her accountable for her lies, ignorance and selling out your fellow Americans! She is in debt from all her Wall Street speeches and Trump is hated because he has told Wall Street to take a hike! Refreshing!!

Our political system needs an Enema, Colon Blow II!!! Trump is the vehicle, the cause, the patriot to blow up the pricks that have been profiting from the government teet while the rest of us toil to provide for our families, pass on the American dream to our children and remain steadfast in our constitutional principles.

Don’t settle!!! Don’t settle!! If you can’t vote for Trump, Do Not VOTE for the most unprincipled self-serving sloth ever elected to run for President! This is NOT about the first women President, this is about reversing the dramatic decline of America and Making America Great Again!! we need a Change Agent, DJT is that candidate!



So this week we learn that Hillary Clinton discussed “our friend” in her emails over her personal unsecure server she used to conduct State Department business among other inherently governmental activities. “Our friend” was the Iranian nuclear scientist providing the US with information about the Iranian nuclear program to include the progress they were making toward building a bomb. This past week the Iranians executed our friend due to their discovery he was providing the US with Iranian secrets. How might the Iranians found this out? Just “carelessness” as the FBI Director summarized the non-charges against Clinton? Or willful neglect of properly safeguarding US classified information leading to the execution of this poor soul. Clinton is compromised, Comey’s integrity is compromised and the willing media failing to adequately investigate this matter is compromised.

More concerning is the prospect of her winning the Office of President of the United States. What are the contents of the 30 ,000  missing emails and who has them? Russia, China, Iran, etc. and how will they chose to use them? Are they waiting until she is elected President so they can blackmail her and compromise the US position on a variety of strategic interests forcing Clinton to not act on what is best for the United States? These are real concerns that should be looked into by our government and the news media but both have been compromised. Accountability, honesty and integrity have been compromised by the Democratic Party ruling at all costs  including the willing Republican Party Elite that tolerate this behavior without so much as a fight. Instead they sign letters attacking Trump for being flippant and undisciplined. Which is worse?


Clean the House!

by StanMan

So Trump says he’s not ready for a Paul Ryan redo, won’t support John McCain or Kelly Ayotte. All three of these special interest career politicians are defined by more than a few as Republican club elites, and in my opinion, all three are just that. They, like many others, need to go- we know it and Trump knows it. He’s showing strong indicators he’s setting the stage to clean house if elected President.

In Trump’s mind, political service should not be a career that goes on and on for 40 years, maybe not even 10. Rather, one should take on the role as civil servant, perform the best one possibly can, then move out smartly and find a career. In addition, if you’re tapping signals by either criticizing or not supporting Donald, then you had best get out of the huddle, have a seat on the bench and just get the heck out of the way. The Trump way is, “If you’re not with me, then you’re against me”- it’s that simple. And that’s why Ryan, McCain and Ayotte are not on Trump’s Christmas card list.

Trump’s engine runs on logic and tough standards, not emotion and feel-good politics. And if you don’t meet those standards it would be best to get off the field and watch the game from the sidelines. Whether it’s business, politics, military operations or sports, success is only achieved by accomplishing tough standards. Trump’s bottom line is standards, and if you can’t get it done then try your luck somewhere else.

It’s clear Trump’s building a team of fighters who are anything but politically correct. Enter General (Ret) Mike Flynn, Newt Gingrich, AL West, Chris Christie, Trey Gowdy, Rudi Guiliani, Sarah Palin and Ben Carson to name a few. We need leaders, not pals. We need decision makers, not consensus builders. And we need a bull dog-like fighter who can come off the ropes swinging against any bully anywhere on the planet- we need a tough guy like Trump.

Trump will continue to counterpunch anyone taking a swipe at him. Some call it thin-skinned. I call it protecting home plate, your turf, the family. Trump’s hit list will expand, and you can take that to the bank. Building his dream team is key to a successful presidency, and selecting his tough, loyal fighters will get him and the Country on the right track . Donald J. Trump may be a loud mouth New Yorker, but he’s our kind of loud mouth New Yorker. Get the mops and brooms– it’s time to clean the house because it sure is filthy!


Problem is not Climate Change but Command Climate!

The real problem we are dealing with in the Unites States is not climate change but command climate! This president poorly leads us. A ruthless enemy is killing Americans here in the US and abroad, while President Obama reacts aimlessly and without passion. Historically, without regard to party, US presidents have reacted forcefully with passion, resolve and determination when America and Americans have been attacked or harmed. Notice how this president under-reacts to these events but is quick to blame republicans, Wall Street and Cops for all the nation’s ills. It is both shocking and troubling and makes one question this president’s motivation on a broad portfolio of issues, let alone his personal inability to name the enemy (Islamic Terrorists) and relentlessly attack them and destroy them.

So, what is command climate? Command climate sets the tone of leadership and a goal of a healthy environment (command climate) and creating a cohesive, team oriented approach to leadership. The key to a positive command climate is credibility of the commander, communication, trust, and confidence. Keeping this in mind, command climate is a state or condition existing from shared feelings and or perceptions among the American people, all aspects of our government (federal, state & local) about their leaders (their President), and about their government’s approach to leading us and governing us. Do you trust this Administration? Have they been telling us the truth?

Sadly, America is more divided then ever. President Obama divided us from the beginning by unilaterally passing the “Affordable Care Act” without a single republican vote. Seven years later, this division has manifested itself whereby the majority of Americans view our government as ineffective, toxic, bloated and untruthful. Scandal after scandal, there is no accountability. A few examples:

* Hillary Clinton breaks the law handling classified information and setting up a private server to avoid public scrutiny, and our FBI Director and DoJ places her above the law finding no crime. Five days prior to this finding Hillary Clinton’s husband meets with Loretta Lynch aboard her private jet to discuss golf and grandchildren. And they insult us expecting us to believe this. Oh by the way, Bill Clinton appointed Loretta Lynch as a federal judge.

* The IRS targets conservative Americans and scrutinizes their businesses and personal taxes. Louis Lerner retires comfortably. No accountability.

* Our government lies about Benghazi and blames the September 2012 attack on the US consulate where four Americans were killed to include the Ambassador on a video. Hillary Clinton personally tells family members of those killed in Libya, “we will find out who made that video and hold them accountable.” Disgusting!

* The DoJ develops a scheme to runs guns into Mexico that results in the loss of life of a DEA Agent by a felon using one of these guns. DoJ Holder stonewalled and lied about Fast & Furious Program to Congress. He has never been held accountable for this illegal program and unauthorized use of federal funds to buy guns and illegally sell them to criminals in Mexico.

The list goes on and on. The US is adrift and has lost her way due to this president’s leadership failure. We don’t have a climate change problem; we have a command climate problem. It is toxic, aimless and feckless. He has weakened us. Keep the faith. This November we will vote on our next Commander–in-Chief and the 53rd Regiment believes the public will vote to Make America Great Again!
