Intervention: Earth

By Blackjack Pershing            Dateline July 14th, 2018

Have you ever seen the A&E show Intervention?  The plot follows an addict of some sort, documents the negative effects on the individual and their loved ones, and then ultimately an ‘interventionist’ conducts a meeting in which the addict is confronted and offered the choice of rehab and redemption or isolation and rejection by the loved ones they have hurt.   Tears, anger, and both good and bad choices follow.

Meet Donald J. Trump, interventionist for planet earth.

He began his therapeutic work in the US; you may remember some of the addicts he attempted to Help:

– Paul Ryan, addicted to swamp gas and pleasing the fake news: poor Paul who loves his humble Janesville roots forgot the working man long ago.  Our Interventionist in Chief had to confront him loudly.  Paul tried rehab but failed and can’t hang.  He is resigning to cash in most likely.

Reince, Steve, the Mooch, Seanie and more, addicted to palace intrigue and in some cases,  leaks: the first wash out class of Trump U played an important role: that being ‘someone had to do it’.   In the end they could not be rehabbed and had to be locked out of the house.  Interestingly all of them have been loyal.  Hmmm.

– Mitch McConnell, addicted to swamp gas: Mitch has made amazing progress after a year of rehab personally coached by POTUS, who also employs Mitch’s wife.  That’s leverage.  Mitch will need constant reinforcement but he’s on a good path.

– Fake News Media, addicted to Fake News Heroin: this is an ongoing very public intervention, notably reinforced by POTUS yesterday morning in England: “you are very fake news” said to CNN.  Sadly very fake news has chosen their heroin over the noble responsibilities of real journalism.

– Chuck, Nancy, Dick and Maxine, addicted to crack stupidity: another ongoing intervention, recently reinforced with POTUS musing publicly about Maxine’s low IQ: ‘I’d say 65, max!’  The subjects are deeply addicted.  We may be beyond hope here.

– Hillary, delusional toxic swamp queen addicted to hate: she who declared much of her fellow citizens deplorable is beyond redemption but POTUS continues her public intervention by reminding his rally goers of her many mistakes and flaws.  Lock her up indeed!

On to the crowd of global addicts!

– NATO, kleptomaniacs: POTUS confronted the kleptomaniacs this week and let them know last year’s intervention would continue.   He lectured them in front of the world and got them to pay up for the protection they had been stealing for decades.  They are now in the first days of rehab.   Will we get regular rent payments or will they continue to spend on taking August off and 32 hour work weeks? ‘We’ll see what happens!’

– Germany and Angela, addicted to ‘we get everything we want for nothing’ cocaine.  The  Germans have solar panels and windmills everywhere subsidized by the billions while they gutted their armed forces after the Cold War.  You might say they were paid for by the United States military.   No more.  Intervention!  Gas pipeline with the Ruskies  and free stuff from the US?  Not anymore.  Time for rehab Angie! Ach!  This one is not unlike food addiction.  Is an Augustus Gloop reference appropriate?

– European Union, addicted to unfettered US Market and having their own market blocked off from competition: these crack heads may get the hardest intervention and ass kicking because they ain’t even polite about what they are doing.  Interventionist DJT is fixing to throw them out of rehab and lock them out of the house too.

– Chinese Kleptomaniacs: they are being offered rehab and they haven’t gotten it yet.   ‘we’ll see what happens!’

– Rocket Man and No Ko, addicted to power in a very small slave state aka Meth-heads: biggest international intervention watched in real time by the planet: complete with mockery, open threats and displays of power that got Rocket Man into rehab.  There will be ups and downs but so far Rocket Man seems to want to get off meth.  ‘We’ll see what happens!’

– Canada, addicted to being Dopes: being on dope is tough.  Just ask Justin who got a global head punch after the G-7.   He doesn’t get it and will get more tough love.

– Mexico, addicted to a parasitic relationship with the US.  The latest 5 year Presidente is a socialist but has showed some pragmatism.  He’s not an addict yet.  ‘We’ll see what happens!’ But he’d be smart to bargain for help raising living standards in MX and getting help with the cartels.  Trump could help divert China business to MX.

– England, addicted to Europe/safety crack: the UK may have been motivated by thousands of years of wars with Europe to join the European Union.  They got burned – again.   POTUS had to go remind them publicly that we are their only friend despite the fact that we had to slap General Cornwallis and his boys many years ago.  Big public intervention with Theresa May.   ‘We’ll see what happens!’

OK.  Enough!  Do you see it?  It’s a massive global intervention folks!  Get off the crack!  You might say that most of the globe is addicted to the past and conventional thinking.  We are very glad an unconventional American billionaire is holding a massive intervention to get the planet on the path to redemption.


The Trump Rebellion

by Guardian 6            July 4th, 2018

We are reminded this Independence Day that Americans are not afraid to be bold, to think big and to start a little rebellion now and then to right the course charted by our Founding Fathers. The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are America’s guide posts that remind all of us who we are, where we came from and most importantly, the journey we are on as Americans. We have been given much in the home of the brave and the land of the free. This we should remember and take the time to read our history to fully appreciate  who we are as Americans.

Regarding “a little rebellion now and then,” against all odds the American citizenry elected Donald J. Trump, our 45th president. He was beyond a long shot in the pollster universe, he had zero shot. But Americans don’t listen to pollsters or the media much for that matter, they vote with their minds, their wallets and their hearts. Trump is an unabashed proud American. After eight years of President Obama apologizing to the world about America the heartland, the south and the west had enough of it. Hillary Clinton, besides her penchant for lying, she was a true swamp creature made rich by lobbyists and establishment democrats. Trump on the other hand, an outsider that said what he thought, built his business the hard way and just wins.  Americans love underdogs and Americans love winners. Trump is the 1980 US Olympic Hockey team, an iconic winner.

So this Independence Day we are celebrating the Trump rebellion and victory reminding all Americans, especially the Democrats, who America is and what we stand for. Who are these Americans?

  1. Americans are an independent people that cherish freedom and their individual liberty.
  2. Americans are patriots that serve their country in times of war and meld back into the landscape when the job is done.
  3. Americans are generous and share their fortunes out of love and helping their fellow countrymen (or the world) not because the government directs it but because we believe in goodwill toward men.
  4. Americans love the outdoors, love fishing, hunting, driving their cars and just taking in all God’s wonder.
  5. Americans love sports, love competition, love to compete and love to win.
  6. Americans are risk takers, creators and innovators.
  7. Americans think big and execute boldly.
  8. Americans love God, practice their faith and believe we are endowed by our Creator.
  9. Americans don’t make excuses, hold each other accountable and support one another.
  10. Americans love the 4th of July, love our flag and love our country.

The Trump rebellion this 4th of July is worth celebrating reminding all America’s citizens what a proud, independent people we are and that the 2016 presidential election was our Independence Day from the Swamp, the political class and the vestiges of power hungry bureaucrats !


Who Do Dems Support – Americans or Coyotes?

by Guardian 6                                          Dateline: The Swamp July 1st, 2018

Failing to secure the border is endangering families and children. American communities are under assault from crime, drugs and gangs. American government agencies such as Immigration Control & Enforcement (ICE) and the Border Patrol are being overrun by an orchestrated campaign by democrats in Congress to not enforce our immigration laws while encouraging open borders, the abolishment of ICE and mass amnesty to anyone who illegally crosses into our country. Who Do Dems Support – Americans or Coyotes?

People in Central American countries are being manipulated by human traffickers, Coyotes (a person who smuggles Latin Americans across the US border, typically for a high fee), drug cartels and profiteers. Innocent people  in poor countries are fleeing economic plight to find better opportunities in America not legally, but illegally. Under these circumstances, the democrats are not only putting the lives of women and children trying to make it to America at great risk by empowering criminal elements, they are failing to enforce our laws endangering their fellow Americans while calling for open borders and the elimination of ICE. Who Do Dems Support – Americans or Coyotes?

Seventeen years removed from the attacks of September 11th, the irresponsible leadership of the Democratic Party (Sen. Schumer, Congresswoman Pelosi and Congresswoman Maxine Waters) are inviting lawlessness through their false narratives about illegal immigration. Once again, the media is partnering with the democrats to help whip up a frenzy, create the false narrative against ICE and covering democratic marches against ICE making this the lead story in the US. All of this is highly irresponsible. We elect fellow citizens to govern and solve problems. Schumer and Waters refuse to work with President Trump and the republicans. They continue to demagogue the issue to score political points and position themselves on the fringe for the 2018 Midterm elections. Who Do Dems Support – Americans or Coyotes?

Who continues to lose? Americans; American communities over burdened with illegals; border towns; citizens who have lost loved ones to illegal immigration gangs such as MS-13; blue collar working Americans marginalized by illegals working for lower wages; and American institutions under assault by elected government officials failing to support them for upholding the laws they passed. Who Do The Democrats Support – Americans or Coyotes? 


Liberals: What they don’t Scream About While They Are Screaming

by Blackjack Pershing

Dateline June 18th, 2018                       Show Me State

Plenty of hypocrisy is always on the table for our leftist friends.  It’s a hypocrisy buffet table right now and it’s hard to know where to start.  How about right at the top?

Pope Francis:

The pontiff likes to weigh in on many issues to include the environment, migrants, migrants, migrants, war, peace and migrants.

What does the Pontiff not weigh in on?  Bad governments in Mexico, Venezuela, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Iran, and other places.  These are the root causes for the migrant crisis.  Who better to speak truth to power than the Pope?  I guess it’s easier to scream at the American President and anyone else that would attempt to protect civilized society from the clear risks of open borders, with the Leftist Mob Media as supporting Greek Chorus.

Francis, if you take on the these governments and speak clearly, you’ll be far more credible.  Your predecessor John Paul II went to Poland and spoke of truth and hope.  He facilitated the fall of communism with clarity.  ‘Be not afraid…!’  Stop complaining around the periphery (migrants)  of the real issue (tyranny).  Take on the bad guys, and stop blaming the good guys for wanting security.

Leftist Mob Media

The latest amusing hypocrisy is the accusation that Trump ‘legitimized’  Kim Jong Un, aka Rocket Man, by meeting with him.  Like a flock of braying jackasses the likes of Morning Schmoe Scarborough, Chris Matthews and the other D grade regulars like Brian Stelter and Shepard Smith are all claiming that the meeting was a failure and we got nothing.  It’s a fake news/hypocrisy soufflé!  Obama met with the Castro brothers, socialized with them, and sent his dopey emissary John Kerry to do the hip bump with the despots in Iran.  Not a peep out of the Leftist Mob Media; in fact they celebrated both of these disasters.

American Catholic Bishops

This crowd of weaklings just had a group meeting to weigh in on everything except their declining flocks in their home dioceses.  Among their fat headed ideas was using the ‘canonical’ processes of the church to punish those involved with implementing the United States’ immigration policies.  Of course this means not doing so in accordance with their one sided view of the same.  Soooooooooo – you would do what?  Deny communion to Catholic politicos based on their actions?  Or border agents?  Excommunicate them?   Once again, instead of focusing on the root problem – tyranny for example by the Mexican Drug Cartels, Mexican government, and the related poverty south of the border, we have bandwagon leftist prelates deciding to make dopey idol threats for the media to propagate.  They are useful idiots for the Leftist Mob Media, which most of the time mocks the very faith they are pledged to evangelize.

Those are the ones top of mind for me, if you have more, leave them in the comments section!


BlackJack Out!



This is What Disruption Looks Like

          Republished: June 10, 2018
      As the G7 closes out, the 53rd Regiment is reminded brilliant analysis by Blackjack Pershing. This treatise explains leadership, conviction and President Trump’s America First policies and how “settings things done” first & foremost matters.  Considering the last 24 hours news cycle, this analysis fully explains the belief system of the 45th President of the Unites States.

Originally Published: 2115 Hours, January 29th, 2017

By Jack Black Pershing (from “Fly-over Country”)

I’ve been getting in trouble my whole life and I really don’t care what anybody thinks of what I do on stage as a comic.” Andrew Dice Clay

Remember the Diceman? It was the late 80’s when he hit the comedy scene and it went crazy.   His act was a series of R rated send-ups of popular nursery rhymes not to be repeated here. They went as viral as something could at the time. A friend of mine sent me a VHS tape of his show when I was stationed in Germany. That tape got passed around to dozens of other lieutenants and some of their wives threatened to do me bodily harm as I was the known source.

The Diceman disrupted comedy at the time – like it or not.

Enter the Diceman 2.0 known as Donald J. Trump, now POTUS.   DJT is disrupting the tired and ossified political structures in place since the post WW2 period. DJT’s social similarities to the vulgar Diceman are well documented – so no need to elaborate on the details – but let’s start there.

DJT is direct, sometimes bombastic and decidedly coarse. Ironically those he offends most and are most likely to scream about his offenses, also routinely defend the worst content Hollywood culture has to offer in terms of glorification of drugs, smoking (pot), sex of any kind, extreme gun violence and on and on.   “Yes I have dreamed of bombing the Whitehouse” says a certain woman known for extreme vulgarity and mocking the Catholic church regularly.

What do disruptors really do? The acronym VUCA was born and popularized by the Army War College shortly after 9/11; it stands for volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Into VUCA environments come disruptors and it is there that they thrive. We certainly exist in a VUCA environment today. Technology, social norms, major religions, large institutions of all kinds – almost everything is up for grabs in terms of where it might go and how it might evolve – or not survive.

DJT is incorrectly called a populist. This is wrong. Or as DJT might write: ‘WRONG!’. The stale ‘old media’ mistook the large rallies, fun and entertaining rhetoric, potshots, accusations of bias and the tagline ‘Make America Great Again’ as old school populism. Nope. That is Diceman 2.0 breaking through media noise. Newt Gingrinch wrote a perfect analysis of it months ago.

Here are a few of the disruptions:

  • Calling out the fallacy of free trade that elitists do not get and seemingly can’t. Trade is free when all of us are playing by the same rules. We can enforce that in our own country. However – many countries have governments and businesses that collude. Many countries have nothing called free trade or the laws and civil society to support it. Those who enabled them to compete against us under easier constraints were naïve at best and grossly negligent at worst. Meaning every president since and including Nixon and their teams.
  • Overwhelmingly liberal bias in the old media. (I won’t call them ‘Main Stream’). It took running for president in my estimation for DJT to finally see how bad it was. After all he had thrived in the industry that now calls him Satan for decades. Once he declared his positions they spit him out like a watermelon seed.   What did he do? He called them out with the kind of ferocity they hadn’t ever seen – and continues to. They are so far beyond self-awareness that they are incapable of any course correction. We now have a president that talks back and is NEVER passive. Disruptive.
  • Speed: last 7 days are self evident. This 70 year old outworks everyone around him and definitely the tired drag asses in congress. Impressive and even Jeb must be thinking DJT was right in calling him ‘low energy’
  • The Forgotten Man/Forgotten Women: I know them. I’ve known factory workers my entire career and been on staff in a factory that was closed and been part of closing several. I do not believe there has ever been a president –with the possible exception of Teddy Roosevelt – that connected with blue collar America (and disrupted/outsourced/offshored America) like DJT. In his career he knew them. He led them. He managed them. He employed them. He understood them. All the elites could do is speak down to them from both major parties because they didn’t get them and didn’t much care. As jobs left us en masse, the republican offered tough love: ‘get retrained’ and the democrats offered food stamps and platitudes: ‘you’ve been screwed by the rich’. No. They were screwed by jackass politicians that gave away the store.
  • Tweets and social media: he used social sites better than anyone in the media, any other politician, maybe better than anyone period. Political class were caught flatfooted and still are.
  • Disregard for convention: as a business person, DJT is the ultimate get it done guy – that one employee or soldier you know can piss everyone off but usually gets results. He doesn’t care about how it was done before. The Whitehouse correspondants are learning this now.

Those are just a few. More to come. Where does this all go? For us conservatives, as Guardian 6 has said, ‘Its like Christmas…each morning: tweets in our stockings and battles with big libs for our presents!’ Indeed G-6. Indeed. Sometimes disruptors get tiresome.   Diceman faded for a while but I am happy to see he’s back playing Vegas and has a reality show. Will DJT tweet himself into trouble? Will he deeply offend an ally of the US? Will he simmer down once his major programs are in place? Will he get so much done that he hands the reigns over the VP after the first term?   Its just hard to say with a disruptor. I will say this: for the first time since Reagan, a guy I can say gets me and I get him is running the show. He’s in a vastly different package – a major NYC wise guy. And he’s disrupting all the right disruptees.


I do whatever I do. I go to the club. I work on material. While other people are sleeping, I’m awake. I always liked that.

                  – Andrew Dice Clay


What Would Frank Rizzo do…

by Blackjack Pershing    Dateline June 7th,

2018…about the Eagles, the White House and the NFL

“A conservative is a liberal who got mugged the night before.”
                                                                        Mayor Frank Rizzo

That quote from Mayor Rizzo, likely the best Mayor in Philadelphia’s long and storied history,  a larger than life tough guy, captures what you might call a ‘woke moment’ these days.  We need more of them.   Sports teams and players are saying and doing stupid things.

President Trump uninvited the few remaining Eagles to the White House after most of the Eagles organization dropped out of the event with late notice.   This prompted diminutive current Philly Mayor Jim Kenney to call President Trump a fragile egomaniac. Trump is many things.  Fragile isn’t one of them. Jim Kenney?  Much more fragile than most.  Egomaniac?  Show me one politician that isn’t.  Kenney went on to call Sarah Sanders a liar, using this moment to earn maximum suck up points with the Liberal Media Complex.   Sad little guy is looking for his moment but he will never be half the man Rizzo was. 

The Eagles: you’ve disappointed many with this nonsense and yes it is your fault, going right up to your smarmy leftist owner.  You brought it on yourselves.

The NFL: it’s going to be over soon. 

President Trump: good call and the right call.

And what would the great Frank Rizzo do and say if he were here? 

Frank may have been the last law and order Democrat.  He had the courage to endorse Richard Nixon during his first mayoral term.   He didn’t suck up like Kenney.  He called it like he saw it. 

What would he see here?  He’d see disgrace and call it out.  The disgrace of the Eagles ownership and leadership.  The disgrace of the NFL allowing disrespect for our anthem for an entire season.  He’d call out all involved as punks and crumbums.  Because that’s exactly what they are.   Spoiled.  Entitled.  Clueless.  Liberal. Out of touch.  Elitist. Takers. And yes, crumbums.   And he might even threaten to take them each on and punch them out one by one.  And he likely could have done it.   

We need more Frank Rizzo’s these days. 

“A liberal is a conservative who hasn’t  been mugged yet.”
                                                                        Mayor Frank Rizzo


Snakes Have Returned to Ireland

By Guardian 6       Dateline June 6th, 2018

St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated worldwide on March 17th, honoring St. Patrick, the Christian missionary who rid Ireland of snakes during the fifth century A.D. According to legend, the patron saint of Ireland chased the slithering reptiles into the sea after they began attacking him during a 40-day fast he undertook on top of a small mountain, a hill.

Well on May 25th, 2018 the snakes returned to Ireland in full force. Supported, campaign trained and funded by Planned Parenthood (the same scourge that has victimized millions of American women and killed their babies in the millions), were  successful in their campaign to have the people of Ireland vote to overturn Amendment 8 which banned abortion. The young of Ireland then celebrated in the streets for their right to kill their babies. This is modernity in Europe and now in Ireland. Planned Parenthood succeeded in converting one of the last bastions of children safety where life in any form is valued, to just another “modern” society where babies are a commodity.

For pro-life Ireland, May 25th will be known as the Day the Snakes Returned. It appears the Catholic community of Ireland has been compromised by the pressures of leftist dictates. So much so it is further reported that the majority of Catholic Churches and clergy failed to rally the faithful from the pulpit and put fourth a forceful message of defending the unborn. Ireland is wayward, like the rest of us. God help us all.



Prosperity in America Again!

by Guardian 6                                   Dateline June 3rd, 2018

It is good to be winning in America again! The formula is very simple, get the government out of the way and let individual liberty lead the way with hard work, ingenuity, and the American “can do” spirit.

President Trump has aggressively attacked and reduced federal regulations designed to inhibit and slow down businesses while creating tax incentives for individuals and corporations so Americans can keep more of their hard earned money and invest it. End result? An economy that is revving up and just entering fourth gear. The Atlanta Federal Reserve has already projected a third quarter that will hit 4.8% Gross Domestic Product (GDP), an unheard of number for the last 20 years. To put this into perspective, during President Obama’s eight years, we barely crossed 1% territory and never got to 2% GDP.

The unemployment rate in America is 3.75% that is not a typo, 3.75%! Many economists believe the natural unemployment rate is 4% that is to say due to people changing jobs or transitioning to new occupations, the best you can ever get to is 4% unemployment. Well, not in the Trump economy. President Trump has ultimately unleashed an American spirit renewal where we believe in ourselves again, as the world leader where the best is yet to come. President Trump has underpinned his economic message with bold action and openly talking about God and the importance of faith and family.
America is open for business and President Trump has been a great ambassador for bringing foreign investment and businesses to the States highlighting the American worker and tax benefits of doing so.

President Trump is the first president in a generation to put the world on notice for unfair trade and monetary policies. He is backing this up by pulling the US out of unfair trade deals, re-negotiating NAFTA and where necessary, implementing tariffs. While many economists criticize some of these actions, they are the same crowd of “experts” that advised the US government into nearly $20 trillion in debt, along with an irresponsible US Congress that has spent the next generation of Americans into debt.

Americans are feeling the upside of the Trump economy and the uplifting results of having a president that believes in the American people again!

Wages are up, taxes are down! Americans are bringing  home more take home pay. Concerns of the Forgotten Men & Women are being addressed.

Regulations have been cut by a third, and there is more cutting to be done.

ISIS has been dramatically destroyed in Iraq & Syria. North Korea wants to negotiate possibly giving up their nukes and the US military is getting the funding they have needed for over a decade to rebuild their force.

The president has recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and repairing damage that Mr. Obama did to the U.S.-Israel relationship.

And President Trump is taking on the lawlessness of sanctuary cities, illegal immigration and taking out drug gangs such as MS-13 while addressing the opioid epidemic in the US.

There is much more winning to be done but we have an American president that knows what winning looks like and he is guiding us there on a broad front. It is nice to have Prosperity in America Again!


Desert Storm – Valor, Sacrifice & Uncertainty

by Iron Knight 2  (Originally published May 21st, 2016)

“Saddam Hussein resurrected the Armor Corps. He did more for tankers then St. George ever hoped”

“…If you are not having wet dreams about what we did here then you are asexual…” Phantom Brigade Commander

We were training when he invaded Kuwait, Stuttgart, an exercise,
in Germany you were always training, always waiting for the Soviet attack, Defending the Meinigan Gap, preparing to be rolled over by Russian steel. Most of us did not even know where Kuwait was, the news was unreal.

For us, SW Asia was still foreign, We enjoyed lunch at the Golf Course snack bar,  CNN always on, lots of talk about battle, where the hell is Kuwait? Janes, a world atlas and encyclopedias, Rommel in North Africa, most popular of all: Kahalani’s Heights of Courage
Jokes about the 82nd being speed bumps for Iraqi tanks,
not a joke to them.

September in Germany, festival season,
we trained for a fight we never thought we would join.
Desert Fighting techniques, Israeli against Syria how to invest a Pita defense

And our day jobs, planning for that mythical Soviet invasion.

On weekends I would drive to Rhine Main Air Force Base;
shopping in the Base exchange, with our Soldiers and Marines,
from contingency units, all in desert uniforms.
They ate fast food like a prisoner’s last meal,
and made teary last calls home,
Tense and exciting.

A quick drive by the active,
C5’s and C141’s, constant movement,
mountains of supplies, pallets piled high,
war is logistics.

03 October; Schienfurt’s local training area,
we called it “Area Mud.” tracks churned the earth,
sticky mud covered everything exposed
For Germany it was unity day, another reason to celebrate.
No time to party, too much to do,
Brave talk and quiet trepidation.
We traipsed across the Main Valley with the Scout platoon,
we worked together, talked and laughed,
Crew drills and reporting, practice for a serious future.
November in Germany, preparing for gunnery at Graphenweir
a cold, muddy and foggy place
a place to Soldier.

It was a Thursday morning, officers call
we gathered for breakfast and an update.
The SECDEF was preparing to announce additional forces.
My division did not get the call, we had not made the cut;
and were bitter sidelined for the big game.

That evening, an announcement,
the 3rd Brigade, 3rd ID was going to the show,
we were pulled off the bench.
Machismo and false bravado gave way to conscious thought
Alert called that evening, a weekend staff call;
unprecedented, a forward deployed brigade sent to an active theater.

The amount of work was staggering
For a week we burned hundreds of documents,
maps and contingency plans, the information used to plan a fight
with the Russians
The most painful, the destruction of the freshly compiled CONPLAN B, a year’s worth of work up in smoke.
That war was over and we did not even know it.
The middle of December the Advance Party deploys
The senior officer a captain from operations,
myself, four XO’s and the communications specialist
I have a faded color picture, we were young.

We landed in the middle of the night, undisclosed Saudi Arabia
bottles of water and a bus ride to the Initial Staging Area
Managed confusion, adapt to the situation,
basics secured, food and shelter, organize for camp life,
10,000 men doing the same thing,
hundreds of thousands across Arabia
Christmas Eve, time spent playing cards, down time
a traditional night of rest unless you are Hessian
BBC on the short wave,
we could have been listening to the Morrow Boys.
Silent Night.

Days and weeks, waiting and preparing,
we smoked cigars, gave each other bad haircuts and grew mustaches
waiting, boredom, tents and cots,
letters from home, timeless on any front.

We celebrated the New Year in the Initial Staging Area,
then moved to the port to link with the battalion.
We thought about the nature of our work, and the impending push
We tried to remember lessons learned,
exercises and training events, it all seemed so canned.
Here there were no answers, only best guesses and estimates.

What would he do? What would he risk?
What could be won or lost? and at what cost?
is there any chance victory on the battlefield?
what is the value of standing against the infidel?
The calculus is beyond comprehension.

Five days into the new year the battalion closed,
our Tanks and Bradleys still in the Gulf,
think Afrika Korps in Tripoli, we waited at the Port
good chow, dry and clean latrines,
foreign nationals, cooking and cleaning,
Almost civilization, soon we would leave that behind.

The political process took center stage
ultimatums and dates on the front pages
of stale newspapers picked up two days late.

Sitting, soldiers are bored and unknown tomorrows
cast an emotional shadow,
fear of the unknowable, a Soldiers load.

In port, with no armor, we worked to stay busy
mock ups of enemy fighting positions
created as training aides.
We expected the breech mission, and prepared
Iran/Iraq was known for gas attacks; Mustard and Nerve,
perhaps 10,000 causalities then.
We did NBC drills, remembering Owen’s
“Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!-An ecstasy of fumbling”
Serious, deadly serious business.

Training at the base included discussions on trenches and wire,
weapons systems and ranges.
We did not talk Sunni and Shia, those details were little understood,
Time on our hands, Soldiers played chess and cards
Lots of working out, sand bag curls and wrestling
unchanging activities, apparitions of past wars.
Terrorism was a threat, it looming, if misunderstood,
we trained and equipped a QRC.
Information from higher was slow in coming,
And of little value when it arrived
At echelon we were only guessing.

National Guard Soldiers moved in with us
Viet Nam patches and war stories,
Older men, a different war a different time
The President had just extended their contracts another 90 days,
they seemed bitter.

Boredom bleeds the sharpest of Soldiers
We have been at the port 11 days,
The RORO Cape Inscription, still in the Gulf
We want to move north and get on with it
Anything is better than sitting here…maybe not.

On the 12th of January our ship made port,
my armored office, my M577 with overlays and maps,
acetate and markers, Je Suis Prest.
Flying across the desert in a Black Hawk
A day trip to our Forward Assembly Area, a feel for the terrain,
one day closer to the breech.

Congress blocked a UN resolution
36 hours and the ultimatum is placed.
DA Form 1155 (Witness Statement on Individual)
DA 1156 (Casualty Feeder Report)
folded neatly in the appropriate SOP mandated pocket.

0800 15 January time is up,
Tanks and Tracks painted sand color,
We huddled in small groups, spitting tobacco, smoking, very confident, ready.
Someone says “…we are going to grab them by the balls
and hold on so tight their mothers will hurt.”
Nervous laughter.

“The anvil was being tempered; the hammer was beginning to fall”

17 January, the war started with a massive air attack against the Iraqi Army.
0230 bedded, waiting for something to happen.
Orders from higher break open their “ice packs” and assume MOPP 2.
Ammunition was issued, a basic load
Sometime in that darkness, a SCUD alert,
No gas!
Reports of SCUDS until morning,
ineffective, but a fearsome weapon.

We rolled into TAA Thomson,
A drive up Tap Line Road, dark and foggy LIMVIS,
Guided in by a friend, we established at the forward CP.

The fighting characteristics of a battalion are a reflection of the character of the battalion commander. Bold and tenacious battalion commanders have bold and tenacious battalions” FM 71-2

A new commander took the battalion, hard and competent
a sense of humor, approachable, a leader to emulate.
He told us that we were going to participate in a significant operation the technology to decimate a people, subject them to our will and humble their leaders.
War is Hell, and the American Way of War, the destruction of will
our tradition since Grant.

On the scorecard, we were to face the Republican Guard,
The best they have-
Or had, until the USAF had her way,
BDA was flowing
10,000 Soldiers, 134 tanks, 220 APC’s 70 Artillery pieces
We were not even sure if the BUFF’s and F16’s
would leave any meat.


41,000 sorties, we lost 23 aircraft
Talakania Division has lost over 120 tanks,
options now limited, withdraw or defend.
Hamaraibi, Talakana and Madiniha,
proud Republicans Guard Divisions,
proud men and capable machines, all taking serious losses.
F111B’s B52’s and A6’s were doing their jobs.
4 Feb: With no air defense the Iraqi Army cannot survive,
they sit and are hit by heavy bombers,
they move and our fighter jets bounce,
their government is sacrificing her best.
Supplies running out, mass defections.

We are next in the fray.

7 Feb: Breakfast on the hood of a HUMMVE,
MRE and Army Coffee.
Look up, three B-52’s, a couple of fighters and a KC-135.
Some pity for the front line Soldiers, you feel the concussion,
miles away the earth quakes,
powdered creamer swirls into coffee as the hood shakes.

Saint Valentine’s day we Jump to a forward position,
Fast moving, a quick morning update,
read the traffic, war game, listen to the BBC,
Eat MRE’s rest, read, try to understand.
We crossed the Wadi Al Batin,
clouds of dust form under a thousand sets of tracks,
Our VII Corps a modern nod to Willoughby XXXth
and the move up to Sidi Rezegh.
Pressure on the Iraqi General Staff
Line of Departure soon.

Oil Wells set alight,
SCUDS hit Hafar Al Batin, lucky shot, devastatingly lucky,
rumors of nerve agent.
The desert is on fire,
I see dust and smoke, mostly dust,
kicked up by man and machine.



We sat a few days prior, anxious waiting for the hour.
The staff studied the problem and published orders.
Soldiers sat on their tanks, played cards and wiped sand from tired eyes.
Night then morning.
At 16:20 we crossed the berm,
In silence we shifted Marne patches left to right.
Our commander broke squelch, he spoke of history, courage and combat.
30 KM an hour across an empty desert,
So intense and meaningful, black lines, blue circles and triangles;
ink on acetate for weeks transformed to patches of dirt, and road intersections.
O&I reports large amounts of unexploded munitions in sector,
scouts must have rolled through an ammo dump.
Tanks and men, unstoppable, pass through the 26th Infantry Division,
Command push reports flank units breach unopposed.
Sporadic Artillery and sniping but NSTR.
Dark now, the wind picks up, heavy haze, light rain, moonless, a dark dream rockets streak, and scream.
Late into early morning staffs plan and prepare for a dawn attack.
We took our Malaria pills and doze, a precious hours rest,
FM crackles, RTO’s take notes.
Massive artillery prep before morning twilight, rockets and rounds,
concussion shakes the ground.
Sunrise now, Objective Bear, overwhelming combat power,
secure within hours.
O&I reports
Republican Guard 78 KM to the east, real business just beyond the horizon.
Al Busayaha between us and the Republican Guards,
Two infantry battalions a tank company and a Division Command post.
...1st CAV continues its feint, IID completes its breech
Desert Rats pass through and attack the 12th
2ACR is on PL Smash, in contact with the Talakana
Our Marines are on the gates of Kuwait City.
It is windy and rainy in sector,
Massive prep on Al Busayaha, it looks like war.
Tankers in their tracks, waiting to roll
some killers play cards on the back deck.
At 0630 prep shifts off and the infantry and armor roll through the town,it is over in three hours, 600 EPW’s.
Tawalkana and Medinah, much depleted are next.
Our battalion stages near PL Libya, DIV Recon develops the situation,
DIV Arty (Gunner) closes in range.
The target, the ADNAN Division, and Medinah Brigade logistics site.
Blawk Hawk reports a tank battalion (40 T-55’s) dug in along the round of march,
this is not Republican Guards.
Division Attack Squadrons called in,
27 Vehicles and crews destroyed in less than an hour.
Second BDE was called forward to finish the job.
Change of Mission, our 1st Armor was ordered to push
beyond PL Libya and develop the situation.
Iraqi Armor was fleeing, situation unclear.
We continued to attack.

We were pausing at AP JAT to ROM,
MRLS fires intense.
We were set to attack the best equipped Light Infantry BDE in their Army, with the most modern and best equipped Heavy Division in the World,overmatch, it did not last long.
DIV Fires massed against a 200 square meter log base,
explosions seen across the front, concussion takes your breath.
A kilometer away ramps down, TOC back to back,
We see the fires, hear the radio, feel the blast,
on that windy, overcast dusty day.|
18 EPW, 1 destroyed T-55, 8 dead Iraqi’s

27 Feb: PURSUIT: Black is on Phase line Spain.
The Division plan is for two Brigades lay a base of fire,
and one conducts the attack.
We wait; it’s early in the morning on the 27th.
No one has gotten any sleep.
I just finished plotting newly reported positions of a Medinah Brigade.
Confusing, no real formations, reports of company positions behind our lines.
No one had a clear vision of the battlefield.
We are attacking, we are not worried about the front line trace,
Targets will be dealt with as they pop up.

0315 someone is firing arty and its hitting the Black Hawk CP
Who the fuck is shooting? Phantom 6 responds not us,
Gunner says it’s not him…20 injuries, none serious, no idea what happened.
0327, Phantom 6 says move, “pick up and move 10 km” report when REDCON 1.
Gunner 2 over the O/I net…”You’ll never see a prep like this…”
0430 three Brigades on line ready to attack a single brigade of the Medinia,
we pass through the CAV at 0436.
0630 the attack begins after an intense artillery bombardment,
Some falls on Cotton, don’t know if it was 4-7 or 1-7.
Little enemy contact in the initial attack,
we destroyed 3 tanks, type unknown, and 2 BMP’s.
Pause to refit, fuel is called forward, support platoon working their butts off  while some of us wash the dust,
Nothing over the O/I, nothing over the Command Push:
then, from the southern flank,
a large number of enemy vehicles, all types running,
working hard to get north of Al Basara,
they slam right into the Brigade,
a duck shoot, outgunned, overmatched, within 10 minutes there were 35 burning Iraqi hulks,
surreal, managed chaos.

We were advancing quickly, than slowed to a halt as an engagement developed to our front.
Close quarters for armor, berms and wadies, a filthy, near abandoned ammo dump,
manned by a rear guard.
Monitoring two Fox Mikes and an AUX from the back of my M577,
the partial picture of a piece mill battle developed.
Confusing and hazy as it always is.
An M3 was hit by RPG fire, one or two rounds at close range;
“medic and evacuation required.”
The Scout Platoon Sergeant raced forward in his track, pivoted 180 degrees
ramp to ramp to execute the evacuation
A Fatal mistake, in haste to save his comrade he failed to rotate the turret
A flank unit, a sister battalion, 2000 meters left rear, observed the threat turret.
Fires cleared, then cleared again, no friendly’s in the reported AO:
“Your clear.” “Gunner, Sabot, Track!

A single 120mm Armor Piercing Super Sabot
designed with increased velocity and improved terminal effects screamed in locked on its target and penetrated the Bradley Scout Vehicle at 5700 feet per second.
ending the life of 20 year old Specialist Clarence ‘Johnny’ Cash,
removing the leg of the Platoon Sergeant, and badly wounding others.
Their battle is over, their fight just beginning.
Stunned activity on the net, orders given movement, in slow motion.
I watched from my hull the field ambulance rush forward from the combat trains’
and hurry back with the causalities.
Evening brought contemplation, the “quiet undertones of war”
Next afternoon, the battalion commander of our flank unit came into our operations center.
A private meeting with the commander, departure after quiet regrets.
The Iraqi fate of the engagement was staggering, 182 tanks, all types, 191 APC’s 21 Arty tubes, 10 bunkers and 40 trucks,
grease smeared in sand.

The next morning we moved to a new attack position,
prep continued all night
Some rest, not much,
0100 word of a cease fire, I woke the commander and read…

“Possibility exists of a cease fire. At 0500 units are authorized self defense but will not initiate ground or air actions. Stress security and safety of troops, there is still a danger of hostile action,” JAYHAWK 6

0200 resting, 0400 attacking,
0530 a battalion of AH-64’s striking well forward
0630 attacking again, with instructions to kill anything that moved;
we did.

01 Mar: The war is over.
100 hours from the time the ground war kicked off.
From TAA Thompson to our current location near objection Bonn,
5 km west of Kuwait, in the Radaif Ar Rahsi desert.
We traveled over 300 kilometers,
participated in operations as intense as any unit in the war,
as intense as any I ever thought I would see.


A Veteran Died Today

by Unattributed      (Originally published May 25th, 2016)

He was getting old and paunchy
And his hair was falling fast,
And he sat around the Legion,
Telling stories of the past.

Of a war that he once fought in
And the deeds that he had done,
In his exploits with his buddies;
They were heroes, every one.

And ‘tho sometimes to his neighbors
His tales became a joke,
All his buddies listened quietly
For they knew where of he spoke.

But we’ll hear his tales no longer,
For ol’ Joe has passed away,
And the world’s a little poorer
For a Veteran died today.

He won’t be mourned by many,
Just his children and his wife.
For he lived an ordinary,
Very quiet sort of life.

He held a job and raised a family,
Going quietly on his way;
And the world won’t note his passing,
‘Tho a Veteran died today.

When politicians leave this earth,
Their bodies lie in state,
While thousands note their passing,
And proclaim that they were great.

Papers tell of their life stories
From the time that they were young,
But the passing of a Veteran
Goes unnoticed, and unsung.

Is the greatest contribution
To the welfare of our land,
Some jerk who breaks his promise
And cons his fellow man?

Or the ordinary fellow
Who in times of war and strife,
Goes off to serve his country
And offers up his life?

The politician’s stipend
And the style in which he lives,
Are often disproportionate,
To the service that he gives.

While the ordinary Veteran,
Who offered up his all,
Is paid off with a medal
And perhaps a pension, small.

It is not the politicians
With their compromise and ploys,
Who won for us the freedom
That our country now enjoys.

Should you find yourself in danger,
With your enemies at hand,
Would you really want some cop-out,
With his ever-waffling stand?

Or would you want a Veteran
His home, his country, his kin,
Just a common Veteran,
Who would fight until the end.

He was just a common Veteran,
And his ranks are growing thin,
But his presence should remind us
We may need his likes again.

For when countries are in conflict,
We find the Veteran’s part,
Is to clean up all the troubles
That the politicians start.

If we cannot do him honor
While he’s here to hear the praise,
Then at least let’s give him homage
At the ending of his days.

Perhaps just a simple headline
In the paper that might say:




by Stalwart 2.      (Originally published May 18th, 2016)

LCDR Erik Kristensen, in his life and in his service to our country, meant many things to many people. He was a sailor, a SEAL, a hero. He was a teacher, a mentor, a son, a friend. And for the men of Eye Street, he was – and still is – a role model. The small, but poignant memorial so aptly located in a basement rotunda through which nearly every one of a thousand boys’ age fourteen to eighteen-year-old walk by each day, serves as a solemn reminder of his sacrifice. Its location is important; while the familiar is often glassed over by complacency and forgotten in repetition, the ever present placement of such an example of service in constant view of the privileged sons of Washington provides young men at their most impressionable with the example of one of their own who valued others more than himself.

Prior to his service, Erik attended and graduated from Gonzaga College High School in Washington, D.C. and the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. He was an avid competitor, playing football and lacrosse at Gonzaga and earning a varsity letter on the Academy’s crew team. After graduation, he continued to compete, working towards a graduate degree and eventually joining the Navy’s elite as a member of SEAL Team 10. He was the kind of man others strive to be – ambitious in his goals and determined in achieving them, all the while staying true to his values. He is the kind of man to be admired by generations which follow; the kind of man we have a responsibility to hold in high esteem among our youth.

LCDR Kristensen was tragically killed in action on 28 June 2005, shot down in a helicopter among fifteen other Special Forces operators from the Army and Navy. Always a man for others, LCDR Kristensen had volunteered to lead the expedition on a rescue mission to save four fellow SEAL members who had been pinned under enemy fire. His selflessness – his sacrifice – is indicative of the man he was, and acts as testament to the parents, friends, teachers, friends, and environment that shaped him.

This author did not have the pleasure of meeting Erik, instead only knowing him through the connections of a shared school and a common belief in the value of service before self. These connections are not unique, either, but are shared by countless members of the generations that followed Erik. His memory is an inspirational one, his memorial an impetus for betterment. He is the role model we passed on our way to and from class each day; his name the one spoken in admiration with wonder; his shared history with our own a point of pride. To us, Erik is the epitome of selflessness, of service, and of sacrifice. To all, he is a man for others. LCDR Kristensen will continue to inspire the young men of Eye Street and beyond to seek a career in service – to honor his legacy, we owe him our best.


“I Wanted to Earn the Right to be an American”

(Originally published May 18, 2016)

by Blackjack Pershing

Recently I had the privilege of meeting a recent recipient of the Medal of Honor, our nation’s highest recognition for gallantry in times of war. Florent Groberg was born in France to a French Algerian mother and never knew his natural father. He was lucky in that a man named Groberg met and married his mother, adopted Flo and moved his family to the United States, giving them an existence that most in the world still envy.

While looking for a speaker on veteran’s employment Flo’s name popped up on Linkedin at just the right time; he is working with Linkedin on veteran transition issues. In a very short time I was reminded about all that we owe our veterans in a powerful way by Flo.

Flo told his life story to an audience of business professionals. It was highly personal. He shared his early memories of France, moving here and knowing no English. Experiencing the knowledge that one of his mother’s nephews killed himself in a terrorist attack. Experiencing 911 here in the US and being motivated to fight for his country. It was then, as he chose to join ROTC, that he learned that in order to get clearances he would have to renounce his French citizenship. And then he made that statement with which this piece is titled: “I wanted to earn the right to be an American.” The room I was in fell silent. He eye-balled us. In one simple sentence so many thoughts came rushing in. When do we hear this now? When are we reminded just how precious life in this part of the planet under our set of ideals is? We are subjected to an ongoing onslaught of grievance and very very little about our obligations, our responsibilities, our stewardship of this country. Flo said volumes in a very short sentence. I am keeping this about Flo so I will not follow all of the rabbit trails that the aforementioned grievance culture can dredge up.

Flo threw himself on a suicide bomber in order to save the men he was working with and the VIP’s he was charged with protecting. Four of those men died; others were seriously injured, including Flo who spent three years convalescing. Flo’s messages were profound and inspiring. He spoke of resilience first and foremost. Knowing many had it worse than he did and many never came back, he still struggled with survivor’s guilt. A visit from Travis Mills, a quadruple amputee and war veteran finally snapped Flo out of his anger. He developed a new mission to help veterans make their transition from the military as effectively as possible.

Florent Groberg is America at its best. An immigrant. Heroic. Funny. Responsible. Idealistic. Tough as nails. An Army Infantry Airborne Ranger. I am proud to know him even though he’s a cubs fan.

Flo talked at length about needing to learn with humility from the senior enlisted men that reported to him. He talked about the application of these principles to civilian life and how humility is an essential part of leadership. He spoke of the unique attributes of veterans of the service and how they add value for employers. Message received, Flo, message received. This old veteran will do everything he can to continue to share it. Hooah!


Wrecking Ball

Look Back – Two Years Ago — Thank goodness for POTUS 45

May 16th, 2018  Originally published May 14th 2016

The Swamp

The Obama Presidency has been a wrecking ball for world stability and peace. America’s worst fears have come true as it relates to Obama’s foreign policy. The JV team he incorrectly tagged ISIS with is really the National Security Council staff he assembled with the likes of Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes among others not properly schooled or seasoned for their positions. They view the world through their personal prism of ignorance, arrogance and incompetence; the trifecta of personal qualities that place them both in the category of not fit to serve. Politics trumps experience every time with this president. This President is more interested in an adoring, gloating staff instead of a highly experienced national security team of experts. The United States is left with Obama’s Foreign Policy Tour of Disasters which has left the world in shambles.

Obama’s Foreign Policy Tour of Disasters

  • Iran. Iranian Nuclear Agreement Built on Fabricated Lies to the American public. Ultimately, it makes the US less secure and is having rival states pursuing their own nuclear capability (2013 thru present day)
  • Iran. The Iranian Green Movement seeking democracy and secularism was a missed opportunity for the Obama Administration to back the democratic movement that was nationwide. Instead, he backed the hardline Iranian regime by doing nothing while innocents were rounded up and killed. Obama did not even give voice to their cause (2009)
  • Syria. Syrian Civil War and US failure to lead a coalition resulting in empowering ISIS and Russia (2011 thru present day)
  • Iraq. The complete withdrawal of US troops out of Iraq, destabilizing it, serving as a propellant for ISIS to generate (December 2011 thru present day)
  • ISIS. The establishment of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Caliphate (2012 – present day)
  • Persecution. Christian persecution throughout Middle East brought on by ISIS and the US has done nothing to save these innocent lives (2011 thru present day)
  • Libya. Obama – Clinton invasion of Libya, resulting in a failed state and loss of four Americans in Benghazi to include our Ambassador. And who authored the infamous Talking Points about a phony video causing it? Ben Rhodes! (2011 – present day)
  • Yemen. The destabilization of Yemen, a US ally in the war on terror, and now a new proxy war between Sunni, Shiite and ISIS
  • Ukraine. Russian invasion of Ukraine and annexing parts of Ukraine and Crimea (2014 – present day)
  • Spratly Islands. Chinese build up on armed islands upon reefs in the South China Sea to strengthen their position of claiming the Spratly Islands
  • Israel. Throwing longtime ally Israel under the bus at every opportunity while backing the Muslim Brotherhood and the PLO over Israel
  • Egypt. Throwing longtime ally Egypt under the bus during the Arab Spring and backing the Muslim Brotherhood over the stable government of Egypt

Back to Iran. Ben Rhodes, in a recent New York Times magazine featured article bragged to NYT reporter David Samuels that he manipulated the public and press through the use of 27 year old reporters parading “legions of arms control experts at think tanks and social media and became sources for the clueless reporters, … like ventriloquist dummies” helping the Obama Administration make their case on ratifying the Iranian Nuke deal. How sick is this? Lying to the American public and manipulating the public to believe this was in the best interest of US national security, and bragging about it. Is this not an impeachable offense? A President that used his staff to lie to us. Disgusting! Wrecking Ball — the Obama way, enabling our enemies and screwing our Allies. Does he feel a commitment to protecting our country? Does he? What rational American president behaves this way? It is clear, the greatest threat to the United States of America is from within, with a president that puts Iranian interests over our own. God help us!


Breaking News — 53rd Endorses Monetti

Special Edition             May 13th, 2018

Regiment, Attention! Regarding the senate race in Missouri, the 53rd Regiment proudly endorses a candidate that will not be bought and sold. A candidate that has been tested through the trials, tribulations and selfless acts of bravery wearing the proud uniform of the United States Air Force. A candidate that fully embraces President Trump’s bold leadership  and an unwavering commitment to the forgotten men and women of Missouri that have been crushed by the liberal elitist Claire McCaskill policies and here ilk. Change has been needed for over a decade and it is time to send McCaskill back to her K Street, Midtown Manhattan and upper society millionaire peers. She is not Missouri! Tony Monetti is and always has been the spirit of St. Louis and Missouri!

It is time for the other republican candidates to clear the flight deck. The B2 Bomber is our candidate. He understands the challenges ahead. He has no fear. He was the clear winner in last night’s debate by two touchdowns, not even close. Tony is use to dropping big payloads on target.  McCaskill is a very BIG target, oversized liberal that has never truly represented Missouri.

Hawley is establishment through and through. He’s got the old republican money coming in. Mitch McConnell loves Hawley. Good for him! Monetti has the people’s money coming in … $5, $10, $25 bucks! Grassroots. Aren’t we sick of the big money, big phony, big party types?

This is what Missouri needs to know — The 53rd Regiment is lining up with LTC(R) Tony Monetti. A man brave enough to get in the cockpit of a B2 aircraft with a nuclear payload, has the guts, smarts and steadiness to lead in the United States Senate and he will proudly play his position supporting President Trump. It is time to execute Colon Blow on sad sack Claire McCaskill.

The 53rd Regiment proudly endorses the next United States Senator from the great state of Missouri, LTC(R) Tony Monetti.


Random Musings on Current Events

 St. Louis, Missouri      Dateline May 2nd, 2018

by Blackjack Pershing

Red Pill Kanye

Are you familiar with the ‘red pill’ ‘blue pill’ memes currently popular on social media?

From Wikipedia: The terms, popularized in science fiction culture, are derived from the 1999 film The Matrix. In the film, the main character Neo is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill by rebel leader Morpheus. The red pill would free him from the enslaving control of the machine-generated dream world and allow him to escape into the real world, but living the “truth of reality” is harsher and more difficult. On the other hand, the blue pill would lead him back to stay in the comfortable simulated reality of the Matrix.

Red Pill Kanye has arrived and we welcome him with open arms. We wondered if in our lifetime black culture in the US could ever bust out of the norms created in the 60’s by Johnson’s Great Society train wreck. It was slow in coming. Bill Cosby did a little of it before his perversion was revealed (Bad Pill Bill!). Condi Rice. Colin Powell before he went bad. Herman Cain before he imploded. Remember Alan Keyes? Roy Innis, who famously knocked over the fat version of Al Sharpton on the Morton Downey Jr. show in the 80’s, and who’s son Niger carries on his tradition. Clarence Thomas. LTC(R) Alan West. A handful of great African American conservative congressmen. Not many though.

But here comes Kanye, and due to his formerly strong affiliation with the Stalinist left, the ongoing red pill explosion is wonderful to watch. At first we thought- ok – he’s giving a little up to Trump due to their friendship. Then came the tweets of Thomas Sowell and the meetings with Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens.  Biggest shock of all? An apology for saying George W Bush hated black people. Chance the Rapper screwed up and crawled back into his hole after being supportive “black people don’t have to be democrats’. Not Kanye. He’s tripled down. Fellow deplorables let’s enjoy this while it lasts. I wonder if his conservative Father-in –law Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner had anything to do with this conversion?

Look for Trump to draw 25%+ of the black vote in 2020.

Tom Brokaw
Wrote the Greatest Generation. Thank You. Other than that, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Your pious yet pompous dissing of the deplorables and their president has yielded you and very very bigly plate of KARMA. ENJOY!

White House Correspondents Dinner

Trump is now clairvoyant. He called it. He skipped what turned out to be in his words a ‘complete disaster’. Trump does the uncomfortable knowing that in the end, style points and socializing with phonies won’t get results. He won’t waste time on the Pravda Left MSM Class because they are never going to be fair. NEVER. He gets it. So what did they do? They soiled their diaper again, writ large and broadcast to everyone with a lousy court jester that read her nasty lines from paper. This event may be the most accurate metaphor for the swamp ever constructed. It was the swamp. Don’t look for reform any time soon. Who do the people at the #WHCD remind of us of?
· The snobby wealthy people in the various 3 stooges episodes that get pulled into pie fights
· The preppie rich kids who all sat together at lunch in high school
· The godless hoards that taunted Noah before the floods
· The crowds that yelled ‘crucify him’ before Pilot
· The French aristocracy right before the revolution
· The worst bosses all of us have ever had gathered in one place

@POTUS had a blast in Michigan and also provided entertainment to many, while the rabble of the press corps put their incontinence on public display. Again. #SAD

Elmer Fudd aka Robert Mueller

It occurs to us that there is a vast similarity between the venerable cartoon character Elmer Fudd and Robert Mueller, formerly described here as Lurch. “Shhhhhhhhhh!! BE VEWY VEWY quiet! We’re Hunting Wabbits!!”. Then, as we know, all manner of travails would befall poor Elmer. Somehow anvils would fall on his head, he’d fall over cliffs or down mine shafts, have his shot gun spun round only to go off in his face repeatedly. Often Bugs Bunny or a combination of Bugs and Daffy Duck were responsible for his many, many problems. In essence, Elmer was a dupe and foil for Bugs. See where we’re headed here? Trump is Bugs Bunny. Daffy Duck appears from time to time in the guise of Sean Hannity, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Rep Devin Nunez, and many others. Mueller creeps along quietly with his trusty two barrel shotgun hunting ‘Wussians’ and keeps having issues. We are not sure when he will come to his senses and call it quits – just like Elmer. Oh well. As Elmer might say “Huh-uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh !!!!”

Rocket Man

Red Pill Rocket Man? We don’t know. Most likely “Ass Kicked during Beijing visit’ Rocket Man – but we’ll take what we can get. Black Jack predicts an eventually successful agreement with North Korea, and, ZERO chance of Trump getting a Nobel Peace Prize. Those are reserved for the Stalinist Left.

Bibi’s Powerpoint

What does Netanyahu of Israel do best? De-pants Iran. He just did. Thank you – more unravelling of BO and the Windsurfer Kerry’s dopey deeds. Iran Deal will have to be re-done or just die. Iran should be watching Rocket Man closely. Despite the story not being told, the world seems to be welcoming Trumpian leadership. Dad’s home and the BS is gonna stop.

New Trump World Order

Anyone else noticing how the rest of the world is falling in line behind ‘mob boss’ in Comey’s words POTUS? Let’s inventory:
· Rocket Man – as described above has moved from trading barbs and testing nukes to hugging at the DMZ
· French President Macron – from OMG death grip handshake to ‘I love DJT so much I can’t keep my hands off him’; supports Syria head punches
· Kaiser Merkel – from public doubts to flying in to have no drama meetings
· Japanese President Abe – staunch ally from the start
· Chinese Premiere Xi – seems to be playing ball despite the trade noise
· Dictator Putin – pretty quiet considering multiple head punches administered to his lapdog Syria
· Mexico – very quiet despite the President’s constant concerns about the border
· Iran – on notice with Bibi’s Powerpoint
· Canada – who cares
· England – supported Syria Op with France
· Poland – got one of the first visits by the president to another nation and got a huge endorsement from him – and some missiles too
· Nigeria – wonderful visit just this week!

What’s happening here folks? Bush’s axis of evil is getting dealt with. Obama’s bad deals getting cleaned up. Years of lax border control are over. Low business taxes attracting investment and even getting compliments from abroad. It’s a new Trump world order.

Bromance and the Kaiser

Oh boy – some grabby/huggy moments from the French King wannabe Macron and the POTUS. Well – maybe our president is starved of affection at home due to his stormy publicity and will take it where he can get it. Oh Dear. While we doubt some of his Euro-centric agenda, we welcome a French President who seems to bathe, who loves America, and who thanks our veterans. Refreshing. We can work with this guy. Then the sour German Kaiser shows up to round out the week. Whatever.

Misery in Missouri

We stand by Governor Greitens and believe he deserves his day in court for the crazy accusations against him involving taking a picture of his former mistress 2 years before he was elected. Disappointing dirt bag stuff if true, yes, but we vote people into office based primarily on their policies and not on their sins or lack thereof. Character is always a crap shoot with any human. We believe the charges on election fraud are stupid and meaningless. Let him serve out his term and let’s move on when the trial is over. The Attorney General who hopes to replace Worthless Claire McCaskill should pipe down. Greitens managed to sign Right to Work legislation and start a tax reduction debate so far. Not bad for a wounded governor.

Momentum in Missouri

We welcome and endorse former B-2 pilot and Air Force veteran Tony Monetti for Senate in MO.

Sad, worthless, unproductive, lost in the past Claire McCaskill, already retired in terms of behavior, should be officially retired as well. Just another elitist fat cat democrat that doesn’t serve the electorate and lives like a millionaire. Let’s not let Claire keep drinking wine with Chuck and Nancy while we drink water or get nothing. Claire represents the past – the late 1970’s specifically – when everything just kind of sucked. Tony Moetti stated on a radio program recently: “Fighter pilots make movies, bomber pilots make history!’ We agree. Tony is normal, smart, energetic, modern, engaged with normal people and will fight for us. Josh Hawley? Not yet Josh. Not even with old man Danforth’s very waspy endorsement. Not yet.

That’s it for the musings – comments welcome!
