We Can Be Thankful

By @PershingSoldier on Twitter, @BlakjakPershing on GETTR and @BlackJackPershing on Truth 
Missouri Territory                              23 November 2022
“Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.” –Ernest Hemingway
Fellow Patriots – while we are being told to fret and to kick each other in the backside by the likes of Paul Ryan and the usual MSM (read: Foxnews) stooges; the reality is that we have MUCH to be thankful for.  Let’s recap.
Despite our inflated expectations and some mistakes, we took the House.  Full Stop!  There will be no more legislated damage from the democrats for 2 years.  So let’s focus and get serious.  Yes – plenty of issues to worry about in terms of priorities, but the agenda of the Stalinists is stalled.
This less intense victory is going to make all of us sharper, less prone to hubris.  We know we have to clean up our RINO problem.   We need to get serious about election fraud.
Trump is running.  IT’S GOOD.  They attack him because he represents all of us.  Read his inaugural address – that’s why they hate him.  He will be motivated to not just drain the swamp – but to blow it up.  Permanently.  As for challengers Pence, Pompeo, Niki Haley and DeSantis – their Trump assigned nicknames have already been selected and it will not be a pleasant experience for them.   The process will sharpen Trump. He will come out ahead.
Pelosi, Cheney, Kinzinger and other general purpose boogers are gone.  Irrelevant.  On the ash heap of history.
Fetterman: installed through election fraud, he will be an ongoing embarrassment to the democrats who seem to have no bottom when it comes to shame and oddities.  Can any conservative win in PA right now?  No.
We are at a reckoning point on election fraud.  We are awake and aware.  Kari Lake is taking point.  It must end here.  At least we know.
Now we all know that ballot harvesting must be met with equal and separate action until republican governors are elected that can clean it up.
Elon.  Twitter.  Fake News Firings.  It is taking time but there is progress.  Twitter is exhibit A right now.  This writer has restarted his account which was shut down after November of 2020.  In addition the removal or humiliation of Fake News stalwarts like Brian Stelter, Don Lemon, Chris Wallace, Shepard Smith; the related low ratings of their networks, downward ratings of Foxnews and the emergence of alternatives like the imperfect but better than Fox Newsmax and many other streaming alternatives – GLORIOUS.  Let’s be thankful.
Also – Google, Amazon, ‘Meta’, Disney and many more woke organizations are struggling.  They are being held to account by shareholders and the public.  Zuckerberg and his freak show are now starting to show cracks.
Republican governors are telling woke Wall St to pound sand on ESG Stalinism.   Money talks.  They will learn.
The Stalinists are pissed about us calling them groomers.  Good.  Let’s do it more.  Firing back at them and doing it harder is something Trump taught us.
Trump was right about everything.  This keeps coming out more and more.  Most recently Hunter’s Laptop – to the great humiliation of Jurassic period Fake News pioneer Leslie Stahl. More and more the American public will realize how right he was from Russia, to North Korea, to Israel, to Iran to oil, to Germany, to Europe, to the economy and yes, CHYNAH.  People are seeing it.  Normal ones anyway.
We are on to Soros, the World Economic Forum weirdos, Klaus Schwab, Pfizer, the globalist cabal, Ukraine money laundering, child trafficking at the border and so much more.  If not for Trump would we know?
So – overall – let’s pause and give thanks that we are in a much better place than we were in just weeks ago.  Lots to do of course, but we can take some solace that the worst is now behind us.


Trump Cabinet 2.0: Swampless and Laser Focused  

Dateline August 9, 2022                            Missouri Territory

By @BlackjackPershing on TRUTH; @BlakJakPershing on GETTR

Fellow Patriots, it is time to make solid recommendations to Donald Trump on his initial cabinet picks for what really will be his 3rd elected term, although 2nd served.  Lessons learned from the first go round must be incorporated into this second, Ultra MAGA team.  From the start there can be NO learning curve this time: its on.  Let’s go.

VP: conventional wisdom says it’s DeSantis.  Not so sure as Trump doesn’t work well with other mega-Alpha types.  What we need is a safe experienced back up and someone to protect our flank with wobbly, unsure barely MAGA republicans.  My recommendation is Greg Abbott of Texas.  He has fought the border war, will be freshly re-elected, and manages a serious disability with class and dignity. He is far less boring than Pence and has demonstrated a willingness to piss people off by sending democrat migrants to their own cities.

Chief of Staff: If he’s willing, Mark Meadows.  He was there for the worst of the swamp and gets it, knows the lessons and learned.  One of the band members that needs to come back.

Press Secretary:  Tie between Kayleigh McEnany who was a perfect nemesis to the fake news, and Greg Kelly of Newsmax.  Greg is a warrior and has proven willing to call out fake news whereever he finds it.  He is fearless.  If Kayleigh wants to join the band getting back together – great.  If not, Greg is the guy.

State: If Pompeo doesn’t completely implode in a coming primary challenge to Trump, and is willing, he is also one of the key players that would be part of getting the band back together.  He was smart and got it and kept the wokester State Department under control.  He implemented Trump policy and did not fight it.

Treasury:  this is a fun one to choose.  If he will do it, we recommend Peter Thiel.  He is a genius and will take zero woke crap from anyone and call the right plays.  2nd choice? Larry Kudlow if his health holds up.  He’s a keeper from the 1st administration.

Defense: we will go back to the civilian model for this role, as we have had bad experience with the current lot of Generals.

Attorney General: Ted Cruz seems like the smartest and most fearless republican legal expert available.  He’s the guy.  He will need to disband the FBI and overhaul the DOJ while moving it to middle America.  Hard work ahead.

Interior: Kristi Noem a good choice, hailing from a beautiful state with many protected areas.  The question is whether this is a waste of a good governor.

Homeland Security: The right choice here is Eric Greitens.  He is fearless and also has been burned by swampian Rino’s.  He doesn’t take crap from anyone.  He’s a former Navy Seal.  He gets it.

Agriculture and EPA: consolidated under an unconventional choice here: Ted Nugent.  Ted is a hunter and hunters know more about conservation than most.  Ted is outspoken and anti-woke and will not screw over American farmers and workers.  Ted: “I have self-actualized. Pardon me whilst I adjust my glowing halo.”  Yup.  Ted it is.  We’ll give Ted several experienced non-swamp deputies to help with some of the duties he may not enjoy.  Those selection decisions are pending.

 Labor: we like Elon Musk for this key role.  He runs several companies and a car factory in a non-union environment.  He knows what smarts, hard work and American workers can do when challenged and paid fairly.  He knows woke BS when he sees it, whether from organized labor or the weasels at Twitter.  We also recommend allowing Musk to simultaneously hold the position as Secretary of Commerce as he is a proven multitasker and knows the landscape.

Health/Human Services, Housing/Urban Development: consolidate both and bring back Dr Ben Carson.  Assignment will be to eliminate 40% of both departments and get them out of DC, deployed to Omaha, Nebraska.

Transportation and Energy: both consolidated under former Governor of Texas, Rick Perry

Education: No one; this position and its related department will be retired in Trump’s coming term.  It’s a woke disaster area.

Veterans Affairs: Greitens could do this one too, but we will go with LTC Allen West on this spot.  A wise, experienced veteran.

Ambassador to UN: we need a fearless bad ass here to call out the assembly of buffoons, perverts and morons that we call the UN.  Who might that be?  One Marjorie Taylor Green.  That’s who.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: its time for Trumps’s favorite General, Raisin’ Caine, to get the promotion he so rightfully deserves, for wiping out ISIS.

Those are Blackjack’s opening ideas folks – comment below with yours!



Choices … Choices … Choices

Dateline: April 27, 2022

By BlakJakPershing on GETTR and BlackJackPershing on Truth Social, similar on Gab, Clouthub and Parler

“Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.”   Henry Ford

When automobiles were first created, there was a shake down period when it wasn’t clear which form of propulsion would win out. There were electric, steam powered and internal combustion engines. Over time the internal combustion option proved most reliable and improvable. For several decades now that technology as been continuously improved, likely to be replaced by electric for any number of reasons, but mostly due to improved batteries and lower costs of electric motors. (NOT advocating here folks).

What does this have to do with anything you might ask? We are now in the conservative social media shake down period. Here is an analysis of how to view each platform.

Twitter: The platform of the moment. Kudos to Musk for ruining their fake little leftist world. I am exercising extreme caution. Several conservative pundits reactivated their accounts immediately upon the news of the sale. With all due respect, my opinion of those people is that they are social media whores, anxious for followers to push their book sales and other items to peddle, but not exactly using high standards. Mr. Musk has a long way to go to fix an organization afflicted with insidious leftists in almost every job. The shadow banning, the lousy algorithms, the inability to gain followers, the invisible tactics that we never see that restrict conservative viewpoints – all of it will take months if not years to fix. I will not re-engage until we see massive evidence of change. That will mean turnover of hundreds of employees, a headquarters move and reinstatement of all conservatives banned for flimsy or fake reasons. We admit that Twitter remains the best place to tweak, troll and provoke leftist tools, and we do miss doing that – very much. Hoping to be back some day, but for now, NO.

GETTR: By far the best of the ‘post twitter’ options. We give big credit to Jason Miller and the many others involved in getting this platform off the ground. GETTR is immediately interactive in a way Twitter never was. It has been relatively easy to build a base of great followers and to follow others. We have found may of the great patriots we met on Twitter have come to GETTR. One can find all of the fun memes and humor found on Twitter. Personally, I have also challenged patriots to dump Twitter and come to GETTR while Twitter remains a leftist censorship zone. Not all have agreed.

It is astonishing what you can do when you have a lot of energy, ambition and plenty of ignorance.“ Alfred P Sloan

Truth Social: This was to be the great hope of conservatives, the one that would allow us to counter the Tech Giants, the one run by Devin Nunez, under Donald Trump’s guidance, influenced by his record of success. Well. So far, not so much. Still waiting for a DJT tweet. Still capped at 7500 in terms of who you can follow. Slows down randomly. DJT has been remarkably patient with Devin. We expect better, gentlemen.

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” Henry Ford

GAB: the best place to go for memes and humor. Its anything goes on Gab, and I have seen some scary stuff on there that pushes the limits of good taste.

Parler: It was great until it wasn’t. When it debuted, it had potential. Twitter refugees went there in droves. Then Big Tech killed it. This whole episode should not be forgotten. Apple, Amazon and others were all in on it. There needs to be a reckoning. As it now stands, Parler is yesterday’s news and kind of clunky.

Take my assets – but leave me my organization and in five years I’ll have it all back. Alfred P Sloan

Clouthub: this is the platform on which you are most likely to get messages from sexy lonely women. It’s ok. Not great.

Telegram: I have not used it but I hear good things, similar to GETTR.

Frank Speech: Start up issues turned me away. They started promoting it before it was ready. I tried to get on and could not at first. Once I did get on, all I was able to access was Mike Lindell videos. All due respect to Mr My Pillow, but frankly, I wasn’t interested. Additionally, the word ‘frank’ isn’t a real appealing one for an app. Mark Levin’s moniker for a certain congressman, ‘Barney’s Frank’ comes to mind.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas Edison

Tik Tok: tried it before President Trump pointed out it’s obvious security flaws and Chinese ownership and data harvesting. It is an insidious app, designed to draw you in and waste your time. Don’t do it. This is one of several apps destroying the brains of Gen Z. It really is garbage.

Facebook: increasingly irrelevant and becoming the tool of choice for neighborhood Karens, snoopers, nosy co-workers and all purpose assholes. It is still the go-to to see pictures of what some dope you connected with in high school had for lunch. Facebook – a ghetto for the nosy, the stupid, and the easily manipulated. If you get your news from Facebook, you might be a dumbass.

Instagram: might be the best of the worst if all you want to do is share pictures. We take note that Facebook is trying to turn it into Tik Tok.

That’s my take fellow patriots – let’s hope Twitter get’s its act together so we can go back and provoke the woke. I am optimistic that Mr Musk can get it done. The take down of the Stalinist, Leftist Big Tech Cabal has begun.



Biden Failure Leads to American Armed Legion

Biden Failure Leads to the development of an unstructured American Armed Legion

by Guardian 6

Dateline: 28 February 2022

Doing the job that Biden’s Department of Defense (DoD) is prevented from doing, the newly established defacto “American Armed Legion” (AAL) began by rescuing stranded Americans and Allies in Afghanistan which they continue to do today. The AAL is now shifting their attention to help evacuate Americans stranded in Ukraine. Only in Biden’s America are we left with a pick-up team of American patriots to self-organize, finance and equip rescue operations in foreign lands. The Biden Administration believes their job is done telling Americans to leave, often with short notice. This is not America. This is not the standard. This is Joe Biden.

Let the DoD and COCOM Commanders do their jobs. No Americans left behind! Ever!

The AAL is the name coined by @the53rdregiment’s for these patriotic teams of Americans risking all to save their fellow men and women, and children. They are more commonly known as Pineapple Express and Project Dynamo, a band of brothers with Special Forces and Navy Seal backgrounds and other assortments of volunteers. There are other groups forming out of necessity as DoD is restrained from rescue operations of Americans left behind. It is tragic and not only is America failing to lead the free world, but the Biden Administration is also abandoning our American ethos to leave no one behind. We still do not have accountability of all Americans left behind in Afghanistan. Some estimates are in the thousands of Americans, green card holders and Allies being left, six months after the failed withdrawal.

An extract from the Soldiers Creed:

I will always place the mission first.

I will never accept defeat.

I will never quit.

I will never leave a fallen comrade.

Pineapple Express and Project Dynamo are continuing the mission out of love and respect for their fellow Americans and the abysmal failure of Biden and his administration. It is beyond embarrassing; it is criminal that Americans and over $80 billion in state-of-the-art equipment was left for the Taliban to use against us. There are reports of the Department of State rejecting assistance to AAL elements with coordinating landing rights in other countries and not helping to get Americans out of harm’s way. Why? They’d rather not have the embarrassment or problem, or bad news and the fake news does not report these gross failings. Abandonment, it’s what the Biden Administration does. It is easier when you lack decency and moral courage.

Biden’s failure as Commander-in-Chief has led to a DeFacto American Armed Legion of retired troops and Veterans continuing the mission to rescue Americans. We are thankful for their valor and mettle, but Biden and his administration must be held accountable. As the AAL gears up for Ukraine, DoD should be conducting a Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation of all Americans.


New Year’s Resolutions for MAGA Patriots and Deplorables

By Blackjack Pershing, @Blakjakpershing on GETTR
Dateline: 1 January 2022

It’s 2022 and a time of renewal.  MAGA World has lots to do, lots on its plate and the new year is a great time to set forth resolutions that will guarantee our success.  Here are my recommendations for all patriots who operate in freedom of thought, conscience and spirit.

  • We commit that ‘we all know’ Trump won, the swing state vote was rigged and stolen, Biden never got 80+ million votes, and we do not intend to ever stop talking about it.
  • We will sound off.  We will be present and BE HEARD as digital soldiers and fight the battle we are in, and not be distracted by RINO’s who tell us to move on.  We will improve our intensity and our effectiveness.
  • We commit that ‘January 6th’ is a false construct put forth by the angry Stalinists in the democrat party and their party press – the MSM.  We do not buy it and will not put up with it.
  • We assert that pandemic is over, the omicron variant is the last we are willing to engage in any way, and that we will not let the Stalinist Left use the China Virus to control the next election.
  • We will challenge useless mandates, lockdowns and idiotic restrictions that the Stalinist Left is driving.
  • We assert that we will not forget that it was CHINA that unleashed the virus on the world, whether on purpose or by accident, and that we will demand reparations to the economic damage it did to us.
  • As my friends on the Grace Force podcast often assert, we will develop ourselves physically to be prepared for the spiritual and mental battles ahead.  In essence we all know the forces of the Stalinist left are demonic.  One look at the horrific visages of Pelosi, The View cast, and any democrat leader confirms it.  Stay healthy, in shape and alert to fight the demonic left.  Improve your mental and physical fitness.
  • We will fight hard in all elections in ‘22, local, state and national.  We will eliminate the Liz Cheneys from the Republican Party and ensure it is a MAGA party.  It is truly time to ‘throw the bums out’.
  • We will sound off on the ongoing embarrassment that is the Biden administration.  We will rise up to stop their insane policies.
  • When the time comes for China Joe to step down in dementia fog and/or scandal/embarrassment, we will count on reputable organizations to petition for the reinstatement of President Trump.  The easiest mechanism for this to happen goes like this: Joe resigns, Kamala assumes the presidency but then due to the nature of her own pending criminal charges, nominates Donald Trump as VP, the senate approves him, and then Kamala promptly resigns to avoid impeachment and imprisonment.  We will work for this outcome.
  • We will reject Critical Race theory, we will reject rewriting history, we will reject Stalinist Left thinking.
  • We will get Trump’s Garden of Heroes reactivated.
  • We will not buy any products from China
  • We will publicly challenge companies and organizations that cooperate with China
  • We will publicly challenge individual buffoons that cooperate with China, like Ray Dalio and Lebron James.
  • We will celebrate heroes who stand up to China like Enes Kanter Freedom
  • In summary, 2022 is when we see visible results in turning the tide on the demonic forces of the left, those that come from inside our country and those that come from outside it too.
  • Did I miss a resolution?  Please leave yours in the comments.


We CAN Be Thankful During the Democrat Doomsday

By Blackjack Pershing @Blakjakpershing on GETTR  
     Thanksgiving 2021
Orwell said ‘In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act’, we patriots, we Americans, we Christians can paraphrase that by saying ‘In a time of extreme-criminality and ingratitude, being thankful is also a revolutionary act’.
And despite our challenges, which are many in the Bidenite era, we have reasons to be thankful.
Be thankful that we know.  We all know.  For the first time we all know the extent of the malfeasance of the Stalinist Left, the democrats and their willing trained poodles in the media.  We Know.  We all know what they did in 2020.  We are not forgetting either.
Be thankful for the man who continues to call out what others will not, who continues to state the uncomfortable obvious, who continues to point out the mendacity of the RINO’s, who continues to address the fraud from the last election: Donald Trump.
Be thankful that the same man changed the national dialogue on everything, most notably China.  Trump made it clear that China was the issue.  The threat.  The main thing.   The swampian losers didn’t get it.  Still don’t.  Many remain on the China payroll.
Be thankful that the Republican Party has become the place for the worker, the honest woman and man, the deplorables of all races and creeds.  Leave the scumbag elite, the criminal takers, the swamp –  to the democrats.
Be thankful that in Virginia we see the beginning of a turnaround with the election of Youngkin and his team.
Be thankful that reasonable people are paying attention to how bad it is.
Be thankful for ‘Lets Go Brandon’, the perfect response to this garbage Commander in Chief, a diapered dilapidated doofus.  #LGB is everywhere and its glorious.
Be thankful that the tech elites could not control themselves and went too far.  They exposed themselves.  We are fortunate that new platforms are now emerging to compete with these compromised platforms and will take them down competitively by offering options for free speech that do not exist in Zuckerberg/Dorsey/Bezos/Gates/Cook’s twisted world.
To that end be especially thankful for GETTR, thus far the best non-leftist option for social media.
Be thankful for the British media, still willing report the truth, such as the addled US President’s horrid anal explosion while speaking to the Duchess of Cornwall.  “It was long and loud and impossible to ignore!’ According to their source.  Dr Jill knows and we all know.
Be thankful the end of the democrat reign of terror is within sight, if we don’t screw it up.
Be thankful that the level of depravity of the US education system is being exposed and reasonable parents are starting to intervene.  We just may be able to right the ship if we don’t back off.
Be thankful that the installed stooge in the office of the presidency continues to crap himself, literally, on the world stage.  Just ask our leftist Pope who instead of a talk on abortion, had to get a mop and bucket and clean up aisle six after Brandon had a nuclear shart that required a change of bloomers.  For an encore he went to Scotland for public nap and a big aforementioned fart at the Prince’s battle-axe.  All of this proving what we already knew.
Be thankful that the thinking moral backbone of this country is now more aligned and connected than ever – across race and creed – and that we know we are more powerful than the Stalinists when we band together.
Be thankful that we can see with absolute clarity how devious, disgusting and deliberate the elitists are about screwing over hardworking Americans.  No guessing anymore.  They have a greek chorus in Hollywood and a legion of Goebbels’ Spawn in the media.  But we know.  We all know.
Be thankful that the FBI has exposed itself for the corrupt political Brown Shirt operation it is.  Sadly the FBI has corrupt DNA, having been run by a cross dressing lunatic for decades.  J Edgar would be proud of his creation no doubt, but would probably still think Comey is a prick regardless.  With exposure comes reform or a complete shutdown in the next Trump term.
Be thankful that California has started to implode.  It needs a complete meltdown to right itself.  Sadly, liberal nimcompoops will need to be attacked personally by roving bands of maniacs before they change – and maybe not even then.  In the end it may be the Latinos in CA that save the state, as they have faith and family orientation and generally switch to the Republican Party as they achieve success.
Be thankful that the Durham Investigation continues along slowly and methodically.  Just like Michael Meyers in the Halloween movies, he may be slow, but eventually he will catch the low down corrupt hacks who created the fake Russia Hoax.
Be thankful.  Change is coming.
Be thankful that God is Great, Christ is King, the truth always comes out, and that we still live in the greatest country in human history.  All of us must work to bring the ship back on course.
Please share your own thoughts around thankfulness below.
Happy Thanksgiving –


53rd Regiment Endorses Glenn Youngkin for Virginia Governor

Editorial Board of the 53rd Regiment

October 29, 2021

Endorsing Youngkin is a slam dunk! Nothing says awful like Terry McCauliffe, hence the well deserved nickname of Terry McAwful.

Youngkin is a proven leader and a successful businessman. He gets it and understand the struggles of Virginians and the excessive government overreach by federal, state and local governments as it relates to education, masks and vaccine mandates. McCauliffe is a career Clintonite that associates with the worst of the worst. He is known in Democratic circles as “Mr. Dirty Tricks.” He built the DNC’s strategy that is known the “Politics of Personal Destruction.” When the Clintons needed a bagman, Terry was always close by.

Youngkin is not a politician. Refreshing! He’s a homegrown Virginian  that spent the last 30 years raising his family, practicing his faith, building a business and creating jobs. Youngkin is guided by faith, values, and an unshakeable belief that Virginia should be the best state in the Union. Youngkin believes in America, and will put Virginians first.

McCauliffe, Northam and the Democratic Party have decimated Virginia. The Virginian recovery from the pandemic ranks in the bottom 10 among all states. Our students are behind in school and have had Critical Race Theory and pornography shoved down their throats by Schools Boards and the treacherous National Teachers Union. Violent crime has risen to 20-year highs, and much of government, like the Virginia Employment Commission and Department of Motor Vehicles, is broken. People are voting with their feet and leaving the Commonwealth. Taxes are higher, inflation is soaring and Virginian families are being dumped on by bureaucratic tyrants stealing our freedoms and eliminating parents involvement in their children’s education.

It’s time for bold leadership. Glenn will make sure Virginia has better-paying jobs, the best schools, the safest communities, and a government that works for you. His game plan will create 400,000 or more jobs and make sure every student graduates college or life ready to enter the workforce.

Glenn will cut exploding costs for families and relieve the burdens of inflation and taxes. He will cut regulations to create jobs and make it easier for innovators and entrepreneurs to get small businesses moving again. He will restore our high standards for schools and our students, ban critical race theory, invest in our teachers and schools, and empower parents with real choices.

He will defend – not defund – our law enforcement heroes, end human trafficking, and rescue our failing mental health system. And Glenn will make state government honest, efficient, and modern.

While moving forward on these priorities, Glenn will protect our constitutional rights. All of them including the first and second amendments. The result will be a Commonwealth where businesses can prosper, students can thrive, communities are safe, and people – not politicians – are in charge.

It’s going to take a new kind of leader, not a failed politician looking for a second chance like McCauliffe’s gross failings. When Glenn is Governor, we will get it done together.

McCauliffe set Virginia back a decade. No more! Youngkin will fix Virginia and he is well prepared to get to work.


We’re American’s Damn It!!

By BlakJakPershing on GETTR,      @BlackJackPershing on Gab

Dateline: October 19, 2021   1957 hours

“America loves a winner, and will not tolerate a loser, this is why America has never, and will never, lose a war.”

General George S. Patton

Hiden Biden and Silly Milley Vanilli have proven the great general wrong in his prediction.  They left Afghanistan in a disgraceful way that the world will long remember and not soon forget.  Team Biden has now put American incompetence under a spot light for our global enemies to view with glee.

We are Americans, damn it and that is not us.  It is not how we do things.  IT IS NOT US.

What is happening now under this insanely incompetent mix of buffoons, miscreants and slobs IS NOT US.

Alejandro Mayorkas’ Department of Homeland Security, cultivator of a completely open border, destroyer of the Border Patrol, finger wagger to freedom seeking refugees from his own Cuban homeland IS NOT US.  He is a swampian leftist tool of the worst kind.  An insane Cueball, and bumbling contributor to the downfall of our country.

Non-thinking Antony Blinken: the worst possible Sec of State in the history of the Republic.  Makes bad plans, knows they are bad, anticipates they won’t work and does them anyway.  That’s him.  THAT IS NOT US.  That is the work of a career stooge.  A career coward.  A career incompetent.  A Bidenite!

What is a Bidenite?  A sniff accepting, pedo enabling, crackhead’s pop accepting, Stalin embracing, Bad Grandpa Groping, Corn Pop celebrating, IRS Abusing, thieving, contemptible, incompetent stooge.  Yes!  That is a Bidenite!

Psaki?  No thanks.  Give me some Sake, though, please.   Peppermint Patti is the worst Press Secretary of all time.  The sarcastic, scolding enabled harpy that gleefully defends Grandpa Badfinger.  Psaki is NOT US.  She is the Stalinist’s pom pom girl.  But no – she does not represent America.  NO CHANCE.

The imitation First Lady is as much of a Doctor as Rachel Levine is a real lady!  Rachel may qualify as a ‘fat broad’ – heck, Rosy qualifies for that.  But back to Dr Jill, who is very guilty of Elder Abuse.  Washington DC social workers should be getting involved.  It’s a real problem.  But what else can be expected from a rough Philly chick.  Enough said.  Jill is not us.  Americans don’t like fake titles and don’t abuse our elders.  Pound sand, Jill!

Kamala Harris is MIA.  Kamala Harris is a joke.  Kamala Harris is the failing Border Czar.  Kamala Harris has the most irritating laugh on the planet.  Kamala Harris is despised by everyone – even stray dogs.  Kamala Harris is not legit.  Kamala Harris is not one of us.  Americans are not phony posers, incompetent hacks, dopey imposters.  Kamala is NOT US!

“I am an American; free born and free bred, where I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit.”

President Theodore Roosevelt

Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Cooke, Bezos, Pichai have appointed themselves our digital masters.  We’ve been tolerating it.  Are you ok with this?  Will you continue to surrender your privacy and personal data for entertainment?  Will you continue to put yourself and your families at risk due to these Bidenites (see definition above) harvesting your information to destroy you later?  Do you understand that they are in league with China?  Do you understand you will soon receive a social score determined by their algorithm?  The Silicon Valley digital nerd-bidenites are NOT US.  We are Americans!  We do not steal from our neighbors!  We do not peek in our neighbors’ windows!  We do not enable election fraud!  Reject the digital nerd-bidenites!

Failing senior military officers are not us.  Generals used to win wars.  They insisted on it.  The last time it happened was the first Gulf War in 1991.  Clinton/W Bush/Obama and their enablers in the Swamp and congress wrecked the professional officer corps at the senior levels.  As George Marshall did before WW2, it may be time to remove all officers above O-6 and start over.  (credit to the Newt Gingrich podcast for that idea)  Fat, Woke, thick headed, Stalinist Generals ARE NOT US!!  American Generals win wars!  30 years of GO’s have not.  We don’t want you!!!

Fondly do we hope ~ fervently do we pray ~ that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword as was said three thousand years ago so still it must be said ‘the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural

America is virtuous and righteous.  As Lincoln pointed out at the time, the barbarism of the Civil War was enough.  The death, the destruction was enough and that God’s divine hand was part of it.  Those that seek to perpetuate the wrongs and make a living off of them must be stopped.  Bidenites live off of racism.  They get paid for encouraging it and then profit off of its misperception and the media seals who advertise it.  Reject the Bidenites!  Americans love their fellow Americans and are the most charitable people on the planet.  Reject the lies of the Bidenites.  We are 160 years on from the end of slavery.  Its OVER.  We are moving on.  Get a life, Stalinists.  We know what you have done with racism.  We know.  We all know.  The Trump Grand Coalition proves how wrong you arseholes are.  Its made up of blacks, whites, gays, Asians, blah blah blah – you name it.  They love Trump because he loves and defends the interests of Americans, not the diseased swamp.

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

President Ronald Reagan

Frauds like lying Fauci don’t want us to be free and may in fact be in in cahoots with the ChiComs who have used the capitalist system to undermine us.  Money is being paid to undermine America.  Sometimes overtly like in the NBA which now employs communist propagandists like Popavich and LeBron James.  Sometimes silently but obviously as with China Joe and Hunter.  Sometimes in surprising ways as we are now learning with the Chinese lab and Fauci’s Gain of Function research.  We now have District Attorneys across the large metros of the United States installed and paid for by Soros/China – happy business partners.  Reagan’s warning/ forecast is coming true right in front of our faces.  We are Americans!  We do not take payoffs from Chinese Communists!!!  Fauci/Soros/Popovich/Lebron – you are not us!!!!  No you are not!!!  You are engaged in espionage in plain view.  We do not want you!

I remembered some people who lived across the street from our home as we were being taken away. When I was a teenager, I had many after-dinner conversations with my father about our internment. He told me that after we were taken away, they came to our house and took everything. We were literally stripped clean.

George Takei

Now George cares more about being woke and a gay activist than the real lessons of the history he lived.  George knows deep down that it was the democrats that imprisoned and took away everything his family owned.  He knows.  His life is proof of what they are capable of.  George really knows.  The democrats want to control us.  They want to imprison the uncooperative.  The Bidenites like what the ChiComms are doing to the Uighurs.  They do not talk about it because it’s a warm up.  Its one big happy family.  Crazy Aunt Nancy knows this.  Cryin Chuck knows this.  China Diane Feinstein used to know it before she lost her marbles.  The dems know.  Its their plan.

However.  We are Americans, Damn it.  We do not create concentration camps for our neighbors.  We do not take away belongings and rights of others.  But the Democrats do.  The Bidenites do.  What will you do?  What will you do?





MAGA 2.0: Bigger, Better, Faster and Permanent  

By BlackJack Pershing: @blakjakpershing on GETTR

Dateline September 14th, 2021


‘The laws should be rigidly enforced which prohibit the immigration of a servile class to compete with American labor, with no intention of acquiring citizenship, and bringing with them and retaining habits and customs repugnant to our civilization.’

‘A cause worth fighting for is worth fighting for to the end.’

 ‘Our citizens have the right to protection from the incompetency of public employees who hold their places solely as the reward of partisan service.’

‘Communism is a hateful thing, and a menace to peace and organized government.’


  • All quotations of Grover Cleveland, who, until 2024, will have been the only president to serve 2 non-consecutive terms.  He was a dem, but a good one, and a far right winger by today’s standards.

Fellow Patriots, whether by decertification of the 2020 election results due to fraud, or the overwhelming landslide that will occur in 2024, Donald Trump will be the 47th President of the United States.

Its time to recommend and put forth his agenda for the next term.  He’s got lots of clean up to do.  We know that he can do it.  Joe Biden is and will be a skid mark on the history of the United States.


  • Finish the wall.  Overhaul immigration.  Forever stop illegal immigration by making it impossible through walls, drones, electronic means and aggressive/thorough visa enforcement.
  • Eliminate foreign aid; begin leveraged foreign assistance.  That means to get a dime from us we get something back, to include taking your illegal aliens back.
  • Complete NATO solvency.  We are out if the allies don’t pay their bills.  Enforced in the first 90 Days.
  • Begin ‘Pacific NATO’ to counter Chinese aggression; replicate post WWII model for defending free nations in the Pacific region.  Require the re-arming of Japan.  Japan and Korea to play the roles their economic power requires.  Philippines to step up.  Indonesia too.  Pull in Vietnam as an ally.
  • Implement Chinese Reparations for the China Virus Epidemic.  Offer concessions for honesty and a legitimate answer on how it was started.  Assume it was on purpose to start.  Opening bid is $20 Trillion.  It can go up or down based on their behavior.  Collected via direct payment, debt cancellation, or tariff.
  • Western Hemisphere Alliance: begin to negotiate a communist-free western hemisphere alliance based on our shared western heritage and common security interests in North and South America.  Require participation and funding by all nations.  Begin the isolation and ultimate de-communization of Cuba and Venezuela via internal friendly parties.  Fix Haiti once and for all via dedicated coalition of charitable partners that do not include any US State Department resources, the Clinton Foundation, the Gates Foundation or any other organization associated with human trafficking.
  • North Korea: finish what was started.  Rocket Man is waiting the return of his friend to negotiate a nuke free Korean peninsula.   Get the US troops home.  Agree to guarantee Kim’s safety with an agreement to normalize relations between north and south.  If he stays, fine,  If he exiles in China – fine.  Let’s all move on.  Allow travel and development.  Let them work it out while Pacific NATO grows in strength and power.
  • Restructure the Federal Government/Bureaucracy (De-Swampification):
    • Decommission the Pentagon as an office.  Turn it into a museum or commercial office space.  Move military operational HQ to the midwestern United States.  Ft Riley, KS or Ft Leonard Wood, MO.  The locations will attract those willing to serve and prevent swamp connections and corruption in Washington, D.C.
    • Move all other offices of the federal government out of Washington DC and divide them up among the entire geography of the United States to include Hawaii, Alaska and the territories.  Sell off all offices in the Washington DC area.  Good examples are the DOJ and the FBI.  Move them to different and distant states.  Consider permanent elimination of the corrupt FBI.
    • Close the department of education permanently and send all related assets to the states.
    • Close HUD; send all related assets and activities to the states.
    • Consolidate, consolidate, consolidate agencies, organizations, pet projects, ruthlessly.  Let the swamp feel the reorgs and layoffs we’ve all felt forever.
    • Much like Space Force, develop a scientic branch of the military specifically dedicated to defense against the emergence of bio-weapons, sonic/Havanna effect weapons, chem/nuke, electronic pulse, laser and other weaponry we know that our adversaries are aggressively developing.  Science Force All the Way?  POTUS will name it well.  That I can tell you.

Other items on the domestic front:

  • Begin the permanent de-communization of the United States thorough civics education, strict visa/immigration compliance and aggressive removal of Chinese bribery initiatives
  • In all ways reduce the scope of the federal government to the intent of the constitution.  Truly relegate all to the states that should be.
  • Require honest work; eliminate welfare where it is not needed; replace with retraining credits
  • Get business taxes to 15% to win the global battle for investment and jobs
  • Continue bilateral trade agreements
  • Allow the private sector to find win/win solutions to pollution and clean energy; reward through incentives.  Dump all foreign ‘deals’ that punish our workforce.
  • Institute studies, taskforces, awards that institutionalize true American history.  Re-institute the 1776 project.
  • Fully constitutional Supreme Court
  • Refresh and renew the Republican Party with zero RINO’s; help lead a de-communization of the Democrat party
  • Win back the Black vote for republicans and solidify Latinos as a reliable republican block of voters
  • Finish Enterprise Zones and work with the private industry and states to at long last fix inner cities; make failed democrat leadership of inner cities obvious

Those are my initial thoughts fellow Patriots?  What are yours?  Please leave them in the comments.  I’ll close with a few things you already know:

  • Phuck Joe Biden (clap, clap, clap clap clap!)
  • Trump Won, We all know!
  • Hillary still sucks
  • Barr was a phony and a disappointment
  • The mooch was a D-head
  • Pence lost his nerve
  • Milley for Gitmo
  • They killed Joan Rivers for calling out the obvious.  We all know.
  • W they have something on him. What is it?


BlackJack Pershing



Overweight, Political, Failing and Woke: The Sad State of America’s General Officers

By @BlakJakPershing on GETTR, @PershingSoldier on Parler, @PershingSoldier on Clouthub and @BlackJackPershing on Gab

Dateline July 15th, 2021             Liberty, USA

‘Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son’

-Dean Wormer, Animal House

To paraphrase the Dean, ‘fat, scared, stupid and woke is no way to go through a military career, General Milley!’

‘There’s no power in a bushel of blubber’

                General George S Patton

Its about time we discuss the state of many, but not all General Officers in recent years, especially the ones choosing to bad mouth our legitimate Commander in Chief, Donald J Trump.

A bit of history first.  We haven’t solidly and specifically won a war since 1991.  The Gulf War was a stellar use of strategy, tactics and restraint.  Bravo.  This war used what was known as the ‘Powell Doctrine’ a set of lessons learned from Vietnam about the need for clear goals and the use of overwhelming force for clean victories.

One could argue that ’91 was the year we could say that the Cold War was also won after years of commitment and leadership by many in several generations of political and military leadership – it was even mostly a bi-partisan effort until the 1980’s.

Since ’91 however, whether it was Clinton’s draw down of the military in the so called ‘peace dividend’, or the two wars poorly fought under the supervision of George W Bush and Barack Obama, our military leaders have let us and our soldiers, airmen and marines down.

There have been moments of brilliance.  Battles have been won by the rank and file, by junior and midlevel officers and NCO’s.  But at the strategic leadership level, we have been let down.  There have been legitimate small engagements like Panama or Kosovo that were positive.  Missions like the one in Haiti that achieved good humanitarian aims for a time.

But the big jobs have been bungled by Generals.  The list of the incompetent GO’s is long. 

Many veterans know that once you get to the rank of O-6, or full Colonel in the Army, Airforce and Marines or Captain in the Navy, all future promotions are purely political.

‘Anyone who thinks he’s indispensable, ain’t!’

                General George S Patton

We haven’t seen many, if any, principled resignations at the General Officer level in the last 20 years.  We can only imagine there have been plenty of opportunities.  We would hope that our senior military officers would have the moral courage to walk away from poor civilian leadership.  We need to be able to count on that.  But that  apparently doesn’t happen despite many opportunities: Understaffing the invasion force of Iraq? Performing social experimentation in the ranks of our troops?  Requiring pseudo-socialist training that has zero to do with war fighting? Summary cuts to critical budgets for training? Requiring trans persons to be part of a force that still disallows people with flat feet and other musculoskeletal issues due to the need for readiness?  Announcing an Iraq departure that gives birth to the Caliphate? These weren’t enough to cause principled resignations?  Not even a public negative comment?

   We have a cohort of General Officers who have delivered a generation of lost wars, who act as if they deserve respect and admiration but really deserve the opposite.

We have a cohort of General Officers who show open bias politically. But here is the official guidance from the department of defense:

The primary guidance concerning political activity for military members is found in DoD Directive 1344.10. Per longstanding DoD policy, active duty personnel may not engage in partisan political activities and all military personnel should avoid the inference that their political activities imply or appear to imply DoD sponsorship, approval, or endorsement of a political candidate, campaign, or cause.

These cowardly GO’s would gladly prosecute junior officers, NCO’s and troops under the UCMJ for doing far less than they have done, in terms of their cooperation with the foul aims of the democrat party and their attempts to undermine the Trump administration in the roll out of its policies.

Think of SecDef Mattis and his open contempt of his boss.  Well General Mattis, he was only trying to change things because of your record of failure.

Think of egg heads like General Michael Hayden, a Four Star General who also served as Head Spook at the CIA for a number of years.  This arrogant Swampian has screeched out regularly about President Trump, bringing dishonor on himself and his rank.  The likely reason is because of what Trump knows of the General’s failures and malfeasance.

Think of poor General McChrystal, dissed by Obama after doing a pretty good job, because of leaked comments to press scumbags he should have never associated with.  Apparently a life long learner like Stan didn’t learn a key lesson and went back to supporting democrat dopes and openly bad mouthing President Trump on Syria tactics during his term.  Trump was right.  Again.  Stan’s motives remain unclear as he’s been openly dissed by Dems for years.  Just dumb I guess.

Think of lost at Sea Admiral McRaven of ‘Make Your Bed’ fame, another sad sack openly bad mouthing President Trump for any number of reasons.  Guys like him can’t handle unconventional leaders like Trump.  Thank God the founders ‘got it’ and understood our system would produce a variety of leaders, some colorful.  Swampian stiffs like McRaven obsess on ‘he said mean things’ while losing wars and acting cocky.

Think of Woke Fatty, Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs who was savagely and appropriately corrected publicly by the President in a statement on the day of this writing for musing to the press about Trumps desires for a coup.  Trump hires him, gives him a chance after others dissed him, and Milley returns the favor by kissing woke democrat arse.  A sad mess, a disgrace to the uniform – especially because his ability to pass an Army Physical Fitness Test isn’t even in the remotest of possibilities.

Let’s pause here and ask the question: what happened and when did it happen that fat slobs are now a thing in my United States Army?  Vindman?  Milley?  This needs to stop.  Navy?  OK – they are desk jockeys primarily and there is a tradition of out of shape Navy Officers that goes back to the founding.  We can even let certain Airforce Officers be tubby.  But the Army?  NO.  JUST.  NO.  We’re not having it.  Drop the donuts General and get your fat arse on the track.  Of note: the correlation between being fat/slovenly and being liberal/woke is extremely high.  Someone needs to check on Hayden – likely has a major paunch developing – and cankles.

You may have also seen that Admiral Michael Gilday, Chief of Naval Ops, has added anti-American socialist garbage to Navy reading lists.  What about winning wars, one may ask?  What about the Navy enduring a number of embarrassing accidents and incidents in the last 15 years, one may ask?  Perhaps its leadership devoid of principle or common sense?  Obsessed with democrat arse kissing instead of winning?

Swamp Generals exemplify group think.

‘If everyone is thinking alike, no one is thinking.’

                General George S Patton

Notice the Patton quotes?  What do you think he’d make of this sad crop of Generals?  Not much is my guess.  We quote him because he and men like Sherman, Grant, Pershing and Washington knew their jobs were to train our troops to do difficult, hard things in the worst of circumstances.  And to win.  Where did we go wrong?  Who derailed this tradition?

“War is cruelty. You can’t refine it.”
― William T. Sherman

Here is some free advice for our senior military leaders, which they should already know, but apparently don’t:

  • If it doesn’t increase our readiness and warfighting effectiveness, don’t do it
  • Don’t bad mouth the commander in chief personally – it’s not your place and it’s conduct unbecoming – active or retired
  • Disagree on policy? Then have the stones to resign if you are active.  If retired, be professional, not personal
  • Check your ego; you report to civilians.  Deal with it General.
  • Stay in shape; set a proper example; don’t be a slob
  • If you haven’t won a war, you probably shouldn’t be talking smack about anyone.  You had one job.  You failed.
  • Pull your heads out.
  • Stop kissing woke democrat arse.

This one time active duty soldier has just about had it with today’s military leadership.



Liz Cheney, Bush-world and the Ash Heap of History

By BlackJack Pershing  @PershingSoldier on Clouthub, @BlackJackPershing on Gab, @PershingSoldier on Parler

Dateline May 12th, 2021                 Missouri Territory

“…freedom and democracy will leave Marxism and Leninism on the ash heap of history.”

                Ronald Reagan, Speech to the House of Commons, June 8th, 1982

Despite recent efforts by Joe Hiden and the democrats to revive both of those ‘isms’, Ronald Reagan remains right.

And we add to the Ash Heap a number of other people and things that President Trump has helped modern Republicans understand and comprehend in the light of day.

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s celebrate the removal of Liz Cheney from house leadership and the official transfer of she, herself, her family business, and the entire franchise of establishment republicans to the ash heap of history!

Liz is over.  She’s shrieking like an angry demon as she is stripped of relevance.  She will be an MSM darling going forward.  But.  She is over.  Trump?  #NotOver !!

What else is over?

Country Club republicans also known as ‘Rockefeller’ republicans.  Wealthy republicans worried about their portfolios that went along with the republicans from a strictly economic perspective.  They do not care about offshoring of jobs and the working class.  They sold out to China to line their pockets long ago.  The Chamber of Commerce is their god.  Cheap imported workers are their preference, legal if possible but illegal will do just fine.  Trump called them out.  Many defected to the DNC.

“What does that get us? A discontented, lazy rabble instead of a thrifty working class. And all because a few starry-eyed dreamers like Peter Bailey stir them up and fill their heads with a lot of impossible ideas!”

          Mr Potter, from It’s a Wonderful Life, definitely a Rockefeller Republican


George W: as analyzed in another column on this site, ‘Confessions of a Reformed and Redeemed W Voter’, W has soiled himself beyond recognition.  He’s over.  Trump?  #NotOver. 

Dick Cheney: his usefulness at its maximum was scaring and pissing off the democrats in the mid-00’s.  He was good at it.  Intelligent, concise, glib and sometimes humorous, Dick Cheney was the lightning rod of the W administration.  Unfortunately most, if not all, of his ideas have proven to be misguided at best, arrogantly stupid at worst.  He should have stayed at Halliburton.  Another non-serving war monger, devoid of proper training and strategic thought.  An intelligent idiot.

The Bush’s, despite their desperate attempts to pretend otherwise, are old money patrician class elitists.  Everyone has their place for the Bush’s.  For America’s working class, its pulling themselves up by their bootstraps with nothing after their jobs are shipped to the Bushs’ Chinese business partners.

Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld: they blew it after the initial response to 9/11.  With no initial worry about outcomes, they started two wars with untested strategy.  Powell likely knew the flaws and kept his mouth shut.  Condi may be best remembered for posing for a buddy shot with Muamar Khadhafi.  Dope.  Rummy’s shock and awe turned out to be a tactic, not a strategy.  The glib technocrat will go down in history as the arrogant ass that screwed it all up.

Bush-World enablers: Boehner, Mitch McConnell: Republican congressional leaders were very comfortable with the Bush traditions, the lack luster results, the sell out of the American worker.   They themselves have proven to be in their roles for money, not service.  Slobs, hypocrites and sellouts.

Why did it never occur to Bush-world that their jobs were to maximize the success and potential of the American people – all of them?  Why did they enable the communist dictatorship of China?  Why did they offshore our jobs and then blame us?  Because they never got it and can’t get it.  They don’t relate.  Never did. 

Michael Chertoff.  John Snow.  John Bolton.  Hank Paulson.  Alberto Gonzales.  Elaine Chao.  Tom Ridge All of them swampy swampians.  Retreads.  Non-leaders.  Apparatchiks.

Bush-worlders.   They are over.  Trump?  #NotOver !!

In the 2000’s Bush-world had the vexing problem of being the only alternative to DNC chaos.  On the surface they seemed like the adults in the room.  They had a veneer of competence.  That competence was for a world gone by.  The 1970’s specifically.  Otherwise they were completely unprepared for what dawned in the 21st century.

Trump woke up conservatives.  He made it respectable to care for our working brothers and sisters that were forgotten.  The Trump coalition is bigger and broader than anyone realizes.   You know the stats from the Trump coalition in 2020.  The demographic changes terrorize the DNC.  Blacks will be 50% for Trump in 2024.   Latinos will be 70% for Trump.

Romney? He sucks!”

                Obama Phone Lady

Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger, Paul Ryan, the McCains and many more – they all play a nasty game of arse kissing with the same media that have called them racists and grandma killers in the past.  One wonders why they are compromised?  What do they have on them?

RINO’s are over!  Trump? #NotOver !!

Members of The Hot Tub from Hell:  Frank Luntz, Karl Rove, George Will, Bill Kristol, David Gergen, All Lincoln Project members, Anthony Scaramucci, and most fired Trump Administration personnel.  They are the worst of the worst bottom feeders.  Mostly devoted to themselves and the lousy books they write for the feeble minded.  A sad group of diaper wearing, increasingly irrelevant clowns.

The Hot Tub from Hell is OVER!  Trump?  #NotOver !!

What else is over?  Please share below, fellow Patriots! 



Confessions of a Reformed and Redeemed W Voter

by Blackjack Pershing                Missouri Territory

Dateline April 20, 2021

“I think we agree, the past is over. ”
― George W. Bush


That’s right W, and for that we are thankful.

As W has inserted himself in the national conversation of late, so let’s recap where many of us have landed on the teetotaling son of another President with a dubious record.

“Never trust a man who doesn’t drink.”

  • Winston Churchill   (OK maybe a cheap shot, but he’s earned it)

We wanted him to succeed.  In fact in the immediate wake of 9/11 even many democrats felt reassured that ‘the adults were in charge’ following 2 terms of Bill, Hill, Monica, White Water, Clintoncide, Hillary Care, Co-presidents, Vast Right Wing Conspiracies, a failed impeachment and the generally tawdry atmosphere of the Clinton Whitehouse.

Americans wanted ass kicked after 9/11.  W delivered.  Box checked.  However,  I believe it was Colin Powell at the time who said with regard to screwing up a war, ‘If you break it, you bought it.’  Did we ever.  Powell deserves to be held accountable for letting Rumsfeld drop his ‘Powell Doctrine’, built on lessons learned from Vietnam on how to win wars.  Powell’s doctrine was used in the first Gulf War: overwhelming force.  It worked.  See the ‘highway of death’.  He let Rummy screw it all up in the 2nd Gulf War.  An unending disaster ensued.

But we digress, back to W.

13 years post W, with plenty of help from truth teller Donald J Trump, most republicans and conservatives have been red pilled on W.  Eyes now wide open.

In 2001:

We thought we got a republican Harry Truman.  Instead we got a less demented, sometimes confused and togue tied republican Joe Biden.  As George H.W. might have said: ‘Not good!  Bad!’

We thought we got a more conservative George HW, less enthralled with the New World Order.  Instead we got China sellout 2.0, post Clinton, letting the offshoring spread like a plague while telling Americans we weren’t competitive.  Blaming us while giving our jobs to communists paying 1 cent on the dollar to their slave laborers.

We thought we got a happy warrior – the one that unseated loudmouth Ann Richards in TX.   Instead we got an oddly passive mopey W who refused to answer his critics, who in turn just piled on.  This passivity let down his voters and his party, and enabled the attack mob CCP-partner media we now have firmly in place.

We thought we got a down home, red neck, rootin tootin, kinda funny, ranch owning, pick up truck driving old son of a gun character as President.  What we really got was a Yale educated elitist faking it as a cowboy.

“The thing that’s important for me is to remember what’s the most important thing.”
― George W. Bush

W lucked out with stiff retreads to campaign against.  Gore and Kerry – unappealing scolds that allowed W’s charm, such as it was, to shine.  He was very likeable – we must give him that.

And funny at times: It’s a shame he only gave mean nick names only to his immediate staff: Skippy to Cheney due to his heart issues.  Turd Blossom to Karl Rove for obvious reasons.  Tiny to Richard Armitage, chubby Deputy Secretary of State.   It took a fearless champion to give nicknames to the dummies that truly deserved them in the media, democrat party etc: Donald J Trump.  His were better.

W’s largest mistakes were his foreign wars.  We have plenty of recent history that showed how to lose foreign wars: Vietnam with no clear strategy, incrementalism, and little home support.  And how to win: first Gulf War: Clear goal, Powell doctrine of overwhelming force.  Having some military background himself, W should have been wiser.  Rumsfeld, seemingly a good choice at first, turned out to be the worst of the worst technocrat.  Shock and Awe didn’t prevent us from an unmanageable mess in Iraq upon our march into Baghdad.  Such lousy execution from pedantic bigmouth Rumsfeld should have got him fired.

Remember the disappearance/retirement of General Shinseki after he told the truth about necessary troop levels needed to occupy Baghdad?  Shameful.

W’s biggest mistakes involved listening to career bureaucrats (the swamp) and taking them at their word.  The ‘de-Bathification’ of Iraq was a disaster.  Others can cover that topic better than I can.

The so called surge was late.  And necessary due to bungled strategy and poor execution.

Interesting that most of the career military officers, especially the General Officers, that have criticized Trump publicly, were key leaders in the failed foreign wars started by W.  Clearly their motivation is fear of their malfeasance being exposed, and resentment of Trump’s accurate criticism.

The ineptitude of Iraq/Afghanistan wars is settled business.  I believe the intention was to get to root causes in the region and permanently settle them.  Clearly that did not happen.  Let’s move on.

Remember when W fired Rummy in 2006, openly admitting it was because he lost congress and they (the Dems) wanted someone less controversial.  I am not Rummy fan, but really?  What kind of reasoning is that?  Fire him and take responsibility for it.  Sad.

Remember when Bush cut taxes and it really wasn’t even that much and he let the business tax stand which really was the big issue even then?

This all seems like a million years ago.  Pre-tech monopolies and censorship.  It is actually a bit hazy.  Like many, W did some good things.  But they were lost under a pile of incompetence.

“They misunderestimated me.”
― George W. Bush

Remember the embrace of globalism and so called free trade with W, a stupid republican hallmark for decades.  The problem is free trade was never free or fair.  But the Chamber of Commerce loved it as they lined their pockets while American workers got screwed.  ‘Compassionate Conservative’ W was ok with that.

Remember when W said he wouldn’t comment on his successor due to the dignity of the office, and proceeded to let Obama blame him for every bad condition that has ever existed without a word?  And remember when Trump made mincemeat of his dopey brother Jeb, W decided to join the chorus of A-holes taking shots at Trump?  Yeah.   I do.  Shove it W.

The other things are many: bailouts, Hurricane Katrina optics and execution, whatever.  Massive media misinformation had become a thing.  W is a classic example of missed opportunities, unmet expectations, investment in failed models, faith in the swamp, disguised elitism, groupthink, failed strategy setting, unwillingness to change quickly when things are not working.  Stubbornness.   We wanted him to win but he didn’t let himself.  He tried to act like the common man, but helped give birth to the forgotten man (and woman).

Finally, I’ll say it as much as it pains me.  On 9/11 when W sat there as long as he did after Andy Card told him we were under attack, and let the kids keep reading, it did suck and was embarrassing.  It pissed me off when Media Hippopotamus Michael Moore made hay with it, but on that, he was right.  Nuts.  W may have needed time to think, but he could have done that in private.  Gracefully exiting quickly was the thing to do.  WTF.

“It will take time to restore chaos”
― George W. Bush

W – you had a good life as TX governor and part owner of the Rangers.  You should have stayed.

With Regret

BlackJack Pershing



Dateline April 13th, 2021    North Carolina

  “Yankee Mike”

Well, at least Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet are still part of our great American Heritage! Sadly, Major League Baseball once considered to be “America’s Past Time” has dropped from the list of iconic Americana. Baseball was featured for decades in great American TV & Radio Commercials as uniquely American, patriotic, wholesome, fun and unifying. The title of this essay was taken from a very popular Chevrolet commercial from the mid – 1970s. Allot has changed since then, especially lately, and not for the good of the sport or the nation.

Many of us baseball loving fans grew up with a bat and a ball in our hands. We came from all walks of life and all economic classes. We were raised by God-fearing & patriotic men and women. We kneeled before our Lord and Savior & we stood for the Star Spangled Banner.

In many cases, our parents had put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms that we enjoy. They fought to protect our way of life and to safeguard us from the evils that reigned supreme in other parts of the world. When faced with the tyrrany of dictators, genocidal maniacs and the spread of Socialism and Communism, American generations have risen to the challenge of defeating “all comers”.

Throughout much of the 20th Century and up until now, there has always been at least one “Safe Place” to rest our weary minds from the bad news of the day. That Safe Place is otherwise defined as Major League Baseball; a place where one can get lost in the game and harken back to one’s youth to remember one’s own passion for the game while rooting for a particular sports hero to come through in the pinch for you when the game is on the line.

That safe place has been a safe harbor and a refuge from troubles at home, from war and from politics. Major League Baseball has served as a unifier among very diverse groups of people. Just go sit in Yankee Stadium for a game and take in the diverse crowd of people sitting all around you and representing every race, color, creed, gender, nationality and language that one can imagine. Everyone there has one thing in common: pulling for the Home Team to win ! New friendships are made with the crack of a bat. Race as an issue never enters into the atmosphere at the ballpark. The mosaic of the diversity of the fans represented at the ballpark only makes for an even more enjoyable experience as one’s fellow fans realize that there is more uniting us at the ballpark than dividing us.

Sadly, Commissioner Rob Manfred has chosen badly. He has thrown his lot in with the Radical Leftists, the Marxists & the Communists hiding under the guise of BLM & Antifa. They have found him to be a Dim Bulb, a Soft Target, an ill-informed Dupe and a Coward. Not satisfied with the destruction of the NBA & the NFL, the Democrat Stormtroopers have successfully placed their MLB Trophy in the Media’s Display Case.

Stacey Abrams has nicely filled the role of Darth Vader as she continues to leave a swarth of destruction in her sizeable path. Let’s not forget, however, that she is simply the spearhead for a much more sinister purpose and that is “The End of Free & Fair Elections” in the state of Georgia and all across the nation.

“Komisar Manfred” rolled over nicely like a dog awaiting his treat for successfully completing his trick. He pulled the “Mid Summer Classic” from “racist” Atlanta & “racist” Georgia faster than you can say “Archie Bunker”! And what, pray tell, makes Atlanta & Georgia so “racist” in the eyes and mind of Ms. Abrams? Why it’s the new Georgia state election laws that tighten up voting regulations and were recently passed by the State Legislature and signed into law by Governor Kemp to prevent the fraud and abuse that took place in the 2020 elections from ever happening again. How TURRIBLE ! as Charles Barkley might say.

Hey Stacey! From now on, mail-in ballots from the Dead, voting boxes stuffed with ballots from “Jin-nah” and Zuckerberg’s handy dandy “Drop Off Boxes” will be very limited or altogether prohibited. Oh, and by the way Stacey, Photo IDs will now be required. Maybe, Komisar Manfred will place your Photo ID on a baseball card for trading purposes among your fellow Stormtroopers!

Komisar Manfred has abandoned Atlanta for the snowy white peaks of the Rockies by placing the 2021 All Star Game in the “Mile High City” of Denver. Along with Komisar Manfred, the MLB Team Owners have shown themselves to be Eunucks of the First Order by allowing this travesty to take place.

It would have been far wiser for the team owners and MLB Executives to “channel” NBA great Michael Jordan who in 1990 was approached by Democrats who wanted him to support a black candidate running for a US Senate seat in North Carolina. Jordan refused. His comment? “Republicans buy sneakers too!” It would seem that Michael Jordan had it right more than 30 years ago while MLB is run by a bunch of DUMMIES!!!

Hey Komisar! Republicans buy baseball tickets too! They also buy lots and lots of team merchandise and food and beverage at the ball parks. They also buy team apparel and ball caps online. They also watch the games on MLB Pay for View and stream lots of other games. By taking the ill-informed actions that you have taken, you have aligned Major League Baseball with the Radical Left and alienated the vast majority of your fan base.

MLB has disenfranchised the working poor who work at its SunTrust Ballpark Concession and Souvenir Stands. You have gravely injured many of the small business owners in the surrounding communities who worked for months to support and to prepare in earnest for the All Star Game. Those small business owners borrowed money in most cases in the hope of turning a profit on a once in decades event. MLB beginning with the Commissioner’s Office has shown woeful poor judgement throughout this self-inflicted wound and the sport does not deserve support from its paying, patriotic fan base.

Worst of all, Major League Baseball has immersed itself in politics, again ! Last year was more than enough to endure watching millionaire ballplayers take a knee in solidarity with the Marxist BLM movement which declared war on the nuclear family. I have no intention of supporting Marxists or other people that support Marxists……including sports figures and athletes. Marxism / Communism is anathema to the American character and all that we stand for as Americans. We fought and won a long Cold War to get rid of this scourge only to find it has been revitalized on the nation’s college campi and is being spread by “educated” twits who have no understanding of our great American History. It has now reared its ugly head in the MLB Commissioner’s Office and in the “Woke Corporations” of America.

Major League Baseball has decided to pick a winner on a political battlefield. And for this there must be consequences. The Komisar’s Office has exposed its Team Owners to what certainly will be a loss of revenue and fans. The losses have begun with an immediate loss of respect for the Commissioner’s Office, the 30 Team Owners who were in the circle of decision makers and for your decisions to accept being bullied by one political party over another. The National Political Scene has NO place in Baseball.

My counter to your poor choices is to reject Major League Baseball until the time of your resignation. Personal apologies from all 30 Team Owners would be nice also in light of their enabling your poor choices. Until that time comes, here is what I plan to do:

  • I will not attend a MLB Game
  • I will not spend money on Food or Beverage at a MLB Game
  • I will not purchase MLB Team Apparel, Gear, Caps, etc. online or in stores
  • I will not purchase the products of MLB sponsors
  • I will not watch televised MLB Broadcasts
  • I will not listen to MLB Radio Broadcasts
  • I will not watch livestreamed games

I would encourage all readers to take similar measures in order to drive down MLB’s revenue stream. We need to send a strong message to the “Powers-to- Be” that we will not be part and parcel to the self-destruction of our country. We will not be bullied by those who think that they know better than we do. We will not be the “Sheeple” that the Leftist Loons prefer us to be and allow our country to be taken from us by those who would destroy our way of life.

The NBA, the NFL, MSM stalwarts ABC, CBS, NBC, and Cable News providers CNN, MSNBC, and FNC have all seen their advertising revenues fall as their viewership has plunged. They are all “woke” and going broke! Its time for Komisar Manfred and MLB to feel the pinch !

As a lifelong Yankees fan, it is heart breaking to leave the team of my youth and my dreams. However, I take solace in the fact that George Steinbrenner, the Yankees owner during periods of some of the team’s greatest success, was actually born on the 4th of July and did his level best to honor America and our flag. One can only hope that we rediscover our greatness as a nation and that our sports teams learn to stay out of areas of debate where they have no business.

It’s God, Country, Family First for me! Those who disparage our nation and turn against its laws have no seat at my table.


2020 Big Dummies of the Year – They Earned it!

By Pershing Soldier                                            17 January 2021

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe.
Albert Einstein
Note to readers: 2020 revealed so many dummies, that your favorite dummy may not be included here.  We invite you to list any missing dummies in the comments section below.  Also note: not all democrats are dummies, but most of those who vote for them are in fact, Big Dummies.  
Its that time, fellow patriots, when we sit down and discern the epic failures, hilariously inept and true buffoons amongst us.  2020 provided an eruption of Big Dummies that is historic.  Let’s get to work.
These will be in no particular order as the dummies themselves are in no particular order.
Bret ‘Buffet Table’ Baier, Martha ‘McStupid’ MacCallum and Chris Wallace are our headliners.  These three as well as many other enablers have destroyed Fox News.  There has not been a more spectacular epic fail in television than the Fox News election night implosion.  It will never be matched.  A wicked combination of hubris, isolation and yes, stupidity, resulted in a near 20 year streak of #1 ratings dropping to a distant #3 over night.  And no one has been terminated. Wow.  Just.  Wow.  Congrats Newsmax and OAN – don’t screw this up.  Big Dummy parade at Fox News, especially in the board room.
While we are on cable news, special mention for previous Big Dummy awardee Jeff Zucker at CNN for allowing Project Veritas to invade their daily conference calls, and confirm to the planet that they are the PR wing of the DNC. Big Dummy!!
Is there such a thing as an effective Big Dummy?  Maybe,  Human dirigible and Waffle House terrorist Stacey Abrams managed to pull off a second round of election fraud in Georgia with everyone watching.  Historically conservative GA elected two communists with her leadership, a person claiming to be the legitimate governor of the same state for the last 4 years wile not in office.  Stacey is seemingly, an effective Big Dummy.  She is however, aided by two ineffective Big Dummies, Governor (real one) Brian Kemp, and Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger.  Both are insanely inept and possibly corrupt.
He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more.
― P.G. Wodehouse
While we are on governors, loud mouth commie Andrew Cuomo of NY must be singled out as the Big Dummy he is.  Nursing home deaths, arrogance, leftist policies and an emptying state define this buffoon.  All problems are blamed on others, enabled by a sycophant press that lets him beat on them.  See @realtina40 for the best analysis on #CCC Governor Cuomo.  When you ask yourself how an unpleasant asshat like Cuomo can be elected, the answer is simple: leftist democrats aka Big Dummies.
RE: BLM and Antifa – we just offer this quote from George Carlin.  That’s all they get and the deserve much less:
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
Knocking Bill DeBlasio aka Warren Wilhelm to the side, temporarily, for Biggest Dummy of all Mayors is Ted Wheeler of Portland, who enabled Antifa/BLM and is also hated by them.  He’s also admitted the shambles his city is in is his fault.  Wow.  But then right there with him is Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, who you may remember referred to the cesspool known as the CHOP as a ‘summer of love’.  Maybe, if love includes raw sewage, destruction of private property  and rampant theft.  Big Dummy!
In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.
Napoleon Bonapart
There are so many examples of really dumb DNC products roaming around, but lets pick a few of the legends:
Eric Swalwell: notorious on-air farter, inept presidential candidate and now we learn, colluder with the CCP through his paramour, Fang Fang.  Huge Big Dummy and we grant him Big Dummy Hall of Fame status this year.  (incidentally, the current members of the Big Dummy Hall of Fame are Joe Biden, Al Gore and Paul Krugman, so Swalwell joins some lofty company)
Kamala Harris: a dope unliked by even democrats. Lies about most subjects continuously.  Sad.
Emanuel Cleaver: the Missouri congressman is the one who said ‘Amen and Awoman’ at the end of his opening prayer in the house chamber.  He joins legendary Big Dummy Rep Hank Johnson who infamously worried about the island of Guam capsizing due to overpopulation while questioning an Admiral during a committee meeting.  You can’t make this kind of Big Dummy behavior up.
Kim Gardener, the City Attorney of St Louis, must get a mention here for harassing the McCloskeys after they protected their property with their guns.  You may not know that just this past December a circuit judge removed Gardener and her entire team from the case because she used it for campaign fundraising.  The fact that this slob, and yes, Big Dummy, holds the position she does, is a bad sign for the nation.  Another Soros backed disaster.
Irony is wasted on the stupid 
― Oscar Wilde
Indeed Mr Wilde, indeed.  And there is a group of pinheads that don’t see that the very free internet that made their fortunes possible now allows them to practice tyranny, which will eventually put them out of business.  Fascinating and stupid.  So, sociopaths Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg, bald dic pic king Jeff Bezos, technoboob Sundar Pichai of Google and sniveling coward Tim Cooke of Apple have all made the Big Dummy list simultaneously.  They are admittedly smart, but they are also stupid, and do not know history.  They are also fairly destructive toward their businesses and stock holders.  If you hold stock in these institutions, it might be time to dump it.  Alternatives are emerging every single day.  Patriots reject censorship and tyranny regardless of whom it is directed toward.   Further, there is a valid question about the collusion these men took part in to take down a competitor (Parler).  This is not over.  Quick unrelated note, deep research reveals Jack Dorsey practices personal hygiene habits learned from Rep Ilhan Omar. 
This list would be incomplete without Dr Fauci’s inclusion.  He was against masks before he was for them, enjoys being feted by Big Media doofuses and, generally speaking, has been turned into a fake celebrity by those same doofuses.  While he’s more of a Doctor than Jill Biden, its fair to say we all trust Dr Pepper more than both of them.   Dr Scholl’s too.
We have another entrant into the Big Dummy Hall of Fame this year, along with Swalwell, and that is none other than Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  She’s earned this honor by down grading the impeachment process into a cheap threat, a misused tool and a Presidential traffic ticket.  The president she impeached the first time received more votes than any other sitting president in history.  The newest impeachment scheme reveals Pelosi for the malevolent scheming demon she is. Regardless, thinking Americans are dismissing this tactic and moving on.  The backlash will be noteworthy.  By the way, add to her Stalinist reign in the House her infamous ‘Come to Chinatown’ speech as the pandemic was starting and her hypocritical ‘blowout’ in SFO while the nation was locked down. Enjoy the HoF, Madam Speaker, I’d like to say you’re in good company, but its more like stupid company.  You earned it.
When a great genius appears in the world you may know him by this sign; that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.
― Jonathan Swift
New to the list this year: Republicans! You know the ones.  The disloyal.  The mercenary.  The selfish.  I’ll list a few of the most notorious that were there to abandon Trump immediately.  These are in addition to the two China payees from Georgia already mentioned.
Liz Cheney, on orders from her old man, who’s offended that Trump criticized the unresolved and ineffective wars he helped to start.  the Wyoming GOP has already signaled that this Big Dummy is finished.
Adam Kinzinger, who’s made himself the darling of the leftist mob by criticizing the president.  Mental Lightweight.  Big Dummy.
Mitt Romney.  Big Dummy.
Lyndsey Graham, the most insipid, desperate for attention buffoon, always destroys any good he does with disloyalty.  He just can’t STFU.  Ever.  Big Dummy.
Mitch McConnell betrayed the President quickly, followed by his wife, Elaine Chao.  Both, Big Dummies.  Thinking patriots see through them.  Mitch won his term with Trumps’s help.  Its likely his last.  Let’s hope the old republican party leaves with him.
Are there more Big Dummies out there?  Yes.  Too many.  Its insane.  In the first list back in 2018 we listed most of the media under their networks – otherwise the list would run for too long.
The many retired General Officers in the beltway weighing in on politics should also be added, with Michel Hayden as their poster boy.  Sad angry swamp buffoons.  You’d think they all won a war or something to have that kind of confidence, wouldn’t you?  But they didn’t.  They FAILED.  Big Dummies all.
Let’s end with a quote for all of the dummies mentioned above – and as noted – nominate and recognize your own list of dummies in the comments.
If your brains were dynamite there wouldn’t be enough to blow your hat off.
― Kurt Vonnegut



Missouri Territory            19 November 2020 

By @PershingSoldier on Twitter/Parler

Army General Anthony McAuliff –   the acting division commander of the 101st Airborne Division troops defending Bastogne, Belgium, during World War II’s Battle of the Bulge, famous for his single-word reply of “Nuts!” in response to a German surrender ultimatum.

I suppose it was destined to come to a moment like this.  The ultimate battle of our outsider President against the Swamp, the establishment and the growing octopus that the Stalinist Left has become.  He’s in a similar place the good General quoted above was in, encircled by a desperate evil force.

One man stands, almost alone, leveraging all of the tools and strength he has, against the nauseating malevolence of multiple corrupt institutions.

He is all we have, while we wait for the Senate to be settled.  A weakened Pelosi house is still dangerous enough.

The leftist cabal is well funded, aligned, highly organized and completely anti-liberty.  ‘Progressive-ism’ has replaced any type of normal religious faith for most of its adherents. 

Our President has sent his General McAuliff message post-election: “I WON BY ALLOT!!!”  He’s not conceding.  There will be no surrender.  He is re-grouping and assembling his most effective battle force.  Its taken some time.  MAGA world is loyal but frustrated.  The emerging facts are well covered by Sidney Powell, Giuliani and most recently Lin Wood.

American liberty stands at an historical precipice.  Lincoln’s short pre-civil war period as president comes to mind.  The insidious presidency of Woodrow Wilson looms as a warning, with its embrace of eugenics, covert racism and embrace of globalist ideals.   As Mark Levin has pointed out, leftist media is nothing new.  The ‘Party Press’ existed through much of the 19th century.  Their flirtation with professionalism was brief, mid 20th century.  In fact it’s debatable whether it ever happened.

Fellow patriots we are in a sobering place. 

“You, me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life.  It’s not about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward.  That’s how winning is done!”

Rocky Balboa, from Rocky 6

We have a president who personifies this sentiment put forth by one of this author’s favorite fictional characters.  Donald Trump lives this sentiment vividly.  If there is ever evidence of someone showing up at exactly the right time in history, it may in fact, be him.  See ‘Is the Devine Hand Present’ on this website.

Can he pull it off?

“Do your damnedest in an ostentatious manner all the time.”

General George S Patton

Style matters little despite the MSM obsession with tweets and press conference ass chewings from President Trump.  (BTW – NY Gov Cuomo is 100 times more harsh and disrespectful with reporters and it goes unreported).  Many have observed similarities between General George Patton and Donald Trump.  Patton, a man of salty and colorful language, was sidelined for slapping a soldier that reported battle fatigue with no injuries.  The press brutalized him.  Eisenhower quietly redeployed him to command of an army him when it was time to win the war in Europe.  He delivered.  Trump like Patton is now down.  It will not be for long.    

The President’s two most valuable lieutenants are Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell.  Their ability to collect testimony of patriots and protect them in the process is critical.  We must hold on.

The Republican Party is still adrift with the disloyal, the self-interested, the unreliable and the stench of John McCain.  Slowly it seems to be coalescing in support of the President.  GOP Chairwoman Rona McDaniel gets credit for holding the line.  Unity is about to become critical in importance.

The Press has eagerly been resurrecting Fake Swamp Rules of late.  They include:

  1. Don’t exercise your constitutionally granted power; see the recent SCOTUS frackus which President Trump easily won
  2. You can’t fire anyone!  It’s the transition!!  Guess what, at 2 terminations and counting, POTUS gives no F’s about MSM misgivings about late term staff changes at the Whitehouse.
  3. You’re not President anymore!!!  It’s Biden!  Right now!!! This is the funniest.  The MSM is a complete clown show on this topic.  Not even worthy of analysis.  See Joy Ried and Stelter the Potato.

For all of us right now:

Beware Leftist/Stalinist Tools:

  • Fear
  • Covid
  • Masks
  • Lockdowns
  • Riots
  • Holiday elimination
  • Threats
  • Violence
  • Violent protest
  • Communist ideology
  • Free Stuff
  • Character Assassination
  • Social Media manipulation
  • Mass media manipulation
  • Disregard of the Constitution and Bill of Rights

Embrace Patriotic Conservative Tools:

  • Law
  • Courts
  • Freedom agenda
  • Benefits of work/jobs
  • Patriotism
  • Federalism
  • Innovation
  • Ingenuity
  • Private sector problem solving
  • Peaceful protests/assembly
  • Free speech
  • Legal ballots/one person one vote
  • Individualism
  • Winning
  • America First
  • Arm yourselves and protect your family

What must come next:

  • Patriots must infiltrate and take back our large institutions including all facets of education, government, social media, televised media, Hollywood and more.  We’ve avoided these and tended toward productive jobs in the private sector.  We’ve allowed ourselves to be undermined.  This must stop.
  • Support our President as he undertakes the greatest battle of his life.
  • BE HEARD: participate in websites like The 53rd Regiment.  Say what’s on your mind.  Loud mouth liberals never hold back.  They must be answered with confidence.  Their bad ideas, irrational outbursts and logical fallacies must be exposed and mocked.
  • Dump Fox News and switch to OAN, NewsMax or their websites.  Do not give Fox News ANY traffic.  Gutfeld, Tucker, Laura and the rest need to get up off their wealthy asses and do the right thing.  Leave.  They are not that good that they deserve slavish viewership.  That station helped undermine the election.  We saw it live.

That’s where we are RIGHT NOW, fellow patriots.  You know what to do.

December 23, 1776

THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

From The Crisis, by Thomas Paine



