Democrats: Un-Representative Government

… It’s what democrats do. Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, the Squad, the lot of them; it’s about them. It’s never about you the American people that elected them (Biden was installed, like a toilet, with massive election fraud). Democrats are not interested in what you want or what you voted for. It’s all about their fiats, dictates and what they desire as the ruling class. Democrats do not represent American voters, they represent themselves.

by Guardian 6

Dateline: March 9, 2022

Fuel prices. With the war raging in Ukraine through a Russian invasion, it would be logical for Biden to reverse his decision and open the Keystone pipeline that he shut down Day One of his administration in January 2021. Fuel has increased from a $1.99 under Trump to a national average of $4.35 fifteen months into the Biden Installation. Instead, Biden continues to import Russian Oil for the first two weeks into the war, all the while threatening sanctions, and lining Putin’s pockets with cash, and then he turns to the dictatorships of Venezuela and Iran for increased fuel production, which will result in increased terrorism funding. Americans want the Keystone pipeline opened to receive fuel from Canada which would produce nearly 900 million barrels daily and drop the price dramatically.  Democrats and Biden don’t care what Americans want they can pay more. The Green Fascists cheer lead by Sandy Cortez and the Squad, are shoving “green” energy up Americans ass. These low wit masterminds are running America into decline. This is their plan to build more dependency on the government. Nothing is coincidental with democrats.

America Last. Democrats are intentionally forcing America’s decline to elevate China. They’ve been doing it for decades along with select RINO’s like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and others. While they get rich selling America out, America’s factories, jobs, and means of production have all been shipped to China weakening America’s economy by baking dependency on foreign supply chains, again mostly Communist China. The Chamber of Commerce, Wall Street and Big Tech are all in on it. The communists have full access to America’s capital markets, institutions and government leaders. President Trump disrupted these arrangements, but we all know how he was treated for fighting the Deep State and ruling class. Our Un-representative government is more interested in following the World Economic Forum (WEF) and that mega pervert Klaus Schwab than the people that elected them. Klaus and the master minds at the WEF believe China is better suited to lead the world because their people follow orders and are more compliant than the unpredictable Americans. It is time for America to acquiesce the world stage.

Open Borders. Rush Limbaugh use to refer to those affiliated with democrats as low information voters (LIV).  The professorial utopian class and LIVs make up the Democratic Party. Trump woke a lot of LIVs up and more Americans have been paying attention to the radical democrats. Hence, besides the WEF instructing Biden to open America’s borders to create chaos and mayhem, the democrats need tons more LIVs. Since democrats believe in killing babies through birth, they need imports of voters in the millions. And of course, we can’t have voter ID because then the new “voters” won’t be able to vote since they’re not US citizens. Drugs, human trafficking and gang violence is acceptable in the democratic mind, and it is the cost of doing business. Fentanyl killed over 42,600 Americans last year, many of them teenagers. Again, in the democratic mind, it’s about power and control; it is never about the children. Never!

It’s Never Been About the Kids. If you’re a democrat because you believe they do what is best for children, and you still believe this crap after the mandates, masks and fear driven shutdown, you an abject idiot! It has never been about the kids. It’s about power and control always with democrats. Pre-K, in school breakfast, after school programs, etc., it’s all about controlling your kids, indoctrinating them and building dependency through government schools. The Teachers Union has moved on from delivering lousy educations, now they are indoctrinating your kids through critical race theory, transgenderism and perverted sex education classes staring in kindergarten. Oh, and how dare you try to take ownership of your children’s education and share your opinion at School Board meetings. In Biden’s America, this will get the FBI treating you like a domestic terrorist.

Democrats, unrepresentative government. It’s what they do and have always done. From slavery to stealing elections and starting wars, America is at its worse led by tyrant democrats.


Antifa Academy – Apply Now

by Soy Boy            Portland, Oregon

Antifa’s Proud Motto: We are the Bowel Movement of Movements

Dateline August 14th, 2021

If you are a Soy Boy like me, a soft little bitch who can’t handle even the slightest amount of pressure, and will get “triggered” by almost anything, you are an ideal candidate for the Antifa Academy. If you are transgender, we want you. If you dropped out of high school, are unemployed, live in Mommy’s basement, have poor hygiene, hate America or have a heroin addiction, the Antifa Academy can bring more purposelessness to your life. We won’t judge you, we’ll just train you to be stooges for leftwing, progressive, democratic causes to destroy America.

The beauty of Antifa is we are an oxymoron organization. We call ourselves anti-fascists but we are modern day brownshirts. We actually model our tactics off of Nazi and communist regimes. We are as bigoted as they come. Our essence is hate. We hate America. We hate democracy. We hate law and order. We hate the police. We hate white people and even if we are white, we hate our own whiteness. We are a highly decentralized group of miscreants that have no real prospects in life. We have no future and we know it. Many of us are bedwetters and need adult diapers. We have bad teeth and we are not even British. We smell and we do not bathe.

We know Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are losers too and we don’t like them. However, we helped put them in office through chaos and destruction of America’s cities because their handlers paid us. They look like us. They are incompetents like us and not very bright. We know Joe Biden is not in charge and that Obama and Soros are calling the shots. We are part of Obama’s plan to “fundamentally transform America” into a shithole where there are only elites, enforcers and lower class people. Our main goal is to do our part in Obama’s transformation of America and bring destruction of the American dream and the middle class. Obama implemented the vision in 2008 with his election and Soros is funding all of the hate and fake news. CNN and MSNBC are our news networks. We even like Chris Wallace of Foxnews because he’s a shill for the left.

By now we likely have your attention.  If you are a strong Andytifa or Angelatifa candidate, you must be getting chills thinking about joining our ranks. Our good friend Steve Inman has chronicled our many success stories. I invite you to watch them here. If you represent the true repugnant, dower spirit of #Antifa, you’ll be so inspired after watching Steve’s video’s that you’ll want to do your part in destroying America and defunding the police.

How to apply to Antifa Academy?

  1. Apply for a Direct Appointment from a Squad member. Write: Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    216 Cannon HOB

    Washington, DC 20515.    or


  2. Apply directly for an at-large appointment to I’m a POS.

We are currently recruiting new members in preparation for the fall 2022 elections. The Antifa Academy Class of 2022 will begin in October 2021 and graduate in May 2022. If you are unfortunate enough to be selected some suggested readings include Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky, Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, Dreams of My Father by Barack Obama and American Crisis by Andrew Cuomo. While these books are written at a elementary level and not very good, they’ll give you an appreciation for tyranny.

Lastly, a few tips for your application on what we look for:

  1. Mommy issues
  2. History of problems with law enforcement, arrest record
  3. High School drop outs preferred
  4. At least 20 of 32 teeth
  5. An appreciation for living in squalor

Candidates, good luck!


Biden’s America: Feeling Helpless

Guardian 6                                       071720 March 2021

Many of us are watching in dismay. It’s hard to believe this guy was really elected President of the United States. Tens of millions of Americans still believe he wasn’t. His behavior reinforces that view.  He struggles to complete thoughts and read sentences. He looks and is feeble. He’s being managed by people in and outside the Whitehouse instead of leading. The  progressive policies he has “adopted” are destroying America. I use the word “adopted” because it is clear he is unfit and likely is incapable of truly understanding bills and Executive Orders he is signing. Unlike his predecessor, he is not a fit stable genius. As we watch this car wreck in slow motion, Americans are feeling more and more helpless; more and more disconnected; and more and more shocked at how quickly we are losing our freedoms.

Biden’s southern no border strategy is nothing less then senseless. Trump secured our southern border, worked with Central American countries to stop illegal immigration and built nearly 500 miles of a modern secure wall. Biden’s policy is to let everyone in, put children in tents and fuel illegal immigration through inaction and stifling Border Patrol through policies that prevent them from doing their job. He has done all this during a pandemic where illegal aliens are bringing the disease with them, getting on buses once released and now  spreading the China virus throughout the country. Biden’s border policy is an unabated super spreader event to remake America by building a dependent population and undermining the legal immigration system.

America’s schools in blue states largely remain closed. Biden has doubled downed with the Teacher’s Union ignoring the needs of children and their families. Kids are being treated like pawns in the Democratic Party’s playbook while Dem teachers and their unions take the big payoff from the insane $1.9 Trillion dollar No COVID bill that just passed with ZERO Republican support. We have a government of elites for elites. We no longer have a government by and for the people.

Next up is HR1 set to destroy the American election system once and for all. Among the garbage in this bill is to allow votes to continue to be counted 10 days after the election is over. In other words, how many more votes does the democratic candidate need to win. Sound familiar? This was a Democratic Party best practice in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada in the 2020 Presidential Election that gave us Biden. Of course mail voting without signature verification is now the norm as well. This bill destroys the integrity of our elections once and for all and Biden is excited to sign this trash into law. Once again, ZERO Republican votes, not even the RINOs voted for this.

While Wall Street is currently drunk in unchecked government spending flooding the system, eventually inflation is going to roar like never before. Get ready for Carter’s Misery Index to return on steroids except this time it will be Biden’s Beltway Blunder that tanks America’s economy and takes millions of job with it. Biden has already killed ten thousand good paying jobs associated with the Keystone pipeline. Biden’s executive order ceased work on the pipeline, has driven up fuel prices by forty cents per gallon and returns  America to energy dependence. This is what Biden’s 50 years in government gives Americans; a clueless, ancient economic neophyte that managed to enrich himself and his family while putting America last.

I won’t even get started on China in this piece. We’ll save that for another day as Biden begins to roll back Trump’s China successes that will undermine American business and national security.

Biden’s America. At the moment, we all feel helpless. Even the Whitehouse has been turned into a fortified Forward Operating Base (FOB) in Washington DC. FOB Biden.Sad.


To the Tyrants

by Guardian 6                                       8 November 2020

While the leftist news media that is America’s Mainstream Media (MSM) has declared the presidential race for Joe Biden, a majority of Americans are both perplexed and shocked at this outcome. How can a failed 47 year politician that literally campaigned from his basement and failed to garner voter enthusiasm win? All things are possible when good men and women choose tyranny over freedom as they put this special constitutional republic that is America at risk. Dark forces are in play.

Tech Giants. To the Technology Giants that censored President Trump, news outlets and hid stories not favorable to Biden, you will suffer significant loss of market share and you will be met in court  with several class action lawsuits. A majority of Americans are sickened by statist tactics.

MSM. You openly favored Biden over Trump. You shaped the news for four years to attack President Trump, his family and his cabinet. Your tyranny weakened America and weakened our institutions. You created one fake news story after another as hit jobs on the president. America witnessed your elitist attitudes daily and now there is no doubt that you are true frauds. Foxnews, Drudge Report and the other conservative sell outs you will burn in hell. CNN, MSNBC and the Washington Post you are not worthy of comment.

Beltway Generals & Admirals. To the military career political types like James Clapper, Mike Hayden and Stan McCrystal your public contempt for the Commander and Chief sets a poor example to members of the Armed Forces, to their parents and their loved one’s and you have violated a basic tenet of Civil Military Relations failing to remain apolitical. Your egos and thirst to be loved by the swamp power class demonstrates your ultimate lack of character and candor. You are brazen failures.

Democratic Members of Congress. You put your party over our country. You set the country ablaze with the Russian Hoax, the Ukranian Hoax and your classless behavior toward the president. You are led by a tyrant in Nancy Pelosi who is an elitist out of touch with the American people. You are filled with hate and despise our individual liberties. You have bankrupted our country and the next generation with massive debt. You stuff your pockets with American wealth and live by a different set of rules. You are openly anti-American and the Squad actively undermines America. You personify empty barrels that make the most noise while failing to positively impact the lives of Americans. Adam Schiff is perhaps the greatest congressional tyrant in US history. He has lied unabashedly about President Trump  and putting the country through hell fully enabled by Speaker Pelosi. Pelosi and Schiff are sick, demented humans. Schumer, Nadler and the lot of them offer no answer, no solutions. Just hate and discontent. Power first and foremost, rules and good governance be damned. 

Robert Mueller, James Comey & John Brennan. In a different time not too long ago, you would be prosecuted for treason. You sold out our country, corrupted our institutions and promulgated false lies about our president. You personify the word tyrant. You are statists. You are not Americans. You are not patriots. You disgust a majority of Americans. You are tools of the swamp and masters of deception. Hell awaits you three self righteous assholes.

Hammer & Scorecard Tyrants. If you deployed these tools of war in this election, or previous one’s, you will be caught. I know having gotten away with all you have against President Trump you feel invincible. You are not. Eventually, good people will come forward before you Clintoncide them. You are destroying our republic and show such little regard for your fellow citizens. You will be caught. We know who you are and we know this software has likely been deployed to manipulate the vote. Justice is coming.

Stooges. I do not know what you are getting paid to manipulate the vote count in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, etc. but you have sold your soul and sold out your country. Is it worth it? The Democratic Machine is soulless and full of tyrants.

Project Lincoln & RINOs. Nobody likes disloyal assholes like you. Nobody likes you. Nobody!

China. You now have your Manchurian candidate Joe Biden. You took Hong Kong and many of us suspect you have a plan to attempt to take Taiwan within the next couple years. Is this the blackmail price for Joe Biden’s silence? You unleashed a virus on the western world to destroy our economies, weaken President Trump and to overtake the US economy. You are counting on Joe Biden to tolerate China’s rise to economic, space and military dominance.  Xi JinPing you overplayed your hand. Badly. I leave it there for now. There are many more Americans than Stooges and Sellouts. JinPing, just remember the word, “Badly,” asshole.

To my fellow American patriots, I am like you still processing the bold, criminal undermining of our election system. I trust President Trump and many of the good people that surround him. We know this election was sytematically stolen from us. Day by day the President lost votes each night in the cover of darkness with poll watchers blocked from observering. Now is a time to stand with President Trump and push back against the Mob. I for one will do that. America First!


DNC Letter – Biden Basement Strategy

by: Suspected Leaked Letter from Democratic National Committee 

where: Swamp

Dateline: July 20, 2020 8:25PM 

We got one shot and one shot only, we have to keep Biden in the Basement. VP Biden has many vulnerabilities, chief among them is talking. We need to keep America in masks so we can keep Joe in a mask. At all costs, DO NOT let Joe talk to objective media, albeit not much of that left in America. Fortunately, most of the media is in the tank for Joe, although Catherine Heritage of CBS is a real threat since she can’t be bought like CNN and MSNBC. One American News Network (OANN) is too American so we should be able to shame them for being patriotic, objective and sincere in their work. Their factual reporting will doom them. Lastly, Brit Hume’s strong media credentials and experience must be countered with more believable falsehoods before his audience gets even bigger.

The Chris Wallace Foxnews interview of Trump that aired July 19th is a real threat to the Biden campaign. We can’t have Biden do an interview for one minute with Wallace let alone 60 minutes. Biden gaffs alone will tube us before we even start talking about stringing two sentences together, or his lack of command of the issues. We have our best people in Hollywood working with a specialist to create a Biden Double. We are being told this is a herculean task. It is almost impossible to find a Biden body double that can act coherent, have plugs for hair and casually display that shit eating grin. We have our dimmest in the DNC War Room working with make-up artists, plastic surgeons and even speech therapists. The two attempts to date failed miserably due to our doubles being too smart. Keep hope alive.

We are mandating nap times for Joe. He takes mandated naps at 10AM, 2PM and 6PM. They average 45 minutes so plan 5 minutes media engagements that are highly scripted around these naps. All media engagements must entail a teleprompter with size 60 font, pro-Biden reporters and networks that will allow the DNC to edit the tape before airing. There are no exceptions to the Biden Basement Media Engagement strategy.

The polls are a sham. We are only sampling 20 – 24% of likely GOP voters in all national polls. We are working hard to depress likely Trump voters to keep them home. It didn’t work with Clinton but we believe it will work this time because of COVID-19. Our Democratic Governors are keeping their schools closed, restaurants closed and intentionally tanking their state economies to depress the vote and crush jobs. We are proud of their efforts. Furthermore, our Democratic Mayors are masterfully working with Black Lives Matter  to defund the police; allowing Antifa to destroy statues and city infrastructure; and allowing mobs to destroy peoples livelihoods and employment opportunities. Our one-two punch of intentional malfeasance is working as planned.

While America burns, support for Biden grows as we can continue to blame Trump for our orchestrated rioting, chaos and lies about the COVID-19 threat and America being a racist country. You can thank Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo, deBlasio, Newsom and a host of others with our partners in the MSM. The Biden Basement Strategy is working. America will be a socialist country!



Doomsday for the DNC: American Apocalypse

by Blackjack Pershing 

Missouri Territory                      Dateline:    081930 April 2020     

“Men go and come, but earth abides.” – Ecclesiastes 1:4

Our friends the Democrats have moved into a post-apocalyptic behavior pattern that is reminiscent of science fiction.  Like the many species that over-populate and disappear (including humans) in the book Earth Abides, they are past their apex and have begun their descent.  If you prefer another metaphor, they may be more like the zombie cult, ‘The Family’ in the movie Omega Man (see it if you haven’t), fervently anti-technology, nocturnal, sickly, scary and slowly dying: yes – just like the Democrats.  Like the many wicked people at the time of the flood, who mocked Noah, the Pelosis, Schumers, Schiffs, Nadlers and AOC’s of the world are clueless of their approaching end.

The pandemic has now exposed many of the schemes of the leftists, the Stalinists and the Democrats for what they are: illogical and destructive.  Examples:

Open Borders: this debate is over, folks.  Here we have the most stark, vivid demonstration of what open borders get for us.  Disease.  We forget that Ellis Island was actually a screening point to prevent infectious disease from entering the American mainland in previous centuries.  Many were sadly rejected and sent home to protect Americans.  Even the so called ‘educated suburban females’ that allegedly will reject our president due to his mean tweets are now having their eyes opened to what DNC treachery at our southern border delivers.  TRUMP delivers: The Wall.  Less Human Trafficking.  Less Suffering. Less drugs. Logic.


Socialized Medicine: this debate is over.  RE: the pandemic, the proper equipment, ability to respond, ability to manage, ability to command different therapies, ability to cooperate directly with industry – all of this is being revealed as sub-par in the countries with government run health care.  Germany stands along in Europe in terms of managing effective results, although some point to lack of testing inflating its numbers.  Logical Americans will not support downgrading the healthcare system as the DNC demands.  Not with the increasing threat of Bio-terror or Bat Sandwich related viruses.


Green New Deal: now laughable.  All it takes is a sobering moment of danger to help people drop their most ridiculous fantasies and focus on their survival.  Elimination of cars, planes, oil, and all related activities (meaning everything) will now take a rightful back seat to security of the borders, the air, the water, the food supply, the energy supply and our way of life.  If there is a silver lining to the pandemic – it is the elimination of the pipe dreams and crack pipe fantasies of the DNC doperatti.


Men are Women and Women are Men: no one cares about this insanity now.   While we have compassion for those enduring gender confusion, we do not ever endorse biological men crashing female bathrooms or sports.  You’ll remember that this was a favorite topic during the early Dem debates.  Remember that?  A combination of shrill yapping, pompous preaching, abortion worshipping, and yes, gender whatevering.  Insanity.  Sickness.  Given our recent wakeup call including many deaths related to the pandemic, there is little time or patience left in the mind of most reasonable Americans for the fake problems brought to us by the DNC.  We are moving on.


Cities run by Democrats: this 20th century practice is close to finished. The cities run by the democrats are all demonstrating similar issues: lack of solvency, poor services, high crime, cyclical poverty, under investment in poor communities, corrupt city politicians, poor schools, hostility toward charter schools, mushrooming homelessness, undermined police forces, lousy district attorneys,  Simply put, they are all microcosms for the Auto-destruct mode that DNC Leadership installs.  People are waking up.  The #Blexit movement is a sign that things are about to change.  Trump will smartly engage the inner cities as we come out of the pandemic and ask the voters why they have kept voting for people who have destroyed their communities.  Trump and the republicans will lead the rebirth of urban America.


So what else do our friends in the Democrat party have to sell us? Unrestricted abortion and infanticide? Free college? Forgiving college loans? Hollow leaders who practice blackface while calling others racist?  All of these things, manifestations of envy, greed, unchecked lust and overall, our dark side as humans, are going out of fashion as we regroup post pandemic.


The season for the Democrat party, it seems, is just about over.


To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose;
A time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew;
A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate;
A time of war, and a time of peace.


Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8


Russian Agents & the Democratic Party

by Guardian  6        Foxhole Sierra        Dateline 23 October 2019   

While the democrats accused President Donald Trump of colluding with the Russians in his 2016 election campaign and then covering it up, the infamous Mueller investigation found no collusion and no obstruction. This investigation was triggered by the phony dossier created by the Clinton Campaign and then used by the Intelligence Community (IC) and the FBI to justify FISA warrants to surveil on the Trump campaign and Trump Administration. Since these early days the democrats have weaponized the IC, partnered with Mainstream Media (MSM) and leveraged Deep State bureaucratic operatives to attack the Trump presidency. They have been relentless along with their IC, FBI, MSM and Deep States accomplices.

The democrats continue to throw false accusation after false accusation at President Trump, the latest being the false Ukrainian quid pro quo accusation facilitated by an IC “whistleblower,” a registered democrat, coordinated through Representative Adam Schiff’s staff.  The democrats continue to parade attack after attack to undermine America’s trust in our president before the 2020 election.

The Resistance Campaign that democrats proudly tout, was originally founded by the Russians and seeded through their funding on platforms like Facebook & Twitter. It has served to fuel division within America  driven by the democrats thirst for power at any cost, to include undermining American values and the votes of 63 million Americans. The Russian agents undermining America are the Democratic Party, democratic representatives, MSM, the weaponized IC and Deep State bureaucrats. Let’s examine the evidence:

1. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is conducting an impeachment inquiry excluding the Republic Party as active participants while conducting secret hearings disallowing due process for President Trump.

2. Chairman Adam Schiff is conducting the Impeachment Inquiry through the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence so his predetermined outcome can be orchestrated in the cover of darkness excluding due process and Republican Party witnesses.

3. Hours before President Trump released the transcript of his phone call with the Ukranian president, Representative Schiff opened a public hearing on the matter by reading a false transcript of the call that Schiff and his staff fabricated. This was read on live TV to open the hearing intentionally deceiving the American public.

4. The President of CNN, Jeffrey Zucker, orchestrates the days news through a 9 am conference call each day where he advises his news shows and programming to attack Trump 24/7. Objectivity be damned, get Trump.

5. MSNBC has hired Deep State leader/operative John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, to help program their attacks on Trump and his administration. Brennan, likely one of the main architects in the attempted coup de tat of removing President Trump (along with James Comey), helps the Deep State stay on the attack while the democrats and MSM work to undermine Trump’s Administration.

While the democrats and Deep State resistance bad actors relentlessly attack our president, they have fully under estimated President Trump and those who elected him. President Trump fights on his terms, not swamp rules. 63 million Americans have joined forces with President Trump to preserve and defend our constitution and the American way of life. President Trump has America’s back and we have his. #KAG



“Trump stepped into the puddle, picked up the mud and threw it back at her canceling her trip overseas. What we have here is a Muddle (mud + puddle).”

Guardian 6                                                                                      18 January 2019

Americans are largely disgusted at the massive dysfunction of our government. This latest episode of the Pelosi-Schumer government shutdown demonstrates how the majority of elected representatives serve themselves and not the republic. The ancient, entrenched democratic party leadership led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are out of touch with mainstream thought and common sense Americans. Their agenda is centered on power, control and more power, America be dammed.

President Trump has stayed in Washington throughout the holidays and he has canceled several trips ready to negotiate with democratic leadership over funding for the wall and border security. The democrats have vacationed in Hawaii, Puerto Rico and planned a seven day excursion to overseas to “visit the troops.” President Trump canceled Pelosi’s boondoggle to keep her in town to negotiate (the troops wont miss the distraction either!). While on the surface picturing Pelosi & Adam Schiff exiting the shuttle bus when their trip was canceled is priceless, this was more than a tit-for-tat for Pelosi canceling the State of the Union address. President Trump put his foot down telling Pelosi stop playing games with Americans and their government. Compromise!

Border security is a real issue. One statistic alone should make funding border security and key portions of the wall a slam dunk; 300 Americans die weekly due to drug overdoses whereby 90% of drugs are coming across the southern border. That is 15,600 Americans dying a year before we ever get to illegal immigration, human trafficking, MS-13 and terrorists infiltrating across. Failure to address this issue is unforgivable and Trump gets it.

Both Pelosi and Schumer have voted for the wall and border security before, several times. So what is this about? Power, control, resistance and more power. Pelosi & Schumer are willing to let Americans suffer from government dysfunction so they can resist, secure power and undermine the President’s ability to govern. Their conduct is shameful, outrageous and unbecoming a public servant.

The President is right to stand his ground. He has been offering to meet in the middle putting American safety and security first. Reasonable people can compromise. To do less than that is unforgivable after the turmoil Pelosi & Schumer have put the country through. All of this will be remembered in 2020 and the democrats are once again demonstrating their inability to govern responsibly by legislating to the extremes. Although the mainstream media continues to attack and blame Trump for this mess, Americans proved in 2016 they see through all the lies. Democrats should think about that because while they took the House, the Republicans not only maintained the Senate, they added seats. Americans are watching and already regretting giving the democrats back the House.

The childish mud Pelosi threw at President Trump cancelling the State of the Union address landed in a puddle. Trump stepped into the puddle, picked up the mud and threw it back at her canceling her trip overseas. What we have here is a Muddle (mud + puddle). Pelosi still hasn’t learned that President Trump does some of his best work in the mud!


Who Do Dems Support – Americans or Coyotes?

by Guardian 6                                          Dateline: The Swamp July 1st, 2018

Failing to secure the border is endangering families and children. American communities are under assault from crime, drugs and gangs. American government agencies such as Immigration Control & Enforcement (ICE) and the Border Patrol are being overrun by an orchestrated campaign by democrats in Congress to not enforce our immigration laws while encouraging open borders, the abolishment of ICE and mass amnesty to anyone who illegally crosses into our country. Who Do Dems Support – Americans or Coyotes?

People in Central American countries are being manipulated by human traffickers, Coyotes (a person who smuggles Latin Americans across the US border, typically for a high fee), drug cartels and profiteers. Innocent people  in poor countries are fleeing economic plight to find better opportunities in America not legally, but illegally. Under these circumstances, the democrats are not only putting the lives of women and children trying to make it to America at great risk by empowering criminal elements, they are failing to enforce our laws endangering their fellow Americans while calling for open borders and the elimination of ICE. Who Do Dems Support – Americans or Coyotes?

Seventeen years removed from the attacks of September 11th, the irresponsible leadership of the Democratic Party (Sen. Schumer, Congresswoman Pelosi and Congresswoman Maxine Waters) are inviting lawlessness through their false narratives about illegal immigration. Once again, the media is partnering with the democrats to help whip up a frenzy, create the false narrative against ICE and covering democratic marches against ICE making this the lead story in the US. All of this is highly irresponsible. We elect fellow citizens to govern and solve problems. Schumer and Waters refuse to work with President Trump and the republicans. They continue to demagogue the issue to score political points and position themselves on the fringe for the 2018 Midterm elections. Who Do Dems Support – Americans or Coyotes?

Who continues to lose? Americans; American communities over burdened with illegals; border towns; citizens who have lost loved ones to illegal immigration gangs such as MS-13; blue collar working Americans marginalized by illegals working for lower wages; and American institutions under assault by elected government officials failing to support them for upholding the laws they passed. Who Do The Democrats Support – Americans or Coyotes? 


Corrupt Government = Phony Dossier

The Swamp, Update April 24th, 2018

Many new revelations since this article was originally published. What have we learned?

  1. The #2 man in the FBI, Andrew McCabe, has been found to lie (he lacked “candor”), on at least three occasions. The DoJ Inspector General has recommended criminal prosecution. He was fired before he was allowed to retire.
  2. The basis of the FISA warrant was the phony dossier. The court was never told that the dossier was democratic party opposition research designed to do a hit job on Trump.
  3. The Director Comey memo’s he leaked to a professor friend at New York University, subsequently leaked to the NY Times, contained classified information. Comey knowingly leaked classified information.
  4. Comey kept book on Trump with the memo’s as part of the hit job. These memo’s were then used to demand a Special Prosecutor and get DoJ Sessions to recuse himself from the Russian collusion investigation. Very convenient.  Interesting how Comey never kept book on anyone but Trump … hmmm.
  5. John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, continues to demonstrate his lack of candor with his extremely unprofessional tweets directed at President Trump. What is he worried about? Likely a hell of a lot. He and his battle buddy Clapper have a lot of explaining to do soon, very soon. When all the dust is uncovered, we are likely to find officials in our government (DoJ, FBI and Intelligence Community) that failed their agencies, conspired against President Trump and set actions in motion to undermine the votes of 63 million Americans. Clapper & Brennan need to be recalled by Congress to answer some very hard questions.

(Article Originally published January 11th, 2018)

This should scare all Americans. The Democratic National Committee and the Clinton Campaign hired a former British spy to create a phony dossier against President Trump fabricating Russian collusion that alleges salacious activities that ranged from criminal to deviant in nature. This dossier was then used by senior officials in the Intelligence Community (IC), likely senior officials under DNI Clapper or CIA Director Brennan, to get a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrant, a “wire tap,” to collect information on Trump and his campaign. So it is highly likely one of these two helped justify the phony dossier.

The fake news has reported the dossier as opposition research but when you use a foreign agent and unknown paid resources by a for profit company, Fusion GPS, to justify a FISA warrant to a US court the whole system of checks and balances has been corrupted. The first question by the FBI should have been, “Wait, you are justifying a FISA warrant off of a foreign agent paid for by a political campaign and unverified third party sources?” Of course this is what America came to expect from the professionalism of the FBI and IC. Of course this is before we learned the wife of a senior FBI official worked for Fusion GPS; or the wife of the #2 FBI official under Comey received $400K in campaign donations from the Clinton campaign; or the two senior FBI officials assigned to investigate the Trump campaign were texting bias and hatred toward Trump as they built their case and carried on an affair. The question highlighted above was never asked because of extreme bias and prejudice of senior FBI officials. Comey’s FBI became a political pawn for the Obama Administration, the Department of Justice and the political hacks that masqueraded as professionals.

Furthermore, DNI Clapper and CIA Brennan grossly failed to do their due diligence in the matter as it appears  they supported the political aim to destroy Trump before he became president. How do I know this? Ultimately, I do not but I’m reading the puzzle pieces like many IC professionals do as part of their jobs, putting them all together. Real Intel professionals don’t tweet policy positions or more anti-Trump rhetoric after they leave the agency like Brennan does regularly. Real Intel professionals don’t take a position on CNN to broadcast more Trump hate to fulfill the fake news agenda like LTG (R) Clapper does. We have a serious crisis in our government and at least three departments have likely been corrupted by highly politicized “leaders” that allowed themselves to be corrupted.

There is much more to cover on this matter. You can take a modicum of comfort that 53rd Regiment is covering this issue but as you likely suspect, the Deep State is covering tracks and destroying evidence each passing day. Stay tuned.


Resistance Hopscotch Movement

The Swamp      April 18th, 2018

Have you noticed how the Democrats, the party of Trump resistance, keep hopping from one subject of resistance to the next? Almost everything that happens in Washington DC these days is not about moving the country forward but about getting Trump; resisting the Trump presidency, country be damned! After he was elected, and before he took office, the Resistance Swamp Dwellers and the main stream media (MSM) loathers, organized and conspired to bring their daily barrage of hate filled rhetoric to the airwaves creating one conspiracy after the next, the Resistance Hopscotch Movement.

Red 1 is the Russian collusion accusations against Trump. Mask Hillary’s Uranium One deal, downplay over 30,000 classified and sensitive emails compromised on her private server and ignore the rigged DNC party nomination over Bernie through false Russian – Trump collusion allegations.

Yellow 2 accuse Trump of being mentally unstable.

Green 3 get DoJ Sessions to recuse himself from the Russian collusion investigation, appoint a special prosecutor and then set Trump up for obstruction of justice or lying to investigators. Use the Deep State to pressure from within.

Green 4 Ensure MSM continues to report 95% negative news on Trump repeating the Russian collusion narrative 24/7.

Blue 5 label Trump a racist and a bigot marginalizing him over the wall, attack his criticism of sanctuary cities and claim he is anti-immigration.

Yellow 6 label his tax cuts as “crumbs” to counter Americans keeping more of their hard earned money while stating the plan really benefits big business and the Trump organization.

Green 7 brand Trump a nationalist over his pullout of the TTP trade deal and the Paris Global Warming treaties, while threatening to reduce US involvement in NATO.

Yellow 8 storm Trump’s past history with woman to label him a misogynistic pig. Take full advantage of every woman that claims an allegation against him by elevating the story as featured news.

Blue 9 continue to claim Trump is unfit for office and should be impeached. Use democratic politicians and MSM to repeat the narrative daily through multiple news outlets. Make it a reality.

Red 10 circle back to the Russian collusion narrative when all else fails. Ensure Deep State activists withhold key evidence of the false orchestrated Russian collusion campaign that included the fake dossier, the illegal FISA warrant and the many bad actors that facilitated the false narrative in MSM and government.

While the democrats and MSM hopscotch from one false story to the next, American has grown bored of their resistance undermining America.


The Party of Sedition

Dateline March 30, 2018

The Swamp

The party of sedition. The party of subversion. The anti US Constitution party of treason. What happened to the Democratic party? It has been consumed by the elites.

Sedition. Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent towards, or resistance against lawful authority. Reads like the Resistance Movement, doesn’t it?

They believe in illegal immigration.

They believe in sanctuary cities placing the rights of illegals over citizens.

They believe that illegals that have committed crimes raping, killing or harming Americans should not be handed over to federal government agencies for prosecution and/or deportation.

They believe in open borders and minimal to no security along the border including no wall.

They believe that voters should not be asked or required to show identification and verification of US citizenship to vote.

They believe asking a person whether “they are a US citizen” is an unlawful question and should not be asked in the 2020 Census.

They believe in a relentless campaign to undermine President Trump whether by false allegations of Russian collusion, creating false narratives about his mental fitness for office or focusing on his relationship with Stormy Daniels.

They believe the 2nd Amendment should be removed as the law of the land.

They believe prayer should be removed from the public square and there can be no tolerance for a pregame prayer before a sporting event.

They believe the Founding Fathers are criminals because some of them were slave owners, therefore the US Constitution has no legitimacy.

They coordinate their dogma with the Fake News mainstream media and Hollywood and then they manufacture phony movements to support their causes (Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, #Me Too and the list goes on).

They mock average Americans discounting our values while mainstreaming new deviancy and creating new genders.

They focus on the extreme, they celebrate disorder, they create chaos and they lie to us daily. They are the democratic party lead by the elite who can find very few things right with America. They are the democratic party seditionists.


Fake News & The Walking Dead

Dateline March 18, 2018

The Swamp

When did the news become fake? As the 53rd Regiment examined this issue, we discovered some common threads  and a couple key elements that have corrupted the news profession resulting in the loss of public trust.  Mainstream TV news broadcasts and major newspapers are failing and losing their audience. Why?

Element One. Democratic politicians joined news rooms, editorial boards and became on air personalities. The news became less about the facts and more about pushing their liberal agendas. To name a few: (1)  George Stephanopoulos, former Clinton Press Secretary, with ABC (2) Jay Carney, MSNBC Contributor, former Obama Press Secretary, married to Claire Shipman ABC (3) Ben Rhodes, former Obama Deputy National Security Advisor in Obama Administration, is the brother of CBS News President Ben Rhodes (4) Chris Cuomo of CNN, brother of Democratic Governor of NY Andrew Cuomo. We could spend all day naming the liberal connections to the news media. The Democratic Party and the news networks are one in the same. Conservatives or non-partisans need not apply to work in the media.

Element Two. Late night comedy has been high jacked by the left. These shows have become extensions of the liberal base and they are not very funny anymore. Jimmy Kimmel,  Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers and the list goes on. Nobody wants to end their day listening to these comedic elites spew their hatred and carry their collectivist messages for the democrats. Sadly, many of these shows now believe their job is to inform the masses and shape American opinion instead of comedy.

Element Three. Sporting news network such as ESPN have turned hard left with broadcasters openly ridiculing the President on air and in social media forums. Sporting networks have openly backed the disrespect shown to military Veterans by NFL athletes choosing  to side with the extreme minority of players instead of keeping the focus on the game.

When you combine these three elements, we have the Walking Dead fabricating the news, pushing their agendas and losing the American public due to their ideology driven broadcasts. News shows can’t be trusted, newspapers are collapsing and sporting events are being destroyed by the left. Americans are speaking by tuning out but the Walking Dead running and ruining these networks would rather push their leftist agenda than report real news!


Dummies & Sellouts

Dateline February 23, 2018

The Swamp

Biggest threat to the United States of America is dummies & sellouts. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference.

Dummies are self interested in their own existence, they just think about enriching themselves fulfilling their leftist agenda. Nancy Pelosi and CNN are good examples of this. They represent fringe opinions and/ or extreme viewpoints that their masters (George Soros, Hollywood, among others) are paying good money for them to mainstream. Their comments and reporting lack depth, understanding and the full appreciation of sacrifice that has made America the greatest country in the land. They resent America being a beacon of liberty to the world and they want the US to “lead from behind.” Pelosi & CNN value collective thought over individual liberty. Pelosi & CNN fail to recognize the serious threat the US is up against. These threats include China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.  The fake, toxic news is a collective, socialistic message where difference of opinion is stiffled and discouraged. They are the modern day Loyalists that sided with the British and were against American Independence. They are the anti-Revolutionaries who would have fought against George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

These Sellouts are the Media and Democrats who have allowed  themselves to be stooges of the Russians in their anti-Trump hatred. These organizations and people include CNN, MSNBC, Joe Scarborough, Bill Kristol, NY Times, Washington Post, Empty Barrels in Congress, and the list goes on.

The Fake News continues failing to realize President Trump woke the whole nation up from the false reporting over the last few decades. There is no going back! The sellouts have no where to go. The American public is wide awake!

Lots of winning taking place! America First is a message we have been waiting for. Dems don’t get it! Dummies and Sellouts don’t get it!

2018 — Trump has America winning again and this is what upsets the Democrats. Think about that … Democrats are upset that America is respected again, Americans are keeping more of their hard earned money and the US economy is finally growing again.

Dummies & Sellouts have no message!


Two America’s

The Swamp, January 3rd, 2018

This article was originally published under the title “Cartwright & Clinton — HMMM …” on 30 January 2016.  This article is highly relevant  to how we are seeing two America’s emerge; in one America 99% of us are subject to the rule of law. In the other America, the democrat party, old media and Deep State activisits are above the law.  These three elements are the true 1%ers. Gen Flynn, one count of perjury, guilty. Clinton, thousands of highly classified documents and sensitive government emails compromised, given favorable treatment by the FBI, “extremely careless.”  Original article follows … 

Dateline January 31st, 2016. Marine, warrior, a former vice chairman of the JCS has pleaded guilty to making false statements during an investigation into a leak of classified information about a covert cyberattack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Unlike Clinton, he didn’t claim “I can’t remember.” Retired Marine Gen. James Cartwright entered the plea at a hearing Monday. When the judge asked if Cartwright understood the charge, he said, “I do, sir.” Cartwright  originally told investigators that he was not the source of classified information contained in a book published by a newspaper author, according to unsealed charging documents.

Cartwright played the Washington game never realizing he was just a 99%er, he was a pawn on the Washington checkerboard. He was expandable. He danced with the rags of the devil, the NY Times, and has now paid the price for it tarnishing his stellar career and reputation. One more highly decorated military officer to be taken down by the Obama-Clinton regime joining McCrystal, Petraeus and Flynn among others. He, like them, were not part of the protected class of democratic politicians like Hillary Clinton, the 1%er who breaks all the handling rules for classified information destroying 33,000 State Department emails on her private server set-up to avoid public scrutiny and FOIA requests. Cartwright, although achieving tremendous statue as a Four Star General Officer in the Marine Corps, one of the absolute best, did break the law. Unlike Clinton, he expects to pay a price because he knows what duty, honor, country looks, smells and feels like. Although Cartwright committed a crime, Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve to even shine his boots.

Cartwright’s sins are 1/33,000th of Clinton’s but somehow, someway FBI Director Comey brings this one to prosecution. The law is the law, unless of course Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch instruct otherwise.

Wake up people, we are slowly being boiled in warm water and our liberty and justice is in peril.

Dateline: 5 July 2016 — Update: Sadly, we have two America’s. In one America 99% of us would have been prosecuted for violating federal law for failure to properly handle classified information and conducting government business on a personal private server. In the new transformed America ushered in by Obama, DoJ Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, and Clinton, the elites protect their own as they did today with Hillary Clinton.

(Dateline 30 January 2016) We have two America’s. In one America the 99%ers follow the law and use government computer systems and government email addresses provided. In another America the 1%ers use their private servers, private email accounts and their personal devices to do government business, expressively forbidden and against the law. In one America 99% of government employees read and abide by policies established and put in place to uphold the interests of the nation and respect the laws of the land. In another America, the 1%ers find these laws to not apply to them because they are a privileged class that we are lucky to have “leading” us. To the 1%ers it is inconvenient to abide by the laws for the public because they know better than the 99%ers and after all, these laws are for the public, not for them.

Classified information? Why should that make a difference to the 1%ers? After all, they know what is really classified and their judgment affords them the superior authority to make decisions on what is classified and what is not. The 1%ers know better than the classification authorities that have decades of experiences protecting information from our enemies and safeguarding US interests. The 1%ers may come and go in governmental political positions but who are the 99%ers in the three letter agencies that have been trained and have rich experience classifying documents and protecting means and methods to judge them?

Snowden is a 99%er, he should be prosecuted. General Petraeus, he hung around with the 1%ers but he’s really a 99%er, after all he was in the military. He was prosecuted. He at least got a plea bargain. PFC Manning, US Army, 99%er, Ft. Leavenworth (and later pardoned by President Obama because he is a protected class as a Transsexual)  preferred. CIA Director John Deutch, Clinton Administration, 1%er, brought classified information to his home and loaded it on personal computers, not prosecuted. Two America’s. 99%ers are prosecuted and go to jail for violating US policies compromising sensitive or classified information. 1%ers? The political class? The Elite? Not so much.

After seven years of the Obama Administration, we are about to find out how much of America’s Rule of Law remains intact. Can the FBI do its job without political pressure and influence? Does the rule of law apply to all Americans or just the 99%ers? Will Hillary Clinton be treated equally under the law or will there be exemptions, excuses and a fall person or two that covers the gross planned, orchestrated negligence? Will the Department of Justice follow the law? As a 99%er, it saddens me to even write that. It may be time to Occupy the DoJ. #Justice!
