Politifact – Worse News Credibility Than Morning Joe (It Is That Bad!)

Hard to Beat the Other Team and the Refs at the Same Time: 

Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Politifact versus The Actual Facts

By: Jack Reacher                                    Dateline: 19 August 2019  2140 hours


On August 9th, both Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren tweeted condolences for the “murder” of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014.  Characterizing Michael Brown’s death as a murder is an unequivocal lie. He did die in a police shooting that sparked national attention and protests.  However, both a grand jury in Missouri and the United States Justice Department fully investigated this incident and did not bring charges. The Justice Department investigation was run by Obama era officials, including Attorney General Eric Holder who had been a forceful advocate for minority rights in his career.  This was not a case of a rigged investigation heading to a predestined outcome in favor of the police.  


Despite all of this, PolitiFact declined to rule on whether or not these statements by Harris and Warren are factual.  The article meanders around and eventually settles on an explanation that a lay person could conflate the legal definition of murder with a killing that they personally feel is unjust.  This is a ludicrous explanation for this situation.  


Harris and Warren are not lay people.  Both of them are accomplished lawyers who highlight their legal careers in their campaigns.  Harris constantly cites her work as Attorney General of California on the campaign trail. She was the chief legal constitutional officer for the largest state in the country. 


In the biography on her campaign website, Warren highlights that she is a lawyer who served as a law professor for over 30 years, including teaching law at two Ivy League schools.  This is someone who for years had daily access to some of the most brilliant legal minds in the country. 


Neither of these women should be able to hide behind a defense that they were unfmailiar with the legal defintion of murder.  On its site, PolitiFact says these criteria are used to determine ratings, my comments on a reasonable response to these are below the question:


  • Is the statement literally true? 
    • Both state and federal officials investigated Michael Brown’s death and declined to even bring charges.  No one has ever even been charged with murder, much less been convincted of any crime. Calling his death a murder is not literally true.
  • Is there another way to read the statement? Is the statement open to interpretation?
    • A non-lawyer might be excused for conflating their feelings about Michael Brown’s killing with the law, but two highly accomplished lawyers should not be permitted to use this excuse.
  • Did the speaker provide evidence? Did the speaker prove the statement to be true?
    • Neither of them provided any evidence in their tweet beyond their personal opinions.  Wanting something to be true does not make it so. 
  • How have we handled similar statements in the past? What is PolitiFact’s jurisprudence?
    • PolitiFact is not known for throwing up its hands and refusing to rule on statements, particularly ones in which verifiable and uncontested facts exist.  Indeed, the Washington Post fact checker examined this same controversy and gave these tweets Four Pinocchios, the ruling it resersvers for “Whoppers”.     


There is a common axiom in sports that it is hard to defeat both your opponent and the officials who are calling penalties in favor of your opponent.  PolitiFact is clearly tipping the scales in favor of the Democrats here and not for the first time. Once again, Republicans will need to defeat their opponents on the uneven playing field in which the supposed unbiased officials will be favoring the Democrats. 





The Trump Doctrine

by BlackJack Pershing    

Dateline June 4th, 2019                       Missouri Territory

The Trump Doctrine — Peace Through (Economic) Strength

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”    Dwight D Eisenhower, January 17th, 1961

Among the most shrill cries of ‘no fairsies!!’ to arise in the last two years are those of the never Trump crowd: Bill Kristol, George Will, Bret Stephens, writers at the National Review, the Bush family and their various satellites. This has been puzzling because despite POTUS’s colorful/abrasive style, he’s racked up many conservative wins, Supreme Court picks, regulation cuts and tax policy most notably. So. Why the insane whining from so many ‘center right’ types despite the progress?

President Trump has side stepped, walked around and disregarded the orthodoxy of the center right, sometimes neo-con, always hawkish and seldom military veteran establishment. He has disregarded their playbook completely. He has not sought advice from most of them. He has made them the museum pieces that they really are. He’s attempting something completely new, touching on some noteworthy historic initiatives, but his actions are mostly unprecedented. Here are a few examples of President Trump’s mortal sins, as designated by the traditional hawkish-right handbook:

Economics as foreign Policy: for the hawkish right, the only tool here is economic sanctions against enemy states, to be used mostly leading up to poorly planned and ill-conceived war plans.

Trump has added tariffs to this arsenal to the great dismay of economic purists on the right. Tariffs on everything? No. Tariffs directed at those exploiting the American system. Unacceptable to those steeped in the past, who reflexively invoke the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 each time this tool is used. The globalist conservative right was complicit in selling out the American worker in the last 30 + years while invoking this act from a different time and context. The left is too misinformed to even weigh in coherently. Witness Joe Biden: ‘China is not our competitor’.

Negotiating with Dictators: for the hawkish right, this is only ok on their terms. Threats delivered while we are deploying troops (Iraq, Afghanistan) or worse, concessions achieved with those giving them getting eliminated (Libya-Kaddafi); it also means just offering bellicose rhetoric with zero action taken. Name your 3rd world dictatorship where we’ve not done that under the left and right (Obama and his red lines, JV team, etc).

President Trump has made his own way here. We went full circle from Little Rocket Man to ‘my friend Chairman Kim’ in a short time frame, with the emphasis on finding a personal relationship and appealing to the potential for economic success in North Korea. Had we ever heard an American president discuss developing beach property in a foreign land, let alone NoKo? This approach has sent the Kristols/Stephens/Will crowd into level 5 fits of TDS. While we do not have success yet, we do have reduction in missile tests, nuke activity and the return of Korean War soldiers’ remains. That is 5000% more than his 3 predecessors got done.

Can allies be deadbeats? For the hawkish right, yes of course they can and we should thank them for it. For decades our NATO allies were allowed to NOT pay their bills while their citizens enjoyed lavish social welfare benefits and long vacations. The elitist American right, long alienated from anyone doing blue collar work, only focused on the mission of the alliance and not what the cost was to our citizens.

President Trump shows up and immediately plays collection agent. The predictable response from the right and left is that he’s being mean and disrespectful to our allies. BS. The opposite has long been true. He’s insisting on accountability. He’s got our back.

Peace Through Economic Strength: for the center right, peace, foreign policy and war fighting have never been directly related to economics, even though they may claim differently. Even Rumsfeld while acknowledging the ‘dead enders’ in Iraq with no hope/no job/no life, never offered any solution to why they exist.

Global Competitiveness: Both the left and right forgot about this, as both became remote and sealed off from working America. While encapsulated in the fake bubble of DC, where all drinks are free and all meals are paid lunches and dinners at various ‘events’, they lost all empathy for the American worker.
President Trump in one single act ushered in the game change needed to unleash American economic might: the business tax cut. No one is talking about it but this change that rises above all others. It is reversing decades of off-shoring of jobs. It is restoring faith in the American worker. Companies want to be here now. We finally got the business tax rate to a competitive level. Where does it lead? American economic strength gives us leverage to use in other areas, like the border crisis with Mexico. Unconventional? Yes. While the hawkish right screams about Smoot-Hawley and other imagined horrors, this action just might keep our Border Patrol people safer, just might keep our National Guard Troops home and just might solve some long standing issues. Elitists/Globalists on left and right scream with no solutions.

When America is at its best economically, it can do amazing things, like the Marshall Plan, like the Moon Shot, and even the (FAILED) War on Poverty. We can spend mightily to solve big problems when we are solvent. We currently have a President that knows this, while his adversaries are preaching socialism and offering scolding and shame to the American people – about – well everything.

President Trump has even offered to meet with the Iranian ‘leadership’ with no conditions, emphasizing their economic woes in the meantime.

Venezuela’s socialists will fall soon, and the Russians have announced they are leaving…..

Here’s to Peace through Economic Strength and to victory in 2020!



Dems Not Fit To Serve – MAGA Rally Time

President Trump, “Promise made, promise kept!”


by Guardian 6                                        

Dateline 18 May 2019    The Swamp

How much longer do we have to put up with these anti-American forces in Congress and the media? We have to speak up and rally not only the #MAGA base but people who love America and take tremendous pride in our country. The vast majority of Americans now know they’ve been duped for decades as it relates to the economy, trade deals and handouts by the connected in government to keep them in government. Open minded Americans are woke!

Democrats and their extreme members (AOC, Talib and Omar to name a few) are not fit to serve. They are radicals that do not love America. Every opportunity they get to spit on America they take it. They hate the average American, view us as ignorant and prioritize their own agenda and the illegal invasion. Last six months 500,000 illegal immigrants entered the US and who the hell knows where they went … likely a town near you! Think about that, 500,000 illegal immigrants have entered the United States since December 2018 and the Democrats find this acceptable and are on record stating there is no crisis. They are insane and NOT FIT TO Serve! This is the equivalent to the number of people that live in Atlanta, Kansas City or Miami just walking into the US and setting up camp. Outrageous!

This is our country and members in Congress are supposed to represent our interests. The Democrats are remaking America in their progressive image and call us all racists when we object. Hey folks, this is our country, not the lunes in Congress! We need to remember we are in charge. It is bold statement time. Open to suggestions but my thought is a 5 million person MAGA rally in DC and/or in several cities throughout the US simultaneously. We need to get organized for MAGA2020 and shut up and shutdown the radicals.

Talk to me. Leave comments. Let’s go!


Inaugural Big Dummy Awards

Inaugural Class of Big Dummy Hall Of Fame


by Blackjack Pershing 

Dateline March 11th, 2019                  Missouri Territory

“You big Dummy!”        - Fred G Sanford, circa 1975

If you follow me, @pershingsoldier, on Twitter, you may be aware that I have little patience for Big Dummies. In these perilous times it seems we’ve had an overrun of Big Dummies and its time to recognize their efforts with the first official Big Dummy Awards, sponsored by The 53rd Regiment. I will try to be succinct, as the situation is truly ‘so many dummies, so little time!’ Here we go:

Jeff Zucker: Perennially weight and follically challenged leader of the Very Fake News outlet CNN recently had a gaseous fit at the SXSW conference; here is a bit of what came out of his mouth: “I think the question should be, is Fox state-run TV or is the White House state-run government by Fox TV?” This is beyond rich coming from the Democrat’s lead propagandist, one who’s network actually leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton in 2016. The staff at Fox at least admit they are doing commentary, whereas the hacks at CNN present their preposterous selves as ‘news’ people. Jeff gave us a glimpse at how far gone he and his ilk really are. Big Dummy. Congrats.

CNN and Washington Post: These are the first two victims of lawsuits filed by L. Lin Wood on behalf of Nick Sandman, the Covington Catholic student in the incident on the mall during the National Right to Life march. Their aggressive Very Fake News tactics have now resulted in very real defamation lawsuit that may do serious damage to their bottom lines. Their reputations are already in tatters. Both orgs are literally armies of Big Dummies. Congrats.

Claire McCaskill:After two precarious terms where she got away with barely representing her constituents in Missouri, masquerading as a moderate Democrat, the Trump era exposed her. Deplorables in Missouri handed her a clear defeat at the hands of a relative novice Republican. Claire's missteps were really just mistaken glimpses of authentic Claire - the fat cat that lives by one set of standards, while the rest of us can eat cake. Claire enriched herself in DC in classic style and accomplished nothing. Claire used a private airplane bt presented herself as riding a bus. Its all tired and most important its over. Claire took a job as a contributor to MSNBC. Big Dummy. Congrats. 

Jussie Smollett:Too much has been said already. He’s done more damage to his cause than any real hate crime could have. Big Dummy. Congrats. 

Brennan, Comey and Clapper:These three swampians really are a trifecta of stupidity. The three are not only complicit in the so called insurance policy but have been arrogant in their post Obama Administration comments. All three have had roles that require silence for professionalism. All three have violated a sacred trust and at least two of the three have admitted leaking classified information. Two of the three are known for infantile outbursts on Twitter. The third may not know what a smart phone is. This kind of buffoonery speaks to the low standards by which they were hired. All three may be up for charges at some point when the new AG gets into his groove. # Big Dummies; congrats. 

Alexandria Occasio Cortez: This epic enabled brat has had so many dopey verbal outbursts that its hard to keep up. Cow farts are now part of the vernacular thanks to her. Claims that most people have two jobs. Claims that Reagan dived the country with intent. Putting a fresh bow and some air freshener on socialism. Screwing up the Amazon deal in NYC. Hiring her boyfriend. Let’s keep this one short. Huge Big Dummy. Congrats. 

Cher:Just check out her twitter feed. It veers between what shoes to wear and angry outbursts about the president; recently she congratulated Speaker Pelosi for standing up to ‘old white men’, and it’s not lost on any of us that her and the speaker are part of the mall walker generation, albeit nicely stretched and spry. Laura Ingraham’s famous advice to ‘shut up and sing’ applies here. BlackJack actually likes Cher, especially the 1980’s Cher in the ‘Turn Back Time’ video on the battleship. More of that Cher. Less ignorant yapping please. Big Dummy. Congrats.

Bill Kristol:Where to begin. Bill is the poster boy for bitter never trump elitist losers that never got over Jeb being drummed out the 2016 race like the fat kid that gets taken out of a dodge ball game in the opening round, with broken glasses and tears running down his face. They are just holding a grudge. Meanwhile happy warrior POTUS gets done everything two Bushes could not, quickly and BIGLY, while relating to his voters authentically. Like the rich people dragged into a pie fight in a Three Stooges short, they are permanently outraged. Poopy Pants Bill tweets constantly about imagined charges of corruption, fantasy primary challenges to Trump, and just plain cheap shots that fall flat. While Bill may indeed have a high IQ, he is in fact, at this time, in this context, a major league Big Dummy. 

Bill DeBlasio and NYC Residents:Pseudo commie doofus will soon bankrupt NYC for the first time in a generation. He is in a tie with all NYC residents who elected him for complete Big Dummy status. Morons all. After successful terms of Giuliani and Bloomberg who kept the place clean and crime down, they all decide to revert to the 1970’s. Have we seen anything this stupid on such a scale? Maybe. Anyway, congrats Big Apple Big Dummies!

Justin Trudeau:Let’s go international here for a moment and give special mention to JT up in the Great White North. After accomplishing a global costume party on an epic scale, JT is now embroiled in a very dopey scandal involving corporate state tactics, job dismissals, etc. It’s a boring story, like most things Canadian (sorry Canuck readers). But anyway, JT, suit up in your Sikh Turban, fire up the bong, and enjoy being a Big Dummy.

Little Rocket Man aka Kim Jong Un:He’s screwing with the wrong guy. We’ll leave it there. FatBoy will learn soon that he’s a major league Big Dummy if he starts the rocket crap again. #sad

Finally, we announce the Big Dummy Hall of Fame, populated by dummies so notorious, they need to be enshrined right away. Here is the inaugural class of the Big Dummy HoF, and let’s give them all hearty congratulations:

Joe Biden:Uncle Joe is a legend: from his plagiarism in the distant past, to his buffoonery during the Clarence Thomas hearings, to his comment that you had to be from India to work at a 7-11, to his description of Barack Obama as articulate and ‘clean’, to his many moronic gaffs during the Obama presidency, Uncle Joe just takes the cake. Recently he said Mike Pence was a nice guy and immediately took it back when the Stalinist left went nuts. So in addition to being a HoF Big Dummy, he’s also a coward. Very very bigly sad, Uncle Joe. But congrats on being a HoF Big Dummy!

Al Gore: We were all supposed to be ankle deep in ocean water by now according to the self-appointed prophet of the GlobalWarmingClimateChangeCO2We’reAllGoingToDie doomsday cult. Al doubles down on his doomsday forecasts all the while flying around in private jets and creating a personal carbon footprint only outdone by his personal flatulence footprint. Chunky and shrill Al Gore really is just another Big Dummy, but gets HoF status due to the gargantuan size of his Chicken Little boobery. 

Paul Krugman:
‘Economist’ and Witch Doctor for the left, Paulie K spends every day predicting a recession while a republican is president, and every day explaining away lousy economic numbers when a democrat is president. His record of being wrong is well established. This useful and willing idiot for all of the Very Fake News outlets is the perfect icon for what many call ‘the dismal science’, since his whole persona is pretty dismal. Congrats to you Paul, Big Dummy HoF’er. 

That’s the opening round for Big Dummy Awards. We look forward to revisiting this list occasionally for more awards and recognition. There are certainly more Hall of Famers out there as well; your recommendations are welcome. All Hail Big Dummies! Long Live Big Dummies!!!!

PS – for any Big Dummies reading this, most of the ones identified are white and male, so don’t be getting your Big Dummy Racist accusations warmed up!

2020 Democratic Party Platform

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH                                                                                March 3rd, 2019

As I observe the beginnings of heroic campaigns by Senators Bernie, Kamala, Cory, Elizabeth and many other prominent socialist democrats, I am eager to start working on our 2020 Democratic Socialist Platform. We have so much to offer America if we can just centralize planning and eliminate individual choice. The Chinese & Venezuelan  five year plans are the gold standard we should emulate. Here are the initial tenets of The 2020 Democratic Party Platform.

  1. Living Wage for everyone. $15 in 2020 growing up to $20 by 2030.
  2. Green New Deal. Air travel restricted in 2021 by charging a minimum of $2K per flight. Air travel eliminated in 2024. All gas engine cars must be turned into a processing center for disassembling by July 1st 2022. Each car owner will pay $500 fee to meet federal compliance of Car Elimination Act.
  3. 31 Genders Federally Standardization. Otherwise known as the Baskin Robins gender mandate, equal opportunity laws will now require gender compliance with federal set-asides to fast track compliance.
  4. Open Borders. Everyone is welcome and Americans will help fund this initiative by paying for public school books for the first time in every county and school district. The federal government will decide the books and prices. Current borders will be removed.
  5. Social Monitoring & Scoring (SMS). The FCC will be absorbed in the SMS. The SMS will begin monitoring American communications and scoring each citizen on a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being a fully compliant, progressive thinking citizen that can be trusted. Americans will be assigned the following labels: Progressive Hero 90 – 100; Progressive Worker 80 – 89; Progressive But Too Independent 70-79; Watch List 60 – 69; Republican In Name Only 50 – 59;  Tea Party Conservative 1 – 49. Each citizen will be required to use GeoTrack software so their movements can be tracked.
  6. Department of Defense will transition to Internal Defense. The USAF will be eliminated as part of the New Green Deal. The Marine Corps will be eliminated due to their extremism. The Army will be subordinated to state Governors. The Navy will transition to a travel agency for US politicians  needing to be transported to foreign countries for meetings and social gatherings.
  7. Voting Rights. Citizenship will be eliminated as a requirement to vote and each citizen will be allowed to vote up to 5 times based on their SMS score. Only citizens with scores of 80 or better will be allowed to vote. Age requirement will be waved.
  8. Reparations. All African Americans will be given one million dollars each in lumpsum payment. It will not be taxed.
  9. Marijuana Fairness Act. Marijuana will be legalized across the country.
  10. 2nd Amendment Revoked. All guns will be turned in to local police stations no later than 1 September 2021. Hunting Rifle Centers will be established so during hunting season, rifles will be permitted in a lottery system for one week permits in duration.
  11. Medicare For All. Appointments will be rationed along with care by local medical boards. Priority will be assigned based on political connections and need.

It is an exciting time to be a Democratic Socialist. Our time has arrived!

          The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, with an early sneak peak at the Democratic Party 2020 platform.  This is Matthews third article written exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section. 

Afghanistan’s Only Hope: The Taliban

Dateline February 19th, 2019

The Live Free or Die State

by Decurion

I ask myself this question: What are our conventional military forces doing each day in Afghanistan? Besides SPECOPS accompanying the Afghan National Army (ANA) on some of their ops, here’s what we’re doing – hopelessly advising ANA and Afghan National Police (ANP) Colonels and General Officers while they continue to rob us blind, building Powerpoint tales to say we’re continuing to make progress, and like good FOB prisoners, doing time.

All those little FOBs we were familiar with that had USMIL based there have collapsed into Kabul or ANA Corps HQ. We’re HESCO’ed in more than ever. The last time I remember seeing an American doing a patrol outside the HESCOs in Kabul was around 2008 or 9!

We know that as long as the current Afghan government, ANA and ANP goons are running the circus, there is no hope for either peace or prosperity- none. They’re just too damn corrupt to focus on their own
country. My hunch is we may find more hope going back to a time reminiscent to the early and mid 90s, a time when we were negotiating with Taliban (in Washington!!) UNOCAL and Argentina to do petro business. The plan was to develop existing fields and explore for more oil and gas, and build a pipeline from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan to Pakistan. We were so close to a deal but wouldn’t do it because Taliban were not a legitimate government (and they treated their women like crap). These current talks are setting them up to be a legitimate piece of the government. But they would have to moderate their idiotic ways.

Plenty of Afghans will tell you the Taliban were really bad but they kept order and a lid on corruption. Taliban right now are seeing the benefits of running the lapis, emerald and copper mines, and unfortunately, the opium business. Afghanistan also sits on a plethora of rare earth minerals……at least a trillion dollars’ worth of total resources. The opium business will continue regardless of who’s in charge. Right before I left in late 2015, the Afghans resumed the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline project. But the Taliban won’t allow that to proceed unless they can officially become part of the government- the ANA and ANP are unable to keep the construction sites secure.

Taliban have long memories and understand, like back in the 90s, that a pipeline means big money. And having a legitimate piece of the government is all it takes to get back in the game.

There’s a chance that with Taliban officially part of the government acting as an anti-corruption and security hammer, then revenue from petro, precious metals and minerals, and maybe even a return of tourism could bring back some semblance of normalcy.

I’m now thinking the Taliban as a part of the Afghan government is the country’s only hope.

The 53rd Endorses Gillespie for Governor

Virginia Wishes For a Re-do                        Dateline February 10th, 2019

Originally published in November 2017, the 53rd Regiment clearly got this endorsement right. Not only was Gillespie the better candidate to unlock Virginia’s promise, he is the better man. Ed has lived a dignified life respecting all Virginians and now we know the other side of Governor Northam. Not only is Northam unfit to finish his term due to his racist past, but his promotion of infanticide has shocked all Virginians. He must go.

The 53rd Regiment has called for his resignation. Northam is not fit to lead Virginia or command the Virginia National Guard or Air Guard. He must go.

Cleary Virginia would have been better off with Ed Gillespie as governor.


Dateline November 6th, 2017

The Swamp

After careful consideration to include an examination of both candidates records, the 53rd Regiment endorses Ed Gillespie for Governor of Virginia. After four years of a stagnant McAuliffe economy where Virginians have endured economic decline and stagnation, it’s time to get Virginia growing again with Gillespie’s economic reforms that include tax cuts for middle class families, regulation reform, education focused on a strong STEM curriculum, improved roads, and being strong on public safety countering the growing gang problem. Gillespie’s vision for Virginia to create jobs, raise take-home pay and help people lift themselves up is right for Virginia.

Lt. Governor Ralph Northam  lacks vision, has not thought through detailed economic plans and would represent four more years of Terry McAuliffe’s failed economy. Democratic nominee for governor Ralph Northam continues to stand behind the add that The Washington Post’s editorial board called “vile” and “despicable,” inferring that all people who drive pick-up trucks and are conservative minded are racists. Virginia is much better than this hateful message by Northam and his surrogates.

Ed Gillespie is right for all Virginians and his 21 plans offer hope and prosperity. It is time for all of Virginia to start winning again! It is time to Make Virginia Great Again! #MVGA!!! It is time for Ed Gillespie. 



Northam Must Resign!

Editorial Board                    3 February 2019


Gov. Ralph Northam has brought great shame upon himself, the Governor’s office and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Northam’s remarks concerning late term and post birth abortion  killing a child after birth is infanticide and horrific. Shortly thereafter Northam’s abortion firestorm, pictures revealing a bigoted past were revealed. The extreme poor judgment he demonstrated callously or jokingly posing in a KKK picture in 1984 while attending medical school has undermined his ability to carry out his duties representing all Virginians.  His ability to lead is permanently compromised as an infanticide proponent and possibly still harboring prejudicial views toward African Americans. He should resign immediately and return to private life to seek amends as appropriate.

Sadly, he ran an add accusing Ed Gillespie and his supporters of being bigots in the fall of 2017.  Now we know he disparaged a good man with his own failings and views. Furthermore, it is not lost on the 53rd Regiment that Governor Northam was also an Army solider; this type of behavior has zero tolerance in the military and will erode troop morale and readiness. Ralph Northam is unfit to lead the Virginia Army & Air National Guard.  We deserve better from our governor, especially after the incidents of Charlottesville only 18 months ago. Governor Northam, resign now!

The Democrat Doomsday Machine

by Blackjack Pershing                             20 January 2019

“Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”
― J. Robert Oppenheimer

“It happened that a fire broke out backstage in a theater. The clown came out to inform the public. They thought it was a jest and applauded. He repeated his warning. They shouted even louder. So I think the world will come to an end amid the general applause from all the wits who believe that it is a joke.”
― Kierkegaard

“We need to be fit and ready for anything that might come our way.”
― Aaron B. Powell, Doomsday Diaries

What if an evil entity wanted to end human civilization? How would it happen? Dozens of movies and television shows have riffed on this topic, delivering all sorts of scenarios from floods, to ice ages, to alien invasions. But really – what if a technological or spectacular end was not feasible? How would it be done?

We have an answer right in front of us. It could and would be done by manipulation of the population into self destructive habits, beliefs and rituals.

Welcome to the Democrat Doomsday Machine circa 2019.

To date about 30% of the populace seems completely bought into the Doomsday Machine. Let’s have a look at how it operates.

Erase the population:

The United States has one of the most permissive abortion laws on the planet, allowing the destruction of babies through the entire term in many places. Democrats have made it their mission to spread this malignant practice. Making it ’safe and rare’ as Bill Clinton once claimed is out the window, as his wife made clear in the 2016 election. Begun as race elimination through Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood, abortion is now an industry, dependent on grisly parts sales for profits. By teaching parts of society to not reproduce and to abort the inconvenient, the DoomsDayDems have the most critical part of their plan in place. Teach the ignorant to hate life.

Wreck Cities, especially inner cities:

Decades of Democrat leadership has destroyed vast neighborhoods in venerable US cities such as Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland, New Orleans, Memphis, Detroit, Chicago, St Louis, Oakland, Los Angeles, and many more. The creation of dependency ghettos in the 1960’s by the Democrats was done to ensure a cycle of poverty and dependency and most importantly – votes – to keep Democrats in power. This strategy has been devilishly effective and has taught generations that they are victims that need to be provided for by the federal bureaucracy. Worth noting is the level of crime, drugs, and guns – things the DoomsDay crowd claim to hate – are highest in Democrat controlled areas. We must go past assuming incompetence and assume its on purpose.

Wreck public education:

Working in tandem with groups like the NEA (teacher’s union) and many other leftist organizations, Democrats have ensured that public education in the US has declined in most metrics on an international scale for decades. Leftist indoctrination and revisionist history are the urgent topics while preparation for the real world, college, STEM skills, etc, are secondary at best, non-existent at worst. Elitist Dems choose private schools and make sure the public system produces vast ignorance. Even richer suburban schools have dropped civics and accurate history courses in favor of leftist skewed garbage. Leftist teachers spew their ideology at students eager to please for grade point average purposes. What we have here is perhaps the most subversive Democrat Doomsday initiative which is in full bloom. (And – they criticize all other options)

Wreck higher education:

Again, active for decades, institutions of higher learning have become the Fascist regional bases for the Democrat DoomsDay apparatus. While preaching diversity they eliminate diversity of thought. They take in vast sums of money, spend it poorly, and rely on government loans to those who least afford them to exist. In the worst scenarios leary parents pay for the tuition of their children at leftist institutions only to have them graduate with warped world views and degrees of questionable value. Higher Ed has become a museum of wax figures with views based in demonstrably wrong theories, like socialism. However, ignorance of the ‘educated’ is key to their strategy; they have successfully created a willingly ignorant educated class.

Wreck gender:

We’ve seen in the last 10 years concepts that have stood the test of centuries put on their heads by the Democrat Doomsday thugs. What better way to disrupt human reproduction than to get them fighting about what it means to be male and female. The worst victims here are those with mental confusion that are easily manipulated. They are not the issue. The real issue is taking a condition that affects a severe minority of the population and giving it the attention of the civil rights movement in the 1960’s. Its fake and agenda driven. Its ultimate aim is to destroy the family.

Wreck masculinity:

Related to the last point and more recent but the next move in the play book is to attack and shame traditional gender roles. Attacking so called toxic masculinity is code for eliminating father figures plain and simple. If strong fathers do not exist, the family is wrecked and males become dysfunctional and self destructive. The DoomsDay Democrats need strong males to be eliminated to achieve their goals.

Wreck femininity:

Underway for decades now – this was a very early initiative in the DoomsDay strategy. If women can be taught to hate men, to assume the worst about themselves, to assume the mantle of victimhood, then they will seal themselves off from men, thereby interrupting the ability of humans to procreate. Wrecking femininity has to happen for the Doomsday strategy to work. The recent emergence of very shrill hateful language from leftist female Democrats is evidence that decades of emersion in twisted feminist ideology is working for their goals.

Wreck free speech:

Shrill and venomous voices scream night and day about what can and cannot be said – all emanating from the left. Tipper Gore’s famous crusade against crude rap lyrics now seems quaint. Anything can be said by the Stalinist left. Nothing but polite acceptance is tolerated. This is how the DoomsDay Democrats get their way. They silence cowards like Romney and all the Bushes. They Bork. They lie in extremes and then move on. Classic form of bullying.

Jump start socialism; exploit the poor:

Who alive today that was an adult at the end of the cold war would have thought that in our life time we would see very robust acceptance of socialist thought in the United States? Yet – there it is in full bloom with Bernie, Alexandria, and a host of other accepting Democrats. Surely – to accomplish the DoomsDay strategy – the self destruction of socialism has to play a role. Its done quite well in Cuba and Venezuela – the last hold outs – while ‘communist’ China has really become a fascist capitalist economic state. The Democrats hope we do not notice that and continue to merchandize envy in order to bring down the United States. DoomsDay comes when everyone blames the other for their wants and needs. It starts with the poor. It has started.

Create a DoomsDay Threat:

Armageddon is real for the Democrat DoomsDay cult: its called Climate Change. In an odd revisit of the inquisition we now have the term ‘denyers’ being merchandized by the cult. While this one gets massive amounts of attention, it really is just a back drop for all of the things mentioned above. Its dogma in the Domesday cult. It may not even be that important to them – but its a convenient stick with which to beat the opposition.

Christianity bad; Islam good:

This one might be the hardest to understand, as it flies in the face of many of the Stalinist Doomsday Left’s longstanding alleged causes: women’s rights, gay rights, freedom from censorship and on and on. The fact that the DoomsDay Dems embrace the hijab, embrace vast immigration (much of it illegal) from countries that are intent on exporting radical Islam, is evidence of a more sinister intent. Importing vast numbers of those at odds with basic American culture and our constitution is meant simply to cause anarchy. Look at the above list and then throw in millions of those that hate our freedom. Its almost like in an afterthought, the DoomsDay crew said – ‘yeah – throw that in there too’. It makes little sense other than to continue the wrecking of – well – everything.

There is the case for the Democrat DoomsDay Machine. As you back away and look at all of this what you may see is a very sick unvirtuous circle of destruction. Our point here is that we need to stop assuming this is a coincidence; this is a plan that has been thought out with several obvious aims: reduce the United States to a former power; reduce the population of the United States; confiscate the possessions and wealth of the population; cause chaos.

If you accept these observations, share this article and ask others, perhaps political leaders, what they intend to do about it.

“It seems people don’t want to be awake these days. Apocalypses are easier slept through than experienced”
― Charles Stross



“Trump stepped into the puddle, picked up the mud and threw it back at her canceling her trip overseas. What we have here is a Muddle (mud + puddle).”

Guardian 6                                                                                      18 January 2019

Americans are largely disgusted at the massive dysfunction of our government. This latest episode of the Pelosi-Schumer government shutdown demonstrates how the majority of elected representatives serve themselves and not the republic. The ancient, entrenched democratic party leadership led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are out of touch with mainstream thought and common sense Americans. Their agenda is centered on power, control and more power, America be dammed.

President Trump has stayed in Washington throughout the holidays and he has canceled several trips ready to negotiate with democratic leadership over funding for the wall and border security. The democrats have vacationed in Hawaii, Puerto Rico and planned a seven day excursion to overseas to “visit the troops.” President Trump canceled Pelosi’s boondoggle to keep her in town to negotiate (the troops wont miss the distraction either!). While on the surface picturing Pelosi & Adam Schiff exiting the shuttle bus when their trip was canceled is priceless, this was more than a tit-for-tat for Pelosi canceling the State of the Union address. President Trump put his foot down telling Pelosi stop playing games with Americans and their government. Compromise!

Border security is a real issue. One statistic alone should make funding border security and key portions of the wall a slam dunk; 300 Americans die weekly due to drug overdoses whereby 90% of drugs are coming across the southern border. That is 15,600 Americans dying a year before we ever get to illegal immigration, human trafficking, MS-13 and terrorists infiltrating across. Failure to address this issue is unforgivable and Trump gets it.

Both Pelosi and Schumer have voted for the wall and border security before, several times. So what is this about? Power, control, resistance and more power. Pelosi & Schumer are willing to let Americans suffer from government dysfunction so they can resist, secure power and undermine the President’s ability to govern. Their conduct is shameful, outrageous and unbecoming a public servant.

The President is right to stand his ground. He has been offering to meet in the middle putting American safety and security first. Reasonable people can compromise. To do less than that is unforgivable after the turmoil Pelosi & Schumer have put the country through. All of this will be remembered in 2020 and the democrats are once again demonstrating their inability to govern responsibly by legislating to the extremes. Although the mainstream media continues to attack and blame Trump for this mess, Americans proved in 2016 they see through all the lies. Democrats should think about that because while they took the House, the Republicans not only maintained the Senate, they added seats. Americans are watching and already regretting giving the democrats back the House.

The childish mud Pelosi threw at President Trump cancelling the State of the Union address landed in a puddle. Trump stepped into the puddle, picked up the mud and threw it back at her canceling her trip overseas. What we have here is a Muddle (mud + puddle). Pelosi still hasn’t learned that President Trump does some of his best work in the mud!

Twitter Patriots

America’s sons and daughters of liberty are taking twitter by storm. They are the modern day equivalent of Minute Men or Daughters of Liberty pushing back against the fake news networks, the leftist-socialist propaganda agenda and the 24/7 President Trump resistance movement. While @twitter does their best to shadow ban or limit their messaging, these patriots will not be silenced. These patriots stand proudly with @potus Trump Make America Great Again movement, #MAGA.

The trailblazing duo of @DiamondandSilk were early adopters of President Trump as a pair of his most outspoken and loyal supporters. Their tag team approach of bringing reality to liberals with a little “chit chat” is direct, humorous and on point. 

Bringing national security expertise and street smarts, former secret service agent and NYPD officer @dbongino deals directly and forcefully with liberal lies and fake news on all forums including his podcast. Dan is eloquent, quick witted and a regular on @foxnews burning the midnight oil ready to joist a liberal elite off their horse at a moment’s notice. 

@RealJamesWoods is our favorite Hollywood conservative with his take no prisoners approach to commentary. Quick witted and armed with an MIT education, foolish fake fanciful liberals think they can challenge him or refute his critiques. Wrong! James will quickly undress you with your pants down around your ankles with your shoes tied together.

Brilliant, quick witted and tough, the @hodgetwins don’t mess around! They go deep and swing for the fences. These two “Comedians, Black Conservatives” are all about calling out the loons on the left with humor and wit. Make America Great Again! 

@The_Smirker is our “Common Sense Conservative and Psychiatrist for Joe Scarborough” and takes on all lying Liberal & Never Trumpers for morning coffee and evening beers. He fights and wins! Really have to appreciate the selfless service counseling America’s #1 clown @JoeNBC. 

Big victory coming November 6th! #Redwave coming with Twitter Patriots armed with facts, principles and love of country. @potus just wins and so do the Twitter Patriots! 

Something Wicked This Way Comes …

Something Wicked This Way Comes is an article about the challenges America is facing in 2018.


by Guardian 6

Drugs and addictive narcotics are bucketing through our southern border turning teenagers and young adults into drug addicts. Many communities have rapid heroin epidemics and families and law enforcement is overwhelmed.

Illegal border crossers, not immigrants, are pouring into our country and taking up residency throughout the country causing crime; overtaxing social welfare programs and schools; and democratic politicians are praising sanctuary cities and undermining community safety.

The rule of law is being undermined and corrupted by politicians that are  pitting fellow Americans against each other by labeling us racists, homophobes and xenophobic.

The Deep State continues to wage war against the election of President Trump despite his economic achievements of record low unemployment and foreign policy successes  that include stabilizing Iraq, defeating ISIS in Syria and bringing North Korea to the negotiation table.

The mainstream media (MSM) continues their collective, coordinated and petulant assault against President Trump pushing a false Russian collusion narrative while intentionally not reporting the overwhelming success President Trump has had economically, diplomacy and strengthening our military and alliances through tough love (NATO) and peace through strength (Syria, North Korea and China). 

The Catholic Church is under assault from within. Some priests and clergy (although an extreme minority – 2%) have been systematically preying on their flock, the most innocent among us, children. Church leadership at the highest levels have failed to address these heinous crimes with the seriousness, courage and robust cleansing needed to eliminate this horrific problem.

The Silicon Valley and the Tech Giants, Google and Apple in particular,  are acquiescing to the Chinese government building a censored search engine and removing applications from I-Tunes allowing the Chinese government to limit speech and control state approved messaging and content. Twitter and Facebook are shadow-banning conservative voices and promoting the leftwing agenda in America. 

The Democratic Party and their affiliated tribes (MSM, Teachers Union, Hollywood) would rather “resist” President Trump than move America forward and govern responsibly. 

Something wicked this way comes that is undermining America and her people. It festers out of the swamp and it lusts power. It is evil and dark. It is selfish, joyless and a Trojan horse masquerading with free healthcare, free college and a guaranteed living wage. It removes choices, makes promises driven by fear and promises that cannot be kept. 

Something wicked this way comes but America stands strong when faced with evil; she doesn’t run nor hide. America prays and she fights. It is time to do both. Pray for America to renew herself once again to the Lord and fight the evil forces that are in play undermining our country from within. Fight not with sword but with reason, love and resolve for an American renewal of spirit.  

Book Review: “Fear: Trump in the White House” by Bob Woodward

Guardian 6           Spokane, Washington

Dateline August 1st, 2018

Timed perfectly to support the Democratic Socialists Party (formerly known as Democrats) in the fall of 2018 Midterm elections, Mr. Woodward brings forth a major hit job on President Trump and his administration. Sure to be replete with tens of anonymous sources, administration intrigue on backroom policy arguments and Trump family infighting and gossip, expect to get a heavy dose of Bob Woodward on all the MSM channels in October. The Washington Post will run a Woodward series highlighting different chapters of the book for a week getting a sales bump of 70 papers to their daily circulation; CNN will begin advertising the Woodward interviews in September with that serious journalist known as Chris Cuomo; and Chris Matthews will get another tingle down his leg when he reads his advance copy. Doesn’t this Democratic Party (now the Democratic Socialist Party) playbook get old? Not a very creative lot, maybe even MSNBC gets thrown a life line for Morning Joe and Woodward graces his show as a guest to support his high school auditorium national audience. Bob’s publicist and publisher is surely working overtime booking all the MSM networks.

We can expect Fear to feature many chapters on Russia, the collusion narrative and Bob Mueller and the 13, now 17, Angry Democrats (now Angry Democratic Socialists). Bob will lead with, “what did Trump know and when did he know it?” Bob will paint a picture of guilt by association with Trump’s global business ties leaving the reader to make their own damning conclusions. Mr. Woodward will likely paint a picture of racism over Charlottesville, immigration, The Wall and referring to Third World countries as shitholes. Expect a litany of attacks on Trump’s fitness for office by many anonymous sources including medical “professionals” in and around the Swamp. Let’s just say they will argue that President Trump is not a stable genius. This line of attack will be supported by how un-presidential Trump is by attacking the media, assigning nicknames and his use of Twitter bypassing the media. The book will feature family turmoil, Don Jr.’s divorce, Melania not happy in the White House, disgruntled cabinet officials that have been let go, etc. Lastly, Fear would be incomplete without Trump’s attacks on NATO, how he got played by North Korea and how tariffs are bad for America. Lots of false narratives for Mr. Woodward to repeat.

For presidential historians and the 62 million Americans that voted for President Trump, how the president responds to Fear will make this worth watching. As we all know by now, Trump has his own playbook that fully leverages 21st century technologies in social media; he stays on offense countering false narratives; he takes the message directly to the people through rallies, Twitter, and daily press conferences; in a word, President Trump fights. While Fear and Mr. Woodward will get some initial headlines, it is also highly likely to get drowned out by what is 24 x 7 Trump hate. Another day, another batch of smug, arrogant, self-righteous elite liberals screaming about Trump.

The 53rd Regiment assessment of Fear: One big Yawn, look for Fear in the used book bin. Pay no more than .50 cents.

BCC Intellicrats

By Guardian 6             Dateline 22 July 2018
The Swamp

While the Mainstream Media (MSM) outlets continue to focus on Trump’s imprecise remarks driven by his extemporaneous style while meeting with Putin in Helsinki, what perhaps is more alarming is the Deep State reveal of just how deep it really is. The 53rd Regiment is very much concerned about the merging of the intelligence profession with leftist political ideologies. The  Intelligence Community (IC) by design is compromised of independent agencies organized around specialized capabilities to protect the interests of the United States. It is necessary for this work to be done in an apolitical environment. Watching former IC Directors publicly challenge the fitness of the President through MSM outlets and Twitter is unprecedented.

There appears to be a merger that has taken place in the Obama Administration where IC leaders ( Brennan, Clapper & Comey) lost their independence and tipped the scale heavily to support Hillary Clinton for President. Brennan, Clapper & Comey (BCC) not only tipped the scales, they became Intellicrats (Intelligence Agency Democrats) working events behind the scenes to get Trump. The release of the FISA warrant of Carter Page illustrates how phony the dossier is and what a hit job BCC put on to target Trump and his campaign. Without the fake dossier paid for by the Clinton Campaign assembled by a former British spy Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS, there was zero evidence that Carter Page was working for the Russians. (BTW is the 53rd Regiment the only news outlet bothered by the Democratic Campaign hiring a foreign spy?) Conveniently, the FISA court judge was never told the Clinton Campaign funded the dossier. With the FBI having concerns that the Russians were targeting Carter Page for recruitment, the first step is to warn him, not orchestrate a FISA warrant to collect on him! Now why would the FBI not warn him? The BCC Intellicrats know exactly why, this was about having the “insurance policy” Peter Strzok texted about to his FBI colleague. The pieces to this puzzle are in plain sight.

This Deep State reveal is actually scary. This whole investigation is looking more and more like a complete set-up to take down Trump. Yes, the Russians targeted our elections in 2016, but the greater threat to a free and fair election seems to have come from within.

One last thought we should explore. Why is the BCC and Deep State actors still going hard in vs the President? Why. What are they afraid might be revealed? We should think about this.


Whoopee Cushion

by Blackjack Pershing                   Dateline:     20 July 2018
Missouri Territory

Before apps, video games, virtual reality and Pokemon go, previous generations enjoyed forms of entertainment that involved actual physical objects. This may be hard to believe but it’s true. An entertaining and jolly artifact of former times is something known as a whoopee cushion’.

Found in stores like Spencer Gifts, a place known for selling gag gifts and sometimes R rated items, the whoopee cushion was a rubber device that made a sound similar to human flatulence when quickly deflated – usually when someone unexpectedly sat on one. A prankster would secure a whoopee cushion, inflate it and then surreptitiously place it where the victim would be placing their derrière. As the victim sat down and the gaseous noise erupted, great laughter would erupt. Ahhh – the good old days.

But wait – there is a new Whoopee Cushion that has arrived, under a different spelling. It’s now called ‘Whoopi Goldberg’. The newer version is far more vulgar and explosive than the more innocent rubber version. New Whoopi explodes in unreasonable and fantastical liberal tirades with fake facts and intolerant accusations. Human Flatulence.

Whoopi ‘let loose’ on a superior foe, Judge Jeanine Pirro, on a recent episode of the brain inflammation known as ‘The View’. If you remember the Harpy scene from famous stop action film Jason and the Argonauts, you have seen the view. No need to tune in. Anyway, Whoopi harkened back to POTUS’s initial campaign announcement speech to claim he besmirched all Mexicans, among others. He did not. She held forth in hysterics. She made very smelly noise. The good Judge had to zing her with facts. Whoopi Cushion couldn’t handle it. She melted down. Stormed off. Told the Judge to leave. She exemplified Human Flatulence. Just a guess – but the notoriety of this incident is helping the Judge sell her new book too. So you might say in addition to the passing of wind, Whoopi Cushion also – how shall we say it delicately? – defecated on her own self! Yes. That’s it.

What we have here ladies and gentlemen is a smaller metaphor for the left in this nation. They have become their own religion of sorts, enforcing orthodoxy and compliance in a way that would make the Mullahs of the Islamic State blush. Toxic accusations, angry rhetoric, demonization, and hysteria are their currency. Like the house in the movie Polterguest, at the end of the story, all of the badness, the grotesqueness, the rottenness, and rancid foundations of it all are about to collapse in and implode. Keep watching. It is inevitable. The American people have become far more capable of detecting BS of late. It’s over for the Stalinist Left. As for Whoopi Cushion, get some air freshener and be prepared to occasionally light a candle to get the smell out of the room…….

Watch where you sit, my friends…..