Stinky Feet, Bad Breath, Flatulence and Fox News

By @BlakJakPershing on Getter, @BlackJackPershing on Gab, @PershingSoldier on Parler, @PershingSoldier on Clouthub

Dateline: 12 July 2021          Missouri Territory

“Oh, this isn’t even BO. This is beyond BO. It’s BBO.”

  • George Constanza, Seinfeld

There are certain things we want none of like those mentioned in the above headline.  For Fox News this started on election night, when Martha McStupid and Radical Donut Activist Bret Baier decided to throw in with the leftist controlled media outlets and declare the election over.  Those watching at the time know that Tucker Carlson confronted both of them, live, on the air.  Awkward moment as all semblance of professionalism went out the window.

The implosion of Fox will be remembered as the most spectacular meltdown of an established television channel in history.

This implosion was caused by petulant elitists, frustrated at the evolution of the conservative movement toward the working class of the United States.  Many have observed that the Murdochs were not getting invited to the right cocktail parties, were not being accepted by established leftist media infrastructure – and so had to change direction.  It is now becoming clear that the Murdoch’s called the play.  Thinking conservatives will ensure they are not paying real money to any Murdoch owned entity.  The Murdoch’s are wealthy enough to not care.

Like many successful businesses through the years, Fox News was full of hubris, and decided to pursue a course that, to their loyal viewers, was insane.  There are multitudes of historical corollaries inside and outside of the media world:

  • Ford and the Edsel
  • The Enron collapse, led by Ken Lay, who was trumpeting his business model weeks before the implosion
  • The recent Volkswagen emissions scandal, notably being ignored by most US media
  • Twitter, Facebook and Google are performing a live version of this tragedy of hubris seen so many times before – it will not end well, and has already hit Twitter hard

The viewers of Fox News were dealt a nasty wake up call on election night, and many have left and not returned.  What they have found, since viewing the alternatives, was that Fox News had become a fixture in their lives that they accepted, but like many other things we accept, had become dated, dilapidated and in some ways, festering and nasty.  Much like the old couch in the basement that’s been with the family for years, stained and scarred, that no one pays much attention to, but is actually offensive to guests.  And it smells bad. Like Chris Stirewalt.

When looking at emerging rival Newsmax you see rougher production values, but a hungry team that does not act like it is above the viewer.  You also see regular improvements and upgrades.  Fresher talent.  Better energy. 

Fox News had been on autopilot for years.  Lets inventory the most annoying Fox News calamities.

  • Chris Wallace came out of the closet in the last several years as the biased leftist turd that he is.  Trump broke him by telling him his Dad was better.  As always, Trump was right.  Chris is a petty, one sided punk.  His role in derailing the 2020 presidential debate which he did not moderate is noteworthy.  He is a Biden diaper changer and diddler.
  • Bloated Bret Baier, as noted above, just follows orders.  Its sad that the person who replaced Brit Hume as anchor is such a transparent buffoon.
  • Hannity: useful, but parrot like, and repetitive.  Interrupts others.  Likes his paycheck.  Its over.
  • Laura Ingraham: mean, interrupts guests, belittles poor Raymond Arroyo to the point where he may have a case as a battered spouse.  Brings on annoying leftist dopes.  Hasn’t taken on the network about anything.  Likes her paycheck.  Its over.
  • Juan Williams: unwatchable.  Dishonest.  Sad.
  • Greg Gutfeld, Judge Jeanine, Jessie Waters: they had a window of time to leave Fox News with dignity.  That has now passed.  They all have proven they like their paychecks/contracts better than their own reputations.  They will go down with the network despite any glib protestations to the contrary.  We may also discover that they were really playing all of us, and do not have any core conservative principles.
  • The rest of the Fox cast of secondary characters would be smart to plot their move to alternative outlets.  Its over, whether they know it or not.

Newsmax is offering a high quality alternative.  Reasons to view Fox?  Only one.  The first 15 minutes of Tucker Carlson.  That’s it.  Those clips are always immediately available in a million different places afterward, so viewing it live is not necessary.

I challenge my fellow patriots to hasten the demise of Fox News, and consign it to the ash heap of history along with Liz Cheney, her old man, and Bush World.  It’s over.  Let them know.  We all know.



  Xi Jinping: “Eatin’ Good in the Neighborhood !”

by @IronMike_Truth on GETTR

Dateline: July 7th, 2021      Carolina Country

Has anyone else noticed Xi Jinping’s weight gain since his lifetime reign of power began in 2013? Did his weight begin to escalate with that delicious piece of chocolate cake that President Trump shared with him at Mar-a-Lago? Or was that just a coincidence? Perhaps President Trump secretly allowed Xi a second scoop of ice cream……. a very rare Presidential privilege extended to only those whom the President deeply respects. Nah, that can’t be it! Or just maybe, could it be that President Xi has lost his taste for Chicken Testicles, Snake Soup, Roasted Street Birds & Stinky Tofu by furthering the refinement of his palate to now include delicious Wendy’s Hamburgers, McDonalds Fish Sandwiches, Colonel Sanders’ Kentucky Fried Chicken, Dunkin’ Donuts with a Dairy Queen Shake to chase it all down? Oh yes! That’s the ticket!

It would appear that Xi Jinping has been enjoying an awful lot of “comfort food” lately. It is evident that the increasing size of President Xi’s Mao Jacket and Ensemble is about to overtake Comrade Mao’s very own wardrobe. What’s up with that?

Comfort food becomes very desirable to people and leaders under tremendous amounts of stress and strain. Let’s be clear about this. It is not easy to enslave Uyghurs in order to force them into manufacturing Nike sneakers and other Nike gear. It’s also very expensive to clothe them! It has to cost a pretty Yuan to tailor all those prison outfits (Oops! “Nike Uniforms”). Who wouldn’t enjoy a tasty bag of Snickers Bars after a long day of beating Uyghur Nike Employees to keep them in compliance? And talk about the expense of hygiene and hair care? Why those 1950s head-shaving military crew cuts are literally all the rage in the Uyghur community! No hair, No lice! Give Xi Jinping another savory bowl of deliciously seasoned rice!!!

Add to the Nike employees, a long list of other shameful US corporations employing the Chinese to enslave ethnic minorities in China to build their brands. Here are just a few: Levi’s, Timberland, Dickies, Vans, Michael Kors, Costco, Hanes, Kate Spade, LL Bean, Lacoste, North Face, Skechers, Tommy Hilfiger and Victoria’s Secret. Most of these corporations are leaders in their fields, at least in earnings power. Shamefully, they are morally bankrupt caring not a lick about the cost to the human community that is under the boot of the dictator who directs these activities. It must take allot of “Little Debbies” and “Ring Dings” to fill the pit in one’s stomach when a man is devoid of human compassion.

We cannot escape the logical conclusion that when a man and indeed an entire corrupt government cares little for its own peoples, experiments in slavery and other debasements of its own peoples can and do take place. The Uyghurs and the Tibetans continue to serve as the best examples of Chinese oppression of its own population as does religious persecution of China’s Christians, however, their own big city populace has also come under great suffering as of late. Has anybody heard of the Wujhan Institute of Virology? Taking a page from Dr. Josef Mengele, somehow & someway a few drops of Xi’s special formula “Bat Shit” hit the streets and apartments and homes of Wujhan. Not only were those folks in Wujhan ruthlessly scooped up and placed into new homes (aka Body Bags), but the surviving people from Wujhan were allowed to travel outside of China to various vacation destinations to infect the populations of other developed nations in order to lay low the economies of China’s economic competitors.

Give Chairman Xi a “Bigly” Steak Dinner with all the trimmings! What a coup! What a Masterplan! Some might suggest that Xi Jinping is “Bat Shit Crazy” or at least “Guano Challenged”. He can fool many if not the majority of those over whom he rules. However, Mr. Xi got caught with his hand in the cookie jar! As a matter of fact he got caught with both hands, his legs and his sizeable ass in the cookie jar! The world now knows that Mr. Xi and his CCP was behind the virus that has killed millions around the world.

No Soup For You, Xi Jinping! You’ve been caught! You will now be recognized as a genocidal maniac. You have earned your Bust and accompanying plaque in history’s “Murderers Row”. You’ll be seated between Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin just a stone’s throw away from Mao Zedong. You’ll be seen as a failed leader that could only achieve the results that you were seeking by killing off your competitors in the same manner that large Crime Families like the Italian Mafia operate.

Speaking of Italian, to celebrate your ill-begotten Coronavirus introduction to the world, may we recommend that you go with the Calamari & Bruschetta appetizers, the Tuscan Salad for 10, Chicken Parmesan for 4, a side of lasagna for 4, Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes for 4, a dozen Hose Rolls and for dessert? Oh yes, try the Seasonal Cheesecake. You’ll enjoy eating the whole thing!

Oops! Sorry Chairman Xi ! The restaurant is still closed. It seems that you successfully killed off the Chef, the Waiters and the Business! No Soup For You!!! 



What is President Obama’s Greatest Legacy Achievement?

Joe Biden! ObamaCare, Shovel Ready Projects or losing an embassy and an ambassador in Libya might be Obama’s greatest legacy. It  isn’t even close. Others argue allowing the Russians to take the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine, or creating ISIS from his premature withdrawal from Iraq or maybe even the dearth of an American economic revival during his eight year tenure as President. But we know Obama’s greatest legacy achievement has to be the puppetry involved in getting Joe Biden “elected” president.  What other magician could pull this off? A close second is the division Obama created across America that has only grown empowering leftists and progressives on a grand scale but in the end you must credit Obama for the Biden presidency. Simply a feat no other mortal could have achieved.

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH                                                   July 7, 2021

Who else but Obama could have pulled Biden out of the failed politician dustbin of life and not only run him for president, but gotten him elected as a dysfunctional sputtering slow witted stooge that has been more wrong than right. Fifty years of failure serving himself and his extended family, a model for kleptocracy perfected, the Joe Biden charade is on full display each day. Candidly, even us progressives are amazed that Obama pulled this off. I mean what a gift to late night comedy shows if they weren’t so biased and compromised by leftists. One admission about leftists and progressives, we are pretty much joyless and lack a sense of humor. However, when it comes to Joe Biden as president, even we are laughing our assess off that he was “elected.”

With each passing day Obama works to credit Congressman Clyburn for getting Biden elected. While Clyburn was instrumental in southern democratic primaries, it was Obama who got Joe’s primary opponents to fold to block Bernie from being the democrats candidate. Old democratic politics, payoffs and threats won the day to push Lunch Bucket Joe forward. Candidly, it is understandable that Obama doesn’t want the credit getting Biden elected after watching his daily performance, but it is all Barack’s.

Consider the Biden Basement Strategy of sticking Joe in his basement for his campaign, minimizing media engagements, and his staff writing scripts at a 6th grade level to reduce mistakes by this gaff machine. None of us really expected Joe to win but Obama and the Democratic Machine fully leveraged Big Tech to censorship, Facebook and Soros to fund and Unions to hire their workers to manipulate ballots and harvest votes. The ultimate fraud employed by the Deep State was manipulation of the vote count by Dominion Machine operators and former members of Pelosi’s staff employed by Dominion. Something to be said about strategic placement of democratic operatives.

Lastly we’d like to thank our Big Media friends over at Foxnews, CNN, MSNBC, and many others from our network blocking the truth and spreading Obama’s Big Lie that Joe Biden is president and he won the election fairly. Come on man, does anyone believe Joe Biden received 81 million votes, 12 million more than Obama’s 69 million votes in 2008? Obama’s legacy, he pulled off the Big Lie getting Joe Biden into office as president, whether elected fairly or not. Obama, the puppet master of all manipulators. Bravo Barack!


 The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, crediting President Obama for the election of Joe Biden.  This is Matthews fifth article written exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the editorial board of the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section below.


Third Reich 2.0: Chinese Communist Party: They Built a Better Mausefalle!

By BlackJack Pershing                                The Alps

July 6, 2021

@PershingSoldier on GETTR @PershingSoldier on Clouthub @BlackJackPershing on Gab

Mausefalle is German for mousetrap.

Let’s begin with a reflection on CNN, the ‘news’ outlet that put a series of favorable news stories out on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Chinese Communist party:

“Every morning the editors of the Berlin daily newspapers and the correspondents of those published elsewhere in the Reich gathered at the Propaganda Ministry to be told by Dr. Goebbels or by one of his aides what news to print and suppress, how to write the news and headline it, what campaigns to call off or institute and what editorials were desired for the day.”
William L. Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany

To CNN Leadership we ask: who is giving you your orders?

The Chinese Communist Party has out-third reich’d the third reich. Let’s have a good look at how they’ve done it. Upon further investigation, it seems like they took the play book, enhanced it, updated it and seem to be going for the 1000 years that Der Fuhrer originally forecasted for the original.

The similarities are profound and there for all to see. We know. We all know.

Nazi Germany had Mein Kampf; a book which became mandatory to have on display in one’s home.

ChiComms have Mao’s Little Red Book, which some say may exceed the bible in the number of copies printed over time.

Nazi Germany built the Autobahns.

ChComms are building the so called ‘Belt and Road’ system to tie together economic conquests far beyond it’s own borders.

Nazi Germany used the Gestapo secret police as its enforcement mechanism.

ChiComms use the Ministry of State Security, a massively funded enormous octopus of politically oriented security, espionage and intelligence operations.

Nazi Germany used a multitude of social organizations like the Hitler Youth to control the minds of its citizens.

ChiComms use unique China social platforms to control behavior, going so far to now assign social scoring based on Communist Party desired behaviors. They also use the Confucius Institutes to indoctrinate the masses and infiltrate university systems.

Nazi Germany had the Nazi Party, and to maintain or achieve any influence or power in society of any kind, one had to be a member of the party.

It’s well established that the ChiComms have the same arrangement with the Communist Party in China.

Nazi Germany controlled businesses directly, while allowing private ownership. Industrialists could remain wealthy as long as they did what they were told. Many companies still on the Fortune 500 list today were compromised by Nazi Germany 80 years ago. Some paid reparations for using slave labor.

ChiComms seize 50% ownership of corporations and steal their intellectual property for use elsewhere. In both cases, business executives from all over the planet are going along to get along. All completely compromised. Many of the same companies compromised by they Nazis 80 years ago are also compromised today by China. Will they someday pay reparations to the Uighurs?

Nazi Germany committed well known genocides against Jews, gypsies, clergy, political opponents, homosexuals and those with disabilities.

ChiComm genocide against the Uighurs is only now beginning to be understood. How far has it gone and who else has been included? Death, organ harvesting and slave labor are just a few of the suspected horrors.

Nazi Germany created border disputes with most of it’s neighbors. The Alsace, Czechoslovakia, Poland and others learned hard lessons. Austria was assimilated. The European continent was largely controlled by Berlin for a time; only Hitler’s relentless impatience screwed it all up for the Reich.

ChiComms have similar issues with their shared borders, India and Russia most notably. Russia will pay a long term price with their Chinese neighbors. Its only a matter of time. Taiwan is in scope for repossession. Hong Kong is suffering a reversal of all freedoms. All ChiComm neighbors are on alert. Japan, the Philippines and Australia will have a long list of issues to deal with soon enough. Who will fight? China has much more patience than Hitler’s Germany.

Nazi Germany had a quiet enabler of its hatred of the Jews in FDR. He famously ignored a ship full of Jewish refugees, many of whom perished when sent back to Europe. He also imprisoned Americans of Japanese descent.

ChiComms have a similar enabler in Joe Biden, who recently said of China’s treatment of the Uighurs: “Culturally there are different norms that each country and their leaders are expected to follow,”; don’t worry Chairman Xi, those big bucks you secured for Hunter are paying off handsomely.

Nazi Germany sent Rommel and his Afrika Corps to North Africa to carry out several missions/strategies that included bailing out Mussolini’s failing troops, and securing access to the rich oil fields of the middle east.

ChiComms are active all over Africa currently, making investments in infrastructure in order to secure long term commitments of raw materials, oil, and other strategic missions. They intend to hold those taking their help hostage to their influence for decades.

Nazi Germany tolerated organized religion, but had plans for its longer-term demise. In the shorter term they sent any clergy openly opposed to their agenda to concentration camps.

ChiComms have tried to openly corrupt the growing Catholic Church in China by insisting on approving its leadership. The survival of said church is an open question. Communism is famously atheistic and anti-religious.

Nazi Germany disregarded hundreds of years of enlightened history and thought by its many famous philosophers and saints.

ChiComms have literally destroyed much evidence of the achievements of Chinese history prior to the Communist party.

Nazi Germany invested heavily in technology and ‘wonder weapons’, developing the first rocket guided bombs and even jets before the end of WWII.

ChiComms are investing in bio-weapons. We just experienced one. How’d you like it?

This list of ChiComm treachery is by no means complete. Leave your own observations in the comments below.

Veilen Dank fur das Lesen!




(Originally published Memorial Day 2016)

by Echo Zulu 21            Charlottesville, NC

Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08 was tough on a lot of units, but especially difficult for the 2nd Battalion, 8th United States Cavalry Regiment. The Stallions were stationed out of Camp Taji Iraq, roughly 20 miles north of Baghdad. The 82nd Airborne was on the ground quickly as the first wave of the surge troops that arrived into Camp Taji. Great for Baghdad, not so good for the unit holding the northern border. What happened was the surge troops came in and pushed all the bad guys to the towns outside of the major metropolitan city. The kinetic activity of significant activity (SIGACT) picked up exponentially in our Area of Operations (AO).

It’s virtually impossible to know everyone in a 900+ Soldier Battalion, but I knew quite a few. When I try and reflect on Memorial Day, I naturally gravitate to those who were killed that I knew personally. It’s pretty strange, because you hear about someone being killed or wounded, or you’re on the response team and you don’t know the name, but you know the face. A lot of times I would figure it out, because I would be walking to the trailer or motor pool and the person that passes me at the same time every day is not there one morning. It’s like that last scene in the movie “The Sandlot”, where the characters are at their respective positions on the diamond and the narrator is describing what they go on to be in life, and the character fades out of the shot, and is no longer on the diamond, but the other characters are still there.

In the first deployment to Iraq, 2-8 Cavalry lost 1 Soldier. We left OIF 06-08 in double digits in both KIA and wounded. Several Officers, NCO’s and Soldiers. There was no segregation from the enemy. The Battalion Commander’s PSD was hit. We had both a Company Commander and our S3 hit with ball bearing IED’s that sent them home. We had First Sergeants and Sergeant First Classes hurt or KIA. All ranks suffered.

I escorted the personal effects of SPC Swanson. He was in the BC’s PSD. I was in his vehicle with the BC 2 weeks prior to the attack. I knew and met everyone in that vehicle and spent about 8 hours with them on a mission where we escorted dump trucks full of rice from a factory up to the town of Tarmiyah so the local Iraqi population  could use it.

1LT Dan Riordan and 1LT Gwileym Newman were my peers. I knew them both pretty well. Newman had a 1 year old daughter. He was shot in the head by a sniper in Tarmiyah, just as he exited his vehicle to dismount for a raid.

I escorted the personal effects of Dan Riordan. He had pictures in his room of a homecoming party that his family and friends had thrown for him when he came home on mid-tour leave. Dan took leave really early in the rotation, so his Soldiers would have more time to figure out their dates. They had food and beer and you could tell how proud everyone was of Dan. Dan was killed by an IED strike in the western portion of our AO. His entire vehicle was destroyed and all 5 Soldiers in the vehicle were KIA.

Unfortunately, there are many more that I could describe. I think about all of them daily, because it’s important to remember them and everyone else. I’m not on Facebook and I have not had much connection to my old unit, but I certainly do wonder how their families are doing on each Memorial Day, and all days. Newman’s little girl, Dan’s family, Swanson’s buddies.

I’m a civilian now and just think about how lucky I am to have known them and served alongside of them. Maybe this little reflection in some small way helps to honor them, their memories and their families.


Unfinished Lives

by LTC(P) Zolton Krompecher         Republished May 30, 2021

Originally published May 27, 2018

We live in an age where some confuse heroes with entertainers, role models for charlatans, but remembering Americans who died young places perspective in sharper relief.

As a boy, I spent afternoons dashing around the neighborhood playing “Army” with friends. Tree forts became castles, bushes hideouts and passing cars were tanks to be avoided at all costs. Somewhere in our minds we were aware of Vietnam, but our neighborhood sheltered us until two names came to personify the war: Corporal Frank Miller and LT James Francis O’Laughlin.

Frank was the uncle of my best friend while James O ‘Laughlin was the father of another classmate. Both Soldiers died in Vietnam. Each represented a link to my hometown of Athens, Ohio. Every Memorial Day, I thought of them. Decades later, I visited the Wall in Washington and etched their names.

Iraq and Afghanistan are my generations’ wars. One autumn day I took a phone call and was told my friend Dave was killed in Iraq. I was to escort him home. I reflected on our time together in the Special Forces. Fighting was the melody he danced to, and Dave knew the steps well, but he had a clean heart, too. Ever the consummate warrior-scholar, Dave was a well-read Green Beret who knew his craft but also helped local children wherever he served. I remember how he set his jaw in grim determination when challenged. Life can shift in an instant: I suppose that is the same look he had on the day the desert sun boiled and he made his fateful decision. There was no manual instructing me what to say when his wife threw herself onto his casket. The whole experience skinned my insides.

Some nights I stare at the stars and think of Bill, Laura, Ted, Justin (who grew up in Coal Grove, Ohio just down the river) and Drew. They were the brave ones willing to lay it on the line when things got rough and now remain eternally young, preserved in the minds of those who knew them best.

When visiting their graves, I don’t blunt emotions or debate the logic behind the wars in which they fought…that is for other venues. What I see are patches of grass containing dreams of what might have been—Daddy/Daughter dances, games of catch, first days of school, walks down the aisle, and reunions. Their unfinished lives moor me to the past while whispering the warning not to allow life to grow stale. The cemetery becomes a confessional where secrets to my friends leak out of my mouth and the past becomes grafted with the present, if but for a moment. But what of graves with no names and few visitors?

Just off to the right of the Fort Myer entrance to Arlington Cemetery stands a stone with a simple epigraph reading:





Behind this grave is number 8429. Behind that stone is 8443. Flanked on both sides are others. Who knew these brave souls “Known but to God”? 8067 is buried in one of the Civil War sections. Did this Soldier know my Great-Great-Uncle Eli who joined the Union at eighteen, saw action at Shiloh and Corinth and died soon after? I can only wonder.

I used to make it to a cemetery every Memorial Day but now visit on my own time. Instead, I try to make my friends’ sacrifices worthwhile by evaluating my relationships with others and occupying the in-betweens of my life by doing better.

Each one of us has the capacity to make a difference: surprising our children at school lunch; calling an old friend with whom we’ve lost contact; inviting a neighbor or clergy member over for dinner; visiting an assisted living home to listen to stories of a way of life which disappear with each breath; or taking off work to spend the day with a spouse. Maybe it’s a simple “Hello” to someone who least expects it. Showing kindness and empathy to fellow Americans—even those with whom we disagree—is the least we can do for Frank Miller, James O’Laughlin, Soldier #8067 and others who left behind unfinished lives.

And so what’s the cost? A moment of our time, that’s all. And what some wouldn’t give for a moment.




The Greatest Generation

by CDR (R) US Navy                                                                                       Originally published  May 29th, 2016

During this special Memorial Day Weekend, let’s take some time to reflect on the greatest generation this nation has ever been blessed to have. The greatest generation that defeated the Axis of evil of Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan.

The entire country rallied around freedom. Those who could serve, mostly younger than than those reading this article today, stood in line to enlist and to fight for freedom. From North Africa to Anzio, to Normandy and Iwo Jima, they proudly stood by their fellow soldiers, airmen and sailors in arms to keep our country safe. Those at home made the American war machine invincible. Mothers continued to raise our children. Seniors and children alike were part of the effort to ensure liberty prevailed. Rations and black-outs were the norm in the homeland, as well as long days producing the food and goods to keep the American war-machine going to ultimately prevail.

Those of the greatest generation that fought overseas, most of us have fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers who were part of that effort, were selfless. Again, they were selfless. They wanted to come back home. They dreamed of coming back home. They talked about coming back home. But they were willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice to keep freedom alive. In those times you deployed until you were killed, critically injured, or the war was over.

We have to take a moment to pay our respect for those that gave the ultimate sacrifice that allows us to enjoy the freedom we have today in this great county. Politics aside, we have a democracy which was saved by those in the greatest generation. Let’s pay our respects. Let’s remember freedom is not free but paid for by service of special Americans. Those before us and those that come after us, including our children. Let’s keep America safe. Let’s all do our part.


Special Soldier, Better Man


COL John M. McHugh, United States Army (KIA)

by Guardian 6       (Originally published May 22, 2016)

While deployed to Iraq, about ten months through my tour in May 2010, pictures of a significant Vehicle Based Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) came across my screen while reviewing the daily theater intelligence brief. This attack had occurred in Kabul, Afghanistan. In all, five US troops were killed along with 17 Afghan civilians and over 40 wounded in this attack. At that moment, I did not know that a friend and colleague from the US Army War College (AWC), one of my classmates, had been killed. Ten months earlier I was graduating from AWC where I had first met John in the fall of 2009.

While we didn’t have classes together or share the same seminar group, John and I kept the same physical training routine hitting the gym early getting our work outs in before class. AWC was relaxed for Army standards and officers were on their own schedules to meet physical standards. During this time, John and I got to know each other, went on some long runs together and shared the Army War College experience as classmates. We both had young boys too for our mid -40’s ages helping to keep us young in spirit and often putting life in perspective. John and his wife had five children total, and one of his son’s was already serving in the Army. Another commonality we would share.

It was clear to me early on what a class act John was. He loved the Army, loved his family and loved life. John was very bright and inquisitive and pursued knowledge. I remember John asking thoughtful questions of guest speakers when the AWC class would attend en masse to hear from a warfighter, a Combatant Commander or a speaker from one of our government agencies. Some colonels asked questions to showcase their experiences, some colonels asked questions to hear themselves talk and some colonels liked John asked questions to learn and gain knowledge. When John stood up to ask a question, one knew there was something to be learned, gained from both the question and the answer.

When John and his team of soldiers left Ft. Leavenworth for this mission, they knew there was risk but they expected to come home. There is always risk for deployed soldiers, especially in a warzone. Their families worried and prayed for their safe return, like they always do. COL John McHugh, LTC Paul Bartz, LTC Thomas Belkofer, SSG Richard Tieman and SPC Joshua Tomlinson were undoubtedly focused on their mission to defeat the enemy through enhance pre-deployment training better preparing US forces by capturing real-time lessons learned and incorporating these lessons into their training at Ft. Leavenworth.

John and his soldiers were killed a few short days after arriving in Afghanistan serving their country, executing their mission in support of the war effort  and making all of us that knew them proud, saddened and humbled by their loss; and their families sacrifice that endures today, tomorrow and every Memorial Day. For Colonel McHugh’s family, and all the families that have lost a loved one in war, Memorial Day endures 365/24/7. We should honor them and share their legacy with family and friends, and keep them all in our prayers.



Liz Cheney, Bush-world and the Ash Heap of History

By BlackJack Pershing  @PershingSoldier on Clouthub, @BlackJackPershing on Gab, @PershingSoldier on Parler

Dateline May 12th, 2021                 Missouri Territory

“…freedom and democracy will leave Marxism and Leninism on the ash heap of history.”

                Ronald Reagan, Speech to the House of Commons, June 8th, 1982

Despite recent efforts by Joe Hiden and the democrats to revive both of those ‘isms’, Ronald Reagan remains right.

And we add to the Ash Heap a number of other people and things that President Trump has helped modern Republicans understand and comprehend in the light of day.

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s celebrate the removal of Liz Cheney from house leadership and the official transfer of she, herself, her family business, and the entire franchise of establishment republicans to the ash heap of history!

Liz is over.  She’s shrieking like an angry demon as she is stripped of relevance.  She will be an MSM darling going forward.  But.  She is over.  Trump?  #NotOver !!

What else is over?

Country Club republicans also known as ‘Rockefeller’ republicans.  Wealthy republicans worried about their portfolios that went along with the republicans from a strictly economic perspective.  They do not care about offshoring of jobs and the working class.  They sold out to China to line their pockets long ago.  The Chamber of Commerce is their god.  Cheap imported workers are their preference, legal if possible but illegal will do just fine.  Trump called them out.  Many defected to the DNC.

“What does that get us? A discontented, lazy rabble instead of a thrifty working class. And all because a few starry-eyed dreamers like Peter Bailey stir them up and fill their heads with a lot of impossible ideas!”

          Mr Potter, from It’s a Wonderful Life, definitely a Rockefeller Republican


George W: as analyzed in another column on this site, ‘Confessions of a Reformed and Redeemed W Voter’, W has soiled himself beyond recognition.  He’s over.  Trump?  #NotOver. 

Dick Cheney: his usefulness at its maximum was scaring and pissing off the democrats in the mid-00’s.  He was good at it.  Intelligent, concise, glib and sometimes humorous, Dick Cheney was the lightning rod of the W administration.  Unfortunately most, if not all, of his ideas have proven to be misguided at best, arrogantly stupid at worst.  He should have stayed at Halliburton.  Another non-serving war monger, devoid of proper training and strategic thought.  An intelligent idiot.

The Bush’s, despite their desperate attempts to pretend otherwise, are old money patrician class elitists.  Everyone has their place for the Bush’s.  For America’s working class, its pulling themselves up by their bootstraps with nothing after their jobs are shipped to the Bushs’ Chinese business partners.

Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld: they blew it after the initial response to 9/11.  With no initial worry about outcomes, they started two wars with untested strategy.  Powell likely knew the flaws and kept his mouth shut.  Condi may be best remembered for posing for a buddy shot with Muamar Khadhafi.  Dope.  Rummy’s shock and awe turned out to be a tactic, not a strategy.  The glib technocrat will go down in history as the arrogant ass that screwed it all up.

Bush-World enablers: Boehner, Mitch McConnell: Republican congressional leaders were very comfortable with the Bush traditions, the lack luster results, the sell out of the American worker.   They themselves have proven to be in their roles for money, not service.  Slobs, hypocrites and sellouts.

Why did it never occur to Bush-world that their jobs were to maximize the success and potential of the American people – all of them?  Why did they enable the communist dictatorship of China?  Why did they offshore our jobs and then blame us?  Because they never got it and can’t get it.  They don’t relate.  Never did. 

Michael Chertoff.  John Snow.  John Bolton.  Hank Paulson.  Alberto Gonzales.  Elaine Chao.  Tom Ridge All of them swampy swampians.  Retreads.  Non-leaders.  Apparatchiks.

Bush-worlders.   They are over.  Trump?  #NotOver !!

In the 2000’s Bush-world had the vexing problem of being the only alternative to DNC chaos.  On the surface they seemed like the adults in the room.  They had a veneer of competence.  That competence was for a world gone by.  The 1970’s specifically.  Otherwise they were completely unprepared for what dawned in the 21st century.

Trump woke up conservatives.  He made it respectable to care for our working brothers and sisters that were forgotten.  The Trump coalition is bigger and broader than anyone realizes.   You know the stats from the Trump coalition in 2020.  The demographic changes terrorize the DNC.  Blacks will be 50% for Trump in 2024.   Latinos will be 70% for Trump.

Romney? He sucks!”

                Obama Phone Lady

Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger, Paul Ryan, the McCains and many more – they all play a nasty game of arse kissing with the same media that have called them racists and grandma killers in the past.  One wonders why they are compromised?  What do they have on them?

RINO’s are over!  Trump? #NotOver !!

Members of The Hot Tub from Hell:  Frank Luntz, Karl Rove, George Will, Bill Kristol, David Gergen, All Lincoln Project members, Anthony Scaramucci, and most fired Trump Administration personnel.  They are the worst of the worst bottom feeders.  Mostly devoted to themselves and the lousy books they write for the feeble minded.  A sad group of diaper wearing, increasingly irrelevant clowns.

The Hot Tub from Hell is OVER!  Trump?  #NotOver !!

What else is over?  Please share below, fellow Patriots! 



Confessions of a Reformed and Redeemed W Voter

by Blackjack Pershing                Missouri Territory

Dateline April 20, 2021

“I think we agree, the past is over. ”
― George W. Bush


That’s right W, and for that we are thankful.

As W has inserted himself in the national conversation of late, so let’s recap where many of us have landed on the teetotaling son of another President with a dubious record.

“Never trust a man who doesn’t drink.”

  • Winston Churchill   (OK maybe a cheap shot, but he’s earned it)

We wanted him to succeed.  In fact in the immediate wake of 9/11 even many democrats felt reassured that ‘the adults were in charge’ following 2 terms of Bill, Hill, Monica, White Water, Clintoncide, Hillary Care, Co-presidents, Vast Right Wing Conspiracies, a failed impeachment and the generally tawdry atmosphere of the Clinton Whitehouse.

Americans wanted ass kicked after 9/11.  W delivered.  Box checked.  However,  I believe it was Colin Powell at the time who said with regard to screwing up a war, ‘If you break it, you bought it.’  Did we ever.  Powell deserves to be held accountable for letting Rumsfeld drop his ‘Powell Doctrine’, built on lessons learned from Vietnam on how to win wars.  Powell’s doctrine was used in the first Gulf War: overwhelming force.  It worked.  See the ‘highway of death’.  He let Rummy screw it all up in the 2nd Gulf War.  An unending disaster ensued.

But we digress, back to W.

13 years post W, with plenty of help from truth teller Donald J Trump, most republicans and conservatives have been red pilled on W.  Eyes now wide open.

In 2001:

We thought we got a republican Harry Truman.  Instead we got a less demented, sometimes confused and togue tied republican Joe Biden.  As George H.W. might have said: ‘Not good!  Bad!’

We thought we got a more conservative George HW, less enthralled with the New World Order.  Instead we got China sellout 2.0, post Clinton, letting the offshoring spread like a plague while telling Americans we weren’t competitive.  Blaming us while giving our jobs to communists paying 1 cent on the dollar to their slave laborers.

We thought we got a happy warrior – the one that unseated loudmouth Ann Richards in TX.   Instead we got an oddly passive mopey W who refused to answer his critics, who in turn just piled on.  This passivity let down his voters and his party, and enabled the attack mob CCP-partner media we now have firmly in place.

We thought we got a down home, red neck, rootin tootin, kinda funny, ranch owning, pick up truck driving old son of a gun character as President.  What we really got was a Yale educated elitist faking it as a cowboy.

“The thing that’s important for me is to remember what’s the most important thing.”
― George W. Bush

W lucked out with stiff retreads to campaign against.  Gore and Kerry – unappealing scolds that allowed W’s charm, such as it was, to shine.  He was very likeable – we must give him that.

And funny at times: It’s a shame he only gave mean nick names only to his immediate staff: Skippy to Cheney due to his heart issues.  Turd Blossom to Karl Rove for obvious reasons.  Tiny to Richard Armitage, chubby Deputy Secretary of State.   It took a fearless champion to give nicknames to the dummies that truly deserved them in the media, democrat party etc: Donald J Trump.  His were better.

W’s largest mistakes were his foreign wars.  We have plenty of recent history that showed how to lose foreign wars: Vietnam with no clear strategy, incrementalism, and little home support.  And how to win: first Gulf War: Clear goal, Powell doctrine of overwhelming force.  Having some military background himself, W should have been wiser.  Rumsfeld, seemingly a good choice at first, turned out to be the worst of the worst technocrat.  Shock and Awe didn’t prevent us from an unmanageable mess in Iraq upon our march into Baghdad.  Such lousy execution from pedantic bigmouth Rumsfeld should have got him fired.

Remember the disappearance/retirement of General Shinseki after he told the truth about necessary troop levels needed to occupy Baghdad?  Shameful.

W’s biggest mistakes involved listening to career bureaucrats (the swamp) and taking them at their word.  The ‘de-Bathification’ of Iraq was a disaster.  Others can cover that topic better than I can.

The so called surge was late.  And necessary due to bungled strategy and poor execution.

Interesting that most of the career military officers, especially the General Officers, that have criticized Trump publicly, were key leaders in the failed foreign wars started by W.  Clearly their motivation is fear of their malfeasance being exposed, and resentment of Trump’s accurate criticism.

The ineptitude of Iraq/Afghanistan wars is settled business.  I believe the intention was to get to root causes in the region and permanently settle them.  Clearly that did not happen.  Let’s move on.

Remember when W fired Rummy in 2006, openly admitting it was because he lost congress and they (the Dems) wanted someone less controversial.  I am not Rummy fan, but really?  What kind of reasoning is that?  Fire him and take responsibility for it.  Sad.

Remember when Bush cut taxes and it really wasn’t even that much and he let the business tax stand which really was the big issue even then?

This all seems like a million years ago.  Pre-tech monopolies and censorship.  It is actually a bit hazy.  Like many, W did some good things.  But they were lost under a pile of incompetence.

“They misunderestimated me.”
― George W. Bush

Remember the embrace of globalism and so called free trade with W, a stupid republican hallmark for decades.  The problem is free trade was never free or fair.  But the Chamber of Commerce loved it as they lined their pockets while American workers got screwed.  ‘Compassionate Conservative’ W was ok with that.

Remember when W said he wouldn’t comment on his successor due to the dignity of the office, and proceeded to let Obama blame him for every bad condition that has ever existed without a word?  And remember when Trump made mincemeat of his dopey brother Jeb, W decided to join the chorus of A-holes taking shots at Trump?  Yeah.   I do.  Shove it W.

The other things are many: bailouts, Hurricane Katrina optics and execution, whatever.  Massive media misinformation had become a thing.  W is a classic example of missed opportunities, unmet expectations, investment in failed models, faith in the swamp, disguised elitism, groupthink, failed strategy setting, unwillingness to change quickly when things are not working.  Stubbornness.   We wanted him to win but he didn’t let himself.  He tried to act like the common man, but helped give birth to the forgotten man (and woman).

Finally, I’ll say it as much as it pains me.  On 9/11 when W sat there as long as he did after Andy Card told him we were under attack, and let the kids keep reading, it did suck and was embarrassing.  It pissed me off when Media Hippopotamus Michael Moore made hay with it, but on that, he was right.  Nuts.  W may have needed time to think, but he could have done that in private.  Gracefully exiting quickly was the thing to do.  WTF.

“It will take time to restore chaos”
― George W. Bush

W – you had a good life as TX governor and part owner of the Rangers.  You should have stayed.

With Regret

BlackJack Pershing



by Guardian 6

Dateline 20 April 21            Wetlands

Fauci’s disciples appear to be everywhere.  Maskholes are in your neighborhood. They’re in your work environments. You see them on MSM reporting from the Whitehouse, or virtue signaling on the local news. You saw them on the sidelines in March Madness (nobody watches the NBA) or you see them in the dugout at baseball games.

What is a maskhole? A maskhole is a true believer in wearing the mask 24/7 to fight the ChinaVirus even though it provides zero benefit. Many of them even wear the mask in their sleep.

How do you know a maskhole when you see one?

  • A single walker in your neighborhood wearing a mask definitely a maskhole
  • Bike riders wearing a mask, maskhole
  • Hiker wearing a mask, maskhole
  • A politician in front of a camera giving an interview wearing a mask, professional maskhole
  • The person at the other end of your Teams or Zoom call wearing a mask, virtual maskhole
  • The gardener wearing a mask, green maskhole
  • The guy walking their kid to school wearing a mask, dummy maskhole
  • The couple in the bleacher seats at a ballpark sitting by themselves wearing masks, maskholes
  • The weatherman wearing a mask, maskhole
  • The lone driver in their car you see at the light wearing a mask, professional loser maskhole
  • The Karen that goes off on the non-mask wearer at the local store, a despised maskhole
  • The teacher that uses the ChinaVirus to avoid going back to the classroom, maskhole that should be fired
  • The clown that puts a sign in their yard that reads, “wear a mask.” Maskhole
  • The blue state governors that have destroyed local businesses with draconian dictates, tyrannical maskholes

There are many, many more types of maskholes. You’ve met them  simply living your life. Leave a comment telling your maskhole story. Let it rip. Be free.





Activism is the New Nose Picking

By Blackjack Pershing: @PershingSoldier on Parler; @BlackJackPershing on Gab; @PershingSoldier on Clouthub


“I’m just a no-good, scum sucking, nose picking, boot licking, sniveling, groveling, worthless hunk of slime.”

— Al Yankovic


I disagree with Weird Al – he provided us many big laughs over the years.  But there is a new group of nincompoops with an equally disgusting habit that I’d like to discuss with you today: Activists


You’ve seen them introduced on news programs ‘Writer and Activist’; ‘Producer and Activist’; Entertainer and Activist’; oh – here’s a good one – ‘Rapper and Activist’.  Substitute nose picker for the word activist in those titles and I’ll have more respect for you.  At least you’d know what you were doing.


In today’s world, what does being an ‘Activist’ mean?  Here are a few things that claiming to be an ‘Activist’ will guarantee:

  • You are annoying
  • You are a nuisance
  • You are a killjoy
  • You ruin otherwise good times
  • You won’t STFU
  • You are the one that farts in elevators
  • Your issue is unimportant to those around you
  • You likely have poor personal hygiene
  • You embarrass yourself routinely
  • You are pompous
  • You are likely a narcissist
  • You have halitosis
  • You have zero self-awareness
  • The only ‘active’ things you really do involve getting off the couch during commercials to use the can and raid the fridge again.
  • You can go two knuckles deep in pursuit of that booger.
  • You’re a communist that applies the Marxism to others, but never yourself.
  • You have few if any friends and resort to using social media to create your fake world
  • You are lacking in skills and capabilities, and have decided that calling yourself an Activist is a great diversionary tactic
  • You are a loser, losing loserly on the way to Loserville in a Losermobile


How about the clowns that have that word ACTIVIST in their social media profiles.  One positive thing about this is it’s good way to avoid morons.  Like a leper yelling ‘Unclean!’ from a distance 2000 years ago, ACTIVIST on a Linkedin profile screams ‘I am a huge doofus!!!’  Thanks for the tip, Bonehead, I’ll move on.  These yutz’s also frequently have their preferred pronouns posted next to their name: he/him, she/her.  How ‘bout we just go with the gender neutral ‘Big Dummy’or maybe ‘Buffoon’ is more to your liking?


Even worse are the ACTIVISTS in media, portraying themselves as legitimate journalists – when they really are leftist activists spewing talking points and propaganda that would make Pravda editors blush.  Stelter.  Cooper.  Tapper.  Cuomo.  Holt.  Todd.  Stephanopoulos.  Sharpton.  Lemon.  Maddow.  Mika & Schmoe.  You know them.  No talent ACTIVISTS.  Nosepickers ALL!  They’d never be welcome at any social event where normal people assemble.  Most of their parents will not let them come over either.  The great Spiro Agnew called them ‘nattering nabobs of negativity.  He knew.


Activist Athletes may be the worst.  Colin Kaepernick and Lebron James perhaps the Apex of nose picking absurdity.  One became an activist after being benched, the other clearly owned by China.


Like nose pickers, Activists seem to be everywhere.  Unlike many nose pickers, activists don’t try to hide what they do.  The are disgusting and improper in plain sight.  Let’s all shun them and call them out for the disgraceful POS’s they really are and get them a damn Kleenex.  Gross!






The Lights Are On, No One’s Home

by Guardian 6

Dateline April 16th , 2021              Undisclosed Location

Wow. Almost three months of the Biden Administration and one thing is clear, Puppet Masters are pullings the strings with Biden. Who would sell their soul this much for power? To decimate all that is good with America at a rapid clip? Spend three trillion dollars out the gate to fund more Democratic corruption and send cash to dysfunctional city and state governments? Who? Joe Biden. When Obama orchestrated the election of Biden as the Democratic candidate, Joe became his puppet and defacto created Obama’s third term. Joe, to the best of his limited ability, signed on. The Obama-Biden compromise has been engineered with an arrangement that goes something like this:

Obama, “Joe, I’ll get you elected but you will be a figure head only. Policy decisions, your VP nominee and your cabinet will be chosen by me. We will operate a shadow government to support you but I will make the calls. Joe, do you understand?”

Biden, “Barack, I’m in. Small price to pay for being President of the United States.”

Obama, “Joe, you will be POTUS in name only. You are a figure head. We will prepare Kamala to become President.”

Biden, “Got it.”

So here we are. Obama has his perfect stooge hungry for the perception of power that will simply do what he directs. Think about it, all the leftist policy disasters; the designed border crisis fueling unprecedented illegal immigration; massive debt being piled upon massive debt; the rule of law being torn apart; the Green New Steal, expansion of the Supreme Court and the list goes on. Obama gets to sit back and enjoy the destruction of America watching Saul Alinsky’s playbook of Rules for Radicals be deployed enjoying plausible deniability since Joe is president.

Obama has many accomplices helping him. First and foremost, he has the mainstream media that if not for their corruption, this would never happen. Then he has his appointed Biden Administration officials ensuring Joe does what he directs. Ultimately he has his insurance policy of VP Harris waiting in the wings to take over from Biden, likely timed between his second and third year in office so she can get some credentials as the incumbent president. Obama has it all figured out, or does he?

He doesn’t. Obama may be smart, but he is not that smart. All lies and deception eventually are unmasked and the truth will be revealed. He may have three or four degrees of separation from Biden and the puppetry, but patriots are keeping book. The counter Deep State knows. Patriots know. Ultimately, the American citizenry knows and will not be played. Americans don’t like puppets and Americans dislike puppet masters even more. Standby.



Dateline April 13th, 2021    North Carolina

  “Yankee Mike”

Well, at least Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet are still part of our great American Heritage! Sadly, Major League Baseball once considered to be “America’s Past Time” has dropped from the list of iconic Americana. Baseball was featured for decades in great American TV & Radio Commercials as uniquely American, patriotic, wholesome, fun and unifying. The title of this essay was taken from a very popular Chevrolet commercial from the mid – 1970s. Allot has changed since then, especially lately, and not for the good of the sport or the nation.

Many of us baseball loving fans grew up with a bat and a ball in our hands. We came from all walks of life and all economic classes. We were raised by God-fearing & patriotic men and women. We kneeled before our Lord and Savior & we stood for the Star Spangled Banner.

In many cases, our parents had put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms that we enjoy. They fought to protect our way of life and to safeguard us from the evils that reigned supreme in other parts of the world. When faced with the tyrrany of dictators, genocidal maniacs and the spread of Socialism and Communism, American generations have risen to the challenge of defeating “all comers”.

Throughout much of the 20th Century and up until now, there has always been at least one “Safe Place” to rest our weary minds from the bad news of the day. That Safe Place is otherwise defined as Major League Baseball; a place where one can get lost in the game and harken back to one’s youth to remember one’s own passion for the game while rooting for a particular sports hero to come through in the pinch for you when the game is on the line.

That safe place has been a safe harbor and a refuge from troubles at home, from war and from politics. Major League Baseball has served as a unifier among very diverse groups of people. Just go sit in Yankee Stadium for a game and take in the diverse crowd of people sitting all around you and representing every race, color, creed, gender, nationality and language that one can imagine. Everyone there has one thing in common: pulling for the Home Team to win ! New friendships are made with the crack of a bat. Race as an issue never enters into the atmosphere at the ballpark. The mosaic of the diversity of the fans represented at the ballpark only makes for an even more enjoyable experience as one’s fellow fans realize that there is more uniting us at the ballpark than dividing us.

Sadly, Commissioner Rob Manfred has chosen badly. He has thrown his lot in with the Radical Leftists, the Marxists & the Communists hiding under the guise of BLM & Antifa. They have found him to be a Dim Bulb, a Soft Target, an ill-informed Dupe and a Coward. Not satisfied with the destruction of the NBA & the NFL, the Democrat Stormtroopers have successfully placed their MLB Trophy in the Media’s Display Case.

Stacey Abrams has nicely filled the role of Darth Vader as she continues to leave a swarth of destruction in her sizeable path. Let’s not forget, however, that she is simply the spearhead for a much more sinister purpose and that is “The End of Free & Fair Elections” in the state of Georgia and all across the nation.

“Komisar Manfred” rolled over nicely like a dog awaiting his treat for successfully completing his trick. He pulled the “Mid Summer Classic” from “racist” Atlanta & “racist” Georgia faster than you can say “Archie Bunker”! And what, pray tell, makes Atlanta & Georgia so “racist” in the eyes and mind of Ms. Abrams? Why it’s the new Georgia state election laws that tighten up voting regulations and were recently passed by the State Legislature and signed into law by Governor Kemp to prevent the fraud and abuse that took place in the 2020 elections from ever happening again. How TURRIBLE ! as Charles Barkley might say.

Hey Stacey! From now on, mail-in ballots from the Dead, voting boxes stuffed with ballots from “Jin-nah” and Zuckerberg’s handy dandy “Drop Off Boxes” will be very limited or altogether prohibited. Oh, and by the way Stacey, Photo IDs will now be required. Maybe, Komisar Manfred will place your Photo ID on a baseball card for trading purposes among your fellow Stormtroopers!

Komisar Manfred has abandoned Atlanta for the snowy white peaks of the Rockies by placing the 2021 All Star Game in the “Mile High City” of Denver. Along with Komisar Manfred, the MLB Team Owners have shown themselves to be Eunucks of the First Order by allowing this travesty to take place.

It would have been far wiser for the team owners and MLB Executives to “channel” NBA great Michael Jordan who in 1990 was approached by Democrats who wanted him to support a black candidate running for a US Senate seat in North Carolina. Jordan refused. His comment? “Republicans buy sneakers too!” It would seem that Michael Jordan had it right more than 30 years ago while MLB is run by a bunch of DUMMIES!!!

Hey Komisar! Republicans buy baseball tickets too! They also buy lots and lots of team merchandise and food and beverage at the ball parks. They also buy team apparel and ball caps online. They also watch the games on MLB Pay for View and stream lots of other games. By taking the ill-informed actions that you have taken, you have aligned Major League Baseball with the Radical Left and alienated the vast majority of your fan base.

MLB has disenfranchised the working poor who work at its SunTrust Ballpark Concession and Souvenir Stands. You have gravely injured many of the small business owners in the surrounding communities who worked for months to support and to prepare in earnest for the All Star Game. Those small business owners borrowed money in most cases in the hope of turning a profit on a once in decades event. MLB beginning with the Commissioner’s Office has shown woeful poor judgement throughout this self-inflicted wound and the sport does not deserve support from its paying, patriotic fan base.

Worst of all, Major League Baseball has immersed itself in politics, again ! Last year was more than enough to endure watching millionaire ballplayers take a knee in solidarity with the Marxist BLM movement which declared war on the nuclear family. I have no intention of supporting Marxists or other people that support Marxists……including sports figures and athletes. Marxism / Communism is anathema to the American character and all that we stand for as Americans. We fought and won a long Cold War to get rid of this scourge only to find it has been revitalized on the nation’s college campi and is being spread by “educated” twits who have no understanding of our great American History. It has now reared its ugly head in the MLB Commissioner’s Office and in the “Woke Corporations” of America.

Major League Baseball has decided to pick a winner on a political battlefield. And for this there must be consequences. The Komisar’s Office has exposed its Team Owners to what certainly will be a loss of revenue and fans. The losses have begun with an immediate loss of respect for the Commissioner’s Office, the 30 Team Owners who were in the circle of decision makers and for your decisions to accept being bullied by one political party over another. The National Political Scene has NO place in Baseball.

My counter to your poor choices is to reject Major League Baseball until the time of your resignation. Personal apologies from all 30 Team Owners would be nice also in light of their enabling your poor choices. Until that time comes, here is what I plan to do:

  • I will not attend a MLB Game
  • I will not spend money on Food or Beverage at a MLB Game
  • I will not purchase MLB Team Apparel, Gear, Caps, etc. online or in stores
  • I will not purchase the products of MLB sponsors
  • I will not watch televised MLB Broadcasts
  • I will not listen to MLB Radio Broadcasts
  • I will not watch livestreamed games

I would encourage all readers to take similar measures in order to drive down MLB’s revenue stream. We need to send a strong message to the “Powers-to- Be” that we will not be part and parcel to the self-destruction of our country. We will not be bullied by those who think that they know better than we do. We will not be the “Sheeple” that the Leftist Loons prefer us to be and allow our country to be taken from us by those who would destroy our way of life.

The NBA, the NFL, MSM stalwarts ABC, CBS, NBC, and Cable News providers CNN, MSNBC, and FNC have all seen their advertising revenues fall as their viewership has plunged. They are all “woke” and going broke! Its time for Komisar Manfred and MLB to feel the pinch !

As a lifelong Yankees fan, it is heart breaking to leave the team of my youth and my dreams. However, I take solace in the fact that George Steinbrenner, the Yankees owner during periods of some of the team’s greatest success, was actually born on the 4th of July and did his level best to honor America and our flag. One can only hope that we rediscover our greatness as a nation and that our sports teams learn to stay out of areas of debate where they have no business.

It’s God, Country, Family First for me! Those who disparage our nation and turn against its laws have no seat at my table.
