Russian Agents & the Democratic Party

by Guardian  6        Foxhole Sierra        Dateline 23 October 2019   

While the democrats accused President Donald Trump of colluding with the Russians in his 2016 election campaign and then covering it up, the infamous Mueller investigation found no collusion and no obstruction. This investigation was triggered by the phony dossier created by the Clinton Campaign and then used by the Intelligence Community (IC) and the FBI to justify FISA warrants to surveil on the Trump campaign and Trump Administration. Since these early days the democrats have weaponized the IC, partnered with Mainstream Media (MSM) and leveraged Deep State bureaucratic operatives to attack the Trump presidency. They have been relentless along with their IC, FBI, MSM and Deep States accomplices.

The democrats continue to throw false accusation after false accusation at President Trump, the latest being the false Ukrainian quid pro quo accusation facilitated by an IC “whistleblower,” a registered democrat, coordinated through Representative Adam Schiff’s staff.  The democrats continue to parade attack after attack to undermine America’s trust in our president before the 2020 election.

The Resistance Campaign that democrats proudly tout, was originally founded by the Russians and seeded through their funding on platforms like Facebook & Twitter. It has served to fuel division within America  driven by the democrats thirst for power at any cost, to include undermining American values and the votes of 63 million Americans. The Russian agents undermining America are the Democratic Party, democratic representatives, MSM, the weaponized IC and Deep State bureaucrats. Let’s examine the evidence:

1. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is conducting an impeachment inquiry excluding the Republic Party as active participants while conducting secret hearings disallowing due process for President Trump.

2. Chairman Adam Schiff is conducting the Impeachment Inquiry through the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence so his predetermined outcome can be orchestrated in the cover of darkness excluding due process and Republican Party witnesses.

3. Hours before President Trump released the transcript of his phone call with the Ukranian president, Representative Schiff opened a public hearing on the matter by reading a false transcript of the call that Schiff and his staff fabricated. This was read on live TV to open the hearing intentionally deceiving the American public.

4. The President of CNN, Jeffrey Zucker, orchestrates the days news through a 9 am conference call each day where he advises his news shows and programming to attack Trump 24/7. Objectivity be damned, get Trump.

5. MSNBC has hired Deep State leader/operative John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, to help program their attacks on Trump and his administration. Brennan, likely one of the main architects in the attempted coup de tat of removing President Trump (along with James Comey), helps the Deep State stay on the attack while the democrats and MSM work to undermine Trump’s Administration.

While the democrats and Deep State resistance bad actors relentlessly attack our president, they have fully under estimated President Trump and those who elected him. President Trump fights on his terms, not swamp rules. 63 million Americans have joined forces with President Trump to preserve and defend our constitution and the American way of life. President Trump has America’s back and we have his. #KAG


Americans are under assault …

by their government — House democrats, lawless bureaucrats in the Intelligence Community (IC) and the Main Stream Media (MSM).

by Guardian 6                                         Dateline 1 October 2019

The democratic party’s impeachment craze, Russian collusion witch hunt and now the Ukraine hoax is not about justice, it is about getting rid of Trump at all costs, the rule of law be damned.  Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff are out front leading the charge with The Squad in support creating the frenzy and madness in their caucus. MSM has given these democrats the media platform from sunrise to sunset and well into the darkness. This is not about America or Americans, this is about power, democrats regaining power and the White House at all costs. This is a sophisticated coup d’etat with democrats, the Hillary Clinton campaign, former government IC agency heads like John Brennan and James Clapper; and democratic operatives planted in the White House, IC agencies and willing MSM accomplices. The assault has been underway since Trump became the republican nominee. The democrats have become master of lies, deception and their tyranny is justified in their resistance narrative.

Americans should be deeply troubled and scared at what we are witnessing and enduring. This is not representative government. The democrats really don’t care what the public thinks. They believe they make the rules, set the terms of public debate and shape public sentiment to their thinking. If democrats can create a false narrative, orchestrate government resources to collect on the President and fellow Americans, hold phony hearings and then have the MSM back them up, are we safe?

Americans are under assault. If democrats can do this to the President, we are all at risk. Liberty, justice and the American way of life are being attacked by democrats fueled with MSM support. This is tyranny. It is a time for patriots to stand with our President, to defend our constitution and stand resolute to hold these democrats responsible for what they have inflicted on the American people and President Trump.



Politifact – Worse News Credibility Than Morning Joe (It Is That Bad!)

Hard to Beat the Other Team and the Refs at the Same Time: 

Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Politifact versus The Actual Facts

By: Jack Reacher                                    Dateline: 19 August 2019  2140 hours


On August 9th, both Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren tweeted condolences for the “murder” of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014.  Characterizing Michael Brown’s death as a murder is an unequivocal lie. He did die in a police shooting that sparked national attention and protests.  However, both a grand jury in Missouri and the United States Justice Department fully investigated this incident and did not bring charges. The Justice Department investigation was run by Obama era officials, including Attorney General Eric Holder who had been a forceful advocate for minority rights in his career.  This was not a case of a rigged investigation heading to a predestined outcome in favor of the police.  


Despite all of this, PolitiFact declined to rule on whether or not these statements by Harris and Warren are factual.  The article meanders around and eventually settles on an explanation that a lay person could conflate the legal definition of murder with a killing that they personally feel is unjust.  This is a ludicrous explanation for this situation.  


Harris and Warren are not lay people.  Both of them are accomplished lawyers who highlight their legal careers in their campaigns.  Harris constantly cites her work as Attorney General of California on the campaign trail. She was the chief legal constitutional officer for the largest state in the country. 


In the biography on her campaign website, Warren highlights that she is a lawyer who served as a law professor for over 30 years, including teaching law at two Ivy League schools.  This is someone who for years had daily access to some of the most brilliant legal minds in the country. 


Neither of these women should be able to hide behind a defense that they were unfmailiar with the legal defintion of murder.  On its site, PolitiFact says these criteria are used to determine ratings, my comments on a reasonable response to these are below the question:


  • Is the statement literally true? 
    • Both state and federal officials investigated Michael Brown’s death and declined to even bring charges.  No one has ever even been charged with murder, much less been convincted of any crime. Calling his death a murder is not literally true.
  • Is there another way to read the statement? Is the statement open to interpretation?
    • A non-lawyer might be excused for conflating their feelings about Michael Brown’s killing with the law, but two highly accomplished lawyers should not be permitted to use this excuse.
  • Did the speaker provide evidence? Did the speaker prove the statement to be true?
    • Neither of them provided any evidence in their tweet beyond their personal opinions.  Wanting something to be true does not make it so. 
  • How have we handled similar statements in the past? What is PolitiFact’s jurisprudence?
    • PolitiFact is not known for throwing up its hands and refusing to rule on statements, particularly ones in which verifiable and uncontested facts exist.  Indeed, the Washington Post fact checker examined this same controversy and gave these tweets Four Pinocchios, the ruling it resersvers for “Whoppers”.     


There is a common axiom in sports that it is hard to defeat both your opponent and the officials who are calling penalties in favor of your opponent.  PolitiFact is clearly tipping the scales in favor of the Democrats here and not for the first time. Once again, Republicans will need to defeat their opponents on the uneven playing field in which the supposed unbiased officials will be favoring the Democrats. 





Dems Not Fit To Serve – MAGA Rally Time

President Trump, “Promise made, promise kept!”


by Guardian 6                                        

Dateline 18 May 2019    The Swamp

How much longer do we have to put up with these anti-American forces in Congress and the media? We have to speak up and rally not only the #MAGA base but people who love America and take tremendous pride in our country. The vast majority of Americans now know they’ve been duped for decades as it relates to the economy, trade deals and handouts by the connected in government to keep them in government. Open minded Americans are woke!

Democrats and their extreme members (AOC, Talib and Omar to name a few) are not fit to serve. They are radicals that do not love America. Every opportunity they get to spit on America they take it. They hate the average American, view us as ignorant and prioritize their own agenda and the illegal invasion. Last six months 500,000 illegal immigrants entered the US and who the hell knows where they went … likely a town near you! Think about that, 500,000 illegal immigrants have entered the United States since December 2018 and the Democrats find this acceptable and are on record stating there is no crisis. They are insane and NOT FIT TO Serve! This is the equivalent to the number of people that live in Atlanta, Kansas City or Miami just walking into the US and setting up camp. Outrageous!

This is our country and members in Congress are supposed to represent our interests. The Democrats are remaking America in their progressive image and call us all racists when we object. Hey folks, this is our country, not the lunes in Congress! We need to remember we are in charge. It is bold statement time. Open to suggestions but my thought is a 5 million person MAGA rally in DC and/or in several cities throughout the US simultaneously. We need to get organized for MAGA2020 and shut up and shutdown the radicals.

Talk to me. Leave comments. Let’s go!


2020 Democratic Party Platform

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH                                                                                March 3rd, 2019

As I observe the beginnings of heroic campaigns by Senators Bernie, Kamala, Cory, Elizabeth and many other prominent socialist democrats, I am eager to start working on our 2020 Democratic Socialist Platform. We have so much to offer America if we can just centralize planning and eliminate individual choice. The Chinese & Venezuelan  five year plans are the gold standard we should emulate. Here are the initial tenets of The 2020 Democratic Party Platform.

  1. Living Wage for everyone. $15 in 2020 growing up to $20 by 2030.
  2. Green New Deal. Air travel restricted in 2021 by charging a minimum of $2K per flight. Air travel eliminated in 2024. All gas engine cars must be turned into a processing center for disassembling by July 1st 2022. Each car owner will pay $500 fee to meet federal compliance of Car Elimination Act.
  3. 31 Genders Federally Standardization. Otherwise known as the Baskin Robins gender mandate, equal opportunity laws will now require gender compliance with federal set-asides to fast track compliance.
  4. Open Borders. Everyone is welcome and Americans will help fund this initiative by paying for public school books for the first time in every county and school district. The federal government will decide the books and prices. Current borders will be removed.
  5. Social Monitoring & Scoring (SMS). The FCC will be absorbed in the SMS. The SMS will begin monitoring American communications and scoring each citizen on a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being a fully compliant, progressive thinking citizen that can be trusted. Americans will be assigned the following labels: Progressive Hero 90 – 100; Progressive Worker 80 – 89; Progressive But Too Independent 70-79; Watch List 60 – 69; Republican In Name Only 50 – 59;  Tea Party Conservative 1 – 49. Each citizen will be required to use GeoTrack software so their movements can be tracked.
  6. Department of Defense will transition to Internal Defense. The USAF will be eliminated as part of the New Green Deal. The Marine Corps will be eliminated due to their extremism. The Army will be subordinated to state Governors. The Navy will transition to a travel agency for US politicians  needing to be transported to foreign countries for meetings and social gatherings.
  7. Voting Rights. Citizenship will be eliminated as a requirement to vote and each citizen will be allowed to vote up to 5 times based on their SMS score. Only citizens with scores of 80 or better will be allowed to vote. Age requirement will be waved.
  8. Reparations. All African Americans will be given one million dollars each in lumpsum payment. It will not be taxed.
  9. Marijuana Fairness Act. Marijuana will be legalized across the country.
  10. 2nd Amendment Revoked. All guns will be turned in to local police stations no later than 1 September 2021. Hunting Rifle Centers will be established so during hunting season, rifles will be permitted in a lottery system for one week permits in duration.
  11. Medicare For All. Appointments will be rationed along with care by local medical boards. Priority will be assigned based on political connections and need.

It is an exciting time to be a Democratic Socialist. Our time has arrived!

          The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, with an early sneak peak at the Democratic Party 2020 platform.  This is Matthews third article written exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section. 


“Trump stepped into the puddle, picked up the mud and threw it back at her canceling her trip overseas. What we have here is a Muddle (mud + puddle).”

Guardian 6                                                                                      18 January 2019

Americans are largely disgusted at the massive dysfunction of our government. This latest episode of the Pelosi-Schumer government shutdown demonstrates how the majority of elected representatives serve themselves and not the republic. The ancient, entrenched democratic party leadership led by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are out of touch with mainstream thought and common sense Americans. Their agenda is centered on power, control and more power, America be dammed.

President Trump has stayed in Washington throughout the holidays and he has canceled several trips ready to negotiate with democratic leadership over funding for the wall and border security. The democrats have vacationed in Hawaii, Puerto Rico and planned a seven day excursion to overseas to “visit the troops.” President Trump canceled Pelosi’s boondoggle to keep her in town to negotiate (the troops wont miss the distraction either!). While on the surface picturing Pelosi & Adam Schiff exiting the shuttle bus when their trip was canceled is priceless, this was more than a tit-for-tat for Pelosi canceling the State of the Union address. President Trump put his foot down telling Pelosi stop playing games with Americans and their government. Compromise!

Border security is a real issue. One statistic alone should make funding border security and key portions of the wall a slam dunk; 300 Americans die weekly due to drug overdoses whereby 90% of drugs are coming across the southern border. That is 15,600 Americans dying a year before we ever get to illegal immigration, human trafficking, MS-13 and terrorists infiltrating across. Failure to address this issue is unforgivable and Trump gets it.

Both Pelosi and Schumer have voted for the wall and border security before, several times. So what is this about? Power, control, resistance and more power. Pelosi & Schumer are willing to let Americans suffer from government dysfunction so they can resist, secure power and undermine the President’s ability to govern. Their conduct is shameful, outrageous and unbecoming a public servant.

The President is right to stand his ground. He has been offering to meet in the middle putting American safety and security first. Reasonable people can compromise. To do less than that is unforgivable after the turmoil Pelosi & Schumer have put the country through. All of this will be remembered in 2020 and the democrats are once again demonstrating their inability to govern responsibly by legislating to the extremes. Although the mainstream media continues to attack and blame Trump for this mess, Americans proved in 2016 they see through all the lies. Democrats should think about that because while they took the House, the Republicans not only maintained the Senate, they added seats. Americans are watching and already regretting giving the democrats back the House.

The childish mud Pelosi threw at President Trump cancelling the State of the Union address landed in a puddle. Trump stepped into the puddle, picked up the mud and threw it back at her canceling her trip overseas. What we have here is a Muddle (mud + puddle). Pelosi still hasn’t learned that President Trump does some of his best work in the mud!

Schumer Shutdown II

Merry Christmas from Schumer — another Shutdown!


The Swamp, Dateline December 22, 2018

He’s at it again. Senator Chuck Schumer along with the Senate Democrats have exacted their animus toward President Trump by blocking passage of a bill that would fund the government and include $5 billion toward 215 miles of a border wall. In other words, securing the southern boarder to enhance security protections for Americans is less important than Chuck and Nancy ensuring President Trump is not successful preventing drug flow, human trafficking and illegal immigration.

Americans are watching and disgusted at these self serving politicians that grandstand their personal agendas over Americans safety, security and protections. Illegal immigration, gangs, terrorists and drugs are destroying communities and American lives. There is no excuse for not passing commonsense laws to secure our border.

Let’s frame this issue. Somehow the Obama Administration was able to transfer $2 billion in cash to the Iranians over the highly flawed nuclear deal which Schumer supported. Now Schumer will not approve $5 billion for American security to stem the flow of drugs and illegal immigration. This demonstrates how self serving the democrats really are and telegraphs what the next two years are likely to bring.

President Trump, time to stand up for America and settle for not one penny less than $5 billion. You have a bully pulpit, use it! Give America the security we deserve.

Original article below published January 19th, 2018

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), 800 thousand of them whom arrived illegally, are being prioritized by Democrats over the rights of 320 million tax paying American citizens . Even though the current illegal DACA arrangement implemented by an illegal Executive Order by former President Obama is not due to expire until March 5th, 2018, the Democrats (#SchumerShutdown) are NOT willing to pass a continuous resolution to fund the government.

Couple questions:

  1. Is this a cover-up and a distraction to the cover-up of the phony dossier and Democratic Party collusion with a British Spy and phony dossier?
  2. So the Dems are prioritzing illegals “rights” over the tax paying rights of citizens of the United States?
  3. The Dems are willing to let the military and their families go without pay while we are at war? By the way, Congress still gets paid in a government shutdown. Isn’t that interesting. Different rules for the ruling elite.
  4. Was the #shithole fake news episode really about the set-up to DACA? Of course it was! But the fake news will not report this.

Christmas Gifts & Stocking Stuffers for the Swamp & Beyond

by Blackjack Pershing       Dateline: December 14th, 2018

Once again 53rd Nation, it’s time to do our Christmas shopping and line up those absolutely perfect gifts for the denizens of the Swamp, and other liberal enclaves across the land.  Let’s jump right in and help Santa make some selections, despite the fact that they’ve all been naughty:

Nancy Pelosi: Nancy gets a Crumbcake so she can have some of her crumbs back.  We also throw in a free visit to the botox emporium of her choice so she can continue to look good while POTUS administers his regular beat downs to her.

Cryin’ Chuck Schumer: Chuck – this year you get a nice package of adult diapers, which you likely needed as you left that oval office beat down the other day.  2019 will bring you many mean POTUS tweets and head punches.  Better get the diapers on regularly.

Jeff Flake: Jeff, now that you have time, the 53rd Nation is going to buy you a nose job.  Get that thing fixed for the love of humanity.  You will also receive some free career counseling to help you in your new gig as a commentator for the Very Fake News – which you’ve been auditioning for the last 2 years.

Mitt Romney: Mitt will get a football helmet.  It’s only a matter of time before POTUS starts to clobber him for the many dopey statements he will make to enshrine himself in the middle of the road – where you find only dead skunks and armadillos – and Mitt.

John Brennan: a new set of pajamas – the ones with footsies sewed on and the trap door on the back.  When he’s not yelling on MSNBC or erupting with irrational anger in his tweets, he will need to stay in bed and eat his mush.  The jammies will make that more comfy for crazy gampy JohnnyB.

James Comey: clearly a narcissist sociopath – we’ll get Jim his favorite thing: a mirror.

Rosie O’Donnell: Rosie likes carbs, so under her tree we will leave many many many potato products: French fries, tater tots, mashed potatoes, Twice baked potatoes, etc.  Yum yum for Rosie!

Joy Bejar: we gotta do Joy a favor and get her a muzzle.  Sometimes our loyal dogs are unfriendly to strangers and it’s the only way to prevent unfortunate accidents.  Ruff!

Babs Streisand: Babs doesn’t bring us flowers – or talent  – anymore.  Only mean bitter hack tweets about our president.  We’ll get Babs a rocking chair and some knitting needles to keep her busy while she reflects on the old days.

Maxine Waters: what Mad Max needs is a civics course and a new set of wigs  – we got ya Max.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: This young person also needs a civics course.  We like her foolish nonsense though, so instead of civics, we will sign her up for some yoga and wine tasting classes to help keep her in #BigDummy status for as long as possible.

Stephen King: talented writer but Stalinist leftist Stephen King gets a free relocation to Cuba or Venezuela – his choice.  He can take formless Human Blob Michael Moore and insane knucklehead Sean Penn with him.

Bill Kristol: what do you get for the washed up neo-con know it all that seems to tweet angrily at POTUS all day long?  Sad bitter lonely hack Bill needs serious therapy.  For starters we send him Jordan Peterson’s Twelve Rules for Life with the suggestion that he start reading the chapter on Rule 9: Assume the person you’re listening to might know something you don’t.  Try it Uncle Bill. 

John Kasich: chronic bad eater and complainer John gets a bib for starters, to help him when he eats slices of pizza from the wrong end with overly large bites.  We do not expect him to change this disgusting habit so we will provide the means to help keep things tidy.  We will also throw in some wet wipes. 

Claire McCaskill: Claire gets a hearty thank you for clearing the deck for a Trump backed conservative in the 2nd MO senate seat.  Also – her choice of a free all you can eat serving of Ted Drewes Custard, Pappy’s BBQ, Toasted Ravioli, Gooey Butter Cake or other high calorie MO delicacy of her choice.  Nom Nom Nom Claire. 

Don Lemon: Buffoon and CNN mouthpiece Don gets a propeller beanie to wear while he routinely soils himself on national TV.  It will be a good look and definite upgrade.

Jim Acosta: mouthy white house press room toddler gets a time out and no dessert and a lump of coal from 53rd Nation.  May qualify for #Bonehead of the year. 

Dan Rather: irrelevant Dan keeps weighing in on POTUS from the deep dark cellar he dwells in.  We give Dan a box set of old 60 Minutes DVD’s he can watch to revel in the times he was relevant.  Poor Dan.  We’d still #RatherNot 

Stelter, Cooper, Mika, Joe, Tapper, Todd, David Muir, and  all CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS Very Fake News correspondents: The 53rd Nation is upgrading your clown car to a clown VW Bus, 1968 version.  You’ll all be more comfortable in there. 

Have I missed a gift opportunity?  Please share your thoughts in the comments   section.

Merry Christmas!


Book Review: “Fear: Trump in the White House” by Bob Woodward

Guardian 6           Spokane, Washington

Dateline August 1st, 2018

Timed perfectly to support the Democratic Socialists Party (formerly known as Democrats) in the fall of 2018 Midterm elections, Mr. Woodward brings forth a major hit job on President Trump and his administration. Sure to be replete with tens of anonymous sources, administration intrigue on backroom policy arguments and Trump family infighting and gossip, expect to get a heavy dose of Bob Woodward on all the MSM channels in October. The Washington Post will run a Woodward series highlighting different chapters of the book for a week getting a sales bump of 70 papers to their daily circulation; CNN will begin advertising the Woodward interviews in September with that serious journalist known as Chris Cuomo; and Chris Matthews will get another tingle down his leg when he reads his advance copy. Doesn’t this Democratic Party (now the Democratic Socialist Party) playbook get old? Not a very creative lot, maybe even MSNBC gets thrown a life line for Morning Joe and Woodward graces his show as a guest to support his high school auditorium national audience. Bob’s publicist and publisher is surely working overtime booking all the MSM networks.

We can expect Fear to feature many chapters on Russia, the collusion narrative and Bob Mueller and the 13, now 17, Angry Democrats (now Angry Democratic Socialists). Bob will lead with, “what did Trump know and when did he know it?” Bob will paint a picture of guilt by association with Trump’s global business ties leaving the reader to make their own damning conclusions. Mr. Woodward will likely paint a picture of racism over Charlottesville, immigration, The Wall and referring to Third World countries as shitholes. Expect a litany of attacks on Trump’s fitness for office by many anonymous sources including medical “professionals” in and around the Swamp. Let’s just say they will argue that President Trump is not a stable genius. This line of attack will be supported by how un-presidential Trump is by attacking the media, assigning nicknames and his use of Twitter bypassing the media. The book will feature family turmoil, Don Jr.’s divorce, Melania not happy in the White House, disgruntled cabinet officials that have been let go, etc. Lastly, Fear would be incomplete without Trump’s attacks on NATO, how he got played by North Korea and how tariffs are bad for America. Lots of false narratives for Mr. Woodward to repeat.

For presidential historians and the 62 million Americans that voted for President Trump, how the president responds to Fear will make this worth watching. As we all know by now, Trump has his own playbook that fully leverages 21st century technologies in social media; he stays on offense countering false narratives; he takes the message directly to the people through rallies, Twitter, and daily press conferences; in a word, President Trump fights. While Fear and Mr. Woodward will get some initial headlines, it is also highly likely to get drowned out by what is 24 x 7 Trump hate. Another day, another batch of smug, arrogant, self-righteous elite liberals screaming about Trump.

The 53rd Regiment assessment of Fear: One big Yawn, look for Fear in the used book bin. Pay no more than .50 cents.

BCC Intellicrats

By Guardian 6             Dateline 22 July 2018
The Swamp

While the Mainstream Media (MSM) outlets continue to focus on Trump’s imprecise remarks driven by his extemporaneous style while meeting with Putin in Helsinki, what perhaps is more alarming is the Deep State reveal of just how deep it really is. The 53rd Regiment is very much concerned about the merging of the intelligence profession with leftist political ideologies. The  Intelligence Community (IC) by design is compromised of independent agencies organized around specialized capabilities to protect the interests of the United States. It is necessary for this work to be done in an apolitical environment. Watching former IC Directors publicly challenge the fitness of the President through MSM outlets and Twitter is unprecedented.

There appears to be a merger that has taken place in the Obama Administration where IC leaders ( Brennan, Clapper & Comey) lost their independence and tipped the scale heavily to support Hillary Clinton for President. Brennan, Clapper & Comey (BCC) not only tipped the scales, they became Intellicrats (Intelligence Agency Democrats) working events behind the scenes to get Trump. The release of the FISA warrant of Carter Page illustrates how phony the dossier is and what a hit job BCC put on to target Trump and his campaign. Without the fake dossier paid for by the Clinton Campaign assembled by a former British spy Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS, there was zero evidence that Carter Page was working for the Russians. (BTW is the 53rd Regiment the only news outlet bothered by the Democratic Campaign hiring a foreign spy?) Conveniently, the FISA court judge was never told the Clinton Campaign funded the dossier. With the FBI having concerns that the Russians were targeting Carter Page for recruitment, the first step is to warn him, not orchestrate a FISA warrant to collect on him! Now why would the FBI not warn him? The BCC Intellicrats know exactly why, this was about having the “insurance policy” Peter Strzok texted about to his FBI colleague. The pieces to this puzzle are in plain sight.

This Deep State reveal is actually scary. This whole investigation is looking more and more like a complete set-up to take down Trump. Yes, the Russians targeted our elections in 2016, but the greater threat to a free and fair election seems to have come from within.

One last thought we should explore. Why is the BCC and Deep State actors still going hard in vs the President? Why. What are they afraid might be revealed? We should think about this.


Resistance Hopscotch Movement

The Swamp      April 18th, 2018

Have you noticed how the Democrats, the party of Trump resistance, keep hopping from one subject of resistance to the next? Almost everything that happens in Washington DC these days is not about moving the country forward but about getting Trump; resisting the Trump presidency, country be damned! After he was elected, and before he took office, the Resistance Swamp Dwellers and the main stream media (MSM) loathers, organized and conspired to bring their daily barrage of hate filled rhetoric to the airwaves creating one conspiracy after the next, the Resistance Hopscotch Movement.

Red 1 is the Russian collusion accusations against Trump. Mask Hillary’s Uranium One deal, downplay over 30,000 classified and sensitive emails compromised on her private server and ignore the rigged DNC party nomination over Bernie through false Russian – Trump collusion allegations.

Yellow 2 accuse Trump of being mentally unstable.

Green 3 get DoJ Sessions to recuse himself from the Russian collusion investigation, appoint a special prosecutor and then set Trump up for obstruction of justice or lying to investigators. Use the Deep State to pressure from within.

Green 4 Ensure MSM continues to report 95% negative news on Trump repeating the Russian collusion narrative 24/7.

Blue 5 label Trump a racist and a bigot marginalizing him over the wall, attack his criticism of sanctuary cities and claim he is anti-immigration.

Yellow 6 label his tax cuts as “crumbs” to counter Americans keeping more of their hard earned money while stating the plan really benefits big business and the Trump organization.

Green 7 brand Trump a nationalist over his pullout of the TTP trade deal and the Paris Global Warming treaties, while threatening to reduce US involvement in NATO.

Yellow 8 storm Trump’s past history with woman to label him a misogynistic pig. Take full advantage of every woman that claims an allegation against him by elevating the story as featured news.

Blue 9 continue to claim Trump is unfit for office and should be impeached. Use democratic politicians and MSM to repeat the narrative daily through multiple news outlets. Make it a reality.

Red 10 circle back to the Russian collusion narrative when all else fails. Ensure Deep State activists withhold key evidence of the false orchestrated Russian collusion campaign that included the fake dossier, the illegal FISA warrant and the many bad actors that facilitated the false narrative in MSM and government.

While the democrats and MSM hopscotch from one false story to the next, American has grown bored of their resistance undermining America.

Trump Stumbles with Omnibus Bill

Dateline March 25, 2018

The Swamp

The Master of Art of the Deal got rolled, got played. He had a winning hand but allowed himself to be consumed and played by DC politics and a 2,000 page bill loaded with Democratic priorities and very few conservative ideals or priorities. How does this happen with Republican control of Congress?

Answer: Many, many RINOs masquerading as conservatives that are too enthralled with enriching themselves and failing to represent the people that elected them. 

Many Trump supporters (of which the 53rd Regiment is one) believe Trump had an ace up his sleeve and approved this bill because he has a plan (@hotfunkytown for one). Sadly, the 53rd firmly disagrees. He caved! He failed to take his case to the American people and use the bully pulpit. The Swamp has to be dealt with directly and upfront in your face. Chuck & Nancy won this round and @potus got sucked in by the two RINOs leading the House & Senate. Very sad. No Wall (33 miles is a joke!)! No DACA and Immigration bill … massive, excessive spending! When Sen. Schumer states, “the era of austerity is over,” Mr. Trump has totally failed his base!

The 53rd Regiment needs President Trump to regroup. Cleaning house within the Administration of Swamp Dwellers is a good start as Blackjack Pershing points out in Swamp Human Resource Problems, but Trump supporters expect the President to focus on America First! The omnibus bill should have been a slam dunk veto, quickly followed by an Oval Office address to the country calling out the American sellouts that orchestrated this awful piece of legislation.

The 53rd Regiment is highly disappointed in in President Trump. He has many, many wins in his first 15 months in office but signing this bill was his first major mistake and a big loser to the millions of patriots that support him. Sad, very sad! Mr. President, time to get tough and lead us out of decades of decay.


It’s not Facebook. It’s you.

Dateline March 22, 2018

The Missouri Territory

by Blackjack Pershing

Are we shocked that Facebook sold massive amounts of data to a 3rd party that used it for targeted advertising? No. That’s what they do. If you are upset or offended, you are simply misinformed.

Social media is an exchange. In exchange for a platform that lets you:
· Share pictures
· Share videos
· Broadcast live videos
· Maintain connections – including those with annoying people you never wanted to be connected to
· Share pictures of your lunch or dinner
· Pontificate about topics no one else wants to hear about
· Complain about just about anything

Facebook gets in return:
· Knowledge about where you go
· Knowledge about who your friends are
· Knowledge about your political leanings
· Knowledge about any particular interest you may have that results in a click of any sort

What does FB do with this knowledge or data?
· They monetize it.
· This is their business model

If you assumed differently, you might be a knucklehead. Grow up.

Blackjack Pershing is no fan of uber-douche Zuckerberg, or his lieutenant Miss Lean In Sandberg. They are elitist leftists of the first order. ‘Zuck’ gets credit for creating a useful social platform. He’s been rewarded for that. But he’s no icon to be worshiped. If you think harvesting data from dopey FB users is evil, you might be naïve. This has never been a secret.

Blackjack also uses FB for sharing information and humor and appreciates it as a tool, and is willing to make the above exchange, and accept the risks.

But really people – if you live on FB, you might be a loser. Even more – if you rely on the FB newsfeed for your news, you might be a loser. If you click on any random posting with sensational headlines that you know are BS, you might be a BIG DUMMY.

Smart American Patriots put effort into selecting their sources of information and do not let FB or any other social media site do it for them.

Lazy, silly, spoiled, narcissistic, neurotic dummies over-rely on FB and then get upset when they find out they’ve been had.

Gotta go and post a picture of my sandwich from lunch on FB –

Over and out –

Swamp Human Resources Problems

Dateline March 19, 2018

by Blackjack Pershing

Missouri Territory

“He should fire them at rallies” – Ann Coulter on the recent Trump Administration staff departures

Good HR polices and the Swamp it seems, have never met. Ever.

And the Swampian press that covers the Swamp and its bad people practices defends the status quo at all costs.

McCabe. Never has someone’s exit package or lack thereof become such an issue; the fact that every news organization is breathlessly reporting that Mr. McCabe lost his pension rights is moronic. Most Americans are not entitled to such a lavish pension as the one once available to Mr. McCabe. And most Americans who must work day in and out and are subject to rules of ethics, integrity and polite business behavior know that their employment can end abruptly if they do not comply with said rules. So the proper answer to reports of a pension denied to a rule breaker is ‘Do I look like I give a ____? Were rules broken? Were improprieties proven? Fine. Let’s move on.’

When people break integrity rules they get fired – almost everywhere. This is normal in the United States and necessary to maintain a civil society. Mr. McCabe should be far more worried about criminal charges than his pension.

Why do people get fired? A few reasons:
– Because they are ‘at will’ employees.That means you can be let go for no reason at all. Despite the litigious nature of our society, this is still true and legal in the US.

– Poor performance
– Bad fit; meaning they do not function well with the rest of the team
– Ethics and integrity: meaning they broke substantive rules; they lied; they stole; they cheated

It seems everyone in the media and in the Swamp lives outside these rules and assumes everyone gets a job for life. They don’t. That would be stupid, undermine progress, and lead us to what was the reality under communism in the Eastern Bloc Countries in the 20th century.

President Trump has presided over many departures. He says he likes turnover. Being fired in a tweet, or informed of your termination while on the toilet, as some have reported happened to Rex Tillerson, is unfortunate. Rex, however, is a big boy; he’s been a CEO of one of the most powerful companies on the planet. He’s got money. He will get over this. Who knows – he may have been relieved, as he relieved himself.

The President is managing how he likes to manage. It is not illegal. And we all knew what we were getting. It was not illegal to fire James Comey. It was not illegal to fire any of the White House staff that has been fired, many of whom remain loyal to the President.

Let’s compare the Trump firings to one that stands out; George W Bush’s firing of Don Rumsfeld in 2006 came about after Congress turned. Bush openly admitted that he was making the change due to the change in congress. Bush hang on to Rumsfeld for 6 years, during which many mistakes were made in the execution of the two active wars at the time (most notably abandoning the ‘Powell Doctrine’ in favor of ‘Shock and Awe’) This was the standard Swamp employment model. Employ a loyal stalwart until politics and the public can no longer stand them. Rummy along with Dick Cheney became the bogey men for the leftist media at the time. Bush should have relieved Mr. Rumsfeld as early as 2003 as the initial results of the war proved the predicted occupation force levels of General Eric Shinseki correct.

To be clear, Black Jack Pershing likes Rumsfeld; but he suffered from a ‘job fit’ problem. He simply was not the man for the times, at that time. In other roles, for example running the IRS, he could have been magnificent.

Trump is operating at Trump Speed, not Swamp speed. A trump year is like 5 years of Swamp speed. Those relieved of duty, whether it was Reince Preibus, Steve Bannon, or Sean Spicer actually served 5 times or more length of service than their Swampian detractors would admit, as they were working at TRUMP speed, not SWAMP speed. Even the Mooch, who lasted but a week, was really there for 5 weeks in Swampian time.

The 53rd has regularly reported that disruption is uncomfortable in the Swamp. Recent shrieking about firings simply proves that to be true.

As for those of us outside the swamp? We think Ann Coulter might be right. Can you imagine the warmth and generous applause that could have been awarded to Rex Tillerson as he was axed at a Trump Rally?

“Great to be with you here in Kansas City! I love the heartland! Missouri loves me! We were up but almost 20 points here! I am going to bring out Big Rex Tillerson for one BIG last round of applause!!! Rex come on out! The people love you Rex! Rex is a great man, a great man, ladies and gentleman!! His wife is great too and he has a great family! We love you Rex but it’s time for you to go! Mad Dog is waiting for you over there with some parting gifts. Ok there he goes ladies and gentlemen – let’s all wave goodbye! Ok let’s get Mike Pompeo out here – you’re gonna love him, trust me!”

It could work.

The Media Industrial Complex

Dateline February 10th, 2018 

The Swamp

While it is clear the Obama Administration weaponized the FBI, DoJ and Intelligence Community against the Trump Campaign, the Media Industrial Complex (MIC) has no curiousity as the US Constitution and civil liberties were tore to shreds. As the phony dossier was used as the basis to get court approval for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Agency (FISA) wiretap, the US federal government was unleashed against Trump and his associates. Special Prosecutor Mueller should refocus 100% of his energies and resources on these crimes but the question remains, is he part of the MIC Coupe? The coming six months should reveal how strong the Deep State is and how an unlikely President revealed decades of corruption within our government.  

Dateline December 21st, 2017 – Original Article follows:

The Media Industrial Complex (MIC), a committee of the top five failing news media outlets in the US (CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, The Washington Post, CBS and ABC/ESPN), has self-imposed their collective purpose to destroy the Trump presidency by reporting falsehoods, conspiring with the Democratic Party and creating fake news 24/7 to ensure everything they report on the Trump presidency is negative. Like the Chinese Politburo Standing Committee (PSC) or former Soviet Union they believe they can control public opinion and ensure a failed Trump presidency through lies and manipulation. To quote Candidate Trump from the debate stage, “wrong!” Their negativity and fake news is the wind in Trump’s sail. The MIC is a threat to America as they work to shape thought and punish those that disagree with them. 

It’s ironic that President Trump, not always a man of virtue like most of us, is built to take on decades of institutional rot in government, the economy, foreign policy and the failing MIC. It is priceless to watch the media elites struggle and demonstrate their fragile psyches trying to match wit with a president they treat with such little regard as they own the headlines and airwaves each day. However, in 140 characters or less, President Trump puts them on the ropes, knocks them down on the mat and showcases them for the elites that they really are. The most amazing thing overall that Americans have learned from Trump is the MIC is composed of liars, incompetents and sycophants that conspire each day to undermine America and undermine the American voters that put President Trump in office.

Put yourself in Trump’s shoes for a minute and think about the media assaults and deep state attacks he withstands each day.  Most people would wilt or quit under this relentless pressure. Not Trump. Like President Lincoln said of General Grant, “he fights” and it is a glorious thing to observe. Here is a billionaire President who is putting America First centering policy on the “forgotten man” and putting allies and foes alike on notice directly telling them the United States will not be taken advantage of anymore. No more apologies, no more bad trade deals and no more remaining silent while Americans, the Forgotten Man, continues to be on the losing end of the deal.

President Trump has exposed the Media Induistrial Complex, the political establishment and lobbyists that reside in The Swamp for the self-serving lot that they are. For the last several decades the will of the American people has been secondary to special interests, political correctness and the whims of the elites while Congress and The Swamp enriched themselves at the expense of the American people. It took a blue collar billionaire to fully expose what most Americans suspected; the 53rd Regiment finds it refreshing to watch President Trump put the twitter spotlight on the failing MIC (CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times, The Washington Post, CBS and ABC/ESPN) while the establishment and elitists scatter like cockroaches looking for cover under old appliances and cabinets.