Stinky Feet, Bad Breath, Flatulence and Fox News

By @BlakJakPershing on Getter, @BlackJackPershing on Gab, @PershingSoldier on Parler, @PershingSoldier on Clouthub

Dateline: 12 July 2021          Missouri Territory

“Oh, this isn’t even BO. This is beyond BO. It’s BBO.”

  • George Constanza, Seinfeld

There are certain things we want none of like those mentioned in the above headline.  For Fox News this started on election night, when Martha McStupid and Radical Donut Activist Bret Baier decided to throw in with the leftist controlled media outlets and declare the election over.  Those watching at the time know that Tucker Carlson confronted both of them, live, on the air.  Awkward moment as all semblance of professionalism went out the window.

The implosion of Fox will be remembered as the most spectacular meltdown of an established television channel in history.

This implosion was caused by petulant elitists, frustrated at the evolution of the conservative movement toward the working class of the United States.  Many have observed that the Murdochs were not getting invited to the right cocktail parties, were not being accepted by established leftist media infrastructure – and so had to change direction.  It is now becoming clear that the Murdoch’s called the play.  Thinking conservatives will ensure they are not paying real money to any Murdoch owned entity.  The Murdoch’s are wealthy enough to not care.

Like many successful businesses through the years, Fox News was full of hubris, and decided to pursue a course that, to their loyal viewers, was insane.  There are multitudes of historical corollaries inside and outside of the media world:

  • Ford and the Edsel
  • The Enron collapse, led by Ken Lay, who was trumpeting his business model weeks before the implosion
  • The recent Volkswagen emissions scandal, notably being ignored by most US media
  • Twitter, Facebook and Google are performing a live version of this tragedy of hubris seen so many times before – it will not end well, and has already hit Twitter hard

The viewers of Fox News were dealt a nasty wake up call on election night, and many have left and not returned.  What they have found, since viewing the alternatives, was that Fox News had become a fixture in their lives that they accepted, but like many other things we accept, had become dated, dilapidated and in some ways, festering and nasty.  Much like the old couch in the basement that’s been with the family for years, stained and scarred, that no one pays much attention to, but is actually offensive to guests.  And it smells bad. Like Chris Stirewalt.

When looking at emerging rival Newsmax you see rougher production values, but a hungry team that does not act like it is above the viewer.  You also see regular improvements and upgrades.  Fresher talent.  Better energy. 

Fox News had been on autopilot for years.  Lets inventory the most annoying Fox News calamities.

  • Chris Wallace came out of the closet in the last several years as the biased leftist turd that he is.  Trump broke him by telling him his Dad was better.  As always, Trump was right.  Chris is a petty, one sided punk.  His role in derailing the 2020 presidential debate which he did not moderate is noteworthy.  He is a Biden diaper changer and diddler.
  • Bloated Bret Baier, as noted above, just follows orders.  Its sad that the person who replaced Brit Hume as anchor is such a transparent buffoon.
  • Hannity: useful, but parrot like, and repetitive.  Interrupts others.  Likes his paycheck.  Its over.
  • Laura Ingraham: mean, interrupts guests, belittles poor Raymond Arroyo to the point where he may have a case as a battered spouse.  Brings on annoying leftist dopes.  Hasn’t taken on the network about anything.  Likes her paycheck.  Its over.
  • Juan Williams: unwatchable.  Dishonest.  Sad.
  • Greg Gutfeld, Judge Jeanine, Jessie Waters: they had a window of time to leave Fox News with dignity.  That has now passed.  They all have proven they like their paychecks/contracts better than their own reputations.  They will go down with the network despite any glib protestations to the contrary.  We may also discover that they were really playing all of us, and do not have any core conservative principles.
  • The rest of the Fox cast of secondary characters would be smart to plot their move to alternative outlets.  Its over, whether they know it or not.

Newsmax is offering a high quality alternative.  Reasons to view Fox?  Only one.  The first 15 minutes of Tucker Carlson.  That’s it.  Those clips are always immediately available in a million different places afterward, so viewing it live is not necessary.

I challenge my fellow patriots to hasten the demise of Fox News, and consign it to the ash heap of history along with Liz Cheney, her old man, and Bush World.  It’s over.  Let them know.  We all know.



What is President Obama’s Greatest Legacy Achievement?

Joe Biden! ObamaCare, Shovel Ready Projects or losing an embassy and an ambassador in Libya might be Obama’s greatest legacy. It  isn’t even close. Others argue allowing the Russians to take the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine, or creating ISIS from his premature withdrawal from Iraq or maybe even the dearth of an American economic revival during his eight year tenure as President. But we know Obama’s greatest legacy achievement has to be the puppetry involved in getting Joe Biden “elected” president.  What other magician could pull this off? A close second is the division Obama created across America that has only grown empowering leftists and progressives on a grand scale but in the end you must credit Obama for the Biden presidency. Simply a feat no other mortal could have achieved.

by Matthews Cooper

Dateline Dayton, OH                                                   July 7, 2021

Who else but Obama could have pulled Biden out of the failed politician dustbin of life and not only run him for president, but gotten him elected as a dysfunctional sputtering slow witted stooge that has been more wrong than right. Fifty years of failure serving himself and his extended family, a model for kleptocracy perfected, the Joe Biden charade is on full display each day. Candidly, even us progressives are amazed that Obama pulled this off. I mean what a gift to late night comedy shows if they weren’t so biased and compromised by leftists. One admission about leftists and progressives, we are pretty much joyless and lack a sense of humor. However, when it comes to Joe Biden as president, even we are laughing our assess off that he was “elected.”

With each passing day Obama works to credit Congressman Clyburn for getting Biden elected. While Clyburn was instrumental in southern democratic primaries, it was Obama who got Joe’s primary opponents to fold to block Bernie from being the democrats candidate. Old democratic politics, payoffs and threats won the day to push Lunch Bucket Joe forward. Candidly, it is understandable that Obama doesn’t want the credit getting Biden elected after watching his daily performance, but it is all Barack’s.

Consider the Biden Basement Strategy of sticking Joe in his basement for his campaign, minimizing media engagements, and his staff writing scripts at a 6th grade level to reduce mistakes by this gaff machine. None of us really expected Joe to win but Obama and the Democratic Machine fully leveraged Big Tech to censorship, Facebook and Soros to fund and Unions to hire their workers to manipulate ballots and harvest votes. The ultimate fraud employed by the Deep State was manipulation of the vote count by Dominion Machine operators and former members of Pelosi’s staff employed by Dominion. Something to be said about strategic placement of democratic operatives.

Lastly we’d like to thank our Big Media friends over at Foxnews, CNN, MSNBC, and many others from our network blocking the truth and spreading Obama’s Big Lie that Joe Biden is president and he won the election fairly. Come on man, does anyone believe Joe Biden received 81 million votes, 12 million more than Obama’s 69 million votes in 2008? Obama’s legacy, he pulled off the Big Lie getting Joe Biden into office as president, whether elected fairly or not. Obama, the puppet master of all manipulators. Bravo Barack!


 The 53rd Regiment presents a guest author, Mr. Matthews Cooper, crediting President Obama for the election of Joe Biden.  This is Matthews fifth article written exclusively for the 53rd Regiment. He is an old friend with very different views from the editorial board of the 53rd.  Please share your feedback with Matthews and the 53rd in the comments section below.


Gaslighting — The Democratic Playbook


by Anonymous                         Dateline: 4 September 2020

Have you ever asked yourself, ‘am I crazy?’ If you have ever asked yourself that, you’re not crazy. You’re most likely being gaslighted.  Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse aimed at controlling a person by altering reality to the point where the person will doubt their own sanity.

The term “gaslighting” comes from a 1930’s play called Gas Light. The main character in the play literally tries to drive his wife crazy by gradually dimming the gas-powered lights in their home. When she notices the lights dimming, her husband not only denies that the lights are dimming, he convinces her that she is imagining it to the point where she questions her own sanity.

We are living in a perpetual state of gaslighting . The reality that we are being told by the media is at complete odds with what we are seeing with our own two eyes. And when we question the false reality that we are being presented, or we claim that what we see is that actual reality, we are vilified as racist or bigots or just plain crazy. You’re not racist. You’re not crazy.  You’re being gaslighted.

New York State has twice as many deaths from Covid-19 than any other state, and New York has accounted for one fifth of all Covid-19 deaths, but we are told that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has handled the pandemic better than any other governor. But if we support policies of Governors whose states had only a fraction of the infections and deaths as New York, we’re called anti-science and want people to die. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy?  No, you’re being gaslighted.

We see mobs of people looting stores, smashing windows, setting cars on fire and burning down buildings, but we are told that these demonstrations are peaceful protests. And when we call this destruction of our cities, riots, we are called racists. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy?  No, you’re being gaslighted.

We see the major problem destroying many inner-cities is crime; murder, gang violence, drug dealing, drive-by shootings, armed robbery, but we are told that it is not crime, but the police that are the problem in the inner-cities. We are told we must defund the police and remove law enforcement from crime-riddled cities to make them safer. But if we advocate for more policing in cities overrun by crime, we are accused of being white supremacists and racists. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy?  No, you’re being gaslighted.

The United States of America accepts more immigrants than any other country in the world. The vast majority of the immigrants are “people of color”, and these immigrants are enjoying freedom and economic opportunity not available to them in their country of origin, but we are told that the United States is the most racist and oppressive country on the planet, and if we disagree, we are called racist and xenophobic. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy?  No, you’re being gaslighted.

Capitalist countries are the most prosperous countries in the world. The standard of living is the highest in capitalist countries. We see more poor people move up the economic ladder to the middle and even the wealthy class through their effort and ability in capitalist countries than any other economic system in the world, but we are told capitalism is an oppressive system designed to keep people down. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy?  No, you’re being gaslighted.

Communist countries killed over 100 million people in the 20th century. Communist countries strip their citizens of basic human rights, dictate every aspect of their lives, treat their citizens like slaves, and drive their economies into the ground, but we are told that Communism is the fairest, most equitable, freest and most prosperous economic system in the world. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy? No, you’re being gaslighted.

The most egregious example of gaslighting is the concept of “white fragility”. You spend your life trying to be a good person, trying to treat people fairly and with respect. You disavow racism and bigotry in all its forms. You judge people solely on the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. You don’t discriminate based on race or ethnicity. But you are told you are a racist, not because of something you did or said, but solely because of the color of your skin. You know instinctively that charging someone with racism because of their skin color is itself racist. You know that you are not racist, so you defend yourself and your character, but you are told that your defense of yourself is proof of your racism. So, we ask ourselves, am I crazy?  No, you’re being gaslighted.

Gaslighting has become one of the most pervasive and destructive tactics in American politics. It is the exact opposite of what our political system was meant to be.  It deals in lies and psychological coercion, and not the truth and intellectual discourse. If you ever ask yourself if you’re crazy, you are not. Crazy people aren’t sane enough to ask themselves if they’re crazy.  So, trust yourself, believe what’s in your heart. Trust our eyes over what we are told. Never listen to the people who tell you that you are crazy, because you are not, you’re being gaslighted.


Dummies & Sellouts

Dateline February 23, 2018

The Swamp

Biggest threat to the United States of America is dummies & sellouts. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference.

Dummies are self interested in their own existence, they just think about enriching themselves fulfilling their leftist agenda. Nancy Pelosi and CNN are good examples of this. They represent fringe opinions and/ or extreme viewpoints that their masters (George Soros, Hollywood, among others) are paying good money for them to mainstream. Their comments and reporting lack depth, understanding and the full appreciation of sacrifice that has made America the greatest country in the land. They resent America being a beacon of liberty to the world and they want the US to “lead from behind.” Pelosi & CNN value collective thought over individual liberty. Pelosi & CNN fail to recognize the serious threat the US is up against. These threats include China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.  The fake, toxic news is a collective, socialistic message where difference of opinion is stiffled and discouraged. They are the modern day Loyalists that sided with the British and were against American Independence. They are the anti-Revolutionaries who would have fought against George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and the signers of the Declaration of Independence.

These Sellouts are the Media and Democrats who have allowed  themselves to be stooges of the Russians in their anti-Trump hatred. These organizations and people include CNN, MSNBC, Joe Scarborough, Bill Kristol, NY Times, Washington Post, Empty Barrels in Congress, and the list goes on.

The Fake News continues failing to realize President Trump woke the whole nation up from the false reporting over the last few decades. There is no going back! The sellouts have no where to go. The American public is wide awake!

Lots of winning taking place! America First is a message we have been waiting for. Dems don’t get it! Dummies and Sellouts don’t get it!

2018 — Trump has America winning again and this is what upsets the Democrats. Think about that … Democrats are upset that America is respected again, Americans are keeping more of their hard earned money and the US economy is finally growing again.

Dummies & Sellouts have no message!


Anti-Trump Russian Collusion Narrative Collapses

Dateline February 17, 2018

The Swamp

Top 10 List of Anti-Trump Russian Collusion Narrative Collapses

10. Empty Barrels not attending the Trump Inaugaration or the State of the Union

9.  The “Two America’s” hypocracy of the Democratic party as they continue to divide the country with the false Russian collusion narrative against Trump putting power & party above country

8. Using LTG(R) Michael Flynn as a Pawn and indicting him after FBI agents said he did not lie in the official FBI 302. How did this happen? 

7. The Obama Administration failing to safeguard the US election system and Americans from the Russian hacking and spreading fake news that began as far back as 2014

6. The relentlessly toxic orchestrated news organizations preaching the Russian collusion narrative while coverage remained 95% negative of the Trump Administration

5. The Deep State orchestrating the whole Russian collusion narrative in collusion with the DNC and paying for Christopher Steele (a British spy) to create the phony dossier

4. The Media elites being proven as Fake News with Special Counsel Mueller’s announcement Feb 16th that no members of the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. They totally failed to do honest reporting!

3. @Adamschiff being duped as a shill for the Russians in his anti-Trump hatred 

2. #Resistance Movement being used by the Russians to manipulate Democrats & anti-American forces to spread discord and discontent in the US and foster more anti-Trump falsehoods

  1. Using the Phony Dossier to justify the FISA Wiretap against the Trump campaign


Two America’s

The Swamp, January 3rd, 2018

This article was originally published under the title “Cartwright & Clinton — HMMM …” on 30 January 2016.  This article is highly relevant  to how we are seeing two America’s emerge; in one America 99% of us are subject to the rule of law. In the other America, the democrat party, old media and Deep State activisits are above the law.  These three elements are the true 1%ers. Gen Flynn, one count of perjury, guilty. Clinton, thousands of highly classified documents and sensitive government emails compromised, given favorable treatment by the FBI, “extremely careless.”  Original article follows … 

Dateline January 31st, 2016. Marine, warrior, a former vice chairman of the JCS has pleaded guilty to making false statements during an investigation into a leak of classified information about a covert cyberattack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Unlike Clinton, he didn’t claim “I can’t remember.” Retired Marine Gen. James Cartwright entered the plea at a hearing Monday. When the judge asked if Cartwright understood the charge, he said, “I do, sir.” Cartwright  originally told investigators that he was not the source of classified information contained in a book published by a newspaper author, according to unsealed charging documents.

Cartwright played the Washington game never realizing he was just a 99%er, he was a pawn on the Washington checkerboard. He was expandable. He danced with the rags of the devil, the NY Times, and has now paid the price for it tarnishing his stellar career and reputation. One more highly decorated military officer to be taken down by the Obama-Clinton regime joining McCrystal, Petraeus and Flynn among others. He, like them, were not part of the protected class of democratic politicians like Hillary Clinton, the 1%er who breaks all the handling rules for classified information destroying 33,000 State Department emails on her private server set-up to avoid public scrutiny and FOIA requests. Cartwright, although achieving tremendous statue as a Four Star General Officer in the Marine Corps, one of the absolute best, did break the law. Unlike Clinton, he expects to pay a price because he knows what duty, honor, country looks, smells and feels like. Although Cartwright committed a crime, Hillary Clinton doesn’t deserve to even shine his boots.

Cartwright’s sins are 1/33,000th of Clinton’s but somehow, someway FBI Director Comey brings this one to prosecution. The law is the law, unless of course Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch instruct otherwise.

Wake up people, we are slowly being boiled in warm water and our liberty and justice is in peril.

Dateline: 5 July 2016 — Update: Sadly, we have two America’s. In one America 99% of us would have been prosecuted for violating federal law for failure to properly handle classified information and conducting government business on a personal private server. In the new transformed America ushered in by Obama, DoJ Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, and Clinton, the elites protect their own as they did today with Hillary Clinton.

(Dateline 30 January 2016) We have two America’s. In one America the 99%ers follow the law and use government computer systems and government email addresses provided. In another America the 1%ers use their private servers, private email accounts and their personal devices to do government business, expressively forbidden and against the law. In one America 99% of government employees read and abide by policies established and put in place to uphold the interests of the nation and respect the laws of the land. In another America, the 1%ers find these laws to not apply to them because they are a privileged class that we are lucky to have “leading” us. To the 1%ers it is inconvenient to abide by the laws for the public because they know better than the 99%ers and after all, these laws are for the public, not for them.

Classified information? Why should that make a difference to the 1%ers? After all, they know what is really classified and their judgment affords them the superior authority to make decisions on what is classified and what is not. The 1%ers know better than the classification authorities that have decades of experiences protecting information from our enemies and safeguarding US interests. The 1%ers may come and go in governmental political positions but who are the 99%ers in the three letter agencies that have been trained and have rich experience classifying documents and protecting means and methods to judge them?

Snowden is a 99%er, he should be prosecuted. General Petraeus, he hung around with the 1%ers but he’s really a 99%er, after all he was in the military. He was prosecuted. He at least got a plea bargain. PFC Manning, US Army, 99%er, Ft. Leavenworth (and later pardoned by President Obama because he is a protected class as a Transsexual)  preferred. CIA Director John Deutch, Clinton Administration, 1%er, brought classified information to his home and loaded it on personal computers, not prosecuted. Two America’s. 99%ers are prosecuted and go to jail for violating US policies compromising sensitive or classified information. 1%ers? The political class? The Elite? Not so much.

After seven years of the Obama Administration, we are about to find out how much of America’s Rule of Law remains intact. Can the FBI do its job without political pressure and influence? Does the rule of law apply to all Americans or just the 99%ers? Will Hillary Clinton be treated equally under the law or will there be exemptions, excuses and a fall person or two that covers the gross planned, orchestrated negligence? Will the Department of Justice follow the law? As a 99%er, it saddens me to even write that. It may be time to Occupy the DoJ. #Justice!




Dateline: October 31st, 2017

The Swamp

(The 53rd Regiment) What if HRC won the 2016 election? Imagine.

Would there be this focus on Russian and Trump collusion? The media would likely turn to a different false narrative to promote the first female president while targeting the next likely Republican candidate to destroy. The media would likely want to do their part to ensure eight years of a Hillary Clinton presidency, right?

What about the Russian dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, would there still be the focus to investigate Trump and his associates? While this document has largely been debunked, there would likely be a different political narrative treating the fake dossier as fact. Since the fake dossier served its dishonest purpose, it would likely become a best practice for future campaigns.

How about the Uranium One deal where the Russians, our strategic ideological enemy who tried to steal the US election, was allowed to buy the rights to 20% of US uranium under the Hillary Clinton State Department and Obama Administration. How was this allowed to happen when Russian operatives and spies were being watched by the Mueller FBI and Holder DOJ for this espionage? Somehow, Congress was never informed of Russian involvement as required by law as it is their responsibility to provide oversight of any deal that could have a national security impact? To top all this off, miraculously the Clinton Foundation received donations from proxies acting on behalf of the Russian government to “donate” upwards of $145 million dollars and former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 “tip” for what must have been one hell of a speech in Russia. Do you think the news media would have any interest in covering this story under President Hillary Clinton? It appears between the election, the dossier and the Uranium One deal, the Clinton’s have been dipping at the Russian wishing well one too many times.

A few more questions that would be dropped by the media if HRC won.

  • Did the fake dossier create the circumstances for Trump and his campaign to be wire-tapped? (Remember when the media & HRC mocked Trump for tweeting this?)
  • Did the FBI, DNI Clapper and CIA Brennan conspire or colluded to collect intelligence on Trump and his campaign to help the Clinton campaign? What do they know about the fake dossier?
  • Who approved the surveillance of Americans and the subsequent “unmasking” of their names to the Intelligence Community and media? People should be in jail.
  • Why was the Intelligence Community being used to spy on American citizens? Full stop. What?
  • What was the “Russian Reset” orchestrated by HRC and supported by the Obama Administration really about?

Imagine if Hillary Clinton was President right now? Imagine what the Russians must have on her and those missing 33,000 bleach bit emails and the destroyed hard drives. Imagine the menu of blackmail options the Russians could pick from to keep her from protecting US Allies and interests. Imagine Putin and the Russians continuing to march over Eastern Europe and emboldening rogue regimes like Iran, Syria and North Korea continuing their terror and destabilizing activities. Imagine the threats made by the Russians toward NATO and the resultant fracture of the greatest alliance in history that broke and dismantled the Soviet Union without firing a shot. Can you imagine?



Top Ten List: Why they Leak

Dateline: August 4th, 2218 hours, 2017

Since the election and inauguration of President Trump, leaking classified and sensitive information has been occurring at unprecedented levels. This week actual transcripts of the President’s conversations with Mexico and Australian Presidents were leaked and published by the Washington Post. Forget about the news media using discretion and better judgment refraining from publishing these conversations containing sensitive information. Quite the contrary, it is an opportunity for the “mainstream news media” and the self appointed ruling class to continue their assault against the Trump presidency.

So after extensive research and consultation, the 53rd Regiment has identified the Top Ten list of why government and intelligence officials are leaking classified and sensitive information.

#10. Loyalty and protecting American classified information is passé.

#9. Many of the leakers called home to Mom and asked for permission while waiting in line at Starbucks to get their first latte of the day.

#8. Leakers have fascist tendencies and believe in a supreme leader versus freedom and elected representatives.

#7. Non-disclosure statements and laws are for the average American, the little people. Leakers know better then us. The non-disclosure statement they signed is just paper.

#6. Leakers are scumbags, cowards and they got trophies too just like real winners.

#5. They are actively colluding with our enemies by sharing national policy and state secrets using the American media as their cover.

#4. The Democratic Party Resistance movement; they choose to obstruct, obfuscate and bring forth false narratives instead of respecting the will of the American people and the laws of the land.

#3. President Obama holdovers, leftovers and appointees that fundamentally disagree with President Trump policies, initiatives and his agenda work each day  to sandbag Trump and the United States of America.

#2. Pure hatred for President Trump.

#1. Lack of respect and disregard for the 62,984, 825 Americans that voted for President Trump



The Clinton Criminality Index (CCI)

Washington DC: October 28th, 2016 (10:05PM)

Breaking News: FBI Director found his Spine; Truth Lives 

In the 1980 presidential race Reagan vs. Carter, Reagan confronted President Carter on a phrase he invented called the “The Misery Index” which combined the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate. After four years of President Carter, The Misery Index exceeded 20% capturing the poor state of the US economy. We have a new index in the Trump vs. Clinton presidential race, the Clinton Criminality Index.

The elements of the Clinton Criminality Index (CCI) includes the establishment of a private server to conduct government business (Unauthorized Server) and 33,000 missing government emails; compromise of countless amounts of classified information on her personal server (Failure to Protect Classified Information); using her position as Secretary of State for personal profit and gain selling access to several US government officials for massive donations to the Clinton Foundation (Pay for Play); failure to secure US embassies and facilities overseas and lying to families about a low-grade video being the cause of death for an attack in Libya that resulted in the death of four Americans including our Ambassador (Benghazi); and last but not least, condescension & deceit directed toward the American public as her normal course of holding office and executing her duties as a public servant (Condescension & Deceit).

CCI = Unauthorized Server + Failure to Protect Classified Information + Pay for Play + Benghazi + Condescension & Deceit

CCI = Not Fit To Serve!!!



Dateline: October 19th, 2016 1930 Hours EST

by Patriot 6

One of the greatest things I have taught my sons is to make your decisions after gathering as much information as possible. While that is applicable in all decision making, it has special emphasis this election cycle. However, with the absolute media blackout of the immense amount of information being released by WikiLeaks and the FBI document releases, our ability to gather and, thereby, weigh information to make our decision has been removed. So tell me: Who gets to decide what information ‘We the People’ are allowed to have and what are those people withholding information afraid of?

Our Founders took special care to ensure that we had a free press so that information would not be suppressed. Our Founders were subject to censorship, especially for criticism of the ruling aristocracy, and, realizing how dangerous censorship can be to a free society, placed free speech protections in our Constitution. I submit to you that our vaunted “fourth estate”, the “watchdogs of the ruling class”, have betrayed that trust and are themselves engaging in censorship. These same erudite, elitist media executives/editors, and their minion journalists, are removing our ability to make an informed decision by a lack of informative reporting on the WikiLeaks and FBI document releases, and basically anything critical or damaging of Hillary Clinton, thereby, censoring information. Instead of objectively reporting on all information and allowing us to weigh it as we decide which candidate to vote for, they have skewed the entire decision making process and have decided for us who we should vote for by not reporting on potentially damaging information about on specific candidate.

There are many counter-arguments people make in an attempt to refute this premise. Here are several popular ones: it is not a news organization’s job to report on information that anyone can look up on the internet; the WikiLeaks information was hacked by the Russians and cannot be trusted; journalists do not take sides in political campaigns so as to remain impartial in their reporting; there has been just as much reporting on Hillary Clinton’s scandals; and one of my favorites, Fox News is censoring just as much information on conservatives/Republicans. We can debate and spar over whether the information is being intentionally ignored/suppressed or whether it can be accessed elsewhere, etc. However, that misses the greater point: it is not the journalists’ place to DECIDE what “We the People” should or should be allowed to hear. Their job it to REPORT the information and let “We the People” DECIDE for ourselves if it is relevant and/or how much weight to give it in making our choice of which candidate to support.

Folks let’s try some common sense. Based on the one sided reporting of the “scandals” surrounding our respective candidates, I can safely state that it is patently obvious that the media executives, including those at Fox News, and with the exception of a handful of journalists, do not want Donald Trump to win the election. An article in “”, from October 17, 2016 stated that the three major networks covered the story of Donald Trump’s sexual misconduct allegations for “more than 23 minutes combined on Thursday night.” Compare and contrast that they covered the revelations from the WikiLeaks release during the same time period on Hillary Clinton’s views, and the views of members of her campaign staff, about Catholics, Latinos, Wall Street banks, open borders, etc., for a total “1 minute and 7 seconds combined” coverage. Anyone can look up Donald Trump’s comments on the internet, yet there was 23+ minutes of coverage. Just as much reporting on Clinton’s scandals? Really?

Let’s try the Russian hack and impartiality arguments. Interestingly, the fact that (if true) the Russians did indeed perform the hack, while criminal, does not mean the information isn’t accurate. Allegedly, the same entity hacked the DNC and the information learned about the subversion of Bernie Sanders’ campaign was accurate enough for them to allow the resignation of/firing of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the Chairperson. Amazingly, on the rare occasion that the WikiLeaks information is brought up, the Clinton campaign never disputes the accuracy of the information, they only deflect and criticize the hack. Why is the campaign never questioned by the news media? Could it be that the journalists are protecting and supporting Clinton when they are allegedly impartial? It is difficult to claim impartiality when, according the Center for Public Integrity, journalists from multiple media outlets have donated $382,000 to the Clinton campaign and only $14,000 to the Trump campaign. Additionally, according to WikiLeaks released emails from Clinton Campaign Chairman, John Podesta, the Politico chief White House political correspondent, Glen Thrush, cleared an article through Podesta to before publication. Does anyone want to rethink the impartiality argument?

It is obvious that people in the news media made a conscious decision to withhold relevant, important and critical information about a presidential candidate from “We the People”, but for what reason? It is really quite simple: They have DECIDED for US who should be our President and they don’t trust “We the People” to make the “correct” decision as they have determined. They are petrified that if they objectively report on both candidates, people will see Hillary Clinton for what she truly is and make the obvious choice. After all of the non-stop negative coverage of Donald Trump and the withholding/censoring of information, Hillary Clinton is still well below 50% and Donald Trump is ahead, tied or within the margin of error depending on the poll. These same people understand that if anything resembling equal coverage of Hillary Clinton’s disastrous and criminal past is reported, Donald Trump will win by double digits; therefore, THEY DECIDED what is best for “We the People” and there are doing all they can to remove our decision making power.

A free press does not mean that they are free to decide what the people get to know. The members of the corporate news media elites do not get to decide the election. That is the sole right of “We the People.” We have one choice that gives us an opportunity to take our country back and put it in the hands of “We the People.” I ask you to inform yourselves, make your OWN decision and to “BE HEARD” in this election.



Colon Blow II — Enema!! (No Time to go Wobbley!)


Hillary Clinton is an unindicted felon. She is a criminal, a liar and a self-serving politician of the worse magnitude. Putting a bumper sticker on your car or claiming “I’m with her” is the badge of an idiot! Actually, you’re a traitor voting for a person who compromised the security of our country through intentional neglect of classification rules or personal convenience. Surprise, surprise, the Obama White House and the post Holder, and  Loretta Lynch DoJ influenced the FBI finding to characterize her actions as “extremely careless.” You and I – average American — We’d be in jail without hesitation. We are NOT stupid but they play us for fools!

Americans need to think broadly about this election. Ultimately, this election is NOT about Clinton vs. Trump. This election is about the Status Quo vs. Change! A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the status quo; more trade deals that sell out the American worker, more leftists’ policies that undermine American industry and force companies to move oversees and more military weakness that undermines US alliances and showcases the Obama policy of Apology & Ineptitude.

There is a lot NOT to like about Trump, but one thing is clear, HE will put America First without apology! Is this simple fact not refreshing? He will advocate for American workers and businesses at every turn. How did we EVER get to the point where this has not been the case? But we all know, our government leadership has been selling us out for decades; Most Favored Nation Status with China; NAFTA with Mexico and now a new treaty with Pacific Rim countries That Obama & Clinton are pushing? How exactly does the American worker compete and benefit from deals that guarantee lower wages? Exactly, they don’t! Wall Street benefits but the rest of us get screwed! Part of the Clinton plan. Come on, wake-up!!! Hold her accountable for her lies, ignorance and selling out your fellow Americans! She is in debt from all her Wall Street speeches and Trump is hated because he has told Wall Street to take a hike! Refreshing!!

Our political system needs an Enema, Colon Blow II!!! Trump is the vehicle, the cause, the patriot to blow up the pricks that have been profiting from the government teet while the rest of us toil to provide for our families, pass on the American dream to our children and remain steadfast in our constitutional principles.

Don’t settle!!! Don’t settle!! If you can’t vote for Trump, Do Not VOTE for the most unprincipled self-serving sloth ever elected to run for President! This is NOT about the first women President, this is about reversing the dramatic decline of America and Making America Great Again!! we need a Change Agent, DJT is that candidate!


Problem is not Climate Change but Command Climate!

The real problem we are dealing with in the Unites States is not climate change but command climate! This president poorly leads us. A ruthless enemy is killing Americans here in the US and abroad, while President Obama reacts aimlessly and without passion. Historically, without regard to party, US presidents have reacted forcefully with passion, resolve and determination when America and Americans have been attacked or harmed. Notice how this president under-reacts to these events but is quick to blame republicans, Wall Street and Cops for all the nation’s ills. It is both shocking and troubling and makes one question this president’s motivation on a broad portfolio of issues, let alone his personal inability to name the enemy (Islamic Terrorists) and relentlessly attack them and destroy them.

So, what is command climate? Command climate sets the tone of leadership and a goal of a healthy environment (command climate) and creating a cohesive, team oriented approach to leadership. The key to a positive command climate is credibility of the commander, communication, trust, and confidence. Keeping this in mind, command climate is a state or condition existing from shared feelings and or perceptions among the American people, all aspects of our government (federal, state & local) about their leaders (their President), and about their government’s approach to leading us and governing us. Do you trust this Administration? Have they been telling us the truth?

Sadly, America is more divided then ever. President Obama divided us from the beginning by unilaterally passing the “Affordable Care Act” without a single republican vote. Seven years later, this division has manifested itself whereby the majority of Americans view our government as ineffective, toxic, bloated and untruthful. Scandal after scandal, there is no accountability. A few examples:

* Hillary Clinton breaks the law handling classified information and setting up a private server to avoid public scrutiny, and our FBI Director and DoJ places her above the law finding no crime. Five days prior to this finding Hillary Clinton’s husband meets with Loretta Lynch aboard her private jet to discuss golf and grandchildren. And they insult us expecting us to believe this. Oh by the way, Bill Clinton appointed Loretta Lynch as a federal judge.

* The IRS targets conservative Americans and scrutinizes their businesses and personal taxes. Louis Lerner retires comfortably. No accountability.

* Our government lies about Benghazi and blames the September 2012 attack on the US consulate where four Americans were killed to include the Ambassador on a video. Hillary Clinton personally tells family members of those killed in Libya, “we will find out who made that video and hold them accountable.” Disgusting!

* The DoJ develops a scheme to runs guns into Mexico that results in the loss of life of a DEA Agent by a felon using one of these guns. DoJ Holder stonewalled and lied about Fast & Furious Program to Congress. He has never been held accountable for this illegal program and unauthorized use of federal funds to buy guns and illegally sell them to criminals in Mexico.

The list goes on and on. The US is adrift and has lost her way due to this president’s leadership failure. We don’t have a climate change problem; we have a command climate problem. It is toxic, aimless and feckless. He has weakened us. Keep the faith. This November we will vote on our next Commander–in-Chief and the 53rd Regiment believes the public will vote to Make America Great Again!
