A 13 Year Old Assesses the 2016 Presidential Election

Dateline November 5th, 2016

By Eagle1 


Donald Trump may have his flaws, but we have to disregard that if we want our country to come back to where it used to be. Donald Trump is a businessman, our country is failing economically. Failing. Look at Trump’s business, a very successful business. Donald Trump was given a ‘small loan’ of a million dollars to make a business. Look what he is made out of that. And if you didn’t know he’s made a business that makes a billion dollars or more a year. I think he knows how to benefit our economy. (Unlike another candidate). Donald Trump also says what is on his mind, he’s not a normal politician who just lies and lies (unlike another candidate). While Trump I’m sure has lied before, he doesn’t do it consistently like the democrat that is running. Trump also brings fierceness to the table, he won’t let China and ISIS push us around, he will change the deal, he will push THEM around. Trump doesn’t care what others think of him. Trumps tells the people what’s going on he doesn’t hide it and then say “Oh no no that didn’t happen” like Mr. Obama. I think the point is made, Trump is who you should vote for. And that is that, no questions asked.


She’s a liar. The biggest liar America has EVER seen. EVER! She lies and you know what she has no problem doing it, is something wrong there? And she continually does it, over and over and over again. And again. And really do you want to have the president of the United States of America , the best nation in the world, have a criminal as its president. The founding fathers would be disgusted that we even dare nominate someone like Clinton. She will do anything to be the president of the United States, I bet she would throw anyone under the bus to protect herself. Heck she’d throw us, the people, under the bus to get her way. She already insulted American citizens. You really want someone who insults their own country’s people just because they don’t vote for her. I really find it shocking she’s not in jail, where she should be, and should have been put in many years ago. For anyone who’s voting for Clinton let me ask you this, you want a criminal to be your president? And yes she is a criminal. It’s been proven. Everyone focuses on all the bad things Trump has done, what about Clinton? She’s done worse! Way worse, committing a serious crime, then lying about it! You want her as your president?


The Clinton Criminality Index (CCI)

Washington DC: October 28th, 2016 (10:05PM)

Breaking News: FBI Director found his Spine; Truth Lives 

In the 1980 presidential race Reagan vs. Carter, Reagan confronted President Carter on a phrase he invented called the “The Misery Index” which combined the unemployment rate added to the inflation rate. After four years of President Carter, The Misery Index exceeded 20% capturing the poor state of the US economy. We have a new index in the Trump vs. Clinton presidential race, the Clinton Criminality Index.

The elements of the Clinton Criminality Index (CCI) includes the establishment of a private server to conduct government business (Unauthorized Server) and 33,000 missing government emails; compromise of countless amounts of classified information on her personal server (Failure to Protect Classified Information); using her position as Secretary of State for personal profit and gain selling access to several US government officials for massive donations to the Clinton Foundation (Pay for Play); failure to secure US embassies and facilities overseas and lying to families about a low-grade video being the cause of death for an attack in Libya that resulted in the death of four Americans including our Ambassador (Benghazi); and last but not least, condescension & deceit directed toward the American public as her normal course of holding office and executing her duties as a public servant (Condescension & Deceit).

CCI = Unauthorized Server + Failure to Protect Classified Information + Pay for Play + Benghazi + Condescension & Deceit

CCI = Not Fit To Serve!!!


The 53rd Regiment Endorses

American leadership in the world has been diminished. Our foreign policy is incoherent. Our enemies don’t fear us; our friends have lost respect for the United States not knowing if we will be there when they need us. Our economy is in shambles where millions of Americans have given up hope finding employment whereby they can provide for their families and live the American dream. Millions more Americans, estimates are as high as 47% of American adults, are receiving some type of government assistance.

Politicians in Washington DC have grown distant from their responsibilities to truly represent the people that elected them. Once elected, they govern with elitism, arrogance and condescension toward the public. Our government regularly manipulates facts, blames others never taking responsibility, make excuses and lies to the American public with impunity. Our government is aligned with the globalist agenda compromising what is in the best interest for Americans.

The 53rd Regiment is endorsing the candidate that supports the following principles:

  1. Protecting innocent life and eliminating public funding for abortions.
  2. Nominating and electing Supreme Court justices that believe in the US Constitution as originally constructed. It is not a document to be manipulated by whim but respected for the pillars of freedom and liberty set forth by our Founders and interpreted in the form of original intent.
  3. The US military should be re-built following the Reagan model “Peace through Strength” with significant investment in manpower, technology and readiness. After 15 years of war and 8 years of feckless presidential leadership, the Military Service Departments must receive the maximum commitment to reinvigorate morale always ensuring our troops have the best equipment, support and financial resources to ensure victory at home and abroad.
  4. All trade deals, current and future, will put American workers first. If NAFTA and other deals continue to disadvantage American workers, they will be renegotiated or canceled.
  5. Secure the border to eliminate illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and gang & terrorist infiltration into US cities and our country.
  6. Seek a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on US Senate seats and US House seats.
  7. Approve the Keystone Pipeline from Canada and establish a 10-year goal to eliminate 100% of Middle East oil imports.
  8. Take the Internet back! It was not Obama’s to give away to another UN commission.
  9. Reclaim America’s leadership role in the world by leading through strength, moral authority and dealing with dictators, ayatollahs and criminals based on past US precedent. Iran will never capture our sailors, citizens or shoot at our ships without severe, often lethal, consequences.
  10. Reduce US Corporate tax rate from second highest in the world at 35 % to 17% in order to bring American factories home, incentivize increased economic investments in the private sector and create an economic renaissance in American cities.

It is for these reasons that the 53rd Regiment and its members endorse Donald J. Trump to be the 45th President of the United States.

 Be Heard!





Dateline: October 13th, 2016 

by Patriot 6

There may have been more written and said about this election than any in our history. Many of us believe that the stakes have never been higher for determining the direction, and ultimate definition, of what America will be in the future. While there are many extremely important issues on the line, i.e. Supreme Court nominations; terrorism/national security; jobs and the economy; health care, etc., there is one issue that is exponentially more important to determining if America continues to be the “beacon of freedom” and “land of opportunity” that we have always been or if America is to be transformed into a European styled, socialist-lite, shell of what our Founders created. We must use this election to take back our country and government from America’s elitist, ruling class: Career Politicians.

America has NEVER needed or wanted an aristocracy. George Washington refusing a lifetime appointment as President perfectly exemplifies that point. Our Founders rebelled and fought a war for American independence against an oppressive aristocracy. Our Founders created our form of government with the idea that being elected as a representative or a senator was a PART-TIME job. They were to return home at the end of session and rejoin the communities from which they were elected. They were expected to listen to the values, needs and concerns of the citizens they were chosen to represent. More importantly, they were expected to carry those back to Washington, DC and actually STAND UP FOR same citizens and the issues they hold as important. Somewhere in the last 240 years that process has gone terribly awry.

Today we have an elite political class of career politicians that do not listen to, believe that they are smarter than and, thereby, know what’s best for the everyday Americans that elected them. This ruling class, which is composed of BOTH parties, like every other aristocracy, does not fear, or worse, does not respect the common person they “rule.” They routinely betray their core values and those of those they represent in favor of committee chairmanships, donations (re: money), etc. Our “ruling class” sees our Constitution as an antiquated hindrance to America becoming what THEY feel it should be. These people are attempting to remove the most precious freedom that we have in America: the ability for each of us to CHOOSE what is best for US.

In full disclosure, Donald Trump was not my first choice. He is absolutely NOT a perfect candidate, not a “true conservative”, etc. I know all of the adjectives associated with demeaning and criticize him; however, if you agree with most, much or any of what I have stated, there is no other choice. If you understand my point, and are as tired of being maligned, ignored, placated and, frankly, lied to as a “regular” American as I am, you have no other choice. This election is NOT about Donald Trump, it is BIGGER than him. He has become the focal point and standard bearer of the ire of millions of Americans who are fed up being controlled and dictated to by a ruling class that we should never have.

I have purported for over 25 years that the day would come where we are so fed up with career politicians that a candidate would emerge that would truly resonate with Americans of both political parties. I described that person this way: not a member or either party; right of center because as a country we align more towards conservative principles; independently wealthy because they will receive no support from either party; and, most importantly, this person will be perceived truly loving this country and as giving straight, honest answers, like it or hate it, to straight questions. Hillary Clinton is none of, other than wealthy, nor is she perceived to be any of, what I described. She is the epitome of the elite, ruling class career politician who will continue to take America towards where it was never founded to be.

It comes down to this: we have an opportunity to wrest control from these elite, arrogant career politicians, upend the status quo, insert fresh, untainted political blood into our system and take back our government and country from our unwanted political aristocracy. Donald Trump is not without faults; however, in my lifetime he is the closest to the candidate I described. Like him or hate him, he represents, quite possibly, the last opportunity for “regular” Americans to exert control over and take back our government to put America back on the path set by our Founders. It is time for WE THE PEOPLE to remove our elitist political aristocracy and take back control of our own destiny.



Colon Blow II — Enema!! (No Time to go Wobbley!)


Hillary Clinton is an unindicted felon. She is a criminal, a liar and a self-serving politician of the worse magnitude. Putting a bumper sticker on your car or claiming “I’m with her” is the badge of an idiot! Actually, you’re a traitor voting for a person who compromised the security of our country through intentional neglect of classification rules or personal convenience. Surprise, surprise, the Obama White House and the post Holder, and  Loretta Lynch DoJ influenced the FBI finding to characterize her actions as “extremely careless.” You and I – average American — We’d be in jail without hesitation. We are NOT stupid but they play us for fools!

Americans need to think broadly about this election. Ultimately, this election is NOT about Clinton vs. Trump. This election is about the Status Quo vs. Change! A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the status quo; more trade deals that sell out the American worker, more leftists’ policies that undermine American industry and force companies to move oversees and more military weakness that undermines US alliances and showcases the Obama policy of Apology & Ineptitude.

There is a lot NOT to like about Trump, but one thing is clear, HE will put America First without apology! Is this simple fact not refreshing? He will advocate for American workers and businesses at every turn. How did we EVER get to the point where this has not been the case? But we all know, our government leadership has been selling us out for decades; Most Favored Nation Status with China; NAFTA with Mexico and now a new treaty with Pacific Rim countries That Obama & Clinton are pushing? How exactly does the American worker compete and benefit from deals that guarantee lower wages? Exactly, they don’t! Wall Street benefits but the rest of us get screwed! Part of the Clinton plan. Come on, wake-up!!! Hold her accountable for her lies, ignorance and selling out your fellow Americans! She is in debt from all her Wall Street speeches and Trump is hated because he has told Wall Street to take a hike! Refreshing!!

Our political system needs an Enema, Colon Blow II!!! Trump is the vehicle, the cause, the patriot to blow up the pricks that have been profiting from the government teet while the rest of us toil to provide for our families, pass on the American dream to our children and remain steadfast in our constitutional principles.

Don’t settle!!! Don’t settle!! If you can’t vote for Trump, Do Not VOTE for the most unprincipled self-serving sloth ever elected to run for President! This is NOT about the first women President, this is about reversing the dramatic decline of America and Making America Great Again!! we need a Change Agent, DJT is that candidate!




So this week we learn that Hillary Clinton discussed “our friend” in her emails over her personal unsecure server she used to conduct State Department business among other inherently governmental activities. “Our friend” was the Iranian nuclear scientist providing the US with information about the Iranian nuclear program to include the progress they were making toward building a bomb. This past week the Iranians executed our friend due to their discovery he was providing the US with Iranian secrets. How might the Iranians found this out? Just “carelessness” as the FBI Director summarized the non-charges against Clinton? Or willful neglect of properly safeguarding US classified information leading to the execution of this poor soul. Clinton is compromised, Comey’s integrity is compromised and the willing media failing to adequately investigate this matter is compromised.

More concerning is the prospect of her winning the Office of President of the United States. What are the contents of the 30 ,000  missing emails and who has them? Russia, China, Iran, etc. and how will they chose to use them? Are they waiting until she is elected President so they can blackmail her and compromise the US position on a variety of strategic interests forcing Clinton to not act on what is best for the United States? These are real concerns that should be looked into by our government and the news media but both have been compromised. Accountability, honesty and integrity have been compromised by the Democratic Party ruling at all costs  including the willing Republican Party Elite that tolerate this behavior without so much as a fight. Instead they sign letters attacking Trump for being flippant and undisciplined. Which is worse?


Bigot Test

by The 53rd Board of Directors

1.Do you believe terrorists should be called by the group of people causing terrorism in the world, Radical Islamists?

2.Do you believe that marriage is between one man and one woman?

3.Do you believe a fence or wall is needed to safeguard the US homeland  and prevent terrorists and drug dealers from coming into the US from the southern border,  is an appropriate safeguard?

4.Do you believe the Gadsden flag (“Don’t tread on me”) is an appropriate form of free speech and patriotism?

5.Do you believe All Lives Matter, that Blue Lives Matter and not just Black Lives Matter?

6.Do you believe American workers should be prioritized for employment and that H1-B Visas should be rolled back, and the use of them is actual an indictment on the American education system failing to produce the workforce American businesses need?

7.Do you believe School Choice should be enacted across the country giving American families options to ensure their kids go to the best schools?

8.Do you believe political correctness is destroying the fabric of our country and denying historical commonsense society norms has degraded the fabric of America’s common purpose?

9.Do you believe it is wrong for a man to use a ladies room or a girl’s bathroom?

10.  Do you believe it is appropriate to  pray before a sporting event such as a football game?

If you answer “yes” to 7 or more questions, you are a bigot in the new “Transformed” America.

If you answered “yes” to 4 – 6 questions, you are becoming a bigot.

If you answered “yes” to a couple of questions, you have bigot tendencies.

Transformational Education Camps are coming to America. Oh wait, many universities have already become these willing camps of the transformed America.

Patriotic Americans that love the traditions of our country, our constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the American way of life have averaged a score of 7.1 or greater. Congratulations if you achieved this standard. You my friend are a Great American! Keep faith alive and the freedom candle lit!


Clean the House!

by StanMan

So Trump says he’s not ready for a Paul Ryan redo, won’t support John McCain or Kelly Ayotte. All three of these special interest career politicians are defined by more than a few as Republican club elites, and in my opinion, all three are just that. They, like many others, need to go- we know it and Trump knows it. He’s showing strong indicators he’s setting the stage to clean house if elected President.

In Trump’s mind, political service should not be a career that goes on and on for 40 years, maybe not even 10. Rather, one should take on the role as civil servant, perform the best one possibly can, then move out smartly and find a career. In addition, if you’re tapping signals by either criticizing or not supporting Donald, then you had best get out of the huddle, have a seat on the bench and just get the heck out of the way. The Trump way is, “If you’re not with me, then you’re against me”- it’s that simple. And that’s why Ryan, McCain and Ayotte are not on Trump’s Christmas card list.

Trump’s engine runs on logic and tough standards, not emotion and feel-good politics. And if you don’t meet those standards it would be best to get off the field and watch the game from the sidelines. Whether it’s business, politics, military operations or sports, success is only achieved by accomplishing tough standards. Trump’s bottom line is standards, and if you can’t get it done then try your luck somewhere else.

It’s clear Trump’s building a team of fighters who are anything but politically correct. Enter General (Ret) Mike Flynn, Newt Gingrich, AL West, Chris Christie, Trey Gowdy, Rudi Guiliani, Sarah Palin and Ben Carson to name a few. We need leaders, not pals. We need decision makers, not consensus builders. And we need a bull dog-like fighter who can come off the ropes swinging against any bully anywhere on the planet- we need a tough guy like Trump.

Trump will continue to counterpunch anyone taking a swipe at him. Some call it thin-skinned. I call it protecting home plate, your turf, the family. Trump’s hit list will expand, and you can take that to the bank. Building his dream team is key to a successful presidency, and selecting his tough, loyal fighters will get him and the Country on the right track . Donald J. Trump may be a loud mouth New Yorker, but he’s our kind of loud mouth New Yorker. Get the mops and brooms– it’s time to clean the house because it sure is filthy!


Problem is not Climate Change but Command Climate!

The real problem we are dealing with in the Unites States is not climate change but command climate! This president poorly leads us. A ruthless enemy is killing Americans here in the US and abroad, while President Obama reacts aimlessly and without passion. Historically, without regard to party, US presidents have reacted forcefully with passion, resolve and determination when America and Americans have been attacked or harmed. Notice how this president under-reacts to these events but is quick to blame republicans, Wall Street and Cops for all the nation’s ills. It is both shocking and troubling and makes one question this president’s motivation on a broad portfolio of issues, let alone his personal inability to name the enemy (Islamic Terrorists) and relentlessly attack them and destroy them.

So, what is command climate? Command climate sets the tone of leadership and a goal of a healthy environment (command climate) and creating a cohesive, team oriented approach to leadership. The key to a positive command climate is credibility of the commander, communication, trust, and confidence. Keeping this in mind, command climate is a state or condition existing from shared feelings and or perceptions among the American people, all aspects of our government (federal, state & local) about their leaders (their President), and about their government’s approach to leading us and governing us. Do you trust this Administration? Have they been telling us the truth?

Sadly, America is more divided then ever. President Obama divided us from the beginning by unilaterally passing the “Affordable Care Act” without a single republican vote. Seven years later, this division has manifested itself whereby the majority of Americans view our government as ineffective, toxic, bloated and untruthful. Scandal after scandal, there is no accountability. A few examples:

* Hillary Clinton breaks the law handling classified information and setting up a private server to avoid public scrutiny, and our FBI Director and DoJ places her above the law finding no crime. Five days prior to this finding Hillary Clinton’s husband meets with Loretta Lynch aboard her private jet to discuss golf and grandchildren. And they insult us expecting us to believe this. Oh by the way, Bill Clinton appointed Loretta Lynch as a federal judge.

* The IRS targets conservative Americans and scrutinizes their businesses and personal taxes. Louis Lerner retires comfortably. No accountability.

* Our government lies about Benghazi and blames the September 2012 attack on the US consulate where four Americans were killed to include the Ambassador on a video. Hillary Clinton personally tells family members of those killed in Libya, “we will find out who made that video and hold them accountable.” Disgusting!

* The DoJ develops a scheme to runs guns into Mexico that results in the loss of life of a DEA Agent by a felon using one of these guns. DoJ Holder stonewalled and lied about Fast & Furious Program to Congress. He has never been held accountable for this illegal program and unauthorized use of federal funds to buy guns and illegally sell them to criminals in Mexico.

The list goes on and on. The US is adrift and has lost her way due to this president’s leadership failure. We don’t have a climate change problem; we have a command climate problem. It is toxic, aimless and feckless. He has weakened us. Keep the faith. This November we will vote on our next Commander–in-Chief and the 53rd Regiment believes the public will vote to Make America Great Again!


America’s Awakening


It is time for all of us to re-awaken America’s Independence Day spirit and renew the promise of America. As citizens, when do we get serious? When do we start holding our government and this Administration accountable for their failures, lies and manipulation of the facts? When? We are losing the gift and blessings of America because so many of us fail to engage, feel intimated by political correctness or fail to study the issues and understand the challenges America faces. We remain the world’s best hope and we need to restore who we are and take our country back from the elites. We The People are in charge. This is our country. We should not tolerate a condescending governing elite that say one thing and do what they want behind closed doors.

  1. We are at war. America, the homeland, is under assault by ISIS and a global Jihad. They view us as weak, soft targets and without resolve. They see our Commander-in-Chief as feckless who makes excuses for a religion that kills in the name of their god, not the God I know. He withdrew US troops from Iraq, a fledgling democracy, and named the withdrawal “Responsible Drawdown;” a far cry from responsible, quite the opposite sadly for those who fought and those who died there. Obama has demonstrated repeatedly he lacks strategic judgment whether he wages war in Libya, surrenders vessels to the Iranians, loses Yemen, fails to support Ukraine, tolerates Chinese aggression in the Pacific or reacts passively to terrorist attacks in Paris, Brussels, San Bernardino, Ft. Hood, Tennessee or Orlando. The Unites States is at war, and sadly our leadership is an abject failure that has made all of us vulnerable here at home.
  2. The Lies. Benghazi, the IRS scandal targeting American conservative organizations, the Iranian negotiation manipulating press coverage, the American Affordable Care Act (“If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”). And the media collaborators that fail to report honestly and simply cover up the numerous lies by failing to cover these stories.
  3. The Economy. 96 million Americans not working but yet the unemployment rate as reported by our government is 5%!?? Another 30 million Americans are under-employed. How does this happen? You think the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) or Most Favored Nation (MFN) status for China has had anything to do with this? Or 12 – 15 million illegals working in the country for below market wages and a porous border have anything to do with it? Of course! This is the Trifecta of undermining the American worker.
  4. Elite Tarmac Meeting. Two private jets on the same Tarmac in Phoenix, AZ at the same time in June, and oh it just happens to be a coincidence where the US Attorney General Loretta Lynch, bumps into former President Bill Clinton and they spend 30 minutes in her DoJ jet just talking golf and grand kids. “Not once, not a single time (did I have sex with that woman)” did Bill and Loretta discuss Hillary’s legal issues with the server and compromising classified information? Of course not, just pleasantries that take oh, 30 minutes or so. Oh, by the way, who appointed Loretta Lynch a federal judge? Bill Clinton!

It is Independence Day. This coming fall we have an opportunity to take our country back at the poll booth. The list of incumbents that need to be flushed down the toilet is long. As a citizenry, it is time to remind our elected officials we are in charge! This fall, let’s remind the career politicians what a revolt looks like. Throw them out!


Brexit, ISIS and a British Perspective

One of the more instructive British perspectives on the threat Great Britain faces, as well as the West. This short video is well worth the 6 minutes to watch it. Please look in comments section below for the BREXIT Video link. Where is this critical analysis in the press? Where?!


